View Full Version : The Black NRA

08-19-15, 22:07
A racist, race-baiting video demonizing the NRA has made the rounds on the web for a couple of years. The video, along with Chris Noir's response, is worth watching.


08-19-15, 22:08


08-19-15, 22:13
When I was a young boy....

08-20-15, 02:24
Sadly for Sarah Silverman and crew, I'd have no problem with David Allen Grier or his friends being armed so long as they aren't prohibited people. My dream is all the decent, hard working people in poor neighborhoods have the means to protect themselves from the predatory shitbags they are forced to live near. And this is regardless of race, but alas...unlike Sarah Silverman I'm not a racist...I see good people and I see bad people.

Outlander Systems
08-20-15, 06:21
I didn't realize the Bill of Rights only applied to one race.

We live in a world of ****ing stupid.

Straight Shooter
08-20-15, 07:26
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.

08-20-15, 08:16
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.

Anyone who would say that is pretty ignorant and more than likely a progressive.
The idea that you do not need to be armed and should be able to discuss your differences with your assailant or rely upon Law Enforcement to be there just in the nick of time, every time you need them is a dream.
You disarm yourself at your own peril and after you have done so the reality that you now must depend upon either the mercy of the Bad Guy, or the speed and accuracy of the Government to be there to protect you is false. Simply point them to the statistics covering gun crimes in Chicago, I believe there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1800 shootings this year and 300 murders all with guns.
If the government had the ability to stop crime with legislation, by now Chicago should be a gun crime free Nirvana.
By the way, if you can find a breakdown of those numbers by race, well that should shut them up.

08-20-15, 09:47
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.

It appears to me that you are acknowledging the hardships that those groups of people have been through. Isn't that what certain organizations are asking for? Whenever a white guy talks about race, it's always interpreted badly. Since you grew up with white privilege, you don't get to talk about race, or some such nonsense. I recently read a "sermon" by some preacher type whose argument was that since white people are consenting partners to the "broken system", they can't talk about race. Funny thing is, whites keep being told not to talk about race and get guilted by "activists", and things keep not changing.

Oh, and Sara Silverman's comedy sucks.

EDITED TO ADD: I'm enjoying Colion Noir's videos. How have I not heard of this guy already?

08-20-15, 12:07
...and I'd like yall's opinon on it.

I do the same thing. Then I recount the story of the handful of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto that held off an entire German battalion with a few hodge podge guns while their friends and families escaped. I explain how early gun control in the USA was meant to keep the newly freed black man unarmed. I explain how they are being manipulated by a subversive left wing controlled media.

If their head has not exploded by this point, I can usually be sure that I have planted a seed that might one day bear fruit. Facts and reality are on our side. I have not found it hard to sway most people. Even people who seem like hard core lefties have relented and surrendered to me on many points after a brief, calm discussion. The vast majority of people agree on most of our sensible points, they just don't realize they agree until things are explained, and the medias subterfuge and misnomers are removed.

I wish more "gun" people were willing to "get into it" and discuss our points in a rational, calm, meaningful way with the general population. I find members of my own family who are pro-gun parroting stupid sh*t they heard on the news, until I correct them. They nearly always reply with something like, "Oh. I never thought of it that way…"

The Trayvon Martin case was one of these. Once I shared more of the facts of the case with people, they nearly universally dropped the ridiculous media driven talking points. Most of them did not realize that Trayvon wasn't some angelic, 10 year old innocently buying candy. When told what he was doing with the skittles, cough medicine and AZ Ice Tea drink, once they were told what was in his locker at school, once they were told that George was the elected head of the neighbor hood watch and doing what he was trained to do, once they were told of the burglary tools found in the bushes where TM laid in wait to jump GZ, once they were told that TM met the description of the burglar that had been terrorizing that neighborhood at the time of the incident, once they were told how the media doctored the 911 call to make it sound like GZ was some sort of over-zealous vigilante, their eyes and eras opened and their mouths shut.

Frankly, the media lies, cheats and distorts things. It is easy for use to point this out and give people accurate info, but so many of us are resistant to this and we just keep quiet. I'm reminded of the quote, (paraphrasing here…) "For evil to prosper, good men only need to stand by and do nothing…" I decided long ago to not stand by. If that makes me unpopular in the eyes of some people, well those aren't people I want to associate with anyway.

So Straight Shooter, I don't find any racism at all in your comments. Just the opposite. Some people may just need a bit more clarification and explanation. I vote you keep on being a straight shooter and educate them.

