View Full Version : Hackers can change this sniper rifle's target

07-30-15, 06:33
TrackingPoint self-aiming rifles work by using a computer connected to wi-fi, which helps the shooter to more accurately aim and hit its target. However, two security researchers found that the $13,000 rifle can be compromised, allowing a hacker to recalibrate the scope’s calculation so the shots land away from the intended target. A cyber attacker could even disable the gun altogether.


07-30-15, 07:10
If its ran over the air and on the web, it can be hacked.

07-30-15, 07:42
I don't think vulnerabilities in the Tracking Point system matter at this point in time

07-30-15, 08:19
Hate the term "hack", it is rampantly misused... Their "exploit" which I use the term very lightly is just them connecting with the default password. Cant believe they will try to present this weaksauce at black hat. This is like a teenager getting into their 90 year old neighbors wireless network because they did not know how to change the password.

Tracking Point is toast anyways

07-30-15, 08:46
Yeah it seems like they aren't doing well. A local rich kid guy got an ar model a little while back. Was telling everyone it was 30k...... More like $7k, which is still retarded for an ar that you have to buy their high dollar ammo for.

I always felt that if tracking point had instead opened up their software to work with other ammo rather than just use their hand load of ammo, which is probably best, but it's just not practical. Maybe they would still be functional.

I keep waiting for the day to hear that somebody hacked the Navy's rail gun and freakin smash the s*** out of something....... let's hope their data link systems have enough breaks in between that and the fire control so that's not even possible.

07-31-15, 02:00
Yeah it seems like they aren't doing well.

More than 'aren't doing well', as the company has folded. Reportedly under 1k units ever manufactured, with fewer than that in circulation.

07-31-15, 05:55
That article gives me a great movie plot idea... Imagine, police sniper has to take out a hostage taker, but somebody hacks the rifle and takes out the hostage instead. #2 sniper takes out the hostage taker. Now sniper #1 takes the blame, but finds a clue that his gun was hacked and goes on a mission to clear his name. Finds out that sniper #2 was in on the plan. Yeah... I should be a screenwriter.

07-31-15, 11:08
That article gives me a great movie plot idea... Imagine, police sniper has to take out a hostage taker, but somebody hacks the rifle and takes out the hostage instead. #2 sniper takes out the hostage taker. Now sniper #1 takes the blame, but finds a clue that his gun was hacked and goes on a mission to clear his name. Finds out that sniper #2 was in on the plan. Yeah... I should be a screenwriter.

Sounds like more of a episode of NYPD Blue.

07-31-15, 11:42
Eh, either way.

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07-31-15, 12:56
That article gives me a great movie plot idea... Imagine, police sniper has to take out a hostage taker, but somebody hacks the rifle and takes out the hostage instead. #2 sniper takes out the hostage taker. Now sniper #1 takes the blame, but finds a clue that his gun was hacked and goes on a mission to clear his name. Finds out that sniper #2 was in on the plan. Yeah... I should be a screenwriter.

You mean the movie Shooter???

07-31-15, 17:01
Never saw Shooter, do they use computer assisted weapons?

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07-31-15, 17:29
The Jackal (1997)


07-31-15, 17:34
I did see that!

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07-31-15, 18:44

08-03-15, 09:01
Never saw Shooter, do they use computer assisted weapons?

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Travis B
08-04-15, 09:37
Shooter is in my top 3 for favorite movies. It's definitely worth a watch.

The story line involves a computer assisted rifle.

Never saw Shooter, do they use computer assisted weapons?

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08-04-15, 14:55
I think the reason I like guns is it is basically the only thing in my life that does not have a computer.