View Full Version : Jericho, Cecils brother now poached as well...

08-01-15, 14:43
Jesus Christ WTF is wrong with these people?!


Jericho had been caring for his brother Cecil's cubs

Cecil the lion’s brother Jericho was killed by poachers on Saturday, the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force has reported on its Facebook page.

“We are absolutely heart broken,” the post reads.

Jericho had been caring for his brother Cecil’s cubs after the beloved 13-year-old lion was killed by a Minnesota dentist, Dr. Walter Palmer, on July 1. Authorities in Zimbabwe are calling for Palmer’s extradition, and his guides face fines and jail time.

08-01-15, 15:13
Absolutely sickening to the core.

Rich D-bags paying to feel like a real man by killing Lions, Giraffes, Zebras, etc. What a joke!

08-01-15, 15:20
If I had $50k to piss away Id do it.

08-01-15, 15:58
I wanna hunt poachers.

08-01-15, 16:35
I see absolutely no issue with killing animals for pest control, protection of property/self/others, or food. I guess I take issue with killing things for trophies. I don't see the sport in killing something that poses no threat to you. If these lions knew you were hunting them and could also operate tools in the same fashion as man, sure, I could see the sport in it.

08-01-15, 16:36
I wanna hunt poachers.
I see no downside to this.. Wanna stop poachers from poaching? Get tough.

08-01-15, 16:51
I wanna hunt poachers.

In the US, game wardens frequently carry a revolver and operate alone, with the nearest backup being half an hour or more away - often many hours away.

In many places in Africa, game wardens carry Kalashnikovs and operate in squad or platoon-sized groups (often they operate in even larger groups).

Because that is the difference in relative threat level that is faced. So if you want to hunt poachers in Africa, it won't be the usual hunting by yourself with a PH and a small band of laborers - it will be a fireteam of your best friends, another fireteam or two with the PH and armed locals, backed up by another squad or even a company of game wardens.

Not saying that it wouldn't be fun. But it would probably be significantly more dangerous than hunting any of the Big Five with a PH in today's Africa and likely more expensive.

08-01-15, 17:08
Seems to be some conflicting reports -


(CNN) - "Conflicting reports emerged Saturday on whether Jericho, the brother of slain Cecil the lion, was also killed Saturday in an illegal hunt in Zimbabwe.

Johnny Rodrigues, a senior park official and head of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, told CNN that a hunter illegally gunned down Jericho in Hwange National Park.

The task force also reported on its Facebook page that Jericho was killed at 4 p.m. local time.

Later, however, an Oxford University researcher tracking Jericho told CNN that the lion was alive and moving as of 8 p.m. local time Saturday, based on the GPS data from the animal's collar.

The GPS device didn't suggest that Jericho was killed or that anything was out of ordinary, said Brent Stapelkamp, a field researcher who is part of a team tracking Jericho in Zimbabwe.

Other government officials weren't immediately available for comment."

At any rate, i believe poachers should be given a one way ticket to a nice neighborhood in Mogadishu.

08-01-15, 17:56
The best argument I've heard for hunting the these trophies is that they can raise so much money selling off the rights to hunt a few that they fund programs that keep the species alive. Of course, that's not poaching.

Can we do Poachers vs. Pirates- The Africa Smackdown....

I was in Rocky Mountain National Park last week and we'd go wildlife watching every night after dinner. There are so many Elk that we started calling them RMNP Rats.

All I know is that I should have been a dentist. Those guys seem to have the best balance of free-time and money. Whenever a local business deal goes sideways and goofy, it seems like a dentist is involved as a money man in some fashion.

08-01-15, 18:07
In the US, game wardens frequently carry a revolver and operate alone, with the nearest backup being half an hour or more away - often many hours away.

This is hilarious. How many Game Wardens do you know?

Just speaking from my experience with Game Wardens in Texas, none of them carry revolvers or lever-action 30-30's.

08-01-15, 18:27
The best argument I've heard for hunting the these trophies is that they can raise so much money selling off the rights to hunt a few that they fund programs that keep the species alive. Of course, that's not poaching.

Can we do Poachers vs. Pirates- The Africa Smackdown....

I was in Rocky Mountain National Park last week and we'd go wildlife watching every night after dinner. There are so many Elk that we started calling them RMNP Rats.

