View Full Version : Darwin Awards: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

07-05-15, 20:33
CALAIS, Maine – A young man who was drinking and celebrating the Fourth of July tried to launch a firework off the top of his head, fatally injuring himself, authorities said Sunday.


We all have stupid friends, but this one takes the cake. Drunken bet or dare im assuming. Anyone have any other stupid drunk dares they've seen/heard of?

Mauser KAR98K
07-05-15, 20:41
I never got the whole "fatality injured" line.

07-05-15, 20:44
Definitely in the running for the 2015 Darwin Award. Way to go dude.

07-05-15, 20:51
Didn't read the article, have better things to do, but I can't help but wonder what the hell it was he tried to launch off his head that killed him? A mortar round? Christ. And I thought the drunks who start launching bottle rockets out their ass, and other orifices, were dumbasses.

07-05-15, 22:32
If you would have read the article, yes it was indeed a mortar shell.

07-05-15, 22:42
Sounds like somebody we can get along without.

JBecker 72
07-05-15, 22:46

07-05-15, 23:11
Ah yes it's that time of year again . . .

Famous last words; "Hey guys, hold my beer and watch this!"

07-05-15, 23:21
Ahh yes. The hold my beer deal....

07-05-15, 23:36
When I read the article earlier, I was wondering if he stuck the mortar in a tube before putting the tube on his head, or if he just rested a grenade on top of his head, watched the fuse go towards said grenade, and then smiled for the camera flash.

07-06-15, 09:46
Here's a vid of some other Darwin Award awardees.


07-06-15, 09:51
'Murica. Probably that kids inspiration. now he'll be on 1000 ways to die...

07-06-15, 10:37
I have a new job where a few twenty somethings are reporting to me. I now see how an asshole like Hussein can be elected. I've recently been asked "what's an odometer reading?" and "Is Baltimore a State?"

07-06-15, 11:00
And i thought i had lost faith in the newer kids... Im 22, ive never done any type of asshattery like that or asked retared questions as the such..

07-06-15, 11:27
Here's a vid of some other Darwin Award awardees.



07-06-15, 12:53


07-06-15, 19:40
Mom is now asking for more strict laws for fireworks. :rolleyes:


07-06-15, 21:02
Mom is now asking for more strict laws for fireworks. :rolleyes:


Wow...what an article. I think it's more full of stupid than some gun control articles I've read...

Some of the more 'enlightening' parts....

"Devon Staples, 22, and his friends had been drinking and setting off fireworks Saturday night in a backyard in Staples' eastern Maine hometown, Calais, when the accident happened with a reloadable fireworks mortar tube, police have said."

Nothing mixes better with alcohol than explosives and early twenties male testosterone...but most of us had enought brain cells left to avoid using our cranium as a launching pad...

"Staples' mother, Kathleen Staples...compared fireworks with other regulated items such as cars and guns. "At least it'd be a little bit more than, 'Here you go,'" Staples said. "That's an explosive. They didn't just hand me a license and put me in the car.""

So now, we need an 8 hour course and pay $100 for a 'certified bottle rocket handler' card...which must be renewed every 4 years...

"Devon Staples also had lived in the Orlando, Florida, area, where he worked as a performer portraying Disney characters such as Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast" and Goofy, his mother said."

Ummm...anyone see the connection here??? LOL, for those of you who are 'Disney challenged' (as in, haven't had kids...), Gaston is an arrogant moron, and Goofy was, well...goofy!

"She said he believed the firework was "a dud" that was unlikely to hurt him. State Fire Marshal Joe Thomas said that is unlikely because the mortar had been fired once previously and he "can't imagine someone would anticipate that it was a dud.""

Makes sense to me that they never expected a bang...aren't all the best fireworks "duds"? Who buys the kind that go "BOOM!?

"Democratic Rep. Michel Lajoie, a retired fire chief from Lewiston who has pushed to repeal Maine's fireworks law in the past, said Monday that he's considering trying to introduce another measure next year but acknowledged it faces long odds....Lajoie said even a ban might not prevent injuries and deaths."

Since when did a law restricting our rights have to work? Clearly, actually having an impact isn't a necessity in gun laws...

Bottom line, I feel for the mom losing her son...but going on a crusade won't stop alcohol fueled stupidity...

07-06-15, 22:37
well at least we know he inherited the stupidity from his mom :)

Bubba FAL
07-06-15, 22:58
No sympathy here, glad he removed himself from the gene pool before he procreated. Yes, stupidity hurts, sometimes it's even fatal.