View Full Version : Gun control groups encourage members to "swat" OCs

09-01-15, 19:23
It seems as if the antis are hoping a good guy with a gun will have a "bad" encounter with LE, and perhaps expose to all that gun owners are criminals or criminal-like. The antis will do everything and anything to destroy the 2A, and ensure firearms ownership is no longer allowed.

Second Amendment groups are accusing the gun control lobby of putting law-abiding owners of firearms in danger by urging people to call the police on anyone carrying a gun in public.

As more states relax rules about open-carrying of guns, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has taken to social media to urge the public to assume gun-toters are trouble, and to call the cops on anyone they feel may be a threat.

“If you see someone carrying a firearm in public—openly or concealed—and have ANY doubts about their intent, call 911 immediately and ask police to come to the scene,” the group wrote on its widely followed Facebook page. “Never put your safety, or the safety of your loved ones, at the mercy of weak gun laws that arm individuals in public with little or no criminal and/or mental health screening.”


09-01-15, 19:29
And if they get someone killed by a jumpy cop, they won't shed a tear.

Plus it is false report of a crime.

09-01-15, 19:34
For some reason I can't help but thinking about the boy who cried wolf and ended up as alpo. Then again maybe that is what they want?

Dangerous freedom, peaceful slavery........ I will take being able to defend me and mine now, and not wait for a maybe to show up in time. Then again I am comfortable with violence.

Outlander Systems
09-01-15, 19:44
An asteroid can't hit this planet soon enough. Sweet Jesus, we live in a world of stupid.

09-01-15, 20:47
An asteroid can't hit this planet soon enough. Sweet Jesus, we live in a world of stupid.

You don't need to wait for an asteroid.

All you need to do is gather together a group of like-minded nihilists, steal the President's nuclear launch codes, and fire off everything we have at as many targets as possible. Or launch a few and detonate them in the upper atmosphere to cause a series of global EMPs. Odds are that the launches by themselves would be sufficient to set off a global exchange of ballistic missiles, with the added benefit that none of the survivors would get to have anything (or very little) electronic to help them survive the aftermath.

If you do decide to do this, though, I hope an off-duty cop from New York dressed in blue jeans and a tank top, carrying a Beretta in a shoulder holster kills you and your fellow nihilists right before your plan goes off. No offense.


26 Inf
09-01-15, 22:51
I hope an off-duty cop from New York dressed in blue jeans and a tank top, carrying a Beretta in a shoulder holster kills you and your fellow nihilists right before your plan goes off. No offense.


Would the cop be wearing aviator sunglasses and a nylon windbreaker also? You've obviously given the whole launch scenario thing a lot of thought, I find that somehow disturbing and yet refreshing on many levels. Makes me want to straddle a big boy in the bomb bay of a B52 a la Slim Pickens.

This is actually sound advice, my edit added: “If you see someone carrying a firearm in public—openly or concealed—and have ANY doubts about their intent, GET YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY TO SAFETY, call 911 and ask police to come to the scene."

Of course they aim to clog up the system and **** with the OC and CCW'ers, but damn you shouldn't have to tell folks 'if you think something ain't right, don't hang around to make sure it isn't.'

09-01-15, 23:11
Thankfully, nearly all of my "armed encounters" with law enforcement have been reasonable.

Of course I'm a reasonable person who understands the concerns of LEOs when dealing with an armed unknown at initial contact and thankfully, nearly every LEO I've come into contact with has also been a reasonable person who can quickly and accurate determine who is a threat and who is a reasonable citizen who just happens to be armed, just like them.

I have even done the advanced version of the exercise where I have done LE contact while open carrying a slung MP5 with a handgun on my hip. Let's see those Open Carry Texas retards try and top that one. Of course I wasn't in Chipolte grill at the time, but I consider that to be an extra point in my favor. There is an acceptable "when" and "where" when it comes to toting actual submachine guns.

09-01-15, 23:38
Would the cop be wearing aviator sunglasses and a nylon windbreaker also? You've obviously given the whole launch scenario thing a lot of thought, I find that somehow disturbing and yet refreshing on many levels. Makes me want to straddle a big boy in the bomb bay of a B52 a la Slim Pickens.

I was thinking more along the lines of Bruce Willis, we need another Die Hard movie.:suicide2:

26 Inf
09-01-15, 23:40
I was thinking more along the lines of Bruce Willis, we need another Die Hard movie.:suicide2:

Yep, got the whole thing now!

09-02-15, 00:13
Would the cop be wearing aviator sunglasses and a nylon windbreaker also? You've obviously given the whole launch scenario thing a lot of thought, I find that somehow disturbing and yet refreshing on many levels. Makes me want to straddle a big boy in the bomb bay of a B52 a la Slim Pickens.

This is actually sound advice, my edit added: “If you see someone carrying a firearm in public—openly or concealed—and have ANY doubts about their intent, GET YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY TO SAFETY, call 911 and ask police to come to the scene."

