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08-26-15, 06:45
Although it doesn't seem very Presidential, you have to admit, after being interrupted by the Univison's Jorge Ramos he deserved to be escorted out the door.

"Go back to Univision," Trump told Ramos early in their first back-and-forth. Ramos had attempted to engage with Trump on his positions though he had not been called upon, standing and lobbing concerns about Trump's plan at the candidate.

You have to admire a guy who refuses to put up with the narrative that we owe these guys citizenship.

08-26-15, 08:18
Ha, his rumbustiosness is refreshing. Not going to lie

08-26-15, 08:25
After a couple of journalists had asked questions, Ramos stood up to ask his. Trump had none of it. He told him that he needed to be called on first, and as Ramos tried to wedge in a question, Trump said, "Go back to Univision." He then motioned for a security guard to escort Ramos out of the room.

And then this...

In an interview with ABC, Ramos said that another responsibility of being a journalist is to "denounce" the "dangerous words and extreme behavior of Donald Trump."

Ramos was asked what he would say to critics who say he is more of an advocate than a journalist.

"I think the best journalism happens when you take a stand, and when it comes to racism, discrimination, corruption, public life, dictatorship or human rights, as journalists, we are not only required but we are forced to take a stand, and clearly when Mr. Trump is talking about immigration in an extreme way, we have to confront him, and I think that's what I did yesterday," he said.

So Ramos retells the story and then admits he was in there for the "Gotcha" moment and had his feelings hurt when he was escorted out the door.
Presidential, perhaps not, but it was well deserved. Ramos came to lecture Trump and with a self admitted agenda. I don't think Jeb has the 'nads for this type of action.

08-26-15, 08:37
Ramos said Trump has fostered hatred and division, "and we have to call him out on that (as journalists)."

So... when are they going to get around to calling out Obama?

It's far more destructive to America to foster racial hatred and division between Americans than to foster hatred and division between Citizens and Non-citizens... or good people and criminals.

08-26-15, 08:56
This is why Trump's numbers are up. People are sick and tired of the Speech Police. I don't like Trump, and I don't think many people do, but he's finally showing that if you just ignore the PC crowd, there's actually not a whole hell of a lot they can do other than jump up and down like a 2 year old and demand their way.

08-26-15, 09:04
I'll bet a case of .22s that Ramos has a dogeared copy of Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" on his nightstand.

Alex V
08-26-15, 09:09
I would say this is similar enough to R. Reagan saying "I am paying for this microphone" and generally, people here seem to like Reagan.

Good on Trump. Ramos is a bit of a douche.

08-26-15, 11:07
Ever seen Ramos on any cable news programs?

The guy is totally for open borders and no enforcement of immigration laws in America at all.

He is a douche bag of the highest order and a left wing ideologue.

Doc Safari
08-26-15, 11:19
I would say this is similar enough to R. Reagan saying "I am paying for this microphone" and generally, people here seem to like Reagan.

Nailed it. People are sick of politicians being a bunch of PC pussies that won't be men and stand up to opposition. Trump is in your face and proud of it. Next best thing to General Patton or Ronald Reagan.

I may change my mind at some point and decide I don't like him, but for now he says exactly what millions of people would like to say and as long as he's letting the hot air out of the RINO wimps that he's running against I'm all for him.

08-26-15, 11:40
Mr. Ramos may have been a journalist at one time, but now all he shows himself to be is a partisan political hack. He was rude and refused to let Trump complete a sentence. That's not journalism. Neither is "taking a stand" that unlawful entry into the United States should be allowed and tolerated. It might not be politically correct to say this, but political correctness is no longer "correct". It's morphed into social fascism and it's entirely counterproductive to the 1st Amendment. What good is a "protection" if the people who disagree with you, won't allow you to speak?

There is a genuine anger in The People today. They've been ignored and dismissed by their very own "representatives", who only do what their paymasters tell them. While I don't agree with Trump on many issues and don't want him as the GOP nominee, I want him to continue tweaking noses like those Mr. Ramos, Reince Preibus, John Boehner and Jeb Bush look down on us over.

08-26-15, 11:42
Listening to Rush.. Ramos's daughter works for Hilldog.. Not surprised.

08-26-15, 11:56
This is why Trump's numbers are up. People are sick and tired of the Speech Police. I don't like Trump, and I don't think many people do, but he's finally showing that if you just ignore the PC crowd, there's actually not a whole hell of a lot they can do other than jump up and down like a 2 year old and demand their way.

Ya know, if he has the balls and endurance to stick this out, I might have to vote for this clown.

08-26-15, 12:41
Ya know, if he has the balls and endurance to stick this out, I might have to vote for this clown.

The pure unadulterated angst it would cause liberals if he won would be worth every bit of it.

08-26-15, 12:47
Listening to Rush.. Ramos's daughter works for Hilldog.. Not surprised.

That's something that should require disclosure, but we all know ethics in "journalism" is only slightly less endangered than ethics in politics. :(

The pure unadulterated angst it would cause liberals if he won would be worth every bit of it.

And RINO's, and media bobbleheads, and...

08-26-15, 12:49
He's like that movie Bulworth but for real

08-26-15, 13:25
I have no enthusiasm for a Trump presidency, but his campaign is pure genius. He has managed to herd all of the elephants in the room up onto the stage and given them an open microphone.

08-26-15, 13:32
So... when are they going to get around to calling out Obama?

It's far more destructive to America to foster racial hatred and division between Americans than to foster hatred and division between Citizens and Non-citizens... or good people and criminals.

Never, for that would be racist.

This is why Trump's numbers are up. People are sick and tired of the Speech Police. I don't like Trump, and I don't think many people do, but he's finally showing that if you just ignore the PC crowd, there's actually not a whole hell of a lot they can do other than jump up and down like a 2 year old and demand their way.

Agreed. I'm not super hot for Trump. He was a Democrat for a long time, and a friend of the Clintons, although even for that I am not sure his heart was in it, as it may have been out of convenience.
With that said, I am liking his ballsy stand on immigration and American sovereignty.

08-26-15, 13:41
So... when are they going to get around to calling out Obama?

It's far more destructive to America to foster racial hatred and division between Americans than to foster hatred and division between Citizens and Non-citizens... or good people and criminals.

Well said.

08-26-15, 13:42
Trump is an issue candidate wrapped up in an ego. He is doing well because he thinks of this more as a stunt than a real possibility. As soon as he gets 'real', he'll choke because he'll lose his inherent glibness. Long time to go folks.

08-26-15, 13:46
Although I am digging Trump's style on dealing with big media and the detractors and how he puts illegal immigration front and center, I long for the day he drops out and we can get on with the nomination process.

08-26-15, 14:01
One thing's for sure, if Trump were to be elected President, (yeah, I know, the chance of that happening is more than remote...) I'd rather his platform that some Socialist monster like Hillary or the even more disgusting Warren.

08-26-15, 14:09
I don't really think he's a viable candidate. But the other candidates who may be viable could take a lesson from him: No apologies, no shame in the positions you hold, no mincing words.

08-26-15, 15:13
I don't really think he's a viable candidate. But the other candidates who may be viable could take a lesson from him: No apologies, no shame in the positions you hold, no mincing words.


I frankly think he could use a little more tact, especially in his feud with Megyn Kelly. Yes, she/they set him up but I wish he would let it go and have some class.

However, the time for being politically correct is over. To be 69 years old, I like how he handles the press and situations like this. I think he could make the Democrat nominee look like a fool in a debate.

08-26-15, 15:14
I don't really think he's a viable candidate. But the other candidates who may be viable could take a lesson from him: No apologies, no shame in the positions you hold, no mincing words.

Oh. Because McCain and Romney were so "viable".

And because Bush and Christie are...

08-26-15, 15:19
Oh. Because McCain and Romney were so "viable".

And because Bush and Christie are...

How did my post get interpreted to mean that I support Bush or Christie??

08-26-15, 15:33
Oh. Because McCain and Romney were so "viable".

And because Bush and Christie are...

That's a clear point to be reckoned with.
Let's face it, neither Bush or Christie have the sack necessary to lead a conservative platform on the true issues that are bringing us down currently. Bush is an apologist for everything wrong with out immigration policy and Christie is an anti gun East Coast Liberal without a platform to stand on and few if any real achievements.
I think you have to make those comparisons with everyone of the bakers dozen still in the race (I will exclude candidates unable to pay their employees thank you.) I think you could easily narrow the field down to about five at this point and be realistic.
For the most part if Trump can energize the base and pull the argument to the right he's already accomplished more than Bush, Christie, Perry, Graham, Kasich, Pataki, Gilmore and Huckabee.

I think no matter what happens it's as much about the cabinet as much as the POTUS. I have a feeling Trump can build a team and I would have more confidence in his team building than anyone else currently in the game.

08-26-15, 15:38
I don't really think he's a viable candidate. But the other candidates who may be viable could take a lesson from him: No apologies, no shame in the positions you hold, no mincing words.

First off, I am NOT attacking you or your opinion. I just don't understand it and would like some insight if you are willing...

Why would Trump not be a viable candidate? Maybe I want to know how you define "viable".

For me, Trump is probably the most qualified candidate running. My thoughts on him are...

1. He is an accomplished CEO.

2. He has extensive experience operating internationally, and probably understands how international leaders think better than politicians.

3. He has an organization-minded competitive attitude. Basically, he wins when the company wins. I believe he will count a win as president when the Nation wins. Politicians seem to only consider a win when they get elected. Thereafter, it's a grind until the next election.

4. I believe Trump will surround himself with effective people before friends/payoffs/etc. I don't think he would hesitate to fire any dead weight, especially at the top.

5. He understands deals, and how to make them to win...he's not looking for any 'ties'.

Just my opinions. I liked him from the start, and I like him more now.

Take Care,


08-26-15, 15:59
He's like that movie Bulworth but for real

He just needs to start rapping.

The entire "Megyn Kelly" event is absurd. Trump basically said he doesn't like her and Fox news is trying to turn it into SCANDALGATE as if Megyn Kelly is so damn important she actually matters. They are making it sound like he insulted a head of state rather than a hired talking head.

08-26-15, 16:12
I frankly think he could use a little more tact, especially in his feud with Megyn Kelly. Yes, she/they set him up...

No way.

That was beautiful.

She played her role as a party hack and thought that she would get away with it because, "that's how the game of politics is played" and that Trump would have to acclimate himself to the rules.

She was dead wrong, and the effect sent shockwaves through her, to her handlers, to political operatives, to the party elite.

Believe me, I'm not far from the hill, and that episode made a few old angry dudes literally crap their pants.

Oh. Because McCain and Romney were so "viable".

And because Bush and Christie are...


Trump will continue to be nonviable until he raises his right hand and assumes the presidency.

08-26-15, 16:27
This may be the one and only post I agree with Kev on.

Shoot me now.

Without taking a position on like or dislike of Trump, I think he is viable. I would not have said that before the debate. I thought his answers in the debate for the most part was pretty bad. But guess what?

Everyday since then his popularity grows. It is the antithesis of the conventional wisdom. When Obama says something stupid, media and thus most folks ignore it. No harm. When Biden says something stupid, which is every time he says something, "that's just Joe". No harm. When Hillary says something stupid, it is spun to mean something else or dismissed as a conspiracy. No harm. When Palin said something stupid, her poll numbers went down like a rock. With Trump, he says something stupid and rises in the polls despite the media doing all it can to torpedo him. I have never really witnessed (in my 7 different decades of paying attention) anything like what surrounds Trump. As a result, I think it a fool's errand for anyone to know what is really going on with his campaign or where it will end up. Today, he is absolutely viable. Tomorrow? Who knows?

No way.

That was beautiful.

She played her role as a party hack and thought that she would get away with it because, "that's how the game of politics is played" and that Trump would have to acclimate himself to the rules.

She was dead wrong, and the effect sent shockwaves through her, to her handlers, to political operatives, to the party elite.

Believe me, I'm not far from the hill, and that episode made a few old angry dudes literally crap their pants.


Trump will continue to be nonviable until he raises his right hand and assumes the presidency.

08-26-15, 16:36
No way.

That was beautiful.

She played her role as a party hack and thought that she would get away with it because, "that's how the game of politics is played" and that Trump would have to acclimate himself to the rules.

She was dead wrong, and the effect sent shockwaves through her, to her handlers, to political operatives, to the party elite.

Believe me, I'm not far from the hill, and that episode made a few old angry dudes literally crap their pants.


Trump will continue to be nonviable until he raises his right hand and assumes the presidency.

Maybe viable isn't the right word, maybe a better word is sustainable. Trump is leading with 25%, but the other way of saying it is that 75% don't support him first. How he would fare if there weren't the 14 dwarfs dividing the pie I'm sure will eventually break out. If Trump drags the field 'right' (if there is a straight line anymore), that is awesome. Trump and Sanders make an odd pair, but I see their candidacies more about what they aren't than what they are. The just show that people are sick of the same old stuff, and you can't get any more stale than a Bush and Clinton.

It's not that I don't like Trump, I just think a lot of people take Trump more seriously than Trump takes himself. The one thing I definitely like about Trump is that I don't see him putting another Breyer on SCOTUS. SCOTUS has far more power than any other branch of govt, especially by head count.

ETA: Maybe he is viable in the same way that Obama was viable. He can win just by not being something and everyone projects what they want on him. Obama wasn't Bush or that old angry white guy. If Hilliary wins the DNC, then it might be enough that Trump isn't.

The more Trump gains, the less I make my kid work on his Spanish homework...

08-26-15, 19:52
First off, I am NOT attacking you or your opinion. I just don't understand it and would like some insight if you are willing...

Why would Trump not be a viable candidate? Maybe I want to know how you define "viable".

For me, Trump is probably the most qualified candidate running. My thoughts on him are...

1. He is an accomplished CEO.

2. He has extensive experience operating internationally, and probably understands how international leaders think better than politicians.

3. He has an organization-minded competitive attitude. Basically, he wins when the company wins. I believe he will count a win as president when the Nation wins. Politicians seem to only consider a win when they get elected. Thereafter, it's a grind until the next election.

4. I believe Trump will surround himself with effective people before friends/payoffs/etc. I don't think he would hesitate to fire any dead weight, especially at the top.

5. He understands deals, and how to make them to win...he's not looking for any 'ties'.

Just my opinions. I liked him from the start, and I like him more now.

Take Care,


Trump's viability problem is his ceiling of support. Only about 25% of self-described conservatives would vote for him in the primary. That is to say, he is the front runner now because there are 17 people in the race. He gets his clock cleaned in head-to-head races against Cruz, Rubio, Carson, and even Bush (according to UVA's Larry Sabito). That means that the back-ups for those supporting people like Huckabee, Fiorina, Perry et al will fall in line with anyone but Trump once their first choice goes the way of the dinosaur. Now, not all of them will support the same second choice, but it looks more and more ominous for Trump when you do the math as the dominos fall. This could be a big primary problem for him after the early primaries if the bottom tier start dropping like flies due to lack of funding. On the other hand, he will be fine if guys like Perry hang on to the bitter end and divide the field to Trumps advantage.

When it comes to the general election, Trump barely beats Bernie Sanders...Bernie...fricken...Sanders. He gets his clock cleaned by Hillary and Biden. Now, some people may fantasize about Trump ripping the intellectual spine out of a democrat opponent in a debate and assuming the mantel of a front runner. However, I have absolutely ZERO confidence that he can win that debate. Listening to his last debate and most recent interviews made me realize that he has the oratory skills of a gorilla with Down's Syndrome. He is fast on his feet when it comes to the attack (almost lethal in his environment), but has some of the worst defense that I've seen on a podium.

Finally, I'm your typical conservative with some libertarian leanings. I reluctantly gave money to McCain and got a little excited after Romney's first debate against Obama. I give anywhere from $500-2000 per election cycle. I can see myself giving $5k to a guy like Cruz, Paul, Walker, or even Rubio. When it comes to Trump, it may be hard to get me out of bed on Election Day, much less donate money to his campaign or the RNC if he is the nominee. He has taken the exact opposit to conservative positions on almost very meaningful issue of the past decade; from Stimulous and TARP to single payer healthcare he has been a big government progressive. That should give you an idea of the lack of base support for Trump. He will lose the general election the same way that Romney lost - a number of conservatives like me may stay home or vote 3rd party.

08-26-15, 19:54
This is why Trump's numbers are up. People are sick and tired of the Speech Police. I don't like Trump, and I don't think many people do, but he's finally showing that if you just ignore the PC crowd, there's actually not a whole hell of a lot they can do other than jump up and down like a 2 year old and demand their way.

^^^^^^This. I am not a Trump fan either, but he is refreshing.

08-26-15, 20:25
I'm not sure how serious people can take Trump's past in regards to politics. He has clearly said he has done these things to basically receive favors from politicians, hillary included. I think many people blur the lines of a businessman and a politician when it comes to this. We're used to the current crop of white rice when election time rolls around basically expecting nothing different. I like trump, as well as Cruz and Paul. They're all doing things differently but none are really saying much about the economy and trade. I do think he's beginning to teach some of the GOP hopefuls to stop walking on glass and that's a good thing.

08-26-15, 22:23

Trump's viability problem is his ceiling of support. Only about 25% of self-described conservatives would vote for him in the primary. That is to say, he is the front runner now because there are 17 people in the race. He gets his clock cleaned in head-to-head races against Cruz, Rubio, Carson, and even Bush (according to UVA's Larry Sabito). That means that the back-ups for those supporting people like Huckabee, Fiorina, Perry et al will fall in line with anyone but Trump once their first choice goes the way of the dinosaur. Now, not all of them will support the same second choice, but it looks more and more ominous for Trump when you do the math as the dominos fall. This could be a big primary problem for him after the early primaries if the bottom tier start dropping like flies due to lack of funding. On the other hand, he will be fine if guys like Perry hang on to the bitter end and divide the field to Trumps advantage.

When it comes to the general election, Trump barely beats Bernie Sanders...Bernie...fricken...Sanders. He gets his clock cleaned by Hillary and Biden. Now, some people may fantasize about Trump ripping the intellectual spine out of a democrat opponent in a debate and assuming the mantel of a front runner. However, I have absolutely ZERO confidence that he can win that debate. Listening to his last debate and most recent interviews made me realize that he has the oratory skills of a gorilla with Down's Syndrome. He is fast on his feet when it comes to the attack (almost lethal in his environment), but has some of the worst defense that I've seen on a podium.

Finally, I'm your typical conservative with some libertarian leanings. I reluctantly gave money to McCain and got a little excited after Romney's first debate against Obama. I give anywhere from $500-2000 per election cycle. I can see myself giving $5k to a guy like Cruz, Paul, Walker, or even Rubio. When it comes to Trump, it may be hard to get me out of bed on Election Day, much less donate money to his campaign or the RNC if he is the nominee. He has taken the exact opposit to conservative positions on almost very meaningful issue of the past decade; from Stimulous and TARP to single payer healthcare he has been a big government progressive. That should give you an idea of the lack of base support for Trump. He will lose the general election the same way that Romney lost - a number of conservatives like me may stay home or vote 3rd party.

Not sure I buy the fact anyone beats Trump when he has the numbers he's pulling, but i wont argue the point. I listen to many of my older relatives who are very conservative and the are all warming up to Trump. It suprised me, and I think there's more to him than meets the eye.

Someone already said it, but I'll concur...if it makes the RINO's like Rove, McCain, Graham, Cristy, et al go nuts with Trump making them look bad, I'm all for it.

I like Cruz and Paul. I can support all the rest but Bush and Cristy. I personally don't give a crap ultimately as long as the next president is not another D.

08-27-15, 02:15
Exactly. And then he moves from a shit hole, becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen and then advocates we make America like the shit hole he left. Did I mention his daughter is part of the Hillary campaign?

Mr. Ramos may have been a journalist at one time, but now all he shows himself to be is a partisan political hack. He was rude and refused to let Trump complete a sentence. That's not journalism. Neither is "taking a stand" that unlawful entry into the United States should be allowed and tolerated. It might not be politically correct to say this, but political correctness is no longer "correct". It's morphed into social fascism and it's entirely counterproductive to the 1st Amendment. What good is a "protection" if the people who disagree with you, won't allow you to speak?

There is a genuine anger in The People today. They've been ignored and dismissed by their very own "representatives", who only do what their paymasters tell them. While I don't agree with Trump on many issues and don't want him as the GOP nominee, I want him to continue tweaking noses like those Mr. Ramos, Reince Preibus, John Boehner and Jeb Bush look down on us over.

08-27-15, 02:21
Anyone who thinks Trump doesn't have a chance should dump their money in the stock market. People are abandoning the traditional Republicrat party lines. Boehner is limper than Caitlyn and cries all the time.

More and more people are saying the same thing. The Republicrat Titanic is sinking fast and people still won't pass out life jackets.


08-27-15, 03:23
I am not 100% convinced that Trump is all he is cracked up to be, BUT I would take him in a heartbeat over any over any of the RINO's, and it goes without saying over any of the Democrat socialist/corrupt traitors.

08-27-15, 06:17
I am not 100% convinced that Trump is all he is cracked up to be, BUT I would take him in a heartbeat over any over any of the RINO's, and it goes without saying over any of the Democrat socialist/corrupt traitors.

