View Full Version : TPP

06-24-15, 19:55
Well, I see with the senate vote today we're one step closer to seeing the TPP passed. If/when it passes, Congress will have just made Obumbo king, and abandoned their responsibility's.. From what I've read about this so far and if my understanding is correct, Any trade bill that the POTUS makes, congress only gets a up or down vote, no changing anything, no debate, just a simple yes or no vote. Meanwhile, the POTUS can insert anything else he wants into the bill before congress votes on it. So, lets see.. A trade deal comes along that the house/ senate really, really, like.. in the back pages of the bill, on page 3144, is a permanent assault weapons ban...Now, what's a good Republican to do?(seeing how they're always telling us they're for free trade) Vote how his corporate handlers tell him,(who'll likely benefit the most) or vote for what's right and say no? (and have to deal with constituents who either don't have, or lost their job as a result) Hate to say it, but Obumbo just played the Republicans like a violin.. Anything he wants passed all he has to do is simply package it as, or part of a trade deal, and congress can only vote up or down.. No debate, No sending it back to the house, No removing parts of it, nothing... just yes or no.. and if that doesn't work, rinse, repeat and bury deeper it in the next trade deal. This bill bypasses every part of the legislative process, including the Supreme Court. I'm so ****ing pissed I could scream...

Somebody explain to me why I should keep voting for Republicans, or for that matter, keep voting at all? What for? So I can say I voted? Meanwhile, the rest of the country as was pointed out by jpmuscle below, is worried about offending somebody with a Confederate flag....

06-24-15, 20:05
And the usurpation/abdication of power continues. And from what I gather the GOP wants this to pass badly too. I'm surprised we haven't already had a thread on this.

This country is on a roll. But nah, we've got more important things to squabble over like flags.

06-24-15, 20:51
The Dems also initially didn't want this fast tracked because they wanted provisions added that the government would pay for the retraining of US employees that ARE going to lose their job when the TPP goes through. Good luck to the hundreds of thousands if not millions that are going to lose their job from this. Don't forget now corporations from foreign countries will now be able to sue the United States for damages if their product ever becomes banned or regulated in a way that there is a loss in revenue. These are just the couple things we know from leaks.

06-24-15, 21:06
There aren't many large corporations behind this deal in its present form. It allows Japan into the deal and they have a long history of manipulating their currency to give their manufacturing businesses an advantage over their competitors. They also have a long history of closed market economics.

This is a stinker of a deal from just about any angle in its present form. Jobs are already going over there because China and the developing markets South of China are opportunities. It isn't as much about jobs moving over there as it appears on the surface. You're already seeing it to some extent in certain industries. However, not everything will move over there as we still need buyers, with jobs, in the NA markets.

I don't think either party trusts Dear leader to do anything except play golf and vacation at this point. Kerry is giving away everything to Iran and Obama wants too much control in the TPP.

Regardless of what happens, if you're in a low skill / no skill job it is long past time to worry.

06-24-15, 21:27
The Dems also initially didn't want this fast tracked because they wanted provisions added that the government would pay for the retraining of US employees that ARE going to lose their job when the TPP goes through. Good luck to the hundreds of thousands if not millions that are going to lose their job from this. Don't forget now corporations from foreign countries will now be able to sue the United States for damages if their product ever becomes banned or regulated in a way that there is a loss in revenue. These are just the couple things we know from leaks.
And don't forget they'll also bypass the U.S. Judicial system doing this as well.
NAFTA and GATT were two shit sandwiches the Democrats had to eat..We, the people paid heavily for those,(While promoting NAFTA, Clinton promised 200,000 jobs would be created.. Instead, after it passed, we lost over 700,000 jobs) The TPP is the Republicans shit sandwich, This will be their Waterloo, this is what they'll be remembered for, For decades. And, We, the people will pay heavily again.. We're going to lose millions of jobs this time around. Welcome to the third world.

06-25-15, 09:56
Really good thread Ralph. A little OT, now today SCOTUS changes Health Care Law language to make it fit.. Roberts did it again. I had no idea they had the power to write law. They are in the pocket of the progressive left, they must have dirt on Roberts. The TPP won't have any problem with the SCOTUS, that is obvious now who they work for. This, TPP and like jpmuscle posted.. lets get back to the freakin flag discussion..

