View Full Version : Thanks to TPP, gun & ammo imports may be banned

Doc Safari
06-26-15, 10:10

With this new power, the president is free to unilaterally issue international executive orders that are binding on the United States, so long as those orders concern trade. And this includes your firearms and ammunition… Is there any question whether President Obama will use this new power over “trade” to implement the provisions of the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty?

I have been saying for some time that TPTB would try to find an excuse to restrict ammo and gun imports, although I thought they would try to use some twist on the "sporting purposes" phrase.

Now that Congress has given POTUS broad authority over international trade, does anyone really think he will waste any time implementing some "back door" gun control?

06-26-15, 10:15
You guys are really making my day.

Doc Safari
06-26-15, 10:57

Gun import bans ... Microstamping of firearms ... Ammunition bans ... The full implementation of the anti-gun UN Arms Trade Treaty ... Illegal amnesty which locks in millions of new, anti-gun voters.

This anti-gun wish list could be part of the secret trade agreement that President Obama is getting ready to spring on the Congress.

This trade pact is called “fast track,” and what it means is that Obama can write any form of gun control he chooses into a trade agreement -- import bans, amnesty, etc.

And this agreement DOESN’T need two-thirds vote in the Senate, as a treaty would. When completed, the agreement is merely subject to a majority vote in both Houses ... it can't be filibustered ... it can't be amended ... and the GOP can't refuse to consider it.

It is significant that, in Sen. Orrin Hatch's 114-page bill specifying the goals of U.S. trade negotiations (S. 995), there is not a single word prohibiting Obama from using the agreements to implement gun control. And yet, that gun control will be just as binding as if Congress enacted it in a statute.

06-26-15, 11:37
Back when 7n6 was banned Scott(?) from SGAmmo commented on a forum that the back channel chatter was that ALL imported Russian ammo was on the chopping block. You eat an elephant one bite at a time. Under the radar disarmament indeed. Just think about all the imported ammo . . .

PPU, WPA/Wolf/Barnaul/Silver Bear/Brown Bear/Golden Tiger/, Geco, IMI/IWI, CBC, S&B, et al.

We had bare shelves for what a year after a panic, just imagine if ALL imported ammo ceased coming in country.

Doc Safari
06-26-15, 11:40
PPU, WPA/Wolf/Barnaul/Silver Bear/Brown Bear/Golden Tiger/, Geco, IMI/IWI, CBC, S&B, et al.

We had bare shelves for what a year after a panic, just imagine if ALL imported ammo ceased coming in country.

My AR has eaten a steady diet of PMC, Armscor, and Federal since I bought it. I'd hate to be reduced to 1/3 of my current choices at the stroke of a pen!

06-26-15, 13:07
Just making sure, Congress gave the President "fast track" authority over trade agreements over the next 6 years, right?

And "fast track" authority means any trade agreement introduced by the President has to be voted on within 90 days of introduction and cannot be amended in any way?

And TPP hasn't been introduced yet?

06-26-15, 20:33
This was the point I was trying to make in the thread I started about the TPP, There is nothing, nothing that is off the table if this gets passed. Import ammo bans, parts bans import gun bans (no more HK, Walthers XD's for example,) parts kits, mags the list goes on and on.. But here's something to think about, Obumbo can slip anything into a "trade bill" he wants, and yes congress can only vote for or against, it cannot change anything, debate anything remove anything.. What's to stop him from slipping in something that says his term as president has now been extended for the next 10 yrs, and say put it in the back pages of a 2000 pg "trade bill" that they won't read? I don't know about you guys, but this horrifies me simply because it's now possible. And let's not forget about The Trans-Atlantic Trade Partnership, coming up! more of the same!

The TPP (as well as the TATP) nullifies the constitution, All 3 branches of Govt and the Supreme Court, in one fell swoop. And they'll both be voted into law by a bunch of traitors shortly. It was nice knowing ya, America..

If you're worried about ammo, you'd better start thinking about reloading now, (if you don't already) if you want to have anything to shoot at all. And, while you're at it, you'd better start stocking up on powder, bullets, cases, primers, Parts for you guns etc, This is it, fella's.. a year or less from from now, the shelves are going to be bare, and they'll stay that way for good. I don't think they'll try to take anyone's guns away, but they'll make it impossible to get ammo...

06-26-15, 21:13
Thank goodness common sense prevailed and Boehner and McConnell are in the leadership. It would have been foolish to challenge them... Oh, wait, they just gave Obama everything he needed.

