View Full Version : Active shooter in Chattanooga Navy Reserve Center! (w/ aftermath, armed citizens, etc

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07-16-15, 11:38

I just saw this and am searching for more info.

eports: Shooting at Chattanooga Naval Reserve Center 01:55

(CNN)[Breaking news update, posted at 12:33 p.m. ET]

The U.S. Navy tweeted Thursday that there has been a shooting at a Navy reserve center on Amnicola Highway in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Navy also said it was investigating a shooting at another Navy building in the city.

Meanwhile, a witness in Chattanooga told CNN that she saw a gunman fire shots at a building that houses military recruiting offices Thursday morning.

The witness, Gina Mule, said she was watching through a window from a restaurant where she works as a server. In an earlier account, she said she saw a man with "a high-powered rifle" fire multiple shots around 10:50 a.m. ET.

Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke earlier tweeted that a "horrific incident" had taken place in his city, but he did not immediately provide details.

Looks like a LEO was shot during all of this as well.



Breaking: ‘Active Shooter Incident’ Being Investigated at Navy Building in Chattanooga, TN
Report: Authorities Investigating ‘Active Shooter’ Incident at Naval Building in Tennessee
Jul. 16, 2015 12:15pm Billy Hallowell

1:10 pm ET: I was out on break and all of the sudden I heard about 10 or 15 pops, just really fast pop, pop, pop and … I said that sounds like gunfire and the next thing I knew there was police everywhere,” witness Marilyn Hutcheson tells WRCB-TV.

1:04 pm ET: A photo uploaded to Facebook purports to show the entrance to a Navy building after the shooting:

1:00 pm ET: “There has been several (shootings) at several different locations. It’s a fluid situation,” Tennessee Highway Patrol spokesman John Harmon told Reuters; there is no confirmation on whether they are related.

12:56 pm ET: The Department of Homeland Security has reportedly activated a strike team to find the shooter.

12:50 pm ET: Witnesses claim that shooter was a white male. Erlanger Hospital remains on lockdown, and shell casings were reportedly found outside of a requirement center, according to WRCB-TV.

12:43 pm ET: CBS News is reporting that four U.S. Marines and one police officer were shot during the incident.

12:40 pm ET: Police are investigating two separate shootings, one at a Navy reserve center on Amnicola Highway and another at a Navy building in the city, CNN reported.

07-16-15, 12:23
Latest SPOTREP says 1 LEO and up to 4 servicemembers wounded, no fatalities...shooter may be dead.

But the attached pic of the Recruiting Office front door pretty much says it all...

In TN, Gunbuster signs carry the rule of law.

07-16-15, 12:55
Latest SPOTREP says 1 LEO and up to 4 servicemembers wounded, no fatalities...shooter may be dead.

I hope the LEO and or four mil members were able to take the fight to the shooter(s) hard and fast and they heal up fully from their injuries. CNN says LEO in stable condition.

07-16-15, 13:26
Saying 4 Marines killed (unconfirmed)

07-16-15, 13:47
The pic of the front door is at the recruiting offices on Lee Hwy @ Hwy153. That's where the shooting start. Witnesses saw him hang a rifle out of the window of a mustang and shoot. Then he went to the Navy/Marine reserve depot on Amnicola Hwy. That's where he shot the Marines and ran for the woods chased by Chattanooga PD. My friend who is CPD informed us that they had indeed shot the guy. Another friend of ours that works across the street saw them dragging the guy out of the woods.

Hard to imagine this happening in my town.

07-16-15, 14:10
News is reporting it's being investigated as domestic terrorism.... so the guy is white, right?

07-16-15, 14:12
I posted something but decided to take it down. RIP to any innocent victim of this savage act.

07-16-15, 14:13
Yea we can already predict white guy, AR 15 we need gun control derp derp derp.

07-16-15, 14:26

CNN quoted the US Attorney calling this an act of Domestic Terrorism. Pretty quick to put a label on it just hours after. His boss at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. would never say the T word. Some of you maybe right, if the killer is white, then it's domestic terrorism. If the killer is not white, then it's just work place violence.

07-16-15, 14:26

07-16-15, 14:47
"Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez."

Second paragraph:

07-16-15, 14:49
So, workplace violence?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2

brushy bill
07-16-15, 14:49

07-16-15, 15:02
Disgusting. Just, disgusting.

26 Inf
07-16-15, 15:05
Prayers out to the families of the fallen.

Hopefully there will be some changes to ensure that service members in such duties have the means to protect themselves.

07-16-15, 15:05
And yet, we won't do a damn thing because they hold none of our interests in the middle east. Sad. Thoughts and prayers to everyone involved. Stay frosty guys, at all times.

07-16-15, 15:11
Prayers out to the families of the fallen.

Hopefully there will be some changes to ensure that service members in such duties have the means to protect themselves.

I wouldn't hold my breath for that one.

07-16-15, 15:12
At least we aren't going to have to put that POS up in prison for a decade before we can execute him....regardless of intel, every time someone pulls this crap, they need to go DOWN ON THE SPOT...

07-16-15, 15:28

The killer was believed to be born in Kuwait, 24 years old.

07-16-15, 16:00
Islamic terrorism?


07-16-15, 16:01
Religion of Peace has struck again I see..

Prayers to the fallen...

07-16-15, 16:16
Barry Sotoro hasn't said anything yet, he's still gloating from his victory over Iran. :lol:

07-16-15, 16:21
Islamic terrorism?


No, just workplace violence... nothing to see here, move along.

Obama wishes he had a son that looks just like this guy.

Rest in peace Marines...

07-16-15, 16:38

07-16-15, 16:58
I am surprised to learn there is some resemblance. Even if there isn't, Obama is complicit in the crimes against the US military.

May be time to re-think our immigration policies?

07-16-15, 17:08
May be time to re-think our immigration policies?

That would be racist and if we did it we'd probably have to take down the Washington Monument. He was a slave owner you know, it's just an obelisk of hate.

07-16-15, 17:08
I'm hearing grumbling local that this guy is also from the Phoenix area. I wonder if he went to the same mosque as the two Texas guys?

07-16-15, 17:11
I thought they renamed that after Bill Clinton...

then it is just an obelisk of "love thy intern".

That would be racist and if we did it we'd probably have to take down the Washington Monument. He was a slave owner you know, it's just an obelisk of hate.

Crow Hunter
07-16-15, 17:11
May be time to re-think our immigration policies?

What is really disgusting is that if this shitstain is from Kuwait and is 24 years old, it is likely that he and or his parents are here as refugees from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

People who US soldiers likely saved from being murdered, raped, tortured and/or enslaved by Iraqis....

07-16-15, 17:35
I think the new rule on DOD property may turn to CMFM if the DOD doesn't make some common sense changes.

Doc Safari
07-16-15, 17:39
Something tells me this is just starting, people.

Wait until ISIS "activates" twenty or thirty of these assholes at a time.

We are going to be living in a different country by next summer.

I'm tempted to start packing more than just my pistola when I go to town.

07-16-15, 17:43
Waiting to see if this muzzy POS (like some of the previous ones) has been on the FBI's radar before.

Outlander Systems
07-16-15, 17:45
I think we all need to take a deep breath...

...and give up some more freedom so this doesn't happen anymore.

Something tells me this is just starting, people.

Wait until ISIS "activates" twenty or thirty of these assholes at a time.

We are going to be living in a different country by next summer.

I'm tempted to start packing more than just my pistola when I go to town.




07-16-15, 19:04

07-16-15, 19:15
Oh look, more unarmed servicemen being killed by a Muslim terrorist on a military base.

Nothing to see here, folks...

07-16-15, 19:24
Oh look, more unarmed servicemen being killed by a Muslim terrorist on a military base.

Nothing to see here, folks...

I guess we should consider ourselves lucky he wasn't an officer in the military responsible for the mental treatment of returning veterans.

07-16-15, 19:26
I guess we should consider ourselves lucky he wasn't an officer in the military responsible for the mental treatment of returning veterans.

We certainly should.

According to MSNBC (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/police-officer-shot-chattanooga-tennessee-naval-recruiting-building) what matters was that he was able to get a gun. Not that he was Muslim.

07-16-15, 19:37
And, before all the information has been released, people are calling for control of radicalized Muslims..no, wait, guns.


We certainly should.

According to MSNBC (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/police-officer-shot-chattanooga-tennessee-naval-recruiting-building) what matters was that he was able to get a gun. Not that he was Muslim.
F all that noise.. This crap makes my blood boil.

07-16-15, 19:38
We need to ban high capacity pressure cookers first.

07-16-15, 19:54
That would be racist and if we did it we'd probably have to take down the Washington Monument. He was a slave owner you know, it's just an obelisk of hate.

Like your sarcasm...

Really though, ENOUGH!

Open immigration for centuries..."give us your X,Y & Z"...
...NEVER meant those who would take our blessings & resources to kill us, subvert our freedoms and try and silence our free speech.
Open Borders and utter DiSREGARD for our Sovereignty & Borders...Mexican Govt. doing a "Castro" Cuba thing on us,
at our expense, financially and the lives of our citizens like Kate in S.F., the "uber" SANCTUARY City...
...out of hundreds of others, with Mayors like that Bozo saying they, make our cites & citizens safer !!!

Doesn't his highness King O, our fearful leader KNOW...that our imaginary borders ( their concept )...
...have more than just poor Mexicans and little "El Chapos", crossing over?
No, Isis and the like, dressed in sombreros pouring in, most likely !
They recognize incompetency and good opportunity when the see it, duh.

And the "apple does not fall far from the tree...", his father was on the TERROR WATCH List.
So, where are ALL the "moderate" Muslims & Mosques ...why are they NOT outraged TO THE POINT of marching...like a Million Muz March on D.C.?
Speak up or get out.

I think "The Donald" may just make the finest Prez in a very long time...
...we don't need Inaugural Balls at the White House...just BALLS, period!

Outlander Systems
07-16-15, 19:58
I am so thankful we have all that warrantless wiretapping to prevent these types of attacks.

And, if it weren't for the Gunbusters sign on the door...who knows what might have happened.

In all seriousness, my heart is with the families of the Marines.

And to those who were KIA, Godspeed your trip to Valhalla.

Big A
07-16-15, 20:14
So I get home from work and turn on the FOX news to see what they have to say about this sorry goat ****ing piece of shit.

And during the broadcast Catherine Herridge proceeded to enlighten the viewers with her knowledge of firearms marksmanship by saying:

When you look at the glass at the recruitment center, it's important to pay attention to the fact that the bullet holes seem to be quite clustered. Do you see that? It's not just kind of a spray, and that suggests to me that this individual had some familiarity and comfort with the weapon involved. And that would take investigators down the path to questioning whether he had some kind of prior training or experience with the weapon.


That part happens at about 4:30 into the vid.

