View Full Version : Thanks to SF Immigration policy Kate Steinle dies.

07-04-15, 04:58
A man suspected in the shooting death of a woman at a busy San Francisco tourist destination has seven felony convictions and has been deported five times, most recently in 2009, a federal agency said Friday.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had turned Francisco Sanchez over to San Francisco police March 26 on an outstanding drug warrant, agency spokeswoman Virginia Kice said.


Sheriff's officials let Sanchez go after drug charges against him were dismissed. San Francisco, a "sanctuary city," refuses to enforce federal immigration holds. And as news of his circumstances broke, that pro-immigrant policy -- shared by many other cities -- became embroiled in controversy once again.

In this case, officials with federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement asked to be notified if Sanchez was released so they could take him back into custody, but the city did not do so, said agency spokeswoman Virginia Kice.
Julie Meyers Wood, who was director of ICE between 2006 and 2008, described the current system as a "real mess right now."


Federal records show Sanchez has seven prior felony convictions, four of which were for drug charges. Records indicate his convictions took place in states including Texas, Oregon and Arizona. And a law enforcement source said the case that landed Sanchez in San Francisco jail most recently was for a marijuana case that was about 20 years old.

Police have described the shooting as random, as she was not robbed and never even exchanged words with the man who killed her. Kathryn Steinle's father, Jim Steinle, said she was taken in the prime of her life. "She had so much to live for and died so senselessly,” he said Thursday. “It’s terrible.”

07-04-15, 05:09
This is progress people . . .


07-04-15, 05:27
This is progress people . . .

And a necessary cost at that evidently...

07-04-15, 06:54
Kathryn Steinle's father, Jim Steinle, said she was taken in the prime of her life. "She had so much to live for and died so senselessly,” he said Thursday. “It’s terrible.”
I hope Steinle's family sues the hell out of the City of SF and the Sheriff................and wins!

07-04-15, 07:06
I hope Steinle's family sues the hell out of the City of SF and the Sheriff................and wins!

Perhaps they should include the Justice Department?
I'm no fan, but I'm waiting for Donald Trump to come out go "Told ya so!" "War on Women!" White Lives Matter!"

07-04-15, 07:19
Perhaps they should include the Justice Department?
The OP did say ICE asked to be notified so they could take him back into custody.

07-04-15, 07:47
The OP did say ICE asked to be notified so they could take him back into custody.

Yes, that is in the story; but when is the Attorney General going to shut down the program of sanctuary cities? The idea that they can ignore the laws of the State and Federal Government and do so with impunity and all in the name of votes and political expediency. If tomorrow my city became a "Sanctuary City" for guns and decided to ignore State and Federal Laws, how long do you think it would take for some sort of action?
The guy was a repeat offender with multiple felony charges and SF decides to thumb their nose at the request and so far,.....all you hear is the crickets chirping, oh and these articles linked above.
And for her to say this,
"Julie Meyers Wood, who was director of ICE between 2006 and 2008, described the current system as a "real mess right now.""
The Feds are aware, but it isn't going to be fixed any time soon.

07-04-15, 07:54
Yes, that is in the story
And that will be their defense. They are not going to beat the Fed, but they probably could win against the locals.

07-04-15, 09:51

07-04-15, 11:49
"Help me, Dad!"

Decades of failure to enforce immigration laws, and THIS is what it comes down to.

Lots of us could say we tried to get the word out, but obviously no one cared enough. Collateral damage is just one of those things, I guess.

Like Paul Newman said in "Exodus" at the funeral of the young girl killed by Arab terrorists: "I want to howl."

22 years, Special Agent, INS.

07-04-15, 13:26
ICE literally can do nothing in California with immigration hold due to sanctuary cities and the state law known as the "Trust Act" (http://www.catrustact.org/) If you want to look and see what the politics of progressivism and illegals will do, look no further than big cities in California. Add Compstat (http://www.lapdonline.org/crime_mapping_and_compstat/content_basic_view/6363) driving the policy of policing in the mix and you have a perfect storm of liberal policy.

07-05-15, 07:48
The "Whatever" is strong in us.


Move along, nothing to see here.

07-05-15, 08:14
The "Whatever" is strong in us.


Move along, nothing to see here.

Still not as bad as these loving parents, the old adage "Some people are so open minded their brains fall out" bares to mind . . .

Back story:

Amy Elizabeth Biehl (April 26, 1967 – August 25, 1993) was a white American graduate of Stanford University and an Anti-Apartheid activist in South Africa who was murdered by black Cape Town residents while a black mob shouted anti-white slurs. The four men convicted of her murder were released as part of the Truth and Reconciliation process.

As she drove a friend home to the township of Guguletu, outside Cape Town, on August 25, 1993, a black mob pulled her from the car and stabbed and stoned her to death.[2][3] The attack on the car driven by Amy Biehl was one of many incidents of general lawlessness on the NY1 road that afternoon. Bands of toyi-toying black youths threw stones at delivery vehicles and cars driven by white people. One delivery vehicle was toppled over and set alight and only the arrival of the police prevented more damage. There was evidence that some of the possessions of Amy Biehl and the passengers in her car were stolen.[4] According to Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle is Not Enough: "Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her] … burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain." (pp. 188–89.) Four people were convicted of killing her.[5]:17–18 In 1998, all were pardoned by South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission when they stated that their actions had been politically motivated.[1]:71

Biehl's family supported the release of the men, and her father shook their hands, stating:

“ The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue ... we are here to reconcile a human life which was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Biehl

An engaging woman of 65 with a blond bob and a warm smile, she has grown exceptionally close to her daughter's killers. "Easy and Ntobeko are fascinating and I really do love them," she says. "They have given me so much."

07-05-15, 10:10
These people are f×××ing craze.

07-05-15, 15:48
And in the meantime the two clowns of the Party of Dead Elephants fight in the media;
"No one suggests that we shouldn't control our borders - everybody has a belief that we should control our borders," he said. "But to make these extraordinarily ugly kind of comments is not reflective of the Republican Party. Trump is wrong on this."
When Trump announced his presidential bid last month, he criticized Mexico and immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally. "They're bringing drugs," he said. "They're bringing crime. They're rapists."


Read Trump’s statement below:

I am very proud to be fighting for a strong and secure border. This is a very important issue, which all the other candidates would have ignored had I not started this important discussion. I will fix the border — no one else knows where to begin.

Today, Jeb Bush once again proves that he is out of touch with the American people. Just like the simple question asked of Jeb on Iraq, where it took him five days and multiple answers to get it right, he doesn’t understand anything about the border or border security. In fact, Jeb believes illegal immigrants who break our laws when they cross our border come “out of love.”

Yeah Jeb, there are some folks out there saying we shouldn't control our Borders, they are called Democrats.
Donald, you really need to leave now, you aren't a Republican and this stuff is starting to hurt your bottom line.

26 Inf
07-05-15, 18:18
I am very proud to be fighting for a strong and secure border. This is a very important issue, which all the other candidates would have ignored had I not started this important discussion. I will fix the border — no one else knows where to begin.

I, I, I, what a freaking egomaniac. Dude, go have someone fix your weave and STFU. I don't like the media whore.

26 Inf
07-05-15, 18:20
quote An engaging woman of 65 with a blond bob and a warm smile, she has grown exceptionally close to her daughter's killers. "Easy and Ntobeko are fascinating and I really do love them," she says. "They have given me so much." endquote

I could truly see myself doing this. It would be a good tactic to get them to let their guards down, and then I'd eat their hearts.

She is obviously much more spiritual than I am capable of being.

07-05-15, 18:33
how is any more legal for a police officer to refuse to honor an ICE hold, than for a county court to refuse to comply with the recent supreme court rulings?

07-05-15, 18:35
quote An engaging woman of 65 with a blond bob and a warm smile, she has grown exceptionally close to her daughter's killers. "Easy and Ntobeko are fascinating and I really do love them," she says. "They have given me so much." endquote

I could truly see myself doing this. It would be a good tactic to get them to let their guards down, and then I'd eat their hearts.

She is obviously much more spiritual than I am capable of being.

You're assuming they have hearts in the context of "soul, basic humanity, conscience."

I guess I'm not very spiritual, my only goal would be to bring their existence to an end.

07-05-15, 20:46
That this guy was still there and with a firearm is mindblowing. Forgive my language but **** California in general.

26 Inf
07-05-15, 20:57
You're assuming they have hearts in the context of "soul, basic humanity, conscience."

I guess I'm not very spiritual, my only goal would be to bring their existence to an end.

Oh, no, someone murders or rapes one of my daughters, I would rip their hearts out and eat them - at least one, in front of the one who was still alive.

I call it the 'it's what fathers do' defense.

07-05-15, 22:41
Oh, no, someone murders or rapes one of my daughters, I would rip their hearts out and eat them - at least one, in front of the one who was still alive.

I call it the 'it's what fathers do' defense.

I think we are on the same page. This is one of the best hits I've ever seen.


07-07-15, 13:05
A six-time-deported illegal immigrant is charged in the felony hit-and-run of an Arizona mother and her two young children. The man allegedly admitted to being high on marijuana while causing the severe lacerations to a five-year-old boy. The five-year-old and a two-year-old were both taken to an area hospital.

07-07-15, 13:14
I think we are on the same page. This is one of the best hits I've ever seen.


Dude, follow up shots.

07-07-15, 13:26
After reading the statements of the slain woman's parents, I've come to the conclusion that they value their city's ideology on "sanctuary" more than the life of their daughter. If they can't even muster a sliver of moral outrage over her death, what are the odds that their city will act on their willful malfeasance? :(

07-07-15, 13:31
Dude, follow up shots.

He took what was almost a contact head shot and really didn't want to be killed by US Marshalls.

07-07-15, 13:34
After reading the statements of the slain woman's parents, I've come to the conclusion that they value their city's ideology on "sanctuary" more than the life of their daughter. If they can't even muster a sliver of moral outrage over her death, what are the odds that their city will act on their willful malfeasance? :(

The city will do nothing, that is why they have the problem they do. SF has already blamed this situation squarely on ICE as they should have known the policies of SF.

07-07-15, 13:42
Weren't we just saying to blame the person for the crime, not the policy?

07-07-15, 13:47
The city will do nothing, that is why they have the problem they do. SF has already blamed this situation squarely on ICE as they should have known the policies of SF.

So their defense is that they are the proverbial scorpion at the river? Sadly, that's utterly believable from the San Fran crowd. :(

07-07-15, 13:50
Weren't we just saying to blame the person for the crime, not the policy?

Are you trying to defend the policy? Asking a scorpion to not be a scorpion seems pretty pointless. FWIW, the next move will be for Mexico to claim he wasn't given access to the Mexican Consulate, therefore the confession should be rendered invalid.

07-07-15, 14:30
How many shots were fired? I saw a report that said he found the gun and it went off when he picked it up- and that it fired three times?

07-07-15, 15:52
Are you trying to defend the policy? Asking a scorpion to not be a scorpion seems pretty pointless. FWIW, the next move will be for Mexico to claim he wasn't given access to the Mexican Consulate, therefore the confession should be rendered invalid.

I'm just saying it's a hypocritical stance to take that if you disagree with the policy, it was the policy's fault (in this case), but if you don't disagree with the policy, then it's the shooter's fault (like what happens in most mass shootings).

07-07-15, 16:41
I'm just saying it's a hypocritical stance to take that if you disagree with the policy, it was the policy's fault (in this case), but if you don't disagree with the policy, then it's the shooter's fault (like what happens in most mass shootings).

The difference is I disagree with gun control policies because they don't work. I disagree with "gun free" zones because they don't work. I disagree with sanctuary policies because they DO work, to the detriment of American society. A mass murderer is wrong. A habitual criminal illegal alien is wrong. San Fran sanctuary policies are wrong.

The 2nd Amendment is right.

See the difference?

07-07-15, 17:24
Obviously the policy is flawed and allows felons to walk the street. If the State won't hold them after multiple violations and after disregarding a request to hold from ICE, well all bets are off.
This Administration wants a pile of new Democrats, I don't think a little or a lot of blood being spilt to get them is going to change that.
Just curious why the Governor of Texas is allowed this to go on here?

07-07-15, 17:37
How many shots were fired? I saw a report that said he found the gun and it went off when he picked it up- and that it fired three times?

Wouldn't it be almost hilarious, if CA gun regulation was so ineffective that convicted felons really could find handguns in the street.

07-07-15, 17:43
Weren't we just saying to blame the person for the crime, not the policy?

Not when the "policy" is to release felons onto the streets. I blame the shooter for shooting the girl. I blame SF for turning a felon loose in the streets. I blame our government for doing NOTHING about the problem of illegal immigration.

There are lots of criminals and lots of blame in this situation.

Imagine a "sanctuary city" for pedophiles, a place where people don't want to persecute people for "sex crimes." If they released a convicted child molester under similar circumstances and he victimized another person, the child molester, the city policy and a government that gives it tacit support would ALL be complicit in the criminal act.

The only difference is in this situation, a person was actually shot and killed.

07-07-15, 20:32
San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi has defended his office's decision to release a Mexican man who was in the U.S. illegally and who is now suspected in the killing of a woman at a sightseeing pier.

Mirkarimi said that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency should earlier have issued an arrest warrant for Francisco Sanchez.

"ICE knew that he had been deported five times," Mirkarimi said. "You would have thought he met a threshold that he required a court order or a warrant. They did not do that."

California Attorney General Kamala Harris, a former San Francisco district attorney who is running for U.S. Senate, cautioned that when it comes to immigration, "our policy should not be informed by our collective outrage about one man's conduct."

I guess if you're going to break Federal Law, you might as well flaunt it while you get away with it.

07-07-15, 20:44

California Attorney General Kamala Harris, a former San Francisco district attorney who is running for U.S. Senate, cautioned that when it comes to immigration, "our policy should not be informed by our collective outrage about one man's conduct."

Funny. I wonder how she feels about the policy toward the confederate flag and one mans conduct.

