View Full Version : Obama renames Mount McKinley (this is not a joke)

08-30-15, 19:40


President Barack Obama will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of the president's historic visit to Alaska.

No dog in this fight. Denali may be the appropriate name of the mountain. But this guy sure will do anything for diversity...

08-30-15, 19:55

No dog in this fight. Denali may be the appropriate name of the mountain. But this guy sure will do anything for diversity...

It will be some federal workers career to change everything in the Federal system.

"Dog in the fight", not going to name a mountain after you anytime soon you insensitive speciesist.

08-30-15, 20:37
Never should have been renamed Mt. McKinley to begin with... so... whatever.

08-30-15, 20:39
Having just been to Denali national park earlier this year... and considering that all the park employees, rangers, locals, and pretty much everyone in Alaska (native or not) already calls it Denali... it makes sense. I think the only time I heard it called Mt. McKinley was when someone said something to the effect of "That over there is the tallest mountain in North America: Denali. It's also sometimes called Mt. McKinley."

08-30-15, 20:42
Please quit changing and revising the history it took me a literal lifetime to learn.

08-30-15, 20:48
Please quit changing and revising the history it took me a literal lifetime to learn.

This is just correcting it, it was renamed to Mt. McKinley on a whim to begin with despite strong objections. but Ohio through its weight around...

08-30-15, 20:58
I don't have a problem with it. At least he's calling it by the name the locals already use, and not calling it Mt. Obama or Mt. Lenin or something.

08-30-15, 21:02
In other news... I'm renaming my wife's truck from Denali to Mt McKinley.

08-30-15, 21:03
This is just correcting it, it was renamed to Mt. McKinley on a whim to begin with despite strong objections. but Ohio through its weight around...

What's Ohio got to do with it?

PD Sgt.
08-30-15, 21:06
What's Ohio got to do with it?

Birthplace of President McKinley.

08-30-15, 21:12
We can thank our lucky stars he did not rename Mt. McKinley Mt. Caitlin Jenner.

08-30-15, 21:22
Well.....since we're renaming things, I guess Chicago should be Obamagrad.

I don't care what the locals call it. It's Mt. McKinley. It was in my US History book and I'd prefer we leave things be.

08-30-15, 22:54
Well.....since we're renaming things, I guess Chicago should be Obamagrad.

I don't care what the locals call it. It's Mt. McKinley. It was in my US History book and I'd prefer we leave things be.

Then it should be Denali, because McKinley was a change.

We can solve this easily: Drill into the mountain. If we find it to be made of chocolate éclair, it is McKinley. If not, it reverts back to its original name.

08-30-15, 23:53
You know what. I don't care anymore.

08-31-15, 01:05
I'm just glad to hear he didn't re-re-name it after himself . . .

08-31-15, 02:21
I'm just glad to hear he didn't re-re-name it after himself . . .

My first thought. But really, this is some that shouldn't be done by any President. It should have happened in 1975 and been a matter of the Alaska state legislature. How a Ohio congressman had any say in the matter is beyond me.

08-31-15, 05:09
In other news... I'm renaming my wife's truck from Denali to Mt McKinley.

That is TOO funny. We want pics of the badge change! At least he is not renaming it Mt. Ferguson, or Trayvon.

08-31-15, 06:59
It's not so much Obama is making the name change, it's why he's doing it. McKinley was white and Republican. And symbolizes everything he hates

08-31-15, 07:23
It's not so much Obama is making the name change, it's why he's doing it. McKinley was white and Republican. And symbolizes everything he hates

Bingo! Obumbo doesn't do anything on a whim..every move he makes is calculated....

08-31-15, 07:38
Then it should be Denali, because McKinley was a change.

We can solve this easily: Drill into the mountain. If we find it to be made of chocolate éclair, it is McKinley. If not, it reverts back to its original name.

This and LOL

08-31-15, 07:40
It's not so much Obama is making the name change, it's why he's doing it. McKinley was white and Republican. And symbolizes everything he hates
Actually it's Republican politicians from Alaska that have been pushing for the change. Obama simply approved what they were asking for so it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with what's right. The mountain never should have been named after McKinley...especially since he was from Ohio and his feet never touched Alaskan soil.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

08-31-15, 08:00
In other news... I'm renaming my wife's truck from Denali to Mt McKinley.

