View Full Version : Yes, They LIVE Among US!!!

07-19-15, 10:00
From a Different thread

"I ask for some help loading my new grill in to my pick up and nobody seems to want to give me some assistance. When I finally get someone to help, it's the two skinniest guys who work in the store and they have some issues working together and using some common sense. So when the kid on one side of the grill decides to sit on the tailgate and load the grill over his body apparently, I have to ask WTF are you doing?? "

Similar experience, Lost in a store, clerk come's up "need help"
Me"yes please"
Male Clerk"Not my dept."
Me"Huh?" Look of pure confusion on my face
Male Clerk "would you like some help?"
Me "yes"
Male Clerk" well it's not my dept. so I have to find someone"
Me "Okay"
Me wandering around lost, clerk come back
Male Clerk "can't find anyone did you need help?'
Me "No i'm good"
Clerk leaves..
Female clerk show up, need help? Me "please" we walk over to a computer terminal 10 feet away looks up what i need Prints a FREAKING MAP with the exact locations of need items,
Male clerk see me loading up cart "need help"
Me "I'm good"
Pick up stuff at will call, also they page someone to help me.
Truck 99% loaded , manage to tilt last large bulky item against tailgate, as i push against it with my back I notice a pair of shoes in front of me, Mind you I'm struggling at this point, as I shove the item on the truck I look up,,
Who do I see standing watching me load?
Male Clerk"Did you need Help?"

Have more,,, Please share yours

07-19-15, 11:10
Must have been Ikea.

07-19-15, 11:13
Im confused.

07-19-15, 15:20
I buy Oberweiss milk - in a glass bottle. "Would you like that double bagged?"
"Yes, please."
They proceed to completely WRAP the bottle in the first bag, and then place the wrapped bottle in the second bag - so you can use only the handles of the second bag. They have NO IDEA of the purpose or process of "double bagging" heavy, glass items!!!!

07-19-15, 16:07
I buy Oberweiss milk - in a glass bottle. "Would you like that double bagged?"
"Yes, please."
They proceed to completely WRAP the bottle in the first bag, and then place the wrapped bottle in the second bag - so you can use only the handles of the second bag. They have NO IDEA of the purpose or process of "double bagging" heavy, glass items!!!!

My favorite is soaps and detergents put in the same bag with your frozen food or produce.

07-19-15, 18:55
I buy Oberweiss milk - in a glass bottle. "Would you like that double bagged?"
"Yes, please."
They proceed to completely WRAP the bottle in the first bag, and then place the wrapped bottle in the second bag - so you can use only the handles of the second bag. They have NO IDEA of the purpose or process of "double bagging" heavy, glass items!!!!

If only their dad had double bagged it...

07-19-15, 20:40
If only their dad had double bagged it...

OK - you win Best Line of the Day Award!

07-19-15, 20:44
like buying a Bday cake for my kid and it does not fit in the bag like it should so they put it on end :) that kinda they live among us

07-19-15, 21:15
My favorite is soaps and detergents put in the same bag with your frozen food or produce.

I walk to the grocery store quite often, almost every day, I like the minimum amount of bags possible, usually 2-3. So I generally dont care if they put stuff like that in the same bag. I get mad when I get 1 bag for 1 item and so on.

07-19-15, 22:15
My favorite is soaps and detergents put in the same bag with your frozen food or produce.

A bar of soap or bottle of shampoo/dawn with a TV dinner or frozen vegetables?

I'm not seeing the issue with this one.

07-19-15, 22:19
I walk to the grocery store quite often, almost every day, I like the minimum amount of bags possible, usually 2-3. So I generally dont care if they put stuff like that in the same bag. I get mad when I get 1 bag for 1 item and so on.

It's easier to consolidate than segregate, I've had to do both. But generally I don't want my ice cream to taste like dish washing soap.

07-19-15, 23:33
... when I get 1 bag for 1 item and so on.

How a buying a roll of plastic trash bags, wrapped in plastic then the put it another plastic grocery bag.....

07-20-15, 00:11
I like 1 item per bag that way I dont have to buy small garbage bags ;)

07-20-15, 07:31
On a typical day, I will find some very expensive piece of equipment broken. I usually repair it or order a part to repair it and then give a brief bit of instruction to the person who is responsible for the equipment, the person who most likely broke it or both.
Me, "You know there is a procedure for this and if you don't follow it you will damage X, Y or Z." "Here let me show you how that works." I pull out my laminated and tabbed manual with the procedure and follow the steps, and follow up with, "And that's how you safely perform that procedure."
Them, "Where is that procedure located?"
Me, "It's here in the book, your book, the one that looks just like this one."
Them, "Do you know where that book is?"
Me, "Your book?
Them, "Yes, where is it?"
Me, "I think it is the one that you are sitting on."
Them, "Oh yeah, LOL, here it is."
That example is on point, you may not believe it, but it is. It doesn't matter if we've done this 1 time or 50 times, that's the way it works.

