View Full Version : Marriage Equality Activists Are Joining A New Cause.

Big A
07-14-15, 19:23
The activists that fought for marriage equality now have their sights set on the 2A...



07-14-15, 21:24
There's a huge difference in the quest for gun control vs. the quest for "marriage equality". Namely that granting universal gay marriage is giving a right/privilege to the people, whereas enacting gun control involves the government having to take something from the people. The prohibition of gay marriage is nothing that people are willing to give their lives to keep. The right to keep and bear arms for the defense of oneself and the free state is something people are willing to give their lives to keep.

Plus, their rhetoric is already off to a bad start. Their argument that self protection is not an individual thing but rather a community thing sounds an awful like like communist rhetoric and it will be treated as such.

Big A
07-14-15, 21:46
There's a huge difference in the quest for gun control vs. the quest for "marriage equality". Namely that granting universal gay marriage is giving a right/privilege to the people, whereas enacting gun control involves the government having to take something from the people. The prohibition of gay marriage is nothing that people are willing to give their lives to keep. The right to keep and bear arms for the defense of oneself and the free state is something people are willing to give their lives to keep.

Plus, their rhetoric is already off to a bad start. Their argument that self protection is not an individual thing but rather a community thing sounds an awful like like communist rhetoric and it will be treated as such.

The way I took it is that they want to protect the community from the crazy guy with too many guns.

The way they're gonna approach this is to go after the fence sitters and Fudds and convince them that universal background checks are a good thing, that it's "common sense". Then it will be "No one needs more than ten bullets in a gun", "Nobody needs an AR-15" "Only the Police should have hollow point bullets", and so on and so forth in the name of "common sense" and "for the good of the community".

This will be a nation wide movement but it won't be done at the federal level. They will just go municipality by municipality, community by community until whatever is the last hold out off freedom falls in line with their "common sense". It's for the children you know...

07-14-15, 21:56
The way I took it is that they want to protect the community from the crazy guy with too many guns.

The way they're gonna approach this is to go after the fence sitters and Fudds and convince them that universal background checks are a good thing, that it's "common sense". Then it will be "No one needs more than ten bullets in a gun", "Nobody needs an AR-15" "Only the Police should have hollow point bullets", and so on and so forth in the name of "common sense" and "for the good of the community".

This will be a nation wide movement but it won't be done at the federal level. They will just go municipality by municipality, community by community until whatever is the last hold out off freedom falls in line with their "common sense". It's for the children you know...

They've been doing that for years and it's only gotten them so far. Nothing new to see.

Big A
07-14-15, 22:05
True, but they seem more motivated and brazen. Like always we must remain ever vigilant.

07-14-15, 22:22
There's a huge difference in the quest for gun control vs. the quest for "marriage equality". Namely that granting universal gay marriage is giving a right/privilege to the people, whereas enacting gun control involves the government having to take something from the people.

Facts no longer matter.

07-15-15, 00:09
In my opinion, the equal marriage and gay rights, movement still have a long way to go. Just because, the media, Tweeters, Book face, etc. Shove the idea that two lesbians or queers getting married is a wonderful thing in my mind is bull-shit.

Most folks, I know think the whole idea of gay marriage is idiotic or just plain wrong. Personally, I could care less if the ghays get married. Let them marry their dog too while they are at it.

Lastly, I hope Steyr is wrong. Because, I believe the facts supporting gun ownership, history of government genocide against unarmed populations, and the fundamental right of self-defense over-ride some proposed leftist media campaign.

07-15-15, 00:31
The activists that fought for marriage equality now have their sights set on the 2A...



Yeah, I might have mentioned something about this just recently.

"...Why then should not another be able to also redefine liberty as he or she see fit? If "marriage" can mean anything anyone wants it to mean, as you believe, then so can "liberty". That rather means that your neighbours could believe that freedom and liberty means that their neighborhood be 'free and liberated' from all "assault style weapons". Now you might counter that that infringes on your liberty, but then they could just as legitimately counter back that you having dangerous military style weapons which serve no sporting purpose infringes on their freedom and liberty to feel safe and unthreatened. And as we see with equating males sodomizing each other to the bond of intimacy between a man and his wife, the lunatic leftist arguments don't have to make a lick of sense and can rest entirely, as we see with their homosexual "marriage" inane incoherent nonsense, on adolescent emotive histrionic posturing."

07-15-15, 00:44
Lastly, I hope Steyr is wrong. Because, I believe the facts supporting gun ownership, history of government genocide against unarmed populations, and the fundamental right of self-defense over-ride some proposed leftist media campaign.

When faced with agenda and popular misconception, facts no longer seem to be important. It will get worse.

07-15-15, 05:35
Now theyre going to say guns are a symbol of racism and are used "exclusively" in hate crimes against gays. Ban now !

07-15-15, 07:35
Most folks, I know think the whole idea of gay marriage is idiotic or just plain wrong. Personally, I could care less if the ghays get married. Let them marry their dog too while they are at it.

When churches close or go underground because the church can not condone gay marriage, it will be a problem you understand. You have not applied sufficient intellectual rigor to the problem.

The court made it a right - which exposes everyone to scrutiny.

07-15-15, 07:35
When faced with agenda and popular misconception, facts no longer seem to be important. It will get worse.

Agreed. Every national politician was against gay marriage only a few years ago. Now it is law - that's how insidious this is.

