View Full Version : Interesting info from current EU migrants

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Bruce in WV
09-02-15, 07:12

"Desperate migrants reveal the few possessions they pack into their pockets or bags as they trek across Europe"

What can we learn from this if we have a regional crisis that causes internal migration to safer areas?

UTA: new article on the same topic


09-02-15, 13:48
A pocket Quran, baggies of heroin, a toxic ideology, and candy and lubricant for luring and raping children. Got it.
I kid, I kid. Kinda but not really.

09-02-15, 14:02
Where are their passports?

09-02-15, 20:32
Where are their passports?

Same safe deposit box the Mexicans when entering the USA.

09-03-15, 01:37
I would start with discussing the suicide of Western civilization with the Islamic refugee gang rapes of Western European little girls and young women. Of course you won't read of it in the MSM.


09-03-15, 09:44
Moose-Knuckle, very interesting video. The situation there, to some degree, sounds familiar to what is going on here.

09-03-15, 10:39
Obama let illegal OTMs in CONUS, same thing W European nations are doing with illegals from Africa and the Middle East.

It's obvious that the powers at be wish to hasten the fall of Western civilization.

Bruce in WV
09-03-15, 12:24
This was a serious question that went off the rails: "What can we learn from this if we have a regional crisis that causes internal migration to safer areas?"

Let's just close this and move along.

09-03-15, 15:33
This was a serious question that went off the rails: "What can we learn from this if we have a regional crisis that causes internal migration to safer areas?"

Let's just close this and move along.

What is it exactly that you wanted to know, how to be an illegal immigrant and migrate across an entire continent like a band of roving gypsies?

09-03-15, 16:28
Where are their passports?

Once you're in an EU country, under the Schengen Agreement, you're free to cross borders without going through passport control again.


Thanks for sharing the video, as most folks State side don't realize how bad it's become in Europe, in countries like Sweden.

My mother side from Sweden, and I've visited a number of times since I was child, and just as recently as 2010. Even in 2010, I was completely surprised during my last visit by the sheer number of Iraqis. They already make up the 2nd largest minority population.

Fast forward to today, now with influx of Syrian refugees, that continue on from Germany to Copenhagen, and across the Baltic to Malmö. The immigration problem continues to grow, as more and more immigrants take advantage of the compassion, the warmth, the openness, the hospitality and tremendous generosity of the Swedes.

Unfortunately, they don't have a rigorous system for asylum seekers, to weed out the genuine and good folks from the bad. Luckily, the conservative party there seems to be gaining a larger hold and are calling for reforms. However in the meantime, I'm still deeply concerned with the uptick in violence and crime, that the local police force are ill equipped and not experienced in dealing with such heinous crimes especially in cities in Malmö, and the lack of any coherent and effective policy to address the issue.


09-04-15, 10:07
Most people will be on foot with only what they have in their pockets. This will not change no matter where or how good of a country you live in. Only the tinfoil hat people who know history will have anything in the way of provisions and a backpack. Take Amerika as a good example. Everyone knows about the great depression, but how many people realize what state the country was in before it happened ??? I do honestly believe we as a people will get caught with our pants down. It always happens this way. Preppers will be the 10% who have a plan. Of those 5 % will believe in peace love and harmony. That leaves 5% of us to defend the other 95%.

The main problem I see is having your "go" bag+gear with you at all times when it happens. Part of your kit will have some type of weapon in it. I am one that cannot carry this. Also, being several hours away from home while at work. I do not believe in the zombie apoc. But I do think it is a possibility that a regional "upset" can occur. Look at whats in the news currently. It will be bad in that type of scenario. Just getting everyone home will be a chore. Getting out to where you want to be is the hard part.

Bruce in WV
09-04-15, 12:31
The main problem I see is having your "go" bag+gear with you at all times when it happens.

Even that is not enough if you have to be part of a bigger plan. How long do you think you'd be able to "keep your stuff" once submerged in the flood of unprepared refugees herded together by the authorities? If you think you can melt into the underbrush and walk home, you're probably wrong. This map and briefing discuss the plan for evacuating D.C. and NOVA, and most cities are in similar poor shape.
The best plan is don't be anywhere near this area when something terrible comes to pass, but if you are, have a set of "last resort" stuff that you can hold on to and hide on your body that won't get forcibly redistributed by a cop or the leader of a mob. The original question was about how to define that baggie of "last resort" stuff in light of what we might learn from the current refugee crisis in the EU.




09-05-15, 23:58
I would start with discussing the suicide of Western civilization with the Islamic refugee gang rapes of Western European little girls and young women. Of course you won't read of it in the MSM.

Thanks for posting this.
As an immigrant myself, I find it sickening that the West is opening the floodgates to mass immigration from cultures and ideologies so incompatible with the civilized world, with zero quality control, background checks or anything of the sort.

When civilized people apply to immigrate, they face reference checks, interviews, criminal record checks, have to be sponsored, assessed, mountains of paperwork, fees and of course wait times.
When savages immigrate, they just get waved through.

This is more vote importation by the Left. We see it with Mexicans in the USA, and Muslims in Europe.
This is treason, nothing less.

Outlander Systems
09-08-15, 16:56

Outlander Systems
09-08-15, 17:49

Outlander Systems
09-08-15, 18:02
Today, the news site of the British papers Daily and Sunday Express revealed that an Islamic State operative who was speaking on condition of anonymity had told BuzzFeed that more than 4,000 Jihadist gunmen had been smuggled into Europe together with other refugees.

The ISIS smuggler said that the 4,000 gunmen are ready to start operations in Europe, and that their infiltration into European countries is part of a larger plot that aims to avenge the air campaign by the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State.

If you might have doubts about what the ISIS smuggler said, consider this. Abdel Majid Touil, 22, was one of the refugees that arrived in Italy at the beginning of this year. Upon his arrival in Italy, he was caught on camera flashing a victory sign.

Weeks later, the same man was arrested after he reportedly butchered 21 tourists in the Bardo Museum in Tunis. Touil returned to Tunisia after he received an expulsion order from the Italian authorities. After the terrorist attack, he again fled to Italy on a boat full of refugees but was arrested by the Italian police in Milan


09-08-15, 18:35
What is going on, and why are so many countries on board with letting in hundreds of thousands of people?

I haven't even seen any opposition to it. Angela Merkel said Germany can take 500,000 a year. In proportion to the U.S. population size, that's almost like America agreeing to 2,000,000 Mexicans a year crossing the border illegally.

Outlander Systems
09-08-15, 18:49
Life imitating Art?


09-08-15, 18:52
If they agreed to it, then they wouldn't be illegals then would they.????

Outlander Systems
09-08-15, 19:29
Repost from the Disaster Prep Subforum version of this thread:



The concerning aspect is the claim ISIS is making regarding having smuggled in 4,000 armed G's.

09-08-15, 19:35
And the Five Richest Gulf Nations wont take in a single Refugee because they are afraid that Terrorists have infiltrated the refugees.
Naaaah, that couldn't happen!

Okay anyone wanna bet they have a Charlie Hebdo or better by New Years?

09-08-15, 19:40
What is going on, and why are so many countries on board with letting in hundreds of thousands of people?

I haven't even seen any opposition to it. Angela Merkel said Germany can take 500,000 a year. In proportion to the U.S. population size, that's almost like America agreeing to 2,000,000 Mexicans a year crossing the border illegally.


Greece and Hungary are rounding them up and putting them in camps. They are putting up razor wire fences at the border and people have actually died. They also have run scams where they brought in buses with the promise to transport refugees to Germany and Austria but instead bussed them to detention centers.

Hungarian police have frequently attacked refugees.



Germany and Austria are suffering from "NSDAP" guilt so they are taking them in. The UK is refusing to accept European quotas and France isn't crazy about the idea either.

09-08-15, 19:44
It's funny how they are mostly military age males.