It just amazes me how willfully ignorant reporters are when it comes to fire arms yet they spout things like the above as if they are the foremost authority on the use of weapons. But you know, those scary shoulder things that go up and all that...:rolleyes: (<- Can we please get a better roll eyes emoji?)

07-16-15, 20:20
So I get home from work and turn on the FOX news to see what they have to say about this sorry goat ****ing piece of shit.

And during the broadcast Catherine Herridge proceeded to enlighten the viewers with her knowledge of firearms marksmanship by saying:


That part happens at about 4:30 into the vid.

It just amazes me how willfully ignorant reporters are when it comes to fire arms yet they spout things like the above as if they are the foremost authority on the use of weapons. But you know, those scary shoulder things that go up and all that...:rolleyes: (<- Can we please get a better roll eyes emoji?)

Yup...caught that...been watching Fox ALL day, on this...
...Earlier, we had Shepard Smith, I believe...or possibly Stuart Varney right after...it's all a blur, now...but one was calling it "automatic rifle fire"...
...endless hail of bullets, see all those holes...lol?

Heart goes out to the families of men & women cut down at HOME!
One was a double Purple Heart recipient.

07-16-15, 21:37
Fair winds and following seas to the murdered Marines.

I hope the wounded police officer makes a full recovery.

I do not have the words to express the rage I feel right now.

Big A
07-16-15, 21:39
Yup...caught that...been watching Fox ALL day, on this...
...Earlier, we had Shepard Smith, I believe...or possibly Stuart Varney right after...it's all a blur, now...but one was calling it "automatic rifle fire"...
...endless hail of bullets, see all those holes...lol?

Heart goes out to the families of men & women cut down at HOME!
One was a double Purple Heart recipient.

Hell, I'm still trying to figure out what a low powered rifle is as opposed to all these high power rifles everybody's using these days. 30-30? 45-70 Govt? 30-40 Krag? 303 British? Those must be the low powered rifles since nobody uses them anymore...

07-16-15, 21:53
The yearbook of the POS has been uncovered, and a foreshadowing quote revealed....


My thoughts and prayers go out to the murdered Marines and their families.

07-16-15, 22:18
Another tragedy in a gun free zone. RIP MARINES.

07-16-15, 22:52

07-16-15, 23:28
I simply have no words.

If this does not create an urgency for some sort of action, how much more US blood will?

07-16-15, 23:34
Why aren't personnel allowed to carry? Has it always ban this way?

07-16-15, 23:35
Why aren't personnel allowed to carry? Has it always ban this way?

Thank Bill Clinton.

07-16-15, 23:56
I am so thankful we have all that warrantless wiretapping to prevent these types of attacks.

And, if it weren't for the Gunbusters sign on the door...who knows what might have happened.

In all seriousness, my heart is with the families of the Marines.

And to those who were KIA, Godspeed your trip to Valhalla.

Notice the gunbuster sign only protects our service members from guns, not bullets. :rolleyes:

07-17-15, 00:43
ITS OK obama got to praise the muslims today before he would mention this work place violence OH sorry he said heartbreaking circumstance !

07-17-15, 00:58
So I get home from work and turn on the FOX news to see what they have to say about this sorry goat ****ing piece of shit.

And during the broadcast Catherine Herridge proceeded to enlighten the viewers with her knowledge of firearms marksmanship by saying:


That part happens at about 4:30 into the vid.

It just amazes me how willfully ignorant reporters are when it comes to fire arms yet they spout things like the above as if they are the foremost authority on the use of weapons. But you know, those scary shoulder things that go up and all that...:rolleyes: (<- Can we please get a better roll eyes emoji?)

Theyre gonna ban Panteao videos next, too much assault training going on without a 3 day waiting period.

07-17-15, 06:17

07-17-15, 07:00
....what matters was that he was able to get a gun. Not that he was Muslim.

Why does our "leadership" have to be such dickheads?
I mean, really, are they just *that* intent on spinning everything to fit their agenda, or are they that stupid?
How much do you want to be it'll come out that he acquired the weapons legally? That should make a nice icing on the "ban everything" cake after the SC twerp.

07-17-15, 07:53
Something tells me this is just starting, people.

Wait until ISIS "activates" twenty or thirty of these assholes at a time.

We are going to be living in a different country by next summer.

I'm tempted to start packing more than just my pistola when I go to town.

I am sadly afraid you may be right. I also see an unusual similarity between Obama and ISIS. They both seem as though they should not be able to accomplish the things they do. They both tell you what they are going to do and then do it. They both embolden the negative aspects of the middle east.

The news this morning is saying that guy wasn't even on the radar... and again... neither was Barry.

It's just too much similarity that suggest a similar mentality even if they are not working in direct concert. Like football.... ISIS may not be his favorite team, but he likes the game of the brotherhood... to him America is like the game of Cricket... he doesn't get it and would rather it didn't exist. There is simply so much in common. I know the deaths bad in and of themselves but the general disruption and chaos they create is also important and it's exactly what Obama said he was going to do... even before he was elected. He has flooded our bordered with illegals, he defends radical Muslims until he absolutely backed into a corner, and he would sell his own mother down the river. It's just not likely to get better before it gets worse with these elements in place.... and that's to say nothing for his staff and handlers.

But I think you are right... I think this is the leading edge emerging. Like termites and roaches and Obama is pest control telling us everything is ok.

07-17-15, 12:16
Unreal - this just happened two hours ago about 50 miles northwest of my location:


Maybe that's why military members are forbidden from carrying guns.

But half an hour west of me, there is this:


Big A
07-17-15, 13:24
This is the type of person that should be leading this country. We need more people like him in D.C. instead of what it's currently infested with


From the link:

U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer, who received the Medal of Honor in 2011 for his service in Afghanistan, called for “a full institution of the 2nd Amendment” following the attacks on two Chattanooga, Tennessee military centers in a Facebook post Thursday.

“I carry a firearm with me at all times legally under the conceal and carry laws in the area that I am in,” Meyer wrote in the social media post. “I do not call for a disarming of American but instead a full institution of the Second Amendment so that we may defend ourselves as a country from all threats, both foreign and domestic.”

The Marine said that gun control is not the answer to such attacks, slamming “special interest groups” for spreading gun control “propaganda” throughout the country.

“Now is not the time to come out waiving photos of bullet holes in the glass calling for more gun control and spinning the story to yield a further separation of peoples in the Unites States,” Meyer wrote. “Now is the time to call on the American people to ignore the propaganda that special interest groups have been shoving in our faces and unite as a country so that we may become our neighbor’s keeper.”

Thank God for this man. He restores my faith in my fellow Americans.

07-17-15, 13:30
It would be interesting to see statistics if this kind of thing back when military could be armed.

I am sure that arming personnel would create some issues. Just like the guy that negligent discharged into his leg, being a total idiot. But, I don't think being defenselessis a real solution either.

07-17-15, 13:36
Media and administration aren't calling this out right terrorism yet.

Reports of "being a good kid"....... What bs..

07-17-15, 15:14

07-17-15, 15:19
An interesting post is flying around Facebook, it shows the pictures of the white trash in Charleston that murdered the 9 church people and this muslim trash. The caption for the white guy said: he represents a whole race, for the muslim: lone wolf.

That summed it all up.

07-17-15, 15:26
Islamic terrorism?



I'm sure some of our more enlightened membership will be along to tell you that your a slack jawed Islamophobe and this was in fact just a "Lone Wolf" attack by a mere domestic terrorist like the SC church shooting.

I kid you not Yahoo's first headline for this story was . . .

No Motive in the Chattanooga Shooting

Police identify the gunman as Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez a typical American kid blah, blah, blah . . .
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/402/19593235758_4c7a8cd45f_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/vRosnC)

Some days you just can't make this s**t up. :suicide:

07-17-15, 15:28
An interesting post is flying around Facebook, it shows the pictures of the white trash in Charleston that murdered the 9 church people and this muslim trash. The caption for the white guy said: he represents a whole race, for the muslim: lone wolf.

That summed it all up.

LOL, you posted that as I was typing the above. My point exactly!

07-17-15, 16:35
Went to highschool with a guy that is the SNCOIC for that location... He is safe.

Have not talked in years, just one of those Facebook connect type things.

Just mind numbing, has a wife and little girls could not imagine the thoughts running though his mind right now.

07-17-15, 16:56
An interesting post is flying around Facebook, it shows the pictures of the white trash in Charleston that murdered the 9 church people and this muslim trash. The caption for the white guy said: he represents a whole race, for the muslim: lone wolf.

That summed it all up.

wow! .... that really is what we are up against though. The sons of Confederates were here this week for their yearly get together. A bunch of kids were outside protesting with their cardboard signs. the one girl that spoke her mind to the news,,, you could see her calling on her memory so the right words came out. She almost had the story line memorized but not quite. Was probably paid to be there... looked to be student age.

That lone wolf spent 7 months in Yemmen and then went to Jordan for I forget how long they said.

07-17-15, 17:02
Some days you just can't make this s**t up. :suicide:

You could take many headlines and make really funny SNL skits with absolutely no alterations. We used to laugh at Baghdad Bob but our primary media, our front line, continuous media is no better. They really can't be trusted for a single word.

07-17-15, 17:16
wow! .... that really is what we are up against though. The sons of Confederates were here this week for their yearly get together. A bunch of kids were outside protesting with their cardboard signs. the one girl that spoke her mind to the news,,, you could see her calling on her memory so the right words came out. She almost had the story line memorized but not quite. Was probably paid to be there... looked to be student age.

That lone wolf spent 7 months in Yemmen and then went to Jordan for I forget how long they said.

Google this, Jay Z and some other black elitists have been funding under the table and paying people to protest in various places. He will even post their bonds if they are arrested for actions in a riot. I wouldn't be surprised if the 02 thieves you are talking about were paid to be there. Hell I posted a link to a story in the gay marriage thread that Orthodox Jews were paying Mexican day laborers to dress up like Orthodox Jews and protest the NYC pride parade.

07-17-15, 17:34
Why aren't personnel allowed to carry? Has it always ban this way?

It's been that way since anti-gun George H.W. Bush got the ball rolling and Clinton signed it into law back in the early 90's.

SecDef and DoD should just nut up and admit that Command & Control concerns far outweigh any safety concerns for U.S. service members. Anyone who's ever served in the military knows this is the absolute truth. :(

07-17-15, 18:26
An interesting post is flying around Facebook, it shows the pictures of the white trash in Charleston that murdered the 9 church people and this muslim trash. The caption for the white guy said: he represents a whole race, for the muslim: lone wolf.

That summed it all up.

LOL, you posted that as I was typing the above. My point exactly!

Wow...glad to see I'm not the only one. Just sat down frothing at the mouth "Lone Wolf"... Barf....Numerous times numerous news outlets.......ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????