I've put this in other threads, but I'll drop it here too. These are Trump's positions in the not too distant past. Take a look at them and tell me how he is not a bigger RINO than Christie or Bush.

1) Supported the TARP bailout
2) Supported the Stimulus
3) Supported the auto bailout
4) Supported a single payer (i.e. The federal government) health system as recently as 2004
5) Supported the 1994 AWB and called for waiting periods as recently as 2000
6) Called for a 14% government raid of trust and personal accounts more than $10M to erase the debt
7) Donated to democrat campaigns as recently as 2012
8) Did the customary pro choice to prolife flip-flop
9) Is on the record opposing cuts to Medicare and Social Security
10) Supports NSA metadata collection
11) Supported the Supreme Court’s 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New London, giving public authorities the right to seize private land for economic development by private investors

08-27-15, 08:26

08-27-15, 08:29
How did my post get interpreted to mean that I support Bush or Christie??

I was going off previous posts. You said you'd vote for Christie as President in this thread. (Post #11) (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?145486-As-Of-Today-You-Can-Pretty-Much-Write-Christie-Off-For-President)

But in actuality, my post was more generally speaking that maybe we need to start choosing candidates who are not viable candidates (irrespective of your personal choice of candidate). Because the "viable" ones never are.

I like Trump because he gets in front of the TV and says "I don't give a shit about lobbyists", and "Bleeding from wherever". The guy may not be the epitome of Conservative values, but he's not a career politician. That's almost enough for me.

08-27-15, 09:00
I like Trump because he gets in front of the TV and says "I don't give a shit about lobbyists", and "Bleeding from wherever". The guy may not be the epitome of Conservative values, but he's not a career politician. That's almost enough for me.

Not the epitome of conservative values? You like him because he gets in front of TV and does a Honey Badger routine? Really? How is that any more sophisticated than someone who votes for Obama because the seas will rescind and the world will start to like us again?

Here is a video from 2004 where he says that he self-identifies as a democrat and feels that the the economy does better under democrats: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/politics/donald-trump-election-democrat/
Why is this video any less significant that the ones that you like? The selective hearing is deafening.

While he is not a politician, he is a guy that made his wealth, in part, by influence peddling with politicians (most of his wealth comes from managing an inheritance of $200M no better than a mutual fund returing 8% for 30 years). He fricken said this in the last debate. Now, people think that he is qualified to tear down the Wall Street - DC machine that he has used all of his professional career? That is like hiring a drug dealer as the police chief because he knows how to dismantle the drug trade. It's far more likely that he would use his position as POTUS to enrich himself and his power base just like Hillary, Bill, Obama, et al.

JBecker 72
08-27-15, 09:03
We really seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to presidential candidates.

08-27-15, 09:44
We really seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to presidential candidates.

Really? Then who would you like to see running?

When it comes to the governors, you have a field of 5 or 6 guys who have done remarkable jobs leading diverse groups of people with some real conservative solutions. Do they live up to Cruz's standard of ideological purity? No, but even the much maligned Bush had an overall conservative record in FL. When it comes to the Senators, you have at least 2 guys who've done a heck of a job serving as examples for the rest of the party and actually advancing legislation that reduces the size and scope of government. Finally, the two professionals in the race were juggernauts in their professions (which happen to be 2 of the most demanding and competitive jobs in the civilian sector) before entering public life.

People lament the lack of non-politicians running for POTUS. Well, now you've got 2 non-politicians and one of them is in second place.

08-27-15, 09:50
I would say this is similar enough to R. Reagan saying "I am paying for this microphone" and generally, people here seem to like Reagan.

Good on Trump. Ramos is a bit of a douche.

Ramos...Ramos is a HUGE "bit of a douche" !

08-27-15, 10:29
We really seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to presidential candidates.

Really? I couldn't think of two or three more qualified candidates that are in the running.

08-27-15, 10:30
So no shocker that MSNBC and the MSM is siding with Jorge Ramos and his activist spoiled child behavior.

Then the interview turns into an attack on Donald Trump then an attack on Ted Cruz.
Then Maria Hinojosa goes on to talk about how an "American Citizen" was held in a detention center for two years. WTF?

I'm really getting sick of Megyn Kelly's shit.

Maria Hinojosa: "that statement that was made which was 'go back to...Univision' is hate speech."

What a bunch of hooey.


08-27-15, 11:01
I absolutely can not wait for this event...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
CNN Republican Primary Debate
Aired On: CNN and Salem Radio
Location: Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA
Sponsors: Reagan Library Foundation, CNN, Salem Media Group
Moderator(s): Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Hugh Hewitt
Rules: Split field into Segment B (top 10 candidates) and Segment A (remaining candidates getting at least 1% in polls) (Details)
Candidates Prime-time: Trump, Bush, Walker, Huckabee, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Christie, Kasich
Candidates Outside Top 10: Perry, Santorum, Fiorina, Jindal, Pataki, Graham (finalized Sept. 10)
Read more at http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016-debate-schedule/2016-republican-primary-debate-schedule/#baJ2pDpKvgskUHA0.99

08-27-15, 11:14
So no shocker that MSNBC and the MSM is siding with Jorge Ramos and his activist spoiled child behavior.

Then the interview turns into an attack on Donald Trump then an attack on Ted Cruz.
Then Maria Hinojosa goes on to talk about how an "American Citizen" was held in a detention center for two years. WTF?

I'm really getting sick of Megyn Kelly's shit.

Maria Hinojosa: "that statement that was made which was 'go back to...Univision' is hate speech."

What a bunch of hooey.


Ramos and Hinojosa are clearly not reporting the news, the are pushing an agenda. The title might as well be "Give up Whitey, you owe us Citizenship."
The reality of the situation is there are clearly already laws on the books to deal with the illegal alien issue. More than enough that when applied along with fines to business's that hire illegals to make them self deport.
Self deportation will happen when there are no jobs and no benefits available to them here in this country. It's not about what a hurtle this legislation would be, it is simply about applying laws already on the books.
The reality is the "illegal" part of illegal alien keeps being overlooked and therefore it empowers jackwagons like this to feel entitled to bestow citizenship upon everyone who can run across the border and stay here long enough to force the issue or give birth to an anchor baby.
The way I see it is that if you came here by breaking the law and had a kid to stay that goes from criminal to criminal conspiracy to break the law to gain citizenship.
As far as Fox News and specifically Ms Kelly, they are both wearing thin and have become the main driver for the RINO agenda. By Ms. Kelly deciding to "interview" (actually she simply provided a soap box for him) Mr Ramos. It appears more clearly to me that this was more a passive / aggressive swat at Trump by both her and Fox News.
As long as conservatives go to Fox to get their daily dose of News, we are going to see more of the RINO agenda and probably put forth more candidates like McCain, Romney and Jeb Bush.

08-27-15, 11:46
I absolutely can not wait for this event...

Fiorina should replace Christie on the prime-time stage. CNN's plan to use an average of qualifying polls from a full two months before the September debate, including several that were taken before the first debate, is retardid.

08-27-15, 12:11
Fiorina should replace Christie on the prime-time stage. CNN's plan to use an average of qualifying polls from a full two months before the September debate, including several that were taken before the first debate, is retardid.

I believe it is based on the polling data gathered on 10 September.

If taken today, the top 10 would be:

1) Trump
2) Carson
3) Bush
4) Rubio
5) Cruz
6) Walker
7) Fiorina
8) Kasich
9) Huckabee
10) Paul

...and no Krusty.


Side note- Trump has been on ****ing BLAST OFF since before the first debate.

The GOP will be forced to give him the nomination, or voluntarily lose the election.


08-27-15, 12:31
Fiorina should replace Christie on the prime-time stage. CNN's plan to use an average of qualifying polls from a full two months before the September debate, including several that were taken before the first debate, is retardid.

Well that's one way to ensure Hillary meets opposition that is as stiff as play doe.

08-27-15, 12:34
Side note- Trump has been on ****ing BLAST OFF since before the first debate.

The GOP will be forced to give him the nomination, or voluntarily lose the election.

That would be the like rubbing the "Bad Dog's" nose in the mess it left in the middle of the living room floor.

But it would be well deserved.

08-27-15, 12:55
I believe it is based on the polling data gathered on 10 September.

If taken today, the top 10 would be:

1) Trump
2) Carson
3) Bush
4) Rubio
5) Cruz
6) Walker
7) Fiorina
8) Kasich
9) Huckabee
10) Paul

...and no Krusty.


Side note- Trump has been on ****ing BLAST OFF since before the first debate.

The GOP will be forced to give him the nomination, or voluntarily lose the election.


Wrong on both accounts. CNN is using the 2 month average of polls and Fiorina will not be on the prime-time stage unless a last minute rule change is made. This would make the Christie campaign explode since he is ranked 10th would be replaced on the stage.


As for Trump, his RCP averaged peaked the week of the first debate and has declined slowly ever since. It probably has something to do with people coming to the realization that he cannot debate and will lose a general election.

08-27-15, 13:02
Wrong on both accounts. CNN is using the 2 month average of polls and Fiorina will not be on the prime-time stage unless a last minute rule change is made. This would make the Christie campaign explode since he is ranked 10th would be replaced on the stage.


As for Trump, his RCP averaged peaked the week of the first debate and has declined slowly ever since. It probably has something to do with people coming to the realization that he cannot debate and will lose a general election.

They certainly seem to be working pretty hard to push the RINO's out front. I would guess they've already written off this election also.

08-27-15, 13:04
I've never understood the argument against self-deportation since the self-imported themselves.

Illegal immigration causes global warming. The direct effect is that most illegals come from countries with much lower tons-CO2 per capita than the US. I calculate that for every 65,000 illegal immigrants, at least one polar bear is killed. The indirect effect is that the cheap labor for construction and maintenance has lead to increased house sizes which consume more energy for heating and cooling along with more landscaping, which puts pressure on water resources and air pollution from all the yard implements. Of course, there are also all those old, out-of-tune Chevys causing pollution also. Roughly 32,000 deaths a year from urban heat island and ground level ozone can be attributed to illegal's direct and indirect effects on the air quality.

So if you like polar bears and children breathing, you have to be against illegal immigration and and advocate of self-deportation if we are ever to reach our Kyoto targets.

I made the numbers up, but it's global warming, all the numbers are made up.

08-27-15, 13:06
They certainly seem to be working pretty hard to push the RINO's out front. I would guess they've already written off this election also.

It seems Colorado has cancelled its March Straw Poll because they think that Trump will win it. I guess that indicates that they think he's got legs.

Can Trump get a better hat? He looks like a 70s truck driver in that red crappy hat.

08-27-15, 13:11
Wrong on both accounts. CNN is using the 2 month average of polls and Fiorina will not be on the prime-time stage unless a last minute rule change is made. This would make the Christie campaign explode since he is ranked 10th would be replaced on the stage.

Well then I guess she better get in front of the camera and go buckwild... or at least do something to get her grades up.

Walker is doing an absolute nosedive, so that is also in her favor.

08-27-15, 13:25
We really seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to presidential candidates.

We've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for candidates pretty much since the Founding Fathers died. Even Reagan was closer to what most people here would consider a RINO than he was to a true conservative. I can't think of a single president that came across as both a spectacular candidate and a good person all in one in our entire history. That's just the way it is and always will be. Positions of power always attract the most egotistical and unscrupulous of people. Sometimes that means we're lucky enough to vote for the guy who clearly is a better choice than the other, more often it just means the slightly lesser of two evils. I think for this election, the GOP has given us both: Guys who are better choices, and others who are just not quite as bad as the Democrats.

JBecker 72
08-27-15, 13:49
We've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for candidates pretty much since the Founding Fathers died. Even Reagan was closer to what most people here would consider a RINO than he was to a true conservative. I can't think of a single president that came across as both a spectacular candidate and a good person all in one in our entire history. That's just the way it is and always will be. Positions of power always attract the most egotistical and unscrupulous of people. Sometimes that means we're lucky enough to vote for the guy who clearly is a better choice than the other, more often it just means the slightly lesser of two evils. I think for this election, the GOP has given us both: Guys who are better choices, and others who are just not quite as bad as the Democrats.

You put what I was thinking into words much better.

08-27-15, 13:50
Wrong on both accounts. CNN is using the 2 month average of polls and Fiorina will not be on the prime-time stage unless a last minute rule change is made. This would make the Christie campaign explode since he is ranked 10th would be replaced on the stage.


As for Trump, his RCP averaged peaked the week of the first debate and has declined slowly ever since. It probably has something to do with people coming to the realization that he cannot debate and will lose a general election.

The last thing the liberal MSM is going to do, is anything that will give more air time to a woman candidate who isn't Hillary.

As for the RCP average, it's completely out of step with everyone else's numbers, but your bias is duly noted. :)

I've never understood the argument against self-deportation since the self-imported themselves.

Illegal immigration causes global warming. The direct effect is that most illegals come from countries with much lower tons-CO2 per capita than the US. I calculate that for every 65,000 illegal immigrants, at least one polar bear is killed. The indirect effect is that the cheap labor for construction and maintenance has lead to increased house sizes which consume more energy for heating and cooling along with more landscaping, which puts pressure on water resources and air pollution from all the yard implements. Of course, there are also all those old, out-of-tune Chevys causing pollution also. Roughly 32,000 deaths a year from urban heat island and ground level ozone can be attributed to illegal's direct and indirect effects on the air quality.

So if you like polar bears and children breathing, you have to be against illegal immigration and and advocate of self-deportation if we are ever to reach our Kyoto targets.

I made the numbers up, but it's global warming, all the numbers are made up.

Best thing I've read all week! :cool:

08-27-15, 14:39
I've put this in other threads, but I'll drop it here too. These are Trump's positions in the not too distant past. Take a look at them and tell me how he is not a bigger RINO than Christie or Bush.

1) Supported the TARP bailout
2) Supported the Stimulus
3) Supported the auto bailout
4) Supported a single payer (i.e. The federal government) health system as recently as 2004
5) Supported the 1994 AWB and called for waiting periods as recently as 2000
6) Called for a 14% government raid of trust and personal accounts more than $10M to erase the debt
7) Donated to democrat campaigns as recently as 2012
8) Did the customary pro choice to prolife flip-flop
9) Is on the record opposing cuts to Medicare and Social Security
10) Supports NSA metadata collection
11) Supported the Supreme Court’s 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New London, giving public authorities the right to seize private land for economic development by private investors

I think you are right. It is possible (maybe wishful thinking on my part) that he had an honest change of heart, a come-to-Jesus-moment, if you will, late in life.
Either way, upon further reflection, I think that it would be better for America as a whole, if a more consistent bona fide conservative got the Republican nomination. I honestly think that the last 2 elections could have been won had the Republicans put forward someone who was not a RINO. The Democrats brought Obama, the Republicans brought Obama-Lite. Present a clear, distinct alternative, and not just a watered down variation of the same thing, and we wouldn't have had 8 years of Islamophilic Socialism.

Just my 0.02.

08-27-15, 14:39
I don't know of many if any true conservatives since Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul. Not what we consider conservative today by any means.

As far as scraping the bottom of the barrel, that would be a better assessment of the last 25 years, particularly the last two Presidential election cycles.
I do think we have some of the best candidates that could actually have a shot in the running in a long time.

08-27-15, 15:02
Well then I guess she better get in front of the camera and go buckwild... or at least do something to get her grades up.

Walker is doing an absolute nosedive, so that is also in her favor.

Not really. Walker dropped from 12% support to 7% immediately after the debate because he underperformed compared to Rubio and Cruz. He has been flat ever since likely because his immigration position is his least conservative position, and immigration is the topic de jour. This lowered him from 2nd or 3rd down to the statistically indistinguishable group holding positions 4-8. However, his support has been holding steady for the past 3 weeks according to RCP averages - not taking a nose dive. You might want to check out RCP before posting.

These ups and downs are the normal ebb and flow of a primary campaign. Thus, I would not count Walker out. While he may look like pajama boy, he wins elections like Conan the Barbarian. The DNC is still looking for pieces of his last gubernatorial opponent after Walker dusted off and nuked him from orbit.

08-27-15, 15:05
A "True Conservative" can not win, because very few people will vote for them.

The idea that the interior of our country is full of hordes of radical right wing Christian moralists who do-not-vote unless they see a fringe candidate on the ballot is a fairy tale invented by the fringe.

They simply do not exist.

The reason McCain and Romney both lost is because they are milquetoast.

In 2008, Obama was the most vulnerable incumbent in American History. That's a fact.

Anyone who wanted could have blown him away like a dandelion trying to hold it together. The problem was- Romney didn't want to.

Just like McCain, he seemed sort of surprised that he got the nomination and wasn't really sure about the whole deal.

TRUMP is a true T-Rex, top of the food chain predator. People naturally follow strength, and whether or not they think he's faking it, people are following.

This is how he gets away with being not-ideologically-pure. This is how he can say dumb things, get called on it, and when he dismisses the criticism, his numbers go UP.

The GOP machine has failed to produce anyone worth voting for for a long time.

TRUMP has basically shown up at their party, eaten all the pizza, told them their beer sucks, pissed on the floor, and is currently making out with their girlfriend.

...and next year they will be forced to hand him the nomination.

08-27-15, 15:17
As for the RCP average, it's completely out of step with everyone else's numbers, but your bias is duly noted. :)

You lost me here. How is the RealClearPolitics average out of step with everyone else's numbers? My understanding is the RCP is a weighted average...they are every one else.

Doc Safari
08-27-15, 15:50
I've put this in other threads, but I'll drop it here too. These are Trump's positions in the not too distant past. Take a look at them and tell me how he is not a bigger RINO than Christie or Bush.

1) Supported the TARP bailout
2) Supported the Stimulus
3) Supported the auto bailout
4) Supported a single payer (i.e. The federal government) health system as recently as 2004
5) Supported the 1994 AWB and called for waiting periods as recently as 2000
6) Called for a 14% government raid of trust and personal accounts more than $10M to erase the debt
7) Donated to democrat campaigns as recently as 2012
8) Did the customary pro choice to prolife flip-flop
9) Is on the record opposing cuts to Medicare and Social Security
10) Supports NSA metadata collection
11) Supported the Supreme Court’s 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New London, giving public authorities the right to seize private land for economic development by private investors

I'm not defending Trump, because I think the jury's still out on him, but I'll just say that it's possible he's changed his position on a lot of things.

Remember, in the Sixties Ronald Reagan used to be a Democrat, but saw the light and changed his political views before running for president.

Lately, Trump has been talking a very conservative line on most things--in fact more conservative than any of the (other) losers the Republicans have decided to run for president.

Either Trump has changed his view on things, or he's just a manipulative liar. It can't be anything but one of those two things. I'll be watching to see which one turns out to be correct.

08-27-15, 15:59
You lost me here. How is the RealClearPolitics average out of step with everyone else's numbers? My understanding is the RCP is a weighted average...they are every one else.





When Trump's numbers defied "conventional political wisdom", the pundits and pollsters immediately ignored those facts and began focusing on other numbers that they'd never focus on if things were going the way they wanted them to. They have an entire cottage industry built around staid, establishment politics. Trump has overturned AVERYONE'S apple carts and don't forget, those are the very apple carts that all of us have railed against for years now. Congress sucks, POTUS sucks, .gov bureaucracy sucks, the media sucks and those are EXACTLY the things he's nailing to the cross! Trump is operating as a political animal and is currently the apex predator on the scene. Everyone is tacitly acknowledging that by their palpable fear of him.

Every attempt so far to cut him down has failed, spectacularly. You're free to have your own opinion of the situation, but not your own set of facts. Buckle up, because this isn't your grandpa's election cycle! ;)

Doc Safari
08-27-15, 16:09

Every attempt so far to cut him down has failed, spectacularly. You're free to have your own opinion of the situation, but not your own set of facts. Buckle up, because this isn't your grandpa's election cycle! ;)

True that. Unless Trump spectacularly screws up between now and next year he IS the Republican nominee, and doubters like Glenn Beck will be bald from pulling their hair out.

He has obviously been keeping an eye on the pulse of public opinion. He has an uncanny knack for saying and doing whatever was exactly needed at that moment to make his poll numbers increase by ten points.

Either he has Reagan's innate ability to go over the heads of the pundits and politicos right to the American people, or he's an even more adept manipulator than Obama.

The guy is simply annihilating everything in his path and nothing touches him. He's either got a spectacular victory or spectacular defeat in his future: no two ways about it.

08-27-15, 16:17
True that. Unless Trump spectacularly screws up between now and next year he IS the Republican nominee, and doubters like Glenn Beck will be bald from pulling their hair out.

He has obviously been keeping an eye on the pulse of public opinion. He has an uncanny knack for saying and doing whatever was exactly needed at that moment to make his poll numbers increase by ten points.

Either he has Reagan's innate ability to go over the heads of the pundits and politicos right to the American people, or he's an even more adept manipulator than Obama.

The guy is simply annihilating everything in his path and nothing touches him. He's either got a spectacular victory or spectacular defeat in his future: no two ways about it.

Which is a common trait among successful entrepreneurs. Either way, the entertainment value will be high! :)

08-27-15, 16:22
You know guys, on the whole changing of position thing, ask yourself, have you ever changed your thinking on an issue.