09-08-15, 19:53
It's funny how they are mostly military age males.

Stunning to me how many of them talk of "leaving their children in Syria" with "hopes that they will be able to bring them to Europe soon."

Who in the hell flees a WAR ZONE without their children?!? That right there should be a disqualify for entry into any civilized country. But I have heard it over and over from so many it's disgusting. Apparently in their twisted minds it shows the "necessity" of the situation or something like that.

I can't imagine fleeing my country because I felt I was at risk of being killed but leaving my children behind. Hell even South Americans send their kids first with hopes of joining them later.

In a couple generation Europe is going to pay a steep price for this shit. They are gonna miss the days when all they had to fear was Russian tanks and troops.

09-08-15, 20:01
Gotta admit though it's pretty brilliant move on behalf of our enemies.

09-08-15, 20:10
Just to be technical, those are Macedonian police pushing back the refugees in your photo.
Still, when the Macedonians and Greeks agree on something, world take notice.

09-08-15, 20:23
Aw, shucks, say it ain't so...


09-08-15, 20:36
Threads merged.

09-08-15, 21:41
I noticed the age thing to. Hardly any women or children.

Does anyone else find that odd?

09-08-15, 22:02
And the Five Richest Gulf Nations wont take in a single Refugee because they are afraid that Terrorists have infiltrated the refugees.
Naaaah, that couldn't happen!

Okay anyone wanna bet they have a Charlie Hebdo or better by New Years?

The Gulf states could have solved the Palestinian problem by using them as workers instead of South Asians.

If this were happening under Bush, they MSM would be all over him for inaction. They did it during the Iraq war. All the talk of the Iraqi disporia. Crickets with the Nobel peace prize winner. Pope says each parish to take in a family- doe she not realize how many there are, just now? I heard the Vatican is doubling the quota and taking two families. Wait till the rip the crosses off the walls.

09-08-15, 22:16
No matter how you want to slice it, it's a ****ing invasion.

Charlemagne is spinning in his grave!

The photo of the dead Syrian boy face down in the surf was a propaganda photo. Heartbreaking as it is, his family was not fleeing violence.

09-08-15, 22:30
I noticed the age thing to. Hardly any women or children.

Does anyone else find that odd?

They are sending the men to work and send back the money? That's what I would do..

09-08-15, 22:43
No matter how you want to slice it, it's a ****ing invasion.

Charlemagne is spinning in his grave!

The photo of the dead Syrian boy face down in the surf was a propaganda photo. Heartbreaking as it is, his family was not fleeing violence.

Yes it is

Amazing how only in the West are there so many sheeple that are okay with illegal immigration, and our governments actively encourage it.

09-08-15, 22:48
They are sending the men to work and send back the money? That's what I would do..
Very possible that is the case for many.

As a guy who works in an industry full of migrant labor, I feel semi qualified to speak on this. I didn't notice anyone much over 30. That's what didn't seem right. Everyone is too close in age.

There should have been more older guys in the video. Isil drop outs?

09-09-15, 06:10
I noticed the age thing too. Hardly any women or children.

Does anyone else find that odd?

The insurrection won't be televised...

Outlander Systems
09-09-15, 06:13
No matter how you want to slice it, it's a ****ing invasion.

Charlemagne is spinning in his grave!

The photo of the dead Syrian boy face down in the surf was a propaganda photo. Heartbreaking as it is, his family was not fleeing violence.

Weaponized empathy, bro. Weaponized empathy...

09-09-15, 11:09
Islam's Conquest of Europe

"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide," wrote James Burnham in his 1964 "Suicide of the West."

Burnham predicted that the mindless magnanimity of liberals, who subordinate the interests of their own people and nations to utopian and altruistic impulses, would bring about an end to Western civilization.

Was he wrong? Consider what is happening in Europe.


09-09-15, 11:18
What was it that Lt. Col. Kilgore said again . . .

‘Peaceful’ Muslim Refugees Attack Citizens, Throws Feces, Chant “F**K You” and “Allahu Akbar” in Streets of Budapest


Sicily: African “refugee” slits throat of 68-yr old and rapes his 70-yr old wife before throwing her off balcony


Outlander Systems
09-09-15, 11:50
I saw the double-homicide posted on GOV.

My question is, how is this NOT an existential threat to Europe?

Crow Hunter
09-09-15, 13:04
I worry that there are only going to be two paths out of this.

1. Muslim Caliphate in Europe

2. New European Hegemony and a Muslim Holocaust

Things can only be pushed so far before something breaks. The break, I fear, will either be European Christendom or someone will become a new Adolf.

Large migrations like this have happened many times in the past. They always have resulted in destruction/assimilation of the invading force or destruction and reshaping of the existing culture.

Homo Sapiens - Neaderthals
Latins - Estruscans
Hittites - Egyptians
Huns - Rome
Moors - Iberians
Angles/Saxons/Jutes - Celts
Normans - Saxons

We are witnessing history evolving.

Assuming civilization still exists in 400 years, this will be a line item in a history book.

Hopefully, for our sakes, it won't be written during a new Renaissance after a new Dark Ages perpetuated by invading barbarian hordes burning the modern equivalent of the Library of Alexandria.

Outlander Systems
09-09-15, 13:54
I worry that there are only going to be two paths out of this.

1. Muslim Caliphate in Europe

2. New European Hegemony and a Muslim Holocaust

Things can only be pushed so far before something breaks. The break, I fear, will either be European Christendom or someone will become a new Adolf.

Large migrations like this have happened many times in the past. They always have resulted in destruction/assimilation of the invading force or destruction and reshaping of the existing culture.

Homo Sapiens - Neaderthals
Latins - Estruscans
Hittites - Egyptians
Huns - Rome
Moors - Iberians
Angles/Saxons/Jutes - Celts
Normans - Saxons

We are witnessing history evolving.

Assuming civilization still exists in 400 years, this will be a line item in a history book.

Hopefully, for our sakes, it won't be written during a new Renaissance after a new Dark Ages perpetuated by invading barbarian hordes burning the modern equivalent of the Library of Alexandria.

3. Seperatist states within Europe, riddled with internecine conflict ala Israel/Palestine.

4. Europe fades into history, and becomes a bankrupt, third-world shithole due to a combination of socialist politics/the FSA getting more FS, and self-loathing Europeans/"multiculturalism."

Europe's #1 Import is Cultural Rot and Muzzies.


09-09-15, 13:56
I noticed the age thing to. Hardly any women or children.

Does anyone else find that odd?

If I had a family there under threat of civil war or ISIS annihilation, I wouldn't be looking for a job to send back money. I'd be asking for a rifle and a fast way back.

Either your family is facing an existential threat that has to be forcefully fought, or this is just a jobs program.

09-09-15, 14:26
If I had a family there under threat of civil war or ISIS annihilation, I wouldn't be looking for a job to send back money. I'd be asking for a rifle and a fast way back.

Either your family is facing an existential threat that has to be forcefully fought, or this is just a jobs program.

In a way this is very much like the sort of immigration we are seeing here in the US. If Mexicans, Salvadorians and Guatemalans wanted to fix their countries instead of using our Country as a relief valve for oppression, corruption and criminal activity, they would grab a gun and fix their own problems.
Instead they escape, or send their kids to escape ( got six kids you can stuff on a North bound train, your odds really go up!) hoping that they can later use the system to get you a free trip North.
What do they bring with them? Failed Culture, Crime and the base problems that ruined their own Country.
Good fences make good neighbors.

09-09-15, 14:31
If people were making a shooting gallery of my home nation it would be on like Donkey Kong.

I'd send my females and children off to safety knowing I would never see them again and it would be on.

But yeah, a bunch of military age guys seeking 'refuge' smacks at best of cowardice or worse ill intentions.