Just because we're paranoid don't mean the cowards aren't trying to murder us.
Throwing some extra 30 rounders in my glove-box......

07-17-15, 19:31
so I am a photographer and seems most are radical liberals

my facebook feed is lighting up with the whole I am so sick of people blaming muslims for this shooting as they are peaceful people that would not hurt a fly and this shooting has nothing to do with muslims !

07-17-15, 19:58
I’m very concerned about immigration to this country from countries that have hotbeds of jihadism and hotbeds of this Islamism. There was a program in place that Bush had put in place—it stood for entry-exit program from about 25 different countries with a lot of Islamic radicals, frankly. I think there does need to be heightened scrutiny. Nobody has a right to come to America, so this isn’t something that we can say ‘oh their rights are being violated.’ It’s a privilege to come to America and we need to thoroughly screen those who are coming.

In my hometown of Bowling Green, Kentucky, we had two Iraqi refugees who were let into our country who were plotting to buy stinger missiles a few years ago, but they got arrested and put in jail. But I think we’re doing the wrong thing by just having this open door policy to bring in people without significant scrutiny. I’m for increasing scrutiny on people who come on student visas from the 25 countries that have significant jihadism. Also, any kind of permanent visas or green cards, we need to be very careful. I don’t think we’re being careful enough with who we let in.


Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said that when describing the terror attack on two military facilities Thursday in Tennessee, which resulted in the killing of four Marines, we need to “lose the term lone-wolf,” because all of the recent terror attacks are “connected in the virtual space” through ISIS and other radial Islamic groups’ internet propaganda.

I would like to say I'm happy someone finally get's it and has the nut to say something, but I'm also watching them walk a bit of a PC tight rope here that I really think needs to go away.

07-17-15, 20:13
so I am a photographer and seems most are radical liberals

my facebook feed is lighting up with the whole I am so sick of people blaming muslims for this shooting as they are peaceful people that would not hurt a fly and this shooting has nothing to do with muslims !

If it has nothing to do with Muslims and these savages are falsely portraying themselves as Muslims, then why are Muslims the world over not denouncing them as non-believers, and doing everything in their power to stop them? :confused:

07-17-15, 21:04

my other response is since slavery started in Africa and muslims have been the longest practicing slave owners they now have the liberals enslaved to do there PR work for them and the liberals are to stupid to even know it !!!!!

If it has nothing to do with Muslims and these savages are falsely portraying themselves as Muslims, then why are Muslims the world over not denouncing them as non-believers, and doing everything in their power to stop them? :confused:

07-18-15, 01:07
If it has nothing to do with Muslims and these savages are falsely portraying themselves as Muslims, then why are Muslims the world over not denouncing them as non-believers, and doing everything in their power to stop them? :confused:

Close down every mosque...unless the clerics & followers take a stand as AMERICANS FIRST...

07-18-15, 02:24
Close down every mosque...unless the clerics & followers take a stand as AMERICANS FIRST...

Try and do that with a Christian church.

I dare you.

07-18-15, 06:52
Try and do that with a Christian church.

I dare you.

Shit, who are you kidding? You know damn well in this day and age in Bizzaro-Land U.S.A. they'd shut down a Christian church before a muzzy mosque! In a heartbeat. In fact, watch and see what happens when Christian churches refuse to marry homos. Then watch and see what doesn't happen when a mosque does the same thing (if it's even covered in the MSM).

07-18-15, 06:57
I wonder which flag will be banned and taken down after this shooting?

Prayers out to the fallen and their families.

07-18-15, 07:49
Fifth victim passed away:


RIP sailor.

07-18-15, 08:02
I wonder which flag will be banned and taken down after this shooting?

Prayers out to the fallen and their families.

****ing tasteless, you should be ashamed.

07-18-15, 08:26
I wonder which flag will be banned and taken down after this shooting?

Prayers out to the fallen and their families.

Probably the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. It probably offends Muslims.

Outlander Systems
07-18-15, 08:31
Shit, who are you kidding? You know damn well in this day and age in Bizzaro-Land U.S.A. they'd shut down a Christian church before a muzzy mosque! In a heartbeat. In fact, watch and see what happens when Christian churches refuse to marry homos. Then watch and see what doesn't happen when a mosque does the same thing (if it's even covered in the MSM).


Animals are all equal. Some animals are more equal than others.

26 Inf
07-18-15, 08:38
Probably the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. It probably offends Muslims.

From a comic strip I remember from the first Gulf War: 'Is it true that only 13% of American high school graduates can locate Iraq on a world map?' 'Yes, unfortunately for you, they are all Marines.'

07-18-15, 08:42
Absolutely disgusting...


The Army's top officer said Friday they would review security at military recruiting and reserve centers in the aftermath of the deadly shooting in Tennessee, but urged caution amid growing calls to arm more soldiers to protect against these kinds of attacks.

Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army, told reporters that arming troops in those offices could cause more problems than it might solve.

"I think we have to be careful about over-arming ourselves, and I'm not talking about where you end up attacking each other," Odierno said during a morning breakfast. Instead, he said, it's more about "accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded that causes injuries."

It's called proper training you dolt. You train your troops properly and you substantially reduce the likelihood of an AD or ND.

And this really got me boiling:

The ban on troops inside carrying weapons is largely due to legal issues, such as laws that prohibit the federal government from using the military for domestic law enforcement, so troops don't routinely carry guns when they are not in combat or on military bases.

Since when did self defense and defense of others become a "law enforcement" issue? Laws are made by man and can (should in this instance) be unmade by man.

07-18-15, 08:45

07-18-15, 09:34
Wow, Andrea Mitchell!

We Chattanoogans just really don't have as much free time as we used to. Yes, untill recently, we spent most of our time spittin backer, makin out with our sisters, making shine, catchin catfish on the river bank, skinny dipin', white washing fences, stump breakin cows, and shootin crap. But, since the first shoe store opened in Chattanooga last month, most of us have been busy learning how to walk all over agin.

Outlander Systems
07-18-15, 09:37
Wow, Andrea Mitchell!

We Chattanoogans just really don't have as much free time as we used to. Yes, untill recently, we spent most of our time spittin backer, makin out with our sisters, making shine, catchin catfish on the river bank, skinny dipin', white washing fences, stump breakin cows, and shootin crap. But, since the first shoe store opened in Chattanooga last month, most of us have been busy learning how to walk all over agin.

You owe me a new keyboard!

07-18-15, 10:10
Wow, Andrea Mitchell!

We Chattanoogans just really don't have as much free time as we used to. Yes, untill recently, we spent most of our time spittin backer, makin out with our sisters, making shine, catchin catfish on the river bank, skinny dipin', white washing fences, stump breakin cows, and shootin crap. But, since the first shoe store opened in Chattanooga last month, most of us have been busy learning how to walk all over agin.

That is my kind of sarcasm. If it wasn't meant to be sarcasm, then maybe we could hang out sometime?

Mauser KAR98K
07-18-15, 10:12
Wow, Andrea Mitchell!

We Chattanoogans just really don't have as much free time as we used to. Yes, untill recently, we spent most of our time spittin backer, makin out with our sisters, making shine, catchin catfish on the river bank, skinny dipin', white washing fences, stump breakin cows, and shootin crap. But, since the first shoe store opened in Chattanooga last month, most of us have been busy learning how to walk all over agin.

Ah, hell. We waitin' for ours up here just north of Cookeville. They says it get us into modern times. Ten miles around these parts makes a difference between tooth brush and teeth brush.

Bless her little heart.

07-18-15, 10:19


“It is painful enough when we lose members of our armed forces when they are sent in harm’s way, but it is unfathomable that they should be vulnerable for attack in our own communities. For that reason, I want to make sure that our National Guardsmen are authorized to arm themselves at our military facilities.”

And good for her.

07-18-15, 12:33
Father apologizes for his sons act of terror. The more I learn the stranger this story gets. It's hard to figure this one out from a standpoint of what often seems to lead this behavior.

The father of the gunman who gunned down four in a Chattanooga recruitment center and left another victim dead has apologized for his son's horrific murders saying he was 'devastated' by his actions.

Youssuf Saed Abdulazeez telephoned the president of the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga Bassam Issa to express his remorse.

Issa told reporters Friday that the family were shocked by the shooting rampage carried out by gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

He said: 'He [the father] was in the dark on what his son has done. He is very devastated and he actually apologized for what his son did to the community at large and to the Muslim community.'

'And I told him that we all feel distraught — we all feel shocked — and to basically pray to God that we all as one community come together.'

The father, is reported to be a regular worshiper at the mosque. But after issuing his apology he appeared to imply that he had no idea what his son had planned.

His 24-year old son, gunned down four Marines, and left another Nany petty officer dead from his injuries, Saturday, during two brazen gun attacks in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Thursday.

On Friday it was revealed that he took several mysterious trips to the middle east before blogging about Allah and Islam in the days before his deadly gun attack.



07-18-15, 12:59
Finally, someone starts making some sense...

07-18-15, 13:46
My recruiter kept a SA TRP in his desk and was more than happy to let us see it. Amazingly, he never had an ND, who'd have thunk it.

Fair winds and following seas to the 5 men lost to Islamic Terrorism.

Mauser KAR98K
07-18-15, 13:49
Father apologizes for his sons act of terror. The more I learn the stranger this story gets. It's hard to figure this one out from a standpoint of what often seems to lead this behavior.

The father of the gunman who gunned down four in a Chattanooga recruitment center and left another victim dead has apologized for his son's horrific murders saying he was 'devastated' by his actions.

Youssuf Saed Abdulazeez telephoned the president of the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga Bassam Issa to express his remorse.

Issa told reporters Friday that the family were shocked by the shooting rampage carried out by gunman Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

He said: 'He [the father] was in the dark on what his son has done. He is very devastated and he actually apologized for what his son did to the community at large and to the Muslim community.'

'And I told him that we all feel distraught — we all feel shocked — and to basically pray to God that we all as one community come together.'

The father, is reported to be a regular worshiper at the mosque. But after issuing his apology he appeared to imply that he had no idea what his son had planned.

His 24-year old son, gunned down four Marines, and left another Nany petty officer dead from his injuries, Saturday, during two brazen gun attacks in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Thursday.

On Friday it was revealed that he took several mysterious trips to the middle east before blogging about Allah and Islam in the days before his deadly gun attack.



I would be curious of his trips and the reasons who took them. Did he get radicalized here and went to feed the jihad overseas, or did he get radicalized while on the trip?

07-18-15, 14:17
I would be curious of his trips and the reasons who took them. Did he get radicalized here and went to feed the jihad overseas, or did he get radicalized while on the trip?

Good Qs. I'm sure they are currently do their best to figure that out. It will be interested to see what they find, assuming it's not suppressed due to the findings not being politically expedient.

07-18-15, 14:24
Looks like Greg Abbott is doing the same for Texas.