07-07-15, 22:11
Somebody's got some splainin' to do! :(


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The gun used in the seemingly random slaying of a woman on a San Francisco pier belonged to a federal agent, a law enforcement official briefed on the matter said Tuesday...

07-07-15, 22:18
Funny. I wonder how she feels about the policy toward the confederate flag and one mans conduct.

No fair using direct analogies.

07-07-15, 23:49
just saw this and YEAH got to wonder what is going on there
Somebody's got some splainin' to do! :(


07-08-15, 06:11
Over 30,000 cases last years where sanctuary Cities released felons without turning them over to ICE.

07-08-15, 07:27
The states that lost in the SCOTUS on gay marriage should just call themselves 'Sanctity States' and refuse to hand over marriage licenses to gay couples. I wonder how the left would view that?

07-08-15, 09:36
From a CNN Interview;
BRIANNA KEILAR: Last week an undocumented immigrant who had been deported five times killed a 32-year-old, Kate Steinle, in San Francisco — a sanctuary city where local law enforcement does not enforce federal immigration laws. When you last ran for president, you supported sanctuary cities. In light of this terrible incident, does that change anything about your view on this?

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, what should be done is any city should listen to the Department of Homeland Security, which as I understand it, urged them to deport this man again after he got out of prison another time. Here’s a case where we’ve deported, we’ve deported, we’ve deported, he ends back up in our country, and I think the city made a mistake. The city made a mistake not to deport someone that the federal government strongly felt should be deported. So I have absolutely no support for a city that ignores the strong evidence that should be acted on. However, there are — if it were the first time traffic citation many, if it were something minor — a misdemeanor, that’s entirely different. This man had already been deported five times, and he should have been deported at the request of the federal government.

If you have so little idea how the State and Federal Laws work, especially when this dribble wanders out of your mouth, HTF did she make it through Law School.
Yeah, we really need more of this in the White House.

07-08-15, 11:59
So if this guy was deported "at the request of the federal govt." - he would not have come back again?

What kind of warped logic is she using to come to this conclusion?

The bad part is that the toe-sucking media does not question this type of crazy answer...not at all.

07-08-15, 13:29
So if this guy was deported "at the request of the federal govt." - he would not have come back again?

What kind of warped logic is she using to come to this conclusion?

The bad part is that the toe-sucking media does not question this type of crazy answer...not at all.

Here’s a case where we’ve deported, we’ve deported, we’ve deported, he ends back up in our country, and I think the city made a mistake. The city made a mistake not to deport someone that the federal government strongly felt should be deported.

The city made a mistake not to deport someone ? The City?
Jeeze Louise Lady!

07-08-15, 15:02
Isn't deportation a function of federal not city govt?

Our mayor uses the "that is the federal govt's job" excuse for why we have the illegal problems here in Houston all the time.

Houston has the same problems as SF in the fact that this too is a sanctuary city.

07-08-15, 16:19
Houston has the same problems as SF in the fact that this too is a sanctuary city.
So is Austin, but that was a given, LOL.

07-08-15, 16:57
But again why isn't the Governor doing something?

07-08-15, 22:49
Damn, she's dumb. Some lawyer. CITIES don't deport. Immigration 101.

Great hard-hitting interview, though. (Sarc)

07-09-15, 06:39
Just a bit more on this from here;
If you’re looking for someone to blame for the murder of young Kate Steinle, you’re in a target-rich environment.
One hundred twenty-one convicted criminals who faced deportation orders between 2010 and 2014 were never removed from the country and now face murder charges, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Of them, 33 were released on bond following their original crime at the discretion of the Justice Department’s Executive Office of Immigration Review, and 24 were released because ICE was unable to complete the deportation within the legally-required 180 days.


Since Fiscal Year 2010, how many aliens in removal proceedings with criminal
histories have been eligible for bond and been released in the state of Arizona and
in Iowa? Please provide a list of the charges for which the individuals released
were found guilty.
The number of unique criminal aliens released on bond from facilities in Arizona and
Iowa in Fiscal Years (FY) 2010-2014 are listed in the chart below. Please refer to
Enclosure A for a list of convictions.
Arizona Iowa Total
FY2010 509 59 568
FY 2011 992 138 1,130
FY 2012 1,184 194 1,378
FY 2013 1,074 127 1,201
FY 2014 1,173 78 1,251

In recent days, an allegation that the Border Patrol told its agents in the Tucson Sector not to detain drunken drivers at their checkpoints along Interstate 19 and other roads has gone viral.

The Border Patrol has not denied the allegations. And both critics and supporters say the agency's legalistic, bureaucratic responses are feeding the fire by making Border Patrol leaders look like they are more concerned with avoiding being sued than with protecting lives.

On Feb. 13, the conservative website Judicial Watch first published portions of an alleged internal Border Patrol memo telling agents that they and the agency face a potential legal liability for detaining suspected drunken drivers but no liability for letting them go on their way.

07-09-15, 08:40
Just a bit more on this from here;
If you’re looking for someone to blame for the murder of young Kate Steinle, you’re in a target-rich environment.
One hundred twenty-one convicted criminals who faced deportation orders between 2010 and 2014 were never removed from the country and now face murder charges, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Of them, 33 were released on bond following their original crime at the discretion of the Justice Department’s Executive Office of Immigration Review, and 24 were released because ICE was unable to complete the deportation within the legally-required 180 days.


Since Fiscal Year 2010, how many aliens in removal proceedings with criminal
histories have been eligible for bond and been released in the state of Arizona and
in Iowa? Please provide a list of the charges for which the individuals released
were found guilty.
The number of unique criminal aliens released on bond from facilities in Arizona and
Iowa in Fiscal Years (FY) 2010-2014 are listed in the chart below. Please refer to
Enclosure A for a list of convictions.
Arizona Iowa Total
FY2010 509 59 568
FY 2011 992 138 1,130
FY 2012 1,184 194 1,378
FY 2013 1,074 127 1,201
FY 2014 1,173 78 1,251

In recent days, an allegation that the Border Patrol told its agents in the Tucson Sector not to detain drunken drivers at their checkpoints along Interstate 19 and other roads has gone viral.

The Border Patrol has not denied the allegations. And both critics and supporters say the agency's legalistic, bureaucratic responses are feeding the fire by making Border Patrol leaders look like they are more concerned with avoiding being sued than with protecting lives.

On Feb. 13, the conservative website Judicial Watch first published portions of an alleged internal Border Patrol memo telling agents that they and the agency face a potential legal liability for detaining suspected drunken drivers but no liability for letting them go on their way.

So when do the pitch forks and torches come out?

Oh, that's right... Never... :(

07-09-15, 12:56
So when do the pitch forks and torches come out?

Oh, that's right... Never... :(
Oh yes they will, they will use them on Trump.

07-09-15, 14:13
These days, the truth makes people freak out and lose their minds. Trump spoke the truth...and the left just went crazy on him.

07-09-15, 15:13
These days, the truth makes people freak out and lose their minds. Trump spoke the truth...and the left just went crazy on him.
He'll most if the GOP did too

07-09-15, 16:53
That is because the other GOP candidates are playing the left's game. they will gladly throw Trump under the bus, because the GOP thinks that by trashing Trump, they will somehow win the Hispanic vote.

Pandering and playing their game....no wonder they don't win.

07-09-15, 17:11
That is because the other GOP candidates are playing the left's game. they will gladly throw Trump under the bus, because the GOP thinks that by trashing Trump, they will somehow win the Hispanic vote.

Pandering and playing their game....no wonder they don't win.

You mean doing exactly what McCain and Romney did won't work? Heresy! :rolleyes:

07-09-15, 17:26
When asked about immigration, the reply should be;
Legal or illegal?
When asked about criminal activity of immigrants the reply should be ;
Legal or illegal?
When asked about amnesty, the reply should be;
For what crime?
When asked about "Doing the jobs Americans wont do, the reply should be;
Why wont they do them?
The dirty truth is these folks aren't about the next election, they are about growing the government in order to take care of them. You will have to feed clothe and educate them all under the watchful care of millions of government unions jobs. Yes, they will vote democrat, but not perhaps for a decade or two. In the meantime the free market vs .gov jobs will grow and only push us further in debt.
Yes, Trump may be an ass hat, but what will the Republican Party do with him?
The answer would be to point out many of the things Trump has said and rephrase them in to 140 character bites and slowly point out that;
A) The border is out of control.
B) These folks are a drain on our limited resources.
C) There are legal means to come here and become a citizen.
D) The juice provided by the folks who break our laws in order to come here isn't worth the squeeze when it comes to crime. Not one illegal immigrant got here without committing a crime.
Show this young Ladies photo at the start of every point you make.
Otherwise, just get Mitt to run again.
The long-expected moment when Latinos surpassed whites as California's largest racial or ethnic group has come and gone.

Hispanic Californians began to narrowly outnumber white Californians sometime in the first half of 2014, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures released in late June.

The state had some 14.99 million Latinos compared with about 14.92 million non-Hispanic whites as of July 1, 2014, the most recent data available. Together, the two groups make up nearly 80 percent of the state's population.

Demographers had expected the shift for decades as the state's Hispanic population boomed due to immigration and birth rates.

07-09-15, 18:55
Well the fix is finally in, the solution?
White Guilt!
A trailer for MTV’s latest documentary debuted this week, and like a great deal of the network’s previous programming, White People and its illegal immigrant director seem ready to bring the drama.
Pulitzer Prize-winning filmmaker and immigration activist Jose Antonio Vargas, who is in the country illegally, directed White People, and traveled all over the United States to interact with his five young subjects, according to MTV.

07-10-15, 04:01
These days, the truth makes people freak out and lose their minds. Trump spoke the truth...and the left just went crazy on him.

If he wasn't all ego and arrogance, I'd actually vote for him. Was hilarious watching him give an interview with Katy Tur and say to the media exactly what we wish politicians would say. When hr commented that Hillary Clinton would be the worst President in the history of the United States I laughed at the news for the first time in a long time. When he told her it was "none of her business" when she asked about his guns I wanted to golf clap.

Sadly, for Trump I think this is all still show business to him and he's just creating controversy to stay relevant. I hope he doesn't get the nomination by telling people what they want to hear because he is so polarizing he could ensure a Clinton victory. Or worse he could win the election and realize he hasn't got a real clue about how to actually do any of the things he said he would do.

07-10-15, 07:31
But again why isn't the Governor doing something?
Since this statement followed 2 posts about sanctuary cities in Texas I can only assume you are asking about Texas.

Rick Perry was on O'Reilly last night and said that he took a bill to ban sanctuary cities to the Texas Legislature twice and it did not pass either time.

Me: But maybe now it could so I hope bring something up for a vote while the issue is still hot.

07-10-15, 10:31
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

07-10-15, 10:45
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

George Orwell

One only needs to listen to the official mouthpiece of the United States government (Earnest Josh and his predecessor, Baghdad Jay), to realize we're fully immersed in the time Orwell alluded to. :(

07-10-15, 11:42
Since this statement followed 2 posts about sanctuary cities in Texas I can only assume you are asking about Texas.

Rick Perry was on O'Reilly last night and said that he took a bill to ban sanctuary cities to the Texas Legislature twice and it did not pass either time.

Me: But maybe now it could so I hope bring something up for a vote while the issue is still hot.

Perry is pretty weak if that's his excuse, he worked harder to get drunken dem judges off the bench than he did ending sanctuary cities out of Texas.

07-10-15, 12:08
It is estimated that there are some 133,741 foreign criminals in prisons and jails in the USA (1). They are not there for spitting on the sidewalk or jaywalking, and very few are there for immigration violations, as those illegal alien criminals are typically deported in fairly short order or simply let go as we have seen time and time again. They are there in large part for molesting, raping, killing, maiming and murdering people in America, as you will see below.
Add in the 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who have final orders of removal but who remain at large in the U.S., and another 179,018 convicted criminal aliens with deportation cases pending but who are also at large (2), and we have a total non-American felon population of 481,439...a number the size of our 35th largest city, Sacramento, California, and larger than the entire populations each of Atlanta, Kansas City, Omaha, Miami, Minneapolis - and more.
And remember, for most of these felons, there was a victim.

In 2014, in a cynical move that can only be described as depraved especially because Mr. Obama ‘s most important job is to protect Americans, the Obama administration released another 30,558 criminal immigrants, who had a total of 79,059 convictions, into America to mingle with its unsuspecting, innocent, law-abiding citizens. Someone ought to tell the man what his job is.

Go to the link, read the article all of this stuff has foot notes and links for numbers.
Have a cold drink 'cause this is going to take a bit and you'll be damned hot by the time you are done.
Cliff Notes version, Like it or not, Trump was right and here are the numbers.

07-10-15, 12:20
Perry is pretty weak if that's his excuse,.............
Agreed. I have never been a fan and think he would be a terrible Pres.

07-10-15, 12:21
Deleted as a dupe

07-10-15, 12:25
It is estimated that there are some 133,741 foreign criminals in prisons and jails in the USA (1). They are not there for spitting on the sidewalk or jaywalking, and very few are there for immigration violations, as those illegal alien criminals are typically deported in fairly short order or simply let go as we have seen time and time again. They are there in large part for molesting, raping, killing, maiming and murdering people in America, as you will see below.
Add in the 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who have final orders of removal but who remain at large in the U.S., and another 179,018 convicted criminal aliens with deportation cases pending but who are also at large (2), and we have a total non-American felon population of 481,439...a number the size of our 35th largest city, Sacramento, California, and larger than the entire populations each of Atlanta, Kansas City, Omaha, Miami, Minneapolis - and more.
And remember, for most of these felons, there was a victim.

In 2014, in a cynical move that can only be described as depraved especially because Mr. Obama ‘s most important job is to protect Americans, the Obama administration released another 30,558 criminal immigrants, who had a total of 79,059 convictions, into America to mingle with its unsuspecting, innocent, law-abiding citizens. Someone ought to tell the man what his job is.

