View Full Version : Where will it stop?

07-12-15, 07:49
Down here on Hilton Head Island SC many of our gated communities are referred to or formally named plantations. Judging by this letter to the editor of our local paper use of the word plantation reminds people of slavery and should not be used. I think I'll write a letter to the editor demanding all Mercedes automobiles be removed from public roads because it reminds me of genocide! http://www.islandpacket.com/2015/07/11/3833342_letter-removing-plantation-would.html?rh=1

07-12-15, 08:34
It won't stop until the only things left in American culture are "clean"...you know, things like twerking, porn, free sex, diversity at the expense of productivity, rap music that glorifies violence and objectivities women (which is ironic because these same artists support gun control and the "women's rights" movement...) and countless other things that are acceptable because they were not pioneered by heterosexual white males.

07-12-15, 09:14
Those that are seeking "social justice" and "political correctness" in all things are the current crop of useful idiots who will eventually be crushed under the boot heal of their own movement.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue, street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, from 1984


07-12-15, 12:35
It's not going to stop until we hit the 'Reset Button".
The very idea that you are guilty because you are white is no less repugnant than the idea that you are guilty because you are_____ (fill in the blank).
The idea that every white guy made it to success on the backs of his black and brown brothers is a falsehood that many would like you to believe.
I'm sure my Scots/Irish forefathers were standing on the docks waiting for some black folks to unload their baggage so that they could be welcomed in to American society in style and fashion.
I'm reminded of a story my Grandmother used to tell about her own Mother coming to America and on the journey seeing a young woman drop her new born baby over the side of the boat as She had no other means to feed or care for her.
Yeah, it's been nothing but easy for white folks. Now lets rewrite some more of our history.

Mauser KAR98K
07-12-15, 12:41
But hey, if you burn a gay pride flag, your arson charge goes to aggravated because it is a hate ( course running around a lesbian couples yard waving didn't help).

07-12-15, 13:20
I grasp the preference toward doom and gloom, and impending EOTWAKI on this forum, but I'm more inclined to see it as another cultural bump in the road. These kinds of pendulum swings and dire predictions have been rife throughout our history generation to generation. They go on and on, each one accompanied by deep despair for the future of our country. I do note that the internet certainly does facilitate doom-saying.

I do practice cultural situational-awareness...I just don't share the level of pessimism.


07-12-15, 14:01
I grasp the preference toward doom and gloom, and impending EOTWAKI on this forum, but I'm more inclined to see it as another cultural bump in the road. These kinds of pendulum swings and dire predictions have been rife throughout our history generation to generation. They go on and on, each one accompanied by deep despair for the future of our country. I do note that the internet certainly does facilitate doom-saying.

I was thinking this same thing.

07-12-15, 14:14
I see a cultural shift

What does it mean to be white in America? A new MTV documentary seeks to answer that question — and others — when it tackles the controversial issue of "white privilege."

Joe Antonio Vargas, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist from the Philippines who is an illegal immigrant to the U.S., hosts the new documentary.

You can call it gloom and doom if you like, but the water in this pan is getting warmer froggy.

3 AE
07-12-15, 14:28
The reality to me is that the country is on a path to which the only recourse will be to, as Averageman put it, hit the "Reset Button", which equates to a revolution. Though these "cultural bumps" are temporary by themselves. Their cumulative effect has been an acceleration of the inevitable "Train Wreck". There's too many of "Them" and too few of "Us". The internet, MSM, SM, elected officials, etc. have decided to pander to the weak/them and ignore the strong/us. Hopefully I'll be dead and cremated when the official name of this once great nation is changed from USA to the United Socialist States of America. It's inevitable as history has shown us the future. You younger ones had better be prepared for an armed revolution as our forefathers had done.

07-12-15, 14:31
I see a cultural shift. [.....] You can call it gloom and doom if you like, but the water in this pan is getting warmer froggy.

Yes. We see the it differently.