07-18-15, 14:29
About damn time.

07-18-15, 14:47
The Irony....If that does not sum it up for the most dense, nothing will:

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b374/willbrink/1437084008083_zpsgv0y5rxy.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/willbrink/media/1437084008083_zpsgv0y5rxy.jpg.html)

Dude should have read the sign:

http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b374/willbrink/gun-free-zone.jpg (http://s23.photobucket.com/user/willbrink/media/gun-free-zone.jpg.html)

07-18-15, 14:59
Good on all Governors that step up and do right by THEIR states....and stop all the damn hand-wringing over what D.C. thinks.

07-18-15, 15:00
The liberals are doing their best at obfuscating facts, trying to portray the Muslim POS as a right-wing, gun-toting, southern boy. They want the black rifles off the market.

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell tried to absolve Islam as a motive for the Tennessee terror attack yesterday by trying to get a classmate of the murderer to say that the killer liked southern culture, guns, and hunting like other southerners do.

“Were guns a big part of activities—social or other activities?” Mitchell asked her interviewee abruptly.

“What?” her interviewee responded.

“Did he hunt, did he shoot?” Mitchell prodded. “Was that just part of small-town Tennessee activity?”

“Um, he actually wasn’t one of the guys I heard about going hunting,” Abdulazeez’s classmate responded. “He wasn’t really that kind of guy.”


Yup, just your typical Southern boy. I bet he had a Confederate battle flag handing up in his room, I bet he dated girls that dressed like Daisy Duke, drank beer, ate bacon, oh wait . . .

07-18-15, 15:31
Good old dad seems to be quite a gentleman...

"Abdulazeez's mother, Rasmia Ibrahim Abdulazeez, filed a divorce complaint in 2009 accusing her husband, Youssuf Saed Abdulazeez, of beating her repeatedly in front of their children and sexually assaulting her. She also accused him of "striking and berating" the children without provocation.


07-18-15, 15:37
Absolutely disgusting...


It's called proper training you dolt. You train your troops properly and you substantially reduce the likelihood of an AD or ND.

And this really got me boiling:

Since when did self defense and defense of others become a "law enforcement" issue? Laws are made by man and can (should in this instance) be unmade by man.

Like I said, "Command & Control", with a heavy emphasis on the control part. :(

Wow, Andrea Mitchell!

We Chattanoogans just really don't have as much free time as we used to. Yes, untill recently, we spent most of our time spittin backer, makin out with our sisters, making shine, catchin catfish on the river bank, skinny dipin', white washing fences, stump breakin cows, and shootin crap. But, since the first shoe store opened in Chattanooga last month, most of us have been busy learning how to walk all over agin.

Welcome to Oklahoma's world. Remember how Connie Chung characterized us after the OKC bombing? :rolleyes:

07-18-15, 16:43
Good on all Governors that step up and do right by THIER states....and stop all the damn hand-wringing over what D.C. thinks.

Now if they will just cut funding to Sanctuary Cities within their States they might be worth voting for.

07-18-15, 18:12
Florida's governor Rick Scott has taken action already.


07-18-15, 18:34
Good to see some Governors with backbone. Always hated not being able to carry in uniform I'm while I was in, hopefully they'll try to roll that back.

07-18-15, 18:56
And good for her.

Yep. Should become a standard watch.

07-18-15, 20:27

WTF, I don't have words here....

07-19-15, 09:07
The Irony....If that does not sum it up for the most dense, nothing will:

Dude should have read the sign:

I think he did read it, he just decided to be a good law abiding citizen and do his shooting from outside.....

07-19-15, 12:17
I took the family to visit the memorials that have been created here in Chattanooga. It's difficult to explain what took place and why to a 7 year old. First we stopped by the recruiting center where it started.





Then we headed to the reserve center where the 5 were shot. The long road behind the sign leads to the gate he rammed, and just past that is the Tennessee river park with walking paths and a huge playground.




07-19-15, 12:59
God bless you Matt for taking your children there and showing them the sacrifice these men made.

Outlander Systems
07-19-15, 14:18
Thanks for sharing that, man.

As well, much respect to you for keeping Liberty's torch lit for the next generation. Your kids have a good dad.

07-19-15, 15:48
Thank you guys for the kind words. I'm doing everything possible to make sure that my kids know where we come from and how we got here. I come from the age group that signed and served between wars. I have absolute respect and admiration for those who volunteer to serve during this time, in this screwed up world. There is a young man at our church that was sitting at the recruiters desk when the bullets came through the window. His "why did you join" story will beat em all.

07-19-15, 19:51
Try and do that with a Christian church.

I dare you.

Uh, duh...Christians & Churches are not preaching Jihad...we don't KILL those who we don't agree with The Gospel or who insult Jesus.

07-19-15, 19:59
Shit, who are you kidding? You know damn well in this day and age in Bizzaro-Land U.S.A. they'd shut down a Christian church before a muzzy mosque! In a heartbeat. In fact, watch and see what happens when Christian churches refuse to marry homos. Then watch and see what doesn't happen when a mosque does the same thing (if it's even covered in the MSM).

plus, if Christianity had a "Radical" movement that beheaded folks who would not convert, killed marathoners with exploding pressure cookers, shot up schools, Malls, Military Bases, Churches, office complexes and businesses...
...and the "mainstream" Churches & Christians din't take a FORCEFUL, pro-active, aggressive stance against it...STRONGLY denouncing & exposing, even hunting-down those hi-jacking the faith...
...SEE what our government in the face of "outcry" from other faiths or the liberal left...WOULD DO !!!
See what some citizens would DO.

07-19-15, 20:00
So, homosexuals are allowed to get married per the Supreme Court, and the White House is lit up like a ****in rainbow. Five American serviceman are murdered on American soil by an Islamic terrorist, and the White House doesn't even show them the respect of flying the Stars and Stripes at half staff? That is ****in despicable.

07-19-15, 20:07
So, homosexuals are allowed to get married per the Supreme Court, and the White House is lit up like a ****in rainbow. Five American serviceman are murdered on American soil by an Islamic terrorist, and the White House doesn't even show them the respect of flying the Stars and Stripes at half staff? That is ****in despicable.


07-20-15, 00:41
First I want to say that I send my prayers to the fallen. I have read through this thread and have not found what I am looking for. I was thinking that it was HW that first proposed the military not being able to carry on base etc and it was Clinton that got it passed but perhaps my memory is wrong. Second for those that have far more training than I how much would it have helped these soldiers? From what I have read they were just going about their business, standing by the water cooler for lack of a better term and this rag head opens up from a car 50 feet away. Regardless of training and being armed how effective would their counter attack have been? I can see armed personnel being effective in a case like the FT. Hood shooting but this one has me wondering. I am not trying to diminish their reputations or support the position of not allowing soldiers to carry on base, I am just trying to satisfy my own curiosity and perhaps I missed some part of the story along the way.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

07-20-15, 00:58
First I want to say that I send my prayers to the fallen. I have read through this thread and have not found what I am looking for. I was thinking that it was HW that first proposed the military not being able to carry on base etc and it was Clinton that got it passed but perhaps my memory is wrong. Second for those that have far more training than I how much would it have helped these soldiers? From what I have read they were just going about their business, standing by the water cooler for lack of a better term and this rag head opens up from a car 50 feet away. Regardless of training and being armed how effective would their counter attack have been? I can see armed personnel being effective in a case like the FT. Hood shooting but this one has me wondering. I am not trying to diminish their reputations or support the position of not allowing soldiers to carry on base, I am just trying to satisfy my own curiosity and perhaps I missed some part of the story along the way.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Your memory is not wrong. Anti-gun G.H.W. Bush got the ball rolling on that one, Clinton just carried it across the finish line.

It's a reasonable assumption that any counter-assault at the recruiting center may have made no difference. It's also reasonable to assume that had they had weapons on them at all, they might've at least been able to reduce the time he was able to attack them completely unopposed. A weapon isn't a talisman against all evil, it's merely a tool that may even the odds up a bit. Given the option, most would rather have it than not. :(

07-20-15, 05:09
Not sure about being armed at the recruiting offices would have allowed time to react, but at the reserve center Skip Wells had time to send a text "ACTIVE SHOOTER" to his girlfriend. So, one would assume that they may have had time to react. We just found out that 18 people were able to evacuate the building and get over the fence. 2 people were missing, so David Wyatt and Thomas Sullivan went back in to find them. Thats where they encountered the gunman and were gunned down... defenseless.

07-20-15, 07:10
Not sure about being armed at the recruiting offices would have allowed time to react, but at the reserve center Skip Wells had time to send a text "ACTIVE SHOOTER" to his girlfriend. So, one would assume that they may have had time to react. We just found out that 18 people were able to evacuate the building and get over the fence. 2 people were missing, so David Wyatt and Thomas Sullivan went back in to find them. Thats where they encountered the gunman and were gunned down... defenseless.

Did not know this. So the Gunny and SSG went back in, eh?

Details have been few and far between. He crashed the gate and got out of his car. Then what? Was everyone he shot outside? Did he enter the building?

07-20-15, 07:14
I don't know a damned thing about Marine Corps Recruiting, but in Army Recruiting the difference between the guy's who are selected to come out and serve three years as a detailed Recruiter and the "SGT Sluggo's" who decided to make it a "Career" choice is night and day.
One I would trust to make a life and death decision, the others I wouldn't trust to go get Donuts and not make a bad morale choice between here and there.
Sorry, that's just a been there and done that observation.

07-20-15, 07:19
I don't know a damned thing about Marine Corps Recruiting, but in Army Recruiting the difference between the guy's who are selected to come out and serve three years as a detailed Recruiter and the "SGT Sluggo's" who decided to make it a "Career" choice is night and day.
One I would trust to make a life and death decision, the others I wouldn't trust to go get Donuts and not make a bad morale choice between here and there.
Sorry, that's just a been there and done that observation.

Recruiter and Drill Sergeant.......as far as the Army goes, most career NCO's will do one or the other at some point.

07-20-15, 07:48
This shooter gets more odd by the report. You could almost turn him into any kind of AS that you wanted to. Illegal drugs and a drinking problem and yet a fairly strict Muslim upbringing. Sleeping pills for shift work and perhaps some depression which I assume he was being treated for. Add in some trips to the middle east with unknown itineraries and you've got a buffet of issues to put together into a crazy meal.

07-20-15, 07:53
This shooter gets more odd by the report. You could almost turn him into any kind of AS that you wanted to. Illegal drugs and a drinking problem and yet a fairly strict Muslim upbringing. Sleeping pills for shift work and perhaps some depression which I assume he was being treated for. Add in some trips to the middle east with unknown itineraries and you've got a buffet of issues to put together into a crazy meal.

Similar to perhaps the S.C. Church shooter who killed 9?

