View Full Version : How about we just go ahead and put it on the table regarding 2016 POTUS candidates?

08-09-15, 08:50
We can do this one of two ways: A) who you will vote for, or B) who you won't vote for.

I'll try to remain cynically positive and say who are just about the only ones I'll vote for are, in order of preference.

1) Cruz
2) Walker
3) Paul

A "possible" is Fiorina, gotta know more about her views.

Who will I definitely NOT vote for? Bush, Christie, Rubio, Huckabee, Kasich.

Carson is a "probably not" due to his gun comments from a while back, which were mentioned in a thread here.

The purpose of this thread is to see if there is one guy who seems to be among the majority's choice, i.e. if the vast majority mention Walker for instance. The one name that keeps being mentioned is what I'm looking for.

08-09-15, 08:52
Paul, easily.

08-09-15, 08:54
Paul, easily.

Fair enough, but two or three choices would be better. That way we can determine the most mentioned name that the vast majority are okay voting for.

ETA: please don't say "Anyone other than Hillary" as we need to try and get on board with someone specific.

08-09-15, 09:18
We can do this one of two ways: A) who you will vote for, or B) who you won't vote for.

I'll try to remain cynically positive and say who are just about the only ones I'll vote for are, in order of preference.

1) Cruz
2) Walker
3) Paul

A "possible" is Fiorina, gotta know more about her views.

Who will I definitely NOT vote for? Bush, Christie, Rubio, Huckabee, Kasich.

Carson is a "probably not" due to his gun comments from a while back, which were mentioned in a thread here.

The purpose of this thread is to see if there is one guy who seems to be among the majority's choice, i.e. if the vast majority mention Walker for instance. The one name that keeps being mentioned is what I'm looking for.

It is simply to early to say who I will vote for, however it is much easier for me to say who I wont vote for.
Bush, Christie or Huckabee, I think they are clearly the wrong choices for POTUS at any time.

These guys are the ones to watch;
Carson, Fiorina, Cruz, Walker and Paul have my attention and for the most part in that order.

The stew has to cook for a bit longer before anyone has a clear lead in what I'm looking for. I want to see how the things shake out right now and how they all handle the pressure.
I would also like to see someone besides Trump go after the tougher issues rather than trying to appease.
Someone with the political savvy to be able to time their momentum politically and at the same time call for the ouster of McConnell and Bohner would be remarkably refreshing.

08-09-15, 09:19
I will vote for Paul, Cruz, Trump, Rubio, Bush. In that order.

I will not vote for anyone else, barring some extremely conservative late entrance to the race.

If the republican primary voters want to nominate a Democrat-Lite again, or base their nomination on who is electable I will just vote for the Democrat again. I would rather have Hillary than Christie and I will make that happen if need be. It's easier to fight a Dem every step of the way then it is to have Christie proposing BS legislation and have Mcconnell and Bohner agreeing with it.

08-09-15, 09:24
Assuming that the OP is asking the question in the context of a GOP primary and not the general election....

My preference, all other things being equal, is for a present or former re-elected governor of a large swing state.

I might vote for Walker, Bush, Kasich, Fiorina, Jindal, or Rubio.

I cannot foresee voting for Graham, Pataki, Huckabee, Gilmore, Christie, Cruz, Trump, Santorum, Carson, Perry, or Paul.

08-09-15, 09:30
Then faced with the prospect of another 4-8 years of democrat rule, I'll vote for any of the candidates on the stage last Thursday - including Trump, Christie, Bush, etc.

Having said that, I'm hoping that the debate and primary process is lengthy and brings to the top the best candidates. Based on the last debate, here is who I'd like to hear more from in my current order of excitement which is likely to change as the process progresses:
1) Fiorina
2) Cruz
3) Rubio
5) Kasich
6) Walker

The people that started to fade in my mind include Trump, Christie, Paul and all of the other no-names from the 5 PM debate. All of the others from the 9 PM like Bush, Carson, Huckabee, et al are just tredding water and can rise to the top with a good performance on the next debate or a novel idea on a national issue.