All I know is that I should have been a dentist. Those guys seem to have the best balance of free-time and money. Whenever a local business deal goes sideways and goofy, it seems like a dentist is involved as a money man in some fashion.

Ya, That is just an epic level of comical. It is dumbfounding they think anyone believes that shit.

08-01-15, 18:31
This is hilarious. How many Game Wardens do you know?

Just speaking from my experience with Game Wardens in Texas, none of them carry revolvers or lever-action 30-30's.

I had to raise an eyebrow at it as well. Our local CDOW Wardens drive Ram 2500's, have ATV's, and carry modern semi autos/tasers, and AR15's and Shotguns. They often work in concert with local LE as well.

JBecker 72
08-01-15, 18:48
I had to raise an eyebrow at it as well. Our local CDOW Wardens drive Ram 2500's, have ATV's, and carry modern semi autos/tasers, and AR15's and Shotguns. They often work in concert with local LE as well.

Same here. They are very well equipped in VA.

08-01-15, 19:24
I don't know any Texas game wardens. Or any Colorado game wardens. Or Virginia game wardens.

I suppose things must be different down there. Somewhat fewer grizzly bears, I imagine. And more people, more money, and more game wardens. Montana has about 45. (Our highway patrol, for comparison, has 243 troopers.)

I live in one of the most populous counties in Montana and there are many places a deputy sheriff can end up - towns, even - where they won't get back up for an hour or more. Rarely do I see more than one officer in any law enforcement vehicle, whether it is city police, campus police, county sheriff, livestock inspectors, FWP, or hipo.

In any case, it appears that SiGs are what is issued to FWP game wardens. I'd guess the same 357 SiGs issued by the Highway Patrol. In brown leather holsters with brown leather snap top magazine pouches carried on brown leather belts. Can't say that I've ever seen MTFWP game wardens carrying a long gun, though I imagine they have 870s with slugs and rubber buck in their trucks. They are probably also issued the same PALS-covered soft armor as hipo, too.

I may have been confusing the state FWP with all the 44 Magnum ammo one of the LGS's has sold to Yellowstone's park rangers.

08-01-15, 20:23
Of all of the TV shows that I have watched, all of the fish and wildlife officers carried modern firearms, not just those in Texas.

08-01-15, 20:26
this whole things a joke

Eating chicken is morally worse than killing Cecil the lion (http://www.vox.com/2015/7/30/9074547/cecil-lion-chicken-meat)

08-01-15, 22:24
Ya, That is just an epic level of comical. It is dumbfounding they think anyone believes that shit.

care to explain how?

Take for instance a black rhino hunt that went for $350k back in May. This old rhino that is incapable of breeding is still territorial and can kill younger males (that can breed). So what is better? Keeping the old rhino alive, potentially killing younger males, and eventually dying naturally for $0. Or sanction a hunt for this older rhino and remove it from the gene pool for $350k? $350k goes to the game reserve to build more fence, hire more guards, whatever. Culling is biologically beneficial, culling for a lot of money is even better.

08-01-15, 22:36
I was always under the impression that after the animal is killed their meat cut up to eat and then stuffed to keep on display. Is that correct?

08-01-15, 22:37
also notice how Cecil the lion has replaced the outrage from Planned Parenthood cutting up babies for parts

'What lion?' Zimbabweans ask, amid global Cecil circus (http://news.yahoo.com/lion-zimbabweans-ask-amid-global-cecil-circus-140822692.html)

08-02-15, 01:11
I was always under the impression that after the animal is killed their meat cut up to eat and then stuffed to keep on display. Is that correct?

They will generally use every part possible on the legal hunts, I would doubt that is the case with the poachers.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

08-02-15, 01:43
This is hilarious. How many Game Wardens do you know?

Just speaking from my experience with Game Wardens in Texas, none of them carry revolvers or lever-action 30-30's.

The one I ran into had a glock. I had my 30-30 :P

08-02-15, 04:54
also notice how Cecil the lion has replaced the outrage from Planned Parenthood cutting up babies for parts

'What lion?' Zimbabweans ask, amid global Cecil circus (http://news.yahoo.com/lion-zimbabweans-ask-amid-global-cecil-circus-140822692.html)
Yes I do, the sheep worry about animals,when over 100,000 babies were torn out of their mothers womb.