06-27-15, 09:05
This is the price we the people pay for stupidity, laziness and arrogance.

Try to have a discussion and it's "conspiracy crap!"

Welcome to "tomorrow". Today. Now own it...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-27-15, 11:12
This is the price we the people pay for stupidity, laziness and arrogance.

Try to have a discussion and it's "conspiracy crap!"

Welcome to "tomorrow". Today. Now own it...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Very true.. You know I use to think people like Alex Jones were a little off the wall, and to some extent he may be, But he's been spot on about these "trade partnerships"

06-27-15, 11:13
Very true.. You know I use to think people like Alex Jones were a little off the wall, and to some extent he may be, But he's been spot on about these "trade partnerships"

The sad thing is that many here fail to see the light of day.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-27-15, 13:37
There's a lot of stuff I thought was bull crap that I'm now seeing is really the goal. It's sick.

Last 4 days have been eye opening.

06-27-15, 17:34
This is the price we the people pay for stupidity, laziness and arrogance.

Try to have a discussion and it's "conspiracy crap!"

Welcome to "tomorrow". Today. Now own it...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."Amen. Some people will never figure it out until its too late.

06-27-15, 19:01
There's a lot of stuff I thought was bull crap that I'm now seeing is really the goal. It's sick.

Last 4 days have been eye opening.

Glad that you are awakening and strong enough to acknowledge past lack of awareness.

The last four days have been a whirlwind and I am disappointed with how poorly we the people are doing.

Recommendation: study the Constitution, BoR and the Constitutional Debates alongside current events. We HAVE to win.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-27-15, 19:19
This is the price we the people pay for stupidity, laziness and arrogance.

Try to have a discussion and it's "conspiracy crap!"

Welcome to "tomorrow". Today. Now own it...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

So true. And don't forget about all of the people that would say time to break out the tinfoil hat.

Well unfortunately I guess we proved them all wrong........it is a conspiracy. And it is working. :(

06-27-15, 19:27
I haven't "proofed" this material, but it seems likely to me.


Many think our government is for sale. However, by taking a look at the facts below provided by the Open Secrets, it is easy to understand where they are coming from. Looking back at Friday the 12th, the House voted on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), the controversial bill that gives power to the executive branch to negotiate treaties. TPA limit's Congress' ability to better a trade deal by subjecting members of Congress to 90 days of reviewing the trade agreement, prohibiting any amendments on the implementing legislation, and giving them an up or down vote. TPA passed with a mere 219-211 vote with only 218 needed to pass. The real shocker comes from the amount of money each Representative received for a yes vote. In total, $197,869,145 was given to Representatives for a yes vote where as $23,065,231 was given in opposition.

06-27-15, 19:31
If true, think anyone will investigate it.....hell no. Is the FBI going to be told to look into it. I think not. It is a loose - loose for the nation.

06-27-15, 20:29
Where's wikileaks and anonymous with a data dump when you need them.

06-27-15, 22:55
The sad thing is that many here fail to see the light of day.

I wouldn't start your psychic hotline just yet.

There are, and always have been, numerous divergent agendas each with their own hidden goals that could be called "conspiracy." This predates the Rothchild banking empire.

The ONLY thing that has really changed is people in large enough numbers were dumb enough to elect a novelty President so that they could be part of "a moment in history" and be able to say "I was there...I was part of it" in some sad resurrected Woodstock mentality.

And this President was from the start groomed to attempt many of those "agendas" and they were presented in such a way that people thought they were a good idea. Nearly everyone who voted for Obamacare actually thought it would be FREE and just come out of some imaginary "tax the rich" surplus.

Same way the Patriot Act, which actually stripped rights from Americans, was sold as a way to "protect FREEDOM." Just another agenda sold under false pretenses to a gullible populace who didn't even demand their representatives understand, let alone read, legislation before voting on it.

This week hasn't been a Machiavellian conspiracy orchestrated by some Illuminati group. What we are seeing is nothing more than huge numbers of IDIOTS controlling popular culture and making significant changes just as a bunch of hippies did in the 1960s for no other reason than they actually had the numbers.

No different than the religious right taking control during part of the 80s when they had popular support and a sympathetic President.

We are seeing the America, that people who think Bruce Jenner is a brave hero, have brought about. We are seeing the America, that has been made less than we were by things like NAFTA, change from a nation that produces to a free shit army that reproduces.

