View Full Version : Ferguson: One year later...

08-10-15, 10:33
The one year anniversary of Ferguson event took place. The one year anniversary of a kid shown on camera assaulting and robbing a store owner, then attacking an LEO and attempting to take his gun and being killed by the LEO. It's the anniversary of showing just how far gone people are in their priorities and sense of right and wrong and their lack of support for LE. The anniversary of a string of lies told by bystanders, all later proven as such, and all physical evidence supporting the LEO, and no apologies forthcoming by the race baiters or community to a ruined career of Wilson LEO responding to a call and doing his job.

Although there's no doubt strained relationships between LE and their communities, and not all LEOs are angels by any means, but this event is not an example of police brutality or racism or oppression, but of criminal acts being seen as normal and rioting and looting after the fact being acceptable behavior. You can't get social justice by making a criminal a hero or a martyr.

And there was shootings and looting on said "anniversary"

Peaceful rallies in Ferguson give way to violence, gunfire

FERGUSON, Mo. (Reuters) - A man was gravely wounded in a gun battle with police as street protests turned violent in Ferguson, Missouri, on Sunday night, capping a day of peaceful rallies to mark the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white officer one year ago.

Several volleys of gunshots rang out as police in riot gear tried to disperse demonstrators blocking traffic and smashing storefront windows along a street that was a flashpoint of last year's unrest in the St. Louis suburb after Michael Brown, 18, was slain.

Police later said Sunday night's gunfire began with two groups of agitators apparently shooting at each other before one gunman darted across a parking lot and was confronted by four officers who pulled up in an unmarked vehicle.

The suspect then opened fire on the police vehicle and was badly wounded in the ensuing foot chase and exchange of gunshots with the four detectives, police said.



08-10-15, 11:53
Stay classy Ferguson:


'FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Ferguson protesters are using a roasted pig’s head during a demonstration marking the eve of the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s shooting death.......'


08-10-15, 12:01
capping a day

Now that is kind of funny.

MB was always referred to as 'an unarmed black....', but this joker was armed and people are still complaining. Kudos the cops for actually pulling the trigger. These days who knows how it will be turn out.

Straight Shooter
08-10-15, 12:13
Ferguson "one year later" is filled with the same taxpayer fed goblins as Ferguson a year ago..and Ferguson next year...and the next year...
NO changes will EVER be made to ANY of our major..or minor for that matter...city ghettos. If our so called "leaders" were truly fed up with this shit...it could be changed in a matter of days. We will just keep on feeding them, and medicating them, and housing them, and giving handout after handout after handout, without ANY expectation or DEMAND for SOMETHING constructive in return.

08-10-15, 12:35
They did not learn a thing....just as I thought.

I also heard that a few stores were looted.

Stores? Who the hell kept their store there after what went down a year ago? LOL

08-10-15, 12:50
They did not learn a thing....just as I thought.

I also heard that a few stores were looted.

Stores? Who the hell kept their store there after what went down a year ago? LOL

"Grand Re-Looting Sale!!!"

All prices slashed to ZERO!!!

Everything Must GO!!!

08-10-15, 13:53
I want a bunch of white boys to be racially discriminated against so I can loot Gander Mountain and Cabelas. :)


08-10-15, 13:59
Well....they could be grown ups and say "we disapprove, rightly or wrongly, of what happened and would like a hand in improving our community" or they could shoot guns and damage things.

Apparently they chose to break things and shoot guns. Then on the anniversary chose to do it again.
And that's nice and all if you're a young late teen/early twenties 'angry black man' who just 'ain't gonna be told what to do by no cracker police'.

But, what about the elderly people who need medicine, food, or just basic peace? Or the children who deserve(yes deserve ) not to have a stray bullet fly into their bedrooms?
You know, if the police didn't care, they just wouldn't show up. Blue flu. Or just quit, mail their gear in, and get another job. Pretty much any job in the private sector is a step up.

Ever see The Wild Geese? Remember the white Boer? I won't ruin it but it's kind of like that.
What people fail to realize is that the people causing the most trouble aren't in a rush to sign on and make it better. Nor is it good to teach kids to fear the men they may need for help one day.

I don't know why everything has to be racial now. Brown could have given up. Gone to jail. He'd have been out in 72 hours I'm sure.