08-02-15, 07:05
care to explain how?

Take for instance a black rhino hunt that went for $350k back in May. This old rhino that is incapable of breeding is still territorial and can kill younger males (that can breed). So what is better? Keeping the old rhino alive, potentially killing younger males, and eventually dying naturally for $0. Or sanction a hunt for this older rhino and remove it from the gene pool for $350k? $350k goes to the game reserve to build more fence, hire more guards, whatever. Culling is biologically beneficial, culling for a lot of money is even better.

Yeah I'd like to hear that explanation myself.

The restocking program for whitetailed deer in SC was kept alive in the sixties by the increase in hunting licenses in SC due to the population of deer increasing to huntable levels and a season being set.
Now we have more deer than we can shake a stick at.

08-02-15, 08:38
This is hilarious. How many Game Wardens do you know?

Just speaking from my experience with Game Wardens in Texas, none of them carry revolvers or lever-action 30-30's.

What do they carry? Son-in-law just retired from NJ as a game warden with 25 years service. He had three issued weapons: Glock 17, Rem 870 and AR15.

The friggin news is going crazy over the shooting of a lion, but won't cover Plan Parenthood selling baby parts.

08-02-15, 09:14
I have no issue culling older game from the heard. What really bugs the heck out of me is those who kill for sport and then are poor sportsmen (i.e. hunting over bait, taking the trophy and leaving the meat, those who wound and wont track the animal until it is down etc.) that's simply not hunting, that's killing.
I used to be an avid hunter fisherman and fur trapper in my younger days. Most of the fur trapping I did was sponsored by local ranchers wanting to thin the number of coyote that were taking calves. I've outgrown all of that now, I had a hard time even justifying my deer hunting so I just don't do it much at all anymore. I hold nothing against anyone who hunts ethically and often still purchase a licence, but it usually goes unused.
I would hope that these hunts in Africa are monitored a little bit closer than it appears they are being. I understand a lot of that money goes to help the people who would otherwise be hungry.
I also am rather disturbed by people who use abortion as a method of birth control, but again, that's not me.
Mankind has great potential, it's a damn shame that for the most part it is wasted.

08-02-15, 09:38
What do they carry? Son-in-law just retired from NJ as a game warden with 25 years service. He had three issued weapons: Glock 17, Rem 870 and AR15.

That is the same as everywhere I have seen.

08-02-15, 13:16
Conservation efforts funded by hunters have kept many species alive and well in Africa. Dudes that are willing to pay five figures to shoot something, supplied by professional guides that hire many locals to do their work, are why there is any wildlife left in many parts of Africa. They have a vested financial interest is keeping the populations healthy.

08-02-15, 15:08
Jesus Christ WTF is wrong with these people?!


You do realize that other male lions do not take care of cubs belonging to another pride, right? They KILL them in order to bring the lionesses back into heat so they can mate with them.

08-02-15, 22:15
I see absolutely no issue with killing animals for pest control, protection of property/self/others, or food. I guess I take issue with killing things for trophies. I don't see the sport in killing something that poses no threat to you. If these lions knew you were hunting them and could also operate tools in the same fashion as man, sure, I could see the sport in it.

A coyote poses no threat to me, but most land owners with livestock will agree with me shooting them.

08-02-15, 22:30
A coyote poses no threat to me, but most land owners with livestock will agree with me shooting them.

Read pest control.

08-02-15, 22:36
A coyote poses no threat to me, but most land owners with livestock will agree with me shooting them.

I was taught to look for tracks and sign, you could actually tell by the feces which coyotes had been hitting the livestock. The turds were darker indicating higher protein levels and they were also filled with hair. So you find tracks then dark fibrous feces and you were on the trail of on of the calf killers. Often times you would also find bob tailed calves who had gotten away.
I generally had no issue taking coyotes or raccoon at the time, although bobcat were much more valuable I felt a bit different about taking them.

08-02-15, 22:39
There are less than 20,000 African Lions left in the world. The only reason they are not on the endangered species list is political bullshit.
At the current rare of decline the species will be extinct in less than 40 years.

I have no sympathy for the poacher or anything that happens to him.

As for the people who claim this was just to distract from Planned Parenthood.... I laugh every time I hear that. First off the Planned Parenthood crap is mainly crocked up from edited videos. And secondly we can care about mroe than one issue at a time. I can oppose abortion and be outraged that it happens and still be outraged that this happened.

As terrible as abortion is, it isn't going to lead to the extinction of the human race. Jackasses like this poacher are going to lead to the extinction of the African Lion. And while given the choice between saving a human life and a Big Cat, I would (usually) choose the human, this isn't some zero sum game.

08-02-15, 23:01
not excusing the hunter but the gene pool didnt lose much when Cecil got poached. Cecil was 13 years old and lions have a lifespan of 10-14 years. He's already at the end of his rope

08-02-15, 23:03
not excusing the hunter but the gene pool didnt lose much when Cecil got poached. Cecil was 13 years old and lions have a lifespan of 10-14 years. He's already at the end of his rope

He was actually expected to live another 5-6 years.

Also don't forget that without him his Cubs would be killed. His brother is protecting them but if he is killed as well they are all dead.

08-03-15, 00:09
Oh no. A lion that no one in the world aside from some university zoologist majors knew about died via a legal hunt someone forked over a lot of money for, and the whole damn world loses their mind. Hey let's go call for the death of the guy who bought the hunt. He deserves it...

08-03-15, 04:19
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight"

"..why is the outrage over the act so out of proportion with that over the abortion industry selling baby parts? But here is an even better question: what is the connection between the lack of uproar over abortion and the over-the-top uproar over lion-killing?

There is a connection. A few good quotations from G.K. Chesterton will explain it.

First, Chesterton says that if there is one thing worse than the modern weakening of major morals, it is the modern strengthening of minor morals. This explains why abortion is legal, but smoking a cigar in a public park is illegal. This explains why the modern world is more upset about the killing of one lion than the slaughter of millions of babies. It explains why their veins pop from their necks that a game hunter would stalk a wild animal in order to stuff it as a trophy, but they ignore the systematic dismemberment of live babies extracted from their mother’s wombs so as to save the best parts for resale. It is something of an understatement to say that their major morals are weak and their minor morals are strong, but that is still the essence of it.

But when did hunting turn into a sin?

It happened when we stopped worshipping God and started worshipping Mother Nature. And at the same time that hunting was becoming unpopular and then unacceptable, abortion went from being a crime to being a right. Chesterton says, “Wherever you have animal worship, you will have human sacrifice.” That is why there are more pet stores than baby stores in our strip malls and why there is now a price on a lion-hunter’s head while Planned Parenthood rakes in millions of dollars. We have sacrificed our babies to the Earth Goddess.

This worship of nature is a great fallacy, but as Chesterton says, “Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies even if they become fashionable.” The problem comes from calling Nature our Mother. Chesterton says, “Nature is not our mother, nature is our sister, because we both have the same father.” We love our sister, we respect our sister, we laugh at our sister, we watch out for our sister, “but she has no authority over us.”


08-03-15, 04:30
That's great and all but this whole notion of trying to intertwine the death of the lion and the activities of planned parenthood and the abortion industry at large is simply asinine. People are not incapable of finding equal outrage in dissimilar events. Personally I find abortion abhorrent. I also personally find the unnecessary destruction of nature and specifically the elimination (for what ever reason) of an already severely diminished species, equally abhorrent. No conceptual framework required. It's a matter of respecting life, wherever it may be found.

08-03-15, 05:34
How in the world can cold-bloodedly killing helpless unborn human babies, and then selling their brains, hearts, livers, spines, and limbs for financial profit, be "equally abhorrent" to bow hunting a lion?

08-03-15, 05:40
How in the world can cold-bloodedly killing helpless unborn human babies, and then selling their brains, hearts, livers, spines, and limbs for financial profit, be "equally abhorrent" to bow hunting a lion?
Would you rather I quantify it and state that abortion 68.2% more abhorrent than the poaching of a lion?

08-03-15, 07:04
Would you rather I quantify it and state that abortion 68.2% more abhorrent than the poaching of a lion?

No. I would rather know just how in the world cold-bloodedly killing helpless unborn human babies, and then selling their brains, hearts, livers, spines, and limbs for financial profit, is "equally abhorrent" to bow hunting a wild lion.

08-03-15, 08:32
If you don't think our culture cares more about some animal than it does human life, look no further than California. That "drought" they're having?? Man made crisis to protect a fish which serves absolutely no purpose, but some liberal tree-hugging putz found one in a stream one time which warranted a federal judge and the EPA to force the dumping millions of gallons of freshwater into the ocean instead of into farms which produce a very LARGE portion of America's fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as livestock... And what do we get out of all this? The fish is going to go extinct anyway and we'll be stuck with higher cost for groceries. Nice job government.

In 2007, U.S. district judge Oliver Wanger ruled that the pumping that annually sent about 6 million acre-feet of water to Kern County and beyond was threatening the delta smelt's existence by disrupting water flows for the fall spawning season. Citing the protections accorded by the Endangered Species Act, he ordered pumping for agricultural uses curtailed by one-third until the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could evaluate the situation. After studying the issue for more than a year, the USFWS determined last December that pumping by the SWP and CVP "was likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the delta smelt and adversely modify its critical habitat." The agency issued plans to keep Judge Wanger's restrictions in place. According to Tulare County supervisor Allen Ishida, "California was forced to let 660,000 acrefeet of its freshwater supplies run out to the ocean. That was enough water to supply the entire Silicon Valley for two years."

...The result of these irrigation pump shutdowns is that hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland are being forced out of production. Kern County authorities estimated that 145,000 of the 850,000 acres that are typically irrigated were idled or under-irrigated last year. The loss was pegged at $100 million in the county alone. A study by UC-Davis estimated San Joaquin Valley farm revenue losses to range from $482 million to $647 million. Total California agricultural economic losses could hit $3 billion this year....

But while the bald eagle and the grizzly are the poster children of ESA protection, they are the exception and not the rule. Most species for whose preservation the power of government has been harnessed are ones whose loss few would mourn, or even notice. How many tears, for instance, would be shed if the rock gnome lichen disappeared, not to mention the dwarf wedgemussel or the Comal Springs dryopid beetle? Or the delta smelt? And yet court decisions and other regulatory moves are being made on behalf of these and other creatures in ways that present significant hardship for landowners. Whether depriving Central Valley farmers of contractually entitled water or placing restrictions on landowners' use of their own properties, endangered species regulations end up hamstringing humans for the benefit of certain plants, fish, and animals that few have heard of and even fewer care about.

Sometimes such hamstringing is merely a costly irritant. Case Western Reserve University law professor Jonathan Adler has noted, "Under the ESA, individual Americans have been prevented from building homes, plowing fields, cutting trees, clearing brush, and repairing fences—all on private land."

08-03-15, 11:04
Yes I do, the sheep worry about animals,when over 100,000 babies were torn out of their mothers womb.

Well, first I'll point out that you're not talking about "babies" but rapidly dividing clumps of cells. I actually killed a bunch this morning when I sprayed bleach foamer in the corners of my shower on my way out the door.

Further, despite what the bleeding hearts will have you believe, a human life (a real life, borne unto this world, not a blasula/gastrula/foetus) has very little significance. On a macro, humans are in no danger of becoming extinct whatsoever. On a micro level, the importance of a human life can be assessed based on impact and contribution.

The life of an Alpha lion has great importance, and to wish or imagine that this particular lion would never have bred another cub is absurd and ridiculous. As a percentage of the total population, one cub with superior DNA is significant. An entire litter (or even more) is of great significance.

Crazy bowhunting dentist is not a natural selector in the wild. It is a perversion of the Law of the Jungle. So long as the population remains threatened, we must allow for nothing but pure natural selection to occur.

When we do capture those responsible, they should be fed to zoo lions, and the video disseminated as widely as possible to strike fear into the hearts of poachers and perverts alike, so that this does not continue to happen. Perhaps we can do the same with Boko Haram also, just to keep with the whole Africa theme...

Conservation efforts funded by hunters have kept many species alive and well in Africa.

LOL, and they give away all the meat to the tribe, who would otherwise starve... because it's Africa... right?

How do you get yourself to believe stuff like that?

That "drought" they're having?? Man made crisis to protect a fish which serves absolutely no purpose, but some liberal tree-hugging putz


"Them durn' libruls dun made the Composite Precipitation fall too wit derr Commie BS!"

Turn your brain back on.

The partisan hate machine may have convinced you that you belong to a team and that it is your duty to rage against the other side (that's how they keep you all distracted), but it doesn't make you a good conservative warrior to oppose Conservation efforts... the opposite, actually...

08-03-15, 11:39
Just so I am understanding this whole thing. Is legal to hunt lion, elephant or whatever in said shitstain of a country so long as the proper permits are bought and the correct type of animal is killed. Kind of like hunting in the USA or pretty much anywhere on the planet. This evil dentist paid the fees and did things in a legal manner, but the shitstain government certified guide screwed the pooch and instead of forfeiting the fee guided the hunter to a bad kill. Haw is this the fault of the hunter? Why do we need the U.S. government involved in this? Seems like the only person who needs to be fed to the zoo lions is the POS guide.

I don't agree with the whole let's kill something for shits and giggles either; but I'm not going to demanding someone be fed to lions for doing what is legal.

Wanna bet our government will put more effort into deporting this guy than any of the gazillion criminal aliens inside our borders??

08-03-15, 11:42
"Them durn' libruls dun made the Composite Precipitation fall too wit derr Commie BS!"

Turn your brain back on.

The partisan hate machine may have convinced you that you belong to a team and that it is your duty to rage against the other side (that's how they keep you all distracted), but it doesn't make you a good conservative warrior to oppose Conservation efforts... the opposite, actually...

Just wondering how Arizona manages a surplus and California can't quiet get themselves out of this mess?

08-03-15, 11:48
"Them durn' libruls dun made the Composite Precipitation fall too wit derr Commie BS!"

Turn your brain back on.

The partisan hate machine may have convinced you that you belong to a team and that it is your duty to rage against the other side (that's how they keep you all distracted), but it doesn't make you a good conservative warrior to oppose Conservation efforts... the opposite, actually...

And you would rather have billions of dollars and hundreds of families' livelihoods literally washed out to sea, all to save a fish... Got it.

08-03-15, 11:53
How do you get yourself to believe stuff like that? How do you get to believe what you believe? I've been a hunter for my entire life. The majority of my protein comes from fish, birds and animals my family kills with their own hands. I don't pay someone else to do my killing if I can help it.

Kenya, who stopped allowing hunting in the 70's, has seen a reduction in their wildlife populations of 85%. Putting a monetary value on animals saves them. It seems counter intuitive, but species all over the world have benefited from hunting dollars.

In the U.S. you simply have to look at the preservation wild turkeys, ducks, white tail deer, elk and bison. The vast majority of this was funded by dollars raised by hunters. The only reintroductions that hunters haven't stood behind is wolf and grizzly bear reintroduction. However, that reintroduction by the Feds would not have been possible without the growth in ungulate herds brought about by hunter's dollars.

In Africa, success stories abound in countries that have some sort of relatively stable government. Wildlife in South Africa rebounded for a 1960's low of 600,000 animals to over 24 million animals today. The safari industry, which includes hunting, is the economic machine that made this possible.

Kev... I can spout my talking points, and you can spout yours, but we will never agree.

08-03-15, 12:40
Well, first I'll point out that you're not talking about "babies" but rapidly dividing clumps of cells.
Well, first I'll point out that you are in fact wrong, and that we are actually talking about real human babies, who have real baby parts such as hearts, livers, spines, and limbs.

Further, despite what the bleeding hearts will have you believe, a human life has very little significance.
Well that rather lucidly explains your complete lack of empathy and total indifference for the lives of unborn children which you revealed in your above comment.

Crazy bowhunting dentist is not a natural selector in the wild. It is a perversion of the Law of the Jungle.
What "law" would that be exactly, and who wrote it?

08-03-15, 12:54
Seems like the only person who needs to be fed to the zoo lions is the POS guide.

Agreed. The dentist should be rendered a nonfatal wound from a bow outside his favorite restaurant, and then tracked for a few days... before being finished off by the gun.


Just wondering how Arizona manages a surplus and California can't quiet get themselves out of this mess?

For many reasons... the first of which being the mighty Colorado River which supplies tons of cool, fresh water to Arizona does not go to California, save for that nice green part in Palo Verde/ Riverside county.