Of course they aim to clog up the system and **** with the OC and CCW'ers, but damn you shouldn't have to tell folks 'if you think something ain't right, don't hang around to make sure it isn't.'

I think that you're thinking of a guy that carried a Hi-Power and went to Beverly Hills.

I was thinking of the guy who went to Nakatomi Tower and had to spend the entire hostage crisis and siege barefoot.

In any case, in my defense, I do work with a guy who worries over everything. Climate change, meteorites/asteroids/comets, terrorists rocking CRBN, Kim Jung-Un detonating a nuke over the US to unleash an EMP, Ukraine turning into the first battlefield of a nuclear WWIII between NATO and Russia, &c.

Thankfully, nearly all of my "armed encounters" with law enforcement have been reasonable.

Of course I'm a reasonable person who understands the concerns of LEOs when dealing with an armed unknown at initial contact and thankfully, nearly every LEO I've come into contact with has also been a reasonable person who can quickly and accurate determine who is a threat and who is a reasonable citizen who just happens to be armed, just like them.

I have even done the advanced version of the exercise where I have done LE contact while open carrying a slung MP5 with a handgun on my hip. Let's see those Open Carry Texas retards try and top that one. Of course I wasn't in Chipolte grill at the time, but I consider that to be an extra point in my favor. There is an acceptable "when" and "where" when it comes to toting actual submachine guns.


09-02-15, 00:44

Post hurricane environment, looter patrol. A few guys went after my neighbors generator around 2am. Me and a couple other guys tried to rack them up in the yard but they went Jesse Owens on us. Not sure what the guy I ran was doing stealing generators as he was taking chain link fences like they were low hurdles, he had a promising track and field career if he wanted it.

Anyway after two blocks he put too much distance between us for me to have any real hope of grabbing him. Called the police (actually Sheriff's Office in this case) to make a report in the hopes of getting targeted patrols.

Responding deputy arrives at a home where everyone has a slung shotgun or handgun on the hip. He knew what was what and didn't even raise an eyebrow. But when I turned around to show which direction we chased one of the guys and he saw a slung MP5 he sorta peed down his leg a little bit.

He then said, as close as I can remember "Christ you guys have better shit than we have, why did you even call?!?" To which we replied, to have a report on file. He mostly then just laughed to himself and continued with the report, a slung submachine gun was not what he was expecting to see but we also weren't being clowns about it and handling our firearms in the presence of a LEO. Everything was slung or holstered and everyone had their hands in plain sight. A couple people were holding flashlights to indicated what happened where, but that was about it.

09-02-15, 02:01


Outlander Systems
09-02-15, 05:47
John McClain is the greatest movie badass in the history of movie badasses.

You don't need to wait for an asteroid.

All you need to do is gather together a group of like-minded nihilists, steal the President's nuclear launch codes, and fire off everything we have at as many targets as possible. Or launch a few and detonate them in the upper atmosphere to cause a series of global EMPs. Odds are that the launches by themselves would be sufficient to set off a global exchange of ballistic missiles, with the added benefit that none of the survivors would get to have anything (or very little) electronic to help them survive the aftermath.

If you do decide to do this, though, I hope an off-duty cop from New York dressed in blue jeans and a tank top, carrying a Beretta in a shoulder holster kills you and your fellow nihilists right before your plan goes off. No offense.


Big A
09-02-15, 06:43
If you do decide to do this, though, I hope an off-duty cop from New York dressed in blue jeans and a tank top, carrying a Beretta in a shoulder holster kills you and your fellow nihilists right before your plan goes off. No offense.


I was thinking of the guy who went to Nakatomi Tower and had to spend the entire hostage crisis and siege barefoot.

He was wearing dress slacks when they took over the tower... :p

John McClain is the greatest movie badass in the history of movie badasses.



Outlander Systems
09-02-15, 06:59
Best Christmas Movie, EVER.

09-02-15, 09:13
Best Christmas Movie, EVER.

LOL... yes it is.


09-02-15, 09:43
Haha those memes are great

Outlander Systems
09-02-15, 10:32
Those cookies are beyond righteous.

Yippee Ki Yay, Mr. Falcon.

09-03-15, 00:51
These gun control groups are going to get people hurt.

He was wearing dress slacks when they took over the tower... :p



I might just steal that for an AV pic.

09-03-15, 01:06
Best Christmas Movie, EVER.

I take it you've never seen Bad Santa.


09-03-15, 09:42
"The Ref" with Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey is also a great Christmas movie.

09-03-15, 21:52
"The Ref" with Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey is also a great Christmas movie.

Cannot forget Christmas Vacation.

"Why is the carpet all wet Todd!??"

"I DON'T knowww MARGO!"

09-04-15, 02:50
Cannot forget Christmas Vacation.

"Why is the carpet all wet Todd!??"

"I DON'T knowww MARGO!"
