View Full Version : I found this argument rather amusing in regards to Jenner's Award.

07-17-15, 09:39

Pinsky continued, “In terms of the science behind gender disphoria, you’re very familiar with that, Zoey. It’s not about the…chromosomes within our nuclei.” Tur responded, “We both know chromosomes don’t necessarily mean you’re male or female.” And “you have a thing like Klinefelter’s syndrome. So, [turning to Shapiro and touching his shoulder] you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re not educated on genetics –.” Shapiro asked if the discussion was supposed to be on genetics and asked, “What are your genetics, sir?” Pinsky said to Tur, “I’d stay away from the genetics and back to the brain scans.”

Tur then said to Shapiro, “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.” Shapiro responded, “That seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion.” Oduolowu said that, to be fair, Shapiro was being rude, to which Shapiro answered, “I’m sorry, it’s not rude to say that someone who’s biologically a male is a male.” Tur stated, “You just called me a ‘sir.'”

I'm just not sure anymore who the Bullies are anymore, but I think that I would have socked someone in the nose.

07-17-15, 11:55
Tur then said to Shapiro, “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”

"Take your best shot, sweetheart...."

Tur, only rhymes with 'her'. Is it a character in a "Conan Barbarian" movie?

If we get to decide who and what we are, I would have made everyone refer to me as "Your Eminence", since I actually have a chance of being a Pope.

07-17-15, 14:25
The Shapiro guy was making good, solid points. It just goes back to the fact that you can have whatever opinion that you want as long as it's the same as the Liberal hivemind. If not, you are the worst person on the planet. No one gives a **** about these issues, they only care about how they look to the PC brainwashed masses.

07-17-15, 17:08
The Shapiro guy was making good, solid points. It just goes back to the fact that you can have whatever opinion that you want as long as it's the same as the Liberal hivemind. If not, you are the worst person on the planet. No one gives a **** about these issues, they only care about how they look to the PC brainwashed masses.

Well I'm questioning the whole "Or you'll go home in an ambulance" thing.
The whole Lesbian, Gay,Transsexual, Bisexual, movement was built upon the idea that they weren't given equal rights to live their lives with the same freedoms as the rest of us.
The idea that in the middle of a political debate a transsexual person would threaten a straight guy for debating an issue kind of shows their true colors. Now that they have won, the have become the very type of Bullies they have railed against all of these years.
I'm just thinking that if in the middle of a debate you threaten to send me to the hospital, I'm going to sucker punch you so damned hard you fall out of your Men's size eleven high heels and fall off of the stage.
The whole you can't punch a girl thing doesn't work when you've self corrected your plumbing and issued some threats.

07-17-15, 17:27
Well I'm questioning the whole "Or you'll go home in an ambulance" thing.
The whole Lesbian, Gay,Transsexual, Bisexual, movement was built upon the idea that they weren't given equal rights to live their lives with the same freedoms as the rest of us.
The idea that in the middle of a political debate a transsexual person would threaten a straight guy for debating an issue kind of shows their true colors. Now that they have won, the have become the very type of Bullies they have railed against all of these years.
I'm just thinking that if in the middle of a debate you threaten to send me to the hospital, I'm going to sucker punch you so damned hard you fall out of your Men's size eleven high heels and fall off of the stage.
The whole you can't punch a girl thing doesn't work when you've self corrected your plumbing and issued some threats.

Exactly. And no one except for Shapiro made an issue out of the threat. That blonde bimbo, and the other guy just sat there and were like "you provoked him with your insensitive comments!" What a double standard, like you said.

07-17-15, 17:29
Well I'm questioning the whole "Or you'll go home in an ambulance" thing.
The whole Lesbian, Gay,Transsexual, Bisexual, movement was built upon the idea that they weren't given equal rights to live their lives with the same freedoms as the rest of us.
The idea that in the middle of a political debate a transsexual person would threaten a straight guy for debating an issue kind of shows their true colors. Now that they have won, the have become the very type of Bullies they have railed against all of these years.
I'm just thinking that if in the middle of a debate you threaten to send me to the hospital, I'm going to sucker punch you so damned hard you fall out of your Men's size eleven high heels and fall off of the stage.
The whole you can't punch a girl thing doesn't work when you've self corrected your plumbing and issued some threats.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others...