A note about Paul. I generally like him and would easily vote for him in a general election. I thought that his perform and in the debate was lukewarm, but my real concern for his candidacy stems from this evolving scandal with his Dad's supporters who have ties to his current campaign. Thus, I'm unwilling to throw my support behind him until this mess get resolved.

08-09-15, 09:51
Walker, Cruz, Rubio in that order.
I would have said "anyone but Hillary" but Eurodriver makes a good point and there is no way in hell I would vote for Christie.

08-09-15, 10:32
Paul, Cruz, with Carly in the VP slot for both...
If Carson could toughen up I could support him.
I suspect none of the above will be there so I will once again have to find an Independent that reflects my views.

08-09-15, 10:35
I will vote for anyone except Christie. I will probably either vote for Cruz in the primary, but I'm not as turned off my Kasich as some of you here and would support him if it looked like he has a shot in the general.

Straight Shooter
08-09-15, 10:38
I REFUSE to vote in ANY more Federal elections. And to those of you who tell me "then you cant bitch" or "I cant say anything" I say this- You come back in 4 or eight years and you tell me ONE ****in thing that's gotten better, ONE campaign promise kept, ONE thing that's changed. EVERY single time Ive voted since 1983 shit has gotten worse and worse. You can argue & disagree until you are blue in the face,
But, have at it, if it makes you feel good.

Big A
08-09-15, 10:50
For me it is:

1. Jindal
2. Fiorina
3. Paul
4. Cruz
5. Rubio
6. Kaisich

I'd be willing to pull the lever for Bush in the general if that is the only way to keep Hillary out. The GOP needs Fiorina to stick around for a long time. If she fades away too early they will all but hand Clinton the DEM nomination. I like Carson somewhat but I don't see him having an honest shot. The RNC only has him up there so they can go "See! We're not a bunch of racist old white guys!" but they're not gonna give him a real shot at winning. Plus I don't think he has enough foreign policy or economic experience for the office of POTUS. I'd even be ok with Perry in there over a lot of the others.

IMO Pitaki, Huckabee, Christie, Gilmore, Graham and Santorum all need to go sit the **** down and shut the **** up.

08-09-15, 10:50
We can do this one of two ways: A) who you will vote for, or B) who you won't vote for.

I'll try to remain cynically positive and say who are just about the only ones I'll vote for are, in order of preference.

1) Cruz
2) Walker
3) Paul

A "possible" is Fiorina, gotta know more about her views.

Who will I definitely NOT vote for? Bush, Christie, Rubio, Huckabee, Kasich.

Carson is a "probably not" due to his gun comments from a while back, which were mentioned in a thread here.

The purpose of this thread is to see if there is one guy who seems to be among the majority's choice, i.e. if the vast majority mention Walker for instance. The one name that keeps being mentioned is what I'm looking for.

I'd hold my nose and vote for any of the above if (1) the Dem choice ends up being Hillary and (2) the running mate of the GOP candidate is not a far right type brought in just to grab the far right voters as the past two GOP candidates have done.

Paul/Cruz could make a good run of it I think in terms of bring in moderates but not to keep the more conservative and religious voters from not voting and or voting in the "anyone but Hillary" type vote.

08-09-15, 10:50
We can do this one of two ways: A) who you will vote for, or B) who you won't vote for.

I'll try to remain cynically positive and say who are just about the only ones I'll vote for are, in order of preference.

1) Cruz
2) Walker
3) Paul

A "possible" is Fiorina, gotta know more about her views.

Who will I definitely NOT vote for? Bush, Christie, Rubio, Huckabee, Kasich.

Carson is a "probably not" due to his gun comments from a while back, which were mentioned in a thread here.

The purpose of this thread is to see if there is one guy who seems to be among the majority's choice, i.e. if the vast majority mention Walker for instance. The one name that keeps being mentioned is what I'm looking for.

Not sure why the double tap. Forum has done that to me a few times recently.

08-09-15, 10:51
1. Paul
2. Cruz
3. Fiorina

Unfortunately, if we get another RINO as a nominee, I'll just vote for Hilary to rip the band aid off our political wound and hopefully a 3rd party will genuinely emerge.

