View Full Version : City of Reno Temporarily Replaces American Flag with LGBT Flag

07-27-15, 15:44
Reno City officials removed the Stars and Stripes to fly the LGBT flag around the time of their gay festival. The Confederate Flag must come down, but the LBGT flag is allowed to fly. What a disgrace!

As to the LGBT movement using the rainbow as a symbol of their cause, there is great irony in the fact that the rainbow represents both God's judgement and promise.

On Sunday morning the American Flag on top of City Hall in Downtown Reno was replaced by the LGBT Flag following a gay pride celebration this weekend.

Mayor Hillary Schieve also released a statement which said; "I was alerted tonight that the US flag was not flying over City Hall. I can most certainly see why people would be offended or upset. I did not order that the American flag be taken down. I have asked that the flag be put back immediately! It was certainly not the city's intention to be disrespectful and never should have happened. I will take full responsibility since I represent this city. I have family members who have served and I know the importance of the ultimate sacrifice they have made for our country. I am very proud to be an American and we should always support our troops and veterans no matter what. I too am offended and there is no excuse for this. Those who have served deserve the highest respect for their service. My sincerest apologies!!!"


07-27-15, 15:48


07-27-15, 16:34
Surely this is the only explanation...



07-27-15, 17:12
Cmon giant planet destroying asteroid... We need you.

07-27-15, 19:18

07-27-15, 21:30
Cmon giant planet destroying asteroid... We need you.

Honestly, we are still not quite at the level of acceptance for homosexuality that permeated the "old world." Not saying that is good, bad or indifferent...the flag is of course an entirely different issue...but I don't think we are Future Sodom yet.

And I don't want to participate in an extinction level event because some fags disrespected the flag.

07-27-15, 22:05
So nobody's up in arms about the church flying the "Christian" flag above the American flag?

07-28-15, 00:00
So nobody's up in arms about the church flying the "Christian" flag above the American flag?

Private property vs. city hall.

No different than some Christian Identity "church" flying a swastika. First amendment, etc. Church isn't funded by tax dollars and according to religious hierarchy that would actually be the correct order (God, Country, etc.)

And just so there is no confusion, if a bunch of church ladies took down the US flag at the same exact Reno city hall and flew a "Christian" flag in it's place, I'd have the same exact objection.

07-29-15, 06:17
So nobody's up in arms about the church flying the "Christian" flag above the American flag?

1. What Steyr said.
2. What is "the church"?

07-29-15, 06:52
You guys do realize you're constantly getting trolled, right?

07-29-15, 16:01
1. What Steyr said.
2. What is "the church"?

What Palmguy said, about what Steyr said.

07-29-15, 16:17
The Confederate Flag must come down, but the LBGT flag is allowed to fly. What a disgrace!

Why not have both?


07-30-15, 12:03
I make no apologies for being a supporter of LGBT rights. But I do have a problem with this. The only flags that should fly over government buildings are Old glory, and the state flag.

07-30-15, 13:14
I make no apologies for being a supporter of LGBT rights. But I do have a problem with this. The only flags that should fly over government buildings are Old glory, and the state flag.

I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but what exactly are "LGBT rights"? I keep hearing this over and over- "LGBT rights", "Black rights", "Women's rights". Aren't we all Americans/Citizens and afforded the same rights- or supposed to at least? What's with the self division?

What rights don't these citizens have that happen to be homosexual, transgender, etc, etc, etc- I'm just so sick of segmenting the population and each having "different rights" to fight for.

It's like each segment off society wants their own separate rights based on their ideals- that's just wrong; we should all have the same rights, no extra rights for anyone.

Let me also say that I know several homosexuals a few transgenders and my eldest sister is Gay and I have no issue with it whatsoever (Although I wasn't too happy about SCOTUS ruling for Gay Marriage; and I was ordained and performed my sisters marriage to her wife- I'm all for gays marrying, just not for the Federal Govt. redefining marriage as a whole and forcing its will on the people/states counter to the 10th amendment. Roberts dissent was spot on).

Not trying to start an argument- and please don't take this as such, but I just can't seem to wrap my mind around every segment of society having "their" rights.

Am I just being obtuse or missing something perhaps?

What rights are you referring to when you say you support "LGBT rights"?

It's like the "Black lives matter" crowd. Well yeah- all lives MATTER, why separate yourself from the rest of us???!!!??!?!?!?!?

It comes full circle to TPTB and the media dividing us and conquering us by our own hand. I'm sick of it.