08-20-15, 12:10
I do the same thing. Then I recount the story of the handful of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto that held off an entire German battalion with a few hodge podge guns while their friends and families escaped. I explain how early gun control in the USA was meant to keep the newly freed black man unarmed. I explain how they are being manipulated by a subversive left wing controlled media.

If their head has not exploded by this point, I can usually be sure that I have planted a seed that might one day bear fruit. Facts and reality are on our side. I have not found it hard to sway most people. Even people who seem like hard core lefties have relented and surrendered to me on many points after a brief, calm discussion. The vast majority of people agree on most of our sensible points, they just don't realize they agree until things are explained, and the medias subterfuge and misnomers are removed.

I wish more "gun" people were willing to "get into it" and discuss our points in a rational, calm, meaningful way with the general population. I find members of my own family who are pro-gun parroting stupid sh*t they heard on the news, until I correct them. They nearly always reply with something like, "Oh. I never thought of it that way…"

The Trayvon Martin case was one of these. Once I shared more of the facts of the case with people, they nearly universally dropped the ridiculous media driven talking points. Most of them did not realize that Trayvon wasn't some angelic, 10 year old innocently buying candy. When told what he was doing with the skittles, cough medicine and AZ Ice Tea drink, once they were told what was in his locker at school, once they were told that George was the elected head of the neighbor hood watch and doing what he was trained to do, once they were told of the burglary tools found in the bushes where TM laid in wait to jump GZ, once they were told that TM met the description of the burglar that had been terrorizing that neighborhood at the time of the incident, once they were told how the media doctored the 911 call to make it sound like GZ was some sort of over-zealous vigilante, their eyes and eras opened and their mouths shut.

Frankly, the media lies, cheats and distorts things. It is easy for use to point this out and give people accurate info, but so many of us are resistant to this and we just keep quiet. I'm reminded of the quote, (paraphrasing here…) "For evil to prosper, good men only need to stand by and do nothing…" I decided long ago to not stand by. If that makes me unpopular in the eyes of some people, well those aren't people I want to associate with anyway.

So Straight Shooter, I don't find any racism at all in your comments. Just the opposite. Some people may just need a bit more clarification and explanation. I vote you keep on being a straight shooter and educate them.

Your approach is exactly what will win over Americans to our side.

08-20-15, 13:35
EDITED TO ADD: I'm enjoying Colion Noir's videos. How have I not heard of this guy already?

I can't stand that guy. He's so phony.

08-20-15, 14:29
I can't stand that guy. He's so phony.

Well in all fairness, the list of people you like can probably fit in the palm of your hand. I enjoyed his videos before he got bought by the NRA, now I agree with your statement. The NRA saw a hip, pro 2A Black man and got a raging hardon.

08-20-15, 17:12
I can't stand that guy. He's so phony.

So it is your assertion he doesn't actually hold the values and beliefs that he promotes? Or is this a "uncle tom / black thing" criticism? Or is your complaint simply that he is "scripted / coached" or something along those lines?

08-20-15, 17:16
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.

Or ANY dumb lib FOR human rights and FOR gun control.

08-20-15, 17:17
EDITED TO ADD: I'm enjoying Colion Noir's videos. How have I not heard of this guy already?

No idea how you haven't heard of him. He's everywhere. Both of these videos are old.

08-20-15, 17:19
Well in all fairness, the list of people you like can probably fit in the palm of your hand. I enjoyed his videos before he got bought by the NRA, now I agree with your statement. The NRA saw a hip, pro 2A Black man and got a raging hardon.

A "clue" if you will.


08-20-15, 18:16
I can't stand that guy. He's so phony.

Colion Noir has been making videos for several years before he had anything to do with the NRA.
His message has always been on point. Everything I have seen of his has been true, factually supported, and well-reasoned.
He is an intelligent, principled, pro-2A, and pro-Constitution American.
I am very interested to hear any rational and objective reasons why he is "phony", or why you can't stand him.
Perhaps he insulted Iran at some point.

08-20-15, 18:28
Colion Noir has been making videos for several years before he had anything to do with the NRA.
His message has always been on point. Everything I have seen of his has been true, factually supported, and well-reasoned.
He is an intelligent, principled, pro-2A, and pro-Constitution American.
I am very interested to hear any rational and objective reasons why he is "phony", or why you can't stand him.
Perhaps he insulted Iran at some point.