08-09-15, 10:56
Then faced with the prospect of another 4-8 years of democrat rule, I'll vote for any of the candidates on the stage last Thursday - including Trump, Christie, Bush, etc.

Having said that, I'm hoping that the debate and primary process is lengthy and brings to the top the best candidates. Based on the last debate, here is who I'd like to hear more from in my current order of excitement which is likely to change as the process progresses:
1) Fiorina
2) Cruz
3) Rubio
5) Kasich
6) Walker

The people that started to fade in my mind include Trump, Christie, Paul and all of the other no-names from the 5 PM debate. All of the others from the 9 PM like Bush, Carson, Huckabee, et al are just tredding water and can rise to the top with a good performance on the next debate or a novel idea on a national issue.

A note about Paul. I generally like him and would easily vote for him in a general election. I thought that his perform and in the debate was lukewarm, but my real concern for his candidacy stems from this evolving scandal with his Dad's supporters who have ties to his current campaign. Thus, I'm unwilling to throw my support behind him until this mess get resolved.

Exactly my view except I put Walker in the three spot.

Straight Shooter
08-09-15, 10:59
1. Paul
2. Cruz
3. Fiorina

Unfortunately, if we get another RINO as a nominee, I'll just vote for Hilary to rip the band aid off our political wound and hopefully a 3rd party will genuinely emerge.

FlyingHunter- we wont find out until AFTER they are elected that they are RINO's. like O-Care...they had to pass it to find out what was in it...ALL BAD.

08-09-15, 11:38
FlyingHunter- we wont find out until AFTER they are elected that they are RINO's. like O-Care...they had to pass it to find out what was in it...ALL BAD.

That's a very true point and also a sad point. I've unfortunately lost trust with the Republican party. I understand all of the logical as well as mathematical arguments that a 3rd party "gives" the election to democrats. Well, in politics, like medicine, you can't always wait for the patient to get better - sometimes they must have surgery to heal. I think the political reality in this country could benefit from a surgical consult.

Outlander Systems
08-09-15, 11:55
I REFUSE to vote in ANY more Federal elections. And to those of you who tell me "then you cant bitch" or "I cant say anything" I say this- You come back in 4 or eight years and you tell me ONE ****in thing that's gotten better, ONE campaign promise kept, ONE thing that's changed. EVERY single time Ive voted since 1983 shit has gotten worse and worse. You can argue & disagree until you are blue in the face,
But, have at it, if it makes you feel good.


The voting game has worked out fabulously for us. Remember when Ovomitcare was repealed, and The Republicans shot down the TPP fast-track?

That's a very true point and also a sad point. I've unfortunately lost trust with the Republican party. I understand all of the logical as well as mathematical arguments that a 3rd party "gives" the election to democrats. Well, in politics, like medicine, you can't always wait for the patient to get better - sometimes they must have surgery to heal. I think the political reality in this country could benefit from a surgical consult.

We've been sold out, time, and time, and time again.

But when an election cycles comes around, we break out our Pom-pins and vote for the same shitbags that screw us over.

08-09-15, 12:02
But when an election cycles comes around, we break out our Pom-pins and vote for the same shitbags the screw us over.

How true this is. Yet those who say it most often (not specifically you) are the same ones who would NEVER vote for a guy like Ron Paul or Donald Trump.

At this point, I would vote for the guy who cuts my hair over any politician democrat or republican. Yet so many, despite their cries against career politicians, only vote for them. Whaatttt

Outlander Systems
08-09-15, 12:06
How true this is. Yet those who say it most often (not specifically you) are the same ones who would NEVER vote for a guy like Ron Paul or Donald Trump.

At this point, I would vote for the guy who cuts my hair over any politician democrat or republican. Yet so many, despite their cries against career politicians, only vote for them. Whaatttt

Politically, I am aligned with Rand's daddy, and Rand is probably the one I sincerely "like" the most.

That being said, Trump the destroyer is the only one capable of righting the ship, raising a ruckus, and "fundamentally transforming" America.

Otherwise, it's business-as-usual. And four to eight more years of YouRube videos of hypocrisy from the campaign trail.

08-09-15, 12:07
How true this is. Yet those who say it most often (not specifically you) are the same ones who would NEVER vote for a guy like Ron Paul or Donald Trump.

