View Full Version : Cop refuses to shoot to avoid headlines.Gets pistol whipped while bystanders mock him

08-14-15, 07:27

Well we knew it would happen...

Apparently people took selfies with the unconscious officer and posted them to social media with captions such as "pistol whipped his ass to sleep" and "does he want milk and cookies to go with his nap time?"

08-14-15, 07:55
I heard about this the other morning. Reading the article is enough to absolutely piss a person off! Some people deserve to be shot and the perp is one of them.

08-14-15, 08:19
Apparently, he do shit fo' fun... and he wants the @BirminghamPress to know about it...


08-14-15, 08:40
Bad time to be in that line of work, it would seem the Justice Department, Black Lives matter and the FSA are running the show.
I hate to say it, but I feel this was inevitable.

08-14-15, 09:30
I would be interested in if the black community will catch on to the fact that if they are 'unarmed' they can get away with just about anything. It could really embolden them to go out and attack people based on their size and to do it in numbers, with little to no fear of being shot.

We saw this coming, it is unfortunate, but inevitable. However I don't think its here to stay. Right now soft white beta liberals feel safe, right now wether they acknowledge it or not, cops killing dirt bags makes the world a better place.

First step is cops not defending them selves. Next step is when a cop won't defend a white libtard from an attack by an 'unarmed' black. We need a few of those then they will start to rethink the whole thing. New York City is a place where there could be some real opportunity for this to happen, especially Brooklyn where these two segments of society live close to each other.

Basically give the black community enough rope to hang themselves, stop arresting them, leave them alone, let them go wild. One of two things will happen, they could take their new found freedom and show the country what a great group they are and the only thing holding them back was our prejudice, or they could act like total savages and rob, attack and kill with increased frequency. If the first thing happens, awesome our country is better, if the second happens a small part of me hopes the libtards will wake up. Right now they are not scared, but fear rules their world, if fear is instilled in them their sentiments will sway. In the mean time, hold on for the ride, things are going to get wild.

08-14-15, 09:37
There will be a backlash.
It will not be pleasant.
And at some point we'll start seeing a lot of killed or crippled homeboys.
Because the next My Lai massacre is only a ghetto or protest away

Don't think it can't happen. I'd prefer it didn't, but when armed men start feeling cornered and hopeless, weird things happen.

08-14-15, 09:46
This is what an "unarmed" person can do.

08-14-15, 09:56
"He calls for backup and tells the man to stay in the car, but he didn't," Boackle told CNN in a phone interview. "The last thing the officer remembers is getting sucker-punched in a parking lot. The next thing, he's waking up in a hospital bed with staples in his head."

Doesn't sound like he made any specific decision NOT to fight back.

While he was calling for backup, Cunningham allegedly exited the car and became aggressive, approaching the detective and repeatedly questioned why he'd been pulled over, the union chief said. The detective considered using force but thought better of it and continued his call when Cunningham hit him, Boackle said.

Yeah using force before it is warranted is probably a bad idea.

08-14-15, 10:07
Pull out the police, fire, and EMS response from these neighborhoods and let them deal with themselves. Between this story and the NYC firefighter who was just shot responding to a call, I have no sympathy for the people who choose to act this way. Let em burn.

08-14-15, 10:39
For those predicting that the current political/social climate will at some point result in a massacre of apparent gangbangers - I agree with you. But it won't be good news in any way, it will be used as political justification to further restrict local police and move towards a single national system*. The political manipulators are using action-counteraction rather bluntly and heavily these days, but it seems to be working for them. If you aren't already familiar with "Hegelian dialectic" you should look it up.

*I was going to say federal but this would be federal in name only, not in the true meaning of the word.

08-14-15, 10:59
This will not end well.

This will most likely happen again, and more often. It will likely reach a point that it's useful to further restrict our rights.

Or, armed America will get tired of it, and the news will be plastered with images of dead thugs, and that will be used to further restrict our rights.

While something like this can't be planned, don't think for a moment that something like this could not be for seen. It was definitely thought of as the "stand back and let them destroy" orders were conjured up.
This is the result of race baiting, which has been part of the plan all along.