Flying that flag on the state buildings is a serious slap in the face, I completely agree only old glory and state flags have a place there. I can't imagine the outcry of rage some would have if we flew different flags at state buildings- perhaps one of a religious nature? The media and PC army would blow an O-ring over it...

Can you imagine if a anti-gay rally was being held in Reno and the state officials flew their flag? I think certain people in our society might have embolisms...

07-30-15, 13:24
I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but what exactly are "LGBT rights"? I keep hearing this over and over- "LGBT rights", "Black rights", "Women's rights". Aren't we all Americans/Citizens and afforded the same rights- or supposed to at least? What's with the self division?

What rights don't these citizens have that happen to be homosexual, transgender, etc, etc, etc- I'm just so sick of segmenting the population and each having "different rights" to fight for.

It's like each segment off society wants their own separate rights based on their ideals- that's just wrong; we should all have the same rights, no extra rights for anyone.

Let me also say that I know several homosexuals a few transgenders and my eldest sister is Gay and I have no issue with it whatsoever (Although I wasn't too happy about SCOTUS ruling for Gay Marriage; and I was ordained and performed my sisters marriage to her wife- I'm all for gays marrying, just not for the Federal Govt. redefining marriage as a whole and forcing its will on the people/states counter to the 10th amendment. Roberts dissent was spot on).

Not trying to start an argument- and please don't take this as such, but I just can't seem to wrap my mind around every segment of society having "their" rights.

Am I just being obtuse or missing something perhaps?

What rights are you referring to when you say you support "LGBT rights"?

It's like the "Black lives matter" crowd. Well yeah- all lives MATTER, why separate yourself from the rest of us???!!!??!?!?!?!?

It comes full circle to TPTB and the media dividing us and conquering us by our own hand. I'm sick of it.

Flying that flag on the state buildings is a serious slap in the face, I completely agree only old glory and state flags have a place there. I can't imagine the outcry of rage some would have if we flew different flags at state buildings- perhaps one of a religious nature? The media and PC army would blow an O-ring over it...

Can you imagine if a anti-gay rally was being held in Reno and the state officials flew their flag? I think certain people in our society might have embolisms...

Marriage for one. Yes now it is legal but just a short time ago it was not. In many states people can still be fired or otherwise discriminated against simply because they are born gay. Those are the kind of rights I am talking about.

I agree with you. ALL live matter. And the rights of ALL people matter. Our country has a nasty history of denying rights to groups. From the early days in how we treated Native Americans, to slavery, to women's rights, into desegregation, etc. You can not deny that we have a habit of trying to repress the rights of certain groups. Currently it is the LGBT crowd.

Don't get me wrong. I don't buy into the whole bullshit line of systemic Racism in todays society, and other such bullshit. But you can not deny that a large part of the population is trying to suppress the rights of a minority group. In the past it was in the name of Racial Purity. Currently it is under the guise of "religious freedom" Who knows what it will be in a few years.

Also keep in mind that those things of religious nature like the flag you mentioned represent the majority opinion. Yeah there would be outrage. but mainly because it would be unconstitutional. Most people would see no issue with it regardless of the legal implications.

07-30-15, 13:40
Marriage for one. Yes now it is legal but just a short time ago it was not. In many states people can still be fired or otherwise discriminated against simply because they are born gay. Those are the kind of rights I am talking about.

I agree with you. ALL live matter. And the rights of ALL people matter. Our country has a nasty history of denying rights to groups. From the early days in how we treated Native Americans, to slavery, to women's rights, into desegregation, etc. You can not deny that we have a habit of trying to repress the rights of certain groups. Currently it is the LGBT crowd.

Don't get me wrong. I don't buy into the whole bullshit line of systemic Racism in todays society, and other such bullshit. But you can not deny that a large part of the population is trying to suppress the rights of a minority group. In the past it was in the name of Racial Purity. Currently it is under the guise of "religious freedom" Who knows what it will be in a few years.

Also keep in mind that those things of religious nature like the flag you mentioned represent the majority opinion. Yeah there would be outrage. but mainly because it would be unconstitutional. Most people would see no issue with it regardless of the legal implications.

I'm on board with everything you said here except marriage was illegal; it never was and still isn't- the definition has just been changed. LGBT community was never denied this right- because marriage isn't "man-man or woman-woman" by the very definition of what a marriage is. Be careful changing definitions- it can and will happen again...

Hell redefining parts of the Constitution has gotten us a lot of bullshit over the years.

As to your comment on religious freedom- if two gays want to force a church to marry them; you are okay with the federal gummint forcing the church to do so?