At this point, I would vote for the guy who cuts my hair over any politician democrat or republican. Yet so many, despite their cries against career politicians, only vote for them. Whaatttt

I'd vote for Paul or the the person that cuts my hair,either way, I'm simply not voting for anymore RINO's.

Outlander Systems
08-09-15, 12:11
I'd vote for Paul or the the person that cuts my hair,either way, I'm simply not voting for anymore RINO's.

Good man.

It's the only way this country gets pulled back from the brink.

When I heard Jeb Bush was running, I knew this election would be a joke...

Singlestack Wonder
08-09-15, 14:28
1. Trump
2. Walker
3. Anyone else running who is not in the republican or democratic party.....

brushy bill
08-09-15, 14:38
Of the current crop:

Preferably Paul or Cruz.

If they are not options, I could go for Perry or Huckabee. I don't know enough about Fiorina to have an opinion.

No to Kasich for a variety of reasons, one of which is his vote for the 1994 "Assault Weapons" Ban.

No to Christie for the same reasons and more.

I liked Carson until I learned he was not really pro 2A. So no there also.

No to Trump, who has been a Democrat supporter for years and is now pretending to be Republican.

No to the rest of the RINOs.

08-09-15, 16:09
This list of people are OUT - no way they will be candidate or POTUS.


========================== So that leaves...

08-09-15, 16:18
I'm now interested in Fiorina. I can't think of anyone who is this up front and no BS on 2A issues. I'd like to learn more about her on other major issues, but on 2A issues, she "gets it" it appears:


I'm not sure the reliability of this site, but a run down on her positions:


From what I see, will be too conservative for many and will not get the female vote with some of her views.

08-09-15, 17:14
Our picks here for now, slim chance I know..

Cruz with Fiorina
Rubio with Fiorina

I don't trust Trump, I can't help but think he's in it for himself. Maybe I'll change my views on him in time. Not another Bush, but I'm guessing he's going to be bank rolled to the finish.

08-09-15, 17:26
With Fiorina as VP for any one of them. Very partial to a Cruz / Fiorina ticket at this point.

I'd have to hold my nose to vote for any of these.

08-09-15, 17:56
I REFUSE to vote in ANY more Federal elections. And to those of you who tell me "then you cant bitch" or "I cant say anything" I say this- You come back in 4 or eight years and you tell me ONE ****in thing that's gotten better, ONE campaign promise kept, ONE thing that's changed. EVERY single time Ive voted since 1983 shit has gotten worse and worse. You can argue & disagree until you are blue in the face,
But, have at it, if it makes you feel good.

Pretty much how I see it, been voting since 1980. Can't recall a single campaign promise kept.

Democrats - Driving America off a cliff at 100 MPH.

Republicans- Driving America off a cliff at 90 MPH.

08-09-15, 18:00
This list of people are OUT - no way they will be candidate or POTUS.


========================== So that leaves...

Not saying that is what I want, but that is what it is.

And I really do not think Cruz has chance, the RINO fix is in.


Outlander Systems
08-09-15, 18:00
Pretty much how I see it, been voting since 1980. Can't recall a single campaign promise kept.

Democrats - Driving America off a cliff at 100 MPH.

Republicans- Driving America off a cliff at 90 MPH.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along.

08-09-15, 18:04
My favorite part of the campaign is all these multi-year plans to balance the budget. I remember RR had a plan to do that too in 1980.

Here is my plan to balance it in 1 year.

1) How much did we take in this year?

2) Do not spend anymore than this.

So simple a caveman could do it.

Outlander Systems
08-09-15, 18:14
My favorite part of the campaign is all these multi-year plans to balance the budget. I remember RR had a plan to do that too in 1980.

Here is my plan to balance it in 1 year.

1) How much did we take in this year?

2) Do not spend anymore than this.

So simple a caveman could do it.

It's real rocket science, ain't it?

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., on Wednesday released his final “Wastebook” before he retires, featuring $25 billion in alleged federal misspending on 100 items ranging from studies of gambling by monkeys to the Coast Guard’s reported free patrols to keep party crashers away from posh private events on yachts and exclusive beaches.