I feel sorry for le, who is caught in the crossfire, and suffering for it. Their depts need to support the officers, but they won't tell fedgov to take a hike.
Backing out of "the hood" and giving them what they want won't happen either, because they'd have to tell fedgov to take a hike.
Fedgov needs a war to get what they want.

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08-14-15, 10:59
Doesn't sound like he made any specific decision NOT to fight back.

Yeah using force before it is warranted is probably a bad idea.

Should have done this...


08-14-15, 11:00
Lots of ways for this to go sidewise. Most bad, some very bad.

I used to think of our culture as decadent. I am now up to "depraved", which is about Defcon 2.

08-14-15, 11:03
Makes me sick...

Straight Shooter
08-14-15, 11:05
Should have done this...


Ha..well....THAT was the end of HIS SHIT..ASAP. Need to do this with AR's.

08-14-15, 11:09
Should have done this...


Nice. Thought driver had gun the way he jumped out and pointed.

Trunk Money would work too!

08-14-15, 11:15
Dienekes made a good point with "depraved".
The saddest part isn't that some thug decided to do this. This is how thugs act, we should not be surprised.
While it is very sad that a police officer must feel that he has to take whatever is dished out by thugs for fear of reprisal, what is even worse is there wasn't anybody of the population willing to come to his aid.
The community that he is there to serve and protect does not have his back.

Where does this leave police?

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08-14-15, 11:16
Should have done this...


That works for me!! That's what you get for acting like a butthole!

Doc Safari
08-14-15, 11:31
There will be a backlash.
It will not be pleasant.
And at some point we'll start seeing a lot of killed or crippled homeboys.
Because the next My Lai massacre is only a ghetto or protest away

Don't think it can't happen. I'd prefer it didn't, but when armed men start feeling cornered and hopeless, weird things happen.

We will also see police agencies, especially in the big cities, fighting to recruit and retain officers.

Heed the warning and arm yourself if you haven't already.

I wonder how it will escalate after dozens of homeowners end up on TV for wasting perps (especially black ones).

Will our big cities give birth to death squads looking for their own brand of "social justice?"

08-14-15, 11:34
Should have done this...


That's only going to work on Old White Guys. Who in their right mind would say "Old White Guys Lives Matter."?
I don't blame the Officer for tazing him, but the difference is clearly Black and White and you can take that both literally and figuratively.

08-14-15, 14:34
Well for those paying attention, it is officially "game on." The BLM / FSA have been setting the rules of engagement and have just learned they have been adopted.

Hard to blame a guy who got sucker punched and glad he isn't dead. The next guy will probably end up dead.

08-14-15, 15:36
For those predicting that the current political/social climate will at some point result in a massacre of apparent gangbangers - I agree with you. But it won't be good news in any way, it will be used as political justification to further restrict local police and move towards a single national system*. The political manipulators are using action-counteraction rather bluntly and heavily these days, but it seems to be working for them. If you aren't already familiar with "Hegelian dialectic" you should look it up.

*I was going to say federal but this would be federal in name only, not in the true meaning of the word.

I've seen something like this on the horizon for some time now. Social engineering and all that.

The media is used to further an agenda. Since the Trayvon Martin shooting they have been non-stop fanning the flames. All this as damaged "race relations" in this country. The words of Obama and the way the media and DOJ handled that shooting as well as Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. has done more to damage and set back race relations in this country than anything else. I am of the opinion that the powers at be want civil unrest on the streets of CONUS. This will allow them to justify a police-state. Then the media will run 24/7 all the Trayvon's and Michael Brown Jr.'s laying in the streets and portray them as poor little Steve Urkels gunned down on the way home from the library and not the gangbangers that they were out raping and pillaging in mass flash-mobs. The UN will scream human rights violations, marshal law declared, disarmament operations implemented and you will have Civil War/American Revolution 2.0 . . .

08-14-15, 15:40
We will also see police agencies, especially in the big cities, fighting to recruit and retain officers.

Heed the warning and arm yourself if you haven't already.

I wonder how it will escalate after dozens of homeowners end up on TV for wasting perps (especially black ones).

Will our big cities give birth to death squads looking for their own brand of "social justice?"

Well here is one eventuality . . .

Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence

08-14-15, 16:06
Well here is one eventuality . . .

Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence

That's quite the article... Seems like it's straight out of a post-apocalypse type TV show, but all too real in areas of the world that the author noted.

08-14-15, 16:20
I've seen something like this on the horizon for some time now. Social engineering and all that.

The media is used to further an agenda. Since the Trayvon Martin shooting they have been non-stop fanning the flames. All this as damaged "race relations" in this country. The words of Obama and the way the media and DOJ handled that shooting as well as Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. has done more to damage and set back race relations in this country than anything else. I am of the opinion that the powers at be want civil unrest on the streets of CONUS. This will allow them to justify a police-state. Then the media will run 24/7 all the Trayvon's and Michael Brown Jr.'s laying in the streets and portray them as poor little Steve Urkels gunned down on the way home from the library and not the gangbangers that they were out raping and pillaging in mass flash-mobs. The UN will scream human rights violations, marshal law declared, disarmament operations implemented and you will have Civil War/American Revolution 2.0 . . .

I've been eyeing this on the horizon for some time now as well. I think many of our members here have.

Things are getting real, and fast.

What really seems to be changing the quickest is how the average person views these events. It used to be you could trust a small portion of the media and a large portion of the police force without question; knowing there are is evil and ineptitude everywhere.

But now the average person thinks police are gunning down blacks willy nilly- and no amount of logic or facts will allow them to see situations as they truly are. It's always poor little black boy was just walking with his hands up and whitey shot him.

Even white people are starting to think this way. I have a few family
Members who are seriously down the rabbits hole.

It's getting weird out there...

Doc Safari
08-14-15, 16:28
Things are getting real, and fast.

What really seems to be changing the quickest is how the average person views these events. It used to be you could trust a small portion of the media and a large portion of the police force without question; knowing there are is evil and ineptitude everywhere.

Add to that the rampant rumors that there is going to be another economic collapse like 2008 anytime, ISIS maybe on our Southern Border (or already in the country), illegal immigrant violence that the government refuses to do anything about, the militarization of police (who really do seem to overstep their mandate), a possible EMP attack on our grid (that our government refuses to protect us from), and there are probably a dozen more I can't think of right now.

It's enough to make you want to move to New Zealand.

08-14-15, 16:47
I'm not in the "Ragnarok is upon us!" camp, but I think there is a massive economic and social correction coming. How free thinking people handle it will define the future of this country.

As to the grid, I don't think a bad guy doesn't need anything as sophisticated as an EMP. The grid is a mess of kludged-together connections, barely-stable substations, and aging power plants, especially in places like California where new plants have been consistently blocked by tree-huggers for decades. Remember the Northeast blackout of 2004? Our national power grid hasn't exactly gotten better since then...

08-14-15, 17:11
Well for those paying attention, it is officially "game on." The BLM / FSA have been setting the rules of engagement and have just learned they have been adopted.

I just wish more black leaders would speak out (watch the video):

08-14-15, 17:20
It's enough to make you want to move to New Zealand.

Well a good chunk of the world's billionaires are doing just that.


Panicked super rich buying boltholes with private airstrips to escape if poor rise up

Where your boss will be come the revolution: 'Boltholes with airstrips' in New Zealand that are being bought by world's super-rich who want a hideout in case of 'civil uprising'

Hmm, I wonder what they know that we don't? Tick-tock . . .

08-14-15, 17:23
I just wish more black leaders would speak out (watch the video):

The ones that do will never be on MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, et al. Thankfully there is the internet . . . for now.


08-14-15, 20:23
The media is used to further an agenda. Since the Trayvon Martin shooting they have been non-stop fanning the flames. All this as damaged "race relations" in this country. The words of Obama and the way the media and DOJ handled that shooting as well as Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. has done more to damage and set back race relations in this country than anything else. I am of the opinion that the powers at be want civil unrest on the streets of CONUS. This will allow them to justify a police-state. Then the media will run 24/7 all the Trayvon's and Michael Brown Jr.'s laying in the streets and portray them as poor little Steve Urkels gunned down on the way home from the library and not the gangbangers that they were out raping and pillaging in mass flash-mobs. The UN will scream human rights violations, marshal law declared, disarmament operations implemented and you will have Civil War/American Revolution 2.0 . . .

