View Full Version : A reminder why we have to stay positive.

07-04-15, 21:22
I know that a good number of people look at the way our country is heading and the ideologies that seem to combat common sense and every way and automatically lose hope in any chance of redemption. But please remember what today really means.

Today my family and I went to the Minnesota Zoo for the 4th of July. It was a Military Appreciation Week and we all got in for $10. It being the Minnesota Zoo and the 4th of July, they had a Bald Eagle predominately displayed in a small cage just for the day. It being Military Appreciation Week, lots of Military Families (Veterans, National Guard, Boots, Etc...) were walking around. As my family and I walked up to the Bald Eagle to marvel at just what an amazing animal it really is.
An older man wearing a Marines t-shirt said casually to his family, "see how he's caged and can't fly its a metaphor for this country and how this day means less and less every year." It took me back because one, the eagle should not have been tied up in such a small cage, and too I sort of agreed with him.
Behind him was an even older gentleman, mid 70's maybe, he smiled from behind, and said quietly. "We might be down and out but we ain't dead yet. Just remember history repeats its self, and today of all days is a reminder of that."

This little 5 minutes of banter stayed with me. I thought about it and how right the older guy was. While he may or may not have served,( really doesn't matter) he brings up a great point about history. We, a small band of misfits with differing religions and backgrounds some how fought the largest army in the world, and won. The British Empire which at one point covered 1/3rd of the world, was put down by an oppressed people who wanted better for them and their families. If history teaches us anything today, it is that we can overcome, it is possible and if we know its possible we know we can make it happen. So as this country seems to become more and more controlling and as the two coast control the sway of political powers, remember that today 239 years ago we overcame, and we can do it again.

Stay Positive and Happy Independence Day.

07-04-15, 21:43
I'm drinks and agree ?!!!!

Armor do DECILD OF

07-04-15, 22:31
I'm drinks and agree ?!!!!

Armor do DECILD OF

Either I missed it, or someone's having a GREAT time.

Op, thanks for sharing. Exchanges like that are encouraging. We're a dying breed, but we can make a comeback.

07-04-15, 23:01
I'm drinks and agree ?!!!!

Armor do DECILD OF

Awe Marine, have a drink for the Corps, after all the liver is a muscle of some sort and it to must be exercised

07-04-15, 23:35
Remember that when life hits you in the balls with a hammer, that's exactly what happened to the BeeGees and they made millions of dollars because of it.

07-05-15, 03:57

07-05-15, 07:03
Awe Marine, have a drink for the Corps, after all the liver is a muscle of some sort and it to must be exercised

Yeah, I have no idea what I was trying to say. :cool:

07-05-15, 15:22
Very much agree....

Words I first heard from my Father I'll take to my grave...


07-05-15, 20:10
Not sure what he means by history repeating itself. Are we hoping that, after a bloody civil war, we'll be rebirthed as the 1950's United States?

Is that not silly as hell?

Every American gets a voice- no group or ideology will get the final word and 'win'.

07-05-15, 21:12
There are a lot of good people left in this country. The left is loud, cruel, evil, and dangerous, and they make it seem as though they have 99% of the country goose stepping to their orders. But they've gotten overconfident and they've begun poking a sleeping bear. They cower when they are confronted, because they are only "brave" doing things that sacrifice nothing. We have something a person with no morals and convictions could ever have: Something to live and die for.

07-05-15, 22:44
Good stuff OP.

07-06-15, 00:20
Not sure what he means by history repeating itself. Are we hoping that, after a bloody civil war, we'll be rebirthed as the 1950's United States?

Is that not silly as hell?

Every American gets a voice- no group or ideology will get the final word and 'win'.

Many voices are being suppressed these days. If we all get a voice, why are so many afraid to speak? :confused:

Right now I'm all about suppressing anyone who wants to sell this country out for a few dollars. I'm all about suppressing anyone who thinks it's OK to suppress the voices of those who do not agree with them. I'm all about suppressing anyone who wishes to subjugate the United States Constitution to their ideology. :nono:

07-06-15, 00:27
They call it the "silent majority" for a reason . . .

If your views don't jive with the politically correct status quo your First Amendment rights need not apply. See Donald Trump.

07-06-15, 01:03
I think there is something about the narcissism of each successive generation where they believe they have to establish some new level of "revolution for change." And given that all the "that makes sense" changes have happened long ago, that only leaves the few nobody thought of before and the extremes.

What we are seeing is people embracing the extremes and mainstream acceptance of the extremes. Of course people going to extremes to give their existence "meaning" is really nothing new either.

07-06-15, 10:04
Personally I think Trump is--well, Trump. But it's interesting to watch him publicly say what an awful lot of us are thinking and catch hell for it. Specifically from Romney, Bush, and Rubio.

Sort of tends to smoke 'em out, doesn't it?

Personally, I favor Tweedleedee.

07-06-15, 23:05
Many voices are being suppressed these days. If we all get a voice, why are so many afraid to speak? :confused:

Right now I'm all about suppressing anyone who wants to sell this country out for a few dollars. I'm all about suppressing anyone who thinks it's OK to suppress the voices of those who do not agree with them. I'm all about suppressing anyone who wishes to subjugate the United States Constitution to their ideology. :nono:

Sorry, but those people get a voice. Make your case with logic. Avoid fear mongering and pretending that the United States of America is becoming an unlivable dictatorship.

07-06-15, 23:39
Sorry, but those people get a voice. Make your case with logic. Avoid fear mongering and pretending that the United States of America is becoming an unlivable dictatorship.

You don't get out much, do you? :rolleyes:

07-07-15, 13:43
No kidding.

Logic is about like speaking Chinese in modern day American society.

Rarely understood.