“The world increasingly appears to be in disarray with the chaos, confusion and uncertainty growing ever closer,” wrote Coburn, ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, in the introduction to the fifth annual report on potential waste. “All the while, the leadership in our nation’s capital is ever more distant, disconnected and absent.”

...but NIH with its $30 billion budget “did come up with the money to pay to give Swedish massages for rabbits.”

The report – which has 1,100 footnotes – cited the State Department for ordering a “life-size inflatable foosball game.”

Keep voting, ****ers!

08-09-15, 19:48
All on the table? OK then...

Cruz will lead to more government shutdowns, deadlock, and wasted money, Bush is another Bush which we don't need (he doesn't stand a chance anyway), and Rubio wants to straight up start a war with Iran. The rest of the field are basically democrats, and will keep us on the current idiotic trajectory. I'm not sure I can find a candidate for "either" party, who won't drive us all off a cliff. I'm honestly shocked that people are still backing any of them, but I won't judge a man's character by his political views... unless he's an obama fan.

Balance the budget? Agree 100%. Corporate subsidies and fat civilian contracts are the first place I'd look to save money, followed closely by ridiculous programs like Obamacare. Stop making the military the first stop for budget cuts. We're already less than 10 years away from not being able to adequately defend the country from an equipment and manning standpoint, and some would argue we're already there (not sure I disagree with them.)

Oh, and TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS. 2 terms a senator, or 3 terms a rep, with no more than 3 terms total between the two houses. No more 100% pensions, either, just a 401k with dollar cost matching up to a maximum contribution of $100k per year. That's pretty generous to the legislator, and saves a ton over the current system. If there was one change I could make, that would be it.

Outlander Systems
08-09-15, 20:00

Dude, I'd have a convulsive orgasm, and die of happiness on the spot if that shit ever happened.

So, how do we make that shit happen?

Outlander Systems
08-09-15, 20:16
We need to execute the following immediately:

"Common Sense" campaign finance reform

End the "Super PAC" loophole

A ban on High-Capacity Campaign Contributions from non-individuals

Term limits, for The safety of our children's future

Mandatory background checks on all candidates' campaign donations

A ban on "Ghost Servers" which allow for a 30-email per second delete button

Since, no one "not doing anything wrong" has anything to hide, the NSA publishes all SIGINT/ELINT/COMINT from the candidates for the past five years, and publishes the data on the Federal Election Commision's website

Political weapons like Executive Orders belong on the battlefield with military commanders, not inside of our nation's borders.

08-09-15, 20:59
On point, friend.

Outlander Systems for President 2016!

08-09-15, 21:27
Good Post... off to Google now..;)

We need to execute the following immediately:

"Common Sense" campaign finance reform

End the "Super PAC" loophole

A ban on High-Capacity Campaign Contributions from non-individuals

Term limits, for The safety of our children's future

Mandatory background checks on all candidates' campaign donations

A ban on "Ghost Servers" which allow for a 30-email per second delete button

Since, no one "not doing anything wrong" has anything to hide, the NSA publishes all SIGINT/ELINT/COMINT from the candidates for the past five years, and publishes the data on the Federal Election Commision's website

Political weapons like Executive Orders belong on the battlefield with military commanders, not inside of our nation's borders.

08-09-15, 21:31
I will vote for Paul, Cruz, Trump, Rubio, Bush. In that order.

I will not vote for anyone else, barring some extremely conservative late entrance to the race.

If the republican primary voters want to nominate a Democrat-Lite again, or base their nomination on who is electable I will just vote for the Democrat again. I would rather have Hillary than Christie and I will make that happen if need be. It's easier to fight a Dem every step of the way then it is to have Christie proposing BS legislation and have Mcconnell and Bohner agreeing with it.

Agreed, except Bush, **** him.

08-10-15, 00:13
I'm not voting for anybody who shares a last name with someone who is currently or has previously held the office of President of the United States of America.

Unless it's Washington, Lincoln, or Roosevelt.

08-10-15, 00:37
I'm not voting for anybody who shares a last name with someone who is currently or has previously held the office of President of the United States of America.

