View Full Version : OH this is funny the LEO he has patience :)

07-29-15, 15:37
OH I would be like pepper spray time :) hahahahahaha

that LEO is so calm ! hats off to that guy
I sadly feel they come across this more than we know these days

watch the video good for a laugh :)


07-29-15, 15:44
sounds like some sovereign citizen bullshit, basically put on the cuffs and don't pander to their so called "knowledge". we had a trainer out of North Carolina that is an expert on these folks. His advice "vent window, out they come, asphalt and cuff...and always see if the door is unlocked before venting window. And if he saw any of us on you tube because we pandered to there idiocy he would call us up and chew our ass.

They are some different folks

07-29-15, 15:55
As annoying as they are, sovereign citizens always lose. That tends to happen when you follow made up rules.

07-29-15, 15:55
yeah funny I am human I am of earth I dont follow your rules then a few moments later screaming how you are going to use those rules against me :) ahhahahahahahah

sounds like some sovereign citizen bullshit, basically put on the cuffs and don't pander to their so called "knowledge". we had a trainer out of North Carolina that is an expert on these folks. His advice "vent window, out they come, asphalt and cuff...and always see if the door is unlocked before venting window. And if he saw any of us on you tube because we pandered to there idiocy he would call us up and chew our ass.

They are some different folks

07-29-15, 16:42
She is now a "free inhabitant" of the county.

Seems she had weed, which would partial explain why she thought the articles of confederation were still a thing.

07-29-15, 17:03
lol, free inhabitant.

Edit: and that chick is bat shit crazy.

07-29-15, 17:22
<sigh...> "sovereigns" are so tedious... :(

Straight Shooter
07-29-15, 18:52
Id like to see a picture of this chick, for some reason. Ive got a mental image in my mindof the nut. Also...any info on the outcome of this?

07-29-15, 21:36
Id like to see a picture of this chick, for some reason. Ive got a mental image in my mindof the nut. Also...any info on the outcome of this?

I caught the Birkenstocks in video of her feet - figures. Typical Cali "granola" chick who won't shave her pits, legs, or others - yuck.

07-29-15, 21:53
and good thing we cant smell it I bet :)

I caught the Birkenstocks in video of her feet - figures. Typical Cali "granola" chick who won't shave her pits, legs, or others - yuck.

07-30-15, 11:57
That man is a saint. Hats off to him.

07-30-15, 12:18
Man, some people really are a special kind of stupid.

07-30-15, 14:00
The officer, IMHO, did an excellent job. He refused to be baited. He gradually forced compliance. He used only the force required and always gave her an out. The whole "rape" thing is such BS, and undermines actual victims. Another instance where a body cam on the officer would serve as excellent documentation that she was the knucklehead and not the officer.

07-30-15, 22:26
I'm a free inhabitant I have all the rights of a citizen, but I don't have to obey the laws??????????????? IDIOT.
I pulled one of these jokers over, started out with the plan of a warning, he ended up inhabiting 4 citations.:haha:

Heavy Metal
07-30-15, 22:33
I'm a free inhabitant I have all the rights of a citizen, but I don't have to obey the laws??????????????? IDIOT.
I pulled one of these jokers over, started out with the plan of a warning, he ended up inhabiting 4 citations.:haha:

It's always funny when someone talks themselves into a violation when you are doing your damndest to give them an out the size of an Oil Tanker and they just keep missing it. Some people just aren't very bright.

07-30-15, 23:18
lol, free inhabitant.

Edit: and that chick is bat shit crazy.

What is the threshold for a psych hold? If someone says that they are not bound by our laws, had refused lawful orders and has resisted arrest. That seems to be a potential threat to others. I'm not saying just throw her in the nut farm, but what has to be met for someone to go before a judge?

07-31-15, 02:33
If you look on the internet, you'll find a lot this "Free Inhabitant"/"Sovereign Citizen" nonsense is currently being pushed by the everyone-should-smoke-weed-all-the-time lobby (an Officer on Alaska State Troopers recently encountered an individual with a pre-printed "Freedom Card" they disseminate that he tried to use as grounds to assert his "right" to drive on public roads without license or registration).

I never really understood why that had any traction until seeing this. Apparently this girl REALLY loves her weed, since most of her outrageousness was centered around the Officer securing the bag.

I've never had even the slightest thing to do with recreational drugs (although to be clear, I don't consider them immoral, just stupid.) so maybe there's something I'm missing, but I was under the impression the addiction risk of Marijuana was pretty minimal. Yet I see this girl spazzing out like a lifelong heroin junkie losing her last fix in the universe. So I gotta ask, can someone really be THAT addicted, or is she just an ultra-melodramatic pain in the ass by nature?

07-31-15, 04:23
If you look on the internet, you'll find a lot this "Free Inhabitant"/"Sovereign Citizen" nonsense is currently being pushed by the everyone-should-smoke-weed-all-the-time lobby (an Officer on Alaska State Troopers recently encountered an individual with a pre-printed "Freedom Card" they disseminate that he tried to use as grounds to assert his "right" to drive on public roads without license or registration).

I never really understood why that had any traction until seeing this. Apparently this girl REALLY loves her weed, since most of her outrageousness was centered around the Officer securing the bag.

I've never had even the slightest thing to do with recreational drugs (although to be clear, I don't consider them immoral, just stupid.) so maybe there's something I'm missing, but I was under the impression the addiction risk of Marijuana was pretty minimal. Yet I see this girl spazzing out like a lifelong heroin junkie losing her last fix in the universe. So I gotta ask, can someone really be THAT addicted, or is she just an ultra-melodramatic pain in the ass by nature?I don't think it was weed addiction; just first time her entitled, libral, crybaby ass got told NO and had dose of reality.