State sponsored marriage is what is unconstitutional and illegal. I don't need a piece of paper from my gummint to get married/contract into a covenant with my spouse; and no one else does either.

Our 2A rights have been denied in the guise of safety- but most of the LGBT community (Always thought this was backwards- I would think LGBT community would understand the necessity for protecting ones self- with all the hatred people have for them) and LGBT support crowd is on board with that. So everyone just wants THEIR "equal rights" and screw yours...

Of course we should all have the same rights- but redefining what marriage is to fit an agenda has nothing to do with rights.

As to being fired for being gay- who cares? Anyone should be able to hire or fire anyone for whatever reason they see fit. Don't like it? Go work somewhere else.
If someone doesn't like my lifestyle (Or for whatever reason really) to the point they will not overlook it and see the hard working intelligent person I am and what I bring to the table for their company- I DON'T want to work for them in the first place- why should they be forced to hire me?

Same thing goes for the cake BS. If you don't want to make me a cake because I am pro 2A, I like a specific sex organ, I am of a certain religion or for whatever reason, I don't want to give you money to make me a cake. Why are we forcing people to do shit they don't agree with? Talk about "rights" huh?

07-30-15, 13:49
I'm on board with everything you said here except marriage was illegal; it never was and still isn't- the definition has just been changed. LGBT community was never denied this right- because marriage isn't "man-man or woman-woman" by the very definition of what a marriage is. Be careful changing definitions- it can and will happen again...

Hell redefining parts of the Constitution has gotten us a lot of bullshit over the years.

As to your comment on religious freedom- if two gays want to force a church to marry them; you are okay with the federal gummint forcing the church to do so?

State sponsored marriage is what is unconstitutional and illegal. I don't need a piece of paper from my gummint to get married/contract into a covenant with my spouse; and no one else does either.

Our 2A rights have been denied in the guise of safety- but most of the LGBT community and support crowd is on board with that.

Of course we should all have the same rights- but redefining what marriage is to fit an agenda has nothing to do with rights.

We obviously disagree on that. Christian marriages are normally between a man and a woman. And nothing has changed there.

Traditionally marriage in different cultures has had varying meanings. And I am sorry. But a state sponsored marriage isn't unconstitutional. By your argument my wife and I are not actually married apparently. That doesn't fly.

You and I as a strait person have always had the freedom to marry whomever we want because the people we would want to marry are consenting adults of the opposite sex. Gay individuals were denied the right to marry another consenting adult they wished to marry.

This isn't about changing the definition of marriage to fit an agenda. That is some great propaganda on your part but it isn't what happened. What happened was that we have expanded the same rights to all adults that was previously denied to a portion of the adult population. Just like they did when they struck down bans on interracial marriage.

Finally as for the argument that anyone wants to force churches to perform gay marriages... While we all know there are some people out there who will raise a stink and try to get publicity in cases like this, there is no push for something like this to happen.. I never implied that they should be forced to, nor do any of the activists who were pushing for Marriage equality.

The only cases of places getting in trouble for not performing same sex marriages were in the cases of a couple for Profit wedding chapels. They do not get the same protections as a church because they are not a church. They are a business.

07-30-15, 13:52
As another note. Your assertion that most of the LGBT community is on board with denying us our 2nd Amendment rights is incorrect. Most gay people I know are also CCW holders. They tend to have the same cross section as the rest of the population too. Some are full on Gun nuts like us, others vary from just having a gun for self defense, and every level in between. Does this mean all of them are like this? Hell no. On a national level I am not doubting that there are a lot of anti 2nd Amendment jackwads in the LGBT movement. But on an individual level they tend to be more Pro 2nd than your average person. At least around here.

07-30-15, 14:07
As another note. Your assertion that most of the LGBT community is on board with denying us our 2nd Amendment rights is incorrect. Most gay people I know are also CCW holders. They tend to have the same cross section as the rest of the population too. Some are full on Gun nuts like us, others vary from just having a gun for self defense, and every level in between. Does this mean all of them are like this? Hell no. On a national level I am not doubting that there are a lot of anti 2nd Amendment jackwads in the LGBT movement. But on an individual level they tend to be more Pro 2nd than your average person. At least around here.

I've had a different experience. Most I know/have met are fervently anti, and some are just not interested either way. Never met a single pro 2A from the LGBT communiity.

I am assuming based on my personal experience and those I know/have met. I will admit you are most likely correct. I just haven't seen it.

07-30-15, 14:13
I've had a different experience. Most I know/have met are fervently anti, and some are just not interested either way. Never met a single pro 2A from the LGBT communiity.

