View Full Version : Ashley Madison leak

08-19-15, 18:09
Looks like public moralist Josh Duggar paid almost a G ($986.76)...

In 2013, conservative reality TV star Josh Duggar—of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting fame—was named the executive director of the Family Research Council, a conservative lobbying group in D.C. which seeks “to champion marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society.” During that time, he also maintained a paid account on Ashley Madison, a web site created for the express purpose of cheating on your spouse.

...on top of:

In May 2015, Duggar was forced to resign after In Touch Weekly reported that he had molested five young girls (four of whom were his own sisters) beginning in 2002.

His usernames were "JOSH_THE_MAN" and "READY4THISDC," LOL!



I wonder who else will pop up in the coming days...

08-19-15, 18:19
Hahaha oh man...

08-19-15, 18:24
Do one thing, say another. Repeat.

08-19-15, 18:25

08-19-15, 18:29
I'm excited to see how deep this is going to go.

Outlander Systems
08-19-15, 18:31


It's gotten to the point where everyone in the media is a fraud, a huckster, a dirtbag, a grifter, a con artist. Everyone.

If you're in the "public eye" you are most likely a shitbag. Plain, n, simple.

08-19-15, 18:37
Oh well...like the zen philosopher John Lennon said "karma gonna get you. Right upside the head"

08-19-15, 18:52
I'm excited to see how deep this is going to go.

Hahaha.. that's what she said.

Outlander Systems
08-19-15, 18:54
Hahaha.. that's what she said.

Ah fer Gods sake!


08-19-15, 19:10
Hahaha.. that's what she said.


08-19-15, 19:25
Honestly, this guy has been a train wreck for awhile now. When he was a teenager he molested his own sisters. Despite knowing about it, his parents still supported him and he still became executive director of the Family Research Council.

This entire family seems to have significant and serious issues. Of course that shouldn't be surprising from any family with 19 children who think it's a good idea to then promote that bizarre environment as a reality TV show. Michael Jackson probably had a more normal childhood. If any of those kids make it to adulthood without serious psychological problems it will be a miracle.

Seems to be some kind of constant that the people who are the least suitable candidates for parenthood have the most children.

Travis B
08-19-15, 21:20
Not defending this guy but who's to say the data they're reporting isn't fake? I could just as easily take that data and swap it with Bill Cosby, Subway Jared, whoever, and publish it. It fits a predetermined narrative and increases site traffic, which is all anyone cares about.

08-19-15, 23:03
Not defending this guy but who's to say the data they're reporting isn't fake? I could just as easily take that data and swap it with Bill Cosby, Subway Jared, whoever, and publish it. It fits a predetermined narrative and increases site traffic, which is all anyone cares about.

I not that familiar with the Duggar story, but that is true. I bet there are more than a few Bill Clinton's on the list.

08-20-15, 00:04
In May 2015, Duggar was forced to resign after In Touch Weekly reported that he had molested five young girls (four of whom were his own sisters) beginning in 2002.


I'm sorry, but I spit up my drink on that. Oh, the irony!

08-20-15, 00:15
Honestly, this guy has been a train wreck for awhile now. When he was a teenager he molested his own sisters. Despite knowing about it, his parents still supported him and he still became executive director of the Family Research Council.

This entire family seems to have significant and serious issues. Of course that shouldn't be surprising from any family with 19 children who think it's a good idea to then promote that bizarre environment as a reality TV show. Michael Jackson probably had a more normal childhood. If any of those kids make it to adulthood without serious psychological problems it will be a miracle.

Seems to be some kind of constant that the people who are the least suitable candidates for parenthood have the most children.

Yup, young Josh "learned" that from someone and I doubt he got it from simply walking in on mommy and daddy wrestling. The Duggar parents have that Jones Town look in their eyes . . . constantly.

I'm mean they obviously like sex, sad thing is they feel they have to have some moral penitence and dress it up in religion otherwise they would be in "sin". :suicide:

Bill Gothard, the founder of IBLP that the Duggars are followers of had to step down last year due to "rampant sexual harassment" of female staff and failure to report abuse of you guessed it CHILDREN.

Hmmm . . .

08-20-15, 08:01
My Boss is running late today.
I'm hoping the old guy isn't somewhere on the floor with a frying pan knot on his head.

08-20-15, 08:38
There are also 15,000 .gov-type email addresses registered too...

Who wants to bet Carlos Danger is in there? :)


Not defending this guy but who's to say the data they're reporting isn't fake? I could just as easily take that data and swap it with Bill Cosby, Subway Jared, whoever, and publish it. It fits a predetermined narrative and increases site traffic, which is all anyone cares about.

It's not just the same name.

The N. Porterville Rd. Fayetteville, AR address is a house owned by his grandmother.

If somebody was specifically trying to frame him up, they did good burying those tidbits inside a massive dataset.

Bill Gothard, the founder of IBLP that the Duggars are followers of had to step down last year due to "rampant sexual harassment" of female staff and failure to report abuse of you guessed it CHILDREN.