Go to the link, read the article all of this stuff has foot notes and links for numbers.
Have a cold drink 'cause this is going to take a bit and you'll be damned hot by the time you are done.
Cliff Notes version, Like it or not, Trump was right and here are the numbers.

Please don't confuse the left with facts. I will say, however, that the majority of illegal immigrants are not otherwise felons, which is the way Trump made it sound and why he is getting so much heat over his remarks.

07-10-15, 15:35
Please don't confuse the left with facts. I will say, however, that the majority of illegal immigrants are not otherwise felons, which is the way Trump made it sound and why he is getting so much heat over his remarks.

Here is the thing, to be honest if suddenly tomorrow I woke up a Mexican Citizen, you can bet your bottom dollar I would be headed North. I get that, I can even empathize with that, but the other side of that was I would keep my head down, stay out of trouble and stay out of the system. For the most part I don't take issue with those guys.
I would however say this seems a lot like Mexico is doing a Mariel Boatlift on the US.
The Cuban government subsequently announced that anyone who wanted to leave could do so, and an exodus by boat started shortly afterward. The exodus was organized by Cuban-Americans with the agreement of Cuban president Fidel Castro. The exodus started to have negative political implications for U.S. president Jimmy Carter when it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities. The Mariel boatlift was ended by mutual agreement between the two governments involved in October 1980. By that point, as many as 125,000 Cubans had made the journey to Florida.
Look in my opinion if you are a Republican Governor and you could not or chose not to control your "Sanctuary Cities" you really need not apply to be POTUS. You just don't have the balls or integrity for the job. You have pretty much sold your soul to some special interests and were to weak to fight some Democratic Mayors and we dont need that in a POTUS.

07-10-15, 16:15
.................. and were to weak to fight some Democratic Mayors and we dont need that in a POTUS.
The 6 largest cities in Texas represent 6 of the largest 20 cities in the nation and are all majority Democrat and far from weak:

US Census Estimated Population Based on City Limits as of July 1, 2014
2015 Estimates due soon

Houston # 4
San Antonio #7
Dallas # 9
Austin #11
Fort Worth # 16
El Paso #19

07-18-15, 10:47

Lee’s letter to Mirkarimi, posted by NBC Bay Area, read:

It has come to my attention that in March of 2015 you ordered your department to cease all communications with Federal Immigration authorities regarding Requests for Notification pertaining to undocumented, convicted felons. I urge you to rescind this policy immediately, in the interest of public safety.

Our Sanctuary Ordinance allows for this. Local law enforcement may notify federal officials when a particular individual is set for release in certain circumstances (Admin Code 12H-2.1), action not prohibited by our Civil Detainer policy from 2013 (Admin Code 121.3).

Mirkarimi responded on Thursday:

Your request to immediately rescind the policy contributes to the confusion and conflict between the Sanctuary City Ordinance (Administrative Code 12H.2) and the Due Process For All Ordinance (Administrative Code 12I). I urge a resolution of these conflicts so that there is a consistent and uniform understanding of the laws.…

Your request to rescind the policy and require the SFSD to contact federal immigration officials would eviscerate the city’s Due Process For All Ordinance, an ordinance I supported and which you signed into law.…

The Sheriff and Mayor have been at odds since Mirkarimi’s 2012 domestic assault conviction, over which Lee sought to have Mirkarimi removed from his position. The Sheriff ultimately retained his position with a Board of Supervisors’ vote that fell one vote shy of ousting him. Within days of releasing Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, the man that would later shoot Steinle, Mirkarini had his own record expunged by a judge.

This hits just keep on comming!

07-19-15, 06:45
After GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump saw his poll numbers shoot up after attacking illegal immigration in general and criminal illegal aliens specifically, the Puente/NetRoots crowd actively embraced criminals. Participants at the conference said it’s “not fair” to reject criminals and proudly stated that when activists call for an end to all deportations, that includes criminals.


Local authorities, however, didn’t hand him over. As a so-called “sanctuary city,” Sanchez, who was on probation and in the country illegally, was set free. “Federal detention orders are not a legal basis to hold someone,” according to city officials. Now Kate is dead

The President has not only chosen which laws he will enforce, he now chooses to only show support for Americans when it fits his narrative. Marc Thiessen said it best onThe Kelley File: “In all those other cases he had liberal policy points he wanted to make … The policies he supports are the ones that got this woman killed.”
One of the President’s greatest failures has been his unwillingness to secure the border. I will continue to fight to secure our borders and implement common sense policies aimed at reducing violence and the flow of illegal narcotics, firearms, people, and money across our borders. If the President won’t get serious about protecting our borders, then members of Congress and the states must find other ways to do it for him.

07-20-15, 16:38
Tomorrow, the Judiciary Committee will hear testimony from Americans who lost loved ones to criminal alien violence. On Sunday’s Meet The Press, Chuck Todd made a declaration that would surprise these devastated families: “We couldn’t find a single study that links violent crime and immigration.”
Apparently neither Mr. Todd nor his research staff ever thought to look up the government’s own 2011 report on criminal alien activity, published by the Government Accountability Office.

Breitbart News emailed Mr. Todd and his show to ask why the government’s own data, and a great deal more information, which would have disproven Mr. Todd’s sweeping declaration, was omitted. A staff aid to Mr. Todd replied: “no comment.”

What GAO Found
The number of criminal aliens in federal prisons in fiscal year 2010 was about
55,000, and the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state prison
systems and local jails was about 296,000 in fiscal year 2009 (the most recent
data available), and the majority were from Mexico. The number of criminal
aliens in federal prisons increased about 7 percent from about 51,000 in fiscal
year 2005 while the number of SCAAP criminal alien incarcerations in state
prison systems and local jails increased about 35 percent from about 220,000
in fiscal year 2003. The time period covered by these data vary because they
reflect updates since GAO last reported on these issues in 2005. Specifically,
in 2005, GAO reported that the percentage of criminal aliens in federal prisons
was about 27 percent of the total inmate population from 2001 through 2004.

07-21-15, 15:28
Chuck Todd and other big media talkers are blind to the fact that illegal immigrants have caused tons of crimes in recent years. Many were deported several times or had multiple DWI charges yet they still managed to kill or hurt American citizens.

Big media is enabling illegal alien criminals...no doubt about it.

07-21-15, 16:16
Chuck Todd and other big media talkers are blind to the fact that illegal immigrants have caused tons of crimes in recent years. Many were deported several times or had multiple DWI charges yet they still managed to kill or hurt American citizens.

Big media is enabling illegal alien criminals...no doubt about it.

Big media has transitioned from the Fourth Column, to the Fifth Estate. Their ideology is one of Social Fascism in support of self-enrichment and empowerment. It's utterly repugnant. :mad:

07-22-15, 06:39
“My son’s name was Joshua Wilkerson,” she began. “On November 16, 2010, he was beaten, strangled, tortured until he died. He was tied up, thrown in a field, and set on fire. His killer, Hermilo Moralez, was brought here illegally by his illegal parents when he was ten years old, so he fit the ‘DREAM’ kid description. He was sentenced to life in prison, which means it will be 30 years before he’s up for parole. He’ll be a 49-year-old man, who I don’t expect to be deported. And I just hope he doesn’t come to live in your city.”

Ms. Wilkerson’s son was murder by an illegal immigrant who, because he came to the country as a minor, would have qualified for Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty granted to illegal immigrant minors — or so-called DREAMers, whom Obama insists“belong here.”

There’s a tag on his toe that bears the name, Joshua Wilkerson. This is a white male weighing a hundred pounds. He is tied up with braided rope — 13 loops around his neck in a slipknot. It goes behind his back through his back belt loop. It goes to his hands and his feet, behind his body. He has multiple fractures in his face and nasal cavity. His throat and his voicebox are crushed.'”

Wilkerson took a deep breath and continued, looking at the senators before her with a steady gaze. “He was kicked so hard in the stomach that it sent his spleen into his spine, and sliced it in two… The medical examiner said it was torture.”

She returned to the text of the autopsy: “‘This body has significant skin loss on his buttocks, his abdomen, his penis, his hands, and his face. He has one stick of gum and a tardy slip in his pocket.”
I hope these guys are listening.

07-22-15, 14:59
“My son’s name was Joshua Wilkerson,” she began. “On November 16, 2010, he was beaten, strangled, tortured until he died. He was tied up, thrown in a field, and set on fire. His killer, Hermilo Moralez, was brought here illegally by his illegal parents when he was ten years old, so he fit the ‘DREAM’ kid description. He was sentenced to life in prison, which means it will be 30 years before he’s up for parole. He’ll be a 49-year-old man, who I don’t expect to be deported. And I just hope he doesn’t come to live in your city.”

Ms. Wilkerson’s son was murder by an illegal immigrant who, because he came to the country as a minor, would have qualified for Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty granted to illegal immigrant minors — or so-called DREAMers, whom Obama insists“belong here.”

There’s a tag on his toe that bears the name, Joshua Wilkerson. This is a white male weighing a hundred pounds. He is tied up with braided rope — 13 loops around his neck in a slipknot. It goes behind his back through his back belt loop. It goes to his hands and his feet, behind his body. He has multiple fractures in his face and nasal cavity. His throat and his voicebox are crushed.'”

Wilkerson took a deep breath and continued, looking at the senators before her with a steady gaze. “He was kicked so hard in the stomach that it sent his spleen into his spine, and sliced it in two… The medical examiner said it was torture.”

She returned to the text of the autopsy: “‘This body has significant skin loss on his buttocks, his abdomen, his penis, his hands, and his face. He has one stick of gum and a tardy slip in his pocket.”
I hope these guys are listening.

First I heard about this was on the Mark Levin show, finally YEARS after this young man's torture and murder is his story getting out! We can only imagine if the story was reversed and little undocumented Hermilo was tortured and murdered by the evil gringo. Univision, Telemundo, as well as the US MSM would have the story running non-stop 24/7, LULAC would be organizing marches (aka riots), Obama would be sending in the DOJ Civil Rights Stasi to launch a witch hunt, etc. . . .

07-23-15, 12:29
The murder of Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero in San Francisco by an illegal alien is the most familiar example of a crime committed by an alien. But an unreleased internal report by the Texas Department of Public Safety reveals that aliens have been involved in thousands of crimes in Texas alone, including nearly 3,000 homicides.
PJ Media obtained an never-before-released copy of a Texas DPS report on human smuggling containing the numbers of crimes committed by aliens in Texas. According to the analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.
The report describes an alien crime wave of staggering proportions exacerbated by federal officials unwilling to enforce immigration laws.
The Texas DPS report says well over 100,000 individual criminal aliens have been booked into Texas jails:
From October 2008 to April 2014, Texas identified a total 177,588 unique criminal alien defendants booked into Texas county jails. These individuals have been identified through the Secure Communities initiative, in which Texas has participated since October 2008.

07-24-15, 09:19
The bill, the “Protecting American Lives Act” or S. 1842, would withhold federal funding from any state or local jurisdiction that refuses cooperation with federal immigration enforcement—including the notification of feds about apprehension of criminal illegal aliens and about honoring immigration detainer. It would also provide legal immunity to jurisdictions that honor such detainers and it would establish a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for the illegal re-entry to the United States of previously deported illegal aliens. It would also issue a Sense of Congress that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has probable cause when it issues a detainer.
“What we also have to look at is, how did this person come into possession of a gun in a state where his having a gun as a convicted felon would raise serious questions.”
Then she immediately shifted gears and referenced the Chattanooga attack, saying, “Again a person got a gun online, and that gun online is another reason for us to have a serious background check.”
Pelosi did not mention that the FBI said alleged Chattanooga attacker Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez passed a background check for at least “some” of his guns, nor did she reference the fact that the gun Sanchez allegedly used in San Francisco was stolen.
He pointed to the arguments often used by amnesty advocates noting that not all illegal immigrants are virtuous “aspiring Americans.”
“And this is the real world where everyone isn’t a DREAMer and everyone isn’t a valedictorian. There are criminals motivated by malice and the conscious disregard for the lives of others and there are cities more interested in providing a sanctuary fro those criminals than they are providing a sanctuary for law abiding citizens,” he said.
I can't help but think guys like Gowdy may be our last and best hope.

07-24-15, 10:51
Averageman---I and other INS agents watched this whole criminal alien mess slide downhill for YEARS. Inasmuch as the old INS was chronically ignored and mismanaged, those of us on the ground set our own priorities. It was a target-rich environment even in the 70s, and we went after criminal aliens over anything else. Things had not gotten totally squishy yet, and we were fairly effective at getting bad actors into jail, or at least a fast trip home. Of course (!) most came back, but we considered it something of an accomplishment if, upon return, they went to another city to avoid us.

My particular wake-up call was during one of our "Oops, we're out of money" phases. We were told that we could only process and remove illegal aliens who were convicted felons, and not many of those. In those days, the police called us up at all hours when they had illegals in custody. It was a rare night when my phone didn't go off at 0300 hours!

One night the local police called me on a DUI illegal; no personal injuries but a lot of property damage and umbrage. When I got done interviewing the alien I had to tell the police that as much as we all wanted to drop the hammer on this guy, at the very least we were going to have to get him prosecuted and convicted of something substantial--and that while I couldn't put a detainer on him, I would follow developments and put the habeas grabbus on him if I possibly could.

A couple of days later I got a call that no action was forthcoming, and that he was all ours. In turn, with no conviction, I had to simply drop the detainer and release him. Needless to say, I felt like an idiot.

Not long after I got another of those calls in the night from the same PD. This time the guy had DUI'd again, and head-on hit a VW beetle with a big GM clunker station wagon. Needless to say, the station wagon won. The young couple, out on a date, were badly injured. The girl went under the dash of the VW--and there isn't much room down there. They both lived; the boy recovered fairly well. The girl, not so much. She wound up a paraplegic. (And having known a family friend who was a paraplegic as a kid, I knew exactly what that meant...) this girl was about 18, a beauty contest entrant, and majoring in, of all things, criminal justice.