I am sure you can get some government grants to change the emblems....... ;)

08-31-15, 09:13
Never should have been renamed Mt. McKinley to begin with... so... whatever.


I guess if you're searching for your daily dose of thoughtless hyper-partisan outrage, this will suffice.

If you actually know anything about the area or the subject, then... not really interesting, is it?

So many things are like that.

McKinley was white and Republican. And symbolizes everything he hates


Dude... I'm pretty sure he was just joking.


Crow Hunter
08-31-15, 09:25
I don't know why they changed it to Denali.

Can't they spell Dabigmountain?

08-31-15, 09:41
Kalashnikev, Who me? Joking? No I'm dead serious about Obamas hatred of everything of whites, republicans, and everything America has stood for

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08-31-15, 09:55
I have no issue with the name being "restored", but like nearly everything thats been done by The Manchurian Candidate, its to further an agenda. Destroy history and replace it with a narrative that supports that agenda.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue, street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, from 1984

08-31-15, 10:24
^^^^ this ^^^^

He (maobama) promised to fundamentally change America. He is fulfilling that promise.
America assumed it would be getting a good change.
The result of assuming is boldly apparent, although many of us already knew.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

08-31-15, 10:31
Come on guys. On a scale of 1 to "black lives matter", this doesn't even rate a decimal point. Save that energy for the battles that actually matter.

08-31-15, 10:31
With all the problems we have in America right now....he focuses on THIS?

This is really that important?

I don't think so....

08-31-15, 10:32
...and if the Hildebeast is elected it will continue to be fundamentally changed.

08-31-15, 10:40
My first thought. But really, this is some that shouldn't be done by any President. It should have happened in 1975 and been a matter of the Alaska state legislature. How a Ohio congressman had any say in the matter is beyond me.

Indeed. AK has wanted the change for some 40 years but Ohio kept blocking it. Total state issue.

At least he didn't call rename it brokeback mountain.

Crow Hunter
08-31-15, 10:48
Indeed. AK has wanted the change for some 40 years but Ohio kept blocking it. Total state issue.

At least he didn't call rename it brokeback mountain.


08-31-15, 10:57
After they renamed it to Pik Somori in 1990, name "Pik Komunizma" (Peak of Communism) is basically free to take. I decided to mention this just in case, you know... ;)

08-31-15, 11:03
My first thought. But really, this is some that shouldn't be done by any President. It should have happened in 1975 and been a matter of the Alaska state legislature. How a Ohio congressman had any say in the matter is beyond me.

Alaska state legislature has been trying to change it for decades, Fed has blocked every turn because Ohio raises a stink and it is a swing state so the parties cave on the subject.

This might be the only good thing that has come out of the last 7 years. People decrying it are just Bigots that clearly don't understand the issue.

08-31-15, 11:04
Indeed. AK has wanted the change for some 40 years but Ohio kept blocking it. Total state issue.

At least he didn't call rename it brokeback mountain.


08-31-15, 11:15
Kalashnikev, Who me? Joking? No I'm dead serious about Obamas hatred of everything of whites, republicans, and everything America has stood for

Who told you that?

Come on guys. On a scale of 1 to "black lives matter", this doesn't even rate a decimal point. Save that energy for the battles that actually matter.

That's only if you think about it.

Turn your brain off. Get wild. Let your freak flag fly. Howl at the moon.

It's the exact same nonsense that fuels Occupy, Tea Party, BLM, and... yes, ISIS.

The whole world is brain dead.

08-31-15, 11:27
Who told you that?

That's only if you think about it.

Turn your brain off. Get wild. Let your freak flag fly. Howl at the moon.

It's the exact same nonsense that fuels Occupy, Tea Party, BLM, and... yes, ISIS.

The whole world is brain dead.

Now you're joking, right? Next you'll tell me Obama doesn't want any gun control
Obamas goal to fundamentally transform America
And he's been doing it with his phone and pen. He blames republicans for everything, not that he should complain they give him almost everything. Plus this country has never been this racially divided in years since he took office, hell it hasn't been this divided for as long as I remember in my 47 years

08-31-15, 11:41
It's a feel good measure and smokescreen by the Obama administration to push global warming and to smooth over the admin giving Royal Dutch Shell drilling permits off the Alaskan coast.