09-09-15, 14:53
If I had a family there under threat of civil war or ISIS annihilation, I wouldn't be looking for a job to send back money. I'd be asking for a rifle and a fast way back.

Either your family is facing an existential threat that has to be forcefully fought, or this is just a jobs program.
I know several people who had to flee Angola during the carnation revolution. Their stories are scary stuff. Most of them ran with what they could carry.

But that's the thing, they ALL fled, not just men. The stat right now is 75% men.

I just wonder why now and what took so long. Is it a sign that isis is coming apart and can no longer provide some sort of order, even if it's a bad one? Like running water and food supplies.

Muslim refugees, coming to your town soon. Well, except Idaho and utah.... I don't think the mormons will put up with it. Lol...

09-09-15, 14:55
Sicily: African “refugee” slits throat of 68-yr old and rapes his 70-yr old wife before throwing her off balcony


My wife is from Sicily (the city of Augusta, which is the main port where illegals get dropped off), so this whole thing has been terrible for our family. We have property there, and have spent quite a bit of time there, so we know the people that are subjected to this EU sanctioned problem very well.

Nothing coming out the EU can be trusted at all. The data is always manipulated. My wife's cousin is a police chief for a town that neighbors Augusta in the same region (Italian regions are like US counties, so her region is Syracuse). His internal numbers show a crime rate increase of roughly 2500% since January 1. The EU is forcing local law enforcement to suppress the numbers and the press is not likely to report any of it, by the way.

The local governments and local police are hamstrung by EU regulations and can do basically nothing to protect their own citizens. It is "catch, caution, and release" for illegals and hope they go north to Germany. Any arrests usually bring charges from the EU of "racism" (nearly every Southern Italian police department is under investigation for "racism", which is like a DOJ investigation here). For citizens, they advise old people to lock their doors and windows - which at the height of Sicilian summer where most don't have air conditioning (95 degrees and 90% humidity is the norm) isn't practical, and have advise people to not wear jewellry or carry cash on the streets. Italians have virtually no right under the law to self defense and the carry permit system is similar to New York City or Los Angeles, so the only legal advice the police can offer is to "run and hide".

My wife's female relatives have horror stories of being robbed, harassed, groped, and threatened. They face the potential of being raped just going to the grocery store. One of her cousins (who was in the Italian Navy and is fluent in Arabic) has seen many of the signs of jihadi rumblings amongst the military aged men. His assessment (based on some valid real-world experience) is not "war refugees" or "economic refugees", but rather an invading army just waiting to be armed. The police on the south end of Catania picked up a couple of "refugees" taking pictures and diagramming the security at the NAS Sigonella. Others have been observed doing the same at the Italian Navy base in Augusta as well as the oil refineries that are near the town. Now, why would refugees escaping "war" do that?

After Mr. Junker's (EC President) speech this morning, the problem will just get much worse - real fast.

To summarize, the EU proposes:
1. Mandatory resettlement and acceptance by member states (UK, Ireland and Denmark have opt-outs under previous treaty)
2. A pathway towards citizenship
3. Right to work for illegals.
4. It's for the kids...

Junker outlined a predictable strategy, punctuated with all of the key words of "humanity", "dignity", etc. The bottom line is that the EU needs to prop up their ponzi scheme of socialism. EU native populations are aging and birthrates are abysmally low, so new immigrants are needed to pay in so the ponzi works and the older masses can stay pacified and dependent. The "X" factor that EU and other socialists don't consider is that Muslims haven't been indoctrinated with secularism from birth, so their loyalties are to Islam over the state. Since socialists seem to like the feudal aspects of Islam, they have probably planned some incremental destruction of it as well in favor of the religion of Karl Marx.

Throughout history, there is a point where every house of cards must fall.

09-09-15, 15:03
If people were making a shooting gallery of my home nation it would be on like Donkey Kong.

I'd send my females and children off to safety knowing I would never see them again and it would be on.

But yeah, a bunch of military age guys seeking 'refuge' smacks at best of cowardice or worse ill intentions.

This right here is correct. But here's the difference and why 2A is so important. Those guys couldn't own weapons.

You think the way you do (as do I) because were armed and instilled with the right of self preservation. Those refugees guys are, (assuming their fleeing is legit and the europeans aren't being had) doing the self preservation thing in their mind. ( I think).... The difference is you and I have the means to do something about it fairly easily. All we have to do is crack open our safes.

2A is the greatest insurance policy man had ever known.

Hopefully it's not the greatest ruse there ever was.

Outlander Systems
09-09-15, 15:09
Muslim refugees, coming to your town soon. Well, except Idaho and utah.... I don't think the mormons will put up with it. Lol...





09-09-15, 15:15
In response to the map showing the number of Mosques per state, they are very well funded. The Mosques that I have seen come up over the past few years in Houston are built with solid granite or limestone blocks the size of a car.

09-09-15, 16:38
Interesting map

Outlander Systems
09-09-15, 16:48
Interesting map

Heh...I find it very interesting...least mosques, least cartel influence, least heroin deaths, high rates of fiscal responsibility, highest concentration of patriots. What's not to love?

09-09-15, 16:58
Heh...I find it very interesting...least mosques, least cartel influence, least heroin deaths, high rates of fiscal responsibility, highest concentration of patriots. What's not to love?

I was just thinking the other day how Alaska gets more and more appealing each and every day...

09-09-15, 17:09
I was just thinking the other day how Alaska gets more and more appealing each and every day...

Alaska is crap... no room here... too crowded...too cold....no guns...no hunting...total sh*t.

09-09-15, 17:31
Alaska is crap... no room here... too crowded...too cold....no guns...no hunting...total sh*t.

Sounds just like my kinda place...:p

09-09-15, 17:52
Alaska is crap... no room here... too crowded...too cold....no guns...no hunting...total sh*t.

State bird is the Mosquito...

On topic: Why has no country proclaimed 'Women and Children first'? Is there an actual law or laws that prevent them from doing so or their own heads up their fourth point of contact?

I find it disturbingly amusing, after having been stationed in Germany for ~5yrs (minus one in Iraq Apr '03-'04), that with all the problems they have/had with the Turks, that they are doing this.

Outlander Systems
09-09-15, 18:04
; )

Love it.

Alaska is crap... no room here... too crowded...too cold....no guns...no hunting...total sh*t.

09-09-15, 20:30

09-09-15, 21:39
They are sending the men to work and send back the money? That's what I would do..

Not sure if you actually meant it that way, but there is NO WAY I'd "escape" a war zone and leave my loved ones behind. If I couldn't get out with my family, I just probably wouldn't get out. My life would become meaningless if I escaped and they died because I didn't get them out with me. If there was an option to get them out first, I'd do that.

But Islamic culture seems to be peculiar in this sense where wives are often little more than property and children are sacrificial. I don't see how they can call themselves men saying things like "I barely escaped but had to leave my children behind."

09-09-15, 21:54
See....religion and cloudtalk notwithstanding, if I knew my wife/kids/folks were getting sodomized and beheaded so my Tracksuit wearing early 20s, military aged self could 'seek refuge'. Well the guilt would consume me to the point that I'd pull a Brooks from Shawshank.

I was watching that Vietnam War docu where men were literally Joe Montana-ing their kids onto Hueys knowing that they would never see them again and that they themselves were going to be killed off.

Seriously, if I DID create distance, it would be to get better gear and ammo and I would be going back.

09-09-15, 21:55
Yup, total shame no one has the decency to shoot cowards anymore. Europe use to be awesome at that

09-09-15, 22:19
Alaska is crap... no room here... too crowded...too cold....no guns...no hunting...total sh*t.

I should've never left.

09-10-15, 05:56
Maybe I am a crackpot, or maybe my medical marijuana is kicking in. But, what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of Europe.

The EU is already having issues and this isn't going to help. I wonder when our beloved president is going to send some carriers over to pick up our new guests?