06-25-15, 10:59
Nobody paid attention to this because they were too focused on taking down that icky CSA flag.


06-25-15, 11:18
Really good thread Ralph. A little OT, now today SCOTUS changes Health Care Law language to make it fit.. Roberts did it again. I had no idea they had the power to write law. They are in the pocket of the progressive left, they must have dirt on Roberts. The TPP won't have any problem with the SCOTUS, that is obvious now who they work for. This, TPP and like jpmuscle posted.. lets get back to the freakin flag discussion..

It's incredible...The Vandals are at the gates, and yet all people are interested in is bread and circus's (or in the case of the U.S. either the Superbowl, or the seemingly endless playoff games of the NBA. After all, these are waaay more important than the Gov't shoving one up your ass and snapping it off) I just cannot believe how goddamn stupid the majority of people are in this country! Rulings like this pass, trade bills like the TPP will pass and there's no protesting, not a peep. I guess just like NAFTA they won't get it until they get their last check, as the place they work for moves overseas, or goes broke, and there are no jobs, and they will never again have a job that pays as well, for every job they get from that point on, will pay less, and less.

06-25-15, 11:43
It's incredible...The Vandals are at the gates, and yet all people are interested in is bread and circus's (or in the case of the U.S. either the Superbowl, or the seemingly endless playoff games of the NBA. After all, these are waaay more important than the Gov't shoving one up your ass and snapping it off) I just cannot believe how goddamn stupid the majority of people are in this country! Rulings like this pass, trade bills like the TPP will pass and there's no protesting, not a peep. I guess just like NAFTA they won't get it until they get their last check, as the place they work for moves overseas, or goes broke, and there are no jobs, and they will never again have a job that pays as well, for every job they get from that point on, will pay less, and less.

Yup I posted about this in either the Cruz or Paul for president thread as they were both for the fast track at that time. Not one single comment, no what is the TPP or this fast track you mention no well if they are for it then that raises big questions as to their real agendas. Absolutely nothing.

06-25-15, 13:09
The scary thing is that the TPP seems to be very much like Obamacare in the fact that we have no idea of half of what is in the bill and won't know it for quite some time.

If Obama wants it and its details are being hidden...I can guarantee you it is a shitty deal all the way around!

06-25-15, 13:14
I think wikileaks mentioned something like 4 years before the docs have to be released, the f is this shyt.

06-25-15, 15:58
Yup I posted about this in either the Cruz or Paul for president thread as they were both for the fast track at that time. Not one single comment, no what is the TPP or this fast track you mention no well if they are for it then that raises big questions as to their real agendas. Absolutely nothing.

It DOES raise a lot of questions as to exactly what are their real agenda's...I'm very frustrated at this point. I'm not going to vote for a traitor, and that's what I consider anyone who voted for the TPP.. Looks like next year, I might just stay home on election day, as at this juncture I no longer see the point, or value in voting.. Vote? For what?

" It is well enough that the people know there was an election,
The people who cast the votes, decide nothing,
The people who count the votes, decide everything."
Joseph Stalin

06-25-15, 15:59
There just might be no good reason to vote in national elections anymore...you might be right.

06-25-15, 16:07
Other than the obvious reason which is people would be revolting if they actually knew what the bill said what was the lie i mean reason they are giving for keeping the text secret?

06-25-15, 16:29
It DOES raise a lot of questions as to exactly what are their real agenda's...I'm very frustrated at this point. I'm not going to vote for a traitor, and that's what I consider anyone who voted for the TPP.. Looks like next year, I might just stay home on election day, as at this juncture I no longer see the point, or value in voting.. Vote? For what?

" It is well enough that the people know there was an election,
The people who cast the votes, decide nothing,
The people who count the votes, decide everything."
Joseph Stalin

Worded poorly on my part, when I said "Absolutely nothing" I meant no one made a single comment on the matter. I do agree that it does raise a lot of questions.

Edit: As of recently both Cruz and Paul were not for the fast tracking of the TPP, not sure on their stance with the TPP it's self.

06-25-15, 16:36
I get the strange feeling if the TPP gets passed Obama is going to have a future on some committee panel or some high level Union position where he will still have power to change America.

06-25-15, 17:29
I get the strange feeling if the TPP gets passed Obama is going to have a future on some committee panel or some high level Union position where he will still have power to change America.