Hmmm . . .


I wasn't trying to make this just a Duggar thread (you know more will pop up) but the whole Gothard scheme is to indoctrinate young females with exactly the specific thought processes that prevent rape victims from coming forward... with the goal of getting as close to 100% possibility that your rape victim will keep her mouth shut. This is one of his slides:


08-20-15, 08:45
Forget about Duggar, 37 million accounts?

08-20-15, 08:56
Forget about Duggar, 37 million accounts?

I think that is global, but still most are probably in the US. If in the US that means that almost all couples have one spouse on it.

How much was a membership? I thought it was like $10 a month or was it by hook-up?

Anyone have a link to a good search engine for the results?

I've heard the next thing is posting what people watch from online porn sites.

No more secrets.

08-20-15, 09:09
I think that is global, but still most are probably in the US. If in the US that means that almost all couples have one spouse on it.

I'd be willing to bet that there are a fair share of couples where both are a member.

[whistles] "If you like Piņa Coladas, and getting caught in the rain..."

08-20-15, 09:31
The Duggar boy, whatevs. Hyopcritical family, I doubt he was so far out on an island by himself as people want to believe.

My take away? There are a shit-load of problems in this country, and that many people who think it's OK to screw their spouse (figuratively and literally) really bums me out. I am a decently devout Christian and I have my own demons to slay, but I have never cheated on my wife.

08-20-15, 09:48
I'd be willing to bet that there are a fair share of couples where both are a member.

[whistles] "If you like Piņa Coladas, and getting caught in the rain..."

That lyric totally slayed me...like a Gurhka lopping off a German soldier's head slayed me.


08-20-15, 09:51
I'd be willing to bet that there are a fair share of couples where both are a member.

[whistles] "If you like Piņa Coladas, and getting caught in the rain..."

28 Million Male accounts.
5 Million Female accounts.
4 Million No Data.

08-20-15, 11:24
It's not just Ashley Madison, there are at least a dozen social media sites that sole purpose is sexual promiscuity. Hell that's how Craig's List got started. Due to these social media apps that make sexual encounters so easy STDs are coming back in a big way. Rhode Island has a syphilis outbreak currently.

Syphilis soars 79% in R.I. thanks to social media

08-20-15, 12:07
I posit there will be a statistically significant increase in the divorce rate following the data dump.

08-20-15, 15:05

Josh Duggar Admits Porn Addiction, Being 'Unfaithful' in the Wake of Ashley Madison Data Dump

08-20-15, 15:58

Josh Duggar Admits Porn Addiction, Being 'Unfaithful' in the Wake of Ashley Madison Data Dump

Hahahaha... DELISH:

"While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife," he wrote. "I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him."

"I brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions that happened when I was 14-15 years old, and now I have re-broken their trust. The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country, I was hiding my own personal failings."

This is right up there with Larry Craig being a shithouse toe tapper and Bristol Palin getting barebacked on a bearskin...

I wonder what Cosby's screen name was?


08-20-15, 17:05

Josh Duggar Admits Porn Addiction, Being 'Unfaithful' in the Wake of Ashley Madison Data Dump

Cue up the same old song...."I have sinned..."


08-20-15, 18:46
I wonder what Cosby's screen name was?


Awesome. I was thinking more Pills&Puddin

08-21-15, 03:35
I opened my account using the name "TheRealBillClinton" and a bogus email address. So I am pretty sure that I am in the clear.

08-21-15, 08:26
Ash Carter is looking into Ash Madison now...


Maybe this will distract his attention from blocking arms to the Peshmerga/PKK/YPG/YPJ and trafficking Turkish propaganda...

08-21-15, 08:28
It's not just Ashley Madison, there are at least a dozen social media sites that sole purpose is sexual promiscuity. Hell that's how Craig's List got started. Due to these social media apps that make sexual encounters so easy STDs are coming back in a big way. Rhode Island has a syphilis outbreak currently.

Syphilis soars 79% in R.I. thanks to social media

Top 10 "worst" states:

10. North Carolina
(10th for chlamydia, 6th for gonorrhea, 24th for syphilis)
9. New York
(11th for chlamydia, 16th for gonorrhea, 7th for syphilis)
8. Texas
(13th for chlamydia, 13th for gonorrhea, 6th for syphilis)
7. Illinois
(9th for chlamydia, 10th for gonorrhea, 8th for syphilis)
6. Arkansas
(7th for chlamydia, 7th for gonorrhea, 9th for syphilis)
5. South Carolina
(5th for chlamydia, 4th for gonorrhea, 13th for syphilis)
4. Alabama
(3rd for chlamydia, 3rd for gonorrhea, 15th for syphilis)
3. Georgia
(8th for chlamydia, 5th for gonorrhea, 1st for syphilis)
2. Mississippi
(1st for chlamydia, 1st for gonorrhea, 11th for syphilis)
1. Louisiana
(4th for chlamydia, 2nd for gonorrhea, 3rd for syphilis)

Travis B
08-21-15, 09:08
The south don't need no stinkin' protection.