07-12-15, 20:09
I grasp the preference toward doom and gloom, and impending EOTWAKI on this forum, but I'm more inclined to see it as another cultural bump in the road. These kinds of pendulum swings and dire predictions have been rife throughout our history generation to generation. They go on and on, each one accompanied by deep despair for the future of our country. I do note that the internet certainly does facilitate doom-saying.

I do practice cultural situational-awareness...I just don't share the level of pessimism.


This is going to continue as long as the shitstain in chief is president.. It's nothing more than a diversion, designed to drive wedges,and divert the publics attention from more important things that they should be paying attention to.. Like how much of the farm did shitstain give away to Iran for a nuclear "treaty"? Or what exactly, is in the TPP, since it's such a good deal it has to be secret.. We've reached a tipping point in as much as we now have a majority of people who are unable to think on a critical level. And as such, they are easily mislead... This flap over the confederate flag is a just a example.. I do however, expect more of the same should Queen Cankles get anointed, er,ah, elected..

Alex V
07-12-15, 20:21
Those that are seeking "social justice" and "political correctness" in all things are the current crop of useful idiots who will eventually be crushed under the boot heal of their own movement.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue, street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, from 1984

Where will it stop? For most of us, it will stop in the Ministry of Love in Room 101

07-12-15, 21:09
It will never stop, there will always be something that is "racially offensive" even if it ends up being the word "black." There is money to be made fighting social injustice, real or imagined. There is power to be gained by being the politician or lawyer that fights for these causes.

There is always the next windmill to tilt. It will never end or stop, it will go as far as a society and generation permits.

07-12-15, 21:13
Where will it stop? For most of us, it will stop in the Ministry of Love in Room 101

Hoping I never make it that far.

07-12-15, 21:49
When will it stop? When the libertards get everything that they demand. And that will only last for a short time before they want something else to demand.

07-12-15, 22:35
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue, street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, from 1984


This is spot on. Amazing and freighting how accurate Orwell was all those years ago . . .

07-12-15, 22:40
I see a cultural shift

What does it mean to be white in America? A new MTV documentary seeks to answer that question — and others — when it tackles the controversial issue of "white privilege."

Joe Antonio Vargas, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist from the Philippines who is an illegal immigrant to the U.S., hosts the new documentary.

Not so much a naturally occurring shift so much as it is a forced shift via good old fashioned social engineering.

Typical MTV horse s**t, aka propaganda. Goebbels only wished he had such tools at his disposal. To think the average ****tard actually believes "reality TV" is real. At this point I wished the .gov would just start lacing the water and passing around the suicide kits.

07-12-15, 22:44
Where will it stop?

In line at the ovens . . .

For most of us, it will stop in the Ministry of Love in Room 101

Nah, I'll be shot to s**t long before that could transpire.

07-13-15, 01:46
I wish I could sue someone for discrimination. I haven't got to use my white privledges. Someone is keeping it from me.

Outlander Systems
07-13-15, 08:26
Where will it stop? For most of us, it will stop in the Ministry of Love in Room 101

Hopefully we get this first:


07-13-15, 09:58
I just want to know when all these people who are screaming for me to value and celebrate their cultural diversity, are going to practice what they preach by valuing and celebrating mine? :confused:

Alex V
07-13-15, 11:34
Hoping I never make it that far.

Nah, I'll be shot to s**t long before that could transpire.

"We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him." - O'Brien

07-13-15, 15:25
"We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him." - O'Brien

Jezz, I never though that Conan was that dark...

3 AE
07-13-15, 19:12
Jezz, I never though that Conan was that dark...

Now THAT, was funny! LOL

3 AE
07-13-15, 19:15
Hopefully we get this first:

Yeah, I could live with that, for that "final solution".

07-13-15, 19:30
It won't stop until the only things left in American culture are "clean"...you know, things like twerking, porn, free sex, diversity at the expense of productivity, rap music that glorifies violence and objectivities women (which is ironic because these same artists support gun control and the "women's rights" movement...) and countless other things that are acceptable because they were not pioneered by heterosexual white males.

That pretty much sums it up..

07-13-15, 23:07
If you've read this far in the thread, all you really need to do to understand the scope of the problem is to suffer through this 2,000 word gem:


Yeah, yeah, it's HuffPo, but you need to understand your enemy.