I can't make fun of them. I've worked amongst urban plight and really it's sad. Depressing and soul crushing. I do know that the gross mismanagement of it all set a new standard where everyone is suddenly a legal expert and it makes inexperienced officers hesitate.

I do know that if they got their wish and no police ever showed up again in their town that they'd sing another tune. It's kind of sickening that some people in this country want to make de facto free fire zones. In America. Like we are Chechnya or Yugoslavia or something. All because of something as stupid as race.

08-10-15, 15:05
The situation in Ferguson and elsewhere took years to develop and will take years to resolve. What you are seeing now is nothing compared to what is to come. Once expenditures of government money have sent our economy into a carbon copy of Greece and people no longer receive their entitlements, things are going to get really ugly for those who have worked really hard for a lot of years to provide for their family and retirement. The FSN will come to a neighborhood near you and take what the government will no longer be able to provide.

08-10-15, 15:17
The situation in Ferguson and elsewhere took years to develop and will take years to resolve. What you are seeing now is nothing compared to what is to come. Once expenditures of government money have sent our economy into a carbon copy of Greece and people no longer receive their entitlements, things are going to get really ugly for those who have worked really hard for a lot of years to provide for their family and retirement. The FSN will come to a neighborhood near you and take what the government will no longer be able to provide.

Bingo! The mentality of the FSA is disgusting. They truly believe they deserve whatever they want and will do anything to get it, except earn it...

When we print enough money to make it worthless and the tap is dry for the FSA things are going to get ugly quick!

08-10-15, 16:08
Maybe time to build perimiters/walls/fences around these places have a few main entry points heavily armed and check anyone going in or out and let them do what they want with no police

Yeah fantasy will never happen but give them what they want

08-10-15, 16:10
Can almost guaranty they will be tearing up their own shit again tonight....

08-10-15, 16:16
People who burn and loot their own communities deserve themselves. I hope they do well tonight, and burn the place to the ground. Bunch of savages.

08-10-15, 16:25
Maybe time to build perimiters/walls/fences around these places have a few main entry points heavily armed and check anyone going in or out and let them do what they want with no police

Yeah fantasy will never happen but give them what they want

That won't happen, but in our area people with money are discussing establishing gated communities with armed security.

08-10-15, 16:42
That won't happen, but in our area people with money are discussing establishing gated communities with armed security.

I think we are heading towards more of a South American or baby Indian model where we have a fair amount of wealth and a lot of poor people and they basically live in two separate worlds. Gated communities, private schools and eventually private health care. We just aren't generating enough real wealth to support all the people at the low end that we are creating or importing. Our ability to write IOUs endlessly could potentially make our case worse than South America because we can get to much more leveraged position.

08-10-15, 17:06
I want a bunch of white boys to be racially discriminated against so I can loot Gander Mountain and Cabelas. :)


No need to wait. White people get discriminated against all the time. See "Affirmative Action" policies at educational institutions, companies and, of course, the government.

People who burn and loot their own communities deserve themselves. I hope they do well tonight, and burn the place to the ground. Bunch of savages.

I strongly disagree, except for the savages part.
A lot of the scum doing the looting are race baiter tourists from out of town. As for the ones from in town, I wouldn't way the community deserves the FSA. The business owners (including quite a few blacks) are productive, decent people. They do not deserve to have their businesses burned and destroyed, regardless of where the pieces of garbage come from.

08-10-15, 17:30
Ever see The Wild Geese? Remember the white Boer? I won't ruin it but it's kind of like that.

Hardy Krüger's scene with the opposition leader is spot on.

08-10-15, 17:33
That won't happen, but in our area people with money are discussing establishing gated communities with armed security.

Barry will do his damnedest to **** their plans up, kind of like how he's been raging his war on suburbia/the middle class by resettling Section 8 fugees in the burbs.

08-10-15, 17:42
People who burn and loot their own communities deserve themselves. I hope they do well tonight, and burn the place to the ground. Bunch of savages.

I read that in the voice of Robert Duvall as Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore.

08-11-15, 07:34
I want a bunch of white boys to be racially discriminated against so I can loot Gander Mountain and Cabelas. :)


Im gonna need some assistance getting a quad onto the deck of the boat I picked out at Bass Pro.;)

Outlander Systems
08-11-15, 08:28
Armed patriot Oath Keepers patrol streets of Ferguson with assault rifles as police chief says their presence is 'inflammatory'




08-11-15, 09:02

"But the presence of the group, which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution, was described as 'unnecessary' amid high tensions."

