View Full Version : FBI claims Dylan Roof should have been denied on his NCIC check.

07-10-15, 15:51

Well. Isn't this convenient? Anyone care to guess what the next proposed gun legislation will be?

National Permits? 10 day "cooling off" periods?

07-10-15, 15:58
Right. Because one government FUBAR deserves more opportunity for the government to gain more control.

07-10-15, 16:16
Now it will really be blamed on gun stores.

07-10-15, 16:24
OK, so the system has proven not to work......simple, get rid of it. Problem solved.

No, can't do that we will have to make it more complex so that no one can understand it and it will be even more ineffective. :suicide:

07-10-15, 16:34
FBI is incorrect, that is not a legal prohibitor.

They will use this to make "delayed" become "denied".

07-10-15, 17:02
Reading between the lines, it sounds to me that the "loophole" here was the failure of the local authorities to promptly update the database to reflect final disposition. In my experience you usually had to chase it down by going down to the courthouse and checking the paper files--even on fairly old cases.

Good for getting out of the office but inefficient as hell.

07-10-15, 19:23
Reading between the lines, it sounds to me that the "loophole" here was the failure of the local authorities to promptly update the database to reflect final disposition. In my experience you usually had to chase it down by going down to the courthouse and checking the paper files--even on fairly old cases.

Good for getting out of the office but inefficient as hell.

They're just trying to find a scapegoat for the background check. Doesn't matter if it is true or not.

07-10-15, 20:32
FBI is incorrect, that is not a legal prohibitor.

They will use this to make "delayed" become "denied".

Facts don't matter.

07-10-15, 23:10
Comey said on Friday that a background check on Dylann Roof failed in part due to a breakdown in paperwork between police departments and counties. An FBI review determined that Roof was arrested weeks before the shooting in which police say he admitted to possessing illegal drugs.

Under federal rules, that admission alone should have been enough to disqualify him from an April gun purchase. However, the FBI background check examiner who evaluated Roof's request to buy a gun never saw the arrest report because the wrong arresting agency was listed on the list rap sheet that she reviewed.


07-10-15, 23:16
Obviously the only solution is the federalization of all LE agencies. [emoji19]

07-11-15, 06:39
Obviously the only solution is the federalization of all LE agencies. [emoji19]

No, it's the end of the rule of law. Law now only means what the people with power want it to mean, a very bad copy of late Rome or current Banana republics.

07-11-15, 08:49
Bottom line: The bureaucracy failed to implement existing laws/rules to bar this individual from possessing a firearm. That said, no law can prevent determined mass murderers-to-be, who tend to plan their crimes for an extended time, from obtaining the tools necessary to implement their plans. The fact that SC law prohibits people from carrying firearms in a place of worship certainly ensured the victims were strongly discouraged from bearing arms. Solution: Eliminate gun-free zones, do not publish the names of mass-murderers, pass national ccw reciprocity law, and encourage the citizenry to be armed and well-trained at all times.

07-11-15, 11:35
No, it's the end of the rule of law. Law now only means what the people with power want it to mean, a very bad copy of late Rome or current Banana republics.

Justice Sybil sure proved that true recently.

07-11-15, 11:51
Bottom line: The bureaucracy failed to implement existing laws/rules to bar this individual from possessing a firearm. That said, no law can prevent determined mass murderers-to-be, who tend to plan their crimes for an extended time, from obtaining the tools necessary to implement their plans. The fact that SC law prohibits people from carrying firearms in a place of worship certainly ensured the victims were strongly discouraged from bearing arms. Solution: Eliminate gun-free zones, do not publish the names of mass-murderers, pass national ccw reciprocity law, and encourage the citizenry to be armed and well-trained at all times.

Sounds like a winner to me.

Mauser KAR98K
07-11-15, 14:10
Bottom line: The bureaucracy failed to implement existing laws/rules to bar this individual from possessing a firearm. That said, no law can prevent determined mass murderers-to-be, who tend to plan their crimes for an extended time, from obtaining the tools necessary to implement their plans. The fact that SC law prohibits people from carrying firearms in a place of worship certainly ensured the victims were strongly discouraged from bearing arms. Solution: Eliminate gun-free zones, do not publish the names of mass-murderers, pass national ccw reciprocity law, and encourage the citizenry to be armed and well-trained at all times.

Bah, that's too easy.

07-11-15, 18:56
Bah, that's too easy.

The goal of the wolf is not to arm the flock. Quite the opposite. Please note who enabled Obama's latest power grab - Boehner. And he was rewarded with a ride on Airforce One, like a good little party member.