Good to see others are aware of the same thing - wish it wasn't something that is happening. What happens after the major unrest begins is speculation, but we're in 100% agreement that the media, at the direction of their owners, is trying to spark major unrest.

I am very, very glad that I moved this past year from a fairly safe area 14 miles from a potential problem city to a ridiculously safe area 150+ miles from any potential problem city. But we still have to worry about the economy functioning and routine trucking still happening. In the meantime, I'm maximizing my beach days!

26 Inf
08-14-15, 21:23
Well for those paying attention, it is officially "game on." The BLM / FSA have been setting the rules of engagement and have just learned they have been adopted.

Hard to blame a guy who got sucker punched and glad he isn't dead. The next guy will probably end up dead.

I'm glad to, but my first thought, aside for thankfulness he wasn't killed was, 'situational awareness, so rare it should be a super power.'

08-14-15, 21:52
Actually unless I missed it, this article should be an example of why police officers shouldn't be relying solely on their firearms for defense.

08-14-15, 22:15
It's a very sad situation and I'm glad the detective wasn't hurt worse. I know that area well. It may just be me but I've rarely if ever seen a marked car in a 10 mile radius of that area. Thug life flourishes there. Strip centers are thrown up and reconstructed then no sooner are they vandalized and destroyed again. The disregard for decency is sickening.

I would say I wish the detective would have assumed the worst, drawn on the scum and blasted a hole in his head when he charged but then we could have a Ferguson practically in our back yard.

I have no doubt the fear of shooting an "unarmed" black man in light of BLM, the one year anniversary of Ferguson, the thought of losing his job and being publicly shamed, persecuted and threatened played into the detective's though process.

08-14-15, 22:43
Actually unless I missed it, this article should be an example of why police officers shouldn't be relying solely on their firearms for defense.

So he could have fought him, used a baton, OC spray, or Taser and the headline would still read "White Officer ______ Unarmed Black Man". This detective, based on the interview and his own statements, chose to get his butt kicked and potentially killed rather then even fight back. I knew this would eventually happen following Ferguson, the next guy will likely be killed.

08-14-15, 23:18
Where are the headlines "Unarmed black man tries to kill officer."

That is the mirror image of all the headlines about cops shooting unarmed black men.

08-15-15, 01:09
Then he should probably go seek another job. This stuff isn't new, and it's been happening for quite a while. The difference is now it is being thrust into the limelight.

So he could have fought him, used a baton, OC spray, or Taser and the headline would still read "White Officer ______ Unarmed Black Man". This detective, based on the interview and his own statements, chose to get his butt kicked and potentially killed rather then even fight back. I knew this would eventually happen following Ferguson, the next guy will likely be killed.

08-15-15, 01:54
Iraqgunz brings up an excellent point.
Warning, Real Talk follows.

A LOT of kids and new guys are brought up that the taser ends everyfight or that pointi g a loaded weapon at another person with "maximum assertiveness" will win the day and force homie into just giving it up.

Nope. My rule of thumb is that if I draw down on you, you've done something VERY BAD. You have half a horny jackrabbit's heartbeat to stop or most likely you're getting shot until I run dry and reload. You're committing a forcible felony against myself or others and could cause grievous bodily harm to myself or others. No. You don't need to be armed either. People recall fisticuffs from 3rd grade where Ralphie and Scot Farkus got into a push down slap fight. Mmmm. Naw. Adult fights can include butst eyeballs, dislocated shoulders. Broken collarbones Ruptured ear drums and broken jaws.

To make agencies more 'diverse' and 'gender friendly ' A LOT of hand to hand has gone out the wayside.

Physically subduing and legally correcting a wayward soul is becoming a dying art. And it's tragic because people on the street admire the hell out of a bad ass .

They'll either wanna be Officers new friend or they'll run the other way . But a lot of these "draw downs" and "accidental shoots" are beyond unprofessional and lame.

Like buddy on CNN today, cop in tears. Had no choice. Had to drop the hammer. Because he was black and gonna beat me up, more or less his point.

I don't care how angry or offensive the suspect, you WILL stand and you WILL fight. This ain't Starbucks. Nobody cares about your upbringing. You WILL restore peace to the scene or take a lump. Hood for ya. Teaches you something.

But yeah, people over rely on that gun and not the two mitts you hold em in.

