View Full Version : Unarmed Father of THIRTEEN with 60 Prior Arrests Shot by Police

07-22-15, 00:03
His mother described him as, "full of love."

Yes Ma'am. Yes Ma'am, indeed...


07-22-15, 00:29
If linked article is somewhat correct, it's seems the LEO got clipped by the suspects car as he was feloniously fleeing.

Hopefully the videos are of good quality. As of now, it sounds like a good shoot.

07-22-15, 02:31
Tensing asked several times to see Dubose's driver's license, Cincinnati police said. Instead, police said, Dubose handed the officer a bottle of alcohol.

According to police, Tensing asked Dubose to step out of the car, at which point a struggle ensued.

Why is it so difficult for people to understand that if you FIGHT with police officers, armed or not, you can be shot.

07-22-15, 05:14
Why is it so difficult for people to understand that if you FIGHT with police officers, armed or not, you can be shot.

Low IQ.

07-22-15, 05:59
Low IQ.
Don't hate. Let a playa play homey.

07-22-15, 08:17
Wasn't one of the new Obama federal policing points being that a car should no longer be considered a deadly weapon and not a provocation to shoot?

Police walk past thousands of unarmed people a day and don't shoot them. I hate it when the press leads these headlines with the word unarmed as if that is the key attribute on why they got shot.

" The guy was unarmed so I had to shoot him." Is what the press seems to be saying.

07-22-15, 09:30
That would require the press to accept that being armed is a psychological condition and not a material state.

07-22-15, 09:37
Wasn't one of the new Obama federal policing points being that a car should no longer be considered a deadly weapon and not a provocation to shoot?

Police walk past thousands of unarmed people a day and don't shoot them. I hate it when the press leads these headlines with the word unarmed as if that is the key attribute on why they got shot.

" The guy was unarmed so I had to shoot him." Is what the press seems to be saying.

LOL. Wanna bet the USSS would consider someone driving a car in Osama's direction a threat and light it up.

Alex V
07-22-15, 09:52
13 kids aye... clearly this guy is not the best decision maker. No big loss IMHO

07-22-15, 10:44
hey homeboy in the video
yeah I am tired of it to I am tired of the racist attacks on whites and that white lives dont matter
I am tired of all the black on white crimes and and even the black on black shootings of innocent children ! when you going to cry out about those things

lets see so drunk you hand a bottle to a cop thinking its your lic then fight ? hmmmmmm
and 60 arrests ? hmmm

07-22-15, 12:12
And by tomorrow he would have found a cure for cancer too I will bet!
60 arrests, drinking and driving and fighting with Cops, eventually if you continue to play stupid games, it going to win you a stupid prize.

07-22-15, 13:22
Think of the 13 children!

07-22-15, 13:38
No doubt the dead guy was an idiot, but do we advocate shooting people in the head for running now? Do we advocate shooting at unarmed fleeing suspects that were pulled over for a missing front plate? Of course he should have stopped right away. Of course he should have handed over his papers and not an open container. Of course he should have complied with the dozens of commands to comply, but head shooting him for running away? No doubt this guy deserved arrest and jail time, but deadly force?

The officer was beside the car. I hope no one is going to make the case here the the car was being used as a deadly weapon. Sure he might have clipped the officers foot with a tire or a knee with the rear bumper, but shooting at the guy seems excessive to me.

Is that what police are taught in the academy now? If the perp is a drunken idiot with no front license plate, go ahead and shoot him in the head if he argues with you and then tries to run?

07-22-15, 13:51
No doubt the dead guy was an idiot, but do we advocate shooting people in the head for running now? Do we advocate shooting at unarmed fleeing suspects that were pulled over for a missing front plate? Of course he should have stopped right away. Of course he should have handed over his papers and not an open container. Of course he should have complied with the dozens of commands to comply, but head shooting him for running away? No doubt this guy deserved arrest and jail time, but deadly force?

The officer was beside the car. I hope no one is going to make the case here the the car was being used as a deadly weapon. Sure he might have clipped the officers foot with a tire or a knee with the rear bumper, but shooting at the guy seems excessive to me.

Is that what police are taught in the academy now? If the perp is a drunken idiot with no front license plate, go ahead and shoot him in the head if he argues with you and then tries to run?

I think the protocol is:

1. Let drunk POS start a violent confrontation with LEO.
2. Let drunk POS flee from police with the option to use his vehicle as a weapon against the officer.
3. Wait until drunk POS has killed a few pedestrians in his escape attempt.
4. Contact community leaders and shift sergeant to get permission to stop him.

07-22-15, 14:20
No doubt the dead guy was an idiot, but do we advocate shooting people in the head for running now? Do we advocate shooting at unarmed fleeing suspects that were pulled over for a missing front plate? Of course he should have stopped right away. Of course he should have handed over his papers and not an open container. Of course he should have complied with the dozens of commands to comply, but head shooting him for running away? No doubt this guy deserved arrest and jail time, but deadly force?

The officer was beside the car. I hope no one is going to make the case here the the car was being used as a deadly weapon. Sure he might have clipped the officers foot with a tire or a knee with the rear bumper, but shooting at the guy seems excessive to me.

Is that what police are taught in the academy now? If the perp is a drunken idiot with no front license plate, go ahead and shoot him in the head if he argues with you and then tries to run?

It is amazing that in my 44 years on this planet I have not been shot by the police yet.

Oh wait, it's not amazing. I actually follow the law and I'm not a shithead. You get arrested by the cops that many times eventually something is going to go wrong.

Of course if I had 13 kids I'd be drunk off my ass too.

07-22-15, 14:43
It is amazing that in my 44 years on this planet I have not been shot by the police yet.

Oh wait, it's not amazing. I actually follow the law and I'm not a shithead. You get arrested by the cops that many times eventually something is going to go wrong.

Of course if I had 13 kids I'd be drunk off my ass too.

We agree that this guy is a POS. No argument there. Not defending him or his actions, and I could care less how "full of love" his mother says he was. My question is regarding police policy.

Are officers now trained to shoot at fleeing unarmed suspects? Is this a justifiable shoot?

07-22-15, 14:47
Well, you can't fix stupid.. And this guy had a truckload of it. As far as it being a justifiable shoot, I'm sure the PD will figure that out.. And if the black community doesn't like the verdict, the media will be sure to whip up a frenzy, and the rioting will ensue. It's all too predictable...

07-22-15, 16:14
"These routine traffic stops turn fatal and are becoming a norm around the country," said Brian Taylor, an activist with Black Lives Matter: Cincinnati, who attended a community meeting on the killing. "We're at the end of our ropes."

So Mr. Professional Activist, is it "the norm around the country" to be arrested S I X T Y times? Is it "the norm around the country" to bring T H I R T E E N bastards into the world?

It's called lifestyle choices. You want to live the "thug life" go ahead, just stop crying in front of news cameras when your shot in your oxygen thieving head.

It's painfully obvious this guy likes to be a criminal; long arrest record, driving while intoxicated, open container, failure to follow local traffic laws such has having a front license plate (something that MOST of us have PAID for and comply with), oh and as soon as he stepped out of his vehicle he just had to fight the po-po.

At least he is taking a dirt nap now and can't donate sperm for a 14th bastard that will be just like him.

07-22-15, 16:39
Wait, hold up!

If an individual is in the process of committing a crime, he should be treated with the respect he deserves...

Sir, please wait for me Sir! Please stop running. Sir? Sir?

Oh o.k., you just go on about your business, I give up.

Undoubtedly, that's the proper way to treat criminals.

07-22-15, 17:03
"These routine traffic stops turn fatal and are becoming a norm around the country," said Brian Taylor, an activist with Black Lives Matter: Cincinnati, who attended a community meeting on the killing. "We're at the end of our ropes."

"At the end of our rope"? Is that a racist allusion to hangings?

End of their rope? I'm at the end of my rope hearing about wanna-b gangsters thinking that smacking around the Po-po is the next professional sport. Its a shame he died, but I'm tired of this 'optional' nature of following police commands- when you are being an ass. I think all people who flee the police should be capped in the head. They put all of at risk with these high speed chases. Shot to the head, charged with attempted murder if they go more than a 1/4 mile or break 20 over the limit.

Where are the calls for these people to stop being complete burdens on society and messing up the place?

Why am I the only one that has to follow the law, pay my taxes and support other people who are trashing the place?

Put together Obama's policing policies and the move to section 8 into middle class neighborhoods and BOOOM.

07-22-15, 17:07
Its a shame he died,

No, not really. We must look at the bright side of things . . .

07-22-15, 17:22
Its a shame he died ...

Its a shame the shitbag lived as long as he did.

07-22-15, 17:23
No, not really. We must look at the bright side of things . . .

His family will sue, win millions. The lawyers will take half and the family will split the rest like 30 ways after every kids, baby-mamma, aunt, uncle, brother and sister gets a cut. His kids will have less a years college paid for.

07-22-15, 17:47
13 kids aye... clearly this guy is not the best decision maker. No big loss IMHO

Seems to me he saved a lot of money on condoms. He coulda been the hood's local financial adviser! :rolleyes:

07-22-15, 18:00
hahahahah I am thinking those kids might not be college types :) more like they will throw a few wild parties with it
His family will sue, win millions. The lawyers will take half and the family will split the rest like 30 ways after every kids, baby-mamma, aunt, uncle, brother and sister gets a cut. His kids will have less a years college paid for.

07-22-15, 20:41
Lots of great men had idiots for fathers and overcame difficult circumstances. These kids have an obligation to overcome their genetics and neighborhood.

On the other hand, I wonder how many other kids will pop up now and claim him.

07-22-15, 21:11
No doubt the dead guy was an idiot, but do we advocate shooting people in the head for running now? Do we advocate shooting at unarmed fleeing suspects that were pulled over for a missing front plate? Of course he should have stopped right away. Of course he should have handed over his papers and not an open container. Of course he should have complied with the dozens of commands to comply, but head shooting him for running away? No doubt this guy deserved arrest and jail time, but deadly force?

The officer was beside the car. I hope no one is going to make the case here the the car was being used as a deadly weapon. Sure he might have clipped the officers foot with a tire or a knee with the rear bumper, but shooting at the guy seems excessive to me.

Is that what police are taught in the academy now? If the perp is a drunken idiot with no front license plate, go ahead and shoot him in the head if he argues with you and then tries to run?

Do you have video of the incident? I haven't seen anything with detail from what I just read.

Also... if the police were being taught to shoot people that run there would literally be tens of thousands of shootings every year. Well at least the first year.