I know I have. I was very opposed to TARP and the QEs. But, looking back now, I guess we can say it worked. We avoided a great depression type event. It's wasn't Great solution, but it did accomplish that task. I'm not against it like I was before.

I have taken two people in my life that were pretty anti gun, and changed their minds. They both gun owners now too.

Trump could very well be BSing us on his stance of issues. But people's stances change with age, experiences and events in their lives. I know mine have.

I say hold his feet to the fire. Hopefully he's not lying to us. But I wouldn't discount him on strictly that alone, yet. If just because 15-20 years ago he had an opinion on something that is different than now, I don't think that's a reason alone to write off the guy, just yet. If he's just putting on a show for us, and his real agenda is to be a big huge liberal when he's an office. I have a feeling he will out himself before then, nobody's that good of an actor.

I've got to be honest, I'm really tired of the whole stance thing. All everybody cares about is what's a guys opinion on abortion, women's rights, ethnic rights, insert whatever blah blah blah blah blah. The debate on some of these things got settled a long time ago. It's really time to move on. You are either for the Constitution, or you're not. It's really that simple. ( everybody is cool with liberty, as long as it coincides with your view of liberty. Which is I think, kinda silly. We spend way too much time on old view points and not enough on real issues like immigration)

The president doesn't have to be champions to all peoples of all types of all beliefs of all everything. I know that sounds silly but it's true. The present needs to be the lead Executive of the executive branch to run this country, be the leader of the free world, uphold and protect the Constitution , and be the commander in chief. That's it.

This red party, blue party, he doesn't share my views on (insert your issue of the day) and isn't in the same religion as me, BS needs to stop.

We need a real leader, one who isn't preoccupied with whatever social justice or injustice is going on that day. Trump is appealing because he's not a wussy. I honestly prefer some of the other candidates in some ways. But let's be real, non of the others command a presence like trump does.

I really wished The General Petraeus of yesteryear prior to doing stupid shit, cheating, and other inappropriate things, would have been able to run this time. At least Trump has executive experience. He's not just some social justice clown like we have in there right now.

Be for the Constitution, have executive or Military command experience, and not be a slimey McCain career type politician. Those are pretty much the only check boxes I need to have clicked off for me.

08-27-15, 16:35
The president doesn't have to be champions to all peoples of all types of all beliefs of all everything. I know that sounds silly but it's true. The present needs to be the lead Executive of the executive branch to run this country, be the leader of the free world, uphold and protect the Constitution , and be the commander in chief. That's it.

So, then who do you trust to put together a cabinet to do these things? I would say if you ask a politician he will find the most PC way to balance the tables to make sure he has enough minorities, gay and lesbians, maybe throw in a transgender 'cause that's rocking now and take some photos and make some face time and then we are right back to an Obama White House, irregardless of which RINO we elect.
A business Man will say "Who can get the damned job done as soon as possible and cost us the least money?" well he's the F'ing man, lets get it done.

Doc Safari
08-27-15, 16:36
You know guys, on the whole changing of position thing, ask yourself, have you ever changed your thinking on an issue.

I know I have. I was very opposed to TARP and the QEs. But, looking back now, I guess we can say it worked. We avoided a great depression type event. It's wasn't Great solution, but it did accomplish that task. I'm not against it like I was before.

I have taken two people in my life that were pretty anti gun, and changed their minds. They both gun owners now too.

In my own perspective, I used to think that preppers and conspiracy theorists were mentally-challenged nut cases. Now I see a lot of "win" in their beliefs, although I don't swallow every conspiracy theory (or even a majority of them).

Trump could very well be BSing us on his stance of issues. But people's stances change with age, experiences and events in their lives. I know mine have.

I say hold his feet to the fire. Hopefully he's not lying to us. But I wouldn't discount him on strictly that alone, yet. If just because 15-20 years ago he had an opinion on something that is different than now, I don't think that's a reason alone to write off the guy, just yet. If he's just putting on a show for us, and his real agenda is to be a big huge liberal when he's an office. I have a feeling he will out himself before then, nobody's that good of an actor.

I concur. I forget if it was Beck or Rush Limbaugh, or someone else, but this person's view was that Barack Obama remains unassailable because he "outed" himself long after too many people had invested enough political capital in him to be embarassed by backtracking. If Trump is a fraud, I hope he is outed quickly.

I've got to be honest, I'm really tired of the whole stance thing. All everybody cares about is what's a guys opinion on abortion, women's rights, ethnic rights, insert whatever blah blah blah blah blah. The debate on some of these things got settled a long time ago. It's really time to move on. You are either for the Constitution, or you're not. It's really that simple.

Well, I have to disagree. Judging only from the Planned Parenthood videos, abortion should be the hottest topic on the planet. Not trying to hijack the thread, but how can anyone not see Nazi-style atrocities in this? C'mon: it's time to stop it cold, already.

The president doesn't have to be champions to all peoples of all types of all beliefs of all everything. I know that sounds silly but it's true. The present needs to be the lead Executive of the executive branch to run this country, be the leader of the free world, uphold and protect the Constitution , and be the commander in chief. That's it.

It seems funny and impossible to believe now, but back in the day I HATED many things Reagan stood for. I was convinced we would be at war with the Russians by the end of his first term, and I'd be drafted into that war with a rifle strapped to my ass wishing I'd voted for Mondale after all. Nowadays, of course, Reagan is a genius who made the Soviet Union bankrupt itself trying to keep up with him. Who'da thunk it?

We need a real leader, one who isn't preoccupied with whatever social justice or injustice is going on that day. Trump is appealing because he's not a wussy. .

Nailed it. I think his confrontational attitude is exactly what's put him way ahead. People are sick of lily-livered politically correct wimps trying to be apologetic and appeal to everyone.

It will be ironic if Trump turns out to be a liar and a manipulator, because he's winning the prize for genuineness right now.

08-27-15, 16:48
If you look at my posts over the past 2 months, I evolved on Trump. At first, I was luke warm on his candidacy. I was skeptical but not a contrarian. It was not until the debate that he lost me and I started to see through his BS. That moment came when Rand Paul pointed out that Trump was for single payer as recently as 2004, and supported ObamaCare while it was being debated. You might recall that Trump's excuse was that single payer would have worked in 2004 but not now. That is utter horse shit. Single payer has NEVER been a viable option for the U.S. It would have bankrupted us even faster had it been instituted in 2004 given the pending crisis on the horizon in '07.

THAT is the moment that I knew he was either a liar who had positioned himself to run for whichever party was in the best shape to put him in the White House, or he was incompetent. I lean toward the former. He made himself to be a political chameleon - able to blend into whatever party suits, devoid of principles. He says whatever he needs to get in office...like so many other disastrous leaders throughout history

08-27-15, 16:48
In my own perspective, I used to think that preppers and conspiracy theorists were mentally-challenged nut cases. Now I see a lot of "win" in their beliefs, although I don't swallow every conspiracy theory (or even a majority of them).

I concur. I forget if it was Beck or Rush Limbaugh, or someone else, but this person's view was that Barack Obama remains unassailable because he "outed" himself long after too many people had invested enough political capital in him to be embarassed by backtracking. If Trump is a fraud, I hope he is outed quickly.

Well, I have to disagree. Judging only from the Planned Parenthood videos, abortion should be the hottest topic on the planet. Not trying to hijack the thread, but how can anyone not see Nazi-style atrocities in this? C'mon: it's time to stop it cold, already.

It seems funny and impossible to believe now, but back in the day I HATED many things Reagan stood for. I was convinced we would be at war with the Russians by the end of his first term, and I'd be drafted into that war with a rifle strapped to my ass wishing I'd voted for Mondale after all. Nowadays, of course, Reagan is a genius who made the Soviet Union bankrupt itself trying to keep up with him. Who'da thunk it?

Nailed it. I think his confrontational attitude is exactly what's put him way ahead. People are sick of lily-livered politically correct wimps trying to be apologetic and appeal to everyone.

It will be ironic if Trump turns out to be a liar and a manipulator, because he's winning the prize for genuineness right now.

He displays some Reagan traits for sure, but he displays some Teddy Roosevelt traits as well. TR did a lot of things we might not all agree with, but he damned sure made certain that everyone took him seriously when he spoke!

26 Inf
08-27-15, 18:54
It seems Colorado has cancelled its March Straw Poll because they think that Trump will win it. I guess that indicates that they think he's got legs.

Can Trump get a better hat? He looks like a 70s truck driver in that red crappy hat.

That dead squirrel on his head and you are talking about his hat? Shit, I'm surprised he's not rocking a Members Only jacket.

26 Inf
08-27-15, 19:03
If you look at my posts over the past 2 months, I evolved on Trump. At first, I was luke warm on his candidacy. I was skeptical but not a contrarian. It was not until the debate that he lost me and I started to see through his BS. That moment came when Rand Paul pointed out that Trump was for single payer as recently as 2004, and supported ObamaCare while it was being debated. You might recall that Trump's excuse was that single payer would have worked in 2004 but not now. That is utter horse shit. Single payer has NEVER been a viable option for the U.S. It would have bankrupted us even faster had it been instituted in 2004 given the pending crisis on the horizon in '07.

THAT is the moment that I knew he was either a liar who had positioned himself to run for whichever party was in the best shape to put him in the White House, or he was incompetent. I lean toward the former. He made himself to be a political chameleon - able to blend into whatever party suits, devoid of principles. He says whatever he needs to get in office...like so many other disastrous leaders throughout history

Best post on this thread for several days.

This stuff amazes me, some of you are advocating 'oh, he's seen the light' for Trump, but don't apply that same graciousness to other candidates, why not? Because it's bullshit, you just can't see it because, what for it....He's a Maverick.

JBecker 72
08-27-15, 19:27
I have such disdain for politicians because their sole existence is for other people to like them. They will say whatever is necessary at that time to pander to their audience. Life is so much better when you don't give a **** about someone else's opinion.

08-27-15, 19:54
Ramos is a PROGRESSIVE MEXICAN ACTIVIST masquerading as a "journalist". His goal is to fundamentally transform the U.S. into a Mexican colony. This is an invasion folks.

08-27-15, 20:17
Best post on this thread for several days.

This stuff amazes me, some of you are advocating 'oh, he's seen the light' for Trump, but don't apply that same graciousness to other candidates, why not? Because it's bullshit, you just can't see it because, what for it....He's a Maverick.
I agree with you. I really want to think he's seen the light. But, it very well could be a horse shit parade. Wouldn't be the first time right.

I would love nothing more than someone with super conservative views, and trump style presence. Only ever going to happen if the rnc brass get taken to the woodshed by all the RINOs being kicked to the curb by voters, or by giving trump the nod.

RNC needs to get a clear message. No more RINOs. If it means the demise of the RNC, so be it.

08-27-15, 20:20
So, then who do you trust to put together a cabinet to do these things? I would say if you ask a politician he will find the most PC way to balance the tables to make sure he has enough minorities, gay and lesbians, maybe throw in a transgender 'cause that's rocking now and take some photos and make some face time and then we are right back to an Obama White House, irregardless of which RINO we elect.
A business Man will say "Who can get the damned job done as soon as possible and cost us the least money?" well he's the F'ing man, lets get it done.
I agree. Imagine if the executive branch got ran like a real business..... Possibilities are endless. Like those old nextel commercials with the fire fighters.

08-28-15, 06:45
House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) attended a Colorado fundraiser Wednesday with roughly 100 attendees, where two people are claiming Boehner referred to GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as a “jackass,” The Daily Caller reports.
Notice Boehner doesn't address Obama as a "Jackass"?
These guys could care less about the voters or accomplishing anything we need, but they do love living the posh life of Power in DC.
The top two candidates in the RealClearPolitics average of polls are Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, released Thursday, the two candidates command 40 percent of support out of a crowded field of 17 candidates. Their support is strong even across the entire ideological spectrum of the Republican party. Carson, for example, does as well among “very conservative” Republicans as he does among “liberal” Republicans.

The Republicans in D.C. are still consumed with concerns about “tea party” Republicans, but the base electorate has already moved on. Every wing of the Republican party is looking outside of Washington for leadership.
These guys are doing everything they can to edge Cruze, Trump, Carson and Fiorina out of the running and the media is doing their level best to give the RINO's an assist with this.

08-28-15, 11:15
House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) attended a Colorado fundraiser Wednesday with roughly 100 attendees, where two people are claiming Boehner referred to GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as a “jackass,” The Daily Caller reports.
Notice Boehner doesn't address Obama as a "Jackass"?
These guys could care less about the voters or accomplishing anything we need, but they do love living the posh life of Power in DC.
The top two candidates in the RealClearPolitics average of polls are Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, released Thursday, the two candidates command 40 percent of support out of a crowded field of 17 candidates. Their support is strong even across the entire ideological spectrum of the Republican party. Carson, for example, does as well among “very conservative” Republicans as he does among “liberal” Republicans.

The Republicans in D.C. are still consumed with concerns about “tea party” Republicans, but the base electorate has already moved on. Every wing of the Republican party is looking outside of Washington for leadership.
These guys are doing everything they can to edge Cruze, Trump, Carson and Fiorina out of the running and the media is doing their level best to give the RINO's an assist with this.

Cruz is far more of a threat to his political power than Obama is.

08-28-15, 11:51
House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) attended a Colorado fundraiser Wednesday with roughly 100 attendees, where two people are claiming Boehner referred to GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as a “jackass,” The Daily Caller reports.
Notice Boehner doesn't address Obama as a "Jackass"?
These guys could care less about the voters or accomplishing anything we need, but they do love living the posh life of Power in DC.
The top two candidates in the RealClearPolitics average of polls are Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, released Thursday, the two candidates command 40 percent of support out of a crowded field of 17 candidates. Their support is strong even across the entire ideological spectrum of the Republican party. Carson, for example, does as well among “very conservative” Republicans as he does among “liberal” Republicans.

The Republicans in D.C. are still consumed with concerns about “tea party” Republicans, but the base electorate has already moved on. Every wing of the Republican party is looking outside of Washington for leadership.
These guys are doing everything they can to edge Cruze, Trump, Carson and Fiorina out of the running and the media is doing their level best to give the RINO's an assist with this.

That's because Boehner and his RINO buddies will never call the media on their shenanigans. Cruze, Trump, Carson and Fiorina will!

08-29-15, 23:43
DEADPOOL (2016) Featuring Trump WARNING somewhat NSFW


08-30-15, 09:09
If you look at my posts over the past 2 months, I evolved on Trump. At first, I was luke warm on his candidacy. I was skeptical but not a contrarian. It was not until the debate that he lost me and I started to see through his BS. That moment came when Rand Paul pointed out that Trump was for single payer as recently as 2004, and supported ObamaCare while it was being debated. You might recall that Trump's excuse was that single payer would have worked in 2004 but not now. That is utter horse shit. Single payer has NEVER been a viable option for the U.S. It would have bankrupted us even faster had it been instituted in 2004 given the pending crisis on the horizon in '07.

THAT is the moment that I knew he was either a liar who had positioned himself to run for whichever party was in the best shape to put him in the White House, or he was incompetent. I lean toward the former. He made himself to be a political chameleon - able to blend into whatever party suits, devoid of principles. He says whatever he needs to get in office...like so many other disastrous leaders throughout history

Sensei, you know that I respect your thoughts (if not, I do.) I will admit that I haven't really delved into his personal stance on issues, and seeing your posts has me a little bit shaky about my stance with him. Be certain that I have no Trump bumper sticker nor have I donated to his campaign or really paid attention to him at all.

But there is something about the way he talks shit about the media and other politicians that has me rooting for him. It may be an act, and in that case that's unfortunate. But if it isn't, and I hope it isn't, it certainly is refreshing to see at the very least.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd much rather see other candidates get the nomination, but I wouldn't necessarily be upset if he wins. (until he institutes single payer and you tell me "I told ya so..." ;) )

26 Inf
09-09-15, 11:24
Well, eff me running:

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump reportedly told the author of a forthcoming biography that while he never served in the military, he “always felt” that he had because he attended a military-themed prep school that gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.”

According to the New York Times, which received an advance copy of Michael D’Antonio’s “Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success,” the real estate mogul feels his experience at New York Military Academy, a boarding school in Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., to being in the military, in part because he wore a uniform and participated in marching drills, and because some of his instructors had served in the military.


What about band? We marched in band!

Thanks for your service Donald!

09-09-15, 14:42
Well, eff me running:

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump reportedly told the author of a forthcoming biography that while he never served in the military, he “always felt” that he had because he attended a military-themed prep school that gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.”

According to the New York Times, which received an advance copy of Michael D’Antonio’s “Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success,” the real estate mogul feels his experience at New York Military Academy, a boarding school in Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., to being in the military, in part because he wore a uniform and participated in marching drills, and because some of his instructors had served in the military.


What about band? We marched in band!

Thanks for your service Donald!

Al Gore DID serve in the military. Who is to say which one got more benefit from their experience and has a stronger understanding and respect.

It's kind of like Stephen Ambrose (never in the military) compared to Oliver Stone (military veteran). And be certain I'm not trying to equate Trump with Ambrose, just using the comparison to demonstrate a point.

Regardless of his boarding school deployment, Trump would have a lot to learn about the military and it's effective use. But I think he actually respects the military and this is probably why he believes he has a "quasi military" background. Certainly Bill Clinton wasn't trying to suggest any affinity or relationship with the military and Kerry was too busy throwing medals over the White House fence and denouncing the military.

So I think Trump is squarely in the "wannabe" club and that isn't so terrible. He just saying that he believes he can "related" to them. Now if he tried to say he served someplace, that would be a different discussion.

09-09-15, 18:15
Not to equate Trump's NYMA experience with active duty, but most do not realize that back then (early 60's) it was one of the main feeder schools for West Point. Which is just on the other side of storm king mountain.

The prep school approach is to be stricter than West Point to prepare them. And would have included the equivilant of basic training/AIT, etc. And back then would have been very strict, male only, hazing nonprohibited. Multiple US Army Generals came from NYMA.

So I'll give Trumpster benefit of doubt over some of his contemporaries like Gore, "W", Lindsey Graham, etc which might be able to claim nominal active duty in other branches.

Put another way, he probably got a larger dose of military discipline living there 7x24 as a HS student than a contemporary ROTC student at a civvy college.

09-09-15, 21:46
Didn't know this about trump. Interesting.

26 Inf
09-09-15, 22:33
Not to equate Trump's NYMA experience with active duty, but most do not realize that back then (early 60's) it was one of the main feeder schools for West Point. Which is just on the other side of storm king mountain.

The prep school approach is to be stricter than West Point to prepare them. And would have included the equivilant of basic training/AIT, etc. And back then would have been very strict, male only, hazing nonprohibited. Multiple US Army Generals came from NYMA.

So I'll give Trumpster benefit of doubt over some of his contemporaries like Gore, "W", Lindsey Graham, etc which might be able to claim nominal active duty in other branches.

Put another way, he probably got a larger dose of military discipline living there 7x24 as a HS student than a contemporary ROTC student at a civvy college.

And everyone knows what wizards the average run-of-the mill ROTC Cadets are.

The man is a fool.

Trump fired back. “I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.”

Why? Because I said so. You guys just keep giving him passes.

26 Inf
09-09-15, 22:40
Kerry was too busy throwing medals over the White House fence and denouncing the military.

A side from the fact that the hindsight of history shows those guys were pretty much correct, I believe the protests were aimed more at the Government.

I didn't appreciate that he did that, but, despite all the hoopla over his service, no one has ever said he wasn't in VN and didn't get shot at.

Which is more than most of the folks taking shots at him over heaving the medals can say.

09-10-15, 00:22
A side from the fact that the hindsight of history shows those guys were pretty much correct, I believe the protests were aimed more at the Government.

I didn't appreciate that he did that, but, despite all the hoopla over his service, no one has ever said he wasn't in VN and didn't get shot at.

Which is more than most of the folks taking shots at him over heaving the medals can say.

Kerry went to VN with Jane Fonda. I'm not sure I agree with you about him being correct about anything or vindicated by history. I think he was a "useful idiot" for Hanoi and his affiliation with groups like VNVAW convinced the North to take a harder line during "peace talks" which ultimately resulted in more combat deaths.

We destroyed the enemy during Tet, they could not have survived another similar campaign. But thanks to Cronkite, Fonda and Kerry we lost the war at home and as a result abandoned the south. With Watergate the North realized neither Nixon or his successor could keep their pledge of support with the south and that is when they lost their war.

09-10-15, 06:09
We destroyed the enemy during Tet, they could not have survived another similar campaign. But thanks to Cronkite, Fonda and Kerry we lost the war at home and as a result abandoned the south. With Watergate the North realized neither Nixon or his successor could keep their pledge of support with the south and that is when they lost their war.

It's a bit ironic that yesterday I was reading a bit about MacArthur here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_MacArthur and wondered if Trump would have dealt with him better than Truman did and kind of felt bad that we didn't still have General's like this today,
We tied our own hands in Viet Nam and to some degree with things like ROE as we currently know it, perhaps we wear the same shackles today.
I think we are going to see a lot of crazy quotes out there attributed to Trump in the next year and a half. I think that is for the most part he can't STFU and both the left and right fear him. I think the status quo is afraid the feeding trough they are currently skimming will be upended.

