View Full Version : At least 6 shot in Louisiana Movie theater.

07-23-15, 20:57
This is getting a bit out of hand.

We are going to get hit soon. And hard.


07-23-15, 21:02
This is getting a bit out of hand.

We are going to get hit soon. And hard.


Was it a Jihadi?

07-23-15, 21:04
Betcha a dollar, it was a theater with "No Guns Allowed" policy.

07-23-15, 21:04
Reports say it was a white guy.


Katie Domingue of Carencro was at the 7 p.m. showing of "Train Wreck" with her fiance', Joshua Doggett. About 20 minutes into the movie, Domingue said, she heard a loud noise.

"We heard a loud pop we thought was a firecracker," she said.

She saw "an older white man" standing up and shooting down, not in her direction.

"He wasn't saying anything. I didn't hear anybody screaming either," Domingue said.

By hit hard I mean I think they are going to make a huge gun control push.

Big A
07-23-15, 21:05
Ya know, I used to write off conspiracy theories as nonsense but now I'm starting to have my doubts...

07-23-15, 21:08
Reports say it was a white guy.


By hit hard I mean I think they are going to make a huge gun control push.

when did they stop with a gun control push? Obama saw an opening and gave it his best shot, he failed legislatively and has zero chance of anything legislatively, he will continue to push for sneaky gun control, banning some people on SSI, 41p, banning certain ammo, BATFE directives changing rules, etc.

07-23-15, 21:14
its a bad thing when this happens of course but these days I just say so are the 100 deaths per day in Auto accidents and teens texting and driving are about 11 per day even the 3 drowning and add 1 for boating accidents per day

and lets look at heart disease and cancer so why not ban all smoking and unhealthy foods etc.....

OH I know lets look at medical malpractice if you want to really be freaked out by death rates !!!!!

07-23-15, 21:15
We all know that Honu. You are preaching to the choir. But it isn't about the truth. It is about the Narrative.

Big A
07-23-15, 21:34
Please tell me an armed citizen capped this sorry piece of shit before he could take his own life or the cops got to him...

07-23-15, 21:36
Maybe he was pi**ed that Holmes got convicted?

07-23-15, 21:39
Frantically looks around for the Popeye/Looney Toons swearing under garbled breath sound effect...

Condolences to those affected.


2 dead, some injured, gunman punched his own ticket?

07-23-15, 21:55
Gunman shot himself. POS. Man another shooting just adding to the pile.

07-23-15, 23:10
Ya know, I used to write off conspiracy theories as nonsense but now I'm starting to have my doubts...


07-23-15, 23:51
No mystery here. Another suicide that decides to take a few people with them before they shoot themselves.

Of course, they'll blame guns and white people. I wonder what flag they'll go after this time, or will they pass a ban on mail order ammo or bayonets- something that won't actually address the problem, again.

And 30'inner city kids will die tomorrow around the country. Don't they know that they are losing voters?

07-24-15, 00:11
I first heard of this in a text from my newshound, gun owner father. I went outside and unleashed a string of profanity then went back in to the dealership.

I bet he is another mental case who decided he wanted to take a few people out with him when he ended his life. Tomorrow the gun control drums will start beating but no one will look for the actual root cause of the violence. Such a waste of life because one guy decided to end his life and try to get some fame from it.

07-24-15, 01:03
Haven't heard an ID, but CNN says he has a criminal record from years ago....

I don't walk into a movie theater with out my M&P9 with an X300. I only go with my kids to see their movies now and I'll be damned if I'll walk into a literal kill box with out the ability to put serious smack down on one of these guys.

Another gun free zone:


(Safari on my iPad crashes every time I try to add a link)

07-24-15, 01:22
Maybe if we didn't put these dickheads on the news every night for 6 months to a year, nutjobs with nothing to lose wouldn't see it as a way to get famous.

There were copycats to the Boston bombers but nobody is trying to ban pressure cookers.