I'd be interested to know what % are former mil and or LE. Two, I fail to see how their presence helps either the LEOs or citizens in that situation. They claim to be there to protect a specific media entity. I'm also unclear how their being there protects the US Const, which is supposedly their goal. If they parked themselves in front of businesses that had been looted/were in the line of the looters (with the business owners permission) than I could see some utility there to the community and would be a defense position to help protect those honest shop owners who want to protect their living.

Other then that, this seems more like people looking for their 15 minutes and yes, likely more an 'inflammatory' effect than anything else on that scene.

08-11-15, 09:06
Ah, yes. The MSM narrative has crystallized.

08-11-15, 09:13
"But the presence of the group, which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution, was described as 'unnecessary' amid high tensions."

I'd be interested to know what % are former mil and or LE. Two, I fail to see how their presence helps either the LEOs or citizens in that situation. They claim to be there to protect a specific media entity. I'm also unclear how their being there protects the US Const, which is supposedly their goal. If they parked themselves in front of businesses that had been looted/were in the line of the looters (with the business owners permission) than I could see some utility there to the community and would be a defense position to help protect those honest shop owners who want to protect their living.

Other then that, this seems more like people looking for their 15 minutes and yes, likely more an 'inflammatory' effect than anything else on that scene.

Read the article carefully and you will notice this:

John, the group, whose members wore bulletproof vests and carried sidearms in addition to combat-style rifles, said they had come to protect a journalist from the conservative 'Infowars.com' Web site.

Alex Jones and is merry band of retards.

08-11-15, 09:46
Read the article carefully and you will notice this:

Alex Jones and is merry band of retards.

Ah, note I did say "They claim to be there to protect a specific media entity." I didn't see it was that entity. Ugh

08-11-15, 10:52
Im gonna need some assistance getting a quad onto the deck of the boat I picked out at Bass Pro.;)

No problem- I'm willing to participate as a fellow supporter from out of town, as long as you help me sling a few crates of ammo in the back of my car when we're done. :laugh:

"But the presence of the group, which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution, was described as 'unnecessary' amid high tensions."

I'd be interested to know what % are former mil and or LE. Two, I fail to see how their presence helps either the LEOs or citizens in that situation. They claim to be there to protect a specific media entity. I'm also unclear how their being there protects the US Const, which is supposedly their goal. If they parked themselves in front of businesses that had been looted/were in the line of the looters (with the business owners permission) than I could see some utility there to the community and would be a defense position to help protect those honest shop owners who want to protect their living.

Other then that, this seems more like people looking for their 15 minutes and yes, likely more an 'inflammatory' effect than anything else on that scene.

I'll second that, and if I recall, there was a little of that last event in Ferguson- at least I remember a couple pictures of such.
Would do a hell of a lot more good for the community, and the OK/gun owner image than escorting some conspiratorial media clown.

Outlander Systems
08-11-15, 11:03
Apparently, there's two sides to every story:


Despite the fact that the Oath Keepers immediately began educating Ferguson demonstrators on their constitutional rights and having constructive conversations about how the movement should be about unity and not race hate, the media jumped on their presence and instantly turned it into another opportunity for race baiting and division.

08-11-15, 11:18
Apparently, there's two sides to every story:


I didn't see anything there that would change my mind. Considering the source, it carries no weight. The "Black Ferguson business owners begged Oath Keepers to help them last time" claim is without any proof other than a pretty lady of color and some white dude pic. I don't think they were there with any racist intent nor their to actively stir trouble, but that may still be the results as they work on getting that 15 minutes they crave. It's legal, and it's their Right (capital R) but that does make it the smart or right thing to. Ergo, the Common Sense Clause is invoked.

If they helped out the residents and biz owners, and that was the general consensus of the residents and biz owners, great. I'm far from convinced of that from that source...

Outlander Systems
08-11-15, 11:27
Jones is a nut for sure.

I'm just not quite as quick to jump on the "hate on Oathkeepers" bandwagon.

If I was there, or if the OK's were interviewed, I might be able to reach a conclusion.

Currently, all we have to go on are two opposite ends of the spectrum, as far as "objective" reporting goes.

I would be disappointed to find out the OKs were running PSD for TINFOILFOR.