I suspect it's because he's a paid commentator. I guess that would also make every paid spokesman a "phony." By extension, I suppose every employee who represents an employers product, service or message is a "phony."

Bubba FAL
08-20-15, 18:29
Thanks Steyr, for 3 or so minutes that I'll never get back. Got my hopes up when Silverman pointed that gun at her head, then seriously disappointed when she remained among the living.

08-20-15, 18:36
Never mind.

08-20-15, 18:42
I suspect it's because he's a paid commentator. I guess that would also make every paid spokesman a "phony." By extension, I suppose every employee who represents an employers product, service or message is a "phony."

Did you follow him before he got on with the NRA? I used to watch him quite a bit. He had honest, genuine opinions on the guns and gear he was reviewing. He was unique in the tone of his videos, and brought something other than the typical shooting background noise videos. Like I said, he was one of my very favorite Youtube gun guys. I am happy for him that he's arrived, and he is making money doing something that he loves. However, I wish it was with someone other than the NRA supporting him, because now he has to discuss guns, and topics he would never touch before, and he truly doesn't seem as genuine as he did before. My humble opinion. We are all on the same team after all. Like I said earlier, he is the NRA's wet dream.

08-20-15, 18:50
I can't stand that guy. He's so phony.

Say what? I don't see him as a phony at all. He has been active pro-2A long before he was a NRA spokesman. Both videos below are related to the OP and were published prior to his involvement with NRA news.


08-20-15, 18:50

08-20-15, 18:52
So it is your assertion he doesn't actually hold the values and beliefs that he promotes? Or is this a "uncle tom / black thing" criticism? Or is your complaint simply that he is "scripted / coached" or something along those lines?

None of the above.

I think he knows what he's selling and his customer is eager to buy.

Everything about his persona is carefully cultivated and curated towards what he and his customer "think" is what a hip, millennial, black gun enthusiast would say or do... and the black thing just gets so exploited it's ridiculous... I mean... the guy calls himself "Noir!"

It just doesn't ring as genuine... and you sort of feel bad for the guy for so blatantly selling himself.

Can anyone watch him without groaning in real pain when he delivers those ridiculous lines, in that Kid Cudi-esque stoner speach?

"I felt like I was thuh black adopted son of Jerry Miculek..."

OK dude... we get it... you're black... you told us... plus we saw...

And what the heck is his team??? Everytime you see him he has a different hat on his head? Is he trying to appeal to every fan of every team? How much budget does the costume department get to spend on hats?

08-20-15, 18:54
And what the heck is his team??? Everytime you see him he has a different hat on his head? Is he trying to appeal to every fan of every team? How much budget does the costume department get to spend on hats?

I have actually commented telling him to pick a team on his videos. No loyalty drives me freaking nuts, it's a big pet peeve. "Well this Giants hat matched my shoes." It doesn't match my blue Nikes and I still wear it proudly.

08-20-15, 19:14
Did you follow him before he got on with the NRA? I used to watch him quite a bit. He had honest, genuine opinions on the guns and gear he was reviewing. He was unique in the tone of his videos, and brought something other than the typical shooting background noise videos. Like I said, he was one of my very favorite Youtube gun guys. I am happy for him that he's arrived, and he is making money doing something that he loves. However, I wish it was with someone other than the NRA supporting him, because now he has to discuss guns, and topics he would never touch before, and he truly doesn't seem as genuine as he did before. My humble opinion. We are all on the same team after all. Like I said earlier, he is the NRA's wet dream.

Yes, and for the record, I don't think he's a "phony", I think he has a job and does his job to the satisfaction of his employer.

08-20-15, 19:23
None of the above.

I think he knows what he's selling and his customer is eager to buy.

Everything about his persona is carefully cultivated and curated towards what he and his customer "think" is what a hip, millennial, black gun enthusiast would say or do... and the black thing just gets so exploited it's ridiculous... I mean... the guy calls himself "Noir!"

It just doesn't ring as genuine... and you sort of feel bad for the guy for so blatantly selling himself.

Can anyone watch him without groaning in real pain when he delivers those ridiculous lines, in that Kid Cudi-esque stoner speach?

"I felt like I was thuh black adopted son of Jerry Miculek..."

OK dude... we get it... you're black... you told us... plus we saw...

And what the heck is his team??? Everytime you see him he has a different hat on his head? Is he trying to appeal to every fan of every team? How much budget does the costume department get to spend on hats?

