View Full Version : Another Hero of the Leftist "BLM" Leader circles the drain.

08-19-15, 08:00
He's WHITE !
He even got Oprah to pay for his education at Moorehouse College.

An investigative blogger has accused Shaun King, a key figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, of misleading media icon Oprah Winfrey by pretending to be biracial in order to qualify for an “Oprah scholarship” to historically black Morehouse College. The blogger says King is white and has been lying about his ethnicity for years.

08-19-15, 08:51
This is hilarious. It's getting completely out of hand.

08-19-15, 09:35
Remember: Rachel Dolezal NAACP White Woman Pretends Black

What's rarely mentioned is biracial folks wanting to be considered completely white.

In years gone by, it was referred to by black folks as "Passing".

08-19-15, 09:37
Remember: Rachel Dolezal NAACP White Woman Pretends Black

What's rarely mentioned is biracial folks wanting to be considered completely white.

In years gone by, it was referred to by black folks as "Passing".
What if you are biracial and look completely white? Would you identify as white, or would you check the box that's says "two or more races?"

08-19-15, 09:52
A good friend of mine who comes from a mixed heritage told me once that he was accused of not being "black enough" by his black friends while growing up. When he was applying to college, they ostracized him and accused him of thinking he was better than they were. Sounds like a recipe for curing racism to me...

08-19-15, 09:59
A good friend of mine who comes from a mixed heritage told me once that he was accused of not being "black enough" by his black friends while growing up. When he was applying to college, they ostracized him and accused him of thinking he was better than they were. Sounds like a recipe for curing racism to me...
I've dealt with the same thing growing up. I'm biracial and look white, that's why I think this whole situation is funny. To some, the grass is always greener on the other side. Racism is prevalent in all races. The MSM just focuses on the black and white kind. Hell, it's racist that Oprah only gives scholarships to black men.

Whatever, it's not illegal to be racist.....yet.

08-19-15, 10:06
I love the in-article link "ANALYSIS: Why Do People Imitate Oppressed Minorities?" Yes, let's analyze this. Perhaps some assumption is not quite correct.

08-19-15, 10:21
I love the in-article link "ANALYSIS: Why Do People Imitate Oppressed Minorities?" Yes, let's analyze this. Perhaps some assumption is not quite correct.

The reason can be summed up in one sentence: They want the free stuff that the left says is owed to said "oppressed" minority groups.

08-19-15, 10:43
Wait a minute, if I want identify as a woman but my genetic makeup says I am a man, that is OK. But I can't identify as a another race, I must follow my biological makeup?????

08-19-15, 11:11
Wait a minute, if I want identify as a woman but my genetic makeup says I am a man, that is OK. But I can't identify as a another race, I must follow my biological makeup?????

Damn, beat me to it. This was almost verbatim what I was gonna say. Just one example of 3,367,452 regarding the left's hypocrisy....

Several years ago my cousin was getting scholarship money for college. My mother's family, somewhere down the line, married into a Native American tribe, and my cousin found out she qualified for some $. Nevermind that she is lilly white with red hair and the family had no evidence of contact with that group since the early 1800s....(she did not take the money BTW....)

08-19-15, 11:54
To name just a few:

Calypso Louie

As a group - at what point do they wake up and realize they are being played?

Credible victims are truly innocent bystanders. After decades of claiming victim status to shakedown whitey, only to turn around and be their brothers keeper, rinse / repeat…..

In the vernacular of their own - out here on the street and don't know what time it is…..CHUMP

Worth the read - RE: the mechanics of the game - http://www.amazon.com/Shakedown-Exposing-Real-Jesse-Jackson/dp/0895261081

08-19-15, 12:21
I hope Oprah sends him a bill and that he is exposed as a fraud on the National News. It's kinda fun to watch the left cannibalize themselves.
And I agree a poor source.
In a 2014 interview with Liberal America, King spoke about white privilege, and how best to get white Americans to understand the idea of white privilege.

'Some of how we get all people to understand privilege is simply to tell our story – one story at a time. I try to do that on Twitter and share stories of others I know,' he said.

'You can never truly understand how others feel, but at least being aware is a good start.'

As for his Oprah scholarship, he wrote in one Daily Kos post; 'Oprah Winfrey paid my way through Morehouse. The leadership scholarship that I received from her is why I have a college degree today.

'Five hundred other brothers have the exact same story.'

08-19-15, 12:34
I hope Oprah sends him a bill and that he is exposed as a fraud on the National News. It's kinda fun to watch the left cannibalize themselves.

She won't. Leftists stick together. The only thing they'll do is point out how the Right has no right to judge this guy because we're a bunch of racist-y racist racists. The left has no shame and doesn't care about being openly hypocritical because if they say 2+2=5, it is so.

08-19-15, 12:54
She won't. Leftists stick together. The only thing they'll do is point out how the Right has no right to judge this guy because we're a bunch of racist-y racist racists. The left has no shame and doesn't care about being openly hypocritical because if they say 2+2=5, it is so.

They've been pretty "In Your Face" with both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton at their rally's.

08-19-15, 13:18
I am 50% caucasian and 50% non-caucasian. I ALWAYS claim ALL of my racial backgrounds / ethnicities. I have lived in many places as a kid / teen / young adult and had a lifetime of interesting interactions based on skin color. I look pretty fair, but have distinct non-caucasian traits, and add to that my wife is brown skinned and I obviously have mixed children. Depending on the region of the country or the world for that matter I am lumped into some racial extract / ethnic category, but wherever I am nobody's really sure.

Due to my upbringing and my current life, I have found in my experiences that mixed race relationships and mixed race children are generally treated much worse. A true racist feels that mixed relationships are worse than a couple who are both of the same racial background. Also that the mixed breed children are looked at as being a greater abomination than even the mixed race couple. I also note that multi-racial children and individuals often receive ridicule from both sides of the fence and are often not always truly accepted by any one of their racial / ethnical backgrounds. In other words someone of one racial background will have at least one community that they may be accepted. Generally not the case with mixed breeds, especially if they show distinctive multi-racial traits or characteristics.

I've been in many conflicts in my childhood over this, especially when it came to my parents. Some places it was my 100% non-white mother, or in other places it was because of my 100% caucasian father. Nowadays I deal with it due to my own family. I generally have little patience for those with racist ideals, however I DO NOT support those who use a certain set of circumstances be it skin color, historical events, whatever and attempt to use that as a vehicle and an excuse to act sub-human or who would rather be a lazy POS and feel that they should get a bunch of free shit for doing nothing, because they were "oppressed". I am all for supporting those who are wrongfully denied the same opportunities as others based on race as long as they are at least attempting to be a positive contributing member to society. On the other hand, I cannot stand those who play the race card as a free pass to be a burden on society and their own community and as a "free pass" to act like animals.

I don't hate color, but ignorance, stupidity, laziness and pretty much any negative trait can be found in all colors in the spectrum and that is where the real problem lies.

26 Inf
08-19-15, 18:15
Well said.

08-19-15, 18:20
So glad this happened to Oprah.


08-19-15, 18:24
None of this garbage surprises me.

08-20-15, 00:48
So glad this happened to Oprah.


My thoughts exactly, well that and he is the founder of the #BlackLivesMatter "movement".


08-20-15, 02:19
My thoughts exactly, well that and he is the founder of the #BlackLivesMatter "movement".


Let's review...

1. Got HIS.
2. Straight JACK move.
3. Ganked Oprah cause she's got it and he don't.
4. Employed how dare you question my blackness "get out of jail free card."

If that ain't black, nobody is black. He should double down and inform the haters that "black is in your soul....not your skin....and that a lot of black skin brothers really have no soul when it comes to being black."

That's what I'd do.

08-20-15, 07:13
But he MEANT well... :rolleyes:

08-20-15, 14:50
But he MEANT well... :rolleyes:

He's a good kid that turned his life around. Hmm, I've that before......

08-20-15, 17:13
Well the good news is Rachel Dolezal now has a date for the next NAACP mixer.