07-20-15, 09:22
Similar to perhaps the S.C. Church shooter who killed 9?

In that any ideology behind the attack is secondary to the fact that the attacker was seriously screwed up.

The innocent victims don't care.

07-20-15, 10:22
In that any ideology behind the attack is secondary to the fact that the attacker was seriously screwed up.

The innocent victims don't care.

Neither does the media. Anything to sell an agenda. :(

07-20-15, 11:45
Neither does the media. Anything to sell an agenda. :(

It would appear with this guy that radical Islam is quite on the back burner.
I asked because on one hand we're dealing with a complete condemnation of anything and everything about Southern Culture.
On the other hand, no one seems to give two cents about calling out Islam, perhaps investigating his Mosque and blaming those who have no issue sending these guys out to kill in the name of Allah.
Just saying, two narratives, somewhat similar shooters.

07-20-15, 15:10
The newspaper here is looking at the depression and all that not as an excuse for what he did, but rather another key to the puzzle of what would make someone go from "average" to "wakko". They mentioned on talk radio this afternoon that this is exactly the kind of individual that is sought out for radicalization.

07-21-15, 08:44

07-21-15, 08:50

07-21-15, 11:03
I saw a headline on CNN this morning while at the gym. It literally read, in huge bold letters: TENNESSEE SHOOTER LIKED GUNS.

Big A
07-21-15, 11:07
I saw a headline on CNN this morning while at the gym. It literally read, in huge bold letters: TENNESSEE SHOOTER LIKED GUNS.
Gotta make it fit the narrative...

Don't let a crisis go to waste and all that.

07-21-15, 11:28
No surprises here.


Under pressure, they're doing it now.

07-21-15, 13:30
So he might have been an Anti-ISIS but pro-AQ guy who loved America, but hated the military.

I know history isn't clear cut, but this ME, enemy of my enemy thing is getting tough to follow.

07-21-15, 18:51
Heard on the news on the way home this afternoon that his uncle (in Jordan) has been in Jordanian custody since the day after the shooting. Must've been who he stayed with on his trip there (?).

07-21-15, 20:32
Military sources: Navy officer and Marine returned fire at gunman during attack


07-22-15, 14:11
After five killed in Tennessee shootings, armed citizens taking on job of guarding recruiters.


I think they should have some "Military Lives Matter" t-shirts made up . . .

07-22-15, 14:22
After five killed in Tennessee shootings, armed citizens taking on job of guarding recruiters.


I think they should have some "Military Lives Matter" t-shirts made up . . .

I'd be interested to know what the recruiters themselves think of that idea

Interesting carry position of the fella on the left. Hmmm.

Reminds me a bit of the HK ad a while back.

07-22-15, 14:55
These dumb-asses with no sights, bump-fire stocks, backwards pistols, no grooming, and ratty clothes just don't convey any professionalism or even competency.

They're a liability and should be promptly removed from anywhere public.

07-22-15, 15:09
These dumb-asses with no sights, bump-fire stocks, backwards pistols, no grooming, and ratty clothes just don't convey any professionalism or even competency.

They're a liability and should be promptly removed from anywhere public.

Yeah I don't get it. As Markm says; "Guns attract idiots". When I first saw the pic of these dudes I thought "open carry activists".

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions".

07-22-15, 15:10

07-22-15, 16:01
They certainly don't understand the "gray man" concept. :(

07-22-15, 16:15
These dumb-asses with no sights, bump-fire stocks, backwards pistols, no grooming, and ratty clothes just don't convey any professionalism or even competency.

They're a liability and should be promptly removed from anywhere public.

But they post on AR15.com or maybe even here :)

Outlander Systems
07-22-15, 17:02
Be the change you wish to see, mah brothas.

Until you step up to bat, don't bitch about who's pinch-hitting.

07-22-15, 19:45
These dumb-asses with no sights, bump-fire stocks, backwards pistols, no grooming, and ratty clothes just don't convey any professionalism or even competency.

They're a liability and should be promptly removed from anywhere public.

But in some states, it is legal to hunt over a baited field. :cool:

Just make sure you have clear sightlines, and a good backstop after you lay your bait.

07-23-15, 15:11
As mentioned some where in this thread I recall, it appears at least two of the servicemen were armed and at least one attempted to return fire.

"Authorities did not say whether or not the service member was authorized to carry a weapon at the facility, with Reinhold saying that's something the military could look into. The FBI agent added that investigators found a total of two firearms that belonged to service members, though it wasn't clear if the second one was discharged; he did not say whether the firearms were personal or military weapons.

Once inside, Abdulazeez managed to kill one service member. (It was not immediately clear if that person killed was the same one who'd fired at him.) He then made his way to a gated motor-pool area, where he fatally shot two others, according to Reinhold.

Abdulazeez killed two more service members before apparently trying to head back inside. Early information suggests that one gun was used to kill all five military personnel, ruling out the possibility of friendly fire."

With what info we have, it does not change a damn thing in terms of whether their should be armed security at such locations, but having armed people at such locations, and nadda at schools full of children makes even less sense to me, but that's another topic. From what little we know, it would seem lessons learned are not new per se: don't bring a handgun to a gun fight if you have a choice, the element of surprise and violence of action wins fights, or at least until you can muster a counter to it, action is always faster than reaction, training for such scenarios and situational awareness can reduce likelihood of success for such a shooter and or reduce the death toll. Finally, unlike TV, you can do everything right and still die.

You can be armed to the teeth and kicked back in your chair relaxing in your office, and some POS drives up, roles down window, and sends rnds into your office and luck not with you that day, someone will likely die. None of it changes the fact they have a right to defend themselves against such violence, as do we all, be they in some shit hole overseas or on US soil.

Did I forget anything?


07-23-15, 16:00

07-23-15, 16:31
We can't have civilians providing a deterrence outside the offices of our disarmed soldiers.


From some of the people we have seen showing up to "protect" them it's not hard to see why they might come to that conclusion:

“I’m sure the citizens mean well, but we cannot assume this in every case and we do not want to advocate this behavior,” according to the Army Command Operations Center-Security Division letter, which was authenticated by the service.

Recruiters were ordered not to interact or acknowledge the armed civilians, who have been greeted by a mix of concern, indifference and gratitude by the public.

“If questioned by these alleged concerned citizens, be polite, professional and terminate the conversation immediately and report the incident to local law enforcement …,” the command advised"

Did you watch the vid on that page? Ugh....

07-23-15, 16:42

07-23-15, 17:09
Well, that was quick.

One of the civilian volunteer "guards" ND'd into the concrete.


07-23-15, 17:13
Those wishing to protect the recruitment centers have good intentions and are most likely not only harmless, but emphasize the need for service members to be armed while CONUS.

I don't disagree with any of that but i can understand the mil's position on the matter.

07-23-15, 17:22
Well, that was quick.

One of the civilian volunteer "guards" ND'd into the concrete.


All it takes is one...

07-23-15, 17:36
Well, that was quick.

One of the civilian volunteer "guards" ND'd into the concrete.


Dumbass. :(

07-23-15, 17:52
Uugggghhhh..... Why are people so effing stupid........

07-23-15, 18:07
IDIOT does not begin to describe that and as we know does nothing to help the image of gun folks either

07-23-15, 18:16
Well, that was quick.

One of the civilian volunteer "guards" ND'd into the concrete.


Did not do it just once, this is his second incident. Idiot....

07-23-15, 18:37
This is the second time it happened to Mr. Reed. He was fined $50.00 for the first offense. What is a suitable punishment? Community service? Attend an NRA gun Safety class?


"I was out here and was talking to a guy who wanted to look at my AR-15," said Reed in an interview with the Eagle-Gazette. "I was trying to clear the weapon and hand it over to him when it went off. I thought it was empty and must have missed it."

07-23-15, 18:40
I missed the he has done this twice !!!! OK not a idiot a complete moron who must have something wrong big time

I dont want repeat drunk drivers driving ! dont want folks who seem to cause accidents all the time being able to repeat them
something needs to be done to folks like this for sure what that is ? dont know but something

Outlander Systems
07-23-15, 18:48
Reed told police that he was holding his rifle outside the recruitment center when someone asked if he could take a look at it. Reed agreed, and while he was trying to clear the ammunition from the weapon, he accidentally fired one shot into the asphalt pavement.

This is where the line into Boogereaterville began.

Look, if you're going to perform a duty, soldier the **** up. Act like a goddamned professional. And for the sake of Thomas Jefferson, do NOT let somebody finger **** with your weapon.

A simple, "Sure, man. When we head home, swing by the truck, and you can peep on it. Right now, we're on duty."

I can just see one of the Local LEOs here handing me his sidearm so I can "check it out" while he's on duty.

Sweet Jesus. I went from a heartfelt supporter to now saying there's no un****ing this'un.

This is what happens when the amateurs are pinch-hitting for us.

07-23-15, 19:43
This is the second time it happened to Mr. Reed. He was fined $50.00 for the first offense. What is a suitable punishment? Community service? Attend an NRA gun Safety class?

He must have trained with Tex Schrebner.

07-23-15, 19:43
"I was trying to clear the weapon and hand it over to him when it went off. I thought it was empty and must have missed it."


This guy should not be allowed to own firearms.

07-23-15, 19:46
He must have trained with Tex Schrebner.


07-23-15, 19:49
haahaha musical version is funny :)

quick call MOM

07-23-15, 20:38
Here are some other accidents waiting to happen (apologies if these happen to be M4C members:cray:)... Jokes aside, NDs are not helping our cause. Then again, a couple of days a go a recruiter had an ND. Mix people and guns and eventually you'll have an ND.

A few of these guys need to ask Santa for a set of BUIS...
















Militia ?

07-23-15, 20:46
I look at those pictures and hear my Mothers voice say; "And that's why you kids can't have nice stuff !"

07-23-15, 21:07
maybe its just me but IMHO these are big ol TARGETS for bad guys ?

my thinking would be to tell them hang out in your vehicle in the parking lot and not stand out like a idiot and have the element of surprise maybe :)

07-23-15, 21:15

FLORENCE, Ky. — Armed civilians are volunteering to guard military recruiting centers across the USA after last week's attacks in Tennessee.

Dennis Kelley of Walton, Ky., an Army veteran sitting Wednesday in the parking lot of the U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Center here with his friend and Navy vet Jerry Peterson of Union, Ky., said he would be back every day until the government allows service members to carry guns at work in this country. A 1992 Pentagon directive prohibits anyone other than military police or law enforcement to carry weapons on federal property, including recruitment centers.

"I'm here because these guys protect us," said Kelley, waving behind him at the recruiting station behind his lawn chair. "And yet, they're not allowed to protect themselves."

And then there is the top brass response.



Terry Jackson, a member of Operation Hero Guard, stands guard outside a U.S. military recruiting station in Cleburne, Texas, Tuesday, July 21, 2015.

