View Full Version : Kurds intent on carving out new state.

07-02-15, 19:53
Honestly I say good for them and I hope they become extremely successful. The fat that this administration and Congress wont directly arm then is fvcking pathetic and disgraceful.


07-02-15, 20:11
Agreed, I wish them luck in their quest. I have several Kurdish friends, and they are solid and dependable folks.

07-02-15, 22:07
Should have happened a long time ago. Good luck to them.

07-02-15, 22:08
Years ago I trained a bunch of them.
As translators they were tasked to interpret American English to Farsi and then assist in instructing the folks in the lower 2/3's of Iraq in blocks of instruction in relation to weapons systems we were giving them to secure their defense.
For the most part they certainly weren't the brightest bulbs in the box, but they were enthusiastic.
Their version of a "Masters Degree" in Engineering might equate to a AA degree in general studies here, but they put in a lot of effort.
I wish them the best and often have wondered how many of them have survived this long.

07-03-15, 00:08
Iraq as a country is done and the idiots in D.C need to wake up and smell the Shawarma. Most of those who spent any considerable time there knew this. The best thing is to allow the Kurds to form their own state, followed by the Sunni and Shia.

07-03-15, 01:12
Kurdistan would solve a LOT of problems. Just not sure they have the numbers and ruthlessness to make it happen. If it were up to me I'd give them all of Iraq.

07-03-15, 01:56
Let them have all of Iraq. They're the only ones willing to fight and die for it at the moment.

07-03-15, 10:10
Historically, the Kurds have usually been a more moderate, tolerant, and less violent culture than the Arabs or the Turks. Whenever they're a dominant power in the region, extremism tends to settle down. Of course, whenever they become a lesser power, they get crapped on badly by most of the other groups. As a result, they also have a much more amicable relationship with Israel as well, despite religious differences.

07-03-15, 11:29
Kurdistan would solve a LOT of problems. Just not sure they have the numbers and ruthlessness to make it happen. If it were up to me I'd give them all of Iraq.

It would solve a lot of problems.

And cause a lot of other problems.

07-03-15, 11:36
I have friends that spent a lot of time in that part of Iraq. Many of them showed me photos because I couldn't believe that they were that progressive. It looked like some part of the area were right out of the US and they served beer.

07-03-15, 12:05
Kurdistan would solve a LOT of problems. Just not sure they have the numbers and ruthlessness to make it happen. If it were up to me I'd give them all of Iraq.

While I agree with you, Kurdistan going for full independence will cause a lot of problems. Turkey certainly won't like it, and they're already making motions against the Kurds in northern Syria.

07-03-15, 13:26
I have friends that spent a lot of time in that part of Iraq. Many of them showed me photos because I couldn't believe that they were that progressive. It looked like some part of the area were right out of the US and they served beer.

Kurds and beer are very popular in Wisconsin....;)

Oh wait...

07-03-15, 13:31
It would solve a lot of problems.

And cause a lot of other problems.

There will always be problems no matter what, but I'd rather have a strong Kurdistan than ISIS running wild all over Syria and Iraq and Iranian militia's coming to the rescue.

07-03-15, 13:33
While I agree with you, Kurdistan going for full independence will cause a lot of problems. Turkey certainly won't like it, and they're already making motions against the Kurds in northern Syria.

Maybe we can placate Turkey with formerly ISIS occupied areas of Northern Syria.

07-03-15, 13:37
While I agree with you, Kurdistan going for full independence will cause a lot of problems. Turkey certainly won't like it, and they're already making motions against the Kurds in northern Syria.

We'll the Turks are already in it deep with the Kurds now that they have power in the government in Turkey.

07-03-15, 14:09
There will always be problems no matter what, but I'd rather have a strong Kurdistan than ISIS running wild all over Syria and Iraq and Iranian militia's coming to the rescue.

I've spent a lot of time with the Kurds--including quite a bit of quality time with Talabani and Barzani themselves. I both like them and respect them as a people. On a personal level, I've been pulling for them to have their own country for years.

But this is an extraordinarily complicated issue, compounded by the fact that the Kurds tend to turn on each other when they don't have a common enemy.

I've often told people the Kurds remind me a great deal of the Klingons.

07-03-15, 15:40
I've spent a lot of time with the Kurds--including quite a bit of quality time with Talabani and Barzani themselves. I both like them and respect them as a people. On a personal level, I've been pulling for them to have their own country for years.

But this is an extraordinarily complicated issue, compounded by the fact that the Kurds tend to turn on each other when they don't have a common enemy.

I've often told people the Kurds remind me a great deal of the Klingons.

Like I said, there will always be problems no matter what. But if I have to choose between Sunni, Shia or Kurds, it simplifies. I'm not aware of Kurds ever snatching western hostages to ransom or execute, they don't seem to be devoted to terrorism. I understand no matter who is in charge, there will always be factional conflicts. Seems to be the way of things in that part of the world.