Top 10 "worst" states:

10. North Carolina
(10th for chlamydia, 6th for gonorrhea, 24th for syphilis)
9. New York
(11th for chlamydia, 16th for gonorrhea, 7th for syphilis)
8. Texas
(13th for chlamydia, 13th for gonorrhea, 6th for syphilis)
7. Illinois
(9th for chlamydia, 10th for gonorrhea, 8th for syphilis)
6. Arkansas
(7th for chlamydia, 7th for gonorrhea, 9th for syphilis)
5. South Carolina
(5th for chlamydia, 4th for gonorrhea, 13th for syphilis)
4. Alabama
(3rd for chlamydia, 3rd for gonorrhea, 15th for syphilis)
3. Georgia
(8th for chlamydia, 5th for gonorrhea, 1st for syphilis)
2. Mississippi
(1st for chlamydia, 1st for gonorrhea, 11th for syphilis)
1. Louisiana
(4th for chlamydia, 2nd for gonorrhea, 3rd for syphilis)

08-21-15, 09:24
The south don't need no stinkin' protection.

The South's gonna get'it again.....

08-21-15, 09:32
Clearly the South has risen again! (And again and again and again.)

But, as wise man say, man who goes fishing in other man's hole only catch crabs.

08-21-15, 09:50
Top 10 "worst" states:

1. Louisiana
(4th for chlamydia, 2nd for gonorrhea, 3rd for syphilis)

This is my shocked face ==> :shout:

08-21-15, 15:17
Ash Carter is looking into Ash Madison now...


Maybe this will distract his attention from blocking arms to the Peshmerga/PKK/YPG/YPJ and trafficking Turkish propaganda...

It's good to see he is now concerned since retards used their gov emails instead

This has been a systemic issue in the military whether in the military or married to the military and whether or not they used ashley madison or adultfriendfinder and will always be a part of the culture

08-21-15, 15:28
It's good to see he is more concerned that they used their gov emails instead of the fact the military is a largely unfaithful and promiscuous corporation

Yeah... not sure where you're getting that since the article basically says the opposite, but he still sucks.

08-21-15, 15:34
Top 10 "worst" states:

10. North Carolina
(10th for chlamydia, 6th for gonorrhea, 24th for syphilis)
9. New York
(11th for chlamydia, 16th for gonorrhea, 7th for syphilis)
8. Texas
(13th for chlamydia, 13th for gonorrhea, 6th for syphilis)
7. Illinois
(9th for chlamydia, 10th for gonorrhea, 8th for syphilis)
6. Arkansas
(7th for chlamydia, 7th for gonorrhea, 9th for syphilis)
5. South Carolina
(5th for chlamydia, 4th for gonorrhea, 13th for syphilis)
4. Alabama
(3rd for chlamydia, 3rd for gonorrhea, 15th for syphilis)
3. Georgia
(8th for chlamydia, 5th for gonorrhea, 1st for syphilis)
2. Mississippi
(1st for chlamydia, 1st for gonorrhea, 11th for syphilis)
1. Louisiana
(4th for chlamydia, 2nd for gonorrhea, 3rd for syphilis)

Are these numbers directly related to the rise of social media's use for casual sex?

I'd also be interested to see the demographics that make up these stats (i.e. gay/straight/black/white/male/female/etc. . .

08-21-15, 15:38
I opened my account using the name "TheRealBillClinton" and a bogus email address. So I am pretty sure that I am in the clear.

Sorry dude, you're hosed... my account was Iraqgunz..

08-21-15, 16:37
It's good to see he is now concerned since retards used their gov emails instead

This has been a systemic issue in the military whether in the military or married to the military and whether or not they used ashley madison or adultfriendfinder and will always be a part of the culture

You ain't neva lie.

The first time I ever heard about swinging was when a fellow NCO straight up asked me to do his wife! :eek:

08-21-15, 16:45
You ain't neva lie.

The first time I ever heard about swinging was when a fellow NCO straight up asked me to do his wife! :eek:

So did you?

Big A
08-21-15, 16:52
So did you?
He asked...sarcastically....

08-21-15, 18:53
I posit there will be a statistically significant increase in the divorce rate following the data dump.

I almost wondered if the stock market drop was caused by dudes selling off realizing that they needed to move assets before the divorce papers came in....

How does this all shake out now that we've opened the door on the whole lifestyle thing. Isn't this just adding a polyamory 'P' to the LGBT...XYZ spectrum? Haven't all the states taken adultery out of their penal codes? The exclusivity isn't part of state sanctioned marriage, it part of the religious marriage.

I've never heard of anyone losing their job over getting divorced and part of that process it came out that someone cheated. This is just an extension of using a phone to have an affair. Hell, we kept Bill Clinton on as president.

08-21-15, 20:11
In 30 years, what people today refer to as "traditional marriage", will be a minority segment of the population.

08-21-15, 20:19
In 30 years, what people today refer to as "traditional marriage", will be a minority segment of the population.