Maybe he collects baseball caps and doesn't really give a damn about any specific team.

Anyway, when he did his 9mm vs. 45 video, I knew he was real. At least as real as any of us. He had studied the sutra's, he knew the inside jokes.

Now he is a paid employee doing his job to the satisfaction of his employer, I don't think that makes him phony, I think that makes him a good employee. I think he get's the "phony" shit tossed at him because he is black, we don't bother calling the white chicks on Fox News "phony" and they do essentially the same thing only without the baseball caps.

About the only thing "phony" is the implication that his videos are still just personal youtube opinions rather than scripted messages, of course we could say the same for most youtube videos anymore.

08-20-15, 20:10
The NRA needs more, not less diversity, for long term success.

08-20-15, 20:39
The NRA needs more, not less diversity, for long term success.

Sadly that is the reality. I just wish it was a case of more people from the black, hispanic or whatever community realizing they have NOTHING in common with criminal elements who share common skin pigment, heritage, etc. and that they should defend their homes, lives and freedoms when they come under attack.

If somebody steals from me I don't feel better or worse about it if they happen to be black, white or whatever. I wish I could drag this country kicking and screaming to that realization. I have far more in common with Colion Noir than I do with most members of Congress.

If the NRA suddenly racially inverted and most members were black or hispanic, so long as they weren't a bunch of Zumbo sellouts, it wouldn't matter to me at all. In fact, we could use a few more Arron Zelman's, and not because he was jewish.

08-20-15, 21:46
Some of you guys issues are with his hats!? Oh my....

Now the name "Noir" I can get on board with thinking that is lame but the man's hats? Wow.

08-20-15, 22:28
Oh shit !!! he dosent sheepishly follow a certain sports team made up of random people getting paid who he dosent know run by other people of which he has no affiliation.

ive got a honda hat that i wear sometime despite owning a kawasaki and havent had a honda since i was 13. guess i better stop that asap.

08-21-15, 01:02
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.


Precisely. I don't get it either. This is not a racist quote, it's simply the TRUTH.


08-21-15, 08:48
...we don't bother calling the white chicks on Fox News "phony" and they do essentially the same thing only without the baseball caps.

I'm not completely seeing the parallel there, but is anyone else kind of repelled by those ladies too?

Not by their looks, and "repelled" is definitely too strong a word, I don't want to say "turned off," but it's like...

"I've got the tits! And this is the news! *SMILE!*"


"YO DAWG! I feel like the black Larry Vickers toting this 1911, kickin it straight old skool! Fist bump, my brova!"

At least Conor McGregor backs up his wee-little-leprachaun shtick by being the greatest in the featherweight division, but I'm just put off by folks who sell themselves on their race or some other irrelevant factor/ feature. That's just me. I like substance, not gimmicks.

08-21-15, 09:03
I have actually commented telling him to pick a team on his videos. No loyalty drives me freaking nuts, it's a big pet peeve. "Well this Giants hat matched my shoes." It doesn't match my blue Nikes and I still wear it proudly.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ, you guys are impossible to please. You're ripping apart a guy who is a spokesman you probably agree with over perceived lack of loyalty to any one sports franchise, or his fashion statement, or how his wardrobe guy spending $200 on hats in an era where a few minutes of TV broadcast costs millions.

You could discuss his videos, or use some of the talking points to win over a liberal, but wait... "To hell with the man, I don't like his hat!"

I'm just happy he's not touting some leftist progressive statism agenda, and actually spouts things that sound reasonably intelligent. These days, people like him are rare enough without criticizing them over stuff that really doesn't matter.

08-21-15, 09:04
See...a black dude likes what white guys like and he's an oreo or fake to white folks or an Uncle Tom to other black guys.

Back in this magical time known as 'the 90s' I knew this guy who was really in to Soundgarden, the Cardigans, and so forth. I was too (still am). He wasn't from a mixed family. His folks were Army and he lived all over the world before living in America. Like he wasn't used to other non-army kids. He suffered an extreme culture shock in normal school. Because he didn't sag, didn't look like a clown, or blast rap, and called any and every adult sir or ma'am he spoke to.

Now...the black kids saw this as weakness. NOPE. He set a few noses in his time. But it bewildered him how people could act that way. He dug what he dug.

I don't see anything wrong with CN's stuff at all. It's a lot better than a white boy pretending to be Russian or another white boy pretending to be some 'operator'

But that's the sad paradox. Too black or not black enough.
How about, you dig what you dig?