Here's some food for thought..What's to stop Obumbo from slipping in a "Emergency Powers Act" in to the back pages of say, a 6000 pg "trade bill" and give congress about 2days to read it and vote on it?(remember under the TPP, Congress can't alter, debate, take parts out, nothing like that, they'll get a limited amount of time read it, and vote yes, or no) Think something similar to what Hitler used to get total control of the German gov't after the Riechstag (sp?) fire, And make himself Dictator? Not a damn thing.. That's what's so scary about this, Obumbo can do anything he wants, pass anything, as long as it's part of, or a "trade bill" It gets worse..Now, it seems, It's just coming out there's also a Trans-Atlantic Trade Partnership as well, Folks, we are screwed as a country... The Corporate Fascists are going to take over, if we let them.. WAKE UP AMERICA, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,WAKE UP!!!!

06-25-15, 17:34
Worded poorly on my part, when I said "Absolutely nothing" I meant no one made a single comment on the matter. I do agree that it does raise a lot of questions.

Edit: As of recently both Cruz and Paul were not for the fast tracking of the TPP, not sure on their stance with the TPP it's self.

I understood what you meant, Cruz's or Paul's stance on this I'm not sure about.. I don't trust flip-floppers either.

06-25-15, 18:33
Here's some food for thought..What's to stop Obumbo from slipping in a "Emergency Powers Act" in to the back pages of say, a 6000 pg "trade bill" and give congress about 2days to read it and vote on it?(remember under the TPP, Congress can't alter, debate, take parts out, nothing like that, they'll get a limited amount of time read it, and vote yes, or no) Think something similar to what Hitler used to get total control of the German gov't after the Riechstag (sp?) fire, And make himself Dictator? Not a damn thing.. That's what's so scary about this, Obumbo can do anything he wants, pass anything, as long as it's part of, or a "trade bill" It gets worse..Now, it seems, It's just coming out there's also a Trans-Atlantic Trade Partnership as well, Folks, we are screwed as a country... The Corporate Fascists are going to take over, if we let them.. WAKE UP AMERICA, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,WAKE UP!!!!

This is what I was leaning to when I mention Union positions and such. People are whispering that the TPP ties in with the TATP and will finally merge the United States with the EU and 12 Asian countries. Obama then wouldn't even need his current presidency to Impose his will on the US if he hold some high ranking Union/trade committee position. I cannot speak on it because if documents were leaked I have not come across them but if this tie with TATP is true then Agenda 21 is nearly complete.

06-25-15, 20:44
This is what I was leaning to when I mention Union positions and such. People are whispering that the TPP ties in with the TATP and will finally merge the United States with the EU and 12 Asian countries. Obama then wouldn't even need his current presidency to Impose his will on the US if he hold some high ranking Union/trade committee position. I cannot speak on it because if documents were leaked I have not come across them but if this tie with TATP is true then Agenda 21 is nearly complete.

Ahh, Gotcha!

06-27-15, 09:10
This is what I was leaning to when I mention Union positions and such. People are whispering that the TPP ties in with the TATP and will finally merge the United States with the EU and 12 Asian countries. Obama then wouldn't even need his current presidency to Impose his will on the US if he hold some high ranking Union/trade committee position. I cannot speak on it because if documents were leaked I have not come across them but if this tie with TATP is true then Agenda 21 is nearly complete.
This crap is far bigger than Obama. You need to focus - modify focus - and realize that it was instituted under his watch. Like with other trade agreements the subsequent presidents are the ones who will use it to draw blood.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-27-15, 23:43
There just might be no good reason to vote in national elections anymore...you might be right.

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy”. (Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966

06-28-15, 00:28
For the people.thinking why vote?... do the dems give up? No, they go offensive for years. Even losing, they hold steady. We don't that's why we are where we are. We don't push back. Play dirty, don't use logic if it makes you not push. The basic human right of "insert whatever" should be acknowlaged. Push the envelope, play the cards and attack at every issue. Call people out for being freaks for wanting libs in power, because the majority of the country is not for the agenda.

We are in the majority, we are only separated, made to feel alone and pacified. Don't lose your balls!! We need to unify, get behind someone, and Control them from the bottom up! Worst case, we have the option of const. Convention, so we are not done yet.