08-31-15, 11:47
It's the exact same nonsense that fuels Occupy, Tea Party, BLM, and... yes, ISIS.


You're seriously going to come on this board and lump the Tea Party, a grass roots political organization in with terrorists and political dissidents like Occupy Wall Street, #ONLY Black Lives Matter, and ****ing ISIS???

When Tea Party members start to shut down whole cities with mass civil disobedience, assassinate LEOs, burn down Ferguson, MO. and Baltimore, MD, behead people of another religion from that of their own, sexually enslave Yazidi women and rape them thirty times before lunch . . . you let me know okay.

08-31-15, 11:56
With all the problems we have in America right now....he focuses on THIS?

This is really that important?

I don't think so....

I'm pretty sure the only thing he did was sign a piece of paper. Not much energy or effort involved, there.

What should worry you are all the people in this thread and in the media who think that this is something that should be focused on.

Now you're joking, right? Next you'll tell me Obama doesn't want any gun control
Obamas goal to fundamentally transform America
And he's been doing it with his phone and pen. He blames republicans for everything, not that he should complain they give him almost everything. Plus this country has never been this racially divided in years since he took office, hell it hasn't been this divided for as long as I remember in my 47 years

You want to know why America is divided? Turn on your TV and alternate between Fox, MSNBC, and CNN.

If the Fourth Estate didn't report on it, local, state, and federal lawmakers and leaders wouldn't have to do or say anything about it. And if they did say something about it, it could easily just be ignored. But that's not what's happening, is it? No, the Fourth Estate has chosen its causes and it will run with them until they get bored or stop making money from them. And one way they make money is by convincing part of the country that the other parts are apathetic, evil, insane, and/or tyrannical.


You're seriously going to come on this board and lump the Tea Party, a grass roots political organization in with terrorists and political dissidents like Occupy Wall Street, #ONLY Black Lives Matter, and ****ing ISIS???

When Tea Party members start to shut down whole cities with mass civil disobedience, assassinate LEOs, burn down Ferguson, MO. and Baltimore, MD, behead people of another religion from that of their own, sexually enslave Yazidi women and rape them thirty times before lunch . . . you let me know okay.

And some liberal somewhere reading his post is thinking, "You're seriously going to come on this board and lump the Occupy Movement and Black Lives Matter, grass roots political organizations in with terrorists and political dissidents like the Teabaggers and ****ing ISIS???"

08-31-15, 13:57

Your erroneous observation regarding the Tea Party makes whatever you post discredited...

Is there a way to not see specific individual's posts - if so, I'd like to know how, so I won't any further ludicrous posts.

08-31-15, 14:17

Your erroneous observation regarding the Tea Party makes whatever you post discredited...

Is there a way to not see specific individual's posts - if so, I'd like to know how, so I won't any further ludicrous posts.

Well you surrendered quickly....

08-31-15, 14:21
Bottom line is this....

Alaska Wanted this changed for decades, it is their mountain
Ohio has blocked the change by threatening candidates like a bunch of little bitches, it is not their mountain should not be their business.

It is ONLY because Obama is making this happen that half of you are creaming your shorts at calling him out. Drumming up a bunch of batshit crazy conspiracies.

Unless you live in Alaska move along.


08-31-15, 14:28
Bottom line is this....

Alaska Wanted this changed for decades, it is their mountain
Ohio has blocked the change by threatening candidates like a bunch of little bitches, it is not their mountain should not be their business.

It is ONLY because Obama is making this happen that half of you are creaming your shorts at calling him out. Drumming up a bunch of batshit crazy conspiracies.

Unless you live in Alaska move along.


So you can't see through the political stunt of this tying in to Obama making a visit to Alaska, all of the R and D congressmen giving him hugs, his speech on global warming and smoothing over the deal with Royal Dutch Shell? Hmmm it must just be me then.

08-31-15, 15:20
Bottom line is this....

Alaska Wanted this changed for decades, it is their mountain
Ohio has blocked the change by threatening candidates like a bunch of little bitches, it is not their mountain should not be their business.

It is ONLY because Obama is making this happen that half of you are creaming your shorts at calling him out. Drumming up a bunch of batshit crazy conspiracies.

Unless you live in Alaska move along.


I live here. Digital Damage is basically correct. The name change movement has been going on for decades through congress. It appears that the president can change it, so he did prior to his visit to Alaska. All his visit to Alaska has done is jamb up our limited road system and aviation system.

08-31-15, 15:22
Then it should be Denali, because McKinley was a change.

The earliest recorded name is Bolshaya Gora. Everything after that is a change.

08-31-15, 15:23
Well at least he's taking care of the important stuff… oh wait what was thinking?...

08-31-15, 15:35
The earliest recorded name is Bolshaya Gora. Everything after that is a change.

Earliest written name. Oral history of Alaskan Natives still can hold weight, even if they didn't have a written language.

08-31-15, 15:37
BTW.. this isn't even a blip on the radar in Alaska. In my town I haven't even heard a thing about it during idle conversation. If it wasn't for this thread I probably wouldn't have heard a thing.

08-31-15, 15:40
Earliest written name. Oral history of Alaskan Natives still can hold weight, even if they didn't have a written language.

Funny how that doesn't work in Texas.

08-31-15, 15:45
It is ONLY because Obama is making this happen that half of you are creaming your shorts at calling him out. Drumming up a bunch of batshit crazy conspiracies.


Shortly after reading this thread, as a joke, I showed an article to a brain dead Rushtard here at work... and told him that "Denali" was the Kenyan word for mountain.

After confirming this by reading another headline on his phone, "Obama changes Mt. McKinley to Denali" or something like that, he was FUMED!

LOL!!!!1! ;)

I'm telling you, the whole United States has been taken over by brain-dead fringe-radical zombies.

When the Apocalypse comes, intelligent people are not going to know who to fight...

I live here. Digital Damage is basically correct. The name change movement has been going on for decades through congress.

Yes, but if you don't know that, and you plug your ears, you can trick yourself into believing that it's part of a master plan implemented by Obama's Muslim Satanist Islamic Protestant hate preacher through hypnotic suggestion.

08-31-15, 15:48
Seeing as the only thing that will be named after Captain Zero, is a men's room stall @ a gay bath house in Chicago, he figured he may as well denigrate all his predecessors for the spite of it. :rolleyes:

08-31-15, 15:50
Different mountain. That one's currently called Mount Foraker next door.


Bolshaya Gora refers to to both of them

The mountain, along with Denali, was called Bolshaya Gora ("big mountain") in Russian.

08-31-15, 15:52
Bolshaya Gora refers to to both of them

The mountain, along with Denali, was called Bolshaya Gora ("big mountain") in Russian.

Ah, stupid of me.

I checked it because I figured there were probably mnogo Bolshoye Goras in the world.


08-31-15, 16:51
Whats the big deal? Just because obama does something doesn't make it newsworthy. As long as he doesn't name it "mount der fuhrer obama" its fine with me lol. Besides, isn't denali its native name?

08-31-15, 17:22
So they are naming moutains after GM products ? Is the also going to be a mt. Silverado and mt. corvette ?

Damn you obama !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-31-15, 18:20
Funny how that doesn't work in Texas.

We're not Texas :D McKinley is not the first place renamed in Alaska back to Native place names in recent memory. http://www.adn.com/article/20150702/wade-hampton-no-more-alaska-census-area-honoring-confederate-officer-renamed and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheldon_Point_Airport#cite_note-2

We do have a big assed ice field named after president Harding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harding_Icefield , who died shortly after visiting Alaska. A place Obama will be visiting tomorrow.

08-31-15, 18:21
So they are naming moutains after GM products ? Is the also going to be a mt. Silverado and mt. corvette ?

Damn you obama !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Product placement by Micheal Bay...

08-31-15, 18:25
I'm amazed this topic has made it 6 pages.

Was this just something to bitch about just because Obama was doing it? I mean come on, noone wanted to post a thread on Honolulu melting half a million worth of new/use handguns??

08-31-15, 18:32
Whats the big deal? Just because obama does something doesn't make it newsworthy. As long as he doesn't name it "mount der fuhrer obama" its fine with me lol. Besides, isn't denali its native name?

I would actually support that name change.

08-31-15, 20:44
I would actually support that name change.

That doesn't surprise me :blink:

08-31-15, 23:42
That doesn't surprise me :blink:

Something tells me you probably don't understand why I would support it.

Boba Fett v2
09-01-15, 02:03
Actually it's Republican politicians from Alaska that have been pushing for the change. Obama simply approved what they were asking for so it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with what's right. The mountain never should have been named after McKinley...especially since he was from Ohio and his feet never touched Alaskan soil.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk


09-01-15, 08:19
I'm surprised he didn't rename it Mount Michelle and drop the mike and walk off the stage.

09-01-15, 08:25

I don't care to read drivel...if you think that amounts to surrender, ok, that's your opinion.

Remember the quote: 'Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.'

Reading K's drivel is the same as wrestling with a pig...

09-01-15, 08:58
I enjoy K's posts.

Otherwise this forum would be full of

Reply 1: "YUP!"
Reply 2: "+1"

09-01-15, 09:33
My first thought. But really, this is some that shouldn't be done by any President. It should have happened in 1975 and been a matter of the Alaska state legislature. How a Ohio congressman had any say in the matter is beyond me.

Exactly. When I first saw this I was thinking what is this asshole going to call it. I was relieved to see it was Denali and because McKinley was a change I have no issue with the name change itself, but what the hell is he doing renaming mountains in the first place? Just more deflection from the real issues he should be addressing. Typical.

09-01-15, 09:39
Exactly. When I first saw this I was thinking what is this asshole going to call it. I was relieved to see it was Denali and because McKinley was a change I have no issue with the name change itself, but what the hell is he doing renaming mountains in the first place? Just more deflection from the real issues he should be addressing. Typical.

Shrug... he is a lame duck. I don't know what issues he can try and address.

09-01-15, 09:39

I'll listen to a well reasoned perspective by a liberal/socialist type, if what he has to say make sense.

If it devolves into garbage, I no longer care to read what warped, wrong, out to lunch idiocy he has to say.

09-01-15, 09:44
All I know is that this just made my "Denali" t-shirt relevant again... and now correct by any standard! lol

I sure do not miss Eielson....

09-01-15, 09:51

I'll listen to a well reasoned perspective by a liberal/socialist type, if what he has to say make sense.

If it devolves into garbage, I no longer care to read what warped, wrong, out to lunch idiocy he has to say.


09-01-15, 09:52
Shrug... he is a lame duck. I don't know what issues he can try and address.


Oh wait...would he make that worse too? "If I had a movement, it would look like BLM."

09-01-15, 10:29

His brain is turned off.

He doesn't see it...

09-01-15, 11:04
Our commies speak...

09-01-15, 12:52
Having read some of this thread, I'm from Ohio, and frankly, I don't really care, I don't know why our senators(OH) are supposedly bitching about this. So, in the name of equality, I propose a compromise.. change the name of the mountain back Mt.Mckinley, and, in exchange, senators from Alaska can change the name of something in Ohio..For example, they could change the name of Columbus, to Denali.. I mean, fair is fair isn't it?

09-01-15, 14:42
With so much other stuff on his plate this comes under the "Ho Hum" file.
Between going on a action adventure show to tell us all how global warming is going to end the world the rest of our Country is waiting for him to call out the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matters for what's going on in the here and now.
I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.

09-01-15, 16:45
With so much other stuff on his plate this comes under the "Ho Hum" file.
Between going on a action adventure show to tell us all how global warming is going to end the world the rest of our Country is waiting for him to call out the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matters for what's going on in the here and now.
I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.

I think you should... hold your breath that is.

09-01-15, 18:49
I think you should... hold your breath that is.

Sorry, I didn't mean to insult your personal political hero, but I'm wondering when he will leave Alaska and the Golf Course and take a little time to address what is going on in the here and now.
But please, you have fun with that.

You are an inch away from an infraction and temp ban for personal attacks. I have already banned three people tonight, four does not exceed my quota.

Everybody needs to chill.

- SeriousStudent.

09-01-15, 18:53
Something tells me you probably don't understand why I would support it.

Elaborate? Pls

09-01-15, 21:54