26 Inf
09-10-15, 09:35
We destroyed the enemy during Tet, they could not have survived another similar campaign. But thanks to Cronkite, Fonda and Kerry we lost the war at home and as a result abandoned the south. With Watergate the North realized neither Nixon or his successor could keep their pledge of support with the south and that is when they lost their war.

The Tet offensive was both a military disaster and a strategic/political victory for the NVA.

The US public had been fed a solid diet of 'we are prevailing in VN' and 'we have them on the ropes' when suddenly the NVA launches the Tet offensive. So, yes, the results were a military disaster for the NVA, but to the Americans watching on TV it seemed, 'hey, these ****ers have been lying to us, they don't look very beat.'

Sure, just like today, the media, Cronkite at that time the most influential, impacted how America perceived the war. But, how much did he really have to do? At the time of Tet, there were over 500,000 U.S. Troops in VN. Americans had been told the war was being successfully prosecuted, and now on their black and white TV's they are watching this supposedly 'on the ropes' force duke it out with Marines on the grounds of the US Embassy. A far cry from, 'hey, we are to the point we can start withdrawing troops.'

There were also other forces at work, Johnson, God Bless his little heart, was focused on the Great Society programs, in addition the economy was struggling.

These were all factors leading to less than wholesale support for the war. Not saying the Fonda and Kerry didn't impact opinion, just that there were other forces at work. Do you think that the Commies were existing in a vacuum and didn't have their finger on the pulse of American opinion and politics? They knew that support for the war was wavering and that Tet would be an ideal time to strike.

And, yes, the NVA would not have been able to sustain another such offensive, but would they have needed to?

09-10-15, 10:20
Slightly off topic but if WWII were covered by the news like Vietnam was, a LOT more people would be speaking German and Japanese.

Kerry's medal toss should've made him unelectable decades ago.

And ya know, with all the horrid stuff your elected officials have done over the years, Watergate does not bother me. Hell, he would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling reporters and their dog.

Anyways, Trump just told some dude named Carson it was none of his business what his faith was.

We've had Catholics, a Muslim, and others. I'm actually ready for an atheist prez. And I'm not atheist

26 Inf
09-10-15, 13:43
Slightly off topic but if WWII were covered by the news like Vietnam was, a LOT more people would be speaking German and Japanese.

I don't think so. After all, it was a WORLD war. We were united (after Pearl Harbor) against a common enemy and it was readily apparent what the outcome would be it we weren't in it to win it.

Now if the draft during WWII had been handled like the draft in the VN era, you might have a case.

09-10-15, 13:54
The Tet offensive was both a military disaster and a strategic/political victory for the NVA.

The US public had been fed a solid diet of 'we are prevailing in VN' and 'we have them on the ropes' when suddenly the NVA launches the Tet offensive. So, yes, the results were a military disaster for the NVA, but to the Americans watching on TV it seemed, 'hey, these ****ers have been lying to us, they don't look very beat.'

Sure, just like today, the media, Cronkite at that time the most influential, impacted how America perceived the war. But, how much did he really have to do? At the time of Tet, there were over 500,000 U.S. Troops in VN. Americans had been told the war was being successfully prosecuted, and now on their black and white TV's they are watching this supposedly 'on the ropes' force duke it out with Marines on the grounds of the US Embassy. A far cry from, 'hey, we are to the point we can start withdrawing troops.'

There were also other forces at work, Johnson, God Bless his little heart, was focused on the Great Society programs, in addition the economy was struggling.

These were all factors leading to less than wholesale support for the war. Not saying the Fonda and Kerry didn't impact opinion, just that there were other forces at work. Do you think that the Commies were existing in a vacuum and didn't have their finger on the pulse of American opinion and politics? They knew that support for the war was wavering and that Tet would be an ideal time to strike.

And, yes, the NVA would not have been able to sustain another such offensive, but would they have needed to?

Seems we are saying about the same thing.

We won the war over there, they won the war over here. And yes, it was largely about perception and people here stupid enough to buy the lies on both sides. I always wonder what might have been had Kennedy not been shot and we were spared a President Johnson.

Also you are absolutely correct that Hanoi knew what was going on here, in fact they covertly sponsored and supported many "anti war" groups, in many case without the members of the group even being aware of it.

09-10-15, 14:02
I don't think so. After all, it was a WORLD war. We were united (after Pearl Harbor) against a common enemy and it was readily apparent what the outcome would be it we weren't in it to win it.

Now if the draft during WWII had been handled like the draft in the VN era, you might have a case.

We were united after Pearl. But Iwo Jima was an eye opener and if that was on TV we would have had problems. Given the predictions for a mainland invasion of Japan, if we told the public what we knew, there would have been a resurgence of the anti war movement. Even if we invited Stalin to assist in the north, the casualties would have been massive.

Thankfully, two bombs, a declaration of war from Russia and a "not quite" unconditional surrender offer brought Japan to the realization that they were not going to get a better deal.

26 Inf
09-10-15, 15:05
Seems we are saying about the same thing.

We won the war over there, they won the war over here. And yes, it was largely about perception and people here stupid enough to buy the lies on both sides. I always wonder what might have been had Kennedy not been shot and we were spared a President Johnson.

Have you read - Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam?

I thought it was a good book.

09-10-15, 16:40
26, you're a good guy but if they put Tarawa on like dinnertime news, folks would've had a fit.

I'd be happier if news people said "hey our guys are murdering up bad guys. Kiss a GI, buy war bonds, and send a care package."

Beyond that it is nobody's business. I understand that's a slippery slope but, hairheads and hopheads should NOT have a say in how the country is run.

This "We are the World" crap is total utter crap. We are NOT the world. The world can piss off. That's why Trump, buffoon that he may well be, is touching a nerve. He's cutting through the BS. This isn't an election. It's a hostile takeover to him.

And dammit, that is somewhat noble. I mean....he's like the Jock D-bag at school with an IROC. You know he's a jerk, you know you're better than this, but he has an IROC, money, and won't be working at a gas station after college. He might screw around on you or be emotionally distant but you'll be a kept woman.

Everyone else sounds like a poindexter or a loser. Man I dunno.

Boba Fett v2
09-10-15, 17:49
Have you read - Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam?

I thought it was a good book.

H.R. McMaster. My former commander. A three star now. He's a living legend in the Army Armor and Reconnaissance community and I have nothing but respect and admiration for the guy. And yeah, it's a great book.

26 Inf
09-10-15, 20:20
26, you're a good guy but if they put Tarawa on like dinnertime news, folks would've had a fit.

Everyone else sounds like a poindexter or a loser. Man I dunno.

I don't know, back then it was okay to say 'slant-eyed, yellow bastards' of course that won't play today, I hesitated to type those words, even though a guy I admired who made 3 Army landings in the Pacific talked like that until he passed. It was different, I think the response would have been 'kill them, kill them with fire!'

Well, Bobby decided to get into the fight, he dropped gloves on the Don - high points:

“He’s a nonserious carnival act,” Jindal said in a speech at the National Press Club. “Here’s the truth about Trump that we all know, but have been afraid to say. Donald Trump is shallow. Has no understanding of policy. He’s full of bluster but has no substance. He lacks the intellectual curiosity to even learn.”

Jindal, who has been stuck at the back of a 17-candidate primary field, called Trump a “narcissist and an egomaniac” who is “insecure and weak.”

“And that’s why he is constantly telling us how big and how rich and how great he is, and how insignificant everyone else is. We’ve all met people like Trump, and we know that only a very weak and small person needs to constantly tell us how strong and powerful he is,” Jindal said.

Jindal mocked Trump’s personal appearance in response to a question about Trump ridiculing former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who is also running for the Republican presidential nomination. “I think it’s pretty outrageous for him to be attacking anybody’s appearance when he looks like he’s got a squirrel sitting on his head. I think he should stop attacking other people’s appearances,” Jindal told CBS

“He hasn’t ever read the Bible. But you know why he hasn’t read the Bible? Because he’s not in it,” Jindal gibed.

Jindal’s speech used substantive debating points in service of a larger argument: that Trump is (to use one of his own favorite putdowns) a joke, and that he will hand the election to Hillary Clinton if Republicans nominate him.

Jindal spokesman Henry Goodwin crystallized it well on Twitter: “Others have attacked him for conservative heresy. We’re attacking him for being a clown,” Goodwin wrote.

Big A
09-10-15, 20:37
I don't know, back then it was okay to say 'slant-eyed, yellow bastards' of course that won't play today, I hesitated to type those words, even though a guy I admired who made 3 Army landings in the Pacific talked like that until he passed. It was different, I think the response would have been 'kill them, kill them with fire!'

Well, Bobby decided to get into the fight, he dropped gloves on the Don - high points:

“He’s a nonserious carnival act,” Jindal said in a speech at the National Press Club. “Here’s the truth about Trump that we all know, but have been afraid to say. Donald Trump is shallow. Has no understanding of policy. He’s full of bluster but has no substance. He lacks the intellectual curiosity to even learn.”

Jindal, who has been stuck at the back of a 17-candidate primary field, called Trump a “narcissist and an egomaniac” who is “insecure and weak.”

“And that’s why he is constantly telling us how big and how rich and how great he is, and how insignificant everyone else is. We’ve all met people like Trump, and we know that only a very weak and small person needs to constantly tell us how strong and powerful he is,” Jindal said.

Jindal mocked Trump’s personal appearance in response to a question about Trump ridiculing former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who is also running for the Republican presidential nomination. “I think it’s pretty outrageous for him to be attacking anybody’s appearance when he looks like he’s got a squirrel sitting on his head. I think he should stop attacking other people’s appearances,” Jindal told CBS

“He hasn’t ever read the Bible. But you know why he hasn’t read the Bible? Because he’s not in it,” Jindal gibed.

Jindal’s speech used substantive debating points in service of a larger argument: that Trump is (to use one of his own favorite putdowns) a joke, and that he will hand the election to Hillary Clinton if Republicans nominate him.

Jindal spokesman Henry Goodwin crystallized it well on Twitter: “Others have attacked him for conservative heresy. We’re attacking him for being a clown,” Goodwin wrote.

I like Jindal. I wish he was doing better in the polls.

09-10-15, 20:40
Hmm. True. But there is a big difference between back handed racism and seeing teenybopper Marines face down on a beachhead every night. Newsreels showed solid victories, not defeats or American dead. As much as it was propaganda, seeing a fresh faced kid clutching an M1 carbine rotting in seawater would've not gone over well.

I'm no fan of Jindal either. He's no angel. Trumps appeal is WYSIWYG. Frankly I don't care if the man micturates in a stack of Bibles. After suffering 8 years under a wishy washy Marxist Muslim....maybe a godless real life Gordon Gecko is what we need.
The man, for his many faults, understands capitalism and the big picture.

I abhor his personality but yet, nobody is saying anything better except "we'll screw you as bad as the democrats only a little slower and a little gentler"

Then again I'm the guy that thought the aliens from They Live kinda had a point.

09-10-15, 20:53
Trump may have earned my vote today by accurately calling Carly the worst CEO in the history of the Universe. She was utterly horrible and pretty much ruined every company she ran.

Big A
09-10-15, 21:22
Hmm. True. But there is a big difference between back handed racism and seeing teenybopper Marines face down on a beachhead every night. Newsreels showed solid victories, not defeats or American dead. As much as it was propaganda, seeing a fresh faced kid clutching an M1 carbine rotting in seawater would've not gone over well.

I'm no fan of Jindal either. He's no angel. Trumps appeal is WYSIWYG. Frankly I don't care if the man micturates in a stack of Bibles. After suffering 8 years under a wishy washy Marxist Muslim....maybe a godless real life Gordon Gecko is what we need.
The man, for his many faults, understands capitalism and the big picture.

I abhor his personality but yet, nobody is saying anything better except "we'll screw you as bad as the democrats only a little slower and a little gentler"

Then again I'm the guy that thought the aliens from They Live kinda had a point.

Could you elaborate more on what you don't like about Jindal? Not calling you out or questioning your opinions, I honestly just want to learn more about him to see if I need to reevaluate my opinion of him. I usually find myself agreeing with most of his stances from the little bit I've seen of him.

ETA: I think Lindsay Graham may actually be an alien from They Live...

09-10-15, 21:38
2012 me would be all aboard the Jindal train, but he's one of the 'universal background check' people. That and after a certain point I don't want religion in my politics. I'm a faith based person but I am a firm separation of church and state guy. That and he's pro common core which makes dumb kids dumber and drives smart kids to homeschooling.

As for Lindsey Graham, after the Confederate Flag spiel he permanently got on my A-hole list. Agree or disagree, but trying to erase 150 years of history over the Home Alone looking kid killing some black people shows he is weak and will clutch desperately to grab victory from the jaws of defeat.

I, personally, am tired of compromising with my rights, heritage, and way of life where nobody else has to.
I'm tired of getting sold out by people who put an R by their names and whose only selling point is 'At least we ain't democrats'.

That's not good enough for me anymore. I pay too many taxes a d I'm tired of people spilling into America like the ending of Born in East LA just because bleeding hearts in gated communities with armed security think it's the 'right' thing to do.

In the poetic words of 90s NYC rapper Sagat "Maaan.....FUNK DAT!"
So...that's where I'm at now so YMMV

26 Inf
09-10-15, 22:10
I, personally, am tired of compromising with my rights, heritage, and way of life where nobody else has to.

Kind of the way I feel, my side won, and we have to put up with all this hub bub about your right to fly the losing sides flags.

09-10-15, 22:28
'Your' side? Were you there? No.
Nobody really won the civil war. The nation was just lucky to survive it.

Let me tell you two stories. One a 0 cigar 30 tale the other a bit lighter. Bro of mine's father was a Paratrooper in WW2. He wasn't 101st nor a Marine Raider. He was a German Paratrooper. And he fought until VE day. Dude asked if I would be offended if he, and mind you he never did, flew the German war flag with Swastika since he fought under it. I said "Nope. What happened happened. He did what he did" Not my cup of tea, but pretending something didn't happen is childish and ignorant.

Second story, I know a NoVA family that hangs two flags outside their home. A Republic of Vietnam flag (South) and the American flag. They had close ties and lost family. And because they 'lost', they should just forget?!

The Civil War was a HELL of a thing. A total HELL of a thing. It's been on PBS all week. It wasn't about race...or money...or tyranny. Though they contributed. It was the growing pains of a young nation with no heroes. Only widows and orphans. Children fighting like men. New Emigres fleeing a home nation to be thrust into a nation at war with itself.

What some view as a symbol of redneckery and ignorance, I see as a reminder that what happened once can happen again. Ask a Serb
Ask an African. The flag is a memorial that one should never take too much guff from the overbearing nor should we grow so fond of killing ourselves to make a stupid point.

09-10-15, 22:56
Let's drop the Civil War as a discussion topic, shall we?

Every single time it comes up, the people in the thread get pissy and the infractions/thread locks happen.

So let's NOT go there.

09-10-15, 23:04
Apologies SS. Didn't mean to ramble.
For the sake of parsimony, let's just say that so far the Rs have really let me down and Trump's bluntness, though I loathe him as a person, is refreshing.

09-10-15, 23:18
Have you read - Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam?

I thought it was a good book.

No but I did see "Fog of War." And honestly after I watched a few solid documentaries regarding the ongoing fiasco that was the war in Vietnam, I figured I was enlightened as much as I needed to be. It is an amazing example of how to do almost everything wrong at the cost of the people who matter the most at the direction of some of the worst people ever. Sadly it seems to have become a template of sorts.

09-10-15, 23:23
Apologies SS. Didn't mean to ramble.
For the sake of parsimony, let's just say that so far the Rs have really let me down and Trump's bluntness, though I loathe him as a person, is refreshing.

Thank you.

09-10-15, 23:28
I don't know, back then it was okay to say 'slant-eyed, yellow bastards' of course that won't play today, I hesitated to type those words, even though a guy I admired who made 3 Army landings in the Pacific talked like that until he passed. It was different, I think the response would have been 'kill them, kill them with fire!'

Well, Bobby decided to get into the fight, he dropped gloves on the Don - high points:

“He’s a nonserious carnival act,” Jindal said in a speech at the National Press Club. “Here’s the truth about Trump that we all know, but have been afraid to say. Donald Trump is shallow. Has no understanding of policy. He’s full of bluster but has no substance. He lacks the intellectual curiosity to even learn.”

Jindal, who has been stuck at the back of a 17-candidate primary field, called Trump a “narcissist and an egomaniac” who is “insecure and weak.”

“And that’s why he is constantly telling us how big and how rich and how great he is, and how insignificant everyone else is. We’ve all met people like Trump, and we know that only a very weak and small person needs to constantly tell us how strong and powerful he is,” Jindal said.

Jindal mocked Trump’s personal appearance in response to a question about Trump ridiculing former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who is also running for the Republican presidential nomination. “I think it’s pretty outrageous for him to be attacking anybody’s appearance when he looks like he’s got a squirrel sitting on his head. I think he should stop attacking other people’s appearances,” Jindal told CBS

“He hasn’t ever read the Bible. But you know why he hasn’t read the Bible? Because he’s not in it,” Jindal gibed.

Jindal’s speech used substantive debating points in service of a larger argument: that Trump is (to use one of his own favorite putdowns) a joke, and that he will hand the election to Hillary Clinton if Republicans nominate him.

Jindal spokesman Henry Goodwin crystallized it well on Twitter: “Others have attacked him for conservative heresy. We’re attacking him for being a clown,” Goodwin wrote.

Some fair criticisms, but I'm not sure having somebody who has an understanding of policy simply so they can game the system is any better.

Just to be clear, I think Trump is mostly a clown who originally started this with no realistic expectations of anything. I think he was seeking additional celebrity and making "look at me" noise in order to be able to say "ran for President" on his list of amazing accomplishments.

Then something unexpected happened and he caught a wave of popularity. And it is no different than the "novelty effect" that got Obama elected and it just might land Trump in the White House regardless of what he does or doesn't actually know.

The only real question is if elected, will he automatically get a Nobel Prize for accomplishments he hasn't actually achieved?

I would much rather have a serious candidate who is all about fixing our economic mess and getting us out of the various overseas conflicts we keep stepping into. But since we don't seem to have that person running, or at least the ones who might be that person won't win the primary, I'll take Trump over half the guys running.

He'd be a huge improvement over the current narcissistic clown we've had for 8 years.

09-11-15, 00:35
I do not like Trump but at least he does not hold his tongue. I want to slap him when he speaks about military topics.

09-11-15, 10:00
I've said it a hundred times and I'll keep saying it till I'm blue in the face. I don't want Trump to win, but the second he drops out the media will ignore Cruz and Paul (because they can), and the rest will fall all over themselves to appease "the middle". From that point forward, the media will coronate Jeb Bush and the GOP will cease to be relevant to the 2016 election. For no other reason, Trump puts the GOP on the map and puts the milquetoast candidates on the defensive. It's hard to see the downside, for now.

09-11-15, 10:29
Jeb Bush or Hillary or gag Liz Warren?

I'd rather Jeb than either of those two.

I prefer in no particular order: Cruz, Walker, Carson, Fiorina, but again, if we have to settle for Jeb, he'd be better than the Hildebeast or Warren.

26 Inf
09-24-15, 18:48
Bringing this baby back with a couple of the Don's recent hijinks which further show his Presidential timber, or lack thereof:

A couple days ago Trump took exception to Rich Lowry, of the National Review saying that Trump was attacking Fiorina because she kicked his ass. "Part of what's going on here is that last debate. Let's be honest: Carly cut his balls off with the precision of a surgeon, and he knows it,"

Off course Trump, who expects people to take such proclamations from him with good grace, and complains loudly when they don't, accepted this comment with humility and grace. Right. He attacked Lowry as being incompetent and clueless on twitter and demanded the FCC fine him. We probably have to excuse Donald, because I guess just like some movie stars he doesn't watch himself on the screen, so he truly doesn't know just what an ass whipping she gave him.


And, in other news, as I read earlier today, apparently Marco Rubio had the temerity to call the Don out on his weak assed performance on policy issues, Earlier in the week Rubio had said that Trump had yet to 'talk seriously about National Security issues.'

So today Trump, says Rubio knows nothing about Syria when asked to compare their knowledge of the region: "Marco Rubio sits behind a desk sometimes and he reads stuff," Trump said, according to CNN's transcript. "That's all he does. I create jobs all day long. I'll know more about all of this than all of them put together, and believe me, we'll have a winning strategy. If Marco Rubio is good, how come we're doing so badly?"

Ahhh, Donald, is this the same as 'I'll better at the military than all of them, you watch' because I attended a military school for wayward boys. Jeez, sounds like my sons when they were 6 or 7.

And then Trump went on to express that Rubio was disloyal to Jeb Bush for running and that Rubio should drop out of the race: “He's a kid. He has no right — I mean, frankly, he was very disloyal to Bush," Trump said. "Bush was his mentor. And everyone said he'd never run because Bush was his mentor. Well, the fact that Bush was his mentor didn't stop this young guy who is overly ambitious from wanting to run. Now Bush looks foolish and he looks like he's a very disloyal guy, frankly."

Don, overly ambitious, yo, pot to kettle?

Rubio's responses to this were much more coherent and to the point: "He had a really bad debate performance last week," Rubio told Kentucky Sports Radio, "He's not well informed on the issues. He really never talks about issues and can't have more than a 10-second sound bite on any key issue. And I think he's kind of been exposed a little bit over the last seven days, and he's a very touchy and insecure guy and so that's how he reacts, and people can see through it."

Gee, ya think?


09-24-15, 18:56
That and the whole "I'm not going to appear on Fox News Channel again. I'm not sure but I think we are seeing him self destruct about 6 months sooner than I predicted, seeing that most self proclaimed "Conservatives" seem to get most all of their news from Fox, I'm beginning to wonder what he is thinking.
I can feel his frustration, Fox News does not want anyone but the Old Guard RINO's to be running, ahead in the Polls or to have the audacity to challenge the status quo. That's got to be a bitch for Trump and Carson, but he needs to control the temper before he becomes yesterdays news.

09-24-15, 21:59
I agree that he desperately needs to reign in his impulses and get his strategic talking points in order ASAP. If or when he drops out, the following GOP debate ratings will drop like a stone. That will signal the RINO's and mainstream media that they can revert back to making Bush look like the Republican Messiah, knowing full well he can't beat even the lamest Democrat on the ticket. :(

09-24-15, 22:31
Trump lost ground after the last debate, but he has two big boosts headed his way:

1) Carson is next to drop out, and the majority of his anti-establishment element will go Trump before Fiorina.

2) GOP engineered government shutdown will drive fence sitters, especially females, into the anti-establishment camp.

He can only blow this lead by having some spectacular failure... which actually has some odds of happening...

09-28-15, 21:39
Well Trump unveiled his tax plan. Most of it seems pretty logical assuming a modest reduction in spending (which will likely never happen). Most brackets get cut across the board except for certain portions of the super rich. I like the lower top marginal rate, corporate tax, and sunset of the death tax. He says that the lower class will pay nothing under his system - as if that is a change from the status quo. :rolleyes:

What got very little air time and was probably missed was his renewed call for universal healthcare last night on 60 Minutes. While criticizing Obamacare he said that his plan would be better and "cover everybody." He planned to do this by "partnering with hospitals" to make sure that all of the uninsured get their care - it's gonna be huge...it's gonna be fantastic.

That is: compete...and...total...crap. It would balloon our deficit to the tune of $1.5T over a decade. Already, hospitals lose $50B / year in unpaid bill by uninsured. That number would skyrocket if the uninsured increased their utilization and decreased what they do pay knowing that Uncle Sam has got the tab; not to mention the cost of outpatient care which is a higher proportion of healthcare expediters.

Welcome to Pandering 101.

09-29-15, 09:56
The Press and Democrats are HAPPY and HELPING keep Trump in the top spot. He's an idiot who is harnessing the general low-knowlege conservative voters anger. If he's the Republican candidate, I really need to hang my head in shame. Big sound bites, but little upstairs. Tax cuts sound good, but unless he's willing to cut spending more, don't mean squat. Ask him if he's willing to cancel the Earned Income Tax Credit (giving refunds to people who never paid any tax) and see how he fields that question...

The only one of the bunch who had any damn sense is Ted Cruz. Unfortunately, he tells the truth and we CAN'T HANDLE IT...

10-03-15, 20:54
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday channeled 1970s action star Charles Bronson in defending Second Amendment rights in the aftermath of the shooting at an Oregon community college that left nine dead.

Trump said in a rally in suburban Nashville that he has a handgun carry permit in New York. He added that any attacker will be "shocked" if he tries to assault him, and that he would emulate Bronson in the vigilante film "Death Wish."

10-04-15, 08:04
The Press and Democrats are HAPPY and HELPING keep Trump in the top spot. He's an idiot who is harnessing the general low-knowlege conservative voters anger. If he's the Republican candidate, I really need to hang my head in shame. Big sound bites, but little upstairs. Tax cuts sound good, but unless he's willing to cut spending more, don't mean squat. Ask him if he's willing to cancel the Earned Income Tax Credit (giving refunds to people who never paid any tax) and see how he fields that question...

The only one of the bunch who had any damn sense is Ted Cruz. Unfortunately, he tells the truth and we CAN'T HANDLE IT...


12-06-15, 21:20
Some want to have you believe that Donald Trump's political ideology is eerily similar to those of the Nazis in 1930s Germany, including discriminating and targeting minorities. Is Trump's rhetoric dangerous and incompatible with American democracy, or is he truly the right man for the job?


12-06-15, 21:20

12-07-15, 06:29
Is he Worthy?
Did anyone outside of the GOP ask the same question about BHO?
Look if the point of that video was did he make fun of a reporter, I have to ask, If you have a disability does that give you a "Pass" on being a D*ck the rest of your life?
If he was making fun of the Reporter, that's fine, if he was making fun of the Reporters disability, not so much.
For the most part, a lot of people in our Country need to Cowboy TFU and quit playing the game by the Progressives rules. I don't really give a damn about someone's "hurt Feelings" anymore.

12-07-15, 08:50
Is he Worthy?
Did anyone outside of the GOP ask the same question about BHO?
Look if the point of that video was did he make fun of a reporter, I have to ask, If you have a disability does that give you a "Pass" on being a D*ck the rest of your life?
If he was making fun of the Reporter, that's fine, if he was making fun of the Reporters disability, not so much.
For the most part, a lot of people in our Country need to Cowboy TFU and quit playing the game by the Progressives rules. I don't really give a damn about someone's "hurt Feelings" anymore.

Yep I agree

12-07-15, 09:15
Some want to have you believe that Donald Trump's political ideology is eerily similar to those of the Nazis in 1930s Germany, including discriminating and targeting minorities. Is Trump's rhetoric dangerous and incompatible with American democracy, or is he truly the right man for the job?

I love how the left always played the emotional card, almost as fast as the race card. They have to through the NAZI thing out there to get the ignorant masses on their side.

The best part is that it is not Trump that they should be looking at the guy that is using Mein Kampf as his playbook is already in the WH. I guess that one just snuck by them.

Outlander Systems
12-07-15, 09:59
The thing about Trump, is that I honestly believe the dude loves America.

So, while the Shitstain loves himself.

Hillary loves power.

The RINOs love their buddies who funded their campaigns...

Trump has me convinced that he actually believes in this place.

12-07-15, 13:05
The thing about Trump, is that I honestly believe the dude loves America.

So, while the Shitstain loves himself.

Hillary loves power.

The RINOs love their buddies who funded their campaigns...

Trump has me convinced that he actually believes in this place.

He's not my first choice, but I agree with you, and that's why I won't think twice about voting for him if he gets the nomination.

12-07-15, 13:11
Is he Worthy?
Did anyone outside of the GOP ask the same question about BHO?
Look if the point of that video was did he make fun of a reporter, I have to ask, If you have a disability does that give you a "Pass" on being a D*ck the rest of your life?
If he was making fun of the Reporter, that's fine, if he was making fun of the Reporters disability, not so much.
For the most part, a lot of people in our Country need to Cowboy TFU and quit playing the game by the Progressives rules. I don't really give a damn about someone's "hurt Feelings" anymore.

I fault the reporter for failing to demand that Trump set up a "safe spaces" section, where he could go to be free from words and images that might injure him.

12-07-15, 17:50
The thing about Trump, is that I honestly believe the dude loves America.

So, while the Shitstain loves himself.

Hillary loves power.

The RINOs love their buddies who funded their campaigns...

Trump has me convinced that he actually believes in this place.

I agree, and right now, someone who believes is this country and is willing to lead by example, is exactly what we need...Otherwise, I think we, as a country may end up breaking apart as the difference's between the right and the socialist communist left are too great for us to continue as one country...

Outlander Systems
12-07-15, 18:08
What I can't fathom is how, any rational, same, reasonable person can look around today, and actually believe we are better off than 10 years ago.

We are circling the bowl, and there's pretty much only one dude running who gets that.

The rest of the crew is so monumentally disconnected from reality, they may as well be running for a job hosting a 24-hour news show.

I agree, and right now, someone who believes is this country and is willing to lead by example, is exactly what we need...Otherwise, I think we, as a country may end up breaking apart as the difference's between the right and the socialist communist left are too great for us to continue as one country...

Outlander Systems
12-07-15, 18:10
That and I just flat love these girls.


12-07-15, 21:51
What I can't fathom is how, any rational, same, reasonable person can look around today, and actually believe we are better off than 10 years ago.

We are circling the bowl, and there's pretty much only one dude running who gets that.

The rest of the crew is so monumentally disconnected from reality, they may as well be running for a job hosting a 24-hour news show.

Well, ten years ago, there were bubbles that had not burst and we really haven't recovered from the recession that struck two years later.

So, no, I don't think anybody thinks we're better off today than we were ten years ago. Now, today versus five years ago? Or seven years ago? Or three years ago? I think that most people would think that we're better off now than then.

12-07-15, 23:28
I think Trump is the flip side of the same coin as those 'we despise'. 'They' wipe their asses with the Constituition with one hand while shoving it our face with the other, and, well, Trump so far seems set to do the same thing to them. I think so many Americans are so sick and tired of 'them' pulling this crap that they will simply vote Trump, despite any possible hypocrisy, because he will fight 'them' on their own terms with their own tactics and most likely win, as he has done an is currently doing. It's quite the dichotomy.

12-08-15, 00:49
Media up in arms with Trump's proposal to stop mooslims from entering our country till our representatives figure out what the hell is going on. Local news interviewed a bunch of mooslims complaining but not one good ole boy for the opposing viewpoint.

12-08-15, 01:33
I think Trump is the flip side of the same coin as those 'we despise'. 'They' wipe their asses with the Constituition with one hand while shoving it our face with the other, and, well, Trump so far seems set to do the same thing to them. I think so many Americans are so sick and tired of 'them' pulling this crap that they will simply vote Trump, despite any possible hypocrisy, because he will fight 'them' on their own terms with their own tactics and most likely win, as he has done an is currently doing. It's quite the dichotomy.

It's working on me more and more lately.

12-08-15, 05:56
Some want to have you believe that Donald Trump's political ideology is eerily similar to those of the Nazis in 1930s Germany, including discriminating and targeting minorities. Is Trump's rhetoric dangerous and incompatible with American democracy, or is he truly the right man for the job?


Here is the thing, the POTUS clearly stated "We are not at War with Islam." I think we can surely agree we are not, but are parts of Islam at war with the United States?
I woke up this morning and turned on CNN just to listen for a bit. Of course DJT had said something that offended the sensibilities of the Progressives. What he had said was "We need to stop letting Muslims in to the United States for a while." Now on the surface this sounds amazingly offensive to the Left, but does it make some sense?
Look at it this way, if parts of Islam is at War with the United States why shouldn't we?
Surely during WWII if 10,000 Germans and 10,000 Japanese males between the ages of 18 and 40, wanted to immigrate to the U.S. and we had no way to check their backgrounds or get a feel for their intentions, FDR and Truman would have laughed it off as some sort of joke.
Immigrants, regardless of immigration under the name of "Refugee" do not suddenly have a Constitutional Right to immediate Citizenship. So why the push-back?
What passes for empathy for someones who currently resides outside the Unites States and is a sovereign citizen of another Country does not over ride the obligation our Government has to protect their Citizens.
CNN takes no issue editing Trump's speech to turn it to hate in order to push the Progressive agenda. The Left is pretty good at that.

Outlander Systems
12-08-15, 06:39
And that is what I find absolutely abhorrent about media; they have a duty to report the news, not apply bias, not to strong-arm the narrative, and not to generally manipulate the perception of reality to fit their objectives, regardless of what those political objectives are.

It has gotten to the point that it is so disgusting, I can barely watch it.

Media up in arms with Trump's proposal to stop mooslims from entering our country till our representatives figure out what the hell is going on. Local news interviewed a bunch of mooslims complaining but not one good ole boy for the opposing viewpoint.

The national debt has grown more in the last 7 years than it did from George Washington to George Bush.

In November of this year, it literally spiked 3-quarters of a trillion dollars.

Smoke and mirrors, bro.

We, as a country, are using a credit card to pay for our mortgage. We pawned our lawnmower to make the car payment.

Well, ten years ago, there were bubbles that had not burst and we really haven't recovered from the recession that struck two years later.

So, no, I don't think anybody thinks we're better off today than we were ten years ago. Now, today versus five years ago? Or seven years ago? Or three years ago? I think that most people would think that we're better off now than then.

12-08-15, 15:20
It's gone full retard.
“The fact is, that what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president,” spokesman Josh Earnest said, suggesting to reporters that his words were fundamentally anti-American.
The Trump campaign, for months now, has had a dustbin of history-like quality to it, from the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair, the whole carnival barker routine that we’ve seen for some time now.

So Josh, The Donald's hair is part of his disqualification? How about Berry's "I swear to Protect and Defend"?

Outlander Systems
12-08-15, 15:31
Tooth and nail.

All the King's Horses, and all the King's Men, are shitting their pants over Trump again.

The fact that all the Establishment Hacks™, across the entire political battlespace, have enacted a united front against Trump, illustrates that:

1) He truly is an outsider
2) They are scared shitless
3) They are completely, and totally, disconnected from the American people

Here's the rub:

If Trump had said, "Perhaps we should dial back immigration from the Middle East, until we can get everything sorted out, and have a reasonable system for verification" he would have been labelled a racist, and a fascist, and this that 'n the other.

He is not playing their baby games, and it is entertaining as hell. Not only is he not playing their games, he's not even remotely pretending to care about their games.

He literally acts as if there are no games.

He is the only adult, in an ocean of children.

I'll vote for the sumbitch, if he whips his goober out on live TV, and tells Hillary to fellate him. He could take a hot, steaming shit on a podium, and throw it like a monkey at the critics...

...I don't care.

Trump is a direct result of the over-politicization of everything, the weaponization of news, and the PC culture.

For God's sake, after 8 years of Obama, it was impossible to NOT have a Trump.

The ****ers are reaping what they've sown, and I'm loving every minute of it.

It's gone full retard.
“The fact is, that what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president,” spokesman Josh Earnest said, suggesting to reporters that his words were fundamentally anti-American.
The Trump campaign, for months now, has had a dustbin of history-like quality to it, from the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair, the whole carnival barker routine that we’ve seen for some time now.

So Josh, The Donald's hair is part of his disqualification? How about Berry's "I swear to Protect and Defend"?

Outlander Systems
12-08-15, 18:32
And on the Republican side, after Trump's statement here, there's only one guy. I'm just addressing the politics of this, folks. Forget substance, comments, whatever. It's the politics of this. There's only one guy in all of the presidential campaign occupying the position he occupies. Everybody else sounds the same. Everybody else... I don't care if it's Hillary or if it is Carly Fiorina. I don't care if it's Bernie Sanders or if it's John Kasich. They all sound the same. What do they all do? They are condemning Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is condemning ISIS. Donald Trump is condemning illegal immigration. Donald Trump is condemning a weak, stupid United States leadership. Over here, everybody else is not. They are condemning Donald Trump. In a political sense, Donald Trump, leading the presidential campaign, is the sole occupier of his position. He has no competition for it. Just in a political sense, that's pretty brilliant positioning to me. He owns the media. They can't stop talking about him. - Rush Limbaugh


12-08-15, 19:18

Well there's one that isn't falling for it, Ted Cruz. Once the Donald train has run out of fuel, I fully expect Cruz to come out as the "rational" anti-establishment choice. Cruz desperately needed a lightning rod like Trump to make him look less angry and objectionable. Trump is Cruz's gift and he's not taking it for granted, at least not yet.

12-08-15, 19:49
NBC is in full on smear campaign mode and declaring Trump now "unelectable."

Lots of stories about Japanese in internment camps and the "nisei" division. The obvious nazi camps stuff and of course racism against blacks in the 60s. They even laughably trotted out McCarthyism despite the fact that we now know he was correct about several things.


12-08-15, 19:50
Trump is telling people to slow down and make sure the vetting process is adequate. Only pro-Jihadis/illegal aliens would disagree.

12-08-15, 20:01
Trump is telling people to slow down and make sure the vetting process is adequate. Only pro-Jihadis/illegal aliens would disagree.

Can't be true, according to the news he's trying to "ban muslims" which obviously means full registration, having to wear armbands with a yellow crescent and reporting to internment camps until they can be relocated.

The news also has informed me that it is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL to deny legal immigration based upon religion. That's news to me, I remember more than a few Christian Identity types being refused entry into this country on the basis of their beliefs.

12-08-15, 21:33
If you have a chance to see the whole speech and then see how it has been edited to reflect not what he said, but what they want the American Voter to think he said, it should infuriate you.

Take a minute and look at this;
Paul’s amendment would have designated 33 countries as “high risk” and placed moratoriums on refugee resettlement and visa issuance to nationals from those countries until the Secretary of State, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Director of National Intelligence certify and new processes to identify security risks.

The 33 countries included: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia,Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and the Palestinian Territories.

So Trump isn't the only guy out there saying lets take a common sense approach to this and revisit how our process is working. If you think about it are some folks in our Government who are responsible for keeping us safe suddenly finding that they have failed and are now pursuing the idea that the best defense in their failed position is a good offense against a common sense approach?

And More;
According to IPT, terrorist abuse and manipulation of the immigration system in the U.S is not new. It points to the 9/11 Commission Staff Report on Terrorist Travel which read:

Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition….[T]his could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.

Some of the terrorists who manipulated the system in this fashion were the 1993 World Trade Center bombers including the blind sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman. Others were able to stay in the country by marrying U.S. citizens including Siddig Ibrahim Siddig Ali, Mohammed Saleh, El Sayyid Nosair, Amir Abdelgani, Fadil Abdelgani, Tarig Elhassan, Matarawy Mohammed Said Saleh.

So now more than ever the MSM has taken it upon themselves to take a swipe out someone outside of the Washington Beltway who seeks out some common sense ways and an approach based on reality. They continue this tirade against Trump even when no one else has anything close to an alternative answer to the problem other than continuing a failed immigration policy that endangers Americans.

12-08-15, 21:56
The same media that will tell us we need to do something in the ME, and then, inevitably, profit immensely talking about how it's all going to shit, is apoplectic over the Donald. When the media actually campaigns against someone- and I do mean campaign- it's time to support him, raise their blood pressures and watch them sweat.

Conservative intelligentsia is still convinced that Rubio is the actual front runner! They're probably right that the establishment is getting ready to spend tens of millions of dollars against Trump to make sure that nothing as chancy as the will of the people decides this primary, but this time I don't think its going to work. We don't want to be told who to support.

Outlander Systems
12-09-15, 05:39
The Establishment candidates have all told on themselves.

While there was the sound of crickets regarding the wholesale gutting of the 4A, these shitheads suddenly become flag clutching, die-hard "Constitutionalists" on a Constitutional issue that doesn't apply to foreign invaders.

What ****ing Monty Python hell have I awoken in?

Trump is not just the GOP's only viable candidate, he's America's last chance.

Buffoon. Blowhard. Asshole.

Still the only one who isn't blowing sunshine and pixie dust up our asses.

Dist. Expert 26
12-09-15, 09:12
A buddy of mine sent me a post from 4chan (I know, bear with me here) that made an excellent point.

Right now Trump is viewed as an extremist for suggesting that we ban Muslims from immigrating here. All it would take for that to change, however, is one more attack involving a Muslim immigrant/refugee. He's playing the long game, betting on the Islamist administration to allow another attack to happen, and when it does he's got the election in the bag.

12-09-15, 10:42
A buddy of mine sent me a post from 4chan (I know, bear with me here) that made an excellent point.

Right now Trump is viewed as an extremist for suggesting that we ban Muslims from immigrating here. All it would take for that to change, however, is one more attack involving a Muslim immigrant/refugee. He's playing the long game, betting on the Islamist administration to allow another attack to happen, and when it does he's got the election in the bag.

I'm sure someone who has the money and connections Trump does has probably done the Math on this.
You're correct, this would drop it in his lap.

Outlander Systems
12-09-15, 10:55
Checkers vs Chess, fellas.

12-09-15, 11:05
How about we just stop handing out visas period? We have enough folks in this country as it is.

12-09-15, 11:08
I'm sure someone who has the money and connections Trump does has probably done the Math on this.
You're correct, this would drop it in his lap.

Anybody with a lick of sense knows that's it's just a matter of time before it happens again, From what I've seen on the news, the FBI is starting to connect the dots on those two who cashed in their aloha snackbar chips last week. And now, it's starting to look like that there were alot more than just two involved. (no surprise there) Not to mention that the Shitstain in Chief is going full steam ahead on his plan to bring in more Muslims from Syria, And we as a country, are literally just begging for it... The stupidity here, is just astounding. One thing for sure, common sense in this country is a rare commodity....

12-09-15, 11:11
How about we just stop handing out visas period? We have enough folks in this country as it is.
It's not that Trump said anything related to Immigration that hasn't been said by or presented to the Legislative Branch before. What made this an issue was that Trump said "Muslim".
Perhaps the more palatable route, one that is being pursued by Rand Paul and Ted Cruz is less offensive to the left is to pursue Visa's and all Immigration. This however flies in the face of our current POTUS who is looking to import as many new Democrats a possible.
They are going to hand out every sort of incentive along with a Hillary for President sticker. After leaving some third world shi#hole who do you think they are going to vote for?

12-09-15, 15:07
A buddy of mine sent me a post from 4chan (I know, bear with me here) that made an excellent point.

Right now Trump is viewed as an extremist for suggesting that we ban Muslims from immigrating here. All it would take for that to change, however, is one more attack involving a Muslim immigrant/refugee. He's playing the long game, betting on the Islamist administration to allow another attack to happen, and when it does he's got the election in the bag.

And when it does, Loretta Lynch will be on the news informing us that the motivation for the attack was Trumps "hate speech" against Muslims. I laugh every time somebody says "Trump is playing right in the hands of ISIS."

The reality is, if all it takes is a cartoon, a bullet riddled Koran or the comments of Donald Trump to turn you into a terrorists...well you already were a terrorist, you were just waiting your turn. Personally I hope Trumps rhetoric forces a bunch of "sleeper" terrorists out in the open.

12-09-15, 15:35
The reality is, if all it takes is a cartoon, a bullet riddled Koran or the comments of Donald Trump to turn you into a terrorists...well you already were a terrorist, you were just waiting your turn.

Well said.

12-09-15, 15:52
The Establishment candidates have all told on themselves.

While there was the sound of crickets regarding the wholesale gutting of the 4A, these shitheads suddenly become flag clutching, die-hard "Constitutionalists" on a Constitutional issue that doesn't apply to foreign invaders.

What ****ing Monty Python hell have I awoken in?

Trump is not just the GOP's only viable candidate, he's America's last chance.

Buffoon. Blowhard. Asshole.

Still the only one who isn't blowing sunshine and pixie dust up our asses.

Right on!

Doc Safari
12-09-15, 16:42
According to an exchange between Rush Limbaugh and a caller yesterday, if you've read Trump's book "Art of the Deal" you would know exactly what he's up to. Supposedly, the strategy is to openly call for the most outrageous thing hoping it will be negotiated down to what you wanted all along. When Trump says something controversial or downright crazy, he has in mind a lesser outcome that he was expecting the whole time.

12-09-15, 17:07
According to an exchange between Rush Limbaugh and a caller yesterday, if you've read Trump's book "Art of the Deal" you would know exactly what he's up to. Supposedly, the strategy is to openly call for the most outrageous thing hoping it will be negotiated down to what you wanted all along. When Trump says something controversial or downright crazy, he has in mind a lesser outcome that he was expecting the whole time.

That's nothing new.. That's been s standard tactic of labor unions for decades. you always go into contract negotiations asking more than you know you'll get, and then negotiate down from there.. Speaking of that, anyone catch that Chicago public employee pension fund is now broke, and now the teachers are threating to go on strike..Hmmm, where's ol' Rohm gonna get the money??(Hint: It ain't gonna be the state, as they're already over 8 BILLION in debt) Funny how big cities that have been run by Socialist for decades, are going broke.. Must be a bitch running out of other peoples money to spend..

12-09-15, 17:27
." The reality is, if all it takes is a cartoon, a bullet riddled Koran or the comments of Donald Trump to turn you into a terrorists...well you already were a terrorist, you were just waiting your turn. Personally I hope Trumps rhetoric forces a bunch of "sleeper" terrorists out in the open.

And what does that say for our POTUS coming out on the news explaining how he has ISIS Contained, that ISIS is the JV Team?
Look if anyone's speech might be considered inflamatory, what not that sweet bit of logic that was followed by an attack hours later?

12-09-15, 19:11
How about we just stop handing out visas period? We have enough folks in this country as it is.

No we don't. An economy needs a birth rate of at least 2.3 children per woman (or couple) to sustain itself. Otherwise, you run out of young people required to pay for essential services. The US birth rate varies between 1.8-2 for the past 30 years; not nearly enough to pay for things like SS and Medicare. The only thing that keeps us from sinking like a brick is immigration. Even with current immigration levels we are slowly sinking, but a ban on immigration would collapse us within 20 years unless the producer class got to work making some babies.

Having said that, I agree with the spirt of Trump's proposal but would not have framed it around religion. Instead, I would support a ban on immigration from high risk countries similar to Paul's bill. This effectively bans 90% of Muslims but stays within the Constitution as interpreted by SCOTUS. I would also create a set of immigration criteria similar to NZ that assigns points based on merit.

12-09-15, 20:06
The Establishment candidates have all told on themselves.

While there was the sound of crickets regarding the wholesale gutting of the 4A, these shitheads suddenly become flag clutching, die-hard "Constitutionalists" on a Constitutional issue that doesn't apply to foreign invaders.

What ****ing Monty Python hell have I awoken in?

Trump is not just the GOP's only viable candidate, he's America's last chance.

Buffoon. Blowhard. Asshole.

Still the only one who isn't blowing sunshine and pixie dust up our asses.

It's ironic that Obama, Hillary and GOP idiots like Boehner, McConnell and Graham are DIRECTLY responsible for the phenomenon that is Trump for President. Without their iron clad ineptitude and being completely devoid of any leadership whatsoever, Trump would've fell to the wayside months ago.

Just as Obama is Gun Salesman of the Decade, so he is Chief Campaign Strategist for Donald Trump.

The reality is, if all it takes is a cartoon, a bullet riddled Koran or the comments of Donald Trump to turn you into a terrorist...well you were already a terrorist, you were just waiting your turn.

I'm totally stealing that...

No we don't. An economy needs a birth rate of at least 2.3 children per woman (or couple) to sustain itself. Otherwise, you run out of young people required to pay for essential services. The US birth rate varies between 1.8-2 for the past 30 years; not nearly enough to pay for things like SS and Medicare. The only thing that keeps us from sinking like a brick is immigration. Even with current immigration levels we are slowly sinking, but a ban on immigration would collapse us within 20 years unless the producer class got to work making some babies.

Having said that, I agree with the spirit of Trump's proposal but would not have framed it around religion. Instead, I would support a ban on immigration from high risk countries similar to Paul's bill. This effectively bans 90% of Muslims but stays within the Constitution as interpreted by SCOTUS. I would also create a set of immigration criteria similar to NZ that assigns points based on merit.

You're wrong. Overtaxed, overworked, depressed, hopeless citizens who've lost faith in their so-called "leadership" and the world just don't make babies at the same rate as low income, subsidized, incentivized people with no real worries and nothing better to do. The fix to that isn't to import breeders from cultures we'd never want to turn into that will eventually do exactly that. No, you change the environment we're living in so that the people we already have will WANT to make babies again.

Doing anything else is guaranteeing a dystopian future. :(

12-09-15, 20:48
Trump usually sinks himself along the way. We will have to wait it out a bit longer to see how much staying power he has. I have noticed how much better he is doing at public speaking these last few weeks.

12-09-15, 20:52
We need productive immigrants that will be working and paying taxes in amounts that exceed benefits going out. Side are least the mid 90s refugees and immigrants have been disproportionately on the receiving end of benefits vs filling the tax coffers. I am all for productive, legal immigrants.

No we don't. An economy needs a birth rate of at least 2.3 children per woman (or couple) to sustain itself. Otherwise, you run out of young people required to pay for essential services. The US birth rate varies between 1.8-2 for the past 30 years; not nearly enough to pay for things like SS and Medicare. The only thing that keeps us from sinking like a brick is immigration. Even with current immigration levels we are slowly sinking, but a ban on immigration would collapse us within 20 years unless the producer class got to work making some babies.

Having said that, I agree with the spirt of Trump's proposal but would not have framed it around religion. Instead, I would support a ban on immigration from high risk countries similar to Paul's bill. This effectively bans 90% of Muslims but stays within the Constitution as interpreted by SCOTUS. I would also create a set of immigration criteria similar to NZ that assigns points based on merit.

12-09-15, 21:34
You're wrong. Overtaxed, overworked, depressed, hopeless citizens who've lost faith in their so-called "leadership" and the world just don't make babies at the same rate as low income, subsidized, incentivized people with no real worries and nothing better to do. The fix to that isn't to import breeders from cultures we'd never want to turn into that will eventually do exactly that. No, you change the environment we're living in so that the people we already have will WANT to make babies again.

Doing anything else is guaranteeing a dystopian future. :(

Not only am I correct, but I also agree with you. I never said that our current system was sustainable; I noted that it wasn't. I only said that a complete ban on immigration will not work under our current birth rate. I also clearly said that we need the producer class to make more babies if we are going to decrease immigration. Creating the environment for producers to do this is a whole separate topic for a different thread.

We need productive immigrants that will be working and paying taxes in amounts that exceed benefits going out. Side are least the mid 90s refugees and immigrants have been disproportionately on the receiving end of benefits vs filling the tax coffers. I am all for productive, legal immigrants.

Read the last sentence of my post - I'm also a proponent of controlled immigration of productive members of society who are able to assimilate. That is why I mentioned the point system used by New Zealand and Australia that rewards highly educated/skilled individuals who want to immigrate. However, my larger point was that a complete ban on all immigration would be disastrous for the US under our current birth rate, and I'm willing to entertain your math if you disagree.

12-10-15, 01:35
All I know is that Trump's big mouth was like pouring water on the "assault" weapon fire. The news has spent so much time on his immigration stand the last two days that they've seem to forget about their rabid support for gun control.

12-10-15, 09:19
Not only am I correct, but I also agree with you. I never said that our current system was sustainable; I noted that it wasn't. I only said that a complete ban on immigration will not work under our current birth rate. I also clearly said that we need the producer class to make more babies if we are going to decrease immigration. Creating the environment for producers to do this is a whole separate topic for a different thread.

Read the last sentence of my post - I'm also a proponent of controlled immigration of productive members of society who are able to assimilate. That is why I mentioned the point system used by New Zealand and Australia that rewards highly educated/skilled individuals who want to immigrate. However, my larger point was that a complete ban on all immigration would be disastrous for the US under our current birth rate, and I'm willing to entertain your math if you disagree.

If you agree that our current immigration "system" of accepting refugees with unknowable backgrounds or intentions, along with accepting mass immigration of people who take more than they give is not working, then I agree as well. I'd like to also point out that the H-1B Visa program is being used by some companies to displace U.S. workers, which is not the intent of that system.

12-10-15, 09:25
If you agree that our current immigration "system" of accepting refugees with unknowable backgrounds or intentions, along with accepting mass immigration of people who take more than they give is not working, then I agree as well. I'd like to also point out that the H-1B Visa program is being used by some companies to displace U.S. workers, which is not the intent of that system.

I do believe exactly what you just posted. I also believe that stopping ALL immigration, which was proposed by one of our members, is retarded. That is because there is not enough skilled labor in many fields to meet demand. Take for example healthcare where about 20% of physician labor is filled by non-natives. There simply not enough American doctors to fill the demand. This same phenomenon exists across plenty of other industries.

12-10-15, 10:24
I do believe exactly what you just posted. I also believe that stopping ALL immigration, which was proposed by one of our members, is retarded. That is because there is not enough skilled labor in many fields to meet demand. Take for example healthcare where about 20% of physician labor is filled by non-natives. There simply not enough American doctors to fill the demand. This same phenomenon exists across plenty of other industries.

The difference being these folks who have the education and qualifications for these jobs should have a background that we should be able to investigate.
Your idea is correct and so are your facts, we do need these skilled people here, but the two [/I]]Should's I mentioned above would work in almost every case, if we were doing complete and thorough background investigations.
Being that one of the two San Bernadino shooters was a Pharmacy Technician, a skilled job we probably need more of, How did She slip through? Pakistan had a pretty good idea she had been worshipping at "The Red Mosque" and had been radicalized.
If the system needs to be shut down for visa's I suggest we do it, not forever, but long enough to figure out where folks like that are allowed to slip through the system.

12-10-15, 10:49
Trump will not get the nomination as a Republican.

12-10-15, 11:27
Trump will not get the nomination as a Republican.
The GOP is fighting him hammer and tong to make sure Trump doesn't get the nomination.The smart move would be to take him aside and ask some smart questions and try and work him via building a conservative cabinet. The idea being if they worked with him and compromised a bit they could keep on the inside track and guide him with compromise to being a Regan like POTUS.
The problem with that is the GOP hated Regan until he was POTUS and now none of them want to go through the process in order to win, but they love saying "Regan" whenever the chance comes along.
This is why we may have a Republican win the White House, but he wont be a Conservative.
Instead they are going to fight him, push the issue, release some dirt, call him a racist and drive him to running third party and insure Hillary wins.

12-10-15, 11:38
The establishment R's would rather see him run third party and put their chips on Hilldebeast. They have much, much more in common with her than any conservative. It's a win-win for the statists. It's the same reason Rush joked about a Bush/Clinton ticket. The two are almost indistinguishable in policy.

12-10-15, 12:15
The GOP is fighting him hammer and tong to make sure Trump doesn't get the nomination.The smart move would be to take him aside and ask some smart questions and try and work him via building a conservative cabinet. The idea being if they worked with him and compromised a bit they could keep on the inside track and guide him with compromise to being a Regan like POTUS.
The problem with that is the GOP hated Regan until he was POTUS and now none of them want to go through the process in order to win, but they love saying "Regan" whenever the chance comes along.
This is why we may have a Republican win the White House, but he wont be a Conservative.
Instead they are going to fight him, push the issue, release some dirt, call him a racist and drive him to running third party and insure Hillary wins.

Jeezuuss-H-Christ. We are now invoking Reagan in this thread?

Please, stop denigrating Reagan's name by linking it to Trump. The two are nothing alike. One was perhaps the Nation's best modern spokesman for conservative values; the other is the oratory equivalent of Billy Babbitt.

If you want to swallow Trump's bullshit - have at it. But there is NOTHING in his history to suggest that he is a conservative. I've already gone through the laundry list of progression crap that Trump has supported as recently as LAST ****ING YEAR. If people choose to ignore that - fine. But stop with the Reaganesqu BS, or at least apply it to a valid analogy with Ted Cruz.

12-10-15, 12:47
You might want to take those blood pressure med's they recommended.
I will stand by what I said about sitting down with him, compromising (on both sides) working with him to build a cabinet and resurrecting Conservatism.
At this point fighting him at every opportunity via the MSM is only passing the crap sandwich along and making everyone take a bite.
I would agree that Cruz is the better Conservative, at the moment until he can actually challenge Trump, it's a moot point. Working with Trump might be a much better option than treating him like a pariah.
Time will tell and Cruz might out maneuver Trump, but until then, it may be far better to get someone on his good side and work a bit with him.
The comparison to Reagan is quiet valid when you consider the GOP didn't want to give him the nomination.

12-10-15, 13:41
You don't know much about the RNC establishment.

There has been no indicators, in the recent past election cycles, to show that the GOP establishment would EVER so such a thing.


Well, because those that run the RNC are not really conservatives. They are mostly donor-driven yes men that enjoy the system's status quo and don't really want to go out on a limb to advance or promote conservative ideals. Oh, they'll give it lip service and invoke Reagan come election cycle time but after that - the talk of leading, changing or reforming anything goes back in the closet.

Doubt me?

Well then why didn't the RNC embrace their only true path to trouncing the left in recent elections? That being, supporting and promoting the Tea Party movement? They didn't...they ran from Tea Party types and in many cases (Todd Akin) they actively worked against their election hopes.

Those that run the RNC will tell us, "well...Ted Cruz and Ran Paul are just too far to the right and we cannot win voters or elections with such extreme views and candidates." Nonsense! If the public REALLY wanted mushy moderates, McCain and Romney should have cleaned house and should be running things right now. That is garbage...a total excuse by those that do not want to win, lead or reform a damn thing.

There is more than enough evidence to show that the RNC heads would rather sit back and watch Hillary win, than support Trump or Cruz and take out the left. Then...they get to sit back and be the spineless minority voice and not really do anything hard or have anyone call them names or rip them en masse, on CNN.

The GOP establishment is a much an enemy to conservatism and libertarian ideals as is the Democrat Party and the mainstream media.

12-10-15, 13:42
You might want to take those blood pressure med's they recommended...The comparison to Reagan is quiet valid when you consider the GOP didn't want to give him the nomination.

No shit. You make me want to take a Xanax. Perhaps someone should fill in the little "X" on the tablet...I'm going to need that too.

12-10-15, 14:03
Sometimes the RNC reminds me of the NAACP...keep feeding the masses that "we are the only savior" so that they can keep their power.

Might be the perfect storm for Cruz. The GOP may not like him, but they'd rather have him than Trump or Hillary...

Trump is connecting to a lot of angst and anti-libtard frustration, but he's still the Billy Carter of the conservative party - and while I'd take him over Hildebeast, I do not want him holding the nuclear football...

CRUZ is clearly the best candidate. Things may coalesce around him as this Spring continues if he plays his cards right. Acknowedge Trumps connecting to the angst, but don't play the game the Dems/Pres wants (shoot each other down)...

Doc Safari
12-10-15, 17:21
Sometimes the RNC reminds me of the NAACP...keep feeding the masses that "we are the only savior" so that they can keep their power.

Might be the perfect storm for Cruz. The GOP may not like him, but they'd rather have him than Trump or Hillary...

Trump is connecting to a lot of angst and anti-libtard frustration, but he's still the Billy Carter of the conservative party - and while I'd take him over Hildebeast, I do not want him holding the nuclear football...

CRUZ is clearly the best candidate. Things may coalesce around him as this Spring continues if he plays his cards right. Acknowedge Trumps connecting to the angst, but don't play the game the Dems/Pres wants (shoot each other down)...

I tend to agree, but don't count Trump out yet. I suspect he may turn out to be "Trumanesque": a guy with a rough manner but a lot of smart policies.

He's connecting with somebody: his latest rant on not allowing any more Muslims to come to America has made him surge in the polls. Jeb Bush can't drink Alka Seltzer fast enough to quell the headache from that one.

12-10-15, 17:46
No shit. You make me want to take a Xanax. Perhaps someone should fill in the little "X" on the tablet...I'm going to need that too.
Well, I'm glad I made your Day.

You don't know much about the RNC establishment.

There has been no indicators, in the recent past election cycles, to show that the GOP establishment would EVER so such a thing.


Well, because those that run the RNC are not really conservatives. They are mostly donor-driven yes men that enjoy the system's status quo and don't really want to go out on a limb to advance or promote conservative ideals. Oh, they'll give it lip service and invoke Reagan come election cycle time but after that - the talk of leading, changing or reforming anything goes back in the closet.

Doubt me?

Well then why didn't the RNC embrace their only true path to trouncing the left in recent elections? That being, supporting and promoting the Tea Party movement? They didn't...they ran from Tea Party types and in many cases (Todd Akin) they actively worked against their election hopes.

Those that run the RNC will tell us, "well...Ted Cruz and Ran Paul are just too far to the right and we cannot win voters or elections with such extreme views and candidates." Nonsense! If the public REALLY wanted mushy moderates, McCain and Romney should have cleaned house and should be running things right now. That is garbage...a total excuse by those that do not want to win, lead or reform a damn thing.

There is more than enough evidence to show that the RNC heads would rather sit back and watch Hillary win, than support Trump or Cruz and take out the left. Then...they get to sit back and be the spineless minority voice and not really do anything hard or have anyone call them names or rip them en masse, on CNN.

The GOP establishment is a much an enemy to conservatism and libertarian ideals as is the Democrat Party and the mainstream media.
I would agree, the Republicans are no longer Conservative, but there are a few Conservatives left in the Republican Party. Those are the guys I'm talking about.
If we can agree that the RNC and DNC would love to get Trump out of the way, who do you think they would go for next? I think Cruz and I think that because he would clearly be in the way of the establishment on both sides.
It's time for the few Conservatives left in the party to get it together and understand that this is an opportunity to regain control of the Party and more than 55% of the electorate.
Kicking Trump in the nutz while he is in the lead isn't going to do anything to win them the White House.

12-10-15, 17:51
The establishment R's would rather see him run third party and put their chips on Hilldebeast. They have much, much more in common with her than any conservative. It's a win-win for the statists. It's the same reason Rush joked about a Bush/Clinton ticket. The two are almost indistinguishable in policy.

I have absolute faith the GOP will elect Hillary by a combination of nominating some compete retard who can never win (i.e. McCain, Romney) and putting Trump in a position to run as an independent.

Trump is largely a showboating clown with liberal skeletons in his closet, but I think he is still better than Hillary and better than most of the other clowns. Ben Carson has demonstrated he's way more kooky than we thought. Christie is a gun liberal from a ban state. I don't think Fiorina can beat Hillary. Nobody even knows Gilmore is running. Graham should find a tall building and jump. Bush should run for President of Mexico. Cruz and Huckabee actually took time to support Kim Davis, this makes them 1000 times more racist than Trump to the average voter. Kasich has similar luggage and was once an NRA "F" rated member, though now he is an advocate.

So far it looks like Rubio and Santorum are the only ones talking common sense, but I worry they are firmly establishment Republicans who will do nothing meaningful and if Trump runs as an independent, then I don't think either of them can beat Hillary.

Strangely enough, our only real hope is that somehow Sanders gets the Democratic nomination. Not only would that give the GOP a better chances of winning a general election, even with a Trump split, but if Sanders wins I think he is such an incompetent he wouldn't actually get much done. But at least he wouldn't actively be working against the interests of the US like our current President.

Doc Safari
12-10-15, 17:53
We need to pray that Hillary has a brain aneurism.

12-10-15, 19:59
Gent's, I'm reading this thread, and now I want to take a Xanax, or an X-Box, or whatever thing it is that makes you calm. But I have to go to the work in the morning, so I can't.

So let's ease off on the eye-gouging and throat-punching, shall we? Do it as a favor to old Grandpa Serious.

12-10-15, 20:28
No we don't. An economy needs a birth rate of at least 2.3 children per woman (or couple) to sustain itself. Otherwise, you run out of young people required to pay for essential services. The US birth rate varies between 1.8-2 for the past 30 years; not nearly enough to pay for things like SS and Medicare. The only thing that keeps us from sinking like a brick is immigration. Even with current immigration levels we are slowly sinking, but a ban on immigration would collapse us within 20 years unless the producer class got to work making some babies.

Having said that, I agree with the spirt of Trump's proposal but would not have framed it around religion. Instead, I would support a ban on immigration from high risk countries similar to Paul's bill. This effectively bans 90% of Muslims but stays within the Constitution as interpreted by SCOTUS. I would also create a set of immigration criteria similar to NZ that assigns points based on merit.

This country does not need anymore people. We have 50-60 million on welfare not working. We need less people. We have automation that has eliminated several low to middle class jobs. As we get more automated, less people are needed.

Three CNC milling centers ran by an unskilled factory dirtbag have replaced 100 manually operated 3 axis mills of the world war 2 era each ran by a skilled tradesman.

70 years ago you had manual people who worked in feedmills, factories, construction, etc that have all been replaced by machinery. Now these lower income people are all on welfare.

Slow, stupid, unskilled, low income people do not have jobs anymore because they have been replaced by machines. Now they are on welfare.

And the whole white people birth rate is declining is not the root cause of any problem. The white birth rate decline is due to both husband and wife having to work and not being able to afford kids due to the cost of living and high student loans. Meanwhile, 3rd world welfare shitbags get into this country and pump out litters of kids.

in the 1950s a man could provide for a family of 4 people and have a house without a college degree.

12-10-15, 20:35
This country does not need anymore people. We have 50-60 million on welfare not working. We need less people. We have automation that has eliminated several low to middle class jobs. As we get more automated, less people are needed.

Three CNC milling centers ran by an unskilled factory dirtbag have replaced 100 manually operated 3 axis mills of the world war 2 era each ran by a skilled tradesman.

70 years ago you had manual people who worked in feedmills, factories, construction, etc that have all been replaced by machinery. Now these lower income people are all on welfare.

Slow, stupid, unskilled, low income people do not have jobs anymore because they have been replaced by machines. Now they are on welfare.

And the whole white people birth rate is declining is not the root cause of any problem. The white birth rate decline is due to both husband and wife having to work and not being able to afford kids due to the cost of living and high student loans. Meanwhile, 3rd world welfare shitbags get into this country and pump out litters of kids.

in the 1950s a man could provide for a family of 4 people and have a house without a college degree.

Don't forget the white people are paying for the minorities on welfare. Fewer minorities provide the benefits for whites.

12-10-15, 21:22
I tend to agree, but don't count Trump out yet. I suspect he may turn out to be "Trumanesque": a guy with a rough manner but a lot of smart policies.

He's connecting with somebody: his latest rant on not allowing any more Muslims to come to America has made him surge in the polls. Jeb Bush can't drink Alka Seltzer fast enough to quell the headache from that one.

The very thought of Bush both punch drunk and bewildered that Republicans haven't anointed him their savior and are instead fawning over Trump, makes me downright giddy...

12-10-15, 22:59
allow legal immigration when its a US born citizen who is bringing in a spouse or adopted child and that means a spouse that can contribute ! or show the other spouse makes enough ! and check up they are learning english if they do not speak english :)
no more refugee people until we get our own country back on its feet and solid
then only very rare cases and mandatory follow ups on them assimilating or they get the boot
kick out ALL the illegals yes ALL of them take all the people on welfare and have those who are able take over the jobs ! if they do not they wont get welfare anymore !
and welfare becomes basic tickets for ONLY certain items tied to match your ID so you can get a loaf of bread or milk etc... no splurge items ! and cant sell them off etc...
mandatory drug testing for welfare if you use drugs no welfare !
any and all welfare people that can work and there are no job openings get to do community service to work for that free food etc... lots of roads need picking up etc... lots of graffiti needs to be cleaned off city walls etc...

12-10-15, 23:42
I have absolute faith the GOP will elect Hillary by a combination of nominating some compete retard who can never win (i.e. McCain, Romney) and putting Trump in a position to run as an independent.

Cruz and Huckabee actually took time to support Kim Davis, this makes them 1000 times more racist than Trump to the average voter.

Somehow, I doubt that the average voter knows (much less cares) about Kim Davis. The few that are engaged enough to be familiar with the Davis situation had their ideological minds made up a long time ago. That is to say, I doubt that any gays were thinking, "Gee, the Cruz guy was looking real appealing until he came out in support of Kim Davis."

Even if Hillary ran wall-to-wall Kim Davis ads it's not going to change anyone's mind.

12-11-15, 01:56
Somehow, I doubt that the average voter knows (much less cares) about Kim Davis. The few that are engaged enough to be familiar with the Davis situation had their ideological minds made up a long time ago. That is to say, I doubt that any gays were thinking, "Gee, the Cruz guy was looking real appealing until he came out in support of Kim Davis."

Even if Hillary ran wall-to-wall Kim Davis ads it's not going to change anyone's mind.

I think you grossly underestimate the "we must prove we love gay people" contingent of the population of this country. Hillary would nail these guys on abortion rights and gay marriage rights.

12-11-15, 08:34
I think you grossly underestimate the "we must prove we love gay people" contingent of the population of this country. Hillary would nail these guys on abortion rights and gay marriage rights.

The contingent that you speak of is not going to vote Republican or Independent in this election - they are generally part of the Democrat base and they are not the average voter. Besides, every single one of the current GOP candidates has come out with a Prolife / Heterosexual Marriage platform. So, there is no reason to think that Cruz or Huckabee are more vulnerable.

In addition, I base my assertion on data from this Gallop Poll and several others giving similar results: http://www.gallup.com/poll/185504/government-economy-immigration-seen-top-problems.aspx

Gay marriage and abortion are not even on the "gaydar." While gay marriage and abortion may be hot button issues for you, do you have some independent evidence that these issues will rise to the forefront for the average voter?

12-11-15, 09:13
It's not the Gay rights and Pro Abortion voters who need to be engaged...believe me, they obviously already are.

Cruz & Co need to strike a chord with the people who have values, yet don't vote - maybe because they are at work....when you start to look at how many potential voters who lean conservative yet don't vote...if we could just get a candidate that engaged THEM - that's the key to winning the election. It's actually how Reagan won...and I think we are almost set up for the same situation again with Cruz...Liberals don't like him, RINO's and the mainstream GOP don't like him because they can't control him...conservative voters like me like that mix...

12-11-15, 09:42
It's not the Gay rights and Pro Abortion voters who need to be engaged...believe me, they obviously already are.

Cruz & Co need to strike a chord with the people who have values, yet don't vote - maybe because they are at work....when you start to look at how many potential voters who lean conservative yet don't vote...if we could just get a candidate that engaged THEM - that's the key to winning the election. It's actually how Reagan won...and I think we are almost set up for the same situation again with Cruz...Liberals don't like him, RINO's and the mainstream GOP don't like him because they can't control him...conservative voters like me like that mix...

I agree. For once, there is a viable conservative option for GOP primary voters. Cruz has run a VERY disciplined and organized campaign. His ground game is strong in the Southern states and he well positioned for the "SEC Primaries" in March. His debate performances have been excellent and he does not make unforced errors.

So there you have it. Conservatives have longed for a true conservative, non-establishment option. We have said that our previous failures were due to the establishment picking RHINOs like McCain and Romney. Well, there is a true conservative in the race and it's NOT Donald Trump. I say give Cruz the nod, let him articulate a conservative vision, and see how the country responds.

12-12-15, 18:43

"You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America," Prince Alwaleed, the chairman of Kingdom Holding , said on his Twitter account, addressing Trump and referring to the Republican Party.

"Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never win," the prince added.

Within hours, Trump's response came back, also on Twitter.

"Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy's money," he said. "Can't do it when I get elected."

Singlestack Wonder
12-12-15, 21:10
"Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy's money," he said. "Can't do it when I get elected."

Well said......

12-12-15, 22:54
I agree. For once, there is a viable conservative option for GOP primary voters. Cruz has run a VERY disciplined and organized campaign. His ground game is strong in the Southern states and he well positioned for the "SEC Primaries" in March. His debate performances have been excellent and he does not make unforced errors.

So there you have it. Conservatives have longed for a true conservative, non-establishment option. We have said that our previous failures were due to the establishment picking RHINOs like McCain and Romney. Well, there is a true conservative in the race and it's NOT Donald Trump. I say give Cruz the nod, let him articulate a conservative vision, and see how the country responds.

Cruz reminds me of one of those greasy used car salesman. If I close my eyes and listen to him, he would get my vote. He is just another politician like the rest. I did look at his voting record, which looks good tho.

I am ready for something different to be elected, instead of the same bucket of shit R/D we get every time.

Outlander Systems
12-13-15, 07:53
Goldman Sachs. I don't want those ****ers fingers anywhere near the till.

Cruz is 99.0% all-natural grass fed beef, and 1% rat poison.

Hint: it ain't the beef I'm worried about.

The fact that the establishment GOP is falling all over themselves to undermine Trump through a "brokered convention" tells me just how scared to death they are of him.

And if they are that scared, frankly, it tells me just how badly we've been getting ****ed by the GOP.

So while we sit here, and bemoan the Left, realize we are over here sipping down rat syrup dressed up as conservatives.

Cruz reminds me of one of those greasy used car salesman. If I close my eyes and listen to him, he would get my vote. He is just another politician like the rest. I did look at his voting record, which looks good tho.

I am ready for something different to be elected, instead of the same bucket of shit R/D we get every time.

12-13-15, 08:39
More full retard from the would be panderer in chief: http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/262897-trump-i-will-mandate-death-penalty-for-killing-police-officers

Trump is going to issue an executive order that anyone who murders a police officer gets the death penalty. Perhaps someone can give him a lesson in basic civics should he get the GOP nomination.

12-13-15, 10:48

"Justice Roberts really let us down. What he did with Obamacare was disgraceful, and I think he did that because he wanted to be popular inside the Beltway," Trump told about 4,000 supporters. The celebrity billionaire was referring to the chief justice twice voting to uphold key provisions of President Barack Obama's 2010 health care law and to the expressway around the District of Columbia, an area regarded as the center of U.S. government and politics.

Thomas, arguably one of the court's most conservative members, is "very strong and consistent," Trump said.


Trump added, “I think he did that because he wanted to be popular within the [D.C.] beltway or something because he did it the first time and should have never done it and that would have killed it.” The New York real estate magnate was speaking to Roberts’ 2012 decision to support upholding the health care law’s individual mandate.

While the businessman said he respects Roberts as a “great legal scholar,” the chief justice “knows it better than any of us— there was no legal reason,” to support the law in either case.

12-13-15, 11:15
More full retard from the would be panderer in chief: http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/262897-trump-i-will-mandate-death-penalty-for-killing-police-officers

Trump is going to issue an executive order that anyone who murders a police officer gets the death penalty. Perhaps someone can give him a lesson in basic civics should he get the GOP nomination.

And perhaps this makes the point I was trying to make earlier that fueled your need for a Xanex;
But, no. The elites sabotaged Buchanan and they suppressed right-wing populism for several electoral cycles. Now it has erupted in a more “virulent” form with Donald Trump. Instead of learning their lesson and understanding that the base cannot be taken for granted, instead of understanding that they need candidates that appeal to the base, the GOP elites are hell-bent on sabotaging Trump and suppressing right-wing populism for another couple of electoral cycles.

They may succeed but they are playing with fire. Who will come after Trump? Who will be the next right-wing populist? As even worthless and weak Whites become more aggressive out of sheer desperation, who will they turn to next? Someone more extreme and firebrand-populist compared to Trump to the same degree Trump is compared to Buchanan?

It won’t be “the fire next time,” but it may well be “the Nazi next time.” The GOP elites had better hope that their country clubs are well fortified, indeed.

I have always felt that Americans were somewhat elastic in their Politics and choices of Politicians.
No matter how far the Socialist Progressives for the pull with Obama and his Executive Orders, there will be a resulting 'snap-back" toward the center. The further "Left" we go, the further "Right" we will snap-back. Now you may say, "But we've become more and more Socialist over the years.", true but we just haven't had enough of that yet to reach the point of return to normal. Another consideration is, how much better the DNC is at playing the long game.
There are numerous stories out there about how the GOP is going to fix Trump as soon as they get to the Convention, well they do so at their own peril. Trump is going to see this malarky as a hostile take over and cause the election to get muddy and bloody and that is to Clinton's advantage.

12-14-15, 00:54
What makes me need to take a Xanax is when people refer to Trump as right wing or conservative. Those people are either part of the low information voter crowd, or people with progressive tendencies. The guy is not using conservatism to move up the polls - he is using nationalism and populism. Don't get me wrong, I like nationalism; populism not so much. I just don't like my nationalism combined with socialism such as universal healthcare (a position supported by Trump on 60 Minutes just 2 months ago) or POTUS telling states how to prosecute murders. I've gone through the laundry list of shady progressive positions and business dealings with banks and politicians. What I've come to realize is that many people don't care because they think that Trump will deliver on their narrow interests.

12-14-15, 06:08
Oh I would agree, but once the Genie has left the bottle you had better come up with some sort of plan or subterfuge for the FSA. It's nearly impossible to cut a program once the Socialist Progressives have given away another gift by way of our tax dollars.
I'm not sure of how you turn back the clock or convince people their free stuff has to be paid for by someone. It's rather convenient to blame the 1% as we have seen.
You'll notice that for the most part these issues haven't even been asked in a debate yet. I'm sure they will be later, just in time for Hillary to face off with the GOP nominee.
If Trump has even one redeeming quality it is his candor when it comes to calling it as he see's it.

Outlander Systems
12-14-15, 06:21
The only promise I want him to fulfill is to **** the GOP in the same way the GOP has ****ed us. He hasn't stated it, but he's definitely tearing it up.

Based on the squirming, screaming, and general pant-shitting they're doing, it appears he's delivering.

I don't understand how you can't see that the GOP has become nothing more than Democrat-Lite.

What makes me need to take a Xanax is when people refer to Trump as right wing or conservative. Those people are either part of the low information voter crowd, or people with progressive tendencies. The guy is not using conservatism to move up the polls - he is using nationalism and populism. Don't get me wrong, I like nationalism; populism not so much. I just don't like my nationalism combined with socialism such as universal healthcare (a position supported by Trump on 60 Minutes just 2 months ago) or POTUS telling states how to prosecute murders. I've gone through the laundry list of shady progressive positions and business dealings with banks and politicians. What I've come to realize is that many people don't care because they think that Trump will deliver on their narrow interests.

12-14-15, 07:03
Cruz & Co need to strike a chord with the people who have values, yet don't vote - maybe because they are at work....

If there is one day per year when everyone (as much as possible at least) should be off work it is election day. IMHO, it should be like Christmas. I know plenty of people, including myself sometimes, who end up not having the time to go vote due to work.

12-14-15, 08:17
If there is one day per year when everyone (as much as possible at least) should be off work it is election day. IMHO, it should be like Christmas. I know plenty of people, including myself sometimes, who end up not having the time to go vote due to work.

I can remember getting off late, going to vote, stopping for a six pack and when I got home they had already called the Election for Clinton. To say I was pissed is saying it very lightly.
I'm not sure it would have mattered, but I'm pretty sure the FSA all got there in plenty of time to get home and have a six pack of forties before lunch.
But back to the subject;
I don't want to see the GOP burned to the ground this time. The establishment GOP, but not the Conservative base.
I really still believe we can take the GOP back from the Bush Family and their ilk.

12-14-15, 10:55
The only promise I want him to fulfill is to **** the GOP in the same way the GOP has ****ed us. He hasn't stated it, but he's definitely tearing it up.

Based on the squirming, screaming, and general pant-shitting they're doing, it appears he's delivering.

I don't understand how you can't see that the GOP has become nothing more than Democrat-Lite.

Let me provide some clarity then. I'M NOT CONCERNED ABOUT THE GOP. My goal is neither to support it, make it squirm, or burn down the house. My goal is to get the most conservative candidate possible elected. That means that I weigh two factors: conservatism and electability. Trump has neither (Hillary decimates him in 10 out of 12 polls).

Even if I did want to shake-up or destroy the GOP, Trump would not be my first choice. That is because he has a record of cutting deals and very little in the way of principles or convictions. He is a get along guy who thinks that the world will love him once in office. I've seen that line of irrational thinking in our current megalomaniac in chief - it has not worked well for us.

12-14-15, 12:31
There are some good GOP candidates, and while I am not sure if Trump is the best on every single issue, as far as the invasion and infiltration of the United States (and the West in general) by the Islamofascist enemy, he is the best.

The following story is quite telling of him being on the right track:


When Hamas, ISIS, Hussein and the Demoncrats all go apeshit over what you're doing, then you know you are doing the right thing.

12-14-15, 12:50
Let me provide some clarity then. I'M NOT CONCERNED ABOUT THE GOP. My goal is neither to support it, make it squirm, or burn down the house. My goal is to get the most conservative candidate possible elected. That means that I weigh two factors: conservatism and electability. Trump has neither (Hillary decimates him in 10 out of 12 polls).

Even if I did want to shake-up or destroy the GOP, Trump would not be my first choice. That is because he has a record of cutting deals and very little in the way of principles or convictions. He is a get along guy who thinks that the world will love him once in office. I've seen that line of irrational thinking in our current megalomaniac in chief - it has not worked well for us.

Who would you choose to set the GOP straight? They were all set to coronate Jeb the nominee before Trump and Carson showed up to piss in their Cheerios. We may instead wind up with Cruz as a result. Do you think Jeb is more conservative than Cruz?

Outlander Systems
12-14-15, 13:06
And based on their behavior over the past several election cycles, and their attempts to derail the primary...

THE GOP IS NOT CONCERNED ABOUT YOU. Or any of us, for that matter.


12-14-15, 14:41
Who would you choose to set the GOP straight? They were all set to coronate Jeb the nominee before Trump and Carson showed up to piss in their Cheerios. We may instead wind up with Cruz as a result. Do you think Jeb is more conservative than Cruz?

Again, I'm not trying to set the GOP straight. There is no person who can set the GOP straight any more than a person can set America straight. The GOP and America will be fixed only by incrementally winning elections, shaping the narrative, and educating future generations.

Thus, my goal is to elect the most conservative candidate possible in every election. If we do this, then problem with the GOP and America will correct itself. People who think that one person can some how burn down the party or county, and rebuild it out of the ashes like some Phoenix need to stop watching so much AMC.

Without a doubt, Cruz is the most conservative candidate in the GOP race for POTUS. The other half of the equation is his electability. Some people think that he is an automatic loser because he does not support the abortion and gay marriage agenda. I disagree and think that he would be an outstanding candidate.

12-14-15, 15:07
Again, I'm not trying to set the GOP straight. There is no person who can set the GOP straight any more than a person can set America straight. The GOP and America will be fixed only by incrementally winning elections, shaping the narrative, and educating future generations.

Thus, my goal is to elect the most conservative candidate possible in every election. If we do this, then problem with the GOP and America will correct itself. People who think that one person can some how burn down the party or county, and rebuild it out of the ashes like some Phoenix need to stop watching so much AMC.

Without a doubt, Cruz is the most conservative candidate in the GOP race for POTUS. The other half of the equation is his electability. Some people think that he is an automatic loser because he does not support the abortion and gay marriage agenda. I disagree and think that he would be an outstanding candidate.

I believe Cruz will be the GOP candidate & next POTUS, Trump dropped the ball (or showed his ass) finally.

12-14-15, 15:09
Thus, my goal is to elect the most conservative candidate possible in every election. If we do this, then problem with the GOP and America will correct itself.

Seriously? Please.

Without a doubt, Cruz is the most conservative candidate in the GOP race for POTUS. The other half of the equation is his electability. Some people think that he is an automatic loser because he does not support the abortion and gay marriage agenda. I disagree and think that he would be an outstanding candidate.

Cruz is a shill. A very good one at that.

12-14-15, 15:20
I believe Cruz will be the GOP candidate & next POTUS, Trump dropped the ball (or showed his ass) finally.

I'd be VERY happy if Cruz won...so happy that I'm sending him another $100.

I do find it ironic that Trump's attack on Cruz this weekend centered around 1) Cruz is too anti-establishment and refuses to compromise in the Senate, and 2) Cruz is anti-Iowa for opposing ethanol subsidies. Yet people on this forum think that Trump will somehow change business as usual.