Politicians are simply catering to that new America in the way that benefits them the most in terms of money and power. I wouldn't exactly call that a conspiracy. And not very long ago, this all would have been tin foil hat nonsense, but we were foolish enough to put the wrong people in place, foolish enough to fall for their lies and propaganda and here we are.

I actually WISH it was a carefully developed and brilliantly executed conspiracy. That would mean it wasn't our fault. Sadly, it's our fault. Maybe not the people on this forum specifically, but the majority of the country who voted for all this crap.

06-27-15, 23:09
So true. And don't forget about all of the people that would say time to break out the tinfoil hat.

Well unfortunately I guess we proved them all wrong........it is a conspiracy. And it is working. :(

I agree.

They won't. Or, more accurately, precious few will. The rear will proscribe it all as some "random events" that just so happen to lead us CONSISTENTLY to abject poverty, servitude, wars and loss of sovereignty.

F 'em. It's staring them in the face and they see it not.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-28-15, 10:23
Where's wikileaks and anonymous with a data dump when you need them.

That's a psyop, bud. Everything that Snowden or wiki leaks revealed was already common knowledge. Most of what Snowden revealed was printed. In the New York Times during the Bush Administration. Check it out, do some research, don't just trust me or anyone...

An Undocumented Worker
06-28-15, 19:27
Does this trade agreement still have to pass the house or is it a done deal now?

06-28-15, 20:52
From my understanding TPP has not been voted on yet just the fast track portion.

06-28-15, 21:10
[QUOTE=murphman;2143024]From my understanding TPP has not been voted on yet just the fast track portion. What fast track does is remove congressional road blocks to trade agreements. Soros will get his Amero and you will get a blue work uniform.

06-28-15, 21:27
Reminds me when KLIN - TON I banned Norinco imports. Damn 7.62x39 QUADRUPLED in price - from $.99/box o' 20 Norinco (that we were used to), to $3.99/box o' 20 S&B, Hungarian, and oddball Russian stuff you'd never HEARD of! Almost caused rots at gun shows at the time!!! :mad:

Doc Safari
06-29-15, 09:20
Reminds me when KLIN - TON I banned Norinco imports. Damn 7.62x39 QUADRUPLED in price - from $.99/box o' 20 Norinco (that we were used to), to $3.99/box o' 20 S&B, Hungarian, and oddball Russian stuff you'd never HEARD of! Almost caused rots at gun shows at the time!!! :mad:

And for those of you who think "we will do fine" even if ammo imports are banned, need I remind you that the last lead smelting plant in the US closed its doors for good recently.

We are screwed, blued, and tattooed and that's exactly what they want.

Buy your ammo NOW.

Doc Safari
06-29-15, 14:19
From my understanding TPP has not been voted on yet just the fast track portion.

I think Barry signed it into law this morning. Can't remember which news site where I read it. I've been surfing news sites all morning and some have already moved beyond the early headlines.


Found it.


The trade bill gives Congress the right to approve or reject trade agreements, but not change or delay them. Obama defied the wishes of most members of his Democratic Party and frayed relations with organized labor to push the legislation.

06-29-15, 15:27
And for those of you who think "we will do fine" even if ammo imports are banned, need I remind you that the last lead smelting plant in the US closed its doors for good recently.

We are screwed, blued, and tattooed and that's exactly what they want.

Buy your ammo NOW.

The Doe Run lead smelter was on its way to be shut down for over a decade. Also it was not the "last" lead smelter in the US, it was the last primary smelter (lead from ore).


Doc Safari
06-29-15, 15:31
The Doe Run lead smelter was on its way to be shut down for over a decade. Also it was not the "last" lead smelter in the US, it was the last primary smelter (lead from ore).


First of heard of this take on it.

Still, it doesn't mean Barry can't ban foreign-made ammo.

06-29-15, 16:12
First of heard of this take on it.

Still, it doesn't mean Barry can't ban foreign-made ammo.

Barry or anyone for that matter doesnt need TPP to ban any foreign ammo. Doesn't mean that this will make it harder but it doesn't give him unilateral power. The Senate still has to approve any trade agreements. I don't like the whole rush crap through mentality, but it's not this whole stroke of a pen thin of people make it out to be. The question is does the Senate have the balls to stand up to this guy or any other self anointed messiah??