07-17-15, 19:12
Even ancient rome failed to reach the level of stupidity that we are at now.

Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk

07-17-15, 19:23
Even ancient rome failed to reach the level of stupidity that we are at now.
Yes, but if you were turned from a Bull to a Steer in ancient Rome, it was most likely not self induced.
I have no issue with someone's lifestyle choices, they are welcome to hack away at their offending body parts as they choose. The idea that after they do so we all have to deny the science and celebrate the butchery, I find that a bit odd.
Now however, if we don't celebrate the hacking away of offending male appendages, someone with a five o'clock shadow, a bad dress and high heels will threaten to send you to the hospital. How quaint that those who professed to be vilified and have unending prejudices placed against them win a little victory they are so quick to become the bully.
Jenner is a freak show, I have no doubt that life in that "Family" drove him to an insanity where his masculinity eventually even offended him.

07-17-15, 19:29
Tur is a biological male who identifies as a woman. He is also a special correspondent for Inside Edition.

Curb-stomping is a practice made infamous by American Nazi skinheads.

Ben Shapiro is Jewish.

Breitbart News again calls for the removal of the fascist, gay-pride flag, a symbol of bullying and intolerance, to be removed from civil society.

This was never about live and let live, folks.

I'm just not sure why charges haven't been filed or Inside Edition hasn't fired Tur (d)

07-17-15, 21:43
Progressives are scum. They crave the power to unleash and impose their ideology on everyone, at all costs.
This is just another in a long line of examples of how nothing will stand in their way. Laws, decency, the Constitution. Nothing.

If a "conservative", or anyone not a hardcore leftist or of a protected identity group, threatened someone like this, the panel would have been outraged and charges laid.
The law does not seem to apply to Leftist progressives, though.

Shapiro had perfectly valid and factual points. The problem was that those facts didn't fit the narrative and hurt a Leftist's feelings.

07-18-15, 02:22
If someone insisted that you were a woman and insisted that they could prove it scientifically, you wouldn't have a bit of a freak out?

I know people who are transsexual (I'm related by blood to one). Particularly early on in the process of their treatment they can be very, very touchy about their gender. It is worth baring in mind that they are, in essence, undergoing puberty again, and may be prone to all the stupidity that accompanies that particular period of life.

07-18-15, 02:34
I'm more of a Lightroom than Photoshop guy, but I'm visualizing one of the recent NASA close-ups of Pluto with a word bubble coming off that says, "I don't care what Neil deGrasse Tyson knows, I identify as a planet."

"No planet status, no peace..."

"The term 'Dwarf Planet' is a micro-orbit aggression."

"Icy planets matter."

Pluto to the Sun: "Dwell I but in the suburbs. Of your good pleasure?"

07-18-15, 05:45
I do find it laughable that one of those who belongs to a group that wants tolerance and is supposed to be against violence and bullying, resorts to the exact same thing when he doesn't hear what he expects.

07-18-15, 07:23
If someone insisted that you were a woman and insisted that they could prove it scientifically, you wouldn't have a bit of a freak out?

I know people who are transsexual (I'm related by blood to one). Particularly early on in the process of their treatment they can be very, very touchy about their gender. It is worth baring in mind that they are, in essence, undergoing puberty again, and may be prone to all the stupidity that accompanies that particular period of life.

You're kind of making Sapiro's point that it's a mental issue, not one of physiology.

I don't care whether Tur got offended or not, it should be shitcanned for making a serious threat of grave bodily injury. :(

07-18-15, 07:34
If someone insisted that you were a woman and insisted that they could prove it scientifically, you wouldn't have a bit of a freak out?

Well, they would be wrong. Facts are facts.

07-18-15, 07:37
Homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. are the result of mental illness, delusion, and/or foreign entities.

07-18-15, 08:33


Was Shapiro in the legal right? Yes. Was he in the moral or ethical right? No. And there comes a time where legality must be challenged by righteous assertion. Should Tur have made that comment, no. Should she have followed through and done violence to him if he persisted? That is her decision, but there comes a time where an individual must take a stand and say enough is enough! I will not tolerate this crude and uncivilized behavior any longer, and I will employ violence and accept all the consequences of it, because my action is right and yours is wrong.