The family was devastated and outraged. I talked to the father, explained to him exactly what had happened and why (all the time feeling like a fool) and told him to raise all the hell he possibly could about it. Well, he did, but in the end the results were about what you would expect--a token conviction, absolution all around, and all too soon this character was all ours, ready to (finally) deport to Mexico. Knowing full well that he, like all the rest, would almost inevitably be back, I took the opportunity to "counsel" him as to his likely fate if I ever saw his face gain. It was a very private conversation; the walls were solid stone, and there is a statute of limitations concerning anything I might have whispered into his little shell-like ears.

None of which got that girl, or others like her, out of that wheelchair. From what little I heard, she picked herself up off the ground pretty well, and by any measure, seems to have become a better person than any of the players in the whole affair.

A lot of water has gone over the dam since, but I think about that incident now and again, and always wish I could have played it differently, thinking it would have changed the outcome. Things are FAR worse now, to where I could not imagine being part of such a prostituted DOJ/DHS/ICE empire. And thanks to them, I can be regularly reminded of just how little regard Leviathan has for "the little people".

Time to hit the range.

07-25-15, 08:06
A report issued by the liberal Migration Policy Institute (MPI) further shreds Chuck Todd’s assertion on NBC’s “Meet The Press” last Sunday that he and his staff, “couldn’t find a single study that links violent crime and immigration.”
Tucked inside a report about President Obama’s new amnesty is the estimation from this liberal think tank there are 820,000 illegal aliens in the United States with criminal convictions, including 690,000 illegal aliens currently residing on U.S. soil who have been convicted of a felony or “serious” misdemeanor.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have knowingly released nearly more than 165,000 criminally-convicted illegal immigrants during President Obama's tenure as chief executive, including many charged with violent crimes like robbery, kidnapping and sexual assault.

Documents obtained by the nonprofit transparency watchdog Judicial Watch show that federal immigration officials released 165,900 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions into the nation, as well as an additional 706,000 illegal immigrants who had not been convicted of crimes, as of April 26, 2014.

The documents also describe some of the difficulties presented to federal immigration officials in dealing with sanctuary cities — local jurisdictions like San Francisco that refuse to cooperate with efforts to return illegal immigrants to their home countries.

07-25-15, 22:59
Averageman---I and other INS agents watched this whole criminal alien mess slide downhill for YEARS. Inasmuch as the old INS was chronically ignored and mismanaged, those of us on the ground set our own priorities. It was a target-rich environment even in the 70s, and we went after criminal aliens over anything else. Things had not gotten totally squishy yet, and we were fairly effective at getting bad actors into jail, or at least a fast trip home. Of course (!) most came back, but we considered it something of an accomplishment if, upon return, they went to another city to avoid us.

My particular wake-up call was during one of our "Oops, we're out of money" phases. We were told that we could only process and remove illegal aliens who were convicted felons, and not many of those. In those days, the police called us up at all hours when they had illegals in custody. It was a rare night when my phone didn't go off at 0300 hours!

One night the local police called me on a DUI illegal; no personal injuries but a lot of property damage and umbrage. When I got done interviewing the alien I had to tell the police that as much as we all wanted to drop the hammer on this guy, at the very least we were going to have to get him prosecuted and convicted of something substantial--and that while I couldn't put a detainer on him, I would follow developments and put the habeas grabbus on him if I possibly could.

A couple of days later I got a call that no action was forthcoming, and that he was all ours. In turn, with no conviction, I had to simply drop the detainer and release him. Needless to say, I felt like an idiot.

Not long after I got another of those calls in the night from the same PD. This time the guy had DUI'd again, and head-on hit a VW beetle with a big GM clunker station wagon. Needless to say, the station wagon won. The young couple, out on a date, were badly injured. The girl went under the dash of the VW--and there isn't much room down there. They both lived; the boy recovered fairly well. The girl, not so much. She wound up a paraplegic. (And having known a family friend who was a paraplegic as a kid, I knew exactly what that meant...) this girl was about 18, a beauty contest entrant, and majoring in, of all things, criminal justice.

The family was devastated and outraged. I talked to the father, explained to him exactly what had happened and why (all the time feeling like a fool) and told him to raise all the hell he possibly could about it. Well, he did, but in the end the results were about what you would expect--a token conviction, absolution all around, and all too soon this character was all ours, ready to (finally) deport to Mexico. Knowing full well that he, like all the rest, would almost inevitably be back, I took the opportunity to "counsel" him as to his likely fate if I ever saw his face gain. It was a very private conversation; the walls were solid stone, and there is a statute of limitations concerning anything I might have whispered into his little shell-like ears.

None of which got that girl, or others like her, out of that wheelchair. From what little I heard, she picked herself up off the ground pretty well, and by any measure, seems to have become a better person than any of the players in the whole affair.

A lot of water has gone over the dam since, but I think about that incident now and again, and always wish I could have played it differently, thinking it would have changed the outcome. Things are FAR worse now, to where I could not imagine being part of such a prostituted DOJ/DHS/ICE empire. And thanks to them, I can be regularly reminded of just how little regard Leviathan has for "the little people".

Time to hit the range.

That had to feel absolutely awful. The people who allowed it to come to that, should've had a baseball bat across the knees. That way they'd always remember what their failures cost Americans.

A report issued by the liberal Migration Policy Institute (MPI) further shreds Chuck Todd’s assertion on NBC’s “Meet The Press” last Sunday that he and his staff, “couldn’t find a single study that links violent crime and immigration.”
Tucked inside a report about President Obama’s new amnesty is the estimation from this liberal think tank there are 820,000 illegal aliens in the United States with criminal convictions, including 690,000 illegal aliens currently residing on U.S. soil who have been convicted of a felony or “serious” misdemeanor.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have knowingly released nearly more than 165,000 criminally-convicted illegal immigrants during President Obama's tenure as chief executive, including many charged with violent crimes like robbery, kidnapping and sexual assault.

Documents obtained by the nonprofit transparency watchdog Judicial Watch show that federal immigration officials released 165,900 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions into the nation, as well as an additional 706,000 illegal immigrants who had not been convicted of crimes, as of April 26, 2014.

The documents also describe some of the difficulties presented to federal immigration officials in dealing with sanctuary cities — local jurisdictions like San Francisco that refuse to cooperate with efforts to return illegal immigrants to their home countries.

Someone needs to point out that neither Chuck Todd nor anyone on his staff is qualified to be an investigative journalist. :(

07-26-15, 08:50
Someone needs to point out that neither Chuck Todd nor anyone on his staff is qualified to be an investigative journalist. :(

And that perhaps is the greatest problem we are facing.
At one time we had a free press that investigated a story before it was printed, they followed up and laid it all out. Questions were asked, pointed questions that had the ability to give some insight in to what was going on. Let the chips fall where they may, it's about educating the public, investigating the story and laying it all out there.
What we have now is a system in which the reporters are related to the White House Staff, or have or will work in that capacity. That makes the entire premise of investigating anything a complete No Go. You don't bite the very hand that feeds you, nor do you rock the boat you want a ride in.
The DNC has managed to infiltrate the Press Corps to such a degree that it is now another wing of the Party.
If you want the truth, the real truth, you're not going to get it in a White House briefing. You are going to have to go out on the border and interview agents, citizens and local LEO's. That is where you will truly find out what is going on and how far this has gotten out of control.
It is amazing to me that here we are and we have no few former B.P., I.C.E. and local Law Enforcement guys putting their two cents in here, but Chuck Todd can't seem to find anyone to interview with an opposing view.
He simply isn't looking, it doesn't fit the narrative and it wont make the News.
It's the same as talking to a child that when confronted with something they don't like, they simply put their fingers in their ears and say "Nahhh Nahhh Nahhh Nahh".

07-29-15, 08:11
Mexican illegal alien Juan Emmanual Razo appeared in a Painesville, Ohio, court on Tuesday after he allegedly went on a violent crime spree: Murdering a 60-year-old woman, attempting to rape a 14-year-old, and shooting another woman in the arm.
Razo pled not guilty to the murder of Margaret Kostelnick, whom he allegedly killed in her home, through a taxpayer-funded court translator.
And More About This Guy.
Lake County Sheriff's Det. Brian Butler said during the court hearing that during a July 7 traffic stop, deputies contacted border patrol agents who advised the sheriff's office not to detain Razo despite his status as an undocumented immigrant.
In response to a request for information, Customs and Border Protection spokesman Jaime Ruiz issued a statement that said, "we're looking at the facts of the case to find out exactly what happened."
Khaalid Walls, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said the agency "intends to take custody of [Razo] and pursue his removal from the United States."
Another fine example of one of these guys coming here to do the work Americans just wont do.
And there are more of these folks coming and look who is helping them.
“We’ve seen a little bit of a spike a couple of days out the week,” Ortiz said. However, agents in the Rio Grande Valley said it’s not a big enough uptick to become a trend.
Volunteers at Sacred Heart Church said they too are seeing the same slight increase. About 100 families are showing up for help after they were caught and released at the border.
“In the last three weeks or so, we’ve had about 10 days that we’ve gone over 100 people a day,” Eli Fernandez, director of Sacred Heart Church Immigrant Respite Center, said.
The center helps the families released by the federal authorities. “We have seen a pretty good size increase of people coming through,” Fernandez said. “Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are the most prevalent countries.”
Fernandez said the family units that come in are either a mom or a dad with children. “We are getting a lot more people than we were seeing earlier this year,” he said.
However, Border Patrol and Fernandez are making the proper preparations. “More than likely the numbers will probably go up,” Fernandez said. “You know, as word gets out, the families will, you know, talk to another family back home.”

So who is legal and who gets to stay and aren't there laws about this anymore?

07-30-15, 16:46
The feds have been using "religious charities" as fronts to bring in and support tons of illegals. Google it, there is a lot of info to include the "churches" names, etc.

07-30-15, 17:25
Dubbed the “Partners in Crime Plan,” Jindal’s proposal recommends that Congress “criminalize sanctuary city policies by making city officials that enact those policies as an accessory to the crimes committed by the illegal aliens those policies enabled.”
The Good

Additionally, the plan proposes that Congress “give standing to victims and their families to civilly sue local, state, and federal officials for failing to enforce the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA)” or failing to criminally charge public officials in sanctuary cities as accessories to the crimes.


The administration's program to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program has given the green light to 664,607 since 2012, including several linked to fraud, terrorism and gangs, according to the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services agency.

What's more, applications for permanent residence have surged from 3,000 to 7,500 a month, far above projections, according to agency answers provided to Senate Judiciary Immigration and the National Interest Subcommittee Republicans and obtained by Secrets.
The Bad

In his new book, Plunder and Deceit, the popular conservative author and constitutional champion warns that if left unchecked, policies put in place by the Obama administration and the rest of Washington will choke younger Americans, leaving them with a poorer quality of life than their parents have.

"The time has come for the rising generation to turn down the demands and schemes of centralized government, its surrogates, and those who steal from the future and look for ways to influence and drive policy debates and outcomes in all its forms," he cheers.

"What is required is a 'New Civil Rights Movement,'" he adds, "organized around fostering liberty and prosperity for you.
And the ugly truth you really don't want to know.
Take a look here, http://www.borderlandbeat.com/This is what our Southern border States will look like before the end of this decade if we don't find an answer.

08-02-15, 14:25
A man charged with child molestation and distribution of child pornography and allegedly granted executive amnesty under a 2012 executive action by President Barack Obama has been charged with two additional felony counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age.
In May Breitbart News reported on questions lodged with the Obama Administration from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) regarding the alleged molester Edgar Covarrubias-Padilla’s immigration status. Whistleblowers alleged that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement knew of the child exploitation investigation of the camp counselor back in November 2014.

The alleged molestation victims in this case are boys now ages 9 and 11, Deputy District Attorney David Shabaglian was reported as stating. Covarrubias-Padilla was arrested May 7, around the time his DACA status had been approved.

“These allegations are deeply troubling because, if true, they suggest that DHS was aware for months or years that Mr. Covarrubias-Padilla posed a public safety threat to the children he was monitoring, yet took no action to revoke his DACA authorization,” read a portion of the Grassley letter from May.

09-01-15, 16:48
Steinle Family To File Lawsuit Against SF, Fed Officials

Steinle family is slated to file the suit Tuesday and it will name San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, according to ABC7 News.

The sheriff’s department released alleged killer Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez from custody less than three months before Steinle was shot, ignoring an immigration detainer ICE had lodged against him. Sanchez is a seven-time convicted felon who had been deported from the U.S. five times. San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies have been blamed for the release.

The gun that was used to shoot Steinle was a BLM gun that the agency says was stolen from an agent’s car.


09-02-15, 00:40
The screwed up part is law suits of this nature have virtually nil chance of victory, justified or not.

09-02-15, 07:53
Maybe if her dad tried to marry the killer the courts would step in.

The world goes bat-crap crazy if a clerk won't marry two dudes in Kentucky, but major cities ignore the law on a minute-to-minute basis and recycle illegal immigrants and that is social justice.

09-02-15, 08:32
And the Feds will completely ignore the law when a state want to allow people to smoke illegal drugs. It must me nice to be able to pick and choose what laws they want to follow and the libtard left doesn't even see this as a problem as long as it fits their aganda. So basically laws don't mean anything anymore. It is like we are living in a third world country that does want it wants.......

09-02-15, 11:12
And the Feds will completely ignore the law when a state want to allow people to smoke illegal drugs. It must me nice to be able to pick and choose what laws they want to follow and the libtard left doesn't even see this as a problem as long as it fits their aganda. So basically laws don't mean anything anymore. It is like we are living in a third world country that does want it wants.......

And if Obumbo has his way, We will be a 3rd world nation by the time his term is up... If a Republican gets elected, they'll have to spend their entire term cleaning up Obumbo's mess..

09-02-15, 13:21
Maybe if her dad tried to marry the killer the courts would step in.

The world goes bat-crap crazy if a clerk won't marry two dudes in Kentucky, but major cities ignore the law on a minute-to-minute basis and recycle illegal immigrants and that is social justice.

