View Full Version : So let's say states decide to not comply with Der Fuhrer's CO2 edict........

08-04-15, 19:04

Obviously the first thing to go would be Federal $$$. That would be enough for most states to knuckle under. However, let's look at an extreme example, and I can actually see some states doing it.

Does he send in Federal Marshalls to shut down a non-compliant, coal-burning electric plant? Federalize that state's National Guard and do it? We all (mostly) seem to think gun confiscation would be a tinderbox, and it would. But what about this type of Federal overreach? If you had asked me 10 years ago I would've not even given thought to this type of scenario. Now I sure do.

As an aside, watch carefully what legislation gets proposed to help the [sarcastic voice] "pooor" deal with necessarily skyrocketing (remember that quote?) electricity prices. By damned they need to pay what everyone else does......if you can't afford it then sweat your ass off or freeze like the rest of us might have to. That would be a direct handout to the same mother*****s who vote for these socialists. Any of the Crap-and-Trade proposals from the past (which Shitstain can't get passed the normal legislative way) had hidden little caveats for the "pooor". F**k that. Watch carefully and if legislation arises to pad the landing for the leeches but screw the rest of us then make sure you call your Congress-critters and vehemently oppose it. I have NO hesitation in telling a Congressman or Senator that Shanequa and her five fatherless crothfruit in the hood or Methy-Sue and brood in the trailer park can suffer just like the rest of us.

08-04-15, 21:58
Would this help the gas frackers because their will be more demand for gas versus coal?

A lot of this won't take place till he's out of office, so I don't see an issue for awhile, correct? Also, it will wend its way through the courts for awhile.

Also, I think the majority of the effects will be on industry and the effect on cost of production- not as much on residents.

08-04-15, 22:32
Gas releases co2 as well, but probably not as much.

I think it's funny we elect people who make rules that cost us lots of money for a problem that doesn't exist.

If we used the energy out into this crap for something useful, we'd be a much better, stronger country

08-05-15, 05:23
Gas releases co2 as well, but probably not as much.

I think it's funny we elect people who make rules that cost us lots of money for a problem that doesn't exist.

If we used the energy out into this crap for something useful, we'd be a much better, stronger country

Yeah, no shit!

08-05-15, 05:24
Would this help the gas frackers because their will be more demand for gas versus coal?

A lot of this won't take place till he's out of office, so I don't see an issue for awhile, correct? Also, it will wend its way through the courts for awhile.

Also, I think the majority of the effects will be on industry and the effect on cost of production- not as much on residents.

Costs of doing business don't happen in a vacuum. Electricity prices (i.e. your monthly electric bill) will rise significantly.

08-05-15, 05:37
Im all for natural gas, it burns more efficiently. But some areas arent rich in gas, and those people need power too.

08-05-15, 05:44
Im all for natural gas, it burns more efficiently. But some areas arent rich in gas, and those people need power too.

but, but, Obama said the planet would boil over

08-05-15, 07:05
Screw ofama, keep calm and frac on.

08-05-15, 09:13
Following the ops first post.
Supposing the state(s) decided to ignore it, and fedgov sent federal marshals in, the states have an answer for that as well.

Sheriffs are constitutionally elected officers, and the highest ranking le in their area. As such, they can arrest federal marshals.
All other le are appointed.

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08-05-15, 09:33
While technically true, it'll not happen... at least outside of Sherriff Joe.

The Feds have their own way of answering that as well. Let's not be so naïve to think the Feds actually respect rule of law.

Following the ops first post.
Supposing the state(s) decided to ignore it, and fedgov sent federal marshals in, the states have an answer for that as well.

Sheriffs are constitutionally elected officers, and the highest ranking le in their area. As such, they can arrest federal marshals.
All other le are appointed.

Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk

08-05-15, 09:44
This is NOT about cleaning the air or stopping any perceived warming of the planet. This is all about controlling your lives.

When the govt can control your healthcare, your gun purchases and...yes...how much energy you use - they have you where they want you. The govt gets to decide how much and which kind of energy you get to use.

This is all about controlling the people...NOT greening the planet.

Lets get this straight....

08-05-15, 09:52
Agree to an extent.

I argue that it is first and foremost about personal enrichment. Control is secondary. As the left puts one kind of business out of business, they are invested in the alternative. All that is happening is closing the market to competition in the name of climate. Example: Al Gore. After he failed to become POTUS, he started the GW scare. What was his big solution? Cap and trade. What was he invested in? Cap and trade companies. Care to figure how much money he has made off all this GW crap? Enough to keep his mansion one of the largest energy users in his state.

This is NOT about cleaning the air or stopping any perceived warming of the planet. This is all about controlling your lives.

When the govt can control your healthcare, your gun purchases and...yes...how much energy you use - they have you where they want you. The govt gets to decide how much and which kind of energy you get to use.

This is all about controlling the people...NOT greening the planet.

Lets get this straight....

08-05-15, 09:57
What gets me however is the relative silence or even vocal support the sierra club and like minded organizations are on alternative energies.

For example: If one hunter were to shoot an eagle (or any other raptor) all hell breaks loose and time to confiscate guns and etc. We have seen this.

Windmills on the other hand kill thousands of raptors (and other birds into the millions each year now globally) and yet not a peep from the Audubon society or sierra club about the windmills and the negative effects of having them. Or am I just not aware?

08-05-15, 10:06
Yes, but many on the left probably know...deep down...that the "alternatives" will also crater. They HAVE to know this.

In the end...it is about control. They will enrich themselves using the alternatives for as long as they can but those will eventually implode, as they are just not workable on a large scale.

08-05-15, 10:42

Montana's original cap was somewhere around 19%, and they were OK with it. The proposed new cap under the new rules is between 30%-45%, which Montana believes will require power plants to shut down. They are not OK with it.

08-05-15, 10:52
What gets me however is the relative silence or even vocal support the sierra club and like minded organizations are on alternative energies.

For example: If one hunter were to shoot an eagle (or any other raptor) all hell breaks loose and time to confiscate guns and etc. We have seen this.

Windmills on the other hand kill thousands of raptors (and other birds into the millions each year now globally) and yet not a peep from the Audubon society or sierra club about the windmills and the negative effects of having them. Or am I just not aware?

Yep. Birds hit turbines all the time.. The dumb ones, at least.

08-05-15, 12:29
The enrichment comes with the control. Controlling us also controls our money, making it theirs.

Everybody is afraid of fedgov, proving the efficiency of their propaganda machine.
We are 300million +, they are a few hundred. Even if all people who are under fedgov pay/control were to go with the program, it adds about 1 million.
As longs as we the people are afraid and disjointed, they control us. But dont be confused, we allow it.

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08-05-15, 22:04
By putting power plants out of business, it's taking money from the states and putting more people on the government tit, which the feds LOVE.

Cap and trade will increase money going to epa, feeding the beast.

08-05-15, 22:39
The enrichment comes with the control. Controlling us also controls our money, making it theirs.

Everybody is afraid of fedgov, proving the efficiency of their propaganda machine.
We are 300million +, they are a few hundred. Even if all people who are under fedgov pay/control were to go with the program, it adds about 1 million.
As longs as we the people are afraid and disjointed, they control us. But dont be confused, we allow it.

Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk

Very well said!

Most are asleep or have head firmly planted in sand.