"No one knows motives. Motives are very difficult to ascertain, as you know," Taylor said. "And I think the copycat bombings are less ideologically motivated and merely people trying to get their name in the news. But the bombings themselves are increasingly driven by solipsism, a form of Muslim jihadism."

07-24-15, 02:40
Our 'gun' policy is driven by unicorn hunts. They say they are chasing these active-shooter/mass-shooters, but the majority of gun deaths are suicides and the next big group is gang/drug violence.

I really wish that the NRA would try to focus on the suicides and support laws to cut gang/crime. Show decreases that far outweigh the non-existent effect of banning mags and bayonets.

Progressive gun policy is LITERALLY crazy.

07-24-15, 04:30

07-24-15, 04:32
its a bad thing when this happens of course but these days I just say so are the 100 deaths per day in Auto accidents and teens texting and driving are about 11 per day even the 3 drowning and add 1 for boating accidents per day

and lets look at heart disease and cancer so why not ban all smoking and unhealthy foods etc.....

OH I know lets look at medical malpractice if you want to really be freaked out by death rates !!!!!

If we are going to win the gun control debate, we need to get away from logical fallacies like this. The obvious counter is while those deaths are bad, it doesn't change the fact that guns deaths occur independently of the other deaths, and shifts the conversation away from the topic at hand.

This fallacy is known as the red herring.

Lets work on strengthening our arguments against the masses, not failing basic philosophy.

07-24-15, 07:28
I know was not preaching more just what I say to the anti gun idiots rather than say anything in defense these days I just say stuff like this now :)

you are not going to win by arguing your point head on though they wont listen as said they dont care about the truth
for those in my circle when I have brought this up it kinda throws them off balance and are not sure what to say
and often argue that not that many die in car accidents or that many kids do not drown in pools every day etc...

for anything to sink in you have to get them away from there thinking and then get them from another direction in my case this has worked quite well
if you take them head on with what they are used to they have walls up just go around those walls :)

its not about winning the gun control debate ? if you view it as this it means we lost !!! I view this as they are attacking us and we dont need to win anything as we have not lost ? I cary as most do here if we lost we would not be carrying AND if the masses were truly winning then we would have gun control like we have gay marriage now look at that %1 of the population and a bunch of folks that want to sympathize with them have won that for now ? if the gun control crowd had the masses as you think we would be in a dif position
does not mean we let our guard down either and there are times to fight head on but not with idiots on the street that does nothing fighting head on is for the courts and other times the law steps in

We all know that Honu. You are preaching to the choir. But it isn't about the truth. It is about the Narrative.

If we are going to win the gun control debate, we need to get away from logical fallacies like this. The obvious counter is while those deaths are bad, it doesn't change the fact that guns deaths occur independently of the other deaths, and shifts the conversation away from the topic at hand.

This fallacy is known as the red herring.

Lets work on strengthening our arguments against the masses, not failing basic philosophy.

07-24-15, 07:29
.... and just hours before....... http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2015/07/24/obama-gun-control-bbc-louisiana-theater/30608189/

Fasten your seat belts. Looks like only one way out the door for Obama and it's through the 2A.

07-24-15, 07:35
.... and just hours before....... http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2015/07/24/obama-gun-control-bbc-louisiana-theater/30608189/

Fasten your seat belts. Looks like only one way out the door for Obama and it's through the 2A.

Not even 24 hours after and they are already yelling ban! He can try but will fail miserably.

07-24-15, 08:24
.... and just hours before....... http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2015/07/24/obama-gun-control-bbc-louisiana-theater/30608189/

Fasten your seat belts. Looks like only one way out the door for Obama and it's through the 2A.

Not to worry, I'm sure John and Mitch are going to halt this stuff in it's tracks asap.
Like they did with Benghazi, Obama-Care, Fast and Furious, the nuke treaty with Iraq...
Yeah, we're pretty much watching the ground work being laid for a giant push in the next 18 months.

07-24-15, 08:33
Not even 24 hours after and they are already yelling ban! He can try but will fail miserably.

24 hour my a $ $. The CNN idiot Don Lemons or something, brought up the gun control issue during the initial reporting of the news within an hour of the killings. They don't let a crisis go to waste.