Unless it's Washington, Lincoln, or Roosevelt.

Honestly, I think Jeb has done a good job as Governor and might even make a decent President. He might even have been the best person for the job compared to his brother and father. Of course none of that matters because his father and brother made enough of a mess of things that even if he was the best man for the job he's likely unelectable because of the baggage associated with his name and we can't risk giving something that simple for the Dem's to rally around and elect Hillary.

Bush vs. Clinton Redux is the kind of thing nightmares are made of.

08-10-15, 00:47
My favorite part of the campaign is all these multi-year plans to balance the budget. I remember RR had a plan to do that too in 1980.

Here is my plan to balance it in 1 year.

1) How much did we take in this year?

2) Do not spend anymore than this.

So simple a caveman could do it.

At least Reagan BOUGHT something for that money we didn't have. He brought an end to the Cold War, admittedly with a lot of help from Gorbachev. Obama has been spending at the same "Holy God Are You Kidding Me" rate but the big difference is he also managed to restart the Cold War with Putin.

If Obama was somehow spending Muslim extremists / terrorists / client states into oblivion I could see giving him a pass. But in actuality the only thing he seems to have accomplished is virtually guaranteeing Iran will become a nuclear power.

And for all of our "we need to spend this amount on domestic security" crap, we aren't even willing to call terrorism "terrorism" in most cases and we sure as hell don't prevent it, except in those cases where we cultivate it and then arrest the guy the FBI provided fake explosives to.

We sure as hell aren't spending any of that money on preventing civil unrest either, in fact, I'd say we spent more money legitimizing "race baited" rioting and anti law enforcement mentalities then we did protecting communities which might or might not have some genuine LE issues to resolve.

If somebody came forward with no more promises than "I will simply stop doing stupid shit" I'd elect them on that basis alone. No need to fix anything, just don't make tomorrow worse than today. I don't think there is anyone on the "will actually get nominated" with a plan to fix anything, so I'd actually settle on "won't make it worse."

Sadly I don't think we will even get that.

08-10-15, 00:50
Dude, I'd have a convulsive orgasm, and die of happiness on the spot if that shit ever happened.

So, how do we make that shit happen?

Congress would simply have to vote for it.


08-10-15, 04:50
Congress would simply have to vote for it.


It'd have to be a Constitutional amendment, like the 22nd which limits the POTUS to two terms.

08-10-15, 05:53
Agreed, except Bush, **** him.

This seems to be a theme among many except those who have lived in Florida.

Bush, as far as political dynasties and politicians and progressives are concerned is probably the best one.

Outlander Systems
08-10-15, 05:55
On point, friend.

Outlander Systems for President 2016!

I'd be getting a buckshot shampoo before I could even lay a hand on the bible!

It'd have to be a Constitutional amendment, like the 22nd which limits the POTUS to two terms.

This country needs it. It would have to be a campaign of us gnashing teeth, and screaming for it. The congresscritters will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do it.

I've got tar. I know a guy with some feathers. Sharpen your pitchforks, fellas.

26 Inf
08-10-15, 10:20
It'd have to be a Constitutional amendment, like the 22nd which limits the POTUS to two terms.

Wait, there is no need to go that far, couldn't they just take a pledge to only serve one term? :cool:


Big A
08-10-15, 11:53
Sharpen your pitchforks, fellas.

Pitchforks, lol.

08-10-15, 12:29
Wait, there is no need to go that far, couldn't they just take a pledge to only serve one term? :cool:


Interesting that the article makes it seem as though Republicans are the ones blocking term limits.

Any movement to make term limits in Congress would have to begin at the grassroots level. One problem is that any potential financial backers of a Congressional term limit movement most likely find it cheaper to just buy off the career politicians.

08-10-15, 12:31
Rand Paul or Ted Cruz.

The others are either RINOS, mushy moderates or establishment types that will make the problems we have now, worse.

It will be a tragedy if we end up with Jeb - he is the poster child for what ails the GOP establishment.

08-10-15, 12:51
Has anybody watched this? I haven't so I don't know how much is truth and how much is fiction.

As of right now.