I didn't see anything there that would change my mind. Considering the source, it carries no weight. The "Black Ferguson business owners begged Oath Keepers to help them last time" claim is without any proof other than a pretty lady of color and some white dude pic. I don't think they were there with any racist intent nor their to actively stir trouble, but that may still be the results as they work on getting that 15 minutes they crave. It's legal, and it's their Right (capital R) but that does make it the smart or right thing to. Ergo, the Common Sense Clause is invoked.

If they helped out the residents and biz owners, and that was the general consensus of the residents and biz owners, great. I'm far from convinced of that from that source...

08-11-15, 11:48
I don't wish to condone or condemn the Oathkeepers at this point for a litany of reasons.

I will say that whenever Asians start putting on red headbands and peer calmly from rooftops in black pajamas with side folder AKs or middle aged, well lived veteran types take to the streets projecting a 'don't F with me or my AO' aura; everyone clamors to ask if their guns are loaded, if the guns are registered, do the police know, can they Actually do this, etc... All while riotous crowds are burning and destroying. And I know why.

It's because the aforementioned have EVERYTHING to lose. Businesses, careers, freedom, rights, and so on
They are simply easier to destroy and crucify. Despite their intentions to defend what they have. But yet the crowd is ignored. An urchin goesto jail. He'll OR bond or just be 'detained'. Even if he does a few weeks it won't matter. He won't be homeless or hungry.

It's almost.....Mugabean.
This is why gun rights are under constant assault. Her Honor the mator of Baltimore said it best "we need to give space to destroy"

That means impotent police, unarmed property owners, and a lot of unfortunate implications

08-11-15, 12:54
Jones is a nut for sure.

I'm just not quite as quick to jump on the "hate on Oathkeepers" bandwagon.

If I was there, or if the OK's were interviewed, I might be able to reach a conclusion.

Currently, all we have to go on are two opposite ends of the spectrum, as far as "objective" reporting goes.

I would be disappointed to find out the OKs were running PSD for TINFOILFOR.

I think I gave them the benefit of the doubt about as well as they deserve. Your mileage may vary.

08-11-15, 12:54
Jones is a nut for sure.

I'm just not quite as quick to jump on the "hate on Oathkeepers" bandwagon.

If I was there, or if the OK's were interviewed, I might be able to reach a conclusion.

Currently, all we have to go on are two opposite ends of the spectrum, as far as "objective" reporting goes.

I would be disappointed to find out the OKs were running PSD for TINFOILFOR.

I think I gave them the benefit of the doubt about as well as they deserve. Your mileage may vary.

Outlander Systems
08-11-15, 15:38
According to IW, the OK offered to provide an overwatch element for their reporters:


While I'm no fan of TINFOILFOR, I don't discount the media, and its tendency to sensationalize/demonize gun owners.

It all sounds like spin, and everyone involved seems to be running with the attitude of, "If it bleeds - It leads."


Seems like every media outlet has negative things to say about the OKs...

08-11-15, 17:35

I would be more concerned with the white guy dressed in an Islamic salwar kameez at a "ONLY black lives matter" riot than I would be with the white guys in PCs with carbines serving as a PSD for Alex Jones' crew.

Considering . . .

Muslim groups seek to co-opt Ferguson protests, says watchdog group

08-11-15, 17:38
I would be more concerned with the white guy dressed in an Islamic salwar kameez at a "ONLY black lives matter" riot than I am with the white guys in PCs with carbines serving as a PSD for Alex Jones' crew.

Considering . . .

Muslim groups seek to co-opt Ferguson protests, says watchdog group



I thought the exact same thing when I saw the photo.

08-11-15, 17:39


For the internet win of the day..... :jester:

08-11-15, 17:41
I would be more concerned with the white guy dressed in an Islamic salwar kameez at a "ONLY black lives matter" riot than I am with the white guys in PCs with carbines serving as a PSD for Alex Jones' crew.

Considering . . .

Muslim groups seek to co-opt Ferguson protests, says watchdog group

That makes way too much sense and would just be WRONG to do .......:stop:

Outlander Systems
08-11-15, 17:45
That makes way too much sense and would just be WRONG to do .......:stop:

Religion of Peace, bro.

08-11-15, 17:57
While I'm no fan of TINFOILFOR, I don't discount the media, and its tendency to sensationalize/demonize gun owners.

It all sounds like spin, and everyone involved seems to be running with the attitude of, "If it bleeds - It leads."