I don't doubt that. It bums me out, but the trend is pretty obvious.

08-21-15, 20:21
Honestly, I really could give a rats ass about couples using the Internet to swing or cheat or whatever they do, I'm not really understanding the whole outrage. Unless your spouse is on that list without your consent, that is. I have long ago come to the conclusion that the people doing the most screaming about a topic are generally hypocrites or projecting their own character flaws. Those demanding tolerance are the most intolerant and those demanding a moral code have none.

However, I would support and even laugh at those using government, or employer resources who end up unemployed.

08-21-15, 20:44
Honestly, I really could give a rats ass about couples using the Internet to swing or cheat or whatever they do, I'm not really understanding the whole outrage. Unless your spouse is on that list without your consent, that is. I have long ago come to the conclusion that the people doing the most screaming about a topic are generally hypocrites or projecting their own character flaws. Those demanding tolerance are the most intolerant and those demanding a moral code have none.

However, I would support and even laugh at those using government, or employer resources who end up unemployed.

I'm still trying to figure out how a cheating website WASN'T on the prohibited website list for .gov computers? :confused:

08-21-15, 21:32
In 30 years, what people today refer to as "traditional marriage", will be a minority segment of the population.

That's possibly the most optimistically pessimistic post I've read in a while. ;)

08-21-15, 23:41
Because using the Internet to cheat couldn't possibly backfire.

08-21-15, 23:51
Because using the Internet to cheat couldn't possibly backfire.
Folks should have kept stuff on their own private server in the bathroom... Ha

08-22-15, 00:07
I'm still trying to figure out how a cheating website WASN'T on the prohibited website list for .gov computers? :confused:

90% of Congress probably have accounts. You wouldn't want them to not be able to check things from work would you?

08-22-15, 00:17
90% of Congress probably have accounts. You wouldn't want them to not be able to check things from work would you?
If it leaves them with less time to screw the country up then fine by me

08-22-15, 01:03
I almost wondered if the stock market drop was caused by dudes selling off realizing that they needed to move assets before the divorce papers came in....


More than a 1k points, worst closing in four years.

08-25-15, 07:34
If you're a comp sleuth, you could pick up 500K for finding these hackers:

Ashley Madison’s parent company Avid Life Media is offering a $500,000 CDN 1 reward for information leading to the arrest of the hacker or hackers behind the breach of its network.

The announcement was made by Bryce Evans, acting staff superintendent of the Toronto police. ALM is a Canada-based company.

“Today I can confirm that Avid Life Media is offering a $500,000 reward to anyone providing information that leads to the identification, arrest and prosecution of the person or persons responsible for the leak of the Ashley Madison database,” Evans said, according to the BBC.


08-25-15, 07:44
When they bump it up to two million someone will bite.
This isn't the time for them to go cheap and take the beating in civil court.

08-25-15, 07:47
When they bump it up to two million someone will bite.
This isn't the time for them to go cheap and take the beating in civil court.

Good point. I don't know what the magic $$ is for high end white hat types or orgs to get interested in such a thing, but this would be the time for them to go all in to be sure. Nit sure how catching the hackers will avoid the civil suits however.

08-25-15, 08:13
Good point. I don't know what the magic $$ is for high end white hat types or orgs to get interested in such a thing, but this would be the time for them to go all in to be sure. Nit sure how catching the hackers will avoid the civil suits however.

At this point there have been two suicides attributed to the leak. I would imagine that might have a bit of an influence on the whole trial.

I would imagine a good defense could go in and show that they had in good faith put up layers of defense against such hacks of data and then present that no matter how well you defend someone can always get in to your system. They could always bring in the guys from the FBI looking at Hillary's server to show just how easy it is.

08-25-15, 08:30
At this point there have been two suicides attributed to the leak. I would imagine that might have a bit of an influence on the whole trial.

I would imagine a good defense could go in and show that they had in good faith put up layers of defense against such hacks of data and then present that no matter how well you defend someone can always get in to your system. They could always bring in the guys from the FBI looking at Hillary's server to show just how easy it is.

Above my pay grade, but it's my understanding their security was not very good and part of the class action is based on the fact they didn't do their due diligence on security. We all know many companies do a sh%$ job of protecting their data. Not qualified to say if that's the case with AM but wouldn't surprise me.

08-25-15, 08:30
Top 10 "worst" states:

10. North Carolina
(10th for chlamydia, 6th for gonorrhea, 24th for syphilis)
9. New York
(11th for chlamydia, 16th for gonorrhea, 7th for syphilis)
8. Texas
(13th for chlamydia, 13th for gonorrhea, 6th for syphilis)
7. Illinois
(9th for chlamydia, 10th for gonorrhea, 8th for syphilis)
6. Arkansas
(7th for chlamydia, 7th for gonorrhea, 9th for syphilis)
5. South Carolina
(5th for chlamydia, 4th for gonorrhea, 13th for syphilis)
4. Alabama
(3rd for chlamydia, 3rd for gonorrhea, 15th for syphilis)
3. Georgia
(8th for chlamydia, 5th for gonorrhea, 1st for syphilis)
2. Mississippi
(1st for chlamydia, 1st for gonorrhea, 11th for syphilis)
1. Louisiana
(4th for chlamydia, 2nd for gonorrhea, 3rd for syphilis)
Lol...... The dirty south....hahaha.