Because once you go that far, police or not you're kinda committed to being barely legally justified or life alteringly wrong

08-15-15, 02:03
For those predicting that the current political/social climate will at some point result in a massacre of apparent gangbangers - I agree with you. But it won't be good news in any way, it will be used as political justification to further restrict local police and move towards a single national system*. The political manipulators are using action-counteraction rather bluntly and heavily these days, but it seems to be working for them. If you aren't already familiar with "Hegelian dialectic" you should look it up.

*I was going to say federal but this would be federal in name only, not in the true meaning of the word.

This is how it is used. Pushing citizens into a predetermined result. Here is an example:

08-15-15, 02:44
I'm glad to, but my first thought, aside for thankfulness he wasn't killed was, 'situational awareness, so rare it should be a super power.'

Something tells me he wasn't surfing facebook when he got clocked. Yes situational awareness is a necessary and valuable skill. But it can be hard to be situationally aware of a dozen or more people who are all using their situational awareness and trying to move on you.

I've seen outnumbered cops who didn't want to go to deadly force get maneuvered on, it's not a pretty thing. Usually it's simply a case of them thinking they can control the situation when they already lost control of it and they haven't realized that yet.

I've actually seen footage of cops who surrendered their guns to armed attackers because the armed attackers "promised" they wouldn't shoot them. And of course they promptly shot them. Anyone who has gone through a combative mindset training program has probably seen the same footage.

08-15-15, 06:27
Speaking strictly for myself, the amount and quality of my "hands-on" training was pathetic. What we did get was token check-the-box ineffective stuff and off we went. Kinda makes me shudder, looking back.

Always thought it was interesting that, by and large, training was always (at least in my agency) considered lost time and a scheduling nuisance. Of course, when an LEO gets killed--well, then there's always time for an elaborate funeral and eulogies and regrets.

I wonder how long it will be until cities just give up and hire the best PMCs they can afford, kickbacks and all.

08-15-15, 08:03
Then he should probably go seek another job. This stuff isn't new, and it's been happening for quite a while. The difference is now it is being thrust into the limelight.

The thought that not using the gun, or fighting equates to passivity in my opinion. You got a tool box, you've got training, pick another tool.
But if you think all of the bad stuff will not happen if I take the punch and don't shoot? He's lucky he was just pistol whipped in this case.

08-15-15, 10:57
All the more reason for everyone to have dash cams.

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08-15-15, 11:36
Actually unless I missed it, this article should be an example of why police officers shouldn't be relying solely on their firearms for defense.

Or a taser, I bet he didn't have one. But had he punched this guy in the face when he got close..... Yea ok, those days are over we are just meat on a hook.

08-15-15, 11:39
So he could have fought him, used a baton, OC spray, or Taser and the headline would still read "White Officer ______ Unarmed Black Man". This detective, based on the interview and his own statements, chose to get his butt kicked and potentially killed rather then even fight back. I knew this would eventually happen following Ferguson, the next guy will likely be killed.

He was a detective and likely didn't have the other tools. He could have used fist but people always cry and bitch when that happens.

26 Inf
08-15-15, 12:10
Something tells me he wasn't surfing facebook when he got clocked. Yes situational awareness is a necessary and valuable skill. But it can be hard to be situationally aware of a dozen or more people who are all using their situational awareness and trying to move on you.

I've seen outnumbered cops who didn't want to go to deadly force get maneuvered on, it's not a pretty thing. Usually it's simply a case of them thinking they can control the situation when they already lost control of it and they haven't realized that yet.

I've actually seen footage of cops who surrendered their guns to armed attackers because the armed attackers "promised" they wouldn't shoot them. And of course they promptly shot them. Anyone who has gone through a combative mindset training program has probably seen the same footage.

Okay, let's think about this - this guy was a detective, so this shouldn't have been his first rodeo, he is in a situation and as quoted from the story the driver of the car he had stopped "approaching the detective and repeatedly questioned why he'd been pulled over, the union chief said. The detective considered using force but thought better of it and continued his call when Cunningham hit him, Boackle said."

So the detective felt the situation had escalated to the point he considered using force, but instead, continued his call? This sounds to me as if the detective expected compliance because that was what he was used to. Kind of like Emry's character in FMJ found out, things go sideways when folks don't act the way you expect.

