View Full Version : Best Vid of 2015: Ferguson etc related,

08-21-15, 10:25

This vid is taking off and it's a must watch vid. This fine lady "gets it" and is speaking the no BS truth. If we had more people like this - black OR white - we wouldn't be seeing what we are seeing out there. She's taking a chance by sticking her neck out as she has and I'd say deserves all the support she can get as no doubt a backlash will take place. Please share.


08-21-15, 11:25
That's some wisdom there that shall sadly be overlooked by those who need to hear it

08-21-15, 11:55
Is this in response to the St. Louis shooting last night?

08-21-15, 12:00
That is an intelligent woman. Well said

08-21-15, 12:02
See what is happening in Oakland?

LE Released two videos of fatal LE encounters and now the BLM are saying they don't care what the videos show black men are still being killed by the police and that is unacceptable. (One was shot after being repeatedly warned to put his gun down as he aimed it at officers [this is on video] and the other was killed when he was running from the fuzz and fell from a roof into an 11" wide opening and suffocated [this is on video])

Make no mistake. These videos, such as the one in the OP or the brother outside the Trayvon protest are absolutely useless. They don't give a **** about use of force or police accountability. It was never about that. It's about stopping LE from apprehending criminals and disallowing Leo's to defend themselves.

08-21-15, 12:55
She's on point with her message, I do not think however the people who need to heard and heed her words give a damn.

08-21-15, 13:13
See what is happening in Oakland?

LE Released two videos of fatal LE encounters and now the BLM are saying they don't care what the videos show black men are still being killed by the police and that is unacceptable. (One was shot after being repeatedly warned to put his gun down as he aimed it at officers [this is on video] and the other was killed when he was running from the fuzz and fell from a roof into an 11" wide opening and suffocated [this is on video])

Make no mistake. These videos, such as the one in the OP or the brother outside the Trayvon protest are absolutely useless. They don't give a **** about use of force or police accountability. It was never about that. It's about stopping LE from apprehending criminals and disallowing Leo's to defend themselves.

As one African-American CLEO put it; ". . . it's a culture of criminality".

They hate teachers, LEOs, any authority figure. They want anarchy and demand to be able to do whatever they want with impunity. They don't give damn about the rule of law or right and wrong. They have the life expectancy of an ant, their armed, and usually high as a kite.

08-21-15, 16:11
Shame that the ones that need to watch and understand this will either ignore it or use it as further fuel for their misguided fire.

Good for her regardless though

08-22-15, 00:05
I have a lot of black friends. Most of them see things exactly the same as this woman.

Good for her for going public. I hope people will listen to her message.

08-22-15, 00:44
That was powerful. I felt even though she was speaking plainly, there was a certain eloquence to it.

08-22-15, 01:00
Has anyone started a Kickstarter or similar fund for her Harley parts? I would be more than glad to chip in for her hog.

08-22-15, 02:25
Has anyone started a Kickstarter or similar fund for her Harley parts? I would be more than glad to chip in for her hog.

She's got a kid in jail so I don't think I want to reward he for parent of the year or anything. I give her respect for trying to do what is correct and tell it like it is within the confines of her environment, but I don't think she deserves a cookie for doing what most normal people do all the time.

08-22-15, 12:43
She's got a kid in jail so I don't think I want to reward he for parent of the year or anything.

I don't think her son being in jail is indicative to her being a POS. In fact, according to the video she is the one who turned her son in and got him locked up. Had Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown Jr. mothers did the same thing they would still be alive and the names of George Zimmerman and Officer Darren Wilson would not be apart of the American lexicon. I know good parents who raised their children right and they still wound up being shit stains. I have a cousin like that who is in and out of jail, a drunk, shoots steroids, etc. and my aunt and uncle are some of the best people a child could hope to be raised by. When I was a teen my mother gave me a similar speech, she told me if I ever got arrested don't waste my one phone call on her cause she would leave my ass in jail.

. . . but I don't think she deserves a cookie for doing what most normal people do all the time.

I understand what you are saying but in light of the current social and political climate I would venture to say that Mrs. Hubbard is a rare type of mother amongst the urban population.

08-22-15, 13:15
I don't think her son being in jail is indicative to her being a POS. In fact, according to the video she is the one who turned her son in and got him locked up. Had Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown Jr. mothers did the same thing they would still be alive and the names of George Zimmerman and Officer Darren Wilson would not be apart of the American lexicon. I know good parents who raised their children right and they still wound up being shit stains. I have a cousin like that who is in and out of jail, a drunk, shoots steroids, etc. and my aunt and uncle are some of the best people a child could hope to be raised by. When I was a teen my mother gave me a similar speech, she told me if I ever got arrested don't waste my one phone call on her cause she would leave my ass in jail.

I wasn't suggesting she was a POS, I just don't know that she's done anything so great she deserves donations of anything.

I understand what you are saying but in light of the current social and political climate I would venture to say that Mrs. Hubbard is a rare type of mother amongst the urban population.

Sadly you are correct. But she used to be something of the norm. I'm not saying she is good or bad, I just don't think she "earns" anything simply because she has an "older school" mindset. Because if that's the case I should be able to give my opinions on facebook and get at least a complete Ferrari.

08-22-15, 23:18
I agree with her and she has said some wise things. That's as far as it goes. There are plenty of people with admirable ideals in less than ideal environments who don't get rewarded simply for not being wrong.

I'm not going to feed a bear simply because he is morally opposed to stealing picnic baskets.

08-23-15, 00:05
She's got a kid in jail so I don't think I want to reward he for parent of the year or anything. I give her respect for trying to do what is correct and tell it like it is within the confines of her environment, but I don't think she deserves a cookie for doing what most normal people do all the time.

I dont know if you have kids, or how old they are. At some point you turn them loose on the world with your values and morals,at that point they have the free will to do as they please.
I don't know the situation, so I'm not blaming her, but to be honest, that could have been my Mom.

08-23-15, 00:19
I dont know if you have kids, or how old they are. At some point you turn them loose on the world with your values and morals,at that point they have the free will to do as they please.
I don't know the situation, so I'm not blaming her, but to be honest, that could have been my Mom.

Again, not saying she is good or bad, just don't think she is entitled to a cookie. Her values used to be very common.

08-23-15, 08:19
I dont know if you have kids, or how old they are. At some point you turn them loose on the world with your values and morals,at that point they have the free will to do as they please.
I don't know the situation, so I'm not blaming her, but to be honest, that could have been my Mom.

Mine too. My mother was of the same ilk. No BS, told like it is, get yourself in a sling, you pay the price. There was only so much she could do to keep me out of trouble in Brooklyn NY in the 70s.