Doc Safari
06-29-15, 16:14
Barry or anyone for that matter doesnt need TPP to ban any foreign ammo. Doesn't mean that this will make it harder but it doesn't give him unilateral power. The Senate still has to approve any trade agreements. I don't like the whole rush crap through mentality, but it's not this whole stroke of a pen thin of people make it out to be. The question is does the Senate have the balls to stand up to this guy or any other self anointed messiah??

No, they don't. And even a Republican like Paul Ryan was using Pelosi-esque language to the effect that "we have to pass it to see what's in it."

Don't think for a minute the Republicans won't sell us down the river.

06-29-15, 16:17
See list of Republican Senators that voted the fast track in.


I thought Cruz changed his tune, guess not.

06-29-15, 16:25
Barry or anyone for that matter doesnt need TPP to ban any foreign ammo. Doesn't mean that this will make it harder but it doesn't give him unilateral power. The Senate still has to approve any trade agreements. I don't like the whole rush crap through mentality, but it's not this whole stroke of a pen thin of people make it out to be. The question is does the Senate have the balls to stand up to this guy or any other self anointed messiah??

Nope, the Senate was already paid off to vote this thing through. Regardless of what comes through down the road the same will happen, some received nearly 25k maybe more just for voting yes.

06-30-15, 05:37
Nope, the Senate was already paid off to vote this thing through. Regardless of what comes through down the road the same will happen, some received nearly 25k maybe more just for voting yes.

As per the link at post 16,.. 25k ?

John Boehner (R-OH) received $5.3 million for a "yea" vote and was the highest paid legislator.
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) received $2.4 million for his "yea" vote.
Paul Ryan (R-WI) received $2.4 million for a "yea" vote and came in at the third highest paid legislator.
Pat Tiberi (R-OH) follows Paul Ryan, coming in the fourth spot having received $1.6 million for his "yea" vote.

06-30-15, 05:57
See list of Republican Senators that voted the fast track in.


I thought Cruz changed his tune, guess not.

Wait why were the Republicans voting to give the President more power?

06-30-15, 07:06
As per the link at post 16,.. 25k ?

John Boehner (R-OH) received $5.3 million for a "yea" vote and was the highest paid legislator.
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) received $2.4 million for his "yea" vote.
Paul Ryan (R-WI) received $2.4 million for a "yea" vote and came in at the third highest paid legislator.
Pat Tiberi (R-OH) follows Paul Ryan, coming in the fourth spot having received $1.6 million for his "yea" vote.

O wow guess I didn't see that. The only figures I saw was 25k yes and 9k no. Maybe those were the nobodies of the Senate, clearly the big guys with pull were paid handsomely.

06-30-15, 08:22
O wow guess I didn't see that. The only figures I saw was 25k yes and 9k no. Maybe those were the nobodies of the Senate, clearly the big guys with pull were paid handsomely.

That's why no matter if we win the House and the Senate as long as we have the "Old Guard" guys like John B and Mitch M we're screwed.
They may not know how to run a Republic, but they damn sure know which side of the bread has the butter on it.
So the only one who can claim a "Win" in the last election is some RINO's Bank Accounts.

06-30-15, 08:47
Wait why were the Republicans voting to give the President more power?

Because they are on the same team... Government.

06-30-15, 15:08
Wait why were the Republicans voting to give the President more power?

In hopes of one day having a republican president again.

06-30-15, 16:05
In hopes of one day having a republican president again.

Hope is not a strategy.

06-30-15, 17:22
Hope is not a strategy.

Well, I mean, "hope" got one guy elected twice. Maybe it'll work for someone else.


08-08-15, 19:28

I have been saying for some time that TPTB would try to find an excuse to restrict ammo and gun imports, although I thought they would try to use some twist on the "sporting purposes" phrase.

Now that Congress has given POTUS broad authority over international trade, does anyone really think he will waste any time implementing some "back door" gun control?

I'm not concerned about (little concern) Obama doing it but other presidents? Yep. If the economy goes into a significant tailspin as some are whispering then, yes, he may very well do that as would any of the jackwagons campaigning and many in Congress.

We've closed our eyes and ears for FAR too long...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Outlander Systems
08-08-15, 19:41
I'm not concerned about (little concern) Obama doing it but other presidents? Yep. If the economy goes into a significant tailspin as some are whispering then, yes, he may very well do that as would any of the jackwagons campaigning and many in Congress.

We've closed our eyes and ears for FAR too long...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

You ain't kidding. We got put out to pasture a while ago, brother.