07-20-15, 07:55
As the OP in this thread, I meant it to be a light hearted poke at things you see on a daily basis in work or just things people do that make you go WTF? and wonder How these folks manage to get out of bed with out hurting themselves...;)

That's good Averageman...
i'm in the construction industry so here's a couple..

Me to laborer, " Hey got to cut through this interior wall can you spot me on these wires"
Laborer "Okay"
Me, get sawsall going, thinking should be getting pretty close to wires on other side, nothing no yelling no hey stop! Well, I stop anyhow.
Laborer yelling "Why'd you stop"
Me, "How close am I to those wires?"
Laborer "You cut those in half already Keep going"
Me, WTF? Apperently I needed to be more specific on what Spotting meant with regard to the task at hand..

07-20-15, 12:42

Yes, you needed to be more specific.

How do I know?

My wife.

I have to be concretely specific giving her any sort of instructions on how to do anything.

Were she to hear: "can you spot me on these wires" - she'd ask me to be specific.

When we first met and I'd use terms I was familiar with, but she'd never heard of, I started to get her point.

Maybe the laborer was either to dense to ask what you meant or was embarrassed to ask and hoped he'd get it right.

Be specific - Saves a lot of error from happening.

07-20-15, 15:49
I have said these before I taught diving on Maui for about 15 years and used to think how can folks so dumb make enough money to get to Maui let alone some of them every year

how deep do we have to dive to get under the island !

do you live on the island ?

on the way out to dive site Maui on Left they ask what island is that ? I say Maui on the way back its on the right they ask what island is that ? I say Maui they look confused but it was on the other side going out !

where do the natives live !

when I would get calls forward to me when I worked at the Sheraton scuba shack
all these were from mainland people

do we need to bring passports ?
is the water safe to drink ?
do natives still live in huts ?
does the island have power ?
do we need to bring power converters or anything ?
is it safe ?
are there sharks in the waters there ?
are the beaches sandy I hate getting sand everywhere ?

also folks that move there and then cant hack it common saying
I am moving back to the U.S.

07-20-15, 15:57
There is a reason I am furiously independent. I never ask for help, my wife gets upset at this but it's not because I'm stubborn, not it's because my mother raised me with the belief that; "If you want something done right, do it yourself". Yes, its exhausting at times . . .

07-20-15, 16:07
I've dealt with beau coup stupid, but I have to tell you there are some great folks still out there. Couple weeks ago, I bought a generator at Costco. Box weighed a bit over 200 lbs, and was pretty big and bulky to get into the bed of my Chevy 3/4 pickup. In no spring chicken any more, a few years past the big 5-0, but I still like a challenge, as the 5 bad disks in my back and neck will confirm. Anyway, after a couple attempts to load this sucker solo, I was thinking I needed to walk inside and ask for some help, when another customer walks up and asks me if I need a hand, and together, we load the generator. Nice having a stranger do that.

I usually go out of my way to help old folks and ladies load heavy stuff when I see them in a parking lot, but this was the first time I'd had it happen to me.

Glad I'd built up some good karma for a change...

Take Care,


07-20-15, 16:16
Wow. just wow.

Yes, I go to Maui every (other) year. No, I have not tried to swim under the island. I have spent the night under a table though.

I couldn't drink the water... I thought it too salty. So I substitute Primo. :rolleyes:

There is a white tip shark that likes to hang out under the pier at Lahaina. So yes there are sharks. Except this one is scared to death of snorklers.

I can only imagine the idiot comments made.

I have said these before I taught diving on Maui for about 15 years and used to think how can folks so dumb make enough money to get to Maui let alone some of them every year

how deep do we have to dive to get under the island !

do you live on the island ?

on the way out to dive site Maui on Left they ask what island is that ? I say Maui on the way back its on the right they ask what island is that ? I say Maui they look confused but it was on the other side going out !

where do the natives live !

when I would get calls forward to me when I worked at the Sheraton scuba shack
all these were from mainland people

do we need to bring passports ?
is the water safe to drink ?
do natives still live in huts ?
does the island have power ?
do we need to bring power converters or anything ?
is it safe ?
are there sharks in the waters there ?
are the beaches sandy I hate getting sand everywhere ?

also folks that move there and then cant hack it common saying
I am moving back to the U.S.