I'll post my response later, IF anyone's interested.

07-13-15, 23:09
Stop? Stop? Why Stop when you're Wining???

"The Defense Department's current regulations regarding transgender service members are outdated and are causing uncertainty that distracts commanders from our core missions," Carter said in a statement released Monday.

The executive committee of the Boy Scouts of America has unanimously approved a resolution that would end the organization's blanket ban on gay adult leaders and let individual scout units set their own policy on the long-divisive issue.

07-14-15, 10:00
This is a great example of the kind of great leadership we have...........:suicide:


Finally, a president who is proud to pardon

President Obama has commuted the sentences of more federal prisoners than the past four presidents combined. In fact, in just one day, Obama doubled his own record. He had, until this week, commuted the sentences of 43 Americans.

On Monday, he informed 46 more – some of whom were serving life sentences for drugs – that they could go home.

But that is not what was remarkable about Monday’s act of clemency. What was new, and far more significant for the exercise of this unique presidential authority, was how Obama did it.

This was no Friday afternoon press release, no midnight move and sparked no national trauma. Instead of hoping that no one would notice, the 44th president the United States did what no modern predecessor has done – he made sure that everyone knew about his decision, why he made it and what he hoped it would accomplish.

Try and take away our freedom and give it to those that do not deserve it.

07-14-15, 16:18
I'm trying to find a more "mainstream" source to corroborate this, but holy shit... if true it is 1984!


"NEW YORK – At a hearing Monday in Manhattan in which he ruled filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza must continue community service for four more years, U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman said he considers D’Souza’s violation of federal campaign-finance laws to be evidence of a psychological problem and ordered further counseling.

D’Souza’s defense counsel Benjamin Brafman provided evidence to the court that the psychiatrist D’Souza was ordered to see found no indication of depression or reason for medication. In addition, the psychologist D’Souza subsequently consulted provided a written statement concluding there was no need to continue the consultation, because D’Souza was psychologically normal and well adjusted."

07-14-15, 16:36
U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman said he considers D’Souza’s violation of federal campaign-finance laws to be evidence of a psychological problem

Ummm, no...it's evidence of greed and corruption. However, Judge Berman's ruling sure seems to be evidence of a psychological problem.

07-14-15, 16:45
If you've read this far in the thread, all you really need to do to understand the scope of the problem is to suffer through this 2,000 word gem:


Yeah, yeah, it's HuffPo, but you need to understand your enemy.

I'll post my response later, IF anyone's interested.

On the one hand, it really hurts to read that, because it mixes some common stupidity with a large dose of disconnection from reality.

Then it goes on to discuss some psych research (of unknown accuracy) claiming to show a basis for liberal/conservative differences. That's where it gets really weird, because it's like reading an accurate description of schizophrenia, written by a severe schizophrenic who is completely convinced that they are normal and healthy, and that the non-schizophrenic people are the ones who are mentally ill.

I'm sure my bias is showing, or whatever, but it's hard to see any sort of common ground with someone who believes the way that the author of that article professes to believe.

07-14-15, 19:46
On the one hand, it really hurts to read that, because it mixes some common stupidity with a large dose of disconnection from reality.

Then it goes on to discuss some psych research (of unknown accuracy) claiming to show a basis for liberal/conservative differences. That's where it gets really weird, because it's like reading an accurate description of schizophrenia, written by a severe schizophrenic who is completely convinced that they are normal and healthy, and that the non-schizophrenic people are the ones who are mentally ill.

I'm sure my bias is showing, or whatever, but it's hard to see any sort of common ground with someone who believes the way that the author of that article professes to believe.