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 06:02
Give it five years, and they'll be begging for the United States Marine Corps to hit every beachhead from the Mediterranean to the Baltic.

Maybe I am a crackpot, or maybe my medical marijuana is kicking in. But, what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of Europe.

The EU is already having issues and this isn't going to help. I wonder when our beloved president is going to send some carriers over to pick up our new guests?

09-10-15, 07:54
Gotta admit though it's pretty brilliant move on behalf of our enemies.

Only because our leaders are:
a) pathetic,
b) weak,
c) traitors for ideology
d) traitors for votes

It's funny how they are mostly military age males.

If by funny you mean terrifying and infuriating.

Maybe I am a crackpot, or maybe my medical marijuana is kicking in. But, what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of Europe.

The EU is already having issues and this isn't going to help. I wonder when our beloved president is going to send some carriers over to pick up our new guests?

No, you're pretty much bang on. Anyone with sense and honesty can see this.
People who don't are either in denial, too scared to say anything or collaborating with the enemy.
I view politicians who push this shit as traitors, plain and simple.

Give it five years, and they'll be begging for the United States Marine Corps to hit every beachhead from the Mediterranean to the Baltic.

I ****ing hope so. I hope they waive the age requirements for joining. I'm not getting any younger.

09-10-15, 08:40
Maybe I am a crackpot, or maybe my medical marijuana is kicking in. But, what we are seeing is the beginning of the end of Europe.

The EU is already having issues and this isn't going to help. I wonder when our beloved president is going to send some carriers over to pick up our new guests?

Agree 100%. These are the death tolls of a continent. Where in history have we seen massive influx of refugees, slaves,... Work out well for the host empire? Oh yeah. Nowhere.

I do also agree with a previous poster about aging countries with low birth rates having fiscal issues due to medical care pensions and such. The solution isn't killing your culture and nation though. Maybe they should look into why people aren't having enough kids and address that one. Pretty sure it has nothing to do with sexual, desire, performance or availability but more to do with folks not being able to afford them. At least that is the case with me and MANY of my coworkers. Educated, productive members of society are too busy paying for the FSA and have nothing left to spend on their own kids. I'm certain that if I had more disposable income I'd have atleast one more child. Unfortunately I'm raising half a dozen waste of skin and bones O2 thieves with my taxes. Surprisingly they don't seem to have any problems squirting out more shitheads for the rest of us to feed. Solve that riddle and your local population would blossom. But then all those little beurocratic fiefdoms would have to go away. Can't have that.

Give it five years, and they'll be begging for the United States Marine Corps to hit every beachhead from the Mediterranean to the Baltic.

I certainly hope this is the case as well, but I also hope third time is the charm for us to say **** you very much. Fool once... Wait till they kill each other off and then sort the riffraff.

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 09:56

Gov. Nathan Deal’s administration doesn’t want to see the number of refugees resettling in Georgia increase, despite pleas from humanitarian officials urging the U.S. to take in substantially more Syrians fleeing their war-torn country.

In an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday, Deal urged a cautious approach to the desperate refugee crisis unfolding across the Mediterranean Sea and Europe. The governor repeated his assertion – disputed by some advocates – that Georgia takes in more than its fair share of refugees.

09-10-15, 10:06
Georgia needs to take in ZERO refugees.

I don't mind sending fresh water, SPAM, and some AKs and surp ammo, but.....nah. They don't need to live where I live.

If they are not prepared to fight and die for their country then they aren't fit to live in mine.

09-10-15, 10:11
All part of the left's plan to weaken and water down the Anglo countries of the world.

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 10:16
Georgia needs to take in ZERO refugees.

I don't mind sending fresh water, SPAM, and some AKs and surp ammo, but.....nah. They don't need to live where I live.

If they are not prepared to fight and die for their country then they aren't fit to live in mine.

Highly, HIGHLY agreed.

DeKalb County is already a 2nd World Country at best.

09-10-15, 11:48
If you do bring them in, disperse them to the wind. No large enclaves that can remain an island. Disperse them and their kids will give up the mother tongue and you'll have little Americans in less than a generation. Stick them in groups and you'll have goofiness for generations. You want to come to America, you become an American- non of this halfway crap. You left your shit hole- get with the program, go somewhere else or take a rifle and go back.

09-10-15, 12:08
That won't work.

We have generations of Mexicans living in border states that STILL cannot speak or write good English and have not assimilated. We make it VERY easy for immigrants (legal and otherwise) to come here and not assimilate.

This is the biggest problem that faces the future for America - recent immigrants are NOT assimilating.

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 12:25
That won't work.

We have generations of Mexicans living in border states that STILL cannot speak or write good English and have not assimilated. We make it VERY easy for immigrants (legal and otherwise) to come here and not assimilate.

This is the biggest problem that faces the future for America - recent immigrants are NOT assimilating.

Exactly. The shitbird in Chattanooga "assimilated"...right up until he didn't.

Alex V
09-10-15, 12:34
Fox News just said that the WH announced the U.S. will accept 10,000 Sirian "refugees"

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 12:42
Fox News just said that the WH announced the U.S. will accept 10,000 Sirian "refugees"

Probably per day.

Crow Hunter
09-10-15, 13:08
Fox News just said that the WH announced the U.S. will accept 10,000 Sirian "refugees"

I'm okay with that. As long as they accept them into the homes and neighborhoods of those agreeing to accept them.

Not put them where they become someone else's problem. Namely middle/low income Americans that can't afford private security and walled enclaves and will have to deal with lowered property values, job losses, and crime.

I can guarantee you that if these refugees were coming in to the beltway and doing government jobs, the tables would turn.

09-10-15, 13:16
A little visual explanation of how screwed we are thanks to our existing immigration policy.


09-10-15, 13:17
Further explanation and reasoning to not allow any refugees...


09-10-15, 13:42
Why doesn't Ethiopia, Somalia, and Mozambique step up and start accepting their fair share of these parasites?

This is, like, Section 8 on a global scale

09-10-15, 14:02
Because the left is "through" with those places. There is nothing left to pillage, control or steal.

They have to wipe out the rest of the white parts of the world and that means USA and Northern Europe.

09-10-15, 14:51
This is the first thread where people here seem to be on the same page about this thing.
I can't believe the West's leadership and political classes are so blind/corrupt that they will sell civilization for either a few votes or the short term feeling of benevolence (benevolence with other people's money, that is).

I was at the gym the other day, talked to 2 regulars, a Western-born Guyanese non-practicing Muslim, and a black Trinidadian with a thick accent (sounded Jamaican to my untrained ear).
Out of curiosity, I prodded on the subject of these ****ing "migrants", and was surprised to hear that these 2 were opposed to it too. They weren't as livid as me, but they were not happy campers.
They rightly pointed out that these assholes are skipping the line, faking, and going to be leeches on the system.
Made me kind of optimistic. Then on the other hand we have city councillors, mayors, all the way up to heads of state and political opponents vying for who can outdo each other in the Syrian refugee acceptance Olympics.
One guy says he'll take in 10,000. The other guy calls him a monster, and demands 50,000. A third guy, calls both the other 2 guys Hitles, and ups the ante to 300,000. And the cycle continues. We are going to be living in North American Syria in a few decades.

09-10-15, 15:37
This is the dirty little secret that big media and the left don't want you to know.

Those that immigrated here legally or are the American born children of legal immigrant parents are NOT cool with illegal immigration! Not at all.

Media would have you believe that everyone with brown skin loves all illegal immigrants and wants an open border. The legal immigrants I know despise the illegals...maybe even more than most Anglos I know of.

09-10-15, 15:56
This is the dirty little secret that big media and the left don't want you to know.

Those that immigrated here legally or are the American born children of legal immigrant parents are NOT cool with illegal immigration! Not at all.