07-18-15, 08:56


Was Shapiro in the legal right? Yes. Was he in the moral or ethical right? No. And there comes a time where legality must be challenged by righteous assertion. Should Tur have made that comment, no. Should she have followed through and done violence to him if he persisted? That is her decision, but there comes a time where an individual must take a stand and say enough is enough! I will not tolerate this crude and uncivilized behavior any longer, and I will employ violence and accept all the consequences of it, because my action is right and yours is wrong.

Regarding the comment in bold - this is a standard characteristic of a progressive - feelings trump facts. Emotions rule in their world. Those whose lives are dominated by emotion are mentally imbalanced, irrational and dangerous. To them, "feelings" justify any and ALL acts.

26 Inf
07-18-15, 08:57
I'm not familiar with Tur so I just googled him/her/whatever. If I was to cast all this last furor aside, I'd say overall he/she/whatever hasn't wasted the air he/she/whatever has been breathing:

Other noteworthy reporting included the attack on Reginald Denny during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. (If I remember correctly the helicopters presence filming gave the attacker pause and folks on the ground intervened)

Tur piloted a AS-350B Eurocopter helicopter through 60 knot winds, at night, to airlift stranded tourists from 22 foot seas that pounded apart their hotel, the Portofino Inn. Timing the interval of the waves, Tur and Byron Alperstein, the camera operator, made a dozen near zero visibility takeoffs and landings without losing a single victim. Both Tur and Alperstein received numerous awards for their heroism.

During a Katyusha rocket attack, Tur's television news crew found a 19 year-old soldier trapped in his crushed automobile. With the soldier unconscious, and not breathing, Tur, who had been shooting a documentary for an American satellite news operation, performed an emergency tracheotomy, intubating the man and restoring his breathing. The rescue, which was caught on tape by another reporter, aired as part of a news package dealing with life on the Israeli-Lebanon border.

In the months following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (April 2010) by BP, Tur conducted studies to locate the submerged oil that threaten the sealife swimming through hydrocarbon plumes deep below the Gulf. Tur tracked up to 1,400 square miles (3,600 km2) a day for the Mississippi Canyon 252/Deepwater Horizon (MS252) toxins, results confirmed by Ken Lukins, BP's consulting director of their High Interest Technology Test (HITT) Team, but despite the results that could keep neurotoxin dosed fish, and crabs from those that consume Gulf seafood, BP was unwilling to green light Tur's helicopter-based sensor program.

Now, with the exception of the first, the above examples don't have citations, so?

Being a fairly normal heterosexual male, reading this snippet: Tur's 23-year marriage to Marika Gerrard came to an end in 2003 made me curious as to if anyone has contacted ol' Marika to see if Tur was an enthusiastic male in the sack. Why? Seems to me from what I've read the guy is an adrenaline junky, maybe a small chance this is a manifestation of that in today's world?

07-18-15, 09:46
26 Inf,

Are you suggesting Tur had his equipment removed (plus hormone replacement therapy and all the other stuff these guys go through to become a pseudo-female) because he thought doing this would be like sort of climbing Mount Everest?

If your suggestion is true, I guess writers like Chuck Palahniuk aren't far off the mark...

P.S. His threat to send Ben Shapiro home in an ambulance wasn't very lady like, but then he ain't no lady!

07-18-15, 10:23
26 Inf,

Are you suggesting Tur had his equipment removed (plus hormone replacement therapy and all the other stuff these guys go through to become a pseudo-female) because he thought doing this would be like sort of climbing Mount Everest?

If your suggestion is true, I guess writers like Chuck Palahniuk aren't far off the mark...

P.S. His threat to send Ben Shapiro home in an ambulance wasn't very lady like, but then he ain't no lady!

I would guess this is on the mark.
I'm amazed that this person is still employed and a hero to the left. Aren't these the same people who raised holy hell about the Confederate Battle Flag being a symbol of hate? If this is true then didn't the "rainbow" flag just jump the shark and become one?
What one person does or doesn't do should reflect upon everyone else, well, that is unless it feeds the agenda.

07-18-15, 11:29
I will not tolerate this crude and uncivilized behavior any longer, and I will employ violence and accept all the consequences of it, because my action is right and yours is wrong.

Soooo, what if society had taken this stand against LGBT? They were viewed as crude and uncivilized.

Isn't this the rationale that abortion clinic bombers take?

I know people will scoff, but this is why Progressives hold that any kind of gun right is collective and want people unarmed as possible. Much easier easier to control and by that I mean intimidate or kill off dissenting voices.