This would be hilarious if it wasn't true . . . :(

09-02-15, 13:22
And the Feds will completely ignore the law when a state want to allow people to smoke illegal drugs. It must me nice to be able to pick and choose what laws they want to follow and the libtard left doesn't even see this as a problem as long as it fits their aganda. So basically laws don't mean anything anymore. It is like we are living in a third world country that does want it wants.......

We should get Abbot to legalize all NFA items at the state level.

09-02-15, 14:06
We should get Abbott to legalize all NFA items at the state level.

You know anywhere else I would say the Governor wouldn't have the balls to do that, but Abbot?
I would say it's about a 50-50 shot he would.
I would like to see him cut all funding from sanctuary cities first, that would be a giant step in the right direction.

09-02-15, 19:51
We should get Abbot to legalize all NFA items at the state level.

That is what I am saying......

11-30-17, 22:51
I'm sure most of you remember this....


I'm not sure if I heard the news correctly or not but he gets 3 years?!?!

Absolutely unbelievable.

11-30-17, 23:28
It isn't the first and won't be the last. Our current system demands the occasional blood sacrifice. Very unfortunate but what can we do?

11-30-17, 23:37
The Civil War established that a state could not secede. But maybe we need to find out if we can vomit a state out of the Union.

11-30-17, 23:46
The Civil War established that a state could not secede. But maybe we need to find out if we can vomit a state out of the Union.

or maybe just another civil war instead of up and down (north south) we do the right and the left :)

12-01-17, 00:44
We will eventually get to a point where people will simply stop calling the police.

Before everybody gets hooah about that, let me say that such a proposition is not a good thing.

When the public loses faith in the authorities itvis a societal failure.
Too many cracks are coming through.

"You couldn't stop me from getting mugged but you can write me a ticket for going 11 over trying to get to work?!"

We have too many cosmopolitan types getting elected in built up areas who appoint quisling diversity hire police chiefs. We have too many "brave" activist judges. We have too many people letting things slide for the sake of social brownie points and cheap roofing.

The only answer is either bring back hardcore stakeout squads, get DAs to refuse to GJ guys in OISes, and start filling morgues or prisons.

That or a total annexation of Mexico.

I'm tired of it. It's like a dog who cant decide to be in and out. The Iberian influence is disgusting and corrupt by nature. The Mexican govt doesnt do anything but enable. At least the Canadians have the goddamn decency to stay in their own shithole nation.

Here's my plan:

Total annexation
Declare it a Commonwealth
Rename it to the Crockett Territory
Kill every last government official in a public manner preferably by hanging or crucifixion
Disband the military
Anglicise the Territory
Fix the Water
Incentivize regular Americans to move and create families with loans and tax breaks.
Tax the citizens of the new Territory but with no voting past the state level
Erect a wall with Guatemala
They are all citizens but cannot vote in presidential elections and are beholden to all US civil and criminal codes
abolish the peso as currency.

I just dont see why we dont get it over with. Some would welcome us as liberators. We must anglicise them to get them off their desire for government and corruption.

It could be like Chile but better and closer to home.

It would be more realistic than a wall.

Then we retake Cuba.

I also think we should mine the Canadian border.

Maybe I been playing too much Hearts of Iron but I just dont see why not. We invaded Iraq over far, far less.

While I'm here Reagam and LTC North did nothing wrong.

I dont care if people disagree. Its more productive than the pattycake we play.

Just "want to work" and "need mooney por mi Abuela"?

I have a final solution to your migrant woes. Pay some ****ing taxes or end up in jail like the other deadbeats.

Once you're all citizens you get all the privileges AND responsibilities.

Lucky you.

12-01-17, 06:06
Criminal History

According to information provided by the anonymous government sources, Lopez-Sanchez entered the U.S. illegally for the first time before May 1991. His first documented interaction with U.S. courts came on May 13 of that year when he was convicted of inhaling toxic vapors. He was sentenced to one year in jail and sentenced to five years’ probation.

Feb. 2, 1993: Lopez-Sanchez is convicted of felony heroin possession in Washington state criminal court and sentenced to 21 days in jail.

May 12, 1993: Convicted of felony narcotics manufacturing in Washington and sentenced to nine months in jail.

Nov. 2, 1993: Convicted of felony heroin possession in Pierce County, Wash. and sentenced to four months in jail.

June 9, 1994: Convicted of misdemeanor imitation controlled substance in Multnomah, Ore. and ordered to pay a fine.

June 10, 1994: Lopez-Sanchez is arrested by Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the forerunner to ICE, and convicted of a controlled substance violation and an aggravated felony. A federal immigration judge orders him deported on June 20, and he is removed to Mexico.

July 14, 1994: Lopez-Sanchez illegally re-enters the U.S. after his first deportation and falls into the hands of Arizona state authorities. His probation is revoked and he is sentenced to 93 days in jail.

July 11, 1996: Lopez-Sanchez is arrested in Washington and convicted of felony heroin possession. He is sentenced to 12 months, plus one day in prison.

March 12, 1997: INS arrests Lopez-Sanchez on an Order to Show Cause and charges him as a deportable alien because of his illegal re-entry and his aggravated felony conviction. He is deported back to Mexico for the second time on April 4, 1997.

July 22, 1997: Lopez-Sanchez is arrested in Arizona for his first known act of violence on an assault and threatening/intimidation charge. Government sources are unsure of the outcome of this case.

Jan. 13, 1998: Lopez-Sanchez is arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents. Two days later, an immigration judge orders him removed, and he is deported for the third time on Feb. 2 of that year.

Feb. 8, 1998: Lopez-Sanchez illegally re-enters the U.S. six days after his previous deportation but is apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol.

Sept. 3, 1998: He is convicted of felony re-entry in U.S. District Court and sentenced to 63 months in prison.

Feb. 20, 2003: Seemingly at the end of his prison sentence, the U.S. Bureau of Prisons hands Lopez-Sanchez over to INS. He is deported again to Mexico on March 6.

July 4, 2003: Lopez-Sanchez again illegally re-enters the U.S. and is apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol, this time in Texas.

Nov. 7, 2003: Lopez-Sanchez is convicted of two federal charges — re-entry after removal and violation of a supervised federal release. He is sentenced to 51 months and 21 months for the charges, respectively.

June 29, 2009: After a lengthy prison sentence, the U.S. Bureau of Prisons hands Lopez-Sanchez over to ICE. He is immediately deported to Mexico.

Sept. 20, 2009: Lopez-Sanchez again re-enters the U.S. illegally. This time he is arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents in Eagle Pass, Tex.

Oct. 14, 2009: A U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas files for a re-indictment of Lopez-Sanchez for illegal re-entry after removal. He is charged in Sept. 2010, for violating federal probation.

May 12, 2011: Lopez-Sanchez is sentenced to 46 months in prison and 36 months of supervised release for illegal re-entry and probation violations. Two months later, ICE places a detainer request with the Bureau of Prisons upon his release from prison. In Oct. 2013, ICE’s Southern California Security Communities Support Center places a similar detainer request with the Bureau of Prisons.

March 26, 2015: After serving his sentence in federal prison in Victorville, Cal., Lopez-Sanchez is released and handed over directly to the San Francisco sheriff’s department, which had a warrant out for felony sale of marijuana. The next day, ICE received an automatic electronic notification that Lopez-Sanchez had been placed into the custody of the San Francisco sheriff’s department. ICE then placed a detainer request with the sheriff to be notified prior to Lopez-Sanchez’s release.

April 15, 2015: The San Francisco sheriff’s department releases Lopez-Sanchez from its custody without notifying ICE.

July 1, 2015: Lopez-Sanchez allegedly shoots Steinle on San Francisco’s Pier 14 as she is walking with her father and a friend. Steinle dies. Lopez-Sanchez is arrested soon after.

12-01-17, 06:29
Sounds like they over charged him with murder and didn’t give the option of manslaughter? Wouldn’t it be hard to prove murder with a richochet?

12-01-17, 07:07
Sounds like they over charged him with murder and didn’t give the option of manslaughter? Wouldn’t it be hard to prove murder with a richochet?

After deliberations that began on Nov. 21, Garcia Zarate, 45, a Mexican citizen, was found not guilty of murder, as well of the lesser charges of involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon. He was convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm, which carries a sentence of up to three years. Federal immigration officials said they would now deport Garcia Zarate.

12-01-17, 07:40
I understand les federales (see what I did there?) are working up charges against him. Methinks it's not the end of the story.

Big A
12-01-17, 07:52
I say we return him to mexico via C-130...and forget the parachute....

Alex V
12-01-17, 08:02
I don't even know what to say except; its California, what did you expect.

Its a damn travesty. I can only imagine how Kate's family feels.

12-01-17, 08:13
I say we return him to mexico via C-130...and forget the parachute....Break out an old Norden bombsight and precision-drop him onto the presidential palace.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

12-01-17, 08:50
Not even involuntary manslaughter?! WTF

12-01-17, 09:04
Considering the prison overpopulation problem that they have in Cali, I doubt he'll serve his entire sentence..He'll be out in a year, year and half, tops..Hopefully the feds can come up with something to keep him behind bars for alot longer...like life..

diving dave
12-01-17, 09:09
And to add to it all, anyone see the Attorney right after the verdict slamming Trump for his "policy of hate and mass deportations"???? Leaving CA was the best thing I ever did.

12-01-17, 10:04
And to add to it all, anyone see the Attorney right after the verdict slamming Trump for his "policy of hate and mass deportations"???? Leaving CA was the best thing I ever did.

Yeah he said Trump was under investigation and would be given the same protections. WTF? ... by that logic they should just stop investigating Trump because no matter what there is no crime.

But yes, it's par for the course. It's not just CA either. That mentality of that lawyer is very much NY Liberal as well. I mean the guy on the street voting. They will do ANYTHING to confront Trump and display their seething hate for him. Even set a career criminal that caused the death of an innocent citizen to receive only a slap on the wrist and his quality of life, 3 meals, room, tv, will probably be an improvement.

It's sick and revealing as to how deeply some citizens hate America.

That finding was nothing short of punitive towards the family.

12-01-17, 11:09
I just learned the judge banned any Qs or discussion of his being in the US illegally, his deportation history, etc. Not that that should/would alter what the sentence should be per se, but again, and SJW judge seemed hell bent to give that POS every possibility of getting off, which he did. The people on that jury should be tested for retardation.

Doc Safari
12-01-17, 11:25
I don't even know what to say except; its California, what did you expect.

Its a damn travesty. I can only imagine how Kate's family feels.

Sums it up perfectly. I'm waiting for Jerry Brown to invite the perp to the governor's mansion.

12-01-17, 12:37
When I heard this, I just sat in awe and shook my head.

After 30 seconds, of constant back and forth motions, I broke from the empathetic trance and realized it was CA ad should be expected.

But when you're sitting there thinking: What if my daughter, or wife, had been killed by someone who should have never even been in this country, get's 3 years and not even over a charge for my lost family member.

F**k em; a jail cell would be far to nice for that POS. If my State keeps getting worse with our refugees, I am out.

12-01-17, 12:41
I'm sure most of you remember this....


I'm not sure if I heard the news correctly or not but he gets 3 years?!?!

Absolutely unbelievable.

He's already been in jail for 2 years, so with time served nd good behavior, he should be out in a couple of months. Fortunately the USMS has a federal arrest warrant for him and CA won't release him except into their custody with a full fledged warrant.

Based on his record, he's handily eligible for 20 years on the immigration order and another 5 on the federal AFCF. With that and the federal 85% rule, we should easily be able to keep him locked up for another 21 years. Hopefully he'd die in prison before being released again, because he'd be back in the U.S. endangering our citizens within days of being deported. :rolleyes:

I say we return him to mexico via C-130...and forget the parachute....

I say "loft" him from the bomb rack of an F-16. You don't even have to enter Mexican airspace and he'd get more hang time.

I just learned the judge banned any Qs or discussion of his being in the US illegally, his deportation history, etc. Not that that should/would alter what the sentence should be per se, but again, and SJW judge seemed hell bent to give that POS every possibility of getting off, which he did. The people on that jury should be tested for retardation.

He also denied a jury request to test the trigger pull of the P-239, which goes to the heart of the defense's "accidental discharge" defense. :mad:

12-01-17, 12:49
The people on that jury should be tested for retardation.

I suppose voir dir made sure of that.

Sounds like the legal council, jury and judge were all heavily profiled towards the desired outcome. I don't think those conclusions could have been reached without a 'system' in place to all but assure of it before hand.

I wonder what this cost in favors taken and paid. California pays the monetary tax bill and America pays the price.

12-01-17, 12:53
Ballistic forensics is 90% junk science.

It is nearly impossible to prove a ricochet, bullet trajectory, blood splatter, etc without actually having any of this caught on camera.

12-01-17, 12:58
I just learned the judge banned any Qs or discussion of his being in the US illegally, his deportation history, etc. Not that that should/would alter what the sentence should be per se, but again, and SJW judge seemed hell bent to give that POS every possibility of getting off, which he did. The people on that jury should be tested for retardation.

How is not breaking a Federal Law not relevant to his criminal history?
Speaking as a Mechanic and not as anything close to an Attorney, If a part had a high failure rate, it is relevant to someone dying as a result of that failure.
So his failure to work with the system of Law we have in our society is relevant to him killing that young lady.
But the biggest question is will California turn him over to ICE now?

12-01-17, 13:10
How is not breaking a Federal Law not relevant to his criminal history?
Speaking as a Mechanic and not as anything close to an Attorney, If a part had a high failure rate, it is relevant to someone dying as a result of that failure.
So his failure to work with the system of Law we have in our society is relevant to him killing that young lady.
But the biggest question is will California turn him over to ICE now?

Either the worst prosecutor ever or he/she was also sympathetic to that creature and in on it. That's true travesty of justice and I hope the family et al can work on a re trial. On what basis I'm not sure, but crap, we all know what would happen to anyone else.

Big A
12-01-17, 13:14
How is not breaking a Federal Law not relevant to his criminal history?
Speaking as a Mechanic and not as anything close to an Attorney, If a part had a high failure rate, it is relevant to someone dying as a result of that failure.
So his failure to work with the system of Law we have in our society is relevant to him killing that young lady.
But the biggest question is will California turn him over to ICE now?

Either the worst prosecutor ever or he/she was also sympathetic to that creature and in on it. That's true travesty of justice and I hope the family et al can work on a re trial. On what basis I'm not sure, but crap, we all know what would happen to anyone else.

You can't bring up a defendant's past criminal history unless he or she takes the stand in court. This applies to anybody prosecuted in a U.S. court of law regardless of citizenship status.

12-01-17, 13:37
The state, defense attorney, and prosecutor colluded with each other to get the outcome we have now.

12-01-17, 13:50
How is not breaking a Federal Law not relevant to his criminal history?
Speaking as a Mechanic and not as anything close to an Attorney, If a part had a high failure rate, it is relevant to someone dying as a result of that failure.
So his failure to work with the system of Law we have in our society is relevant to him killing that young lady.
But the biggest question is will California turn him over to ICE now?

You would THINK that prosecuting for the crime of AFCF, would hinge on the fact that he was indeed a felon and did indeed possess a firearm, right? I mean, how could a jury vote to convict if the prosecution didn't prove he was a felon? :rolleyes:

Under other circumstances, past criminal history usually only comes in during the sentencing phase.

Allegedly CA will turn him over to ICE on the USMS arrest warrant. We'll see if they manage to screw that up too. :(

Either the worst prosecutor ever or he/she was also sympathetic to that creature and in on it. That's true travesty of justice and I hope the family et al can work on a re trial. On what basis I'm not sure, but crap, we all know what would happen to anyone else.

There is NO legal recourse left to the family for justice. All they can do is hope DoJ does it's job, which is not assured in this case. :(

12-01-17, 14:16
"There is NO legal recourse left to the family for justice."

Justice. What a quaint notion. How--"judgemental". We're beyond all that stuff now.

12-01-17, 15:30
You can't bring up a defendant's past criminal history unless he or she takes the stand in court. This applies to anybody prosecuted in a U.S. court of law regardless of citizenship status.

I know there are some things not admissible and some up to the judges discretion. From the interview I was listening to, it sounded as if his legal status in the US was at the judges discretion as he/she actively banned it. If it was not not admissible, no reason for the judge to do that I'd think. Obviously they could simply have their facts wrong, but I was relaying what I got from NPR covering the story. Even as far left as they can be, sounded disgusted and surprised by that verdict. The reporter didn't hide it well.

12-01-17, 16:46
Justice has issued a warrant for his arrest.


"The arrest warrant was originally drafted in 2015 and amended this week to include violations related to the charges of a felon in possession of a firearm, involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon, all of which were filed after the defendant's initial arrest, according to Friday's warrant.

"Officials at the Department of Justice told Fox News that there is an existing federal detainer that requires Zarate to be remanded into the custody of the U.S. Marshals to be transported to the Western District of Texas pursuant to the arrest warrant."

12-01-17, 17:09
Ballistic forensics is 90% junk science.

It is nearly impossible to prove a ricochet, bullet trajectory, blood splatter, etc without actually having any of this caught on camera.

Very bold claim, my friend.

Very bold indeed.

12-01-17, 17:44
Very bold claim, my friend.

Very bold indeed.

Friend who had 10 years city police and 20 with FBI stated: I have never worked a case where we had ricochet forensic evidence, I have worked cases where a ricochet occurred, but no forensics were done on that aspect of the case.

12-01-17, 18:03
So will he face any felon in possession of a firearm charges and jail time, or do they pick and choose now who they want to let go ? He had seven felony convictions. Why have any gun laws if they don't enforce the ones they have. https://www.shouselaw.com/firearm-offenses.html

12-01-17, 18:12
So will he face any felon in possession of a firearm charges and jail time, or do they pick and choose now who they want to let go ? He had seven felony convictions. Why have any gun laws if they don't enforce the ones they have. https://www.shouselaw.com/firearm-offenses.html

So it would appear...
I'm guessing California's power hitter Representatives are getting toward Social Security age now. Sometimes soon Nancy's going to stroke out at the podium and Diane won't be far behind.
The vacuum left by their influence being gone, is going to break the "Golden State". Somebody's gonna want some justice and California will need a bail-out.

12-01-17, 18:36
Friend who had 10 years city police and 20 with FBI stated: I have never worked a case where we had ricochet forensic evidence, I have worked cases where a ricochet occurred, but no forensics were done on that aspect of the case.

Ricochets are one thing but dismissing bullet trajectory and high velocity spatter in forensics is just totally asinine and you can tell your friend I said so.

Ricochets shouldn't be counted upon but not necessarily dismissed either.

Regardless this case was hardly a whodunnit.

5.56 Bonded SP
12-01-17, 18:37
Obviously this pisses me off, I am anti illegal immigration, and I see stuff like this happening in my city as well. It is a problem that needs to be addressed, and I am very sick of illegals constantly getting free passes.. I think sanctuary cities need to have federal funding cut.

Now here is one thing I hate to say, and hopefully I don't get flogged for it but I am going to try and look at this from a non biased perspective. I wasn't there, I don't know what happened, and I don't know if the verdict was just or not. Unless I have all the facts, my opinion doesn't matter. What does matter is that everyone in our country gets a fair trial.

If the defense was saying he isn't guilty because of an accidental discharge, that is obviously bullshit. However, like I said, I wasn't there, I don't have all the facts, so I am going to try and not let it ring any emotion from me.

12-01-17, 18:46
I just learned the judge banned any Qs or discussion of his being in the US illegally, his deportation history, etc. Not that that should/would alter what the sentence should be per se, but again, and SJW judge seemed hell bent to give that POS every possibility of getting off, which he did. The people on that jury should be tested for retardation.

Don't forget it was another Kali jury that let O.J. walk. Nothing new, SSDD.

12-01-17, 18:57
We will eventually get to a point where people will simply stop calling the police.

Before everybody gets hooah about that, let me say that such a proposition is not a good thing.

When the public loses faith in the authorities itvis a societal failure.
Too many cracks are coming through.

"You couldn't stop me from getting mugged but you can write me a ticket for going 11 over trying to get to work?!"

We have too many cosmopolitan types getting elected in built up areas who appoint quisling diversity hire police chiefs. We have too many "brave" activist judges. We have too many people letting things slide for the sake of social brownie points and cheap roofing.

The only answer is either bring back hardcore stakeout squads, get DAs to refuse to GJ guys in OISes, and start filling morgues or prisons.

What is the either side brother? Bring in the saints? You know Rocco did say they should be in every city.

12-01-17, 19:14
What is the either side brother? Bring in the saints? You know Rocco did say they should be in every city.

The either was a full on annexation of Mexico.

Meh modern policing is a racket.

Ever see that show Picket Fences where the mayor was SUPER liberal and how everyone thought that was crazy?

That's everyday now.

12-01-17, 19:27
The either was a full on annexation of Mexico.

Meh modern policing is a racket.

Ever see that show Picket Fences where the mayor was SUPER liberal and how everyone thought that was crazy?

That's everyday now.

No lie there. It seems there is an ever-widening gulf between the city/suburb dwellers and those of us who live out in the sticks. Sure, there are some conservative types who live in metro areas and some granola munchers who live out in the hinterlands, but for the most part it seems to break down the way I alluded to.

Yeah, I live on 22 acres and can't see my "neighbors"! :)

12-01-17, 19:45
I know there are some things not admissible and some up to the judges discretion. From the interview I was listening to, it sounded as if his legal status in the US was at the judges discretion as he/she actively banned it. If it was not not admissible, no reason for the judge to do that I'd think. Obviously they could simply have their facts wrong, but I was relaying what I got from NPR covering the story. Even as far left as they can be, sounded disgusted and surprised by that verdict. The reporter didn't hide it well.

Immigration status should NEVER be admissible during the guilty/not guilty phase of a jury trial. Period. It has no bearing on whether or not the offense actually occurred. However, I would argue it is incredibly relevant during the punishment phase of most trials.

Ricochets are one thing but dismissing bullet trajectory and high velocity spatter in forensics is just totally asinine and you can tell your friend I said so.

Ricochets shouldn't be counted upon but not necessarily dismissed either.

Regardless this case was hardly a whodunnit.

Agreed. Bullet trajectory is extremely relevant.

All said, i only know what has been said in the news. It is a little shocking no one found his behavior reckless enough to warrant an involuntary manslaughter charge. I'm very curious to know why the jury wanted to see the gun and why a verdict was rendered just after viewing it. I would hope the lawyers spoke with the jurors afterwards to figure it out.

12-01-17, 19:51
The either was a full on annexation of Mexico.

Meh modern policing is a racket.

Ever see that show Picket Fences where the mayor was SUPER liberal and how everyone thought that was crazy?

That's everyday now.

I like my option 3 over annexing Mexico personally. Unless we get to go through and pull full scrouched earth upon hitting any resistant. Because after years of being in Iraq and A-stan we ain't going to occupy shit. Annexing Mexico is cutting our own throat.

But, you bring up a major point. There are a lot of people who don't trust LE these days. There are a lot out there who aren't much more than revenuers, not calling you or anyone else here, but there are legit popo that ain't nothing but revenuers with chips on their shoulders who think they are some bad ass or think they are the law and not law enforcement. And I have called them that to their face because when you get a blank stare when you ask when was the last time you made a arrest for something not traffic related. I will argue that LE has done some of it to itself, because they have constantly gotten a more and more Us and them mentality, granted some of that is because they got no support for media or public, and some places the reqs to apply are basically have a clean record, clean credit, and be breathing, I got one mofo in my town that is 450 pounds if he is an ounce if not more and he one of first responders if their an active shooter. But regardless even the average guys I deal with who got everything on the up and up look sideways at the LE these days. The love ain't there. Hate to say it. I ain't got solutions to fix it, but I know we got a problem there. And this isn't even getting into the total cluster of the ones who won't go into an active shooter situation who look at the public as a problem and don't care if they are getting killed as long as they are getting their pay check.

And before someone else gets pissy and starts screaming it only the bad eggs, it only the 2%, 1%, ect, ect, whatever. My generation is the generation which has constantly been brought up in the Well one person did X so everyone must be punished. Or one person might be allergic, or get injured, or be offended so EVERYONE is getting punished or sanctioned, ect. Those who like taking it up the ass for others' **** up are the ones wanting to throw bricks and fits over losing, which is pretty ****ing ironic when you think about it, because they have had so many rights taken away yet feel entitled as ****. The rest of my generation, are tired of the shit. I speak for a lot here and elsewhere who just want to be left the **** alone. Don't think for a second that there isn't a segment who hasn't thought about going full on John Clark on some mothers, who don't watch the Boondock Saints and itch for a pair of 92FSs and putting the crooked and corrupted into the ground.

That is my rant for the night. Been a long ****ing week and I had a few drinks. Including Fly's hated DR Pepper spiked with Uncle Jack ;)

12-01-17, 20:09
No lie there. It seems there is an ever-widening gulf between the city/suburb dwellers and those of us who live out in the sticks. Sure, there are some conservative types who live in metro areas and some granola munchers who live out in the hinterlands, but for the most part it seems to break down the way I alluded to.

Yeah, I live on 22 acres and can't see my "neighbors"! :)

This is not unintentional.

Cities were once places,of commerce and industry. Now it is a hovel of leeches and they want to put the Fellas and Julios or whatever "refugee" next door to you.
Then cry foul if they get shot for minor infractions like home invasion or raping upur daughter.

I dont feel sorry for these other people because nobody feels sorry for me.

Frankly I think these "refugees" are faggots amd pussies.

Lessay we had a no shit Civil War II. I knpw a lot of folks will be heading elsewhere but not me.
I dont want any trouble but I have no other homeland. I would not fit in anywhere else or be accepted.

Chamces are, I would die. But I would die in my own homeland. I may be face down wearing tattered Tiger Stripes with an ear necklace and an empty rifle and a broken Kukri but I would die with dignity in my own home.

I'm not Asian. I'm not European. I'm not Black. I have nowhere else to go.

So I look down heavily on anyone who plays the 'fugee card.

If these people are so great why not make their own countries good instead of mooching off of ours?

Diversity is NOT our strength. We went from backwater colony to superpower by actively excluding people and through conquest. No way to whitewash it.

Like like the people already indigenous were the last to get the vote and citizenship. Like well into the 20s.

But it worked. I mean we dump so much money in these,bullshit countries and bring over some retarded, uneducated, and unskilled people and for what?

VOTES! These people want cradle to grave.

Independent people want less government. Not more. So the dude with nuclear physics degrees who is anglophonic will get turned away for Mahmoud who will vote for more gibs.

If you ever need a reason to have disgust for these "poor" people, see how much they take out in taxes.

There was a time in this Nation where you could say what you want, do what you want, live where you want, owned property tax free, kept what you earned, could buy morphine, full auto, and coca cola with cocaine in it and could have Great Gatsby parties with negro jazz (before anyone whines that was what it was called, as in the style) playing, girls running around half naked, dudes wearing silk robes and fedoras mag dumping BARs off the balcony, and then the Temperance movement and the God-botherers ruined it as did FDR (who was a communist).

America should not be the battered womens shelter of the world nor its policeman.

All these other countries got armies. Go save the world. Have fun.

There. I verbalized it. I feel better now.

12-01-17, 21:25
Not to thread drift too much, but I've got some tiger strip that needs to get worn out, and I'm okay with dying in a pile of empty brass and with broken blades at my feet. Got die to die for something right.
Fly you just put me in a hard place of going down here, or trekking down to GA where some of my friends are and one brother is already buried... hard calls to make, maybe pick up a few fighters in TN.

12-01-17, 21:31
Very bold claim, my friend.

Very bold indeed.

Prove a ricochet occurred.

Nobody can unless it was captured on HD security camera footage. The only other way to prove a ricochet occurred would be to take the chunk of the surface with the alleged ricochet divot to a laboratory with an SEM microscope to prove traces of bullet copper and lead are imbedded in the alleged divot.

Was a piece of the concrete pier take to a laboratory with SEM capability?

12-01-17, 21:34
Ricochets are one thing but dismissing bullet trajectory and high velocity spatter in forensics is just totally asinine and you can tell your friend I said so.

Ricochets shouldn't be counted upon but not necessarily dismissed either.

Regardless this case was hardly a whodunnit.

If I shoot a deer with a .300 WM rifle and my bullet fragments into 10 pieces, can you tell me the caliber of round I used?

12-01-17, 21:38
This is not unintentional.

Cities were once places,of commerce and industry. Now it is a hovel of leeches and they want to put the Fellas and Julios or whatever "refugee" next door to you.
Then cry foul if they get shot for minor infractions like home invasion or raping upur daughter.

I dont feel sorry for these other people because nobody feels sorry for me.

Frankly I think these "refugees" are faggots amd pussies.

Lessay we had a no shit Civil War II. I knpw a lot of folks will be heading elsewhere but not me.
I dont want any trouble but I have no other homeland. I would not fit in anywhere else or be accepted.

Chamces are, I would die. But I would die in my own homeland. I may be face down wearing tattered Tiger Stripes with an ear necklace and an empty rifle and a broken Kukri but I would die with dignity in my own home.

I'm not Asian. I'm not European. I'm not Black. I have nowhere else to go.

So I look down heavily on anyone who plays the 'fugee card.

If these people are so great why not make their own countries good instead of mooching off of ours?

Diversity is NOT our strength. We went from backwater colony to superpower by actively excluding people and through conquest. No way to whitewash it.

Like like the people already indigenous were the last to get the vote and citizenship. Like well into the 20s.

But it worked. I mean we dump so much money in these,bullshit countries and bring over some retarded, uneducated, and unskilled people and for what?

VOTES! These people want cradle to grave.

Independent people want less government. Not more. So the dude with nuclear physics degrees who is anglophonic will get turned away for Mahmoud who will vote for more gibs.

If you ever need a reason to have disgust for these "poor" people, see how much they take out in taxes.

There was a time in this Nation where you could say what you want, do what you want, live where you want, owned property tax free, kept what you earned, could buy morphine, full auto, and coca cola with cocaine in it and could have Great Gatsby parties with negro jazz (before anyone whines that was what it was called, as in the style) playing, girls running around half naked, dudes wearing silk robes and fedoras mag dumping BARs off the balcony, and then the Temperance movement and the God-botherers ruined it as did FDR (who was a communist).

America should not be the battered womens shelter of the world nor its policeman.

All these other countries got armies. Go save the world. Have fun.

There. I verbalized it. I feel better now.Preach!

12-01-17, 21:38
If I shoot a deer with a .300 WM rifle and my bullet fragments into 10 pieces, can you tell me the caliber of round I used?

Yes, you just told me what gun was used...

12-01-17, 21:42
If I shoot a deer with a .300 WM rifle and my bullet fragments into 10 pieces, can you tell me the caliber of round I used?You know the answer to this is "quite possibly", don't you? Many time the base, or enough of it is intact enough to do exactly that.

I personally think the whole richocet thing would be very difficult to prove or disprove barring clear physical evidence.

All that said, I think 1st or 2nd degree murder was an overreach. And they paid that price. Not like there would have been an objective trial or jurors anyway.

12-01-17, 22:01
You know the answer to this is "quite possibly", don't you? Many time the base, or enough of it is intact enough to do exactly that.

I personally think the whole richocet thing would be very difficult to prove or disprove barring clear physical evidence.

All that said, I think 1st or 2nd degree murder was an overreach. And they paid that price. Not like there would have been an objective trial or jurors anyway.

Often times the base penetrates fully and is not recovered.

12-01-17, 22:06
Justice has issued a warrant for his arrest.


"The arrest warrant was originally drafted in 2015 and amended this week to include violations related to the charges of a felon in possession of a firearm, involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon, all of which were filed after the defendant's initial arrest, according to Friday's warrant.

"Officials at the Department of Justice told Fox News that there is an existing federal detainer that requires Zarate to be remanded into the custody of the U.S. Marshals to be transported to the Western District of Texas pursuant to the arrest warrant."

Notice the operative part, "Western District of TEXAS". Get his sorry ass out of hippie dippy land and to a real state where actual justice still occurs from time to time.

Prove a ricochet occurred.

Nobody can unless it was captured on HD security camera footage. The only other way to prove a ricochet occurred would be to take the chunk of the surface with the alleged ricochet divot to a laboratory with an SEM microscope to prove traces of bullet copper and lead are imbedded in the alleged divot.

Was a piece of the concrete pier take to a laboratory with SEM capability?

So you're saying it's impossible for any asphalt or concrete to be transfered and imbedded into the bullet? Yeah, umm, whatever... :rolleyes:

12-01-17, 22:09
If I shoot a deer with a .300 WM rifle and my bullet fragments into 10 pieces, can you tell me the caliber of round I used?

Actually, yes.

You would be surprised how far ballistics have come.

While separated, the fragments have mass. The mass and totality of wound channel make it pretty easy to determine who used what.

Ogives and meplats deform in similar, but not identical patterns contrariwise of differing calibers. I mean....tank tests and cross matching exist for a reason.

Even smoothbore guns have minor defects contributory to pattern, etc.

And this is basic week one, day one stuff.

If you don't fully understand forensic ballistics, please do not attempt to speak to it.

It looks bad. These labs, endless ballistic referencing, and samples of spatter arent for show. It took decades of empirical science and have been used to prove a lot of cases over the years. A lot done with a microscope and a scale and a good command of physics.

I mean, perhaps you know something guys who went to college and Crime Lab Tech don't know but.....

I doubt it.

ETA Per Ricochets, all I need is Geometry and a Parabolic formula to determine angle and velocity. I'm not proving the bullet hit the ground. I'm proving the path the bullet followed.

Ricochet phenomenae is settled science. The bullet isnt like a ball that bounces at a similar angle from which it hit.

A ricochet bullet will take on the trajectory of the surface it strikes running parallel and with similar velocity.

Objects in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by equal or greater force. Water will create friction. Water, Sand will slow and stop a bullet. Steel and asphalt are static dense, and solid but dont counteract a bullets speed. Merely the bullet retains energy and takes on trajectory be it sideways, upward, or downward. The bullet will continue until it loses energy or gets acted upon by negated friction that absorbs it ( soft dirt, water).

If you think I am wrong take a 9mm 124gr FMJ and shoot steel at 10 yds away.

Report back with your findings.

12-01-17, 22:22
Sooooo....uhhhhh....when do we start rioting and burning down our neighborhoods.

12-01-17, 22:25
Sooooo....uhhhhh....when do we start rioting and burning down our neighborhoods.

Dude, I've been drinking and I had to fix yo shit!!! ;) Lol.
Anyway, on the rioting, who got time for that shit, I'm sure some TV show is on to divert the attention of we poor masses.

12-01-17, 22:28
Sooooo....uhhhhh....we do we start rioting and burning down our neighborhoods.


12-01-17, 22:33
Often times the base penetrates fully and is not recovered.Fair enough with 300wm and thin skinned game. Not so much with pistols, etc. I've recovered fully expanded rifle and pistol hunting bullets from game where you could even ID the bullet mfg.

Just too many variables to make blanket statements

12-02-17, 00:46
He also denied a jury request to test the trigger pull of the P-239, which goes to the heart of the defense's "accidental discharge" defense. :mad:

I have a hard time understanding this. How can the judge deny that request?

12-02-17, 01:58
I have a hard time understanding this. How can the judge deny that request?

Activism. No really. I have personally seen some judges do some pretty stupid shit for no other reason than spite or to "prove a point".

Modern firearms, esp. a P239, don't just go off.

Either he beared down on a 10-12lb DA trigger or he intentionally charged the handgun whereupon it had a 3.5-4lb SA trigger. Either way illegal aliens have no business A. Brandishing a weapon or B. Pointing them at US Citizens.

A lot of people dont understand how guns work. Even if the Jury had a "gun guy", he still likely won't know the full mechanics.

They could argue that the perp panicked or fumbled and had a negligent discharge (which is manslaughter), but few guns randomly go off for no reason.

And even if it did, why was it being pointed at somebody else?

Judges get a lot of leeway at times which is kinda pathetic considering how many are pill poppers or alcoholics. Getting a JD isn't that hard. Besides, the judges that aren't elected are appointed.

I hope you didn't think Judges were in it because they care about Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

California has made no secret that it is a "sanctuary" state.

I dunno about your AO, but I have never seen a Judge living near trash.

This is where I become an Activist M4Cer, but I wish we did a reverse Section 8 where so many "underprivileged" people got to live in some of these gated communities and nice areas.

It would be amazing how fast attitudes would change.

Let this be a lesson to any police reading my words:


Judges aren't your friend and neither is the DA. The the Defense DAMN sure aint.

If your case is too strong and evidence too overwhelming, they will attack your character. Like Mark Fuhrman. Say what you will but objectively he was a goid detective but they went through his personal BS like a fine tooth comb over irrelevant and immaterial crap that had nothing to do with the case.

This is our Criminal Justice system now. And has been for a while. If people started accepting and dealing with the harsh truths then political careers could be jeopardized.

Like your average cop is dumber and weaker now than ever, BUT he has SO MUCH available to him to be effective that guys slugging it out 30 years ago could only dream of.

We need a renaissance. We need people who are willing to put in the work to make it harder and harder for the fat asses to taint the case.

But remember, as a generality the municipality profits more from seizures and forfeitures than incarcerstion and post shoot investigations

Also none of these people lose sleep.

Remember that Judge that was depressed and downtrodden who sat down on his bed and ate his gun?

Me neither.

The Policeman? Far, far too many

Dig on that for a while.

12-02-17, 07:48
There is and has been a giant misunderstanding by the Socialist Progressives and the Rino's.
What they fail to understand is that their tactics have alienated them from the real mainstream population of middle America. They simply cannot and will not win by using tactics like the ones to win this case.
They have taken their values as Socialist Progressives, installed them in the courts, the school, the media and they failed, Middle America has had enough. Yet we continue to see these things, ruling from San Francisco allowing illegal aliens to commit crimes and then get deported only to come back and commit more crimes weeks later.
Folks have had enough.
Our Government Employee's and our Elected Official's better get right because President Donald Trump is the human embodiment of the Giant Middle Finger America gave the Socialist Progressives, the "Moderates" and as we are seeing as we vote to reduce taxes the Rino Republicans.
When all of the indictments are unsealed in the coming weeks and people start paying for their crimes during the Obama Administration the left will be a small minority soon.

12-02-17, 07:55
Progressives molest women and allow them to killed with impunity, but white, conservative males are the real danger; right.

12-02-17, 08:19
So you're saying it's impossible for any asphalt or concrete to be transfered and imbedded into the bullet? Yeah, umm, whatever... :rolleyes:

So was that proven by SEM in the court case?

12-02-17, 09:18
The article says he will be deported. I assume back to Mexico. If so, wouldn't he be going to a Mexican jail?

12-02-17, 09:37
What actually happened in this case...

The alien either stole that gun himself or obtained it from someone who stole it from the BLM officer.

The alien intentionally shot Kate on the pier. He intentionally pointed the gun at her and shot her.

He did this so he could go to prison and get 3 meals and a warm bed. He was homeless.

It is that simple.

12-02-17, 11:00
There you go right there. The corrupt CA legal system at work. The actual trial is a simple formality.

Getting Matt Gonzalez to represent him was unquestionably a stroke of good luck for the five-times-deported Mexican national in the case that caused a national political firestorm on immigration that reached all the way to the White House.

Gonzalez is the top deputy in the public defender's office, a well-respected lawyer who has argued many trials in San Francisco courtrooms and has deep roots in the city's powerful progressive political base.

"San Francisco juries are different than other juries," defense attorney Michael Cardoza said. "Matt knows San Francisco juries."

12-02-17, 11:09
What actually happened in this case...

The alien either stole that gun himself or obtained it from someone who stole it from the BLM officer.

The alien intentionally shot Kate on the pier. He intentionally pointed the gun at her and shot her.

He did this so he could go to prison and get 3 meals and a warm bed. He was homeless.

It is that simple.

I honestly think that's exactly it. He gets drugs, a warm bed, food, recreation, TV, basically everything he could want. He had been out about 3 months and was probably thinking it's getting to be too much trouble.

12-02-17, 12:16
"Doing time in his own country?"

No. Very rarely does anyone get to do time that way; some other countries, occasionally by mutual agreement of the two countries. Mexico doesn't give a rat's ass.

Sounds like DOJ is considering potential federal charges because of the notoriety of the case and to placate public opinion. (In a perfect world that would involve a gallows.)

12-02-17, 14:50
There you go right there. The corrupt CA legal system at work. The actual trial is a simple formality.

I'm naive I reckon...I would have thought CA's disdain for firearms would have overridden any love for illegals. While I can grasp 1 or 2 idiots being biased & willing to give this turd a pass, I'm honestly still baffled an entire jury would agree & not find negligence in this killing. Just feel so sorry for Kate's family with the continued injustice & lack of closure!! Couldn't imagine being the father & deal with everything that has unfolded.

12-02-17, 15:27
I wonder what the same jury would do to Kate's father if he shot this illegal immigrant invader multi-time felon in the back in public?

And if anyone reading is ignorant enough to think that "this is California", let me straighten you out right now. This is NOT California. This is a convicted criminal who has repeatedly illegally invaded our country, and a handful of commies in power protecting him. In no way is this representative of the vast majority of Californians. When any of you figure out a way to get these lying tyrannical criminals out of the government and legal system here, and everywhere else in our country, let me know, and I'll be happy to join forces with you and put a stop to it.

12-02-17, 17:08
I wonder what the same jury would do to Kate's father if he shot this illegal immigrant invader multi-time felon in the back in public?