Media would have you believe that everyone with brown skin loves all illegal immigrants and wants an open border. The legal immigrants I know despise the illegals...maybe even more than most Anglos I know of.

My personal experience has been mixed at best. I have met those that are vehemently opposed to lax illegal immigration(invasion) policy and others that are frustrated that we even have borders to begin with, everyone and anyone should be able to simply plop on down wherever they want for any reason and get taken care of.

09-10-15, 17:35
My personal experience has been mixed at best. I have met those that are vehemently opposed to lax illegal immigration(invasion) policy and others that are frustrated that we even have borders to begin with, everyone and anyone should be able to simply plop on down wherever they want for any reason and get taken care of.

Mine too. I have met plenty of brown, black, asian, and of course white people born here (of legally immigrated parents) that see North America and Europe as fair game on white people, land, benefits, etc. This in their eyes is historical "justice" or retribution for the white man having "stolen" Indian/native land hundreds of years ago.
As if:
a) that land belonged to those Natives, who themselves immigrated here, and slaughtered and raped other Indian tribes on a regular basis, and
b) those same socialists/SJW's/Progressives aren't themselves living on that "stolen" land, according to that logic.

It's more a function of where and how the person was socialized and indoctrinated. Urban types who spent their entire lives in the education bubble and away from physically demanding work and, you know, reality, are virtually guaranteed to hold these retarded views, regardless of the colour of their skin or where they were born.

09-10-15, 21:36
This is the dirty little secret that big media and the left don't want you to know.

Those that immigrated here legally or are the American born children of legal immigrant parents are NOT cool with illegal immigration! Not at all.

Media would have you believe that everyone with brown skin loves all illegal immigrants and wants an open border. The legal immigrants I know despise the illegals...maybe even more than most Anglos I know of.

I tend to agree. Damn moochers.. While my mom was deported once. She was (and is) a citizen when I was born. So I'm good.. :cool:

09-11-15, 01:11
This is the dirty little secret that big media and the left don't want you to know.

Those that immigrated here legally or are the American born children of legal immigrant parents are NOT cool with illegal immigration! Not at all.

Media would have you believe that everyone with brown skin loves all illegal immigrants and wants an open border. The legal immigrants I know despise the illegals...maybe even more than most Anglos I know of.

For the life of me, I can't imagine that anyone who took the time, trouble, expense and effort to come here legally would have any patience or sympathy with those who simply cut the line in front of everyone else.

09-11-15, 01:11
Fox News just said that the WH announced the U.S. will accept 10,000 Sirian "refugees"

Just so long as they all go to Chicago.

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 20:23

09-11-15, 20:50
We are not the world.
They don't need to come here.
My taxes don't need to go up nor do our crime rates.

Take em off to Djibouti, give em a crash course in counter insurgency, and dump em back off in Syria with coffee stain camo, Galils, spam, motrin, and water.

09-11-15, 23:21
We are not the world.
They don't need to come here.
My taxes don't need to go up nor do our crime rates.

Take em off to Djibouti, give em a crash course in counter insurgency, and dump em back off in Syria with coffee stain camo, Galils, spam, motrin, and water.

And where is Saudi, Jordan, UAE, Qater and the rest of the prosperous arab nations in this refugee crisis?

09-11-15, 23:50
Laughing at us like always

09-12-15, 03:09
That footage in the video of the migrants reminds me of the running scenes from the movie '28 Weeks Later.'


09-12-15, 03:24
Ya know, we have a metric shit ton of illegal Mexican "refugees", perhaps we can send them to Syria. Let Spanish become the spoken language in Damascus and Catholicism the religion of the masses.

09-12-15, 06:10
This is an jihad invasion of Europe. (http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/260019/hijrah-europe-robert-spencer)

Hijrah, or jihad by emigration, is, according to Islamic tradition, the migration or journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622 CE. It was after the hijrah that Muhammad for the first time became not just a preacher of religious ideas, but a political and military leader. That was what occasioned his new “revelations” exhorting his followers to commit violence against unbelievers. Significantly, the Islamic calendar counts the hijrah, not Muhammad’s birth or the occasion of his first “revelation,” as the beginning of Islam, implying that Islam is not fully itself without a political and military component.

To emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Qur’an. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (4:100)

Reports in February (http://www.independentsentinel.com/isis-threatens-to-flood-europe-and-elsewhere-as-libyan-refugees/) were already warning of this ISIS invasion.

Quilliam Foundation reports that ISIS/ISIL/IS plans to use Libya as a gateway to Europe, sending fighters masked as refugees.

They are urging fighters to flood into Libya from Syria and Iraq to then head for Italy and elsewhere.

Quilliam, the British anti-extremist think tank translated and analyzed a document written by an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) propagandist who uses the alias Abu Arhim al-Libim.

The document is entitled, “Libya: The Strategic Gateway for the Islamic State”, on why jihadists needed to urgently flock to Libya to assist supporters of the so-called caliphate in their jihad.

09-12-15, 06:16
Meet Elin Krantz. (http://www.barnhardt.biz/2015/09/10/before-you-follow-pope-francis-command-to-prove-yourselves-worthy-of-him/)


Elin was raped and beaten to death by a musloid invader of Sweden. Her body was dumped and concealed under rocks in a forest. This is what the koran commands. Rape of women in conquered lands is a “reward” for fighting for the islamic political system.




80% of rapes in Sweden are committed by musloids.

100% of rapes in Norway last year were committed by musloids.


09-12-15, 06:20
72% are single men according to UNHCR. (http://data.unhcr.org/mediterranean/regional.html)


09-12-15, 07:43
Meet Elin Krantz. (http://www.barnhardt.biz/2015/09/10/before-you-follow-pope-francis-command-to-prove-yourselves-worthy-of-him/)




When I read this and saw the photos I was making breakfast.
I skipped it and fed it to the dog.
It's pretty damned sick.

09-12-15, 07:57
Unfortunately, Muslims raping women is a global epidemic that mainstream media refuses to cover. People need to wake the **** up and realize that the invasion and rapes are a centuries old tactic. Interesting numbers from Sweden. (http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape)

Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.

09-12-15, 08:40
Someone intelligent please remind me, why do we owe any of these people anything again?

I got some less than constructive ideas to do with these individuals but I'm too polite share them. That's the problem. We never, as a country, say "tough titty, kid. Better suck harder", except to our own people

09-12-15, 09:32
Elin was raped and beaten to death by a musloid invader of Sweden. Her body was dumped and concealed under rocks in a forest. This is what the koran commands. Rape of women in conquered lands is a “reward” for fighting for the islamic political system.

Equating "rape" with "reward" is so pathological that I can't understand it. The Decline and Fall of the West was aided and abetted by its leaders.

09-12-15, 09:35
Equating "rape" with "reward" is so pathological that I can't understand it. The Decline and Fall of the West was aided and abetted by its leaders.

Right out of the 14th Century?
Europe will deeply regret this blunder.

09-12-15, 09:59
When I read this and saw the photos I was making breakfast.
I skipped it and fed it to the dog.
It's pretty damned sick.

What a ****in waste. Very sad end to a Beautiful young lady.

Here's hoping thst piece of shit dies a terrible death as well. Maybe, burning at the stake.

09-12-15, 11:49
What a ****in waste. Very sad end to a Beautiful young lady.

Here's hoping thst piece of shit dies a terrible death as well. Maybe, burning at the stake.

Unlikely. I am certain that some apologist will come up with an excuse. We need to be more tolerant of their culture and understand. She insulted his little willy manhood and we should understand... blah blah blah.

Sadly, with Congress wanting 200K terrorists coming over here this will be coming to a town near you. Guess they don't like the south of the border criminals having a monopoly on rape and murder, cause you know monopolies are bad.

Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 12:07
Since We The People seem to be in unison on this, and the elected grifters are in unison on not giving a shit what the constituency says, who in the hell is monetizing/incentivizing this for them? What is the ****ing benefit, over?

