View Full Version : DNC passes resolution supporting blacklivesmatter...wow

08-30-15, 15:43

I'm not sure what else to say. They officially support a terrorist group that has called for the murder of Police Officers and actually followed through. No words.

08-30-15, 15:50
What took them so long? "If Obama had a grass roots movement..."

08-30-15, 15:51
They are steadily moving more and more to the left (if that was even possible), and brazenly so.

Scary thing is they command ~ 50% + or - of this country's electorate. I am still not a TEOTWAWKI kinda guy but I sense violent divisions in this country coming.

08-30-15, 16:22
Activists with the Black Lives Matter movement have roiled Democratic politics in recent months, interrupting speeches by the party’s presidential candidates as they try to force the party to prioritize their issues.

So the DNC decided to get straight with BLM so they will quit causing so much disruption? Ha ha

The BLM has them by the short hairs and they know it. The DNC is hoping to quiet things down by appeasing them.

“[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

What a load of crap.

08-30-15, 16:53
So the DNC decided to get straight with BLM so they will quit causing so much disruption? Ha ha

The BLM has them by the short hairs and they know it. The DNC is hoping to quiet things down by appeasing them.

“[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

What a load of crap.

Remember that the Democrats (Kennedy Sr, especially) were convinced Munich was a success...

08-30-15, 17:15
They are truly the American Communist Party.

08-30-15, 18:42
I would like to say the Democrats are alienating more and more voters with their stupidity. Especially now that they are allying themselves to an organization with radical minority group links.

I have been wrong before.

I wonder of the IRS will bring hell to BLM like they do the Tea Party??? Ha ha, sure.

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08-30-15, 18:53
Even after the BLM movement has called for lynching, killing of whites and cops?

08-30-15, 19:22
Even after the BLM movement has called for lynching, killing of whites and cops?

How high to the top of BLM is that going?

Well here's how I can see that playing out. The BLM leaders would speak out both sides of their mouths claiming they are a peaceful organization while giving the radicals high fives behind the scenes.

However I can see the truly peaceful members even freaking out now that the powder keg is starting to blow. First the reporters being shot by a black psychopath now the LEO apparently executed in cold blood by a thug. I could see this going bad for them as the ugliest, most racist, radical criminals dole out their form of "justice" in the name of their brothers and sisters. BLM can deny involvement and enough idiots will believe them.

More and more people may see the potential for race riots or fear a full on war. Rightly or wrongly, the fear is there. There is only so much sh*t people will take.

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08-30-15, 19:25
So, when's the DNC change the name of the party to reflect more diversity, something like "Black Lives Matter Democratic Socialist Party"? It's good they're stuck with BLM, should be interesting seeing how the DNC, and especially Hillary, is going to defend BLM's actions the next time a cop gets killed by them..

08-30-15, 19:25
Even after the BLM movement has called for lynching, killing of whites and cops?

Look at who the prez was buddies with? Deny a cake to a gay couple and your are excommunicated from society. Blow up some govt buildings and you become a confidant of the prez...

Imagine if Trump sought council with Terry Nichols...

08-30-15, 19:38
How high to the top of BLM is that going?

Well here's how I can see that playing out. The BLM leaders would speak out both sides of their mouths claiming they are a peaceful organization while giving the radicals high fives behind the scenes.

However I can see the truly peaceful members even freaking out now that the powder keg is starting to blow. First the reporters being shot by a black psychopath now the LEO apparently executed in cold blood by a thug. I could see this going bad for them as the ugliest, most racist, radical criminals dole out their form of "justice" in the name of their brothers and sisters. BLM can deny involvement and enough idiots will believe them.

More and more people may see the potential for race riots or fear a full on war. Rightly or wrongly, the fear is there. There is only so much sh*t people will take.

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And this is exactly what the Elitist want... A full on race/civil war right before the presidential elections, just enough of a excuse to declare martial law, suspend the elections, and move to a dictatorship..

08-30-15, 19:41
And this is exactly what the Elitist want... A full on race/civil war right before the presidential elections, just enough of a excuse to declare martial law, suspend the elections, and move to a dictatorship..