Most officers learn that fairly quickly, I know I did the night I yanked a guy over a pool table in a tavern full of drunks - you think before you act and you think your way through things versus trying to bluster your way through.

There have been several high profile shootings in which the officers were legally justified in their actions but, in those situations a lack of situational awareness or tactical acumen actual placed the officers into situations where they needed to us deadly force - as examples Ferguson and Tamir Rice.

So, I'm not saying he was surfing facebook, I'm saying he made a fundamental error.

Edited to add: Be clear that I am saying he should have been in the fight, not that he if he had used force he would have been wrong.

26 Inf
08-15-15, 13:04
Reference defensive tactics training which many have mentioned.

I see 60 brand new police officers every 18 weeks. I also teach in-service classes. So I think I have a valid point of view regarding police officers and police training. A couple things I've had to adjust to in thinking about use-of-force:

1. It's not the same world it was 20 years ago;
2. It's not the world I want it to be;
3. Accept reality.

Reality is: the average entry level police officer has never been in anything beyond a shoving match. Most folks that would make good police officers, by temperament, by intellect, by physical prowess, could make more money, with much less aggravation, doing something else, so many of them do.

Police officers, as a general rule, are not inclined to practice anything to become better at their craft. I may be over critical on anything, but the vast majority of officers don't make any extra effort to practice DT, firearms, SFST, etc.

The reality is that if you are going to teach effective defensive tactics that work in the field people are going to get hurt. You have to do many reps, building to reps at speed, people are going to get hurt, sometimes badly, in training.

How do we avoid this? By going slow, by the numbers, until the officer can do it slowly, with minimum fluidity, then telling them to practice to gain proficiency - see the paragraph above :).

And then we have the one size fits all mentality - we teach ground fighting tactics to 125lb female officers, who aside from the weight difference, have 16% less muscle mass than the male offender who will most likely assault them. Really? First teach them threat analysis, then teach them to access a weapon to incapacitate their attacker. But no, we spend our time teaching them to escape the mount, trap and roll, with a partner who has to go with the technique in order for it to succeed. This is true of many smaller statured officers as well as those who are physically weak.

Then we turn them loose with the adage 'practice makes perfect.' They'll practice all right, when you drag them to mandatory in-service.

Our fascination with unarmed defensive tactics to control gets officers in trouble more than it helps officers out of trouble. Unarmed defensive tactics should be thought of as WTF tactics for when you get caught with your thumb up your butt, the focus should be disengagement to access a weapon.

I could go on, but got that lawn to mow.

08-15-15, 13:16
Okay, let's think about this - this guy was a detective, so this shouldn't have been his first rodeo, he is in a situation and as quoted from the story the driver of the car he had stopped "approaching the detective and repeatedly questioned why he'd been pulled over, the union chief said. The detective considered using force but thought better of it and continued his call when Cunningham hit him, Boackle said."

So the detective felt the situation had escalated to the point he considered using force, but instead, continued his call? This sounds to me as if the detective expected compliance because that was what he was used to. Kind of like Emry's character in FMJ found out, things go sideways when folks don't act the way you expect.

Most officers learn that fairly quickly, I know I did the night I yanked a guy over a pool table in a tavern full of drunks - you think before you act and you think your way through things versus trying to bluster your way through.

There have been several high profile shootings in which the officers were legally justified in their actions but, in those situations a lack of situational awareness or tactical acumen actual placed the officers into situations where they needed to us deadly force - as examples Ferguson and Tamir Rice.

So, I'm not saying he was surfing facebook, I'm saying he made a fundamental error.

Edited to add: Be clear that I am saying he should have been in the fight, not that he if he had used force he would have been wrong.

No argument with any of that. But didn't he have more than one person to keep his eye on as things were going bad? Or was it just the one guy at first?

08-15-15, 13:26
No argument with any of that. But didn't he have more than one person to keep his eye on as things were going bad? Or was it just the one guy at first?
There was a passenger but the officer didn't mention him.

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08-15-15, 14:31
This was released right after the attack happened over a week ago. The passenger who was originally a suspect wasn't charged.


Violent past.


The family of the thug has hired a lawyer.


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