Someone, please, show me the plus side to this, because, I see zero.

09-12-15, 12:31
Since We The People seem to be in unison on this, and the elected grifters are in unison on not giving a shit what the constituency says, who in the hell is monetizing/incentivizing this for them? What is the ****ing benefit, over?

Someone, please, show me the plus side to this, because, I see zero.

I honestly think they are (absolutely clueless) trying to apply the same logic used with the illegals coming through now: voter base that breeds like rabbits and no term limits? I can't see a downside! :suicide:

Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 12:48
Pathological Myopia.

I honestly think they are (absolutely clueless) trying to apply the same logic used with the illegals coming through now: voter base that breeds like rabbits and no term limits? I can't see a downside! :suicide:

09-12-15, 13:29
Another aspect of this situation is what it will mean in terms of further erosion of our right to privacy. Meaning, if we or other countries allow a mass migration from Iraq and /or Syria we will no doubt be faced with heightened ricks of terrorist activity. What will that translate to in terms of domestic surveillance? What justifications will be made for the state to argue that they require access to any and all of our digital information? It would seem that they are insisting on an influx of people who will be used to justify further erosion of our freedoms in the future.

09-12-15, 13:49
Another aspect of this situation is what it will mean in terms of further erosion of our right to privacy. Meaning, if we or other countries allow a mass migration from Iraq and /or Syria we will no doubt be faced with heightened ricks of terrorist activity. What will that translate to in terms of domestic surveillance? What justifications will be made for the state to argue that they require access to any and all of our digital information? It would seem that they are insisting on an influx of people who will be used to justify further erosion of our freedoms in the future.

Ding, ding. Problem Reaction Solution

09-12-15, 14:17
350,000 migrants have fled to Europe this year.
Almost 50,000 asylum-seekers reached Greece in July alone.

But the wealthiest Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have accepted NO SYRIAN REFUGEES!

A Kuwaiti politician appeared on Middle East television and explained why the Gulf States won’t accept Syrian refugees-
— They come from different cultures and won’t assimilate.

Hmmm no kidding???

If you think the map looks like part of an ISIS battle plan, you would be correct. This is exactly what ISIS promised earlier this year: to flood Europe with 500,000 African Muslims, sent by boat across the Mediterranean Sea. What is now unfolding is at a level far and beyond ISIS’s wildest dreams. Hijrah in action.

Meanwhile, despite media coverage that plasters images of women and children embarking on this centuries-old invasion, it is worthy to note that, per the United Nations, 72% of these “Mediterranean sea arrivals” are single men. (“Mediterranean sea arrivals” being innocuous terminology for Islamic conquest.)

Breitbart also reports: “They are young. They are fit. They clearly know what they want….Yes, there are families…Plenty with young children. But if you stand and take a rough count it is hard not to come to the conclusion that young men are in the overwhelming majority….”

09-12-15, 14:24
350,000 migrants have fled to Europe this year.
Almost 50,000 asylum-seekers reached Greece in July alone.

But the wealthiest Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have accepted NO SYRIAN REFUGEES!

A Kuwaiti politician appeared on Middle East television and explained why the Gulf States won’t accept Syrian refugees-
— They come from different cultures and won’t assimilate.

Wow. Just wow.

I think we have seen the end of Western Europe, and we all though it would be the Russians.

Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 14:55

Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 14:58
Another aspect of this situation is what it will mean in terms of further erosion of our right to privacy. Meaning, if we or other countries allow a mass migration from Iraq and /or Syria we will no doubt be faced with heightened ricks of terrorist activity. What will that translate to in terms of domestic surveillance? What justifications will be made for the state to argue that they require access to any and all of our digital information? It would seem that they are insisting on an influx of people who will be used to justify further erosion of our freedoms in the future.

Aaaaaaaand...Prophecy of Peshawar Confirmed:


But now the second key role of ISIS is also starting to emerge: the terrorist bogeyman that ravages Europe and scares the living daylight out of people who beg the government to implement an even more strict government apparatus in order to protect them from refugees ISIS terrorists.

But ignore the facts, and focus on the propaganda, which as RT further adds is in full crisis mode: A recent article in the UK Express Daily claimed that IS “smuggled thousands of covert jihadists into Europe.” It cited a January BuzzFeed interview with an IS operative who said the militants have already sent some 4,000 fighters into Europe under guise of refugees.

These speculations have not been confirmed by Western security officials, although that's only temporary: as the need to ratchet up the fear factor grows, expect more such reports of asylum seekers who have penetrated deep inside Europe, and whose intentions are to terrorize the public. Expect a few explosions throw in for good effect.

Certainly expect a version of Europe'a Patriot Act to emerge over the next year, when the old continent has its own "September 11" moment, one which will provide the unelected Brussels bureaucrats with even more authoritarian power.

And since everyone knows by now "not to let a crisis go to waste" the one thing Europe needs is a visceral, tangible crisis, ideally with chilling explosions and innocent casualties. We expect one will be provided on short notice.

I'd say it is a good idea to let your reps know, if they want to keep their goddamned jobs, they'd better fight tooth and nail against any "resettlement" CONUS.

09-12-15, 15:19
It's all about cheap labor and welfare programs. Cheap labor to keep the retirement Ponzi schemes going and keep wages of semi/unskilled labor down and these people soak up and cause all kinds of need for govt programs where upper elites can then fill jobs and skim off money for pet causes- all with an increasing voter base that keeps voting for leftist causes.

Rapes, crime, social fragemntation are all collateral damage the Progressive govt feed off of.

Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 15:38
Please direct me towards Galt's Gulch...

It's all about cheap labor and welfare programs. Cheap labor to keep the retirement Ponzi schemes going and keep wages of semi/unskilled labor down and these people soak up and cause all kinds of need for govt programs where upper elites can then fill jobs and skim off money for pet causes- all with an increasing voter base that keeps voting for leftist causes.

Rapes, crime, social fragemntation are all collateral damage the Progressive govt feed off of.

09-12-15, 16:51
Please direct me towards Galt's Gulch...


09-12-15, 17:54
I think that is the thing. The elites in govt and NGOs bringing these people in will not have to deal with the impacts. They write checks with our money, dump these people in our communities and then give themselves awards for their great 'sacrifices'.

I'm all for helping people, but I heard that 1/4 of the Syrian population are refugees. I don't know how many are internally displaced versus heading for Sweden. But when you have 1/4 of a country on the move in a few years time, that is not a political asylum issue, that is a screwed up country issue that playing musical chairs refugee camps isn't going to fix. If anything, Syria is now asshole rich, and even less likely to be fixed. The fact that young men, who could effect a change are the ones fleeing is beyond mystifying to me.

Take a political dissident here and there, but when you are moving a whole country out of itself, that isn't a refugee problem, that is a civil war that needs to be fought and won.

Where does it end? Do we all try to move to Switzerland? It is the ever present issue that collectivists/progressives put everything in the public commons and it gets shit on and screwed up. You bring in people that see what we have and think that they can come here and take it from us for themselves.

Molon ****ing Labe.

To the 'refugees', you get a rifle the other guy gets the box of shells and back you go. It worked for the Russians against the Germans. If you aren't willing to fight for your own country, why should I let you in and make my country into assbackwardistan. Train 'em? Screw it. Sgt. Darwin will tune them up quick.

Life is a shit sandwhich, go eat you own instead of taking a dump on mine.

09-13-15, 01:28
Thanks for sharing the video, as most folks State side don't realize how bad it's become in Europe, in countries like Sweden.

My mother side from Sweden, and I've visited a number of times since I was child, and just as recently as 2010. Even in 2010, I was completely surprised during my last visit by the sheer number of Iraqis. They already make up the 2nd largest minority population.