I am assuming based on my personal experience and those I know/have met. I will admit you are most likely correct. I just haven't seen it.

Honestly it could also be regional thing. I pride myself on my wide range of friends. Hell. my buddy Sean is a Black, Gay, republican from DC. And when I say gay he is flaming gay. I am not sure which decision he was more happy about. Heller or the Marriage equality case. Haha.

Putting all that aside and going back to the OP. Very tacky and uncalled for. Lighting up the white house the night of the decision was one thing (but still out of line) actually flying a flag over a government building goes way to far.

07-31-15, 10:50
This will pass to an extent. There will always be a disgusting fringe group and their sympathizers we see acting out on TV. It either comes from liberal media rubbing it in or "conservative" media overreacting.

It doesn't reflect on all of them. Even in the deep south I see and have met gay, gun owning conservatives just as a general observation and it may not be reflective of the general population.

The main issue I have is people want to live with one another and be afforded spousal rights and benefits. I have no problem with that. Call it civil union or marriage of you want. I don't see that taking away from your straight marriage if you still believe in its sanctity. I know gay couples, family included, that can raise children better than plenty of straight white trash. They aren't going to indoctrinate the kids or turn them gay.

07-31-15, 17:49
It's sad when Russia it getting it right and we keep jamming this tripe down our citizens throats. You want to be gay/bi/trans whatever cool just knock all the flaunting and flamboyance the hell off already.

Putin's party unveils Russian 'straight pride' flag


08-02-15, 15:08
We obviously disagree on that. Christian marriages are normally between a man and a woman.

Christians marriages are "normally" between a man and a woman? When exactly were they not?

And in every single civilization, religion, culture, society, epoch, in all of recorded human history, marriage was always between a man and a woman.

Not even the Greeks and the Romans at the very heights of their depravity ever became so depraved and completely unhinged from reality so as to believe the lunatic leftist infantile incoherent nonsense of homosexual "marriage".

And it is quite revealing that no one who supports the pro-homosexual agenda of Obama and Clinton has ever once explained how a person making a deliberate premeditated choice to sodomize another male makes that person into "a people".

Nor can they explain where this so-called "right" comes from.

The fact is that the rules and laws governing marriage already covered everyone equally, regardless of whether or not they wanted to commit homosexual acts.

08-02-15, 15:28
So nobody's up in arms about the church flying the "Christian" flag above the American flag?

Christians have their own flag?

08-02-15, 15:37
Our 2A rights have been denied in the guise of safety-
It is very important to remember that no such thing exists as a "2nd Amendment right". And this belief is in keeping with the sentiments of our Founders.

The 2nd Amendment protects our God given right to keep and bear arms. The right itself existed before the amendment was written, and it will continue to exist if they ever remove it from our constitution.

but most of the LGBT community (Always thought this was backwards- I would think LGBT community would understand the necessity for protecting ones self- with all the hatred people have for them) and LGBT support crowd is on board with that.
Also keep in mind that pretty much just until this generation, homosexuality was always considered a behaviour, and not an immutable ontological state of being such as being black. And in fact researchers are now moving away from any so called "born gay" theory after some 60 years of trying to prove it.

For reasons unknown, a very small percentage of the population experience "same-sex attraction". No on knows why. Of this small group, some experience it early on, and then apparently grow out of it. Others do not experience it until later in life, and still others experience it their entire lives. Among this last group is yet another subgroup that experiences same-sex attraction exclusively. Again, no one has any idea why any of this happens, but this is perhaps the most coherent theory I have read as to a cause: http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/08/how-choice-and-emotion-can-influence-sexual-orientation/

But just keep in mind that "born gay" is simply effeminate leftist propaganda.

And never forget that the same leftist ideological lunatics behind this agenda already in our lifetimes tried to also "normalise" even pedophilia. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/the-sexual-revolution-and-children-how-the-left-took-things-too-far-a-702679.html

Of course we should all have the same rights- but redefining what marriage is to fit an agenda has nothing to do with rights.
Exactly. The same right to marry already existed for everyone regardless of whether or not they wanted to engage in homosexual acts.

When this issue comes up on this and other forums I always ask the supporters of the leftist homosexual agenda, if two males sodomizing each other is not immoral, are two brothers sodomizing each other immoral? I either get a "no, it's not", or they do not answer.

08-02-15, 16:06
Christians have their own flag?

Many, actually, although most do double duty as national flags.

But this is the "Christian flag" in question: Link (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag).