View Full Version : Meet Jaime Kimpo, the true identity of the notorious Die Hipster.

08-31-15, 10:30
I can't believe DH is a teenage, high school girl, but apparently it's true, according to Greenpointers.com

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 10:51

08-31-15, 10:59
Forgive my utter ignorance...

Who is Die Hipster and why do I care?

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 11:03
Forgive my utter ignorance...

Who is Die Hipster and why do I care?

DieHipster wrote a blog for years, about hipster dumbshittery.

It was simply the greatest website in the history of the Internet.

08-31-15, 11:08
Outlander Systems,

Go look her up at Greenpointers.com.

I didn't want to believe it either and I hope it's NOT true, but I'm afraid it probably is...


DH is a writer who brilliantly slams New York hipsters and had a web site where others could post their own hipster observations and slam the phoney "Look at me - Look at me" herd.

Very funny stuff.

A few examples: Today I saw 37 yo Linus the longboarder eating a sustainable foi gras donut. So I fired him out a cannon into a handball court wall. E O S.

Today I saw attention-starved Holden doing yoga on the train platform. So I rammed a broken Corona bottle into his jugular. End of story.

Today I saw an asparagus shaped Bushwick beta-male knitting a scarf. So I strangled him with his iPhone charger. End of story.

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 11:12
Hipsters are the most vile class of human beings Western Civilization ever produced.

Outlander Systems,

Go look her up at Greenpointers.com.

I didn't want to believe it either and I hope it's NOT true, but I'm afraid it probably is...


DH is a writer who brilliantly slams New York hipsters and had a web site where others could post their own hipster observations and slam the phoney "Look at me - Look at me" herd.

Very funny stuff.

A few examples: Today I saw 37 yo Linus the longboarder eating a sustainable foi gras donut. So I fired him out a cannon into a handball court wall. E O S.

Today I saw attention-starved Holden doing yoga on the train platform. So I rammed a broken Corona bottle into his jugular. End of story.

Today I saw an asparagus shaped Bushwick beta-male knitting a scarf. So I strangled him with his iPhone charger. End of story.

08-31-15, 11:39
The article explicitly says Happy April First.

While it wouldn't surprise me that some kid got sick of hipsters, that article was smarmy yellow journalism.

Go to little 5 points. Try to pick out who's a hipster, who's a narc, and who's just a homeless gay person.

08-31-15, 11:41
More DH examples: Today I saw Clark in full Amish attire churning butter on a desolate street in Bushwick. So I did a drive-by Roman Candle shooting. EOS

Silly Pizza Hut - you're way behind - the Brooklyn beardos are stuffing their pizza crusts with Schwinn bike tires.

MTA Alert: There will be delays on the L train. I just sautéed an Orville Redenbacher looking banjo player on the 3rd rail. Take the bus.

Just my luck. The Cyclone breaks down just when I had a scallion physiqued urban lumberjack tied to the tracks.

Today I saw Caleb distilling local Whiskey in front of his $750K daddy-bought loft. So I helicoptered in a grand piano and crushed him. EOS

Today I saw Chet looking like John Bonham in 1974. So I frisbee'd a hi-hat cymbal and decapitated his gentrifying Ohioan ass. End of story.

Today I saw Zane the jockey whip armed hipster running around the McCarren park track in a horses mask. So I turned him into glue. EOS

Nothing more irritating than seeing a bearded dental floss limbed Caleb from Oklahio walking around Coney with a Brooklyn shirt to fit in.

Southern Brooklyn is "discovered" by nasally bearded artisanal ass holes from Wiscosotta who want to make it "better".

08-31-15, 12:03
True hipster story: There was this young white couple. Double incomr no kids. Young. And they bought this older house in one of the worst areas in the city because, no joke, they felt they could improve the area and wanted to experience culture or some mess. Like they had the audacity to try to paint and do repairs. Anyways I got called out because a crackhead passed out half naked in their older shed out back. They also complained about the gunfire and the insensitive black youths who sat at the stop sign by their home. The house three up and right from them was a party house that was the scene of a few agg assaults and there were always walkers. Guys pissing in the yard and fat black women fighting with hair and breasts flying everywhere. Their car got broken into a few times. Dude even said "Why did they bust the window like that? We leave it unlocked," Well...a homeboy finally succumbs to a fatal stab wound on their lawn and they decide to move. This is after people tagging up pitchforks and stars on their driveway. These people were old too, from my perspective the time. They were like...26 or something. I even said "Gee lady, you all need a gun. This place is Hell."

Oh well we don't believe in guns. And I'm like, well everyone of these terrible people do. Man we get jammed up out here.

Anyways they did move but the passed out crackhead to this day makes me laugh. And that was a learning experience for me as I never met such naive, willfully stupid people before.

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 12:16
True hipster story: There was this young white couple. Double incomr no kids. Young. And they bought this older house in one of the worst areas in the city because, no joke, they felt they could improve the area and wanted to experience culture or some mess. Like they had the audacity to try to paint and do repairs. Anyways I got called out because a crackhead passed out half naked in their older shed out back. They also complained about the gunfire and the insensitive black youths who sat at the stop sign by their home. The house three up and right from them was a party house that was the scene of a few agg assaults and there were always walkers. Guys pissing in the yard and fat black women fighting with hair and breasts flying everywhere. Their car got broken into a few times. Dude even said "Why did they bust the window like that? We leave it unlocked," Well...a homeboy finally succumbs to a fatal stab wound on their lawn and they decide to move. This is after people tagging up pitchforks and stars on their driveway. These people were old too, from my perspective the time. They were like...26 or something. I even said "Gee lady, you all need a gun. This place is Hell."

Oh well we don't believe in guns. And I'm like, well everyone of these terrible people do. Man we get jammed up out here.

Anyways they did move but the passed out crackhead to this day makes me laugh. And that was a learning experience for me as I never met such naive, willfully stupid people before.

There was a Home Invasion / Shooting here a couple of weeks ago where the perps took a shoot at the couple's infant.

The husband said he "forgives" the suspects.

My wife couldn't understand why the story drove me absolutely up a ****ing wall.

All I know, if someone shoots AT MY INFANT CHILD, they'd better be praying that I'm dead, or that LE picks them up quick.

World of Wimpcraft, man. World of Wimpcraft.

08-31-15, 12:25
Forgive=Beta male excuse for being a coward.

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 12:36

08-31-15, 12:39
1st off I heard about that shooting. It was effed up.
2nd I'm stealing world of wimpcraft.

And that 'forgiveness' mess might make them feel better spiritually but in reality when they go to Hays or wherever they'll just say it was over some "crackers an stuff" Only they will not say stuff.

You know Outlander somme people say I'm over prepared. Paranoid. Maybe even a little crazy, but they've never seen what this sort does for fun. Any bunch who deliberately overdoses on cough syrup with codeine on top of cracking and breaks into people's homes just to 'see what they be havin' an' all' really and truly is beyond reasoning .

08-31-15, 12:50

If paranoia equates to understanding reality as it really exists, I'm right there with you.

I've seen what sociopath/criminals are capable of...

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 13:07
1st off I heard about that shooting. It was effed up.
2nd I'm stealing world of wimpcraft.

And that 'forgiveness' mess might make them feel better spiritually but in reality when they go to Hays or wherever they'll just say it was over some "crackers an stuff" Only they will not say stuff.

You know Outlander somme people say I'm over prepared. Paranoid. Maybe even a little crazy, but they've never seen what this sort does for fun. Any bunch who deliberately overdoses on cough syrup with codeine on top of cracking and breaks into people's homes just to 'see what they be havin' an' all' really and truly is beyond reasoning .

It really was. Taking a shot at an infant!? What world is THAT okay in?

Take it bro, I'm ready for it to go viral.

Absolutely. The "forgiveness" crap is exactly that. Crap.

Exactly. The trend around here seems to be multiple, drug-addled shitbirds piling up and doing home invasions.

Thus, the following quote can be negated: "No honest man needs more than 10 rounds in any gun." - William B. Ruger Sr

Sorry, Mr. Ruger. That was before you had 3-5 punks rolling up on your house to flip your shit, and shoot your baby.

Pass the Magpul D-60's, and praise the Lord for Liberty.


If paranoia equates to understanding reality as it really exists, I'm right there with you.


08-31-15, 13:07
1st off I heard about that shooting. It was effed up.

I had to look it up.

It's no wonder why it didn't make the MSM, as an African-American male is the suspect in the home invasion of a young white couple and shot at their infant.

08-31-15, 14:16
Anyone post an actual link yet?

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 14:23
Anyone post an actual link yet?

That topic is worth its own thread...


08-31-15, 15:23
This was an April Fool's joke from like... two years ago.

Still... you can't tell from reading the article that it's a fake interview???

Travis B
08-31-15, 15:24
I can't believe DH is a teenage, high school girl, but apparently it's true, according to Greenpointers.com

The article was posted April 1st, 2013.

08-31-15, 16:20
There was a Home Invasion / Shooting here a couple of weeks ago where the perps took a shoot at the couple's infant.

The husband said he "forgives" the suspects.

My wife couldn't understand why the story drove me absolutely up a ****ing wall.

All I know, if someone shoots AT MY INFANT CHILD, they'd better be praying that I'm dead, or that LE picks them up quick.

World of Wimpcraft, man. World of Wimpcraft.

Though in some cases that indeed might be all one can do to remain sane, "FORGIVING" seems to really big with those of the obvious moral superior fanatically anti 2A crowd.
They love using that. I can see why - it is the only logical outcome following their utterly mind-numbingly stupid logic. Kinda like painting yourself into a corner.
Just wondering where that mindset moves to if n when the rubber meets the road - someone actually hurting their spouse/child/loved-one.
Shit like that almost makes me wish bad things upon them.

Outlander Systems
08-31-15, 16:56
A couple my wife and I were friends with were rabid supporters of "Assault Weapons" being banned.

Husband had a coworker that lived about a mile from them, who was raped at gunpoint by two, youths, in East ATL.

He decided to get a Glock 22. I explained to the couple that, under the "Assault Weapons Ban" that Glock 22 would be stripped of its ammo capacity.

His wife insisted that, nobody needed an AR-15...Pistol is different...Blah blah blah. No winning with these people.

Can't fix stupid. Can't fix crazy.

Though in some cases that indeed might be all one can do to remain sane, "FORGIVING" seems to really big with those of the obvious moral superior fanatically anti 2A crowd.
They love using that. I can see why - it is the only logical outcome following their utterly mind-numbingly stupid logic. Kinda like painting yourself into a corner.
Just wondering where that mindset moves to if n when the rubber meets the road - someone actually hurting their spouse/child/loved-one.
Shit like that almost makes me wish bad things upon them.

26 Inf
08-31-15, 19:49
There was a Home Invasion / Shooting here a couple of weeks ago where the perps took a shoot at the couple's infant.

The husband said he "forgives" the suspects.

That is what I'd say also. Because you don't want to actually say 'I'm gonna go No Remorse of those MFer's, except it'll end in a wood chipper instead of a row boat after I'm done messing with them.' So, 'I forgive them' works nicely.

26 Inf
08-31-15, 19:56
That topic is worth its own thread...


Hey, it seems he didn't roll over: Lash was shot in both legs as he tried to protect his wife, Whitney, and their children during the home invasion.

I read the link and the links off that story, did I miss the I forgive them?