Fast forward to today, now with influx of Syrian refugees, that continue on from Germany to Copenhagen, and across the Baltic to Malmö. The immigration problem continues to grow, as more and more immigrants take advantage of the compassion, the warmth, the openness, the hospitality and tremendous generosity of the Swedes.
Unfortunately, they don't have a rigorous system for asylum seekers, to weed out the genuine and good folks from the bad. Luckily, the conservative party there seems to be gaining a larger hold and are calling for reforms. However in the meantime, I'm still deeply concerned with the uptick in violence and crime, that the local police force are ill equipped and not experienced in dealing with such heinous crimes especially in cities in Malmö, and the lack of any coherent and effective policy to address the issue.


No problem, Sensei turned me on to that guy. He has a very informative YouTube channel that I highly recommend to all reading this thread. And thank you for sharing about your visits there. I can only imagine how it must sicken you at your core to see the country of your mother turn on it's very own and allow the wholesale rape of it's young girls and women.

09-13-15, 02:10
I worry that there are only going to be two paths out of this.

1. Muslim Caliphate in Europe

2. New European Hegemony and a Muslim Holocaust

Things can only be pushed so far before something breaks. The break, I fear, will either be European Christendom or someone will become a new Adolf.

Spot on.

Let's not forget that this current "refugee crisis" is a direct product of Obama's and Hillary's "Arab Spring"! As the good radicals they are, they orchestrated this crisis via their mentor's Cloward-Piven Strategy.

A good friend of mine is a successful mechanical engineer in Germany. He's grandfather fought the Soviets in Stalingrad and survived not only the battle but also the brutal Russian winter as a POW. We have had many conversations on the geo-political climate being played out and he has commented on it's only a matter of time before we see the next Hitler. He has told me in great detail accounts of the negative impact that the Turks are having on Germany. Now this after bailing out Greece yet again.

Tick-tock . . .

I am confident in the fact that Western powers are allowing this most resent Islamic conquest of Europe to go unchallenged to hasten their NWO one world government global Utopia. At best no one does anything about it and Western civilization is killed off or at worst a Hitler type comes to power with mass support and they can justify a dystopian police state. Kind of like how they want civil unrest/race war/civil war here in CONUS. When people get fed up with having their income stolen from them via taxation only to be given to a bunch of oxygen thieves, have their culture shit on, their women raped, their throats cut, their cities burned/looted, et al. they will take up arms and say no more.

Large migrations like this have happened many times in the past. They always have resulted in destruction/assimilation of the invading force or destruction and reshaping of the existing culture.

Homo Sapiens - Neaderthals
Latins - Estruscans
Hittites - Egyptians
Huns - Rome
Moors - Iberians
Angles/Saxons/Jutes - Celts
Normans - Saxons

We are witnessing history evolving.

Assuming civilization still exists in 400 years, this will be a line item in a history book.

Hopefully, for our sakes, it won't be written during a new Renaissance after a new Dark Ages perpetuated by invading barbarian hordes burning the modern equivalent of the Library of Alexandria.

Again spot on. Lets not forget this is NOT the first, or second, or third Islamic conquest of Europe.

Beginning in 652 A.D. Muslims began attacking Sicily four-hundred and forty four years prior to the First Crusade. They have been at this a LONG TIME.


September the 11th, was not just some random day for an attack . . . September 11th, 1683 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vienna)

09-13-15, 02:30
My wife is from Sicily (the city of Augusta, which is the main port where illegals get dropped off), so this whole thing has been terrible for our family. We have property there, and have spent quite a bit of time there, so we know the people that are subjected to this EU sanctioned problem very well.

Nothing coming out the EU can be trusted at all. The data is always manipulated. My wife's cousin is a police chief for a town that neighbors Augusta in the same region (Italian regions are like US counties, so her region is Syracuse). His internal numbers show a crime rate increase of roughly 2500% since January 1. The EU is forcing local law enforcement to suppress the numbers and the press is not likely to report any of it, by the way.

The local governments and local police are hamstrung by EU regulations and can do basically nothing to protect their own citizens. It is "catch, caution, and release" for illegals and hope they go north to Germany. Any arrests usually bring charges from the EU of "racism" (nearly every Southern Italian police department is under investigation for "racism", which is like a DOJ investigation here). For citizens, they advise old people to lock their doors and windows - which at the height of Sicilian summer where most don't have air conditioning (95 degrees and 90% humidity is the norm) isn't practical, and have advise people to not wear jewellry or carry cash on the streets. Italians have virtually no right under the law to self defense and the carry permit system is similar to New York City or Los Angeles, so the only legal advice the police can offer is to "run and hide".

My wife's female relatives have horror stories of being robbed, harassed, groped, and threatened. They face the potential of being raped just going to the grocery store. One of her cousins (who was in the Italian Navy and is fluent in Arabic) has seen many of the signs of jihadi rumblings amongst the military aged men. His assessment (based on some valid real-world experience) is not "war refugees" or "economic refugees", but rather an invading army just waiting to be armed. The police on the south end of Catania picked up a couple of "refugees" taking pictures and diagramming the security at the NAS Sigonella. Others have been observed doing the same at the Italian Navy base in Augusta as well as the oil refineries that are near the town. Now, why would refugees escaping "war" do that?

After Mr. Junker's (EC President) speech this morning, the problem will just get much worse - real fast.

To summarize, the EU proposes:
1. Mandatory resettlement and acceptance by member states (UK, Ireland and Denmark have opt-outs under previous treaty)
2. A pathway towards citizenship
3. Right to work for illegals.
4. It's for the kids...

Junker outlined a predictable strategy, punctuated with all of the key words of "humanity", "dignity", etc. The bottom line is that the EU needs to prop up their ponzi scheme of socialism. EU native populations are aging and birthrates are abysmally low, so new immigrants are needed to pay in so the ponzi works and the older masses can stay pacified and dependent. The "X" factor that EU and other socialists don't consider is that Muslims haven't been indoctrinated with secularism from birth, so their loyalties are to Islam over the state. Since socialists seem to like the feudal aspects of Islam, they have probably planned some incremental destruction of it as well in favor of the religion of Karl Marx.

Throughout history, there is a point where every house of cards must fall.

Thank you for your post and the information you provided.

I know that governments and media sources DO NOT let on to the full extent and gravity of what is going on in Europe. It's utterly sickening. This is what years of progressive socialism get you.

My wife has a friend who is Jewish and was born in South Africa. Her family fled to the US after the blacks were allowed to have open season on the whites there. She now lives in Amsterdam and is married to a Dutchman. One time when they were over here for a visit her husband went on a tangent about how bad America is and we are war mongers, etc. So I asked him if they spoke German in the Netherlands, he looked at me puzzled and said; "No!" like I was some uneducated slackjawed Yank. To which I stood up and said; "Yeah, your're ****ing welcome!" and excused myself from the social setting. I have a Nazi swallow tailed banner that a great uncle of mine took down from a school house in the Netherlands. If the average modern European male is anything like that douche bag, well they don't have much hope for a future.

09-13-15, 06:52
The break, I fear, will either be European Christendom

You haven't been to Europe lately, I take it. They are already post-Christian.

09-13-15, 07:36

Outlander Systems
09-13-15, 08:11
You haven't been to Europe lately, I take it. They are already post-Christian.

Secular humanist radical leftists. Sumbitches make Obama look like Ted Cruz in comparison.

09-13-15, 08:54
I don't live in Europe and don't want to.
I do live in the US and these parasites are more likely to end up near me than near my elected officials who never once asked me if I minded a bunch of them being plopped down next to where I sleep.

And if you call or write you vget a little letter or message telling you to keep voting and paying taxes but this decision 'had' to be made so shut up, vote, and pay taxes.

Outlander Systems
09-13-15, 11:01
YouGov's latest research shows, however, that officers in the military are held in much greater esteem than their civilian superiors, and that they are widely viewed as having the best interests of the country in mind instead of their own selfish concerns. 70% of Americans believe that military officers generally want what is best for the country. When it comes to Congressmen, however, 71% of Americans believe that they want what is best for themselves, along with 59% for local politicians.