It is only a matter of time before one of these Progressive buts walks into a church, country club, financial institution and starts to 'cleanse' society.

How is this different than ISIS and Sharia law?

07-18-15, 11:57
Also, why do deviants get bravery awards for being: DEVIANTS!

So, what's next?

Necrophiliacs publicly dating their favorite corpse and get special recognition and perhaps bravery awards from funeral homes?

P.S. What sort of guy beds a transgendered pseudo-woman?

Surely, not a hetero, normal, but I would guess another disturbed individual with their own deviant issues.

07-18-15, 12:00
So, what's next?
Necrophiliacs publicly dating their favorite corpse and get special recognition and perhaps bravery awards from funeral homes?

I'm sure we can dig up a trophy somewhere....

Big A
07-18-15, 13:08
I'm sure we can dig up a trophy somewhere....

07-18-15, 13:14
Those just keep getting better and better.

07-18-15, 13:24
That wasn't very lady like....

07-18-15, 14:12
Does this all go back to Clinton's "Depends on how you define 'is' "?

The issues all go back further, but the assault on logic and language by the left. All that matters is the outcome and any perversion of language and logic that gets you there is ok.

26 Inf
07-18-15, 14:41
26 Inf,

Are you suggesting Tur had his equipment removed (plus hormone replacement therapy and all the other stuff these guys go through to become a pseudo-female) because he thought doing this would be like sort of climbing Mount Everest?

If your suggestion is true, I guess writers like Chuck Palahniuk aren't far off the mark...

P.S. His threat to send Ben Shapiro home in an ambulance wasn't very lady like, but then he ain't no lady!

No not really. Well, I don't know. Yeah, maybe. No.

I'm confused looking on, so I don't have the slightest idea. That was a question in search of an answer, not a statement.

07-18-15, 16:40
Biology being biology irregardless of how much of a Female and perhaps a Lady Tur might want to be, DNA will win out.
He might have been a Man of many adventures and have done great things, but he has chosen a path to pursue femininity. As you can clearly see, no matter how much surgery and how much effort Tur puts in, his very nature pulls him back to a masculine reaction.
Sending someone to the hospital and "curb stomping" them is clearly not a reaction you'll usually find in the female estrogen filled world.
His very biology which he rails against betrays him in his reactions.

07-18-15, 20:06
P.S. What sort of guy beds a transgendered pseudo-woman?

Hey man, sometimes you just don't know until it's too late....


07-18-15, 20:15
Dude, that isn't even right.

07-18-15, 20:20
Hey man, sometimes you just don't know until it's too late....

Speaking from experience are we Euro? It's ok we wont ostracize your for it.

Put the whole wood on it indeed.

Big A
07-18-15, 21:05
Speaking from experience are we Euro? It's ok we wont ostracize your for it.

Put the whole wood on it indeed.

No need, it comes equipped with it's own wood...

07-19-15, 00:32
Biology being biology irregardless of how much of a Female and perhaps a Lady Tur might want to be, DNA will win out.
He might have been a Man of many adventures and have done great things, but he has chosen a path to pursue femininity. As you can clearly see, no matter how much surgery and how much effort Tur puts in, his very nature pulls him back to a masculine reaction.
Sending someone to the hospital and "curb stomping" them is clearly not a reaction you'll usually find in the female estrogen filled world.
His very biology which he rails against betrays him in his reactions.

Ok, here is a HORRIBLE sexist joke.

Tur did all those incredible things as a man, what has she done since she was a woman?

What, I used 'she'.

07-19-15, 08:14

Your photo example of He/She/It certainly could fool ya into believing you've got the real thing, until the pants are dropped and then "WHOA" - look at the size of that thang!


I'm sure this particular individual had tons of feminizing facial surgery and perhaps (not all so-called transgendered get the man parts removed) had the nether regions equipment turned inside out or not.

Can you imagine the life long nightmares you'd experience once the pants are off and you witness "ole one eye" staring greedily at you!

Or, you do the deed because the opening is available only to later discover what you have you've done, which might just fine if you're gay, but if not, the nausea just might never quit. In which case you'll probably want to become a monk, never to speak again or indulge in carnival relations...