07-15-15, 09:10

07-15-15, 09:51
There's a huge difference in the quest for gun control vs. the quest for "marriage equality". Namely that granting universal gay marriage is giving a right/privilege to the people, whereas enacting gun control involves the government having to take something from the people. The prohibition of gay marriage is nothing that people are willing to give their lives to keep. The right to keep and bear arms for the defense of oneself and the free state is something people are willing to give their lives to keep.

Plus, their rhetoric is already off to a bad start. Their argument that self protection is not an individual thing but rather a community thing sounds an awful like like communist rhetoric and it will be treated as such.

And so f-ing original! Morons. Well, I'd prefer they used old easy to counter positions SCOTUS has already weighed in on than actually come up with something original to counter.

What all anti gun types have in common:

• Don't know a thing about guns
• Ignore history
• Ignore the data
• Prefer emotions over objective discussions.

07-15-15, 10:17
I actually had someone tell me that my having a gun violated their CIVIL RIGHT to not be around them....

07-15-15, 16:40
I actually had someone tell me that my having a gun violated their CIVIL RIGHT to not be around them....

I have heard that, too. It is so absurd, yet they believe it.
I tell them, well, your "right" isn't expressly stated in the Consitution, mine is.

07-15-15, 19:08
Ironic that the supporters of homo marriage are trying this stunt, as it *should* be implied that the forced recognition of one state's gay marriage license upon another that doesn't recognize it in turn means that my TN CCW should be good in NYC. They have a lot of f*****g nerve. :mad:

07-15-15, 19:12
I have heard that, too. It is so absurd, yet they believe it.
I tell them, well, your "right" isn't expressly stated in the Consitution, mine is.

I have the Constitutional right to NOT have to know about gay people. It's that part about "pursuit of happiness." Every time somebody tells me they are gay or pro gay they violate my civil rights and I think it's also a hate crime. I know for sure it's discrimination.

Isn't not understanding how things work a lot of fun?

07-15-15, 19:48
And so f-ing original! Morons. Well, I'd prefer they used old easy to counter positions SCOTUS has already weighed in on than actually come up with something original to counter.

What all anti gun types have in common:

• Don't know a thing about guns
• Ignore history
• Ignore the data
• Prefer emotions over objective discussions.

True. It's like a third grader being tasked to apply astrophysics to solve issues with space travel.

07-15-15, 20:24
Community. Safety. Responsibility.
Protecting my family.

This is using some of the newer marketing techniques. Keep it simple, make it relevant to the listener and use imagery that implies the message at a subconscious level.

Three attributes to get your main message across. People have a hard time remembering more. The interesting thing is that when I read it at first, I though the Community, Safety and Responsibility were actually from an NRA counter program. It would be interesting to try to fog the field by filling the web with pro-civil rights interpretations of those three words.

I'd say that their plan is a reach. IF you want to draw analogies, the gay marriage campaign has more in common with the CCW movement. State by state movement backed up by a reading of right in the constitutional law. There is a divergence now between the two. Gay marriage stuff is self catalysing now that it is federally approved, CCW and gun rights have to continue to fight to keep the gains, let alone try to move towards more freedom.

To be symetrical you'd have to push for waiting periods for gay marriage licenses, gay marriage free zones, publication of gay married couples names and addresses, a limit of one gay hook-up a month- yada, yada for all the BS stuff that the PRogressives try to push on our civil rights.

I think the real interesting thing will be how the states implement the ruling. DC and Chicago played all kinds of funky after Heller and other decisions. Let's see how the left likes that in reverse. A little more difficult since they had the advantage of saying 'no' to everything and you'd need to find a way to stop just gay marriage licenses.

Sad, but that is where we are now adays. The right loses court cases and carries on, the left loses and still throws up road blocks.

07-15-15, 21:55
This is using some of the newer marketing techniques. Keep it simple, make it relevant to the listener and use imagery that implies the message at a subconscious level.

Three attributes to get your main message across. People have a hard time remembering more. The interesting thing is that when I read it at first, I though the Community, Safety and Responsibility were actually from an NRA counter program. It would be interesting to try to fog the field by filling the web with pro-civil rights interpretations of those three words.

I'd say that their plan is a reach. IF you want to draw analogies, the gay marriage campaign has more in common with the CCW movement. State by state movement backed up by a reading of right in the constitutional law. There is a divergence now between the two. Gay marriage stuff is self catalysing now that it is federally approved, CCW and gun rights have to continue to fight to keep the gains, let alone try to move towards more freedom.

To be symetrical you'd have to push for waiting periods for gay marriage licenses, gay marriage free zones, publication of gay married couples names and addresses, a limit of one gay hook-up a month- yada, yada for all the BS stuff that the PRogressives try to push on our civil rights.

I think the real interesting thing will be how the states implement the ruling. DC and Chicago played all kinds of funky after Heller and other decisions. Let's see how the left likes that in reverse. A little more difficult since they had the advantage of saying 'no' to everything and you'd need to find a way to stop just gay marriage licenses.

Sad, but that is where we are now adays. The right loses court cases and carries on, the left loses and still throws up road blocks.

Speaking of simple and easy to understand, I've had a couple "light bulb" moments with a few anti gun people by simply stating "I don't trust my well being to the good intentions of bad people."

For some reason, some of them are able to relate to that and put themselves in my shoes. Not sure why it works better than other explanations, but sometimes it actually gets across.