View Full Version : Every Once In Awhile...Somebody "Get's It"...

07-16-15, 19:00

07-17-15, 01:11
That is some funny, and true, shit right there.
No doubt, accusations of racism will follow. Since, totally non-racist enlightened leftists just know that welfare = non-white, obviously, duh.

07-17-15, 06:13
That was actually in the news the last couple of days. The OK GOP put it out in a tweet.


07-17-15, 07:23
saw it written down in some other things such as paper a tweet and a sign or something to a few months back :) good reading and its been floating around out there for a while I think :)

07-17-15, 09:18
Of course it will end up in a racism debate. If you cannot win the argument on merit, proceed to accuse your opponent of anything heinous you can come up with - The left.

07-17-15, 14:46
That hit the X-ring in more ways than one . . .

"Paging Cloward-Piven . . . paging Cloward-Piven . . . "

07-17-15, 14:52
No racism but it sure helped my family when we came to this country without knowing a word of English

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-17-15, 15:00
No racism but it sure helped my family when we came to this country without knowing a word of English

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

The key word is "helped" as in past tense. When my father was laid off from his job in the 80's my mom went back to work and made what a stay at home mom with a high school diploma could. We were on food stamps temporary until my dad found another job a year later, after going out and interviewing/applying for jobs daily and he had a Bachelors of Science degree under his belt.

The system is broke and is widely abused.

07-17-15, 15:03
The key word is "helped" as in past tense. .


Had this argument on another gun forum where apparently there should be no such thing. You either become homeless or dont

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-17-15, 15:20
This is not news...

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” -Benjamin Franklin

07-17-15, 15:56
What a bunch of insensitive militants!


07-17-15, 16:25
Reading that pissed me off. Going to ease my pain by using a Confederate Flag as charmin.



07-17-15, 16:29
The thing is, the politicians and the Fourth Estate have sharply divided The People on this subject. They've managed to lump earned benefits (SS, Medicare, unemployment insurance, employee retirement packages) and freebies (Medicade, TANF, etc.) together under the umbrella "entitlements". There's a huge difference.

The real issue is indefinite "assistance" with no action required on the part of the assistee. As a matter of fact, the primary common requirement to continue receiving "assistance" is complete inaction. I'm all for temporary assistance in a compassionate society. I'm not for indefinite assistance designed to enslave recipients to the .gov teat. It should come with well defined and tiered levels, that are directly tied to well defined and tiered requirements from the recipient. If you're just a worthless slug with no intentions of ever pulling yourself out of your own miasma, then you should fully expect to lose ALL assistance at some point. You should also know that you will not be allowed to use your internal baby factory to hold the system hostage either. If you can't properly take care of your spawn and don't bother to lift a finger in effort to change that dynamic, then you should expect to lose your kids at some point.

07-17-15, 16:47
It's easy to be angry with those who take the "free" aka tax payer funded handouts, but we should be enraged by those who have orchestrated this house of cards.

07-17-15, 17:44
The thing is, the politicians and the Fourth Estate have sharply divided The People on this subject. They've managed to lump earned benefits (SS, Medicare, unemployment insurance, employee retirement packages) and freebies (Medicade, TANF, etc.) together under the umbrella "entitlements". There's a huge difference.

The real issue is indefinite "assistance" with no action required on the part of the assistee. As a matter of fact, the primary common requirement to continue receiving "assistance" is complete inaction. I'm all for temporary assistance in a compassionate society. I'm not for indefinite assistance designed to enslave recipients to the .gov teat. It should come with well defined and tiered levels, that are directly tied to well defined and tiered requirements from the recipient. If you're just a worthless slug with no intentions of ever pulling yourself out of your own miasma, then you should fully expect to lose ALL assistance at some point. You should also know that you will not be allowed to use your internal baby factory to hold the system hostage either. If you can't properly take care of your spawn and don't bother to lift a finger in effort to change that dynamic, then you should expect to lose your kids at some point.

I had a young Lady explain to me "How to game the System." and to be honest, the whole thing made me dizzy.
If one third of the effort went in to getting an education and a job they wouldn't be a slave to the system, as a matter of fact I don't think they are slaves. I honestly believe people like you and I who are working and saving and pursuing the dream are the slaves. We're just F'ed cause we are pulling these dependent people along with us.

07-17-15, 17:48
No racism but it sure helped my family when we came to this country without knowing a word of English

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

And if it was simply used by people getting started I wouldn't have such a problem with it.

07-17-15, 18:11
The system is broke and is widely abused.

This pretty much sums it up

07-17-15, 18:17

07-17-15, 18:27
And if it was simply used by people getting started I wouldn't have such a problem with it.

Getting started, or getting your feet back on the ground exactly. Some just want to become lazy and take advantage.

In the words of Forrest Gump...That's about all I have to say about that...

07-17-15, 18:40
Getting started, or getting your feet back on the ground exactly. Some just want to become lazy and take advantage.

In the words of Forrest Gump...That's about all I have to say about that...

They give a series of classes for Teachers every year at about the end of July. It turns in to a highly estrogen charged Pep Rally for the coming school year.
One of the classes they give is how to deal with parents of other cultures, that's a very polite way of saying "Welfare Queens." Now because this is a highly feminized event everyone sang Kum bi ya and agreed we should celebrate these ladies as responsible Mothers and that they had a "special knowledge" and a "special place" in our school system. They went on to explain a bit on how these Ladies are all single Mom's and are gaming the system, but that it is "cultural".
I kept looking for Timothy Leary to step out from the curtain and begin handing out sugar cubes as it was a mind altering event.

07-17-15, 19:03
They give a series of classes for Teachers every year at about the end of July. It turns in to a highly estrogen charged Pep Rally for the coming school year.
One of the classes they give is how to deal with parents of other cultures, that's a very polite way of saying "Welfare Queens." Now because this is a highly feminized event everyone sang Kum bi ya and agreed we should celebrate these ladies as responsible Mothers and that they had a "special knowledge" and a "special place" in our school system. They went on to explain a bit on how these Ladies are all single Mom's and are gaming the system, but that it is "cultural".
I kept looking for Timothy Leary to step out from the curtain and begin handing out sugar cubes as it was a mind altering event.

Having worked for the school board, I can directly relate to your experiences. It was like being trapped in multiple Twilight Zone episodes but nobody else noticing anything is out of the ordinary. Sugar cubes indeed.

07-17-15, 20:17
My wife works at the school where my children attend. It is heartbreaking to hear of some of the kids and the life they live. Parents that get assistance and are able to carry on with their meth, dope, drunken laziness or what have you...and the kids wear same old dirty clothes, not bathed, hair in rats nest... etc...Will take the money from the government but get offended and tell you to f@&k off when you offer clothes that your children have outgrown. Cause oh.. Wait... can't trade that for your habbit.. No, we're fine...Sad but true...