07-24-15, 09:29
If we are going to win the gun control debate, we need to get away from logical fallacies like this. The obvious counter is while those deaths are bad, it doesn't change the fact that guns deaths occur independently of the other deaths, and shifts the conversation away from the topic at hand.

This fallacy is known as the red herring.

Lets work on strengthening our arguments against the masses, not failing basic philosophy.

You want to win an argument with logic against people's whose whole arguement is illogical.

Not even 24 hours after and they are already yelling ban! He can try but will fail miserably.

Ban what? Another prohibited person went into a 'gun free zone' and shot people. Which new law will they ignore the next time a suicidal nut goes shooting.

07-24-15, 10:16
Betcha a dollar, it was a theater with "No Guns Allowed" policy.

I thought liberals weren't supposed to like signs?


07-24-15, 11:52
You want to win an argument with logic against people's whose whole arguement is illogical.

Ban what? Another prohibited person went into a 'gun free zone' and shot people. Which new law will they ignore the next time a suicidal nut goes shooting.

It doesn't matter. Like you just said, we're dealing with illogical people whose reasoning really is, and I'm not exaggerating, reminiscent of mental illness. It doesn't matter than a ban would have done nothing to prevent this. All that matters is that a gun was used and people are legally allowed to own guns. Therefore, that is the reason this happened and thus, guns must be banned.

They are delusional, they make claims that are not wrong as a matter of opinion, but flat out factually false. For example, they always claim that "assault weapons" need to be banned because there is no legitimate use for them. You CAN'T use them legally because they are literally 100% incapable of being used for legal purposes; you couldn't use them for a legitimate purpose even if you tried. You point out that you used your AR-15 legally at the shooting range just yesterday, therefore proving their argument wrong. They would then reply that no, there is NO WAY that you were using the gun legally yesterday because it is SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do so! The AR-15 doesn't even work unless it's being fired into a crowd of unarmed people! And the sad thing is, they would truly believe it!

Unfortunately, we need to save our logical arguments for those who truly are logical and would be won over by our use of rational thinking. The anti-gunners are a lost cause unless they decide to change their own minds. With them, you just need to keep saying fine, you disagree with me? Molon labe then!

07-24-15, 12:42
Not even 24 hours after and they are already yelling ban! He can try but will fail miserably.

Here's something to sum up my thoughts on all this horseshit, and I've said it before: I refuse to surrender my rights for the acts of lunatics, sociopaths, criminals, and terrorists. Ain't happening.

To wit, someone's sigline comes to mind: My rights trump your dead. Yes, a rather blunt and crass message but if you boil away all the fancy arguments we could make that is eventually what it all comes down to.

07-24-15, 13:13
In my experience, if you calmly lay out the facts and educate how guns work, it's easy to convert antigunners to a neutral posistion.

Explain automatics are illegal / heavily regulated, etc, and they get to a point where they accept semiautos.

I usually explain citizens owned cannons back in the day.

07-24-15, 14:00

07-24-15, 17:19
haahahaha awesome thought and true !
I remember that song and my brother listening to that :)

I thought liberals weren't supposed to like signs?

07-25-15, 10:18
24 hour my a $ $. The CNN idiot Don Lemons or something, brought up the gun control issue during the initial reporting of the news within an hour of the killings. They don't let a crisis go to waste.

What an A-hole.

You want to win an argument with logic against people's whose whole arguement is illogical.

Ban what? Another prohibited person went into a 'gun free zone' and shot people. Which new law will they ignore the next time a suicidal nut goes shooting.

Exactly, libs think a sign will magically solve anything, and that thugs cant get guns if they are banned.

Here's something to sum up my thoughts on all this horseshit, and I've said it before: I refuse to surrender my rights for the acts of lunatics, sociopaths, criminals, and terrorists. Ain't happening.

To wit, someone's sigline comes to mind: My rights trump your dead. Yes, a rather blunt and crass message but if you boil away all the fancy arguments we could make that is eventually what it all comes down to.

Yea same here dont give up your rights to please the idiots.

07-25-15, 15:34
A Hi-point .40, bought legally, was used. Shooter had a law degree but was facing financial problems. He had a history of manic depression/bipolar disorder, and was involuntarily committed to a hospital in 2008. He allegedly sympathized with white-supremacy ideology.

07-25-15, 16:21
A Hi-point .40, bought legally, was used. Shooter had a law degree but was facing financial problems. He had a history of manic depression/bipolar disorder, and was involuntarily committed to a hospital in 2008. He allegedly sympathized with white-supremacy ideology.

I thought involuntary commitment prevented you from owning or purchasing firearms.

ETA: Apparently there is no Federal law that requires states to report that information to NICS.

07-25-15, 16:26
I thought involuntary commitment prevented you from owning or purchasing firearms.

In our area, they can petition to have their ability to legally purchase a firearm reinstated 5 years after they are released from the mental facility. A doctor has to sign a document declaring them mentally fit.

07-25-15, 16:54
A Hi-point .40, bought legally, was used. Shooter had a law degree but was facing financial problems. He had a history of manic depression/bipolar disorder, and was involuntarily committed to a hospital in 2008. He allegedly sympathized with white-supremacy ideology.

Always have to be sure to include the race card too. Makes the argument more compelling.

07-25-15, 18:36
Always have to be sure to include the race card too. Makes the argument more compelling.

Mr. Houser clearly had mental health issues and happened to be politically conservative. For whatever reason, he did not kill more innocent people.

To get a glimpse of this man's mental health, the following video depicts his former behavior as it pertains to his former rental property. He allegedly cut up hundreds of gold fish, placed feces and booby traps, poured cement into all the drains, etc.


Big A
07-25-15, 19:02
.... and just hours before....... http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2015/07/24/obama-gun-control-bbc-louisiana-theater/30608189/

Fasten your seat belts. Looks like only one way out the door for Obama and it's through the 2A.

Ya know, I used to write off conspiracy theories as nonsense but now I'm starting to have my doubts...


All these mass shootings during one administration...

07-25-15, 21:03
All these mass shootings during one administration...

Astute observation.

07-26-15, 17:22
Buzz words of this administration have been gun control for safety, and gun violence is a tragedy.

Shootings happen every day all over the world. Was it a tragedy when the marines were shot in a recruiting center? How about all the police that have been shot in the line of duty?

07-26-15, 17:42
More people are shot every single day in Chicago alone than in this movie theater.


1507 shootings 205 days into the year.

I know I shouldn't be making a comparison as if this shooting is acceptable, but they complete denial from the left of violence emanating from their President's own city is maddening. How on earth can you claim to be a party of the poor minorities yet only give a shit about violence when the victims are white?

07-26-15, 18:36
How on earth can you claim to be a party of the poor minorities yet only give a shit about violence when the victims are white?

Just waiting for someone to categorize the shooter as: "A savage, an animal, a thug, or sub-human."

Instead of: "misunderstood, loner, or depressed".

07-26-15, 19:47
Just waiting for someone to categorize the shooter as: "A savage, an animal, a thug, or sub-human."

Instead of: "misunderstood, loner, or depressed".

Excellent point!

07-26-15, 23:19
Just waiting for someone to categorize the shooter as: "A savage, an animal, a thug, or sub-human."

Instead of: "misunderstood, loner, or depressed".

Oh! Oh!

This bastard was a savage animal, a sub-human thug.

I got all four. Even added bastard to the mix!

07-27-15, 18:55
More people are shot every single day in Chicago alone than in this movie theater.


1507 shootings 205 days into the year.

I know I shouldn't be making a comparison as if this shooting is acceptable, but they complete denial from the left of violence emanating from their President's own city is maddening. How on earth can you claim to be a party of the poor minorities yet only give a shit about violence when the victims are white?

No s**t.

Where are all the "Black Lives Matter" activists???
DOJ and the first African-American man and woman AGs?
Jesse, Al, and gang . . . MIA?