08-25-15, 08:36
Everyone blames hackers, but aren't these kinds of things usually an inside job?

Wait, that sentence was oddly suggestive and not what I meant.

Aren't these kinds of data breaches usually the result of a disgruntled employee, a vengeful former employee, or jaded vendor?

08-25-15, 08:37
You ain't neva lie.

The first time I ever heard about swinging was when a fellow NCO straight up asked me to do his wife! :eek:
Well, at least he want beating around the bush....

08-25-15, 08:59
Everyone blames hackers, but aren't these kinds of things usually an inside job?

Wait, that sentence was oddly suggestive and not what I meant.

Aren't these kinds of data breaches usually the result of a disgruntled employee, a vengeful former employee, or jaded vendor?

Don't believe so no. Usually straight up outside hackers looking for data to sell.

08-25-15, 12:41
First, Georgia does have an astronomical STD, however it is most prevalent in a certain demographic that has the most out of wedlock births and fewest abortions.
There are areas that have extreme HIV infection to almost African and Thailand levels.

Think High Schools.
Pretty gross.

Also people have been committing suicide over this leak.
That's just really sad.

08-25-15, 13:01
First, Georgia does have an astronomical STD, however it is most prevalent in a certain demographic that has the most out of wedlock births and fewest abortions.
There are areas that have extreme HIV infection to almost African and Thailand levels.

Think High Schools.
Pretty gross.

Also people have been committing suicide over this leak.
That's just really sad.

I don't want to make light of that fact, and getting outed as having been on some hook up site for married people could be very damaging to some no doubt. But, if you're willing to off yourself over that, you have lead one very sheltered life if that's the worst you have faced that would lead you to that. Put on your big boy pants, harden the fu&$ up, and realize, as my mother used to say "this too shall pass" and drive on. Obviously, stepping out on a significant other comes with an inherent risk you may get caught at that. I place no moral judgements on those who do/did (as it's frankly none of my business) but being prepared to accept the results of that is part of the equation to it.

No one was killed, no laws broken, and in the grand scheme of things, mean nadda to no one and is between they and their significant other who is really the only (potentially) harmed from it. There's far worse things one could do.

Perspective, people need some....

08-25-15, 13:09
Also people have been committing suicide over this leak.
That's just really sad.

Yeah it's sad that people can't deal with their guilt. They had no problem doing what they were doing, until they got caught. Taking the cowards way out, so they can just inflict more pain on their families? Sounds like awesome individuals.

08-25-15, 13:57
Yeah it's sad that people can't deal with their guilt. They had no problem doing what they were doing, until they got caught. Taking the cowards way out, so they can just inflict more pain on their families? Sounds like awesome individuals.

You took the words right out of my finger tips.

08-25-15, 14:02
Yeah it's sad that people can't deal with their guilt. They had no problem doing what they were doing, until they got caught. Taking the cowards way out, so they can just inflict more pain on their families? Sounds like awesome individuals.

I don't know the particulars, but it isn't always a cowards way out. Given the honor codes necessary I doubt it applies in this case, but for some...if they do something they consider intolerable and they simply can't live with it, I can understand ending their existence.

As a for example, if a child molester TRULY came to terms with what he has done and the pain he has caused, I could see that person checking themselves out. But again, if a person has such strict codes, they generally don't screw up their family and mess with kids in the first place.

Travis B
08-25-15, 14:06
Another example is the last episode of Sons of Anarchy.

I don't know the particulars, but it isn't always a cowards way out. Given the honor codes necessary I doubt it applies in this case, but for some...if they do something they consider intolerable and they simply can't live with it, I can understand ending their existence.

As a for example, if a child molester TRULY came to terms with what he has done and the pain he has caused, I could see that person checking themselves out. But again, if a person has such strict codes, they generally don't screw up their family and mess with kids in the first place.

08-25-15, 15:13
That $500K reward is nothing compared to the money paid to the hacker(s) by the guild of divorce attorneys who paid them for the data! :jester:

08-25-15, 15:32
Yeah it's sad that people can't deal with their guilt. They had no problem doing what they were doing, until they got caught. Taking the cowards way out, so they can just inflict more pain on their families? Sounds like awesome individuals.

Just another example of their selfishness

08-25-15, 16:27
Just another example of their selfishness
In this circumstance, possibly. But generally? Yea, no.

26 Inf
08-25-15, 20:29
In this circumstance, possibly. But generally? Yea, no.

Without totally derailing the thread, how do you figure that suicide is not selfish? Sure, many people can't see a way out of many things, but they rarely think to look at the ripples they leave when they burn in.

My dad died of cancer when I was 17, it left a hole in me, a lot of things not done, not resolved, yet I knew he didn't want to leave, it wasn't his choice.

I would have been devastated if dad had taken his own life (assuming he didn't have cancer); I, as many do, would have taken it to mean that he didn't want to stick around for his family. Think of what suicide does to the wife, kids, friends, all who feel somewhat, or, a lot, guilty that they didn't see the anguish, didn't know how to help, or were the cause.

08-25-15, 20:37
Without totally derailing the thread, how do you figure that suicide is not selfish? Sure, many people can't see a way out of many things, but they rarely think to look at the ripples they leave when they burn in.

My dad died of cancer when I was 17, it left a hole in me, a lot of things not done, not resolved, yet I knew he didn't want to leave, it wasn't his choice.

I would have been devastated if dad had taken his own life (assuming he didn't have cancer); I, as many do, would have taken it to mean that he didn't want to stick around for his family. Think of what suicide does to the wife, kids, friends, all who feel somewhat, or, a lot, guilty that they didn't see the anguish, didn't know how to help, or were the cause.

Imagine the mountain of shame someone will feel when they look their wife and kids in the face.
Not everyone of these guys thought that far ahead in the game to expect that they would ever have to do that. I dont agree with suicide, but I can see someones twisted logic in it.

08-25-15, 20:52
Imagine the mountain of shame someone will feel when they look their wife and kids in the face.
Not everyone of these guys thought that far ahead in the game to expect that they would ever have to do that. I dont agree with suicide, but I can see someones twisted logic in it.

Or that your wife is also a member and has been racking up the charges...

I wonder if any wives signed their husbands up?

ETA: it's not shame if you only feel it after you've been caught, maybe chagrined is the right word.

08-25-15, 22:09
Without totally derailing the thread, how do you figure that suicide is not selfish? Sure, many people can't see a way out of many things, but they rarely think to look at the ripples they leave when they burn in.

My dad died of cancer when I was 17, it left a hole in me, a lot of things not done, not resolved, yet I knew he didn't want to leave, it wasn't his choice.

I would have been devastated if dad had taken his own life (assuming he didn't have cancer); I, as many do, would have taken it to mean that he didn't want to stick around for his family. Think of what suicide does to the wife, kids, friends, all who feel somewhat, or, a lot, guilty that they didn't see the anguish, didn't know how to help, or were the cause.

Question, sorry if it's a tough one.

If it were now, and your father was dying of cancer and the "good days" were all used up and he was in great pain. If he had the option of checking out early and avoiding two more weeks of agony before the inevitable, what would you want for him?

08-25-15, 22:18
Depending on circumstances, I don't generally think that suicide is cowardly. But I do think that it is - again, generally - selfish.

Those who have taken their own lives in response to their data being leaked brought this on themselves. They chose to engage in behavior that they knew would cause discord within their families - and then they chose to take their own lives as a result of the discord that they caused.

The only brightside that I can see is that it saves the spouses the expense and heartache of a drawn-out divorce.

08-25-15, 22:38
Everyone blames hackers, but aren't these kinds of things usually an inside job?

Wait, that sentence was oddly suggestive and not what I meant.

Aren't these kinds of data breaches usually the result of a disgruntled employee, a vengeful former employee, or jaded vendor?

About 30 percent of breaches are a result of what is commonly referred to as an "insider threat". That number is dropping, according to several annual studies.

One of the things I do at my organization is "gruntling classes". If disgruntled employees do bad things, maybe it's cheaper and easier to keep them gruntled?

26 Inf
08-25-15, 22:40
Question, sorry if it's a tough one.

If it were now, and your father was dying of cancer and the "good days" were all used up and he was in great pain. If he had the option of checking out early and avoiding two more weeks of agony before the inevitable, what would you want for him?

I thought I handled that one in my original post when I noted - assuming he didn't have cancer. That would be his choice to hasten and ease an imminent, inevitable conclusion. I would hope that he wouldn't forget to say goodbye and let me tell him goodbye also. In that respect I would not call it selfish.

Finding you have cancer, coming home and hanging yourself in the garage for whomever opens the garage door to find, selfish.

Not that hard to differentiate.

08-25-15, 23:16
I thought I handled that one in my original post when I noted - assuming he didn't have cancer. That would be his choice to hasten and ease an imminent, inevitable conclusion. I would hope that he wouldn't forget to say goodbye and let me tell him goodbye also. In that respect I would not call it selfish.

Finding you have cancer, coming home and hanging yourself in the garage for whomever opens the garage door to find, selfish.

Not that hard to differentiate.

Sorry I missed that in your post.

And yes, the method is important. I would only condone hanging, shooting or other traumatic methods under the most dire circumstances.

I actually went through something like this with my father several years ago. He was in a lot of trouble, thirty years he had Hodgkin's and back then the treatment was full body, rather than targeted, radiation. Many people in the treatment group didn't make it at all, and my father was the last one from the group still alive when he went into the hospital.