Seems like every media outlet has negative things to say about the OKs...

It's not just anti-gun it is anti-white.

Check out this hit piece by Scott Malone of Reuters . . .

Heavily armed 'Oath Keepers' inject new unease to riot-hit Ferguson

The appearance of the four men, all white, quickly drew stares in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence again on Sunday night as protesters marked the police killing of an unarmed black teen a year ago.

So now white men cannot go into "mostly black neighborhoods? God can you imagine if someone in the media objected to four black men going into a mostly white neighborhood lol.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights organization, has described the "Oath Keepers" as a "fiercely anti-government, militaristic group,"

So wanting to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States (aka keeping their oath) is "fiercely anti-government? More like anti-tyranny.

. . . and St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar condemned their appearance in Ferguson.

"Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory," he said, adding that police would work with county prosecutors to see if the men had broken any laws

That's right chief throw your best men on it to see if those honkeys broke any laws while all those community members break multiple laws as they riot oops I mean protest.

"You’re going to bring some uncommissioned citizens, white citizens, into a black community like this? It's disrespectful," said Talal Ahmad, 30, who is black and has been a fixture of the last year's protests,

"Here, in a black neighborhood, we’re already living in a state of terror," Ahmad said.

Wow, I didn't know it was "disrespectful" for four white guys to enter into a "black community". Sounds like old Talal Ahmad is just a tad racist. Also do you think it would make any difference if these four white Oath Keepers were "commissioned" or not considering they hate all sworn LEOs?!? So they live in terror huh, um just who is rioting in their "community"? Just who is committing arson? Who is robbing immigrant businesses and assaulting the owners before attacking white police officers who respond to the their calls for help?

08-11-15, 18:08
Jones is a nut for sure.

I'm just not quite as quick to jump on the "hate on Oathkeepers" bandwagon.

If I was there, or if the OK's were interviewed, I might be able to reach a conclusion.

Currently, all we have to go on are two opposite ends of the spectrum, as far as "objective" reporting goes.

I would be disappointed to find out the OKs were running PSD for TINFOILFOR.

They run in unison with the three percenter movement, they keep the tin foil business booming.

08-11-15, 18:24
AND . . .

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action (aka unrest)

You can bet your azz that old Jay Z will be posting bonds for anyone arrested in Ferguson . . . AGAIN.

Jay Z, Beyoncé reportedly posted bail for Ferguson, Baltimore protesters

Yeah you know the same Jay-Z (billionaire hip-hop mogul) who is a member of the black supremacist group Five Percent Nation, an offshoot of The Nation of Islam.

Jay-Z causes outrage by wearing gaudy medallion of 'Five Percent Nation' group who believe whites are 'wicked and weak'

08-11-15, 18:42
...so we are surprised by this?


Outlander Systems
08-11-15, 18:43

So, what, exactly, about these dudes is "extremist" or "anti-government?"

08-11-15, 19:33
It's the ADL, if you're not a flaming liberal then you are considered by them to be "extremist". If the Dems are in charge, they are "anti-government".

08-11-15, 19:38
It's not just anti-gun it is anti-white.

Check out this hit piece by Scott Malone of Reuters . . .

Heavily armed 'Oath Keepers' inject new unease to riot-hit Ferguson

So now white men cannot go into "mostly black neighborhoods? God can you imagine if someone in the media objected to four black men going into a mostly white neighborhood lol.

So wanting to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States (aka keeping their oath) is "fiercely anti-government? More like anti-tyranny.

That's right chief throw your best men on it to see if those honkeys broke any laws while all those community members break multiple laws as they riot oops I mean protest.

Wow, I didn't know it was "disrespectful" for four white guys to enter into a "black community". Sounds like old Talal Ahmad is just a tad racist. Also do you think it would make any difference if these four white Oath Keepers were "commissioned" or not considering they hate all sworn LEOs?!? So they live in terror huh, um just who is rioting in their "community"? Just who is committing arson? Who is robbing immigrant businesses and assaulting the owners before attacking white police officers who respond to the their calls for help?

Bro, you hit the nail on the head. Bravo.

Outlander Systems
08-11-15, 19:39
It's the ADL, if you're not a flaming liberal then you are considered by them to be "extremist". If the Dems are in charge, they are "anti-government".

Rrrrrrrrroger that!