07-31-15, 06:03
I salute all you LEO's, there is no way I have the patience to deal with these type of situations.

07-31-15, 11:06
She must have learned from the Natural Living Man.


07-31-15, 11:11
What is the threshold for a psych hold? If someone says that they are not bound by our laws, had refused lawful orders and has resisted arrest. That seems to be a potential threat to others. I'm not saying just throw her in the nut farm, but what has to be met for someone to go before a judge?

Here you have to have specific reasons/actions/behaviors that show the person is a danger to them self or others. Then you have to fill out a petition that goes go a doctor. The doctor signs off on it then they are admitted (usually for 24-72 hours). The person can later petition the court for a hearing regarding the mental health order. I've never been to court over that though.

I have had people that I petitioned let go by the doctor after a few hours. People that have flat out told me they wanted to kill themselves. So I don't know what the hell happens in there.

07-31-15, 12:27
If you look on the internet, you'll find a lot this "Free Inhabitant"/"Sovereign Citizen" nonsense is currently being pushed by the everyone-should-smoke-weed-all-the-time lobby (an Officer on Alaska State Troopers recently encountered an individual with a pre-printed "Freedom Card" they disseminate that he tried to use as grounds to assert his "right" to drive on public roads without license or registration).

I never really understood why that had any traction until seeing this. Apparently this girl REALLY loves her weed, since most of her outrageousness was centered around the Officer securing the bag.

I've never had even the slightest thing to do with recreational drugs (although to be clear, I don't consider them immoral, just stupid.) so maybe there's something I'm missing, but I was under the impression the addiction risk of Marijuana was pretty minimal. Yet I see this girl spazzing out like a lifelong heroin junkie losing her last fix in the universe. So I gotta ask, can someone really be THAT addicted, or is she just an ultra-melodramatic pain in the ass by nature?

I don't think she was spazzing over the pot as much as she was spazzing over the officer not behaving in a way that a lot of the sovereign citizen preachers claim that they MUST behave when one declares themselves sovereign. I've encountered these types before, and this is the first time I've seen it from the pot crowd. Generally, the SC beliefs are more common among the extreme right wing groups like Posse Comitatus, the militia groups, Neo-Nazis, etc. I'd rather it be the potheads who follow this. All they'll do is piss and moan when they get arrested. The former groups get violent.

08-01-15, 08:23
Is the "sovereign citizen movement" just a nuisance or are they a big deal?

08-01-15, 10:06
Mess with them and just ask them, "Do you have a flag?".


08-01-15, 10:21
Is the "sovereign citizen movement" just a nuisance or are they a big deal?

They have shot and killed more than one or two cops in thier time.

08-01-15, 10:24
sounds like some sovereign citizen bullshit, basically put on the cuffs and don't pander to their so called "knowledge". we had a trainer out of North Carolina that is an expert on these folks. His advice "vent window, out they come, asphalt and cuff...and always see if the door is unlocked before venting window. And if he saw any of us on you tube because we pandered to there idiocy he would call us up and chew our ass.

They are some different folks

Why would you do that? All they have to do is start the car can everyone expects you let me him leave.

08-01-15, 13:40
Is the "sovereign citizen movement" just a nuisance or are they a big deal?

They can be downright scary. Only reason they are not a bigger deal is there isn't a huge number of them. Here in Az they have had shoot outs with the cops on a few occasions.

08-01-15, 13:43
They can be downright scary. Only reason they are not a bigger deal is there isn't a huge number of them. Here in Az they have had shoot outs with the cops on a few occasions.

They are inherently unorganized. Imagine trying to run a organizing meeting with that herd of cats.

08-01-15, 14:53
do they live in the city areas or somewhere outlying ?

They can be downright scary. Only reason they are not a bigger deal is there isn't a huge number of them. Here in Az they have had shoot outs with the cops on a few occasions.

PD Sgt.
08-01-15, 15:47
Mess with them and just ask them, "Do you have a flag?".


Or an airline and a beer.

08-01-15, 15:47
do they live in the city areas or somewhere outlying ?

The ones I have encountered usually live up north. Ive heard from family up in Williams that there are several out in the mountains near there.

There was one guy that we would encounter every so often along the I17 in north Phoenix that lived up near Black Canyon City. He made his own license plate for his truck.

08-01-15, 16:01
always careful of folks when I am out camping in BLM lands :)

kinda funny does not believe in the laws as a free man but made his own plate ? strange thinking for sure :)

The ones I have encountered usually live up north. Ive heard from family up in Williams that there are several out in the mountains near there.

There was one guy that we would encounter every so often along the I17 in north Phoenix that lived up near Black Canyon City. He made his own license plate for his truck.

08-01-15, 17:02
always careful of folks when I am out camping in BLM lands :)

kinda funny does not believe in the laws as a free man but made his own plate ? strange thinking for sure :)

They have their own courts too. The guy with the plates also showed me warrants for several of the local federal judges and a police chief I believe. Something about crimes against humanity type shit.

08-01-15, 18:58
so crazy folks not just folks wanting to be private and secluded !!!

OK bat _____ crazy

They have their own courts too. The guy with the plates also showed me warrants for several of the local federal judges and a police chief I believe. Something about crimes against humanity type shit.