View Full Version : 5 Things IraqGunz Already Knew About the M4

Outlander Systems
09-01-15, 07:32
Saw this in my feed, and had to repost this:


I like how M855 is a super-projectile...:rolleyes:

Have fun with this'un, folks...

09-01-15, 07:56

09-01-15, 08:01
What I learned:

M193 does not penetrate body armor but M855 does.
Heavier barrels dissipate heat faster than lighter barrels.
The M4 should be able to handle the same volume of fire that crew served weapons do.

09-01-15, 08:10
I can't believe I watched that whole thing......that was painful and I will never get that time back........ :(

What I learned: That guy is a tard.

09-01-15, 08:21
That video was patronizing and while I'm happy for Lady J, I don't see how it was relevant that she used an M4.

What they could've done:
Mention the Colt MARS
Mention the obscure Colt ACR
The gap between the CAR 15 era to Colt 727 era

That would've been more interesting

09-01-15, 08:32
I watched this last night, I wonder what audience the video was aimed for.

09-01-15, 08:51
I was fine until the m4gery part. I haven't heard that word in ten years......Then I wanted to go bang my head against the wall.

I'd like to meet the writer for that video. What a dink.

Outlander Systems
09-01-15, 08:55
The M4 should be able to handle the same volume of fire that crew served weapons do.

My immediate thought was: "Can't bypass the laws of physics, slick."

What's the NSN for a Liquid Cooling System, Barrel-Mounted, again?

I watched this last night, I wonder what audience the video was aimed for.



09-01-15, 08:56
My immediate thought was: "Can't bypass the laws of physics, slick."

What's the NSN for a Liquid Cooling System, Barrel-Mounted, again?


Outlander Systems
09-01-15, 09:30
Gotta do what ya gotta do...


09-01-15, 09:32
Stripes is on AMC right now. It's more educational than that clip made by people who are trying to make you dumber

Boba Fett v2
09-01-15, 09:51
I watched this last night, I wonder what audience the video was aimed for.

Third graders maybe.

09-01-15, 10:40
Man the really hurt to watch. LAME.

09-01-15, 11:06
What was that again about one penetrating armor and the other cant?


09-01-15, 21:17
Come on gentlemen, we know you all are experts on the m4 topic, but lets keep the other trash talk out.

09-01-15, 22:05
Where did the person who wrote the script obtain his/her information?