Also the "Ridiculously Resilient Ridge" of hot, dry air that dries out California (and more so Oregon) doesn't effect Arizona as much.

Kev... I can spout my talking points, and you can spout yours, but we will never agree.

Agreed. ;)

08-03-15, 13:23
Agreed. The dentist should be rendered a nonfatal wound from a bow outside his favorite restaurant, and then tracked for a few days... before being finished off by the gun.


I haven't read any of your posts that leads me to believe that you are not serious. "Wow", is the only thing that I can come up with, as a response to your views of this situation.

08-03-15, 13:37
I haven't read any of your posts that leads me to believe that you are not serious. "Wow", is the only thing that I can come up with, as a response to your views of this situation.
Considering his stated views concerning the value and dignity of every human life, is it really surprising?

Further, despite what the bleeding hearts will have you believe, a human life has very little significance.

The life of an Alpha lion has great importance,

When we do capture those responsible, they should be fed to zoo lions, and the video disseminated as widely as possible to strike fear into the hearts of poachers and perverts alike, so that this does not continue to happen.

“Wherever you have animal worship, you will have human sacrifice.”
G.K. Chesterton

08-03-15, 15:26
Well, first I'll point out that you're not talking about "babies" but rapidly dividing clumps of cells. I actually killed a bunch this morning when I sprayed bleach foamer in the corners of my shower on my way out the door.

Further, despite what the bleeding hearts will have you believe, a human life (a real life, borne unto this world, not a blasula/gastrula/foetus) has very little significance. On a macro, humans are in no danger of becoming extinct whatsoever. On a micro level, the importance of a human life can be assessed based on impact and contribution.

The life of an Alpha lion has great importance, and to wish or imagine that this particular lion would never have bred another cub is absurd and ridiculous. As a percentage of the total population, one cub with superior DNA is significant. An entire litter (or even more) is of great significance.

Crazy bowhunting dentist is not a natural selector in the wild. It is a perversion of the Law of the Jungle. So long as the population remains threatened, we must allow for nothing but pure natural selection to occur.

When we do capture those responsible, they should be fed to zoo lions, and the video disseminated as widely as possible to strike fear into the hearts of poachers and perverts alike, so that this does not continue to happen. Perhaps we can do the same with Boko Haram also, just to keep with the whole Africa theme...

LOL, and they give away all the meat to the tribe, who would otherwise starve... because it's Africa... right?

How do you get yourself to believe stuff like that?


"Them durn' libruls dun made the Composite Precipitation fall too wit derr Commie BS!"

Turn your brain back on.

The partisan hate machine may have convinced you that you belong to a team and that it is your duty to rage against the other side (that's how they keep you all distracted), but it doesn't make you a good conservative warrior to oppose Conservation efforts... the opposite, actually...


Spot on sir!

Every time one of these scumbags post their paid for "trophy" pics from Africa on facebook, and it creates huge outrage, the same fringe crazies scream out about abortions. What a shocker.

08-03-15, 17:04
a woman hunter posted her pics of a trophy giraffe. Time for the high horsers to lose their minds! Same high horsers who will eat livestock that are raised in horrible conditions. I guess its ok if you kill them indirectly?


08-03-15, 17:23
a woman hunter posted her pics of a trophy giraffe. Time for the high horsers to lose their minds! Same high horsers who will eat livestock that are raised in horrible conditions. I guess its ok if you kill them indirectly?


I'm a vegetarian, do i get to voice my opinion about her ?

08-03-15, 18:38
I'm a vegetarian, do i get to voice my opinion about her ?

Apparently you don't on M4C now lol

08-03-15, 19:18
Please keep the discussions within an adult level.

08-03-15, 19:26
I'm a vegetarian, do i get to voice my opinion about her ?

As long as you recognize that one of the biggest threats to wildlife is farming :D Trophy hunting may be disgusting to some, and I honestly can understand that. I found this article fairly well balanced. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jul/29/trophy-hunting-just-part-story-behind-declining-lion-numbers-africa As a hunter, and a lover of wildlife (yes you can be both) I do not want to see any species disappear. I acknowledge there is corruption involved. I acknowledge that everything is not perfect in Africa. I also recognize that without a way to monetize wildlife in certain countries with a goal of proper conservation, wildlife will cease to exist. Poor farming practices and rampant poaching has far more effects on wildlife in third world countries than trophy hunting does.