09-13-15, 16:39

That 28 minute video has 8 minutes of pure genius. He really needs an editor to be more impactful.

Outlander Systems
09-13-15, 16:54

Stefan Molyneux is probably the most level-headed, rational, sane human being alive right now.

09-13-15, 22:22
The Greek Coast Guard intercepted an aid container for “refugees” (who are almost all male and of fighting age) that was filled with weapons and ammunition. It appears that this was only reported on by local Greek news and has not been covered anywhere else. Hmm, I wonder why?

It was only a matter of time, I'm just surprised it was this soon.

09-13-15, 22:24
What's next? Chartered flights coming up illegal?

09-14-15, 01:36
You guys have pretty much hit the nail on the head with everything here.
We are being invaded, with the willing help of our elected traitor politicians.
They are doing this for:
- Cheap labour (an illusion as these leeches are going on the dole),
- lifetime loyal voters (also an illusion in the long term, as they will vote for benefits in the short term, and for an Islamist party and Sharia law in the long run)
- fresh blood to feed the Ponzi scheme that is the welfare state and old age security and unearned generous pensions (also will fail for the reasons above)
- boost to the population, due to high birth rates compared to the native Westerners (this will prove to be a deadly factor)
- scoring points with the bleeding heart do-gooder segment (with other people's money of course)

Europe is DONE. I know that sounds a bit doom and gloom, but it is true. The only way out is violence. Sheer, naked, relentless violence. This problem is not going away with hugging it out, politeness or appeasement.

09-14-15, 05:33
What's next? Chartered flights coming up illegal?

John has a long mustache.

09-14-15, 14:20
The Greek Coast Guard intercepted an aid container for “refugees” (who are almost all male and of fighting age) that was filled with weapons and ammunition. It appears that this was only reported on by local Greek news and has not been covered anywhere else. Hmm, I wonder why?

It was only a matter of time, I'm just surprised it was this soon.

This ship was headed from Turkey to the rebel held city of Misrata in Libya.


5000 Sarsilmaz Shotguns


Turkey/ AKP has aligned themselves 100% with ISIS, and this is part of their effort to connect Hillary Clinton's Jihadis in Libya with John McCain's Jihadis in the Islamic State, putting the squeeze on Egypt.

09-14-15, 19:57
Europe is DONE. I know that sounds a bit doom and gloom, but it is true. The only way out is violence. Sheer, naked, relentless violence. This problem is not going away with hugging it out, politeness or appeasement.

Unfortunately, I think you're correct in that this will ultimately lead to violence. Not sure about Europe being done though. For a time possibly. Remember the Ottoman Empire used to stretch pretty far and then it got pushed back. Took hundreds of years, but it happened. Eventually, Europeans will grow some testicles, embrace their inner Vlad and do what needs doing.

John has a long mustache.

The chair is in the corner.

09-15-15, 06:01
BERLIN — Austria, Slovakia and the Netherlands introduced border controls on Monday, as Germany’s decision over the weekend to set up checks began to ripple across a bloc struggling to deal with the influx of migrants coming to the Continent.
In Hun
Around 50 police officers, wearing riot gear and equipped with pepper spray, converged Monday afternoon on the train tracks linking the villages of Roszke, Hungary and Horgos, Serbia, which thousands of migrants had used to cross in recent days. An official in a bright yellow jacket turned away migrants seeking to enter Hungary. the authorities said that a near-record 5,353 migrants had crossed into the country from Serbia before noon on Monday — even as Budapest continued to seal off that border with the construction of a 109-mile fence made with razor wire.

We need to find these Hungarian fence makers, I hear Donald Trump might be hiring.

Outlander Systems
09-16-15, 05:36

Here we go...

09-16-15, 06:06

Here we go...
Yeah, we're screwed.

09-16-15, 06:24
"Refugees are subject to the highest level of security checks of any category of traveler to the United States," another State Department official told reporters.


09-16-15, 11:34
You guys have pretty much hit the nail on the head with everything here.
We are being invaded, with the willing help of our elected traitor politicians.
They are doing this for:
- Cheap labour (an illusion as these leeches are going on the dole),
- lifetime loyal voters (also an illusion in the long term, as they will vote for benefits in the short term, and for an Islamist party and Sharia law in the long run)
- fresh blood to feed the Ponzi scheme that is the welfare state and old age security and unearned generous pensions (also will fail for the reasons above)
- boost to the population, due to high birth rates compared to the native Westerners (this will prove to be a deadly factor)
- scoring points with the bleeding heart do-gooder segment (with other people's money of course)

Europe is DONE. I know that sounds a bit doom and gloom, but it is true. The only way out is violence. Sheer, naked, relentless violence. This problem is not going away with hugging it out, politeness or appeasement.

By that measuring stick, so are we.

09-16-15, 12:20

Here we go...

Ah yes, the great community organizer in chief is at the controls of yet more social engineering.

09-16-15, 12:58
Amid Muslim Refugee Crisis, Saudi Arabia Vows To Build 200 Mosques In Germany

Saudi Arabia has offered to build 200 mosques in Germany to accommodate the wave of Muslim refugees there if German authorities permit, according to media reports Thursday. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans and other asylum seekers from countries in North Africa and the Middle East have sought refuge in Europe in recent months.

The proposal comes amid growing accusations of hypocrisy directed toward the wealthy gulf nation and its neighbors for taking in few, if any, refugees from the ongoing four-year civil war in Syria, even as they funnel support to groups fighting there. In 2014, Saudi Arabia accepted just 561 refugees and 100 asylum seekers, according to the United Nations, the Wall Street Journal reported. Fewer still found refuge in Qatar and Bahrain. Germany, by contrast, has said it will accept 800,000 refugees, and countries bordering Syria--Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey--have officially taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees each.


09-16-15, 14:58
Amid Muslim Refugee Crisis, Saudi Arabia Vows To Build 200 Mosques In Germany



They did the same thing Chechnya.

26 Inf
09-16-15, 15:10

Here we go...

Well, dang. If we are getting 10,000 refugees, seems to me that there ought to be enough Churches to sponsor the families and pretty well spread them throughout the United States. 10,000/50 equals 200 per state. Seems doable, if the Churches would get behind it. Judging from the lack of positive affirmation I received when I mentioned this at Church last Sunday, I doubt the idea will get much traction.

I'd also add that even though I am not generally in favor of the 10,000, I am dead serious about the solution. Our Church has 600 members, there is no reason we couldn't sponsor at least 2 families. That would serve a couple of purposes, prime amongst them being no new creation of religious, cultural or racial enclaves.

09-16-15, 15:53
IT BEGINS: Muslim demands Munich end ‘anti-Islamic’ Oktoberfest

Dear City council of Munich,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I and many Muslims believe is unfair and requires attention.

I would like to inform you that the Oktoberfest is an Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event. We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest. Such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.

We understand that the Oktoberfest is a yearly German tradition, but we, Muslims, can not tolerate this Un-Islamic event, because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth.

We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the upcoming Oktoberfest event.

We also believe that the Oktoberfest might also offend all the Muslim refugees coming from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. The cancellation of the Oktoberfest event will help refugees not to forget their Islamic history. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Morad Almuradi


I was hoping this was a satire piece. Oktoberfest was first held in 1810.

So in review refugees fleeing from Islamofacists Utopia invade Europe, given money, housing, education, food, healthcare, iPhones, public transit passes, only to repay the European's kindness by gang raping their girls and women and now demanding they change their own traditions in the name of Islam.


09-16-15, 15:59
Blonde Danish teenager, 15, murdered her mother with a kitchen knife after dating Muslim refugees and watching ISIS videos of the beheading of British hostