View Full Version : Bombs going off in the Southwest US now

Doc Safari
08-03-15, 09:45

(Las Cruces, New Mexico...about an hour north of El Paso, Texas).

Explosions about a half hour apart shattered the serenity of morning services at two Las Cruces churches Sunday, but caused no injuries and only minor damage, police said.

The explosions happened at Calvary Baptist Church, 1800 S. Locust, shortly after 8 a.m. and Holy Cross Catholic Church, 1327 N. Miranda, about a half hour later. The explosion at Holy Cross took place in a trash can just outside the entrance of the church as services for the 8 a.m. Mass were taking place.

State Police Chief Pete Kassetas said the acts were certainly intended to terrorize churchgoers, but he could not call it an act of terrorism at this time, or even confirm for certain that the two explosions were related.

How could they not be related?

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.

08-03-15, 09:49
Jade Helm.

08-03-15, 10:13
This is really bizarre.

Such a nice part of NM....sad that this happened.

Could this be related to the stories of ISIS having a camp in northern Mexico?

08-03-15, 10:20
State Police Chief Pete Kassetas said the acts were certainly intended to terrorize churchgoers, but he could not call it an act of terrorism at this time.


08-03-15, 13:09
Jade Helm.

Not sure if this was said in jest, but that was my first thought.

08-03-15, 14:34
well they must not be black churches or it would be all over the news and major up roar over it so move along nothing to see here !!!

if anything workplace related prank

08-03-15, 14:42


08-03-15, 14:49
Its southern New Mexico.

Ever been there?

There might be 3 black people in Las Cruces. Two play for the college b-ball team.


08-03-15, 16:12
Jade Helm.

Just make sure and blow up the local Wal Marts before the Chinese arrive.

08-03-15, 22:19
We had a bomber here in Phoenix a few years ago blowing up people with flashlights. One day it just stopped. Never was caught. Maybe he moved?

08-03-15, 22:24
State Police Chief Pete Kassetas said the acts were certainly intended to terrorize churchgoers, but he could not call it an act of terrorism at this time.

I have to agree with Captain Picard, seriously, WTF? Do we have to wait and make sure it's not the act of a Muslim before we can officially call it terrorism? And if it is, label it work place violence or something else stupid?

08-03-15, 22:49
More going on, but in northwestern New Mexico:

Suspicious devices found at Four Corners Power Plant
Employees evacuated after three items were discovered at Fruitland plant


The two coal fired plants in that area were/are on the Soviet targeting maps during the cold war. They supply a lot of power going west to California. They would be excellent targets for any terrorist list for CONUS.

08-03-15, 22:58
Not sure if this was said in jest, but that was my first thought.

It was half said in jest.

08-04-15, 06:43
We had a bomber here in Phoenix a few years ago blowing up people with flashlights. One day it just stopped. Never was caught. Maybe he moved?

Or he went the way many an amateur bomber go....

Up in smoke building the next one.

08-04-15, 09:19
More going on, but in northwestern New Mexico:

Suspicious devices found at Four Corners Power Plant
Employees evacuated after three items were discovered at Fruitland plant


The two coal fired plants in that area were/are on the Soviet targeting maps during the cold war. They supply a lot of power going west to California. They would be excellent targets for any terrorist list for CONUS.

Oh the irony of power plants in Fruitland supplying power to California.

Maybe someone environazi though that those old coal plants were putting out too much CO2 and wanted to help mother Gaya.

As for the OP. Agree on the WTF? Sad that we are afraid of our own PC shadows.

Doc Safari
08-04-15, 16:00
More going on, but in northwestern New Mexico:

Suspicious devices found at Four Corners Power Plant
Employees evacuated after three items were discovered at Fruitland plant


The two coal fired plants in that area were/are on the Soviet targeting maps during the cold war. They supply a lot of power going west to California. They would be excellent targets for any terrorist list for CONUS.

Supposedly those turned out to be nothing...IF they are telling us the truth.


The FBI says three "suspicious devices" found at the Four Corners Power Plant near Farmington are not dangerous.

An FBI spokesman says agents and Farmington police secured the area Monday and analyzed the items.

According to investigators, the steel pipe devices were each 6 inches in length and capped on both ends.

But the FBI says nothing was inside the pipes so they were not explosive.

They say there's also no indication that the devices are related to the ones that exploded Sunday outside two churches in Las Cruces.

08-04-15, 17:07
Do we have to wait and make sure it's not the act of a Muslim before we can officially call it terrorism?

That does actually seem to be how it works these days. Any violence committed by a white male = "TERRORISM!!!" Obvious terrorism (or attempted terrorism) committed by Muslim terrorist = definitely "NOT terrorism!"

08-04-15, 20:19
Just my guess from the wording, but I'm going with fireworks. All of the 'explosive device' talk justifies budgets and all, but I'll take 'kids in a car throwing fireworks out the window for $200, Alex.'

08-05-15, 14:36
We had a bomber here in Phoenix a few years ago blowing up people with flashlights. One day it just stopped. Never was caught. Maybe he moved?

One of these flashlights was found (can't remember if failed to detonated or not, either way no serious injuries) in a rail yard all the way in Chicago.

08-05-15, 16:15
Just my guess from the wording, but I'm going with fireworks. All of the 'explosive device' talk justifies budgets and all, but I'll take 'kids in a car throwing fireworks out the window for $200, Alex.'

As the information trickled in, I suspected it may be kids who made devices with Works Drain Cleaner or Mentos. When kids are out of school and unsupervised, this sort of thing is going to occur.

When the media gets their teeth into a story, even something as insignificant as road kill in a crosswalk, they can't let it go and politicians and political appointees play up the story.