08-21-15, 09:23

Precisely. I don't get it either. This is not a racist quote, it's simply the TRUTH.


And that's the problem, the truth doesn't fit into the narrative.. Part of Gobbels famous quote says exactly that. "For the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the greatest enemy of the state." I honestly that whole quote means more now,then when it was made.

08-21-15, 09:28
See...a black dude likes what white guys like and he's an oreo or fake to white folks or an Uncle Tom to other black guys.

Are you even reading the posts before substituting your own race driven narrative?

No one has called him an Uncle Tom... at all.

What I am saying, and I think others too, is who cares if he's black? He's a cartoon character cooked up to serve an agenda. It doesn't matter if it's the same agenda we all happen to support- the whole play is ridiculous!

If they launched a lisp talking homosexual NRA commentator called "Gabriel McButtlube" I would have the same criticism... and no, it would not have anything to do with him being gay, just that it's so blatant pandering/ exploitation...

08-21-15, 09:49
I think Colion Noir is terrific.

08-21-15, 10:25
Are you even reading the posts before substituting your own race driven narrative?

No one has called him an Uncle Tom... at all.

What I am saying, and I think others too, is who cares if he's black? He's a cartoon character cooked up to serve an agenda. It doesn't matter if it's the same agenda we all happen to support- the whole play is ridiculous!

If they launched a lisp talking homosexual NRA commentator called "Gabriel McButtlube" I would have the same criticism... and no, it would not have anything to do with him being gay, just that it's so blatant pandering/ exploitation...

There is nothing exploitative or ridiculous - at all - about a a situation in which an Afro-American man represents a legitimate civil rights organization, and does an excellent job doing so. To insinuate otherwise is delusional. Perhaps you disagree with the NRA talking points?

08-21-15, 11:07
Okay so, why you mad though?
He's all for guns and gun rights. Why is he a cartoon character?

My point is, I'm willing to cut him a lot of slack (not that he needs it), because people in his situation get given a hard time over being a 'sellout' or an 'Uncle Tom'. I remember his vids before he got sponsored they were a little less toned down and hilarious. But I can understand that the NRA doesn't want to offend people.

I just don't see why you dislike him for any objective reason. If you just said "yeah he's okay but not my speed" then that's fine. But mildly insulting a guy who is at least trying to forward our constantly assaulted gun rights is a little counter productive.


08-21-15, 11:27
Perhaps you disagree with the NRA talking points?

Read post #37 again... and understand it.

It's a clown play. Nobody is that stupid. He's there for one reason... can you figure out what it is?

You seem fixated on his race... what is it again? Oh yes... NOIR... LOL.

They should put him on a show with Tiffany Featherbottom, Gabriel McButtlube, and Jorge Rodriguez Camacho-Herrera where they could all chat and agree with each other, while "showcasing diversity."

Like, "The View" but with only one View...

I'd probably agree mostly too, but I wouldn't be watching.

08-21-15, 11:35

I don't understand your rancor towards C.N.?

You don't like his style?

Understand, I'm not at all finding fault with you, just trying to understand your perspective.

Honestly, is it that he doesn't live up to your standards of how to a project a pro-gun philosophy or ...?

What could he do to win you over?

08-21-15, 11:44
Diversity. People throw that word around like we're all a bunch of WASPs sitting around in monogrammed Cardigans and boatshoes with our 4.0 GPA at Yardale.

I've yet to see anything like that. Most of the time the only 'cost' of admission is a desire to learn and a good attitude. Guns are more inviting than Golf. I actually got turned away from a Golf club a better to do friend of mine invited me to because I dunno. I didn't fit an "image". And I am not black.

We don't need 'diversity' as much as we need to get over ourselves.
There are a lot of things people do behind their four walls I don't care about but a fun day at the range is a fun day at the range.

I don't know. I try not to spend my life walking on eggshells or trying to make sure I'm politically correct and yet I've made some rather unlikely friends over the years.

People worry too much about silly things.

08-21-15, 12:17
Read post #37 again... and understand it.

It's a clown play. Nobody is that stupid. He's there for one reason... can you figure out what it is?

You seem fixated on his race... what is it again? Oh yes... NOIR... LOL.

They should put him on a show with Tiffany Featherbottom, Gabriel McButtlube, and Jorge Rodriguez Camacho-Herrera where they could all chat and agree with each other, while "showcasing diversity."

Like, "The View" but with only one View...

I'd probably agree mostly too, but I wouldn't be watching.

You surmise incorrectly. Ignoring the blatant obfuscation of most of your posts, it is clear that you object to NRA's agenda. I am not surprised you agree with The View's politics, so here is a suggestion:


Good riddance, Kalash.

08-21-15, 12:41
What could he do to win you over?

Stop race pimping and just talk guns.

Why should I care what he has to say? Because he's black?

I don't care that he's black.

You surmise incorrectly. Ignoring the blatant obfuscation of most of your posts, it is clear that you object to NRA's agenda. I am not surprised you agree with The View's politics, so here is a suggestion:


Good riddance, Kalash.


I've been a lifetime member of the NRA for a long time. I send money too.

Is racial pandering now part of "the NRA's agenda" that we all must be required to support?

(LOL... also, I guess you've never seen "The View" either, but that's ok...)

08-21-15, 13:27
It's called marketing. The truth is the NRA is perceived by many as nothing but old Fudds wearing flannel on their way to kill Bambi, or meth cooking Rambo wannabes sitting in their single wides plotting the overthrow of the government. There are something like 60 million households in this country that own guns, and around 5 million NRA members. To increase the membership of the NRA, and it's clout, the organization has to appeal to a broader segment of the population. That means finding a spokesperson(s) that appeals to other demographics.

In many cases these spokespeople have to over emphasize their uniqueness in order to make their point, or as a counterpoint to someone else. Colin has to play up his blackness in order to counter the fact that the enemy says NRA members hate black people. It's kind of like Kristy Titus or Jessie Duff putting make up on and looking like a million bucks when they hit the field or range. They are trying to show that hunting and shooting is not just for old dudes and butch redneck chicks, you can still enjoy hunting and firearms and be feminine at the same time.

I personally think Colin is an excellent spokesperson for gun owners. Is his message often over scripted and over plays his blackness? Maybe. But if he appeals to a demographic and gets the message across, it's a win. We will need more, many more, like him if we hope to keep our guns and pass them along to our kids.

08-21-15, 13:36
I'm not completely seeing the parallel there, but is anyone else kind of repelled by those ladies too?

Not by their looks, and "repelled" is definitely too strong a word, I don't want to say "turned off," but it's like...

"I've got the tits! And this is the news! *SMILE!*"


"YO DAWG! I feel like the black Larry Vickers toting this 1911, kickin it straight old skool! Fist bump, my brova!"

At least Conor McGregor backs up his wee-little-leprachaun shtick by being the greatest in the featherweight division, but I'm just put off by folks who sell themselves on their race or some other irrelevant factor/ feature. That's just me. I like substance, not gimmicks.

I can't think of anyone in the MSM, or anyone who aspires to be in the MSM, who isn't "for sale." Porn stars are more intellectually honest.

08-21-15, 13:38
Got my hopes up when Silverman pointed that gun at her head, then seriously disappointed when she remained among the living.

I posted a vid but it got deleted as I surmise it didn't adhere to site rules.

But you can Google "The Way Of The Gun" Sarah Silverman Punch Out! for the funniest two minutes and forty five seconds of you life.

08-21-15, 13:39
If they launched a lisp talking homosexual NRA commentator called "Gabriel McButtlube" I would have the same criticism... and no, it would not have anything to do with him being gay, just that it's so blatant pandering/ exploitation...

I can see the Break Free advertisements now.

08-21-15, 14:01
It's a clown play. Nobody is that stupid. He's there for one reason... can you figure out what it is?

So do you have a problem with the NRA or Colin Noir?

I could understand you saying what you are if Colin Noir was a paid actor and creation of the NRA's Minister of Propaganda but that is not the case as we all know Colin Noir was a YouTube persona before he caught the eye of the NRA.

So for the members who think Colin Noir is some plant by the NRA, just who do you think the NRA should use as a spokesman? Another old white guy like Jim Zumbo?

08-21-15, 14:08
I can see the Break Free advertisements now.


McButtlube: Oooooooo... thith FROG LUBE glides on like some Alabama pig grease at Birmingham PRIDE!

Noir: Awwww... dayum mah brotha, you had to go there... at least fo me an my VP9, it keeps them plates bangin like Doug E. Fresh be beatboxin'! I'ma put on ma Oakley gloves before I fist bump yo nasty ass...