Kasich (as good as some think he did in the debate, take a look at his past 180s besides the 2A)




Agree with Paul President and Cruz as VP

How it will actually go down? I cringe to think about it.

08-10-15, 13:34
Rand Paul is the only one who I have even a small amount of trust in. He's who I will be voting for, even after the GOP announces Bush is the winner of the primaries...

Voting in national elections for me these days is just going through the motions- doesn't really matter who gets elected, they all have handlers who tell them what to do based on who bought them that day. They all run our country into the ground. They all promise this, but deliver that and conveniently there is some Bruce Jenner BS going on at the same time to distract the masses.

Rand is one of the few that gives me a glimmer of hope. I don't care about his hair, or how he presents himself/talking- I care about his ideals and if he actually did what he says he would; we would be a gigantic step closer to getting accountability in Govt. back and have a much better chance at righting the ship.

The guy said he would kill every past Pres. EO if he was voted into the big chair- that is enough to earn my vote right there. His views on the constitution are inline with mine and he has a good track record of doing what he says.

I can't see anyone else who is running doing anything different than business as usual. Maybe Cruz, but I think he is a good actor and not much more at this point.

I like Trump getting in there and ****ing shit up. It's keeping them on their toes and you know he's doing something right if R's and D's alike are attacking him the way they are!!! He is no more than a rich big wig who has not a chance in hell. I'd almost like to see him get the nod though just because it would be entertaining at least...

08-10-15, 14:10
Rand Paul is the only one who I have even a small amount of trust in. He's who I will be voting for, even after the GOP announces Bush is the winner of the primaries...

Voting in national elections for me these days is just going through the motions- doesn't really matter who gets elected, they all have handlers who tell them what to do based on who bought them that day. They all run our country into the ground. They all promise this, but deliver that and conveniently there is some Bruce Jenner BS going on at the same time to distract the masses.

Rand is one of the few that gives me a glimmer of hope. I don't care about his hair, or how he presents himself/talking- I care about his ideals and if he actually did what he says he would; we would be a gigantic step closer to getting accountability in Govt. back and have a much better chance at righting the ship.

The guy said he would kill every past Pres. EO if he was voted into the big chair- that is enough to earn my vote right there. His views on the constitution are inline with mine and he has a good track record of doing what he says.

I can't see anyone else who is running doing anything different than business as usual. Maybe Cruz, but I think he is a good actor and not much more at this point.

I like Trump getting in there and ****ing shit up. It's keeping them on their toes and you know he's doing something right if R's and D's alike are attacking him the way they are!!! He is no more than a rich big wig who has not a chance in hell. I'd almost like to see him get the nod though just because it would be entertaining at least...

I agree to a great extent.

I'm not sure about the buzz around Trump, though. Is it a good thing? Maybe, maybe not. People today (not saying you) had rather see a clown show than a real, honest debate.
It's a sad state of affairs when the general public is so disenfranchised with politicians and politics in general that so many people don't care who wins the election much less the primary.

Again, I'm not singling anybody here out (because we all mostly agree) but we have to let people know our voice and inform people that don't want to be informed. How else are Paul and the true conservatives going to gain any traction? If people stay at home or go in and cast the vote Fox tells them to then we all lose. Again.

Shame people into voting in the primary for the first time. Shame them for letting a RINO win the primary and ensure Obama's election. Hillary's election.

Let's all get informed, get out there and push for this thing to happen. People need to realize the primary is more important than the general election.

Outlander Systems
08-10-15, 17:55
Here's my issue with politics...

My wife is being recruited by several Law Firms. During this process the Firms are performing what is called a "conflict check."

Conflict checks are run by law firms to ensure that their commitment to a client’s cause will not be affected by the commitment the firm has towards some other person. Usually such conflict checks are run at the time when the attorney-client relationship is established.

- See more at: http://lawoffice.uslegal.com/technology/law-practise-management-software/conflict-checks/#sthash.TFxXGlBQ.dpuf

So, when you have these grotesque donors to your campaign, like, we'll use Goldman Sach's and Ted Cruz, for instance, are you trying to tell me that isn't a gargantuan conflict of interest?

Why is this so hard?

Big A
08-10-15, 18:46