WASHINGTON — The Army has warned its recruiters to treat the gun-toting civilians gathering at centers across the country in the wake of the Chattanooga, Tenn., shooting as a security threat.

Soldiers should avoid anyone standing outside the recruiting centers attempting to offer protection and report them to local law enforcement and the command if they feel threatened, according to a U.S. Army Recruiting Command policy letter issued Monday.

Armed citizens — some associated with activist groups and militias — were standing vigil outside recruiting centers in Wisconsin, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho and elsewhere this week, saying they want to provide protection to servicemembers barred from carrying firearms on duty.

So to recap, an Islamic extremist who attacked the recruiting centers was just a depressed person who did something terrible regardless of his comments about jihad and things like that.

But Americans who decide to protect those who serve unarmed by mandate, for no pay or reward, are dangerous potential terrorists.

Big A
07-23-15, 21:23
Here are some other accidents waiting to happen (apologies if these happen to be M4C members:cray:)... Jokes aside, NDs are not helping our cause. Then again, a couple of days a go a recruiter had an ND. Mix people and guns and eventually you'll have an ND.

A few of these guys need to ask Santa for a set of BUIS...
















Militia ?

Barfcom must be like a ghost town...

Is that a tactical kilt in pic #2

WTF is grandpa in the hoverround gonna do?

Now I'm back to hating my fellow Americans again. Sgt. Meyer had given me some hope but these idiots have managed to destroy it...

07-23-15, 21:40
He needs to hike up his PC a bit more but other than that good on him.

Big A
07-23-15, 21:48

Christopher A. Reed, 28, of Lancaster, was charged with discharging a firearm in the city limits, and was issued a summons to appear in Fairfield County Municipal Court on Tuesday, according to the police incident report.

Reed told police that he was holding his rifle outside the recruitment center when someone asked if he could take a look at it. Reed agreed, and while he was trying to clear the ammunition from the weapon, he accidentally fired one shot into the asphalt pavement.

The only damage was a hole in the pavement. The rifle was taken from Reed pending his appearance in court, the incident report says.

Conviction on the fourth-degree misdemeanor is punishable by a maximum of 30 days in jail.

Reed was convicted of the same offense in 2013, and was fined $50, court records show.

That is the very definition of a security risk...

07-23-15, 21:51
maybe its just me but IMHO these are big ol TARGETS for bad guys ?

my thinking would be to tell them hang out in your vehicle in the parking lot and not stand out like a idiot and have the element of surprise maybe :)

On the one hand, I may have seen too many spy movies or too many episodes of Burn Notice, but I think sitting in the car would be a good way to keep an eye and be ready to rock and roll.

On the other hand... it also seems extremely likely to me that sitting in a car with your AR or Kalash in the passenger seat, with a pair of binos glassing a recruiting office seems like it might cause a, uh, "issue" when and if a good guy notices.

Best option would be to find a café relatively close and carry an SBR or something in a sneaky bag and spend your time sipping lattes and browsing the interweb or reading books, magazines, newspapers. But maybe I've seen too many spy movies and too many episodes of Burn Notice.

07-23-15, 21:55
Barfcom must be like a ghost town...

Is that a tactical kilt in pic #2

WTF is grandpa in the hoverround gonna do?

Now I'm back to hating my fellow Americans again. Sgt. Meyer had given me some hope but these idiots have managed to destroy it...

Yes, without a doubt a tactical kilt.

07-23-15, 22:09

Is SKS cat wearing the new CTD covert armor summer line?

"Cooling where you need it, low riding Ballistic Gel for when you need it"

I figured Euro would at least have the sense to cover his face.:smile:

07-23-15, 22:44
I'm looking at re enlisting in the reserves (Army this time, was a Marine the first time around) and saw one of these guys standing in the parking lot. He stood at parade rest (looks good in formation, but a terrible position to respond to a threat from) so I'm assuming he was some sort of vet, and was carrying a well worn Beretta 92 in an uncle mikes style nylon OWB holster (the kind with the snap/strap retention that pretty much requires both hands to clear "leather"). The beretta didnt have a magazine inserted but he had two spares on his belt, despite it being perfectly legal to OC a loaded pistol or rifle here in VA. The guy reaked of "good intentions, terrible execution."

This was on Tuesday at the combined army/navy/af/Marines recruiting center on Waples Mill Rd in Fairfax. Those of you familiar with the area, the recruiting office is literally no more than 50 yards from the NRA national HQ/indoor range right off I-66. I'm a bit disappointed the guy wasn't better "put together," considering his environs.

Overall, I can't knock these guys for what they're doing though.

07-23-15, 23:15
Threads merged.

07-23-15, 23:26

Jesus christ, what is wrong with the asshole wearing the shemagh?

We finally get the OPPORTUNITY to go out there and show armed citizens doing the right thing and these ****tards show up wanting to play out their Call of Duty fantasy.

07-23-15, 23:39
Jesus christ, what is wrong with the asshole wearing the shemagh?

We finally get the OPPORTUNITY to go out there and show armed citizens doing the right thing and these ****tards show up wanting to play out their Call of Duty fantasy.

I don't know Steyr, seems pretty good to me.

Shemagh - check
velcro patch hat - check
drop leg holster with extra straps and buckles - check
something strapped to his other leg(obviously multiple back up mags - check
some sort of vest or plate carrier(with no plate) - check
Vertical fore grip - check
walmart deer rifle scope - check

I give the guy a hard time, but at least he went out there with I hope good intentions. That is better than most, and maybe the shemagh is so he isn't recognized during photos like this. I am sure plenty of companies would find a reason to fire you for doing this.

07-23-15, 23:54
I don't know Steyr, seems pretty good to me.

Shemagh - check
velcro patch hat - check
drop leg holster with extra straps and buckles - check
something strapped to his other leg(obviously multiple back up mags - check
some sort of vest or plate carrier(with no plate) - check
Vertical fore grip - check
walmart deer rifle scope - check

I give the guy a hard time, but at least he went out there with I hope good intentions. That is better than most, and maybe the shemagh is so he isn't recognized during photos like this. I am sure plenty of companies would find a reason to fire you for doing this.

I'm trying really, really hard to NOT be critical of anyone who went out there with the best intentions.

I'm just suggesting that dressing like a ninja terrorist shouldn't be your highest priority and if you don't want your picture taken...stay home.

The Army position is already to treat these guys as a security threat.

Perhaps they can take some lessons from this guy.


He still has all the tacticool stuff that makes a wannabe feel special, but he LOOKS like he's protecting the place, he doesn't look like he might attack it at any moment.

It's like me deciding I'm gonna stand guard at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and wearing my Dukes of Hazzard jacket.

Deciding you are going to become involved in an armed citizen protection detail is a BFD. You have to do it like a grown up. It's not just an opportunity to put on your guns and gear for Facebook.

Glad to see people who felt like they should step up. But they should have first coordinated with the recruiting center in question, worked with them in a cooperative effort and organized some basic "Do's and Dont's" so everyone is on the same page doing the same thing the same way.

If some ali akbar asshole showed up wearing a bunch of tactical gear and a shemegh people wouldn't even know who to shoot at. Thank god most of the "Johnny Jihads" in this country are too stupid to exploit something like this.

07-24-15, 00:05
I wouldn't want my face to be seen either.

07-24-15, 00:07
I'm looking at re enlisting in the reserves (Army this time, was a Marine the first time around) and saw one of these guys standing in the parking lot. He stood at parade rest (looks good in formation, but a terrible position to respond to a threat from) so I'm assuming he was some sort of vet, and was carrying a well worn Beretta 92 in an uncle mikes style nylon OWB holster (the kind with the snap/strap retention that pretty much requires both hands to clear "leather"). The beretta didnt have a magazine inserted but he had two spares on his belt, despite it being perfectly legal to OC a loaded pistol or rifle here in VA. The guy reaked of "good intentions, terrible execution."

This was on Tuesday at the combined army/navy/af/Marines recruiting center on Waples Mill Rd in Fairfax. Those of you familiar with the area, the recruiting office is literally no more than 50 yards from the NRA national HQ/indoor range right off I-66. I'm a bit disappointed the guy wasn't better "put together," considering his environs.

Overall, I can't knock these guys for what they're doing though.

Just wanted to point out that I posted the above before the thread merge when the guy below was the only image in the thread:


NOT about the obese modern warfare creeps posted in the merged thread.

07-24-15, 00:10
I feel like some people think this is a chance to play soldier for real, so they get all dressed up and everything.

I wonder if their presence is discouraging those of middle eastern descent from going to a recruiting station.

07-24-15, 00:33
I'm trying really, really hard to NOT be critical of anyone who went out there with the best intentions.

I'm just suggesting that dressing like a ninja terrorist shouldn't be your highest priority and if you don't want your picture taken...stay home.

Agreed. I never ceases to amaze me that people don't understand that perception is reality. If you dress like a slob you will get treated like a slob, you act like a dumb ass you will get treated like a dumb ass, and if you dress like a ninja terrorist you better home you don't get treated like one.

07-24-15, 00:50
THE FAIL! It burns my soul!!! :fie:

07-24-15, 01:16
I wouldn't want my face to be seen either.

Problem solved.


Leave the shemeghs, gangster bandana hoods and ninja hoods to the G8 activist / terrorists. Wearing that crap sends a message that you are hiding your identity because you are doing something wrong.

07-24-15, 07:20
yeah agree on that to :) if you are like these tools and wear things out in the open etc...
why I say let the military handle its own ? but that is me :)

and meant more like sit in the car everything hidden no spy crap just chill with a book or something for a bit then rotate out

guess I mean the folks like this that try to stand out is wrong in so many ways and says target :)
sadly these yokels would stand out in a car or cafe cause there sneaky bag would be most likely not so sneaky :)

On the one hand, I may have seen too many spy movies or too many episodes of Burn Notice, but I think sitting in the car would be a good way to keep an eye and be ready to rock and roll.

On the other hand... it also seems extremely likely to me that sitting in a car with your AR or Kalash in the passenger seat, with a pair of binos glassing a recruiting office seems like it might cause a, uh, "issue" when and if a good guy notices.

Best option would be to find a café relatively close and carry an SBR or something in a sneaky bag and spend your time sipping lattes and browsing the interweb or reading books, magazines, newspapers. But maybe I've seen too many spy movies and too many episodes of Burn Notice.

07-24-15, 12:46
I was at a big gun store and observed quite a few airmen from the nearby reserve AFB buying little baby glocks and defensive ammo. I wonder what they're planning to do with those pocket sized blasters.

07-24-15, 13:03
Here are some other accidents waiting to happen (apologies if these happen to be M4C members:cray:)... Jokes aside, NDs are not helping our cause. Then again, a couple of days a go a recruiter had an ND. Mix people and guns and eventually you'll have an ND.