And if anyone reading is ignorant enough to think that "this is California", let me straighten you out right now. This is NOT California. This is a convicted criminal who has repeatedly illegally invaded our country,

None of which the judge allowed to be mentioned in court/is not admissable (depending on who you source), which seems a bad idea either way.

and a handful of commies in power protecting him. In no way is this representative of the vast majority of Californians. When any of you figure out a way to get these lying tyrannical criminals out of the government and legal system here, and everywhere else in our country, let me know, and I'll be happy to join forces with you and put a stop to it.

Then it's up to CA residents to show their outrage over this I recon. Considering who the Gov is, etc, someone seems to be voting the turds in (by a majority?) into high positions. Hence, may in fact be the majority (a fair % who are Latino and illegal, or legal but very sympathetic to illegals, and so forth) as well as you're SJW loonies and so forth. You may in fact be the minority of view point wise sadly. Get while you can bro ;)

12-02-17, 17:18
Actually, more people should move TO California, buy property, get elected, and turn it around.

They used to be Cowboys. I attribute a lot of Californias wackiness to their colleges admitting anybody who applied to "spare" them from Vietnam. A lot of boomers who went from cocaine to rogaine and messed it up for everybody.

You dont escape from your problems, you solve them.

12-02-17, 17:26
Actually, more people should move TO California, buy property, get elected, and turn it around.

They used to be Cowboys. I attribute a lot of Californias wackiness to their colleges admitting anybody who applied to "spare" them from Vietnam. A lot of boomers who went from cocaine to rogaine and messed it up for everybody.

You dont escape from your problems, you solve them.

Good luck with that... I left MA, almost as loonie as CA, as it was clear that battle was lost. Have to know when to hold em, fold em, and fall back to solid defensive position to take it to the enemy once you're strong enough. At least in our life time, all hope for CA is lost it appears. Personally, I prefer to pick my battles when I can, and fixing CA or MA, well, life too short for that, at least from my POV.

12-02-17, 17:31
Wonder what the verdict would've been if his name was Billy-Bob and he had driven to the pier in a pick-up with an NRA sticker and a Confederate flag?

12-02-17, 17:35
Good luck with that... I left MA, almost as loonie as CA, as it was clear that battle was lost. Have to know when to hold em, fold em, and fall back to solid defensive position to take it to the enemy once you're strong enough. At least in our life time, all hope for CA is lost it appears. Personally, I prefer to pick my battles when I can, and fixing CA or MA, well, life too short for that, at least from my POV.

I feel you. Nobody said it would be easy. It's a young man's game.

Generation Z should move there en masse and buy everything they can and turn it around.

Eventually the boomers will die out and fresher, stronger blood will cure it.

Once there's no more places to hide; things get interesting.

12-02-17, 17:56
And if anyone reading is ignorant enough to think that "this is California", let me straighten you out right now. This is NOT California. This is a convicted criminal who has repeatedly illegally invaded our country, and a handful of commies in power protecting him.

That's like me showing you an election map of VA and it's red from end to end yet a BLUE STATE. It IS VA and it IS CA. You and I are controlled by ultra Liberals.

Don't fool yourself. It IS California. If it were not California then Monday there would be Washington switchboards shut down. There would be marches in the streets at City Hall. There would be a plethora of YouTube videos condemning the players involved. If it were not California then Nancy Pelosi would have zero chance of being reelected this time around. She's 78 years old and senile but it's California and she may very likely be reelected. But whatever happens she damn sure won't be replaced by someone that is NOT California.

It ain't pretty and it ain't fair.... but it is California.

It's not so much that we might think CA doesn't care who is running around killing people on vacation. It's simply that with CA it's politics first and always. A loss for that guy would have meant a win for Trump and that just can't happen in California. It just can't happen.

Dist. Expert 26
12-02-17, 17:58
I feel you. Nobody said it would be easy. It's a young man's game.

Generation Z should move there en masse and buy everything they can and turn it around.

Eventually the boomers will die out and fresher, stronger blood will cure it.

Once there's no more places to hide; things get interesting.

Bruh my house would cost $1 million+ out there, easy. Everything I could afford might be a 1200 sq ft house on .2 acres.

Nah, at this point I say we let them collapse under their own weight then start fresh.

12-02-17, 18:05
Wonder what the verdict would've been if his name was Billy-Bob and he had driven to the pier in a pick-up with an NRA sticker and a Confederate flag?

He would have been baptized in the Pacific to the tune of a 10 minute Hymn. As they dragged his lifeless body face down onto the beach Nancy Pelosi would stare wild eyed into the setting sun and abruptly shout out... "Universal Background Check!"

12-02-17, 20:36
Actually, more people should move TO California, buy property, get elected, and turn it around.

They used to be Cowboys. I attribute a lot of Californias wackiness to their colleges admitting anybody who applied to "spare" them from Vietnam. A lot of boomers who went from cocaine to rogaine and messed it up for everybody.

You dont escape from your problems, you solve them.

same reason I wont move into the hood to try to make it nice :)

they have been moving there to mess it up since the 60s ? so whatver

if anything I say focus on NOT lettting them take over as they have in other areas cause now Colorado is all but gone parts of Texas etc...

make those place living hell holes for them ! the fact they got confederate flags out of the south ? they are serious about the take over and destruction of freedom but if they are isolated it cant happen

they move with the intention ! I say do not let that happen

12-02-17, 20:43
I feel you. Nobody said it would be easy. It's a young man's game.

Generation Z should move there en masse and buy everything they can and turn it around.

Eventually the boomers will die out and fresher, stronger blood will cure it.

Once there's no more places to hide; things get interesting.

Seems to me that Gen “Z” are the people whom most want a socialist society. How would that help CA?

Dist. Expert 26
12-02-17, 21:06
same reason I wont move into the hood to try to make it nice :)

they have been moving there to mess it up since the 60s ? so whatver

if anything I say focus on NOT lettting them take over as they have in other areas cause now Colorado is all but gone parts of Texas etc...

make those place living hell holes for them ! the fact they got confederate flags out of the south ? they are serious about the take over and destruction of freedom but if they are isolated it cant happen

they move with the intention ! I say do not let that happen

Lol, the Stars and Bars are still alive and well where I'm at. In fact I've seen more of them since all the liberal whining started. I think it's kinda dumb, but it makes leftists mad so I'm cool with it.

As to the above post, the super liberals tend to be more vocal about their beliefs than anyone else. Most younger people just want to be left alone and not have the government dictate every aspect of their lives.

12-02-17, 21:07
in other areas cause now Colorado is all but gone parts of Texas etc...

Ironically the lawyer in the case was from Texas.

12-02-17, 21:32
Seems to me that Gen “Z” are the people whom most want a socialist society. How would that help CA?

Are you sure?

A LOT of Gen Z wants what they missed out on.

They missed the economic boom and residual traditionalism of the 80s.

They missed a decade of the closest we've ever come to world peace in the 90s.

They were kids and teens while their parents went to war, lost homes, lost jobs, and lost freedoms under two of the most bullshit Presidents we've ever had.

Why do you think there is this trad movement amongst the young? Why do you think retrowave is such a thing?

They are hungry for the very things we took for granted. There is an underlying wave of conservatism afoot.

Dont look at the boomers who havent outgrown the 60s nor the Gen Xers who want it to be 1988 again, nor the Millenials who miss Pokemon, Smash Mouth, and easy sex.

Look at your 18-25 year olds soldiering YOUR Armies, Policing YOUR streets, driving YOUR ambulances, putting out YOUR fires, and building YOUR businesses; be it through construction or staff.

They want what we took for granted. America is a Pendulumn. The Millenials voted Obama. The Millenials wanted Bernie.

Gen Zed wants money, a house, kids, two cars, and to be left the **** alone.

I admire them. Who's always at the gunstore? Who's always at the range? Who is engaging in entrepreneurial pursuits?

Step outside that comfort zone. You'll be surprised who you meet.

My generation wanted a cool car, a bike, a new woman every month, and thought tomorrow never comes.

These people now know they got no safety net. They want a partner, sensible vehicles, and a trad dynamic.

They didnt need to read the news, they saw it first hand. They are more interconnected so word travels fast. I'm not jealous. My generation made its mistakes, but I do admire them.

Seeing young people squared away makes me want to better myself.

I was there for raves and free BJs. And you know what?

It was lame. Shoulda stuck to my guns. We all should've.

But with youth comes hope.

So the next time you see a younger fellow, be positive. He might be one of the people saving YOUR country.

Dist. Expert 26
12-02-17, 21:46
Fly man if you want a side gig you should look into teaching philosophy. Go blow some minds at a community college.

12-03-17, 10:50
If I were her Dad, I’d push to:

Impeach the judge.
Primary the DA.
DOX the jury so that every job and friend knows that they don’t protect women from violence.

Scorched earth, no prisoners.

12-03-17, 12:09
I have a hard time understanding this. How can the judge deny that request?
Easy. Judges deny jury requests routinely. We have a legal system, not a justice system. Never forget that.

So was that proven by SEM in the court case?
Your question is irrelevant.

I wonder what the same jury would do to Kate's father if he shot this illegal immigrant invader multi-time felon in the back in public?

And if anyone reading is ignorant enough to think that "this is California", let me straighten you out right now. This is NOT California. This is a convicted criminal who has repeatedly illegally invaded our country, and a handful of commies in power protecting him. In no way is this representative of the vast majority of Californians. When any of you figure out a way to get these lying tyrannical criminals out of the government and legal system here, and everywhere else in our country, let me know, and I'll be happy to join forces with you and put a stop to it.

Sadly, it would be more appropriate to say YOU are not representative of California. Common sense does not control California because the majority voting bloc of Californians reject it. You don't get the government you want, you get the government you deserve. :(

Actually, more people should move TO California, buy property, get elected, and turn it around.

They used to be Cowboys. I attribute a lot of Californias wackiness to their colleges admitting anybody who applied to "spare" them from Vietnam. A lot of boomers who went from cocaine to rogaine and messed it up for everybody.

You dont escape from your problems, you solve them.

12-03-17, 12:56
If I were her Dad, I’d push to:

Impeach the judge.
Primary the DA.
DOX the jury so that every job and friend knows that they don’t protect women from violence.

Scorched earth, no prisoners.

I like that, I’d add to it:

Pay off someone(s) on the inside to shank that miserable piece of human trash after having the entire cell block run a train on him.

12-03-17, 22:14
I'll say it again and again and again…

CA has more people voting against the liberals than any other state. Are we outnumbered by illegally voting illegal immigrants, SJWs at the colleges, hippies in San Fran and commies in Hollywood. Yes. Yes we are. But that doesn't mean that there aren't millions of your voting allies living here. That doesn't mean that this behavior is wanted or condoned. Who among you is stopping this sort of government tyranny in your own state? Nobody. They do it incrementally. These things they do really suck, but am I ready to die or fight the government yet? No. No one is. These things happen here and everywhere else because we all have too much to lose to fight it. So we complain bout it, but tolerate it.

CA should be the prime battle ground to turn this fight around. We've got far more electoral college votes here than any other state. I'd like to see all 55 of those votes going to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Take CA back, and we take the whole country back. Don't turn your back on the state with more of your allies than any other because they are currently outnumbered. Send the illegals home, and these elections will start showing a different outcome.

And all of the people I know leaving CA because of this non-sense are not taking it with them. They are trying to get away from it. If your state is infected with blue voters, it might be because of the same reason CA got infected in the first place. Its all part of "their" plan. Don't help them with their plan.

12-03-17, 22:17
same reason I wont move into the hood to try to make it nice :)

they have been moving there to mess it up since the 60s ? so whatver

if anything I say focus on NOT lettting them take over as they have in other areas cause now Colorado is all but gone parts of Texas etc...

make those place living hell holes for them ! the fact they got confederate flags out of the south ? they are serious about the take over and destruction of freedom but if they are isolated it cant happen

they move with the intention ! I say do not let that happen

I don't have 5 million voting allies in the hood.

You can't fight your enemy where he is not. You must fight your enemy where he is. Or she in some of these cases...

12-04-17, 07:15
If I were her Dad, I’d push to:

Impeach the judge.
Primary the DA.
DOX the jury so that every job and friend knows that they don’t protect women from violence.

Scorched earth, no prisoners.

Agreed. Same here.

12-04-17, 09:51
This crap goes on in all of these places. The illegals may have sanctuary, but the victims of the criminal illegals have none.
Some scumbag in the Pacific Northwest was released ten times.
They picked him up for two assaults, home invasion, car theft, kidnapping and the rape of an 80 year old lady.
Eventually these SJW will pay the price, but until then, we get to.

12-04-17, 14:33
If I were her Dad, I’d push to:

Impeach the judge.
Primary the DA.
DOX the jury so that every job and friend knows that they don’t protect women from violence.

But that jury... I think a case could be made that due to the level of publicity, it's impossible to find an impartial jury (the oposite of "my client can't get a fair trail here" kinda deal) but as it relates to the victim. Has that ever been done? Moving a trial because the accused could not (seemingly) get a fair trial has happened. What of the victim?

Unless I/we are not privy to some important aspects of that case, there's no way in hell you'd get me to go along with anything less than involuntary manslaughter if I were on that jury, and that's assuming his attorney able to convince me it was truly unintentional on the shooters end. Again, unless I/we are missing some key aspect of that case, the law demands at least involuntary manslaughter.

California state laws include separate punishments for:

voluntary manslaughter,
involuntary manslaughter, and
vehicular manslaughter.

Involuntary manslaughter generally leads to a felony conviction which may be punished by a term of imprisonment for two, three, or four years in county jail or state prison. The state may consider the defendant's prior or current felony conviction record when determining the defendant's punishment.

What am I missing there?

12-15-17, 18:51
Just found this. Apparently the illegal's lawyers are going to appeal his conviction on the "felon in possession" charge as well.


I'm sort of tempted to take a hammer to my lucited 'retired' badge. It might make me feel better...