07-19-15, 08:23

Your photo example of He/She/It certainly could fool ya into believing you've got the real thing, until the pants are dropped and then "WHOA" - look at the size of that thang!


I'm sure this particular individual had tons of feminizing facial surgery and perhaps (not all so-called transgendered get the man parts removed) had the nether regions equipment turned inside out or not.

Can you imagine the life long nightmares you'd experience once the pants are off and you witness "ole eye" staring greedily at you!

Or, you do the deed because the opening is available only to later discover what you have you've done, which might just fine if you're gay, but if not, the nausea just might never quit. In which case you'll probably want to become a monk, never to speak again or indulge in carnival relations...

I think they made a movie about that.


Big A
07-19-15, 09:47
Ok, here is a HORRIBLE sexist joke.

Tur did all those incredible things as a man, what has she done since she was a woman?

What, I used 'she'.

07-19-15, 10:06
Be advised this is from "Salon", I found it searching a bit for more news on this;
The narrative...

“Forget about the disrespect,” replied the white heterosexual male who doesn’t face it on a daily basis — except when he brings it on himself, as is the case here. “Facts don’t care about your feelings. It, turns out that every chromosome, every cell in Caitlyn Jenner’s body, is male, with the exception of some of his sperm cells.”

“It turns out that he still has all of his male appendages,” Shapiro continued. “How he feels on the inside is irrelevant to the question of his biological self.”

“We both know chromosomes don’t necessarily mean you’re male or female,” Tur replied. “So you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re not educated on genetics.”

“What are your genetics, sir?” Shapiro asked the trans woman beside him.

“You should cut that out now,” Tur replied. “Or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”

Every other panelist on the show attempted to inform Shapiro that he knew full well why Tur took offense at his use of the word “sir,” but he remained defiant. “It’s not a matter of [being] aggressively insulting,” he said. “The entire discussion is whether we are embracing mental illness and delusion as a society.”

Never get yourself in a situation where you're in a room with this many nit wits.

07-19-15, 14:16
Be advised this is from "Salon", I found it searching a bit for more news on this;
The narrative...

“Forget about the disrespect,” replied the white heterosexual male who doesn’t face it on a daily basis — except when he brings it on himself, as is the case here. “Facts don’t care about your feelings. It, turns out that every chromosome, every cell in Caitlyn Jenner’s body, is male, with the exception of some of his sperm cells.”

“It turns out that he still has all of his male appendages,” Shapiro continued. “How he feels on the inside is irrelevant to the question of his biological self.”

“We both know chromosomes don’t necessarily mean you’re male or female,” Tur replied. “So you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re not educated on genetics.”

“What are your genetics, sir?” Shapiro asked the trans woman beside him.

“You should cut that out now,” Tur replied. “Or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”

Every other panelist on the show attempted to inform Shapiro that he knew full well why Tur took offense at his use of the word “sir,” but he remained defiant. “It’s not a matter of aggressively insulting,” he said. “The entire discussion is whether we are embracing mental illness and delusion as a society.”

[B]Never get yourself in a situation where you're in a room with this many nit wits.

Then never be in a room with more than one other person.

07-19-15, 14:57
I'm sure we can dig up a trophy somewhere....

I see what you did there.;)

07-19-15, 15:13
Can you imagine the life long nightmares you'd experience once the pants are off and you witness "ole eye" staring greedily at you!

What nightmares???

07-19-15, 15:18
What nightmares???

Great, now I'm gonna hear this song every time I read one of your future posts... :p


07-19-15, 23:29
My (now way back) comment about rome and stupidity wasnt solely directed at the jenner he/she/it whatever.
They can say what they want,but the whole homosexual thing is a brain defect.
This would mean by default abnornal.
While i do not advocate stoning such persons in the streets, dont try to stuff this abnormal life down my throat as a normal lifestyle. The whole transgender thing will likely prove no different with time and testing. The whole, im a girl born as a boy is screwed. My wife read of some small child who is a transgender. Really? Gay is cool, so its a fad. Really?

You are a guy who likes guys, or a girl who likes girls, whatever. What you do in the privacy of your home with another consenting adult is your business. But dont try to shove it down my throat as normal, because its not.
You want to kill yourself by choking while you orgasm, go ahead. But that isnt normal either, dont tell me it is.

Rome did anything that felt good at the time, no matter how stupid, and called it good.
We are there, and beyond.

Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk

07-20-15, 05:37
My wife read of some small child who is a transgender. Really? Gay is cool, so its a fad. Really?

That is a whole other can of worms.

Have you seen Jazz's parents??? WTF!

"My little boy wanted to wear girl's clothes when he was 4. So we started him on estrogen..."

07-20-15, 07:33
After the Tur comments about brain scans I started reading up on that. I didn't see much on the web about it, but it does seem that they think they can pick out differences in the brain between "male" and "female" brains. The one article that I saw said that they can do a brain scan on prepuberty people and detect whether or not there is gender dysphoria. The idea is that you can delay the onset of puberty and do the sex reassignment then. That's my understanding.

So will you send your kid in for his fourth grade shots for school and they'll do a brain scan to see if he's going to be transgendered? If the test comes back positive do you then have to put your kids through transgendered surgery and will you be charged with child neglect if you don't?

The scans won't be cheap, so does that mean only affluent progressives will get the test done and be forcing their kids to do this based on probably some bad science?

07-20-15, 07:43
After the Tur comments about brain scans I started reading up on that. I didn't see much on the web about it, but it does seem that they think they can pick out differences in the brain between "male" and "female" brains. The one article that I saw said that they can do a brain scan on prepuberty people and detect whether or not there is gender dysphoria. The idea is that you can delay the onset of puberty and do the sex reassignment then. That's my understanding.

So will you send your kitten for his fourth grade shots for schools and they'll do a brain scan to see if he's going to be transgendered? If the test comes back positive do you then have to put your kids through transgendered surgery and will you be charged with child neglect if you don't?

The scans won't be cheap, so does that mean only affluent progressives will get the test done and be forcing their kids to do this based on probably some bad science?

That's a scary proposition, but then I never thought we would turn over control of our individual health care to our .gov to control for us either.
Brave New World Buddy, hang on to your hat.

07-20-15, 07:49
That's a scary proposition, but then I never thought we would turn over control of our individual health care to our .gov to control for us either.
Brave New World Buddy, hang on to your hat.

I'm just hoping to hang onto my junk...

07-20-15, 16:30

Shapiro filed the report Sunday morning, two days after a contentious exchange with Tur on the HLN program Dr. Drew. On a panel discussion over Bruce Jenner’s receipt of ESPN’s Arthur Ashe Courage Award, Tur grabbed Shapiro’s neck and growled, “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.” Shapiro later alleged that Tur had threatened him after the appearance, “I’ll see you in the parking lot,” and that CNN security had escorted Shapiro to his car after ensuring Tur had left the premises. Tur also tweeted out on Friday that he would like to “curb stomp” Shapiro.

07-20-15, 16:54

Shapiro filed the report Sunday morning, two days after a contentious exchange with Tur on the HLN program Dr. Drew. On a panel discussion over Bruce Jenner’s receipt of ESPN’s Arthur Ashe Courage Award, Tur grabbed Shapiro’s neck and growled, “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.” Shapiro later alleged that Tur had threatened him after the appearance, “I’ll see you in the parking lot,” and that CNN security had escorted Shapiro to his car after ensuring Tur had left the premises. Tur also tweeted out on Friday that he would like to “curb stomp” Shapiro.

Good for him! Tur is obviously not in control of their emotions. I'd file a TRO if I was Shapiro.

Big A
07-20-15, 17:49
What nightmares???

Hopefully you were the pitcher...

07-20-15, 17:56
Hopefully you were the pitcher...

I've come to the conclusion that he doesn't mind being the pitcher or the catcher.

07-20-15, 18:36
I know one thing.

Im real glad i was looking for someone to shack up with a long time ago.
The whole idea of having to prove male or female now really is a buzzkill, to say the least.
Least back then, women were women, and men were men.

Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk

Big A
07-20-15, 19:54
I've come to the conclusion that he doesn't mind being the pitcher or the catcher.

I'm starting to wonder myself...:laugh:

07-20-15, 20:28
Hey, it's not gay if you're under way!

26 Inf
07-20-15, 20:29
Good for him! Tur is obviously not in control of their emotions. I'd file a TRO if I was Shapiro.

I caught that! Funny.

07-20-15, 21:16
I caught that! Funny.

LOL, it just struck me that he/she/they? must be suffering from MPD. Seems like there's a little too much testosterone in their estrogen! :)