A few of these guys need to ask Santa for a set of BUIS...
















Militia ?

So many basement beards. Real operators don't need ****ing sights brah!

07-24-15, 13:34
I wish I could find the message board these guys organize on.

THIS is how you should look if you are going to stand armed to protect anything.


This is NOT a cosplay event.

A simple polo and khaki combination says:

1. I'm a civilian and I know that. I am volunteering my time to protect you.
2. I don't have delusions of being a James Yeager operator and I'm not going to put you guys at further risk with firearms asshattery.
3. I'm a reasoned thinking individual and as a result I own more than a gadsen t shirt and I can figure out how to install an EOtech correctly.

And for godsakes lose the neckbeard already.

07-24-15, 13:40
What about tucked combat boots versus flip flops/crocs?

07-24-15, 13:42
I heard these chicks were available...they did a bang-up job in Berkeley several years ago:


07-24-15, 14:25
So many basement beards. Real operators don't need ****ing sights brah!

Trying my best to "get" it. It seems people's attempt to show support for the mil with a show of solidarity and arms in the way they know how. Much of it misdirected, and potentially downright dangerous and counter productive even. Obviously, there's a way citizens could be involved with some planning and coordination, but that will not happen. So, you get a wide range of people, many of whom shouldn't run with a pencil much less be stationed outside a mil office with a long gun. Some of those people are ex mil, but as we all know, that does not defacto make them trained nor qualified to do that type of "work"

I'm assuming (dangerous I know) that the guy at the bottom with name tag is ex mil. I hope that's the case at least.

07-24-15, 14:49
So many basement beards. Real operators don't need ****ing sights brah!

I don't know what's the worst on that one dude. The grip-pod, the Sig brace to avoid paying a tax stamp, lack of sights or the Crocs. It's just a veritable cornucopia of fail. :fie:

07-24-15, 14:55
I don't know what's the worst on that one dude. The grip-pod, the Sig brace to avoid paying a tax stamp, lack of sights or the Crocs. It's just a veritable cornucopia of fail. :fie:

The worst may yet to come for that guy... if you catch my drift.

07-24-15, 15:05
uhhhhh, those are some pretty sweet pictures.

07-24-15, 15:51
I still can't get over the kilt.

07-24-15, 16:28
I still can't get over the kilt.

There was a guy at the last local pistol match sporting one. He was on our squad and I overheard him talking about how 5.11 only made them for a little while.

Guy shot well and I didn't get any funny vibes so I didn't think much about it. I can't really talk smack about other people's hot weather gear when I'm the guy in shorts and boots.

I think only a few guys can pull off wearing a kilt though.

07-24-15, 16:59
I wish I could find the message board these guys organize on.

THIS is how you should look if you are going to stand armed to protect anything.

This is NOT a cosplay event.

A simple polo and khaki combination says:

1. I'm a civilian and I know that. I am volunteering my time to protect you.
2. I don't have delusions of being a James Yeager operator and I'm not going to put you guys at further risk with firearms asshattery.
3. I'm a reasoned thinking individual and as a result I own more than a gadsen t shirt and I can figure out how to install an EOtech correctly.

And for godsakes lose the neckbeard already.

100% agreed

When a bunch of idiots with the grooming standards and manners of an outlaw biker gang are the face of civilian gun ownership, we're screwed.

07-24-15, 17:25

THIS is how you should look if you are going to stand armed to protect anything.

This is NOT a cosplay event......

I completely agree and suggested similar on a past OC thread. Booed off stage I was.

The worst may yet to come for that guy... if you catch my drift.

You mean this picture of him committing a Felony circulating on the world wide web? Or that he had his eyes closed for a picture?

I knew it. "Eyes closed" was correct answer.

07-24-15, 18:07
I completely agree and suggested similar on a past OC thread. Booed off stage I was.

An individual who is OC is more of an individual and mostly represents himself. In an organized group event, that individual needs to realize he now represents the group and not just himself.

I swear it's like some of the people think they are going to a tactical / redneck Renaissance Fair of some kind.

Here's an idea, rather than a dozen guys forming a picket line, how about a few of them manning some blocking vehicles at the ready just in case something actually does happen. Thankfully nothing happened, I'd hate to see the clusterfck that would result from these guys going hot.

Probably the bikers are the only one's with some semblance of a plan and basic knowledge of parking lot shootouts.

Outlander Systems
07-24-15, 21:34

07-24-15, 23:57
Holy shit....

that is all.

07-25-15, 08:42
Pentagon officials took one look at this thread and said enough is enough.

The Pentagon asked Friday that individuals not stand guard at the military recruiting offices in the wake of the deadly Chattanooga terror attack.

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said in a statement that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter “is currently reviewing recommendations from the services for making our installations and facilities safer - including our recruiting stations” following the July 16 attack that left four Marines and a Navy sailor dead.

“While we greatly appreciate the outpouring of support for our recruiters from the American public, we ask that individuals not stand guard at recruiting offices as it could adversely impact our mission, and potentially create unintended security risks,” Cook added.


07-25-15, 21:46
I'd bet big money they'll spend millions 'hardening' recruiting stations by installing bullet resistant glass and 'safe' rooms before they arm anyone.

07-26-15, 02:34
I'd bet big money they'll spend millions 'hardening' recruiting stations by installing bullet resistant glass and 'safe' rooms before they arm anyone.

Of course being a "recruiting center" I bet you can still walk in the unlocked door with a concealed handgun and shoot the place up before anyone can get half way to that "safe room."

You want to be safe, have a means to stop the shooter.

26 Inf
07-26-15, 11:50
I was looking at the pictures and laughing to myself - what does anyone want to bet that half of those lads and ladies have SNAP cards in their pockets? I won't be guarding my local reserve center because, you know, I have a job.

07-26-15, 14:05
As was already mentioned the optimal way to "guard" one of these places is discreet surveillance from nearby, weapon on the front seat and maybe a pair of binos (oughta be close enough you don't need binos though). Of course someone walks past and sees you there could be a po-po visit in your future! Standing out in front makes you a target, that's all.

I think they mean well but the effort is a little misguided.

07-26-15, 14:17
Not my fight.
Career Enlisted guy who did a bit of recruiting time in LA after the Rodney King Riots.
If I needed protection, I made sure I had what I needed to protect myself. Big Boy and CMFM rules apply here.
The "Volunteer's" would seem to be mostly attention whores. The rest would perhaps be better served doing something a bit less obvious.

07-26-15, 18:17
I was looking at the pictures and laughing to myself - what does anyone want to bet that half of those lads and ladies have SNAP cards in their pockets? I won't be guarding my local reserve center because, you know, I have a job.

Honestly, I'm a busy guy but....

If there was a local recruiting center nearby that I believed was at reasonable risk AND there was an organized and intelligent protection effort, I could see putting in a few hours of community service.

07-26-15, 19:42
Honestly, I'm a busy guy but....

If there was a local recruiting center nearby that I believed was at reasonable risk AND there was an organized and intelligent protection effort, I could see putting in a few hours of community service.

Something tells me you'd be a little less, uh, obvious. ;)

26 Inf
07-26-15, 20:46
Honestly, I'm a busy guy but....

If there was a local recruiting center nearby that I believed was at reasonable risk AND there was an organized and intelligent protection effort, I could see putting in a few hours of community service.

I would also, but I wouldn't call the media first.

07-26-15, 21:17
Something tells me you'd be a little less, uh, obvious. ;)

...nobody expects the MP5 Ninja...

07-26-15, 23:20
...nobody expects the MP5 Ninja...
Not gonna lie. I'd love to read that news headline. "Jihad attacked thwarted by masked crusader with sub gun".

07-26-15, 23:27
An MP5 would make a perfect weapon for a sneaky bag to carry whilst covertly surveilling a recruiting office from a nearby café.

07-26-15, 23:48
An MP5 would make a perfect weapon for a sneaky bag to carry whilst covertly surveilling a recruiting office from a nearby café.

Way to freaking out me bro. Now I gotta move over to the pizzeria.

07-27-15, 00:26
Not gonna lie. I'd love to read that news headline. "Jihad attacked thwarted by masked crusader with sub gun".


07-27-15, 00:30
^ Epicness is epic.

07-27-15, 00:53
Way to freaking out me bro. Now I gotta move over to the pizzeria.

My bad, bro. I didn't mean to Geraldo you.

07-27-15, 01:12
My bad, bro. I didn't mean to Geraldo you.

Awesome verb.

07-27-15, 05:49
Im surprised the scooter guy wasnt outfitted w/ an M134 turret.

07-27-15, 05:51
Im surprised the scooter guy wasnt outfitted w/ an M134 turret.

Or at least an old school hand-crank gatling gun!

07-27-15, 07:46
Lol, in sure some of these people's intentions are good. But they ended up looking silly in the process. I once went to one of those OC events with my AR. After seeing how many people responded on FB saying they'd be there and seeing how many actually showed up, id say it took balls to stand there and look stupid for an hour.

07-27-15, 10:21
No one commented on the female wearing a bikini and plate carrier. :cool:

I wonder how many service members are now packing under the better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 rule?

07-27-15, 12:26
No one commented on the female wearing a bikini and plate carrier. :cool:

I wonder how many service members are now packing under the better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 rule?

As at least two had guns it appears, and one fired his weapon in an attempt to respond (info that may change as the facts come in of course) it appears at least a few already were. Do we have any new intel on that?

26 Inf
07-27-15, 19:39

Authentic as hell 'reported to have changed CLIPS' and 'he grabbed his empty CLIP' just the way it would be reported!

07-27-15, 20:45
They would have reported it as a 9mm AK-47 assault rifle, though.

07-30-15, 19:15

On the right, is that a man or a woman? Well I guess these days they can choose to be both. And what does spinach chin hope to accomplish with his lever action, that is an interesting "at the ready" method of slinging a rifle.



(Disclaimer: Not making fun of handicap people) BUT here is to all the Hoveround Commandos . . .

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/558/20128286576_5edec477c3_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wEEJkJ)

I see MultiCam William Wallace and Wonder Woman have graduated from their usual boring Cosplay RPGs and have upgraded to the gun owning segment of the nation's attention whores.


DPMS carbine - CHECK
No BUIS (front or rear) - CHECK
POS imported bipod, VFG, light, and RDS from The Sportsman's Guide - CHECK
Gadsden Flag t-shirt you bought at the gun show - CHECK
Getting your photo plastered all over the Earth by the media while showing off your Civil War 2.0/SHTF/zombie apocalypse rifle - PRICELESS


No MultiCam for this dude, oh no only A-TAX FG will do as he marches to the beat of his own drummer. Blends in so well with the concrete and buildings.


These guys must be clones, they are at every gun show in the South.


AOW?!?! What's that? Oops! Nice recovery with the Crocs in Realtree.




Hipster fohawk - CHECK
Generic graphic t-shirt but not quit Affliction - CHECK
Again, no BUIS (front and rear) - CHECK
Rocking your Bushmaster Carbon 15 with POS imported RDS for all the world to see - PRICELESS


Who doesn't fill safe when guarded by a guy with an SKS he dragged through the Tapco catalog? Not to mention his buddy in the middle's extremely low tactical nylon drop leg holster that just so happens to be pointing the muzzle of his handgun RIGHT AT HIS OWN KNEE CAP?

07-30-15, 20:01
I just noticed that the guy in the Gadsden shirt with the AR with the Chinese-crappy-backwards-EoTech (I know it's not backwards) has a pistol (1911?) on his left hip and two speedloader pouches in front of it. So I guess he must have a wheelgun and the bottom-feeder (plus the carbine).

I wonder how many of these guys decided to do this after one too many drinks at the VFW/American Legion the night before.

07-30-15, 20:33
I just noticed that the guy in the Gadsden shirt with the AR with the Chinese-crappy-backwards-EoTech (I know it's not backwards) has a pistol (1911?) on his left hip and two speedloader pouches in front of it. So I guess he must have a wheelgun and the bottom-feeder (plus the carbine).

Gonna disagree with you on that one...looks like a S&W 686 with the wood grips, adjustable rear sight and orange front sight post poking out in his holster to me.


I wonder how many of these guys decided to do this after one too many drinks at the VFW/American Legion the night before.

Or day of...:D

07-30-15, 22:37
Hmm... yeah, looks like you're right. I'm surprised he isn't packing an M1A in a walnut stock or an M1A SOCOM with the wheelgun as a sidearm.


07-31-15, 14:24
The wheel gun is good to go, no so much for all the other garbage. In the pick with the guy with the beard that I said was a clone, notice his mag in his "AR"? It's a ****ing S&W M&P15-22!

If an active shooter showed up most of these guys would die from heart attacks and the rest would be shot dead or seriously wounded. They're clowns.

08-01-15, 01:18
The wheel gun is good to go, no so much for all the other garbage. In the pick with the guy with the beard that I said was a clone, notice his mag in his "AR"? It's a ****ing S&W M&P15-22!

If an active shooter showed up most of these guys would die from heart attacks and the rest would be shot dead or seriously wounded. They're clowns.
I had to go back and look..... It is an m&p 22....... F sakes... I don't know, I honestly don't think most of these guys have really given thought to what a gun fight is.

Not hating on the guy, I own a magpul model mp22....... I love mine, it's great, but, It's seriously the last gun I own that I would take into a shitty situation. I'd take the 10/22 twice before I'd take the mp22 rifle. Nothing says fire superiority like 22lr......lol..

08-01-15, 01:37
The wheel gun is good to go, no so much for all the other garbage. In the pick with the guy with the beard that I said was a clone, notice his mag in his "AR"? It's a ****ing S&W M&P15-22!

If an active shooter showed up most of these guys would die from heart attacks and the rest would be shot dead or seriously wounded. They're clowns.
I had to go back and look..... It is an m&p 22....... F sakes... I don't know, I honestly don't think most of these guys have really given thought to what a gun fight is.

Not hating on the guy, I own a magpul model mp22....... I love mine, it's great, but, It's seriously the last gun I own that I would take into a shitty situation. I'd take the 10/22 twice before I'd take the mp22 rifle. Nothing says fire superiority like 22lr......lol..

08-01-15, 15:37
The wheel gun is good to go, no so much for all the other garbage. In the pick with the guy with the beard that I said was a clone, notice his mag in his "AR"? It's a ****ing S&W M&P15-22!

If an active shooter showed up most of these guys would die from heart attacks and the rest would be shot dead or seriously wounded. They're clowns.

Nothing wrong with a wheelgun. Just an unusual choice in this day and age.

And at least they'd die with weapons in their hands, unlike (the majority of) the poor sots stuck with recruiting duty.

08-01-15, 15:41
Navy officer who fired back is going to be charged for discharging a gun on federal property


08-01-15, 15:53
Navy officer who fired back is going to be charged for discharging a gun on federal property


For f***s sake, are you serious? So you're just supposed to die, huh?

I didn't think they'd actually charge him but that his career advancement was toast. Guess I was wrong. :mad:

08-01-15, 15:58
BTW, has anyone seen the autopsy results on the muzzy POS? I could see the military trying to hide the fact (if true) that he was indeed hit by either the Marine or the Navy guy. I do believe, however, that the autopsy was performed by civilian authorities, no? They'd be a little less inclined to hush something like that.

08-01-15, 16:15
Navy officer who fired back is going to be charged for discharging a gun on federal property

If that report is correct, it's just YET ANOTHER indication of the morals, if they can be called that, of the people running things.

Legally there is a doctrine of necessity that has sometimes been used to blunt the application of a law that would otherwise prohibit some conduct. It might be part of a defense strategy here. I wouldn't hope for much though.

08-01-15, 17:17
Navy officer who fired back is going to be charged for discharging a gun on federal property


This makes me mad but I expected it. Carried by 6 or tried by 12, he's living it.

26 Inf
08-01-15, 20:29
Allen West posted this on his site, the Gateway Pundit apparently picked it up:

As reported ten days ago by Western Journalism, “A Navy officer and Marine reportedly returned fire at the shooter who killed five service members in Chattanooga, Tenn., even though current policy does not permit military members to carry firearms on facilities such as those where the attack occurred.

The cold-blooded assault killed four Marines and one active-duty Navy reservist. The center’s commanding officer, Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White, used his personal firearm to engage the shooter during the attack, according to sources quoted in the Navy Times. A report from The Washington Post said that one of the Marines killed in the shooting might have been carrying a 9 mm Glock and possibly returned fire on the shooter.

At the time, Western Journalism wrote, Lt. Cmdr. White could face disciplinary action for violating policy about possessing a weapon on the facility that was supposedly a gun-free zone. The investigation into the attack is ongoing, and authorities will not know if White or the Marine hit the shooter until an autopsy and a ballistics report have been completed.

West states:

Ladies and gents, resulting from the text message I received yesterday, I can confirm that the United States Navy is bringing charges against Lt. Cmdr Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property.

He adds:

The text message asked if it would be possible for Lt.Cmdr White to reach out to me. To wit I replied, affirmative.

Then he states:

Lieutenant Commander Timothy White, I await your call, and I will not rest until these charges against you have been dropped.

All of this leads me to believe that Allen West hasn't actually been in contact with LCDR White and therefore White's info, from an unnamed source, should be regarded as coming from the third shitter down.

Every story I've read saying LCDR White was being charged stems from the Allen West story - folks are just repeating what West put out.

At this point I'm waiting, even the most obtuse politician/leader should see that charging this guy is going to fan the flames. I can see a medal with a comment regarding it is not often someone is rewarded for breaking the rules.

It also may be possible that in the 7 minutes between the first report of shoots fired (10:51) and the second report of shoots fired (10:58) someone from the recruiting center contacted the reserve center, heck they could have been on the phone. In that case LCDR White and SSG Wyatt may have had time to go to their vehicles and get their weapons. Since the AH was apparently engaged from the building as he approached, it seems logical that they were alerted.

But right now we don't know. I'm going to try and sign the petition asking them to award the highest peacetime valor award to the LCDR and SSG, beyond that I'm going to wait and see until additional sources chime in.

08-01-15, 20:36
what jury would convict him if this went to trial

08-01-15, 22:02
I figured his career would be toast, but this? Way to go, DOD...both eyes open when you aim at the big toe, fellas.

08-02-15, 03:03
It also may be possible that in the 7 minutes between the first report of shoots fired (10:51) and the second report of shoots fired (10:58) someone from the recruiting center contacted the reserve center, heck they could have been on the phone. In that case LCDR White and SSG Wyatt may have had time to go to their vehicles and get their weapons. Since the AH was apparently engaged from the building as he approached, it seems logical that they were alerted.

But right now we don't know. I'm going to try and sign the petition asking them to award the highest peacetime valor award to the LCDR and SSG, beyond that I'm going to wait and see until additional sources chime in.

If you are on a Federal installation you can't take guns through the gate just to keep them in your car. If you want to fire your POW on a range it's a huge PITA to so properly now days.

Hopefully this turns into a suspended Article 15, and a lot of pressure on Congress to change the regs.

08-02-15, 08:11
At least for where I was stationed and my command, you could get a memo for transport/stops.

So, if you thought you might hit the range or a gun store, something locked in your trunk or a case in your truck was good to go. As likely as not your issue weapons were readily available and out for training as well.

In a minute or two you could feasibly respond to something going down nearby,
But we also had armed security that should have beat you to the punch.

Mauser KAR98K
08-02-15, 10:10
So, did the officer's return fire cause the Jihadi to leave and seek other targets? If so, these chargers are more utter BS than they already are.

08-02-15, 11:44
No good deed goes unpunished unfortunately. If members of Congress had a set of ball or lips they would press the SecDef to not have charges pressed against the officer.

08-02-15, 12:48
So, did the officer's return fire cause the Jihadi to leave and seek other targets? If so, these chargers are more utter BS than they already are.

That's why I want to see the autopsy results on the muzzy. I'll wager he was hit at least once by one of the two service members but if that got out it would shoot holes (pun intended) in the DoD's policy on this.

26 Inf
08-02-15, 13:08
If you are on a Federal installation you can't take guns through the gate just to keep them in your car. If you want to fire your POW on a range it's a huge PITA to so properly now days.

Hopefully this turns into a suspended Article 15, and a lot of pressure on Congress to change the regs.

My frame of reference on that was that they didn't pass through a manned gate to get to the reserve center - otherwise there would have probably been shots fired at that gate, also. I guess the statute of limitations has run on me since I'm retired - but there was usually a weapon in my vehicle at the reserve center, and if we had drawn weapons and were away from the reserve center, I always carried a live mag where myself or one of the TL's could access it - it was unit 'SOP.'

08-03-15, 13:44
My frame of reference on that was that they didn't pass through a manned gate to get to the reserve center - otherwise there would have probably been shots fired at that gate, also. I guess the statute of limitations has run on me since I'm retired - but there was usually a weapon in my vehicle at the reserve center, and if we had drawn weapons and were away from the reserve center, I always carried a live mag where myself or one of the TL's could access it - it was unit 'SOP.'
You're right, if this was a normal Reserve center, not located on an installation, then no gate.

Outlander Systems
08-06-15, 07:11

The above illustrates everything that is wrong with this country.

Clif Notes: According to the folks interviewed, might I add, in California, The Religion of Peace had NOTHING to do with the terror attack in Chattanooga, and the Marines and Seamen were "legitimate" targets because they were military.

Dear California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachussets and Washington: Please Secede now, so the rest of us can Go back to being Americans.