You may have some bias, but what he has is outright bigotry. As a matter of fact, my response lays out exactly that:

"Discrimination is wrong and our society must strive to eliminate it.", says the bigoted author who just wrote a 2,000 word article stating that Republicans are either mean and hateful, or Neanderthals who can only think with their hind brain. Yes, I called you bigoted. Here's the definition in case you don't actually know what that means:


1. having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others

You don't even realize how offensive and intolerant your words are, do you? You see, articles like yours are the reason that many Republicans think all Democrats are self-righteous hypocrites. You DEMAND that we be tolerant of your ideals and opinions, while simultaneously denigrating and attacking ours. All because we happen to be of a certain race (white), color (pale), gender (male), sexual orientation (heterosexual) or political affiliation (conservative), we shouldn't have the right to have and express our own ideals and opinions. Gee, sound familiar?

Well let me educate you. I'm white, pale, male, heterosexual and conservative. However, I don't care if you're black, Hispanic, purple with pink polka dots, LGBTQI or just an A, liberal, socialist, communist, whatever. Let your freak flag fly, just don't violate my fiscally conservative ideals by appropriating my tax dollars to do it! Is that really too much to ask?

BTW, I'm not going to stereotype you as a self-righteous hypocrite just because you labeled me a mean, hateful troglodyte. That would make me just as wrong as you, especially when I actually think you're simply immature and really, really stupid. :)

07-15-15, 00:24
Why they will never stop.

No Truce With the Left

There comes a time when every conservative thinker tries to find some common ground with the left in some area. Today it's criminal rights and the headlines have Rand Paul denouncing the racist justice system while Grover Norquist and the Koch Brothers join with the left to back their reforms. As usually happens, the conservatives or libertarians turn out to be the useful idiots of the left.

Liberals have a long history of being the left's useful idiots. It's only fair that libertarians get a turn.

Republicans are still trying to figure out a truce on gay marriage. They retreated to civil unions, then accepted a full defeat on gay marriage and then acted baffled when Christian bakery owners were dragged into court for refusing to participate in gay weddings. When the left insisted that gay marriage was a civil rights issue, they refused to take them as their word.

Now they're wondering how an accommodation can be made with tranny rights. A brief look back at gay rights will show that the only possible accommodation is one in which men in dresses have a legal right to use the ladies room and every single closed female space and event. And yes, that means your business will be shut down if you object to Steve using the female locker room.

To understand the left, you need to remember that it does not care about 99 percent of the things it claims to care about. Name a leftist cause and then find a Communist country that actually practiced it. Labor unions? Outlawed. Environmentalism? Chernobyl. The left fights all sorts of social and political battles not because it believes in them, but to radicalize, disrupt and take power.

The left does not care about social justice. It cares about power.

That is why no truce is possible with the left. Not on social issues. Not on any issues.

The left will destroy the things you care about, because you care about them. It will destroy them because that gives them power over you. It will destroy them because these things stand in the way of its power. It will destroy them because a good deal of its militant activists need things to destroy and if they can't attack you, they'll turn on the left in a frenzy of ideologically incestuous purges.

You can't accommodate the left on social issues. You can't accommodate it on fiscal issues. You can't do it. Period.

The left exists to destroy you. It does not seek to co-exist with you. Its existence would lose all meaning. Any common ground will be used to temporarily achieve a goal before the useful idiots are kicked to the curb and denounced as bigots who are holding back progress.

07-15-15, 00:46
Belloc, that was a very good article!

07-15-15, 00:52
Why they will never stop.

Get ready to be scared. I completely agree with all of that.

07-15-15, 07:58
Get ready to be scared. I completely agree with all of that.

:eek:Well if I wasn't certain before, I am now. It must be the...


07-15-15, 09:04

07-15-15, 15:11
:eek:Well if I wasn't certain before, I am now. It must be the...


Now you have reminded me of how old I am!!

07-16-15, 06:35
Now you have reminded me of how old I am!!
:) You're not rowing that boat alone!

Back (sort of) on topic.

07-23-15, 10:47
They aren't done yet.


Under pressure from the NAACP, the state Democratic Party will scrub the names of the two presidents from its annual fundraising dinner because of their ties to slavery.

Party leaders voted unanimously Wednesday night in Hartford to rename the Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner in the aftermath of last month’s fatal shooting of nine worshipers at the historic black church in Charleston, S.C.

The decision is believed to be unprecedented and could prompt Democrats in other states with similarly-named events to follow suit.