26 Inf
07-20-15, 21:15
We were out one day practicing bullseye for an upcoming match.

One of my co-workers, apparently tired from walking 25 yards to hang a new target every 10 rounds, said 'I know this is probably dumb' which put us all on high alert, 'but why don't we just staple a bunch of these up, then rip the top one off after we are done.

Same guy, we were doing some training for foreign nationals and had to get a university language department to translate some training materials into Russian. They did so and faxed the translated documents back to us, my coworker - 'Where did we get a Russian fax machine?'

One last one, we are returning from lunch, there are four of us in the vehicle, someone mentions that they bet there would be good fishing in a farm pond we were passing. My co-worker asked, 'so how do the fish get into the pond?' The guy driving said 'well you see that hawk over there (gesturing to a bird of some sort off in the distance)?' 'What happens is that a hawk like that will pick up a fish out of a river or lake and fly back to its nest to eat it, sometimes the fish is flopping around and the hawk loses its grip on the fish and if they are over a pond the fish falls into the pond.' 'Oh.' About 15 minutes later hey (first co-worker) says, 'Are you bullshitting me, is that how it happens?'

And this guy is really intelligent otherwise.

07-20-15, 22:24
I've got a good one from last week. Our intern was instructed to place papers with confidential information into the shred box. Guess which "box" 15 pounds of paper went into?

http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/20/0c1cb01e6162c74deb43b9d9b919004e.jpg http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/20/3d619000920b3bad2ae8008db65aee38.jpg

07-21-15, 08:36
.. place papers with confidential information into the shred box. Guess which "box" 15 pounds of paper went into?

You mean that's not a "TACTICOOL BURN BOX?"

07-21-15, 08:55
Everyone has been gullible at times or utters something out there...and I mean everyone.

Feeling superior?

Pssst, you aren't.

Get over yourself...

07-21-15, 09:07
Everyone has been gullible at times or utters something out there...and I mean everyone.

Feeling superior?(never said I was)

Pssst, you aren't(.Are you implying I am? Not me)

Get over yourself...(Kinda self arrogant yourself feel free to ignore this thread)

As the OP in this thread, I meant it to be a light hearted poke at things you see on a daily basis in work or just things people do that make you go WTF? and wonder How these folks manage to get out of bed with out hurting themselves...

And Yeah I my own WTF moments..And I'll be posting some of those shortly....

07-21-15, 09:37
My post wasn't directed at you, but at all of us, and yes, I include myself.

Sorry for your butt hurt.

07-21-15, 12:51
Ah geez guys, knock it off. This is a great thread idea and I'm laughing out loud reading the posts.

Okay, BTT . . .

So I was dating this beautiful girl when we were both 19, we where out one day with her family eating lunch when the subject came up that her mother still cuts up her food for her on her plate. That as they say was a clue.

While living in her college dorm room her roommate told me that one day my gf wanted to make some hot chocolate. So my gf preceded to pour a mug full of cold water, sit it out on the counter, and threw the packet of coco mix into the microwave to warm up the powder!

After that I broke it off worth her cause brains go a long way for me. She ended up marrying a buddy of mine and they have two beautiful children now and she is a PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER! :eek:

07-21-15, 13:31
I dated an absolutely, drop dead gorgeous model when I was 35.

I quickly found her to be exceedingly shallow.

Her favorite topics of discussion was herself, top 40 music, make up (like I would give a ....) and clothes.

In a very short while her beauty faded into nothingness.

Shortly, I couldn't stand her and we parted ways.

Lesson for shallow me.

Don't let beauty overcome the need for depth.

I started dating smart, plain women (for the most part) and never looked back.

Yes, there are smart, beautiful women, I just didn't find any...

07-21-15, 13:34
Yes, there are smart, beautiful women, I just didn't find any...

Thankfully one found and pursued me. She is wife #2 for me and I plan on doing everything I can to keep this one around!

07-21-15, 13:35
I forgot to mention that I've been a birder guide at various Texas State Parks.

A few questions, I've been asked: Do alligators live and live until they die?

Sir, I've seen a number of dead deer on the highway, will they be autopsied?

Do the park staff feed the alligators? (they're wild)

JBecker 72
07-21-15, 13:40
Ah geez guys, knock it off. This is a great thread idea and I'm laughing out loud reading the posts.

Okay, BTT . . .

So I was dating this beautiful girl when we were both 19, we where out one day with her family eating lunch when the subject came up that her mother still cuts up her food for her on her plate. That as they say was a clue.

While living in her college dorm room her roommate told me that one day my gf wanted to make some hot chocolate. So my gf preceded to pour a mug full of cold water, sit it out on the counter, and threw the packet of coco mix into the microwave to warm up the powder!

After that I broke it off worth her cause brains go a long way for me. She ended up marrying a buddy of mine and they have two beautiful children now and she is a PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER! :eek:

Smart, hot, emotionally stable.

You may pick two.

07-21-15, 14:23
Everyone has been gullible at times or utters something out there...and I mean everyone.

Feeling superior?

Pssst, you aren't.

Get over yourself...

I've done LOTS of dumb shit in my life, I hope it brought others amusement and my lack of enlightenment in my youth probably frustrated many. I'm over myself, I can mostly laugh at the dumb shit I did and I can certainly shake my head at the dumb stuff other people do.

07-21-15, 14:30

Words of wisdom - thanks!

07-21-15, 16:19
ditto :)

I've done LOTS of dumb shit in my life, I hope it brought others amusement and my lack of enlightenment in my youth probably frustrated many. I'm over myself, I can mostly laugh at the dumb shit I did and I can certainly shake my head at the dumb stuff other people do.

07-21-15, 17:37

Words of wisdom - thanks!

I would only add that I'm appreciative of the efforts of those who took the time to point out what I was doing was wrong and tried to show me a better way. Sometimes I even understood and learned.

Back to the subject at hand, another great combo is a jug of leaky bleach (they all leak) and anything else. And as bad as my local grocery store is, Wal Mart is much worse when it comes to grocery items.

07-21-15, 18:10
Sorry for your butt hurt.

Well my butt was hurt, along with my back a ton of road rash , couple cracked ribs..a trashed roadbike
My latest WTF moment.. 17 miles an hour to a dead stop according to my gps..over the handle bars
She said it was pretty spectacular....
http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd214/fallsafe/IMG_20150531_134823832.jpg (http://s226.photobucket.com/user/fallsafe/media/IMG_20150531_134823832.jpg.html)
Guess I can't mulitask when road biking with this scenery ..
Matter of fact, All my stupid injuries seem to involve scenery like this...

07-22-15, 09:11

I too am a cyclist, though I pedal a Rock Hopper 29er mountain bike.

I do 25 miles every other day.

I too have my share of ass over tea kettle mishaps.

A few months ago, just as I was about to pass by an (obscured by shrubbery) driveway, outs pops a fast moving pickup that completely takes up the entire road coming right at me without slowing.

I have to take the ditch or be run over. In the process, I do a painful over the handlebars crash. I miraculously survived with only massive bruising, that is: Palm sized and bigger on my legs and arms. My bike was not damaged as the ditch I crashed into was grass covered and somewhat soft from rain.

The pickup driver just kept going.

Then, roughly two weeks ago, on a 2 lane county road, I had another pickup suddenly swerve at me, forcing me to take to the ditch on my right. Luckily, in this case, I was able, barely, to keep upright. I don't know if this near collision was deliberate or someone not paying attention while changing radio stations or what...

My biggest danger though, is attacking dogs. In fact, I just got back from cycling and experienced two dog attacks. I pedal out in the Texas country/ranch/farmland county roads and many dip shits let their dogs run free. I carry a belt clipped, 4 oz. can of Freeze +P pepper spray and it works like a champ. This stuff is powerful if you accidentally get it on your bare skin, it feel like a blow torch has hit it. Get it in a dogs eyes, mouth or nose and they're down for the count. Good stuff.

07-22-15, 14:58
Ah geez guys, knock it off. This is a great thread idea and I'm laughing out loud reading the posts.

Okay, BTT . . .

So I was dating this beautiful girl when we were both 19, we where out one day with her family eating lunch when the subject came up that her mother still cuts up her food for her on her plate. That as they say was a clue.

While living in her college dorm room her roommate told me that one day my gf wanted to make some hot chocolate. So my gf preceded to pour a mug full of cold water, sit it out on the counter, and threw the packet of coco mix into the microwave to warm up the powder!

After that I broke it off worth her cause brains go a long way for me. She ended up marrying a buddy of mine and they have two beautiful children now and she is a PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER! :eek:

Yeah, but was she hot?