This is not what anyone wants except fringe white supremacists and Uhuru folks.

08-30-15, 19:51
This is not what anyone wants except fringe white supremacists and Uhuru folks.

The Star Trek lady?

08-30-15, 20:21
The Star Trek lady?
I needed a good laugh! :D

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08-30-15, 21:18
I typed up a long, emotional response....about hypocrisy...about white men serving and getting assaulted semi weekly and dying semi monthly for black neighborhoods.
About how easy it is to jump a bandwagon.

But it felt self degrading. I have nothing but pity for these stupid people who are so out of touch with reality that this is actually a thing.

Life has only as much meaning as you give it. I can't make thugs care as much as I do. But I won't be patronized into being "reminded" hourly of what matters snd what doesn't

08-30-15, 21:26
But I won't be patronized into being "reminded" hourly of what matters snd what doesn't

Another reason I ditched cable.

Re: DNC endorsing BLM, this is my surprised face. :rolleyes:

After all, this is the same organization that refuses to acknowledge islamic terrorists as such (workplace violence) and has consistently re-written history to follow their unicorns and rainbows theory of diversity and tolerance for all, except whites, christians, males, and conservatives who must obviously be reeducated or wiped out. Come to think of it, liberals sound a lot like their muslim buddies, don't they?

08-30-15, 21:29
So the DNC decided to get straight with BLM so they will quit causing so much disruption? Ha ha

The BLM has them by the short hairs and they know it. The DNC is hoping to quiet things down by appeasing them.

“[T]he DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming ‘Black lives matter’ and the ‘say her name’ efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children,” the resolution states.

What a load of crap.

Take a second and look what happened to Bernie Sanders at one of his Rally's. Black Lives Matters shut him down and sole the Mic. Later the tired the same thing with Hillary, I'm not sure how she did it, but BLM got shut down very quietly.
Now, I've read that the DNC doesn't want Sanders to run and that there is a lot of money been placed on Hillary to win. Take that however you want.
I've also heard that a lot of Soros money has been put in to Black Lives Matter and he's put some of the cash down to send of of the Black Lives Matter folks to various places around the country to organize crowds to protest.
Now the DNC recognizes BLM and the heat will be off at their rally's. The folks from BLM learned the lessons taught by Jackson and Sharpton, extort the money and move on to someone else.
It won't be long now until the pressure is felt at each and every GOP rally for several selected folks in the race.

08-30-15, 23:44
It won't be long now until the pressure is felt at each and every GOP rally for several selected folks in the race.

Especially with official blessing now... I guess we'll get to find out real fast where the GOP's spines are going to be this election...

I typed up a long, emotional response....about hypocrisy...about white men serving and getting assaulted semi weekly and dying semi monthly for black neighborhoods.
About how easy it is to jump a bandwagon.

But it felt self degrading. I have nothing but pity for these stupid people who are so out of touch with reality that this is actually a thing.

Life has only as much meaning as you give it. I can't make thugs care as much as I do. But I won't be patronized into being "reminded" hourly of what matters snd what doesn't

Hallelujah, amen, you are all dismissed.

08-30-15, 23:59
This is not what anyone wants except fringe white supremacists and Uhuru folks.
I hope you're correct. However with the recent ratcheting up of racial tensions, I can't see this going away anytime soon. BLM is becoming like the New Black Panthers on steroids. I think we can plan on there being much more 2016 voter intimidation and more violence. At the current rate, post election riots wouldn't surprise me.

08-31-15, 00:35
This must be what it was like when the KKK marched in Washington DC and enjoyed the full support of Woodrow Wilson.


Impressively, Obama has managed to take race relations back about 100 years.

08-31-15, 01:13

When I hear it I think that they don't think my life matters. It isn't a winning slogan, or even as Hillary has pointed out- a viable political strategy, but more on that later.

Why not "AllLivesMatter"? Well, that just opens up the whole abortion thing- especially with late term abortions. Murder charges for unborn babies makes Progressives go monkey-poop crazy.