08-03-15, 19:36
To me this isn't about hunting just to be clear. I've hunted in the past for Deer, Dove, and few other popular NA game animals/birds.

This is something totally different imho.

08-03-15, 19:54
As long as you recognize that one of the biggest threats to wildlife is farming :D Trophy hunting may be disgusting to some, and I honestly can understand that. I found this article fairly well balanced. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jul/29/trophy-hunting-just-part-story-behind-declining-lion-numbers-africa As a hunter, and a lover of wildlife (yes you can be both) I do not want to see any species disappear. I acknowledge there is corruption involved. I acknowledge that everything is not perfect in Africa. I also recognize that without a way to monetize wildlife in certain countries with a goal of proper conservation, wildlife will cease to exist. Poor farming practices and rampant poaching has far more effects on wildlife in third world countries than trophy hunting does.

I agree, though the circumstances behind this dentist clown's "hunt" was far from being on the up and up from what we've seen so far.

To me this isn't about hunting just to be clear. I've hunted in the past for Deer, Dove, and few other popular NA game animals/birds.

This is something totally different imho.

Agreed. This was either the worst kind of "canned hunt" or blatant poaching. Neither of which should be tolerated IMO.

08-04-15, 14:42
Just out of curiosity, the ones of you that believe fetuses are only cells dividing, do you guys have kids?

Anyway, I don't like guided hunts and especially poaching anymore than the next, but I don't agree that threatening the guy with death is the answer. Nor do I believe the sky is falling.

Sent using Tapatalk for HTC Android

08-04-15, 17:09
Just out of curiosity, the ones of you that believe fetuses are just cells dividing, do you guys have kids?

Anyway, I don't like guided hunts and especially poaching anymore than the next, but I don't agree that threatening the guy with death is the answer. Nor do I believe the sky is falling.

Sent using Tapatalk for HTC Android

To be technical, we are all "just" cells dividing. It's a way to dehumanize a person for the discussion at hand.

So did the lion Jericho actually die? I've heard both ways and never got confirmation.

08-04-15, 18:45
Let's keep this thread on topic...lions, africa, hunting, etc.

08-04-15, 20:56
The life of an Alpha lion has great importance, and to wish or imagine that this particular lion would never have bred another cub is absurd and ridiculous. As a percentage of the total population, one cub with superior DNA is significant. An entire litter (or even more) is of great significance.

I agree, and hunting of lions should be illegal under all circumstances.

When we do capture those responsible, they should be fed to zoo lions, and the video disseminated as widely as possible to strike fear into the hearts of poachers and perverts alike, so that this does not continue to happen. Perhaps we can do the same with Boko Haram also, just to keep with the whole Africa theme...

Again, either those genes are coding for funny proteins, or maybe you should consider visiting the VA shrink.

08-04-15, 21:08
Let's keep the Anti Choice nonsense contained to the other thread.

Trying to assign some public personality to a clump of cells and calling it "children" isn't really making you look too with it though...

A good suggestion was made today while discussing this- perhaps the lion feeding videos could be sold on iTunes to raise money for conservation efforts? You know that stuff would get pirated like crazy just like everything else, but even if just a few people bought copies... maybe with those iTunes gift cards you always get every year from Secret Santa... it could do something positive.

08-04-15, 21:13
Let's keep the Anti Choice nonsense contained to the other thread.

Trying to assign some public personality to a clump of cells and calling it "children" isn't really making you look too with it though...

A good suggestion was made today while discussing this- perhaps the lion feeding videos could be sold on iTunes to raise money for conservation efforts? You know that stuff would get pirated like crazy just like everything else, but even if just a few people bought copies... maybe with those iTunes gift cards you always get every year from Secret Santa... it could do something positive.

Nonsense is suggesting people should be murdered for what appears to be a legal hunt.

We're all clumps of cells. What makes you any different?

08-04-15, 21:20
Just an FYI. We had two users that thought it would be a good idea to ignore a mod's instructions to keep a thread on track. They are both banned now.

If you want to ignore the directions of Mods/Staff/Senior Staff, feel free to do so someplace else.