Featherbottom: Oakleys are, like... nice, but does anyone know where I can pick up some really like... stylish shooting glasses to match my pink M&P? *snaps gum, twirls hair*

Camacho-Herrera: Todos vosotros cabrones están locos... *shakes head in disappointment*


This segment has been brougth to you by Frog Lube, H&K, Oakley, S&W, and everyone who pays their dues to the NRA...

08-21-15, 15:29

McButtlube: Oooooooo... thith FROG LUBE glides on like some Alabama pig grease at Birmingham PRIDE!

Noir: Awwww... dayum mah brotha, you had to go there... at least fo me an my VP9, it keeps them plates bangin like Doug E. Fresh be beatboxin'! I'ma put on ma Oakley gloves before I fist bump yo nasty ass...

Featherbottom: Oakleys are, like... nice, but does anyone know where I can pick up some really like... stylish shooting glasses to match my pink M&P? *snaps gum, twirls hair*

Camacho-Herrera: Todos vosotros cabrones están locos... *shakes head in disappointment*


This segment has been brougth to you by Frog Lube, H&K, Oakley, S&W, and everyone who pays their dues to the NRA...

Since when does Colin Noir speak in Ebonics? Stereotype much?

Sent using Tapatalk for HTC Android

08-21-15, 15:38
IIRC the fastest growing demographic in shooting sports is women. Behind white males I'd surmise that Asian males make up the larger segments of the shooting population. But since ONLY #BlackLivesMatter I can see why the NRA went with Colin Noir rather than a white female or an Asian male.

08-21-15, 17:18

McButtlube: Oooooooo... thith FROG LUBE glides on like some Alabama pig grease at Birmingham PRIDE!

Noir: Awwww... dayum mah brotha, you had to go there... at least fo me an my VP9, it keeps them plates bangin like Doug E. Fresh be beatboxin'! I'ma put on ma Oakley gloves before I fist bump yo nasty ass...

Featherbottom: Oakleys are, like... nice, but does anyone know where I can pick up some really like... stylish shooting glasses to match my pink M&P? *snaps gum, twirls hair*

Camacho-Herrera: Todos vosotros cabrones están locos... *shakes head in disappointment*


This segment has been brougth to you by Frog Lube, H&K, Oakley, S&W, and everyone who pays their dues to the NRA...

I hope you are writing all this down and submitting it to the NRA, could be a consulting position in it for you.

But seriously, Noir doesn't break out the ebonics to that extent, that is partly what makes him so popular (ie. "He's so well spoken") but I'm giving you bonus points for the Doug E Fresh reference.


08-21-15, 19:25
Everyone calm down.

People have been getting way too pissy, and taking stuff way too personally lately. We can shut a bunch of threads down, and keep booting people for longer bans. And we can remove the ability to post in GD as well.

Or people can get the hint and be more civil. Either way, it all works out. One approach is less effort for the mods/staff. Guess which one I prefer?

Some of you really need to get the hint I am giving you. Because hint time is now over.

08-21-15, 20:09
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told by ignorant and stupid people that this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.

Fixed it for ya...

Straight Shooter
08-21-15, 21:58
Thank yall for your opinions on my statement. After seeing people react to it like they've just been snake bit, I was beginning to think I was nuts or something. For the record- there are maybe 3 people I see daily who's opinion I care about. The rest are truly some of the most ignorant, un-concerned/un-caring people Ive ever worked with.
Awhile back, I wore a shirt to work that I had just gotten that day. The quote on it said "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery", which is of course a Jefferson quote from a letter written to Adams discussing the as yet to be written Constitution.
A person of...color...that I do not speak to and hadn't in weeks, five minutes into our shift, out of the blue said " what do yo shirt mean"?
I briefly explained what I just said it was, and she again asked "Yeah..but WHAT do it mean"? Not taking my answer as THE answer.
She went to our supervisors..and long story short I wound up having to change shirt for the night. EVEN THOUGH I showed my superiors online what the quote meant. She was allowed to be "offended" by something that was prove-ably incorrect. They were so afraid of HER, but it was SCREW ME big time. THAT is the mentality of a lot of people.

