View Full Version : Any interests in more Army Chief/CW5 Chuck Petrie memorial patches?

08-18-15, 20:25
A few guys from the 1911forum asked about doing another run of patches. The manufacturer said the lowest they can make is 100 patches. I'm trying to gauge if there is enough interest to get the project going. This is not a charity, all the money will go directly to the patch maker. His family will not get any money this time.

Please vote in the poll and reply to this thread with an approximate number of patches you may want. You are not obligated to buy that number, it's only for me to gauge the interest.

I will not be handling the order, all orders will go directly to the manufacturer.


08-18-15, 20:33
I would buy a couple.

Alex V
08-18-15, 20:38
I got one the first time we did this, knowing that it would help his family made it a no-brainer. Seeing as how this is strictly for profit, I'm going to sit this one out.

Good luck, tho.

08-18-15, 20:44
Yeah sure. I would pick up a couple, plus if ordering from the manufacturer possibly other patches as well since I am a bit of a morale patch nerd(Hint-hint to the would be manufacturer). if for no other reason than I miss the SOB and two it makes it easy for me to mark M4C gear pics when I am in that mood.

08-18-15, 21:00
Yes and more yes

08-18-15, 21:48
I'd be down for one or two. One for sure though.

08-18-15, 21:48
Eta: Nevermind.

Yeah a 2cnd run would be cool. I already have 2 and rock them on my gear proud.

08-18-15, 23:17
I'd buy one or two.

I vote that they be different than the first run to differentiate between the patches that directly benefitted Chuck's family and those that did not.

08-19-15, 16:23
Ok.. I've thought about this more... I'm actually not cool with 0% of the proceeds going to AC's family. Any way to change that? I'd pay extra if need be.

08-19-15, 16:32
Ok.. I've thought about this more... I'm actually not cool with 0% of the proceeds going to AC's family. Any way to change that? I'd pay extra if need be.

I am with you on this one. I would go for a patch (since I missed the last run) if the proceeds went to his family, not at all if they do not.

08-19-15, 20:07
I got one the first time we did this, knowing that it would help his family made it a no-brainer. Seeing as how this is strictly for profit, I'm going to sit this one out.

Good luck, tho.

You and I go back a bit on an informal basis so I'll tread lightly and simply state that I very highly doubt this has anything to do with generating a profit. Odds are very high that it's a noble endeavor to keep our friend alive as best we can. Also knowing a little something about manufacturing I can assure you that even if we reached that 100 count minimum there would still be minimal financial benefit involved for the maker.

Edit: Forgot to add that I'm in for five.

08-19-15, 20:21
This is not a profit generating venture for the manufacturer. I have discussed this with the main original designer of the patch idea, MilitaryMoron, our own moderator. He gave me his blessing on the patch. I've also discussed this with Chuck's widow, she is fully aware that she nor Chuck's children nor any other charitable organization will receive anything from this. She herself gave away several patches to friends and wants to get more for herself and for future giveaways. I will get some as well.

Without going any deeper into the reasons why I chose not to make this a charity project, we are restarting the patch sale only to allow those who missed out on the previous issue and want to remember our departed friend. Thank you to those who are interested.

08-19-15, 20:23
This is not a profit generating venture for the manufacturer. I have discussed this with the main original designer of the patch idea, MilitaryMoron, our own moderator. He gave me his blessing on the patch. I've also discussed this with Chuck's widow, she is fully aware that she nor Chuck's children nor any other charitable organization will receive anything from this. She herself gave away several patches to friends and wants to get more for herself and for future giveaways. I will get some as well.

Without going any deeper into the reasons why I chose not to make this a charity project, we are restarting the patch sale only to allow those who missed out on the previous issue and want to remember our departed friend. Thank you to those who are interested.

Understood. I'm in for 5.

08-19-15, 20:26
I had intended to donate mine to Chuck's family after I got home, but some laundry worker somewhere in Afghanistan has the patch. And that pisses me off to no end.


I'll buy another, if nothing more than to show support for a good man. I'd also gladly pay a few extra bucks if that meant a little more was able to go to his family or a charity of some sort.

08-19-15, 20:29
I had intended to donate mine to Chuck's family after I got home, but some laundry worker somewhere in Afghanistan has the patch. And that pisses me off to no end.


I'll buy another, if nothing more than to show support for a good man. I'd also gladly pay a few extra bucks if that meant a little more was able to go to his family or a charity of some sort.

I wondered what ever happened to you in that regard. Understood and is what it now is, appreciate the update and glad you're back home safe.

08-19-15, 20:55
Come to think of it GTF425 I have two originals left, so instead of you sending me yours to forward how about I send you one of mine?

08-22-15, 22:15
Thank-you GTF for the update, see my response please and know that whatever you decide is great either way.

Also bumping this in case anyone missed it. Would love to see it happen and hope we can make it work. Some people just shouldn't be forgotten and he was one of them beyond any shadow of a doubt.

09-13-15, 02:31
Hey Sam, is there an update?

09-13-15, 17:13
There will be no patches. Thanks for inquiring.