12-14-15, 15:37
The only promise I want him to fulfill is to **** the GOP in the same way the GOP has ****ed us. He hasn't stated it, but he's definitely tearing it up.

Based on the squirming, screaming, and general pant-shitting they're doing, it appears he's delivering.

I don't understand how you can't see that the GOP has become nothing more than Democrat-Lite.
Bravo....... Bravo....

I'd like to second this.

Outlander Systems
12-14-15, 15:47
Seriously? Please.

Cruz is a shill. A very good one at that.

Goldman Sach's Toadie.

ETA: Let me state that I'm about as far from a Conservative as possible.

Give me Liberty, or give me death.

12-14-15, 16:00
Goldman Sach's Toadie.

ETA: Let me state that I'm about as far from a Conservative as possible.

Give me Liberty, or give me death.


12-14-15, 16:12
Voting conservative just isn't going to happen. I wish, but it won't.

I don't know that there is any fixing "this".

I was at party on Saturday. I couldn't believe some of the b.s. that was getting spouted off. People are just too stupid... Even the "conservatives".

The one was moaning about then losing their pension and going to a different system. Their employer's reason was healthcare costs. Was complaining about obamas unaffordable care act and D this and D that.

Then I pointed out that your republican congress let that happen...... Blown gaskets everywhere when I said that. I Got accused of being a closet democrat...... Then more minds where lost when I said I think both parties suck. The gop members should know better, we expect this crap from the democrats, but not them.

So all you conservatives out there that get wrapped around the axle about abortions, orientation, and all of the other issues in the name of principle, keep it up. The newest low info voters don't care. Our GOP is going to bone us this election, just like the last one.

If the crop of republican candidates doesn't speak to where the party is at, far as how screwed up it is, then nothing else will.

We get to live out the movie Idiocracy this time. What a treat.

12-14-15, 16:17
^ Truth brother.

12-14-15, 16:30
sadly Cruz is a republican conservative which puts him way out to the left but not as far as the Democrats but way left of many Americans

Trump ? I do think is closer to most Americans in many ways since he is not a politician ? now the reality is the give and take in politics that should not be there that is Cruz nows how to play the game but maybe a president who does not want to play the game and IMHO might do things like run the country like a business rather than a kid with mom and dads CC not realizing things have to be paid for !

at this point our country is hosed if we elect another politician who will play the games IMHO and I would say by polls I am not alone

if we can get the republicans back to being conservatives and to have a back bone then OK and sadly Libertarians wont make it ? maybe we do need a 3 party system :)

12-14-15, 16:55
Again, I'm not trying to set the GOP straight. There is no person who can set the GOP straight any more than a person can set America straight. The GOP and America will be fixed only by incrementally winning elections, shaping the narrative, and educating future generations.

Thus, my goal is to elect the most conservative candidate possible in every election. If we do this, then problem with the GOP and America will correct itself. People who think that one person can some how burn down the party or county, and rebuild it out of the ashes like some Phoenix need to stop watching so much AMC.

Without a doubt, Cruz is the most conservative candidate in the GOP race for POTUS. The other half of the equation is his electability. Some people think that he is an automatic loser because he does not support the abortion and gay marriage agenda. I disagree and think that he would be an outstanding candidate.

How do you propose to do that when the conservative narrative is not given "air time", in the media, in our schools and in all these "I matter, but you don't" social agenda events?

Without Trump, Cruz would be GONE already. "Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth." Well Trump punched the GOP establishment square in the mouth and they're still reeling today. Had that not happened, your option to vote for anyone but a RINO would already be eliminated. He may not single handedly set the GOP straight, but Trump is helping you reach your goal of electing a conservative. He's having a MAJOR influence over them and that's why it's important to have him in the race. No one else on the big stage could've done what he has.

12-14-15, 17:13
How do you propose to do that when the conservative narrative is not given "air time", in the media, in our schools and in all these "I matter, but you don't" social agenda events?

Without Trump, Cruz would be GONE already. "Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth." Well Trump punched the GOP establishment square in the mouth and they're still reeling today. Had that not happened, your option to vote for anyone but a RINO would already be eliminated. He may not single handedly set the GOP straight, but Trump is helping you reach your goal of electing a conservative. He's having a MAJOR influence over them and that's why it's important to have him in the race. No one else on the big stage could've done what he has.

Glocktogo's point is right on...I don't know if Trump will get the nomination or not, it's still a bit early, and I'm not entirely sure how'd he actually be as a president if he did win. But the point is, he upset the GOP's applecart, and basically called a spade a spade...right out in front of God and everybody. Shining light on RINO's and watching them scatter like cockroaches. The GOP needed this in the worst way. The message here from Trump to the GOP is crystal clear: Either stand up for what you say you believe in, or get out of the way and let somebody else in who will! It's long past time for the old guard to go........

12-14-15, 17:15
How do you propose to do that when the conservative narrative is not given "air time", in the media, in our schools and in all these "I matter, but you don't" social agenda events?

Without Trump, Cruz would be GONE already. "Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth." Well Trump punched the GOP establishment square in the mouth and they're still reeling today. Had that not happened, your option to vote for anyone but a RINO would already be eliminated. He may not single handedly set the GOP straight, but Trump is helping you reach your goal of electing a conservative. He's having a MAJOR influence over them and that's why it's important to have him in the race. No one else on the big stage could've done what he has.

Until he goes independent when he doesn't get the GOP nod and he tanks the election for the Repubs- giving it to Hitlery...

I really wanted to believe Trump was an answer to the problem we are facing, but he is just a homie in it for himself and he will do WHATEVER for personal gain- USA be damned. He's the personification of our celebutard media driven low information culture. He is just really good at saying what people want to hear so he can gain more for himself.

We will still get a RINO- or whomever is elected will be brought into the RINO fold with money and bribes of future power. This train is going off the tracks; aint nothin ya'll can do within the system to stop it at this point. Have a beer and try to enjoy the ride before it goes sideways. Be prepared for when it does.

12-14-15, 18:02
Glocktogo's point is right on...I don't know if Trump will get the nomination or not, it's still a bit early, and I'm not entirely sure how'd he actually be as a president if he did win. But the point is, he upset the GOP's applecart, and basically called a spade a spade...right out in front of God and everybody. Shining light on RINO's and watching them scatter like cockroaches. The GOP needed this in the worst way. The message here from Trump to the GOP is crystal clear: Either stand up for what you say you believe in, or get out of the way and let somebody else in who will! It's long past time for the old guard to go........

I can't see it, heck - I DO NOT see Trump getting the official GOP nod. He is not one of them and scares the Fxxk out of themtwo/ (actually all those established .gov/two-party belivers) - regardless of what we all perceive to be his motivation.

The GOP (and Dems) have ALWAYS been about supporting the douche who will support the powers that be. As stated before, it is one and the same when it comes to furtherance of the Oligarch in positions of power.

Cruz is the stealth definition of this...

As others have said before, I see him running as a 3rd party.

Outlander Systems
12-14-15, 18:26
If he runs third party, fantastic. Mission complete. It's winner-take-****ing-all. Either he gets in the Captains Chair and turns the ship around, or he burns the mother****ing house down on his way out.

The Republican Party, remember them? They were the ones that were going to end illegal immigration, and eviscerate CommieCare. So for all you, "non-socialist", non-politically-correct folks out there, why would you continue to not only reward failure, but continue to show up, and give support to the party that betrays you time, after time, after time? You're like a bunch of bitchy battered spouses. A ****ing meat eater shows up to kick your abusive husbands ass, and you go full blown Stockholm.

Then, these ****ing crony-capitalist, anti-free-market goons have the audacity to parade around the biggest dogpile of invertebrates this side of the Precambrian Era, and actually expect us to accept these wishy washy, limp-dicked clowns? I've never seen such a pack of worthless buffoons in my life. Kasich? Christie!? Rubio!?! Are you ****ing kidding me!? 300,000,000 Americans, and these damp washcloths with pulses are the best the country can come up with?

Then, to add insult to injury, and prove to the world that they are more than willing to cut their own nose off to spite their face, they're ready to throw the primary process into the wood chipper, because you, me, and everyone else is incapable of deciding who the **** we want to vote for!? Are you ****ing kidding me!? The GOP Establishment just told you ****ers it doesn't give a flying soggy biscuit what you meaningless serfs think; it will pick its own candidate, **** you very much.

And you're still willing to throw your bibs on, and scootch on up to the shit trough smorgasbord!?!? Seriously!?

Trump ain't a candidate. He's a murder weapon for the entire Republican Party, who sold you stupid sonsofbitches down the river decades ago.

He could run as a the candidate from the Scientology Xenu Collective Party, and he will get my vote.

He could whip his Dugan out and piss in Megan Kelly's face on live TV. Still voting for him.

Enough is enough.

Serf's up, mother****ers!

I can't see it, heck - I DO NOT see Trump getting the official GOP nod. He is not one of them and scares the Fxxk out of themtwo/ (actually all those established .gov/two-party belivers) - regardless of what we all perceive to be his motivation.

The GOP (and Dems) have ALWAYS been about supporting the douche who will support the powers that be. As stated before, it is one and the same when it comes to furtherance of the Oligarch in positions of power.

Cruz is the stealth definition of this...

As others have said before, I see him running as a 3rd party.

ETA: "Cruz Surges"

Cruz surges, my ass. It's called, "manufactured consensus".

12-14-15, 18:49
Top Jeb Bush political donor in Miami: I’ll vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump (http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/elections-2016/article48067815.html)

One of Bush's handlers will vote for Hillary instead of Trump. Bush handler and billionaire, Mike Fernandez says that he is tired of GOP backing Trump. What planet is this guy living on? As far as I can see, Trump is the only candidate that cannot be bought. I will have no issue voting for Cruz, if Trump implodes. To be honest, I don't care if Trump's ego causes his head to explode all over the Oval Office. Maybe Cruz will run as his VP, and then he can step in after having the mess cleaned up. If Trump is running just to feed his ego that is fine by me. Most of the others are running, because they have been bought and paid for.

Just look at the amount of money that Trump has spent on his campaign, and the results that he has achieved.

12-14-15, 18:57
so we need Bush then ? he is GOP ?

the GOP has power now but never seems to use it and seems to do a lot of what the dems want and the GOP seems to be cowards who cant stand up to the dems on many fronts ?

there are a few of them that do stand up but very few
sadly the idea of the GOP correcting itself is like saying lets let the gangs correct themselves it just wont work and wont happen ! they are moving more left all the time as there ranks are infiltrated more and more and they wont stop it ! sadly its a sinking ship

rather than grabbing the lead trump has and working with it they are sabotaging him ?

Again, I'm not trying to set the GOP straight. There is no person who can set the GOP straight any more than a person can set America straight. The GOP and America will be fixed only by incrementally winning elections, shaping the narrative, and educating future generations.

Thus, my goal is to elect the most conservative candidate possible in every election. If we do this, then problem with the GOP and America will correct itself. People who think that one person can some how burn down the party or county, and rebuild it out of the ashes like some Phoenix need to stop watching so much AMC.

Without a doubt, Cruz is the most conservative candidate in the GOP race for POTUS. The other half of the equation is his electability. Some people think that he is an automatic loser because he does not support the abortion and gay marriage agenda. I disagree and think that he would be an outstanding candidate.

12-14-15, 19:03
Two-party system: You vote for one of the two parties that comes closest to your political ideals. If you don't, the party further from your goals wins.

The Constitution would need to be re-written - at least the parts about elections - in order to viably support having any more than two parties for any period greater than one election cycle.

12-14-15, 19:14
Until he goes independent when he doesn't get the GOP nod and he tanks the election for the Repubs- giving it to Hitlery...

I really wanted to believe Trump was an answer to the problem we are facing, but he is just a homie in it for himself and he will do WHATEVER for personal gain- USA be damned. He's the personification of our celebutard media driven low information culture. He is just really good at saying what people want to hear so he can gain more for himself.

We will still get a RINO- or whomever is elected will be brought into the RINO fold with money and bribes of future power. This train is going off the tracks; aint nothin ya'll can do within the system to stop it at this point. Have a beer and try to enjoy the ride before it goes sideways. Be prepared for when it does.

Well imagine this possibility. Trump loses ground in the Super Tuesday primary, but has enough votes to pull a seat at the table of the GOP convention. Do they dare freeze him out the way they did Rand Paul in 2012? Or do they broker a deal? What if the deal is that Trump agrees to endorse one of the other top candidates, so long as the GOP goes along with their nomination? If not, he runs 3rd Party and crucifies them?

What do they do?

The only one I can see him NOT running 3rd party on is Cruz. Even if you hate Cruz, Rand Paul is the only other one that's even remotely tolerable and he doesn't stand a chance. In light of that, would you support Cruz?

so we need Bush then ? he is GOP ?

the GOP has power now but never seems to use it and seems to do a lot of what the dems want and the GOP seems to be cowards who cant stand up to the dems on many fronts ?

there are a few of them that do stand up but very few
sadly the idea of the GOP correcting itself is like saying lets let the gangs correct themselves it just wont work and wont happen ! they are moving more left all the time as there ranks are infiltrated more and more and they wont stop it ! sadly its a sinking ship

rather than grabbing the lead trump has and working with it they are sabotaging him ?

Those are the exact ones the GOP hates. At the top of their list is Cruz. All the more reason to support him.

12-14-15, 19:35
Don't get too excited gentlemen. There are only two candidates that can decimate the status quo establishment progressives. As a result, they are doing everything they can to sink Trump/Cruz. Regardless of which one you support, the recent blabber is an attempt to sink them both and elevate Rubio/Hildebeast.

12-14-15, 20:29
Voting conservative just isn't going to happen. I wish, but it won't.

I don't know that there is any fixing "this".

I was at party on Saturday. I couldn't believe some of the b.s. that was getting spouted off. People are just too stupid... Even the "conservatives".

The one was moaning about then losing their pension and going to a different system. Their employer's reason was healthcare costs. Was complaining about obamas unaffordable care act and D this and D that.

Then I pointed out that your republican congress let that happen...... Blown gaskets everywhere when I said that. I Got accused of being a closet democrat...... Then more minds where lost when I said I think both parties suck. The gop members should know better, we expect this crap from the democrats, but not them.

So all you conservatives out there that get wrapped around the axle about abortions, orientation, and all of the other issues in the name of principle, keep it up. The newest low info voters don't care. Our GOP is going to bone us this election, just like the last one.

If the crop of republican candidates doesn't speak to where the party is at, far as how screwed up it is, then nothing else will.

We get to live out the movie Idiocracy this time. What a treat.

I think this is about right and I have to agree.
I'm of the opinion that we're too far gone and this ship cannot be saved. I can't say it was done intentionally, but there certainly seem to be enough rich Politicians out there that if it wasn't done with malice, it was certainly done in the name of greed.
Common misdirection; we thought we had one enemy and one friend and come to find out we had two enemies and no friends.

12-14-15, 22:46
Voting conservative just isn't going to happen. I wish, but it won't.

I don't know that there is any fixing "this".

I was at party on Saturday. I couldn't believe some of the b.s. that was getting spouted off. People are just too stupid... Even the "conservatives".

The one was moaning about then losing their pension and going to a different system. Their employer's reason was healthcare costs. Was complaining about obamas unaffordable care act and D this and D that.

Then I pointed out that your republican congress let that happen...... Blown gaskets everywhere when I said that. I Got accused of being a closet democrat...... Then more minds where lost when I said I think both parties suck. The gop members should know better, we expect this crap from the democrats, but not them.

So all you conservatives out there that get wrapped around the axle about abortions, orientation, and all of the other issues in the name of principle, keep it up. The newest low info voters don't care. Our GOP is going to bone us this election, just like the last one.

If the crop of republican candidates doesn't speak to where the party is at, far as how screwed up it is, then nothing else will.

We get to live out the movie Idiocracy this time. What a treat.

I'm sorry, but you are mistaken.

Democrats controlled the House and the Senate when Obamacare was passed. In fact, Dems were near a Supermajority in the Senate. All 39 Republican Senators and every Republican House Member voted against it...every...last...one.

Outlander Systems
12-17-15, 06:03
The Donald and 4GW:

Donald Trump’s recent proposals to register Islamics living in the United States and to bar more Islamics from entering this country until we can determine how to separate the dangerous ones from those who are not dangerous show that he is the only candidate who understands what a Fourth Generation world will be like. The hysterical denunciations from all other candidates except Senator Cruz demonstrate they don’t get it. While that alone may not be enough to indicate Trump would be a good president, it strongly suggests none of his opponents are fit to hold the office. Whether they like it or not, or understand it or not, Fourth Generation war is what they and this country are facing.


12-23-15, 18:45
Trump catching shit for saying “She was favored to win, and she got schlonged. She lost.” in reference to the 2008 Hillary Clinton loss to Obama.

Trump spokesperson: 'What does schlonged mean?' (http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/2326481/donald-trump-spokesperson-katrina-pierson-schlonged)

12-23-15, 19:26
Trump catching shit for saying “She was favored to win, and she got schlonged. She lost.” in reference to the 2008 Hillary Clinton loss to Obama.

Trump spokesperson: 'What does schlonged mean?' (http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/2326481/donald-trump-spokesperson-katrina-pierson-schlonged)

It's been so long since Bill put it to her someone had to 'splain it to Hillary.

12-23-15, 21:40
It's been so long since Bill put it to her someone had to 'splain it to Hillary.

Too busy with everyone else...

It's what happens when you don't pant-suit.

Ask J.C. Stevens....

01-27-16, 11:52

Outlander Systems
01-27-16, 12:02
Two Jobs:

1) End illegal immigration
2) Rescind Obamacare

Failure on both counts.

01-27-16, 12:29
Part of Trumps charm is that unlike Romney who allowed Candy Crowley to hand his a@@ to him in a biased debate against Obama, Trump is smarter than to allow that to happen with Fox News and Megyn Kelly.
The more he moves forward to piss off the GOP RINO's and fight the folks who are bringing us Syrian Refugee's, Obama Care, BLM and Illegal Immigration, the more he is loved by many Americans.

Outlander Systems
01-27-16, 13:42
I stand by my assertion that he is the ONLY one I actually believe honestly cares about this country.

01-27-16, 13:49
He doesn't care about this country. But then neither do most politicians. He cares about his own ass and profitability; which in some cases cross paths with what is best for the country. Obama was/is the same; it's just that his personal goals don't mesh with what's good for the country.

My only reason for liking him is that he has managed to bring to light that the main stream Republicans are nothing more than Medium Democrats pretending to be different.

01-27-16, 13:54
He doesn't care about this country. But then neither do most politicians. He cares about his own ass and profitability; which in some cases cross paths with what is best for the country. Obama was/is the same; it's just that his personal goals don't mesh with what's good for the country.

My only reason for liking him is that he has managed to bring to light that the main stream Republicans are nothing more than Medium Democrats pretending to be different.

This, and the fact that he is NOT politically correct. Other than that he's a bombastic ass......but I'd reluctantly hold my nose and vote for him, although I don't trust him.

Outlander Systems
01-27-16, 13:59
Sad, but the fact of the matter is that pretty much he is the most palatable meal on the table.

I'd cartwheel into the polls to pull the lever for Paul, but it ain't happening. And, truth be told, Trump is exactly what the Republican/Whig party deserves.

Reap what you sow, mother****ers.

This, and the fact that he is NOT politically correct. Other than that he's a bombastic ass......but I'd reluctantly hold my nose and vote for him, although I don't trust him.

01-27-16, 16:53
God damn it. I love Thomas Sowell, and have read close to all of his works on economics and history, but he is way off on this one. I'll chalk it up to his being a bit old, but it's still disappointing.
**** National Review, and **** the GOP. The GOP fluffs the Demonrats while they **** the Constitution up the ass with no lube.

01-27-16, 17:11
This, and the fact that he is NOT politically correct. Other than that he's a bombastic ass......but I'd reluctantly hold my nose and vote for him, although I don't trust him.

Too bad he's not American, or Trump could pick Jeremy Clarkson as his veep! :lol:

01-29-16, 19:40
Well, Trump Raises $6 Million for Vets (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/29/trump-skips-debate-raises-6m-for-vets.html), while a stage full of other people blow hot air on a stage for TV. I don't care if it was done to help his campaign, or even if it were Bloomberg who was doing his own event. Our veterans need support, because our government is MIA on their promise. Trump is really the only candidate who has mentioned our veterans, much, and regardless of his intentions, our vets got some much needed support last night.

There were some groups that came forward, on their own, to deny any money from the event. You know what....I say shame on them. It doesn't matter what foundation or who is donating. Take the damn money, and give it to our men and women who need and deserve it. If they need to make a statement saying they don't support Trump's campaign, I don't give a rat's ass. Take the damn money, and take care of our vets. Rant over.

01-30-16, 00:20
Other candidates mention our military and how badly they want to use it, everywhere so we don't have to feel so weak and disenfranchised from world dominance. That's almost as good, right?

If you look at our politics as usual and decide you want a candidate that doesn't play by their rules you have two real choices. Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders.

01-30-16, 00:38
So Kev- you still enamored with Trump?

Or has his stance on Muslims changed your mind?