Basically he got 30 bonus years but it took 20 years away from his life expectancy, and that is 30 more years than many of them got. I would not have really known my father otherwise and he would have died while I was very young.

When things started to slide, they went kinda fast. So fast that when I started the red cross emergency leave process for my brother who was deployed, he missed seeing his father by about 12 hours. It was really a terrible situation.

I was severely conflicted because I didn't want my father to suffer if that was all that was left for him, but I was hoping he'd hang on long enough for my brother to make it home. I never could decide which was the more selfish position. I know he was hurting, but I also know he would have wanted to see my brother one more time, at that point I didn't know which was more important to him.

The main thing I learned is there usually aren't good outcomes, only terrible ones and much worse ones.

08-25-15, 23:51
Only you guys could take a thread about getting your freak on and turn in to a discussion about youthinasia, death and losing your father.

08-26-15, 00:05
Only you guys could take a thread about getting your freak on and turn in to a discussion about youthinasia, death and losing your father.

Probably my fault. And honestly not my favorite subject, probably should have left well enough alone.

26 Inf
08-26-15, 09:14
Sorry I missed that in your post.

I was severely conflicted because I didn't want my father to suffer if that was all that was left for him, but I was hoping he'd hang on long enough for my brother to make it home. I never could decide which was the more selfish position. I know he was hurting, but I also know he would have wanted to see my brother one more time, at that point I didn't know which was more important to him.

The main thing I learned is there usually aren't good outcomes, only terrible ones and much worse ones.

My father died in 1971, back then cancer was kind of kept behind the curtains and he went pretty quickly once it was diagnosed. He did not want us kids to see him as he perceived he looked in his last days, much to my regret we honored his wishes. I have been conflicted over that decision since I became old enough to think it through. End of life can be hard.

26 Inf
08-26-15, 09:15
Only you guys could take a thread about getting your freak on and turn in to a discussion about youthinasia, death and losing your father.

youthinasia - for my generation, youthinasia meant draftees in VN.

26 Inf
08-26-15, 09:21
Only you guys could take a thread about getting your freak on and turn in to a discussion about youthinasia, death and losing your father.

Back on topic:

There were only 3 ZIP codes in America without any Ashley Madison accounts — here they are
Business Insider By Nathan McAlone

One of the reasons why the Ashley Madison hack has swept through the US' imagination to such a profound degree is how all-encompassing it seemed. The hack clawed its way into communities all across the country — well, not quite every community.

Gawker’s Gabrielle Bluestone has uncovered that there are precisely three ZIP codes across the country that have no record of Ashley Madison users. That’s ZIP codes, not area codes. And what do they have in common? They're partially lacking two things: the internet and a large number of people.

Gawker’s discovery highlights a pretty dark truth. These three ZIP codes are probably the only ones in the US that don't house spouses looking to cheat — at least not by using Ashley Madison.

Here they are:
Nikolai, Alaska (99691) — Population: 94 (2010 Census)

Most of the residents of Nikolai are indigenous Alaskans, according to Gawker, and the town can dip to 60 below zero in the winter.

Perryville, Alaska (99648) — Population: 113 (2010 Census)

When Gawker asked a local why no one in her town was on Ashley Madison, she replied that there was maybe only 10 households in the entire town that had internet. This town is also predominantly indigenous Alaskan.

Polvadera, New Mexico (87828) — Population: 269 (2010 Census)

An employee at the county clerk’s office told Gawker that there probably was no one on Ashley Madison because you can't get reception in that area, which is about 4 square miles of rural peace.

And there you have it. Those are the last vestiges of the US left untouched by Ashley Madison — though of course there is the possibility that there are other bastions of innocence that have fake accounts registered to them.

Even so, the ubiquity of Ashley Madison is striking.


08-26-15, 09:36
I may have missed it as I haven't followed this thread too closely but is there a published list of members out there? I tried a Google search & only came up with the news articles about the hack itself.

08-26-15, 09:44
I may have missed it as I haven't followed this thread too closely but is there a published list of members out there? I tried a Google search & only came up with the news articles about the hack itself.

There is, but be careful. I wouldn't download the database.

First off, the "list" is stolen property and downloading it is just as illegal as downloading a bootleg copy of a movie.

Seems to me most people don't think it is a big deal to seek it out and download....and I am sure that is the general consensus... until someone gets the book thrown at them.


08-26-15, 11:18
Where is the data hosted at?

08-26-15, 11:43
Euthanasia does sound like youthinasia...

08-26-15, 11:43
Where is the data hosted at?

In the Deep Web. You'd need a TOR relay to get it, and know where it is. Hackers gonna hack and whatnot...

08-26-15, 13:44
Euthanasia does sound like youthinasia...

I never understood what kids in Asia had to do with old people offing themselves... ;)

There have to be other ways besides TOR. Way too many wives are getting the info that would have issues updating their iOs phones.

08-27-15, 01:15
It's linked on Drudge, which I hate re-posting, but this is a pretty interesting analysis of the accounts. How active they were and trying to determine how many women were really active on there.


Punch line is that this was the biggest sausage party in history.

08-27-15, 01:37
In the Deep Web. You'd need a TOR relay to get it, and know where it is. Hackers gonna hack and whatnot...
I can barely check my email, I'll leave it where it lies.

08-27-15, 08:10
Punch line is that this was the biggest sausage party in history.

Hell yeah it was. Women don't go on dating websites to sleep around because - Newsflash: They don't have to.

There are so many easier, more effective ways to cheat. I don't even get how this website had 31,000,000 (real) subscribers. Paying for an account on a cheating website? Shit is weak...

08-27-15, 08:38
I can barely check my email, I'll leave it where it lies.

As pointed out by MCDH, there are ways to cross-check it, but the database files themselves are on the Deep Web. They were illegally obtained and no sane person is going to post them on a legit site for LE to find.

08-27-15, 09:04
Hell yeah it was. Women don't go on dating websites to sleep around because - Newsflash: They don't have to.

There are so many easier, more effective ways to cheat. I don't even get how this website had 31,000,000 (real) subscribers. Paying for an account on a cheating website? Shit is weak...

Do you have to pay for your Tinder account?

In some ways I'm surprised by the interest in the Ashley Madison case. It's almost like they invented infidelity or online hook-up dating.

08-27-15, 09:33
Do you have to pay for your Grindr account?

Fixed it for you.

In some ways I'm surprised by the interest in the Ashley Madison case. It's almost like they invented infidelity or online hook-up dating.


Only 3 Zip codes in the US didn't have accounts- and they barely have internet anyway.

08-27-15, 11:16
Do you have to pay for your Tinder account?

In some ways I'm surprised by the interest in the Ashley Madison case. It's almost like they invented infidelity or online hook-up dating.

I think that is what I was most surprised at is that how many losers pay for an account there when there are so many others that are free lol. "There is a sucker born every minute".

08-27-15, 13:11
I think that is what I was most surprised at is that how many losers pay for an account there when there are so many others that are free lol. "There is a sucker born every minute".

Unfortunately, the wrong kind of suckers signed up....

The name Ashley Madison is brilliant. Who doesn't know an Ashley and/or a Madison that wasn't a little a bit nutty and slutty, yet it sounds like a new designer at Nordstroms.

08-27-15, 13:15
Unfortunately, the wrong kind of suckers signed up....

Nice, this is why they have sites like BoyAhoy! :lol:

08-27-15, 13:31
Nice, this is why they have sites like BoyAhoy! :lol:

I'm starting to understand why so many of us are having issues with pop-up ads and apps on M4C's website, suuuuurre its M4C causing the issues...

08-27-15, 13:39
I'm starting to understand why so many of us are having issues with pop-up ads and apps on M4C's website, suuuuurre its M4C causing the issues...

I'm sorry but my page is loading . . .

08-27-15, 14:33
I think that is what I was most surprised at is that how many losers pay for an account there when there are so many others that are free lol. "There is a sucker born every minute".

Exactly. I mean, damn, even Craigslist works if you're smart with it... FWIW FMCDH, I do know chicks in person that are on Tinder (I've never used it). The thing that absolutely floors me (and I'm sure anyone who knows girls on Tinder as well...) is that they get on Tinder looking to meet boyfriends. Sweetheart, that's not what guys are on Tinder for...

Hell, if these AM freaks really wanted some easy pickings just make a POF profile. Ten minutes later you'll have a decently cute, smart girl who weighs 210lbs message you with "Hey :)"

08-27-15, 14:40
Exactly. I mean, damn, even Craigslist works if you're smart with it... FWIW FMCDH, I do know chicks in person that are on Tinder (I've never used it). The thing that absolutely floors me (and I'm sure anyone who knows girls on Tinder as well...) is that they get on Tinder looking to meet boyfriends. Sweetheart, that's not what guys are on Tinder for...

Hell, if these AM freaks really wanted some easy pickings just make a POF profile. Ten minutes later you'll have a decently cute, smart girl who weighs 210lbs message you with "Hey :)"
Hahahaha.... Tinder.....

08-27-15, 14:44
Back in my day it was . . .


08-27-15, 15:20
Exactly. I mean, damn, even Craigslist works if you're smart with it... FWIW FMCDH, I do know chicks in person that are on Tinder (I've never used it). The thing that absolutely floors me (and I'm sure anyone who knows girls on Tinder as well...) is that they get on Tinder looking to meet boyfriends. Sweetheart, that's not what guys are on Tinder for...

The ladies who post "not looking for hookups" on a hook up app then complain "there's no good men out there"

08-27-15, 16:45
POF profile?

08-27-15, 17:09
POF profile?

Plenty of Fish. Had to look it up.

08-27-15, 17:23
And here I thought he was talking about a forum dedicated to those piston monstrosities with the cheese grater high rise RIS.

08-27-15, 20:57
And here I thought he was talking about a forum dedicated to those piston monstrosities with the cheese grater high rise RIS.
Nah. Markm didn't chime in by post 3, ha