It seems so simple to me. #MyLifeMatters. A fetus of any stage isn't going to tweet it so the abortion issue goes away. It sells itself because you put a face with the tagline. It would play so well with social media and telling stories that people can relate to. My life matters is inclusive, its compelling. They can still play the race card and all the group grievance politics, but it isn't in-your-face as it is with BlackLivesMatter. But I think that is exactly why it didn't go in that direction. MyLifeMatters is about the individual while BLM is all about group and collective issues. The individual doesn't play into the Progressives playbook. They are the neo-collectivists, group-grievance/think that tries to stamp out the individual in the name of the community.

So, beyond the neo-collectivist Progressive gestalt, why a push that is doomed to fail? There is a long history of Progressive agenda items that don't actually help the people that they are targeted to assist. But I think it is deeper than that. I think Soros knows that this is a fool's errand and wants it to fail so that blacks think that the system is even more tilted against them. That's a great way to make them more dependant and easier to manipulate. Plus it helps to tear down America so that they can rebuild it more wholly in their collectivist mentality.

My Life Matters

08-31-15, 01:35
Look at who the prez was buddies with? Blow up some govt buildings and you become a confidant of the prez...

Ding, ding, ding! I was going to comment on this and then read your post. When Barry's political career began in the living from of Bill Ayers . . . yeah that should clue folks into what all this is really about.

Soros funding #BLM say what?!

Billionaire hip-hop mogul and card carrying member of the Five Percent Nation posting bond for rioters in Ferguson and Baltimore. Maybe some will start connecting the dots but then again the 2015 NFL season kicks off in a little over a week so who am I kid'n.

08-31-15, 01:44

When I hear it I think that they don't think my life matters.

To them, it doesn't.

Every time I see a t-shirt or a sign, all I read is ONLY Black Lives Matter. And as Peggy Hubbard pointed out in her epic viral video the only black lives that matter to them is the lives of thugs and criminals.

Will started a thread with it, but it's worth posting again in this thread:


08-31-15, 01:58
I hope you're correct. However with the recent ratcheting up of racial tensions, I can't see this going away anytime soon. BLM is becoming like the New Black Panthers on steroids. I think we can plan on there being much more 2016 voter intimidation and more violence. At the current rate, post election riots wouldn't surprise me.

Make no mistake, BLM as "black radicals" are just another scapegoat for fear mongers. In real terms, the numbers on a "race war" (black vs. white) are laughable: 13% versus 58% (depending on whose numbers you choose and BLM activists are what, maybe 0.25-1.5% of the 13%). Most black people, like other people, just want to have a better life for their kids. Most don't support thugs or thug culture since, if they are poor, this terrorizes and bleeds them daily and isn't what they want their kids to grow into. In general, most people are the same in this respect, but identity politics doesn't care about common ground. Black, white, hispanic, asian doesn't really matter much when people have good values, morals, character, work ethic, etc. If you want a fresh perspective, watch kids play. Race makes no difference and kids will naturally play with other kids that share similar interests, values, and personalities. Kids look at another kid and say "you have a ball, I like playing ball. Let's play ball together". They don't look at another kid and say, "My family is White North Atlantic Islander, your ancestors are Black Equatorial African, we can't play together." Racial identity in a negative sense is unnatural and is definitely something learned; or rather "educated" since there's plenty of bucks to be made in that racket from fear, guilt, or grievance.

The politics of race are just politics of fear, straw-men, and scapegoats - and unfortunately they get a lot of press. The left and the elites who want dominance through world socialism are happy to lump all black people (or hispanics or whites, etc. depending on their audience's current grievance and agenda opportunism) into one threatening bunch in order to accomplish the goal of expansion of the power of central government. Fear is historically and by human nature, a great motivator. The elites divide by race, class, religion, etc. for their purposes of divide and conquer. The threat of a "race war" is a call for "HELP!!! Big government: 'We're' scared. 'We' pay our taxes. 'They' don't need the same liberty as 'us' and we'll all give up some that we don't 'need' in exchange for security from 'them'. HELP!!! Do something now!!!!!". Hitler blamed "Jews and communists (a funny position from a socialist)", Stalin blamed "Aristocrats, Tartars, Turkmen, and Orientals". Mao blamed "the bourgeois and foreigners" - all enemies of the state identified and demonized to accomplish goals. Why would "black radicals" be any different with today's American oligarchs?

08-31-15, 05:48
Well, that just opens up the whole abortion thing- especially with late term abortions.

This is what struck me as particularly cynical of Hillary and the DNC - the abortion mills kill so many black babies each year, and the Planned Parenthood organization is rightly said to descend from eugenics theory. I wonder how many BLM people realize any of this?

08-31-15, 06:49
This is what struck me as particularly cynical of Hillary and the DNC - the abortion mills kill so many black babies each year, and the Planned Parenthood organization is rightly said to descend from eugenics theory. I wonder how many BLM people realize any of this?

This is why I think the whole thing is a scam.
Want to make Black Lives matter, quit aborting your babies, quit shooting each other and turn your culture around.
If those were the goals it wouldn't be about extorting money from the DNC, but then they learned so well by the Jackson, Sharpton example how can they not take it?

08-31-15, 06:56
This is not what anyone wants except fringe white supremacists and Uhuru folks.

You're right, nobody wants a dictatorship except those who would benefit the most from it.. A dictatorship is exactly what people like Soros want, Look how well it worked for him in the Ukraine.. After all he was the money behind the Madien (sp?)movement. They overthrew a elected government, installed a puppet government, and got a large part of the world believing that Russia is the bad guy here. Soros was involved every step of the way. The man is pure evil. The BLM movement is just a vehicle used to get what they(Soros and his elitest friends) want.. They're useful idiots nothing more.

08-31-15, 10:09
I hope you're correct. However with the recent ratcheting up of racial tensions, I can't see this going away anytime soon. BLM is becoming like the New Black Panthers on steroids. I think we can plan on there being much more 2016 voter intimidation and more violence. At the current rate, post election riots wouldn't surprise me.

Black Panthers on Steroids? They're coming closer to becoming the Brown Shirts or the PIRA: Disrupting political rallies, inciting riots, assassinations... I hope the Secret Service is really on their game, because I'm thinking there's going to be quite a few plots against presidential candidates from both parties if they deviate from BLM demands. And I don't think they're going to keep their voter intimidation to just standing outside polls with billy clubs. I'm thinking murders, seizing of ballots, threats to vote counters about what will happen to them if the "wrong" person wins in their voting district...watch your backs out there.

08-31-15, 12:38
You're right, paying them off may not be enough. They may demand that their agenda be pushed to the forefront and this acceptance by the DNC may be only the first step.
The position the DNC has put themselves and their Candidates in by doing this is somewhat precarious. How many murders does it take to have this blow up in their faces?
Now your typical RINO, may let this walk without a peep, but I assure you that there are a couple of Republican Candidates who, if the murder of Deputy Goforth can be tied to Black Lives Matter will make it an embarrassing situation for the DNC and every candidate who has supported BLM.

26 Inf
08-31-15, 20:07
Make no mistake, BLM as "black radicals" are just another scapegoat for fear mongers. In real terms, the numbers on a "race war" (black vs. white) are laughable: 13% versus 58% (depending on whose numbers you choose and BLM activists are what, maybe 0.25-1.5% of the 13%). Most black people, like other people, just want to have a better life for their kids. Most don't support thugs or thug culture since, if they are poor, this terrorizes and bleeds them daily and isn't what they want their kids to grow into. In general, most people are the same in this respect, but identity politics doesn't care about common ground. Black, white, hispanic, asian doesn't really matter much when people have good values, morals, character, work ethic, etc. If you want a fresh perspective, watch kids play. Race makes no difference and kids will naturally play with other kids that share similar interests, values, and personalities. Kids look at another kid and say "you have a ball, I like playing ball. Let's play ball together". They don't look at another kid and say, "My family is White North Atlantic Islander, your ancestors are Black Equatorial African, we can't play together." Racial identity in a negative sense is unnatural and is definitely something learned; or rather "educated" since there's plenty of bucks to be made in that racket from fear, guilt, or grievance.