08-21-15, 23:19
Did you follow him before he got on with the NRA? I used to watch him quite a bit. He had honest, genuine opinions on the guns and gear he was reviewing. He was unique in the tone of his videos, and brought something other than the typical shooting background noise videos. Like I said, he was one of my very favorite Youtube gun guys. I am happy for him that he's arrived, and he is making money doing something that he loves. However, I wish it was with someone other than the NRA supporting him, because now he has to discuss guns, and topics he would never touch before, and he truly doesn't seem as genuine as he did before. My humble opinion. We are all on the same team after all. Like I said earlier, he is the NRA's wet dream.

Thanks for posting those. Like I said, CL was making solid, pro-2A, rational videos for a while.

None of the above.

I think he knows what he's selling and his customer is eager to buy.

Everything about his persona is carefully cultivated and curated towards what he and his customer "think" is what a hip, millennial, black gun enthusiast would say or do... and the black thing just gets so exploited it's ridiculous... I mean... the guy calls himself "Noir!"

It just doesn't ring as genuine... and you sort of feel bad for the guy for so blatantly selling himself.

Can anyone watch him without groaning in real pain when he delivers those ridiculous lines, in that Kid Cudi-esque stoner speach?

"I felt like I was thuh black adopted son of Jerry Miculek..."

OK dude... we get it... you're black... you told us... plus we saw...

And what the heck is his team??? Everytime you see him he has a different hat on his head? Is he trying to appeal to every fan of every team? How much budget does the costume department get to spend on hats?

Yes, he has a lot of hats. Big deal. Some people have a lot of hats, others lots of shoes, cars, knives, guns, watches, etc. TO each their own.
Yes, he occasionally mentions his race. Big deal. He doesn't focus on it, or use it as a race card to bully people into submission based on political correctness.
Maybe, just maybe, he's just being himself.
Like a lot of people (including many that he is helping our side win over, he grew up in an urban environment, isolated from traditional American rural upbringing, where guns are only commonly seen in the hands of cops, soldiers or criminals. He himself admits to having been not pro-2A until his mid-20's or so. Good for him for coming around, and even better on him for taking the initiative to influence others to do the same.
Let's not eat our own.

Since when does Colin Noir speak in Ebonics? Stereotype much?

Sent using Tapatalk for HTC Android


08-21-15, 23:32
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.

I completely agree. I'm jewish and it drives me up the wall to think ANY Jew could be in favor of gun control. Every time I watch a movie having to do with the holocaust, the purpose of the 2A is very apparent. It is insane to trust the government to protect the people when history has repeatedly shown us the end result.

08-22-15, 00:11
I support Colin. I support anyone of any race, color or creed saying anything remotely similar to what he says. I don't care if they are reading from a script or not.

Sarah Silverman can kiss my arse. Right in the middle. Before I take a shower after a hot day working in the sun on a dirty ranch. And so can anyone else that is saying what she's saying.

08-22-15, 02:01
Ive said this at work & a few other places before, and people just absolutely shit when I do...but I cannot for the life of me understand, how any Black man or woman, or...especially..any Jewish man or woman could or would ever be for any form of gun control, after what those races have been thru historically. Ive been told this statement is "racist", and Id like yalls opinon on it.

White guilt types label anything that brings race into a discussion as racist. The word has lost all meaning. But you are right, why those groups want to be defenseless is beyond me.

On a similar note I ended a gun conversation with some UK citizens, I mean subjects, by asking them how they felt about a government that doesn't trust its citizens to defend themselves in their own homes.

08-22-15, 12:24
Thank yall for your opinions on my statement. After seeing people react to it like they've just been snake bit, I was beginning to think I was nuts or something. For the record- there are maybe 3 people I see daily who's opinion I care about. The rest are truly some of the most ignorant, un-concerned/un-caring people Ive ever worked with.
Awhile back, I wore a shirt to work that I had just gotten that day. The quote on it said "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery", which is of course a Jefferson quote from a letter written to Adams discussing the as yet to be written Constitution.
A person of...color...that I do not speak to and hadn't in weeks, five minutes into our shift, out of the blue said " what do yo shirt mean"?
I briefly explained what I just said it was, and she again asked "Yeah..but WHAT do it mean"? Not taking my answer as THE answer.
She went to our supervisors..and long story short I wound up having to change shirt for the night. EVEN THOUGH I showed my superiors online what the quote meant. She was allowed to be "offended" by something that was prove-ably incorrect. They were so afraid of HER, but it was SCREW ME big time. THAT is the mentality of a lot of people.

I wonder what would happen if you informed her of the fact that the black race doesn't "own" the entire history of slavery?

Ugh, I hate stupid, ignorant people. :mad: