View Full Version : Criminal Case Against Darren Wilson Closed For Good

07-30-15, 19:37
What a cluster fu$%.

WASHINGTON -- The White House finally responded to a petition created in November calling on President Barack Obama to pursue federal charges against former Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson for the August 2014 death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

On Tuesday, the administration reiterated the Justice Department’s conclusion that there were no grounds to indict, and added that they have no say in the matter.

“The Department of Justice investigated the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson, and on March 4, 2015, Attorney General Holder announced that ‘Michael Brown's death, though a tragedy, did not involve prosecutable conduct on the part of Officer Wilson,’” the response reads.

The petition followed a St. Louis County grand jury’s decision to not indict Wilson in November.

“Bring justice to Michael Brown and the hundreds of other black boys killed for the color of their skin by federally charging & fully prosecuting Darren Wilson,” the petition states. “The grand jury decided not to indict Darren Wilson because of 'conflicting evidence,' which is why a trial is necessary to guarantee the legitimacy of our justice system. Darren Wilson must held accountable for the murder that he committed.”

Brown’s family tried to get recourse by filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Ferguson in April. The case moved from a St. Louis County Circuit Court to a federal court earlier this month, and four counts have already been dismissed. U.S. District Judge E. Richard Webber also said the remaining two counts could be dropped later since it may not be possible for parents to make such claims for an adult child.

Often when criminal charges are not brought against an officer for killing someone, authorities shift blame onto the victim to support the notion the officer acted legally in using lethal force. The implication is that it isn't an officer's job to stop himself from killing someone -- rather, the person was responsible for not getting killed by the officer.



07-30-15, 20:21
Everyone who marched and rioted and all of those who supported Brown, including his family and media, should be fined for all damages including compensation to Officer Wilson.

07-30-15, 20:32
Poor guy has to disappear now. Hopefully he doesn't follow zimmerman's example.. :sarcastic:

07-30-15, 20:44
A man does his job and is punished for it? It would be really tough to recommend law enforcement as a career in this day and age.

07-30-15, 21:36
No amount of evidence, no court decisions will change some peoples minds. Some see themselves as victims, and always will.

07-30-15, 23:29
Poor guy has to disappear now. Hopefully he doesn't follow zimmerman's example.. :sarcastic:

Only Black Lives Matter...he shoulda been black.

07-31-15, 15:09
That's great and all that the DOJ's Civil Right's Stasi didn't charge him with anything because after all he "didn't do nuff'n".

So when is the Gentle Giant's mother going to be charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Aggravated Robbery???

Police investigating assault and theft following argument between Brown family relatives

A police report describes a car pulling up and several people getting out. One of those people, was reported to be Michael Brown`s Mom, Lesley McSpadden. A witness described McSpadden yelling ‘You can`t sell this s%$&” One of the relatives, who was selling, reportedly demanded McSpadden show a document proving she had a patent.

The police report says that`s when an unidentified person with McSpadden assaulted Petty so violently that it resulted in a 911 call. A witness tells Fox 2 that the weapon was a metal pipe or pole. The suspect reportedly struck Petty in the face. Medics then took him to Christian Northeast Hospital. The witness said the assault suspect grabbed merchandise and a box of cash believed to contain about $1,400.


Doc Safari
07-31-15, 15:57
This and every other cop shooting is being used to fuel the agenda that we "must" nationalize every police force to reign in their "out-of-control" tactics.

You think Mr. Community Organizer might be behind all this? Hmmmmmm....

07-31-15, 19:21
This and every other cop shooting is being used to fuel the agenda that we "must" nationalize every police force to reign in their "out-of-control" tactics.

You think Mr. Community Organizer might be behind all this? Hmmmmmm....

If you have a Son who wants to go in to Law Enforcement you might want to seriously set him down and counsel him on what is going on.

07-31-15, 22:47
If you have a Son who wants to go in to Law Enforcement you might want to seriously set him down and counsel him on what is going on.

That is sound advice. In the past I would recommend a career in Law Enforcement, but in this day and age I am not so sure. I would be more tempted to recommend a career pumping out septic tanks. It would be the same money and they would have to put up with less shit.

08-01-15, 09:12
A man does his job and is punished for it? It would be really tough to recommend law enforcement as a career in this day and age.

I agree. I am going to encourage my sons to become paramedics/firefighters.

Ofc Wilson did nothing wrong. He lost his job and will be a target for the rest of his life. I read that he has a young son. His presence around him puts the son in danger. That is a bitter pill to swallow.