View Full Version : What did I just watch?

07-07-15, 19:12
Is this individual putting an injured animal out of its misery, or is he hunting with a knife?


07-07-15, 20:12
Looked like it was messed up before he stabbed it.

07-07-15, 20:35
Well, that didn't look Sporting, or Fast.
I'm really not sure wtf that was, but it wasn't cool.

07-07-15, 20:35
Really looks like its been caught by its back foot in a snare or at least tied/anchored by a back foot. See when it's stabbed and tries to escape...it is stopped abruptly. If it had a broken back, I think it would have at least fallen forward. Forward movement stopped to sharply.

26 Inf
07-07-15, 21:18
Game deserves a quick humane kill. That was neither. They don't know what is happening, why prolong their confusion/misery. JMO but I bet that guy tortures kittens.

07-07-15, 21:27
Yeah that was not a humane kill.

07-07-15, 22:20
Some people are hunters, some people are just out there to kill something and some people can't discern the difference.

07-08-15, 06:35
Some people are hunters, some people are just out there to kill something and some people can't discern the difference.


07-08-15, 14:39
Is this individual putting an injured animal out of its misery, or is he hunting with a knife?



I have unfortunately been in these situations before, it's hard to watch and deal with. I have to admit when bow hunting once, my arrow glanced off a tree limb and ended up hitting a doe in the spine. A terrible shot, and tough way to end a hunt. I could not get a clean shot on her vitals where she went down and was suffering trying to stand back up. I climbed down from my tree stand as quick as I could. Not being allowed to carry a firearm during archery season I used what I had, a hunting knife and broadheads. A broadhead to the vitals and a cut on the throat. Then something an old timer taught me on my first deer which I gut shot and after a long tracking job the deer was unable to get up, we both stood on the animals lungs so it couldn't keep gasping for air(as this deer was doing in the video) which I did in this case also. It acts as like a boa constricter effect and ends the suffering a whole lot faster than what the guy in this video did.. Stand there and watch and do nothing! Sounds cruel to some, but way better than stand there and watch it in misery. Don't get me wrong, if I was allowed to carry a gun in archery season, I would have made one clean shot to the head, but trying to do the right thing is better than nothing at all.

This guy was a DBag for even video taping that! Let alone posting it on youtube!

07-08-15, 15:58
You guys think that is bad, you should see what the Japanese do during dolphin festivals and the Chinese do during dog festivals.

Makes me wish a whole party of Predators would land and start harvesting trophies.

07-08-15, 16:06
There is insufficient information available to judge his actions in stabbing the animal.

But there is enough to judge the action of posting the video. Not cool.

07-08-15, 16:15
There is insufficient information available to judge his actions in stabbing the animal.

But there is enough to judge the action of posting the video. Not cool.

Agree, most of the hunting shows you see edit out "that part" like when a deer runs from a humane 30-50 yards on an archery kill with a well placed vital shot, they don't show the last few seconds of the animal actually dying. Good point, there are better ways to end it's suffering, still = video not cool.

07-08-15, 18:08
I don't get off on killing animals. I used to be an avid hunter, but I just lost my flavor for it. More power to all those who do it the right way though, I respect those guys. This video, definitely wasn't for me.

07-09-15, 08:02
Once down you gotta get violent. It almost looks like this was new for him and he didn't know what to do.

07-09-15, 12:12
Once down you gotta get violent. It almost looks like this was new for him and he didn't know what to do.

Very true.

Could have been a kid/young man that was never taught the proper ways to handle such a situation. It is hard for some to do and deal with.

I remember a hunt with my cousin and one of his sons, I think they were probably 8-10 years old. His son made a bad shot on a deer and took out it's hind legs. My cousin simply walked up and put a slug in it's head to put it down.

I remember his boy saying "You just shot it in the head?" His answer was "Yes, is it suffering anymore?"

You could tell it clicked and he knew it was the right thing to do.

I wish more new/young hunters were more educated on these responsibilities that come with ending an animals life. Yes, drill drill drill safety and marksmanship into them but also to have respect for the animal in the process.

The video in OP was just all sorts of wrong and will give others that don't know any better the wrong impression and a disrespect for hunting/hunters in gerneral, just my honest opinion.

07-09-15, 13:30
After viewing the YOUTUBE account holder's other videos, I am led to believe these gruesome killings transpired OCONUS. For example, in the following video, three dogs maul a boar(?), which is restrained by the leg.


Evil is evil, regardless of culture.

07-09-15, 15:15
After viewing the YOUTUBE account holder's other videos, I am led to believe these gruesome killings transpired OCONUS. For example, in the following video, three dogs maul a boar(?), which is restrained by the leg.


Evil is evil, regardless of culture.

Wtf is wrong with people? Nevermind...

07-09-15, 16:33
Very true.

Could have been a kid/young man that was never taught the proper ways to handle such a situation. It is hard for some to do and deal with.

I remember a hunt with my cousin and one of his sons, I think they were probably 8-10 years old. His son made a bad shot on a deer and took out it's hind legs. My cousin simply walked up and put a slug in it's head to put it down.

I remember his boy saying "You just shot it in the head?" His answer was "Yes, is it suffering anymore?"

You could tell it clicked and he knew it was the right thing to do.

I wish more new/young hunters were more educated on these responsibilities that come with ending an animals life. Yes, drill drill drill safety and marksmanship into them but also to have respect for the animal in the process.

The video in OP was just all sorts of wrong and will give others that don't know any better the wrong impression and a disrespect for hunting/hunters in gerneral, just my honest opinion.

I believe something was done about that here in indiana. If you were born after a certain year you must take a hunters ed course in order to obtain a hunting license now.

07-09-15, 17:25
MBTech, thanks for the good info. Never would've thought about standing on the lungs.

I hate seeing animals suffer. It sounds crazy to some, saying I hate seeing suffering yet I am the one inflicting shots that may not immediately kill an animal, but hunters understand that things happen.

People that get off on things like this are sick. Period.

07-09-15, 17:46
Anyone who has hunted for awhile has had to deal with a wounded animal. You owe it to the critter to make it swift and humane as possible.

Stabbing a fawn in the heart while taking a video shows no class. Surely a fawn wasn't his target for a foot snare but who knows.

On a side note: I find it interesting how people react to seeing fluffy , cute animals dispatched but have no issue with the ugly, scary ones.

"OH MY GOD! A SNAKE! " and then they proceed to kill a non-venomous diamond back water snake that was just cruising by.

07-09-15, 17:49
MBTech, thanks for the good info. Never would've thought about standing on the lungs.

I hate seeing animals suffer. It sounds crazy to some, saying I hate seeing suffering yet I am the one inflicting shots that may not immediately kill an animal, but hunters understand that things happen.

People that get off on things like this are sick. Period.

Yeah, I never thought of it either. I shot my very first deer on my very first hunt, and was inexperienced, my Dad wasn't a hunter and I was learning on my own. Gutshot the deer and was tracking the blooodtrail. It was muzzleloader season and I didn't even take my gun with me during the tracking job (beginner mistake) I had to ask permission from two different landowners to go on their property to look for the wounded animal. I was lucky to run into an experienced man that helped me find the deer and help me humanely try and end it's suffering. He was just out scouting so neither of us had a weapon. I'll never forget it, he told me to put my foot next to his on the lungs and bare all my weight. At the same time he was patting the deer saying "you're done, you're done" Many lessons learned on my very first hunt. I'm glad to have learned these lessons when I was younger so my kids will know what to do.

07-09-15, 17:50
MBTech, thanks for the good info. Never would've thought about standing on the lungs.

I had a trap line in H.S. I must have run 50 traps twice a day with a friend. I did a lot of that standing on the chest thing on smaller predators, raccoon's were a tough one. Choke stick with a lot of control and stand on the lungs.
I don't regret doing it, as for the most part the ranch would have been over run with coyote's, coons and fox's and in one way or another they were all pests to domestic livestock. I sure know I couldn't do it again though, seen to much, did too much, hell I don't even hunt anymore.
I used to get mad at my Dad because he wouldn't hunt with me, I understand it now.

07-09-15, 17:52
Anyone who has hunted for awhile has had to deal with a wounded animal. You owe it to the critter to make it swift and humane as possible.

Stabbing a fawn in the heart while taking a video shows no class. Surely a fawn wasn't his target for a foot snare but who knows.

On a side note: I find it interesting how people react to seeing fluffy , cute animals dispatched but have no issue with the ugly, scary ones.

"OH MY GOD! A SNAKE! " and then they proceed to kill a non-venomous diamond back water snake that was just cruising by.
Absolutely agree