The politics of race are just politics of fear, straw-men, and scapegoats - and unfortunately they get a lot of press. The left and the elites who want dominance through world socialism are happy to lump all black people (or hispanics or whites, etc. depending on their audience's current grievance and agenda opportunism) into one threatening bunch in order to accomplish the goal of expansion of the power of central government. Fear is historically and by human nature, a great motivator. The elites divide by race, class, religion, etc. for their purposes of divide and conquer. The threat of a "race war" is a call for "HELP!!! Big government: 'We're' scared. 'We' pay our taxes. 'They' don't need the same liberty as 'us' and we'll all give up some that we don't 'need' in exchange for security from 'them'. HELP!!! Do something now!!!!!". Hitler blamed "Jews and communists (a funny position from a socialist)", Stalin blamed "Aristocrats, Tartars, Turkmen, and Orientals". Mao blamed "the bourgeois and foreigners" - all enemies of the state identified and demonized to accomplish goals. Why would "black radicals" be any different with today's American oligarchs?

Wow! That was pretty damned insightful. Maybe you don't belong on this forum. :cool: One of my favorite pics is a mixed group of kids playing with each other while their parents, black folks and KKKer's stand screaming at each other in the background.

And nowhere did you advocate rolling over and playing dead, instead looking at each person as a person instead of a stereotype.

This meshes well with my philosophy of treat everyone like a potential best friend, but always have a plan to kill them.

08-31-15, 21:26
This must be what it was like when the KKK marched in Washington DC and enjoyed the full support of Woodrow Wilson.

Impressively, Obama has managed to take race relations back about 100 years.

A bit off topic, but true.. Local SO has, (and as far as I know they still have them) 3 Thompson SMG's that were donated to the SO by the local branch of the KKK... Local klan also owned a farm where they had meetings, complete with brick pillars in the driveway that have crosses in them, and when the place was active, had gas piping on top of the pillars in the form of a cross that was lit on meeting nights..So, yeah back in the 20's-30's the KKK wielded a lot of power.. that pic you posted is a classic example.

09-01-15, 02:51
This is why I think the whole thing is a scam.
Want to make Black Lives matter, quit aborting your babies, quit shooting each other and turn your culture around.
If those were the goals it wouldn't be about extorting money from the DNC, but then they learned so well by the Jackson, Sharpton example how can they not take it?

No, no, no. You clearly don't get it.
Black lives only matter if they those lives are of criminals and were ended by a white person (although, "White Hispanics" also count).

Make no mistake, BLM as "black radicals" are just another scapegoat for fear mongers. In real terms, the numbers on a "race war" (black vs. white) are laughable: 13% versus 58% (depending on whose numbers you choose and BLM activists are what, maybe 0.25-1.5% of the 13%). Most black people, like other people, just want to have a better life for their kids. Most don't support thugs or thug culture since, if they are poor, this terrorizes and bleeds them daily and isn't what they want their kids to grow into. In general, most people are the same in this respect, but identity politics doesn't care about common ground. Black, white, hispanic, asian doesn't really matter much when people have good values, morals, character, work ethic, etc. If you want a fresh perspective, watch kids play. Race makes no difference and kids will naturally play with other kids that share similar interests, values, and personalities. Kids look at another kid and say "you have a ball, I like playing ball. Let's play ball together". They don't look at another kid and say, "My family is White North Atlantic Islander, your ancestors are Black Equatorial African, we can't play together." Racial identity in a negative sense is unnatural and is definitely something learned; or rather "educated" since there's plenty of bucks to be made in that racket from fear, guilt, or grievance.

The politics of race are just politics of fear, straw-men, and scapegoats - and unfortunately they get a lot of press. The left and the elites who want dominance through world socialism are happy to lump all black people (or hispanics or whites, etc. depending on their audience's current grievance and agenda opportunism) into one threatening bunch in order to accomplish the goal of expansion of the power of central government. Fear is historically and by human nature, a great motivator. The elites divide by race, class, religion, etc. for their purposes of divide and conquer. The threat of a "race war" is a call for "HELP!!! Big government: 'We're' scared. 'We' pay our taxes. 'They' don't need the same liberty as 'us' and we'll all give up some that we don't 'need' in exchange for security from 'them'. HELP!!! Do something now!!!!!". Hitler blamed "Jews and communists (a funny position from a socialist)", Stalin blamed "Aristocrats, Tartars, Turkmen, and Orientals". Mao blamed "the bourgeois and foreigners" - all enemies of the state identified and demonized to accomplish goals. Why would "black radicals" be any different with today's American oligarchs?

I don't think pointing out the vile racism in a movement such as BLM, and the surprising amount of moral and financial support they enjoy, is "fear mongering".
No one is suggesting that all, or most black people are criminals, etc. Yes, the majority of black people, as most people in general, are peaceful, decent human beings. However, pointing out the relative differences in crime rates, and how those crime rates are explained away, excused and justified, is a legitimate and fair thing to do.

I doubt a single member on this forum would prevent their child from playing with another kid based on skin color alone.
The only scapegoating going on is the scapegoating of white people and police officers by BLM, social justice turds, the Democrats (Communists) and the various other gong show groups that hate America and the West enough to get in bed with the Devil.

You have this thing backwards. The people calling for blaming, and in some cases massacring, are those on the Left. Massacres of white people, police, servicemen and women, Christians, conservatives, etc.

09-01-15, 09:06
I'm just not sure at what point in time it was decided that leftist radicals are somehow less dangerous than right wing radicals? Did anyone else get that memo?

I would absolutely let my child play with black children. I absolutely wouldn't let my child play with the children of criminals, gang members, thugs, racists or people who won't take responsibility for their actions, regardless of race. it really is that simple.

09-01-15, 10:49
No, no, no. You clearly don't get it.
I don't think pointing out the vile racism in a movement such as BLM, and the surprising amount of moral and financial support they enjoy, is "fear mongering".
No one is suggesting that all, or most black people are criminals, etc. Yes, the majority of black people, as most people in general, are peaceful, decent human beings. However, pointing out the relative differences in crime rates, and how those crime rates are explained away, excused and justified, is a legitimate and fair thing to do.

I doubt a single member on this forum would prevent their child from playing with another kid based on skin color alone.
The only scapegoating going on is the scapegoating of white people and police officers by BLM, social justice turds, the Democrats (Communists) and the various other gong show groups that hate America and the West enough to get in bed with the Devil.

You have this thing backwards. The people calling for blaming, and in some cases massacring, are those on the Left. Massacres of white people, police, servicemen and women, Christians, conservatives, etc.

You hit the X-ring, on all points.

09-01-15, 13:33
No, no, no. You clearly don't get it.
Black lives only matter if they those lives are of criminals and were ended by a white person (although, "White Hispanics" also count). I agree with you. The idea is to create racial hatred on a larger scale to exploit fear in order to suppress liberty.

I don't think pointing out the vile racism in a movement such as BLM, and the surprising amount of moral and financial support they enjoy, is "fear mongering". My comments aren't about what you and I think, as that matters (in the grander political scale) less than what is portrayed in the media for the masses to digest. In today's mainstream press, there is no such thing as "black racism", there is the politics of oppressed versus oppressor. Louis Farrakhan is one of the most vile black racists and openly advocates killing police, whites, Jews, etc., but he somehow gets a pass from most mainstream media outlets. Some dumbass fratboys sing a racist song on a bus and that was reported by CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC as something that "highlights the problems of white privilege and white racism". The mainstream media can't convince you or I about the merits of the hypocrisy of their propagandist narrative. We're not their audience.

Remember back to the early '90's. What prompted the Clinton AWB? Could it be fears of "gangs armed with military weaponry who outgun police"? What color were those "gangs" (remember the media stories with red or blue bandana covered black faces holding TEC9s)? Since the population of racial minorities was smaller then than today, it was on the urging of a lot of scared white people that Clinton and crew got this passed. California's antigun laws started with then Gov. Ronald Reagan signing the Mulford Act. The Gun Control Law of 1968 was enacted advertised as a measure to quell the fears of race wars by taking guns out of the hands of "criminals". Again, both relied on lies and propaganda to enlist the support of white middle class Americans to pass and they got it. That is why it is important to understand the targets of fear and fear mongering and the objectives of the fear mongers.

No one is suggesting that all, or most black people are criminals, etc. Yes, the majority of black people, as most people in general, are peaceful, decent human beings. However, pointing out the relative differences in crime rates, and how those crime rates are explained away, excused and justified, is a legitimate and fair thing to do. I agree. In the larger discussion, the crime rates have a lot to do with social factors, all engineered by the left (like the breakdown of the family, the nihilism of high abortion rates, etc.) that have been failed policy. Prior to the left's politically motivated cycle of dependency, black crime rates were in a similar proportion to white crime rates (based on economic class). Now as crime rates have decreased in white areas, the voting public will see crime rates in black areas as "their" problem and the solutions that bleed us all of our rights are welcomed by people who are afraid of their neighborhood turning into the ghetto. This is just manipulation.

I doubt a single member on this forum would prevent their child from playing with another kid based on skin color alone. I agree with you here as well. The context of my comments wasn't to call out anyone on this forum. Many guys come from military or LE backgrounds and understand "team". Most are also smart enough to know that we're all being played by politicians and that social engineering is not the natural state of affairs.

The only scapegoating going on is the scapegoating of white people and police officers by BLM, social justice turds, the Democrats (Communists) and the various other gong show groups that hate America and the West enough to get in bed with the Devil. Yet the devil looks different to different people depending on who is manipulating them to be afraid of that devil. Follow the money and you will find the devil.

You have this thing backwards. The people calling for blaming, and in some cases massacring, are those on the Left. Massacres of white people, police, servicemen and women, Christians, conservatives, etc. The left is always violent. That is consistent throughout history. Today's political parties are either left or center left. You cannot trust the republican establishment here either. They will cave to the interests of those who also want to destroy liberty and increase the power of government to "restore order". If you look beyond the BLM vs. society it is another step in the Cloward-Piven playbook of manufactured crisis. It is not the crisis that is the interesting part, it is the opportunity to advance an agenda based on the consequences of that crisis. In this case, if you get white suburbanites scared (they vote regularly and represent consumers who own property, pay taxes, buy products, and carry the majority of household debt), they will voluntarily give up liberty in exchange for security. That is where BLM is a scapegoat. Sure, other groups can be scapegoats as well since "intolerant" Christians are "threatened" by "peaceful" Islamists or atheists, or "uncompassionate" conservatives wage war on women and want dirty water and filthy air, etc. (you see where I am going with this propagandist drivel). Look at who are the individuals who have the most to lose from a sacking of our Constitutional rights and you will see where the fear mongers will be most active. I don't have it backwards, it is a multi-front war.

If the "Black Lives Matter" people really cared about "black lives", they would be burning planned parenthood clinics and lynching the staff. The genocide on black babies is much more significant in numbers of lives than any interaction with police. Planned parenthood aborted more black children than were born in New York City in 2013 and has killed more black children than the KKK ever did - and not everyone remembers that Margaret Sanger (planned parenthood's founder) was for eugenics, white "racial purity", and specifically advocated killing those she felt unworthy of life (like blacks as an example). What about black on black crime and violence? Do the lives of black murder victims at the hands of other blacks "matter"? The calls to end black on black crime and violence are drowned out by this false narrative of racism by police. Since they are obviously unconcerned with life, what really matters to them? Destruction of our rights, liberty and sovereignty; further expansion of government and concentration of power in the hands of a few.

All of this current "BLM" rubbish is propaganda and political posturing to create opportunities for further movement towards the elite's ultimate goals. The leftists play the long game. Fabian thinking (that has infected the West's elites) play the very long game and look at all of these mini crises as means to their end. Power doesn't come out of thin air. One side relinquishes it to the other either by coercion or voluntary pledge.

09-01-15, 13:56
Very well said this ^ in a nutshell sums up what the left, and the elitist are up to, and people had better wake up, and damn fast. The next presidential election will decide if we'll have a constitutional republic, or a socialist, communist state.. Long term, I think the DNC will regret supporting BLM, If the RNC is smart, they'll rebuke BLM wholesale, and every time BLM kills a cop, the DNC will in some way, have try to justify that, By rebuking BLM, the RNC would make themselves look they have a lick of sense, as they don't support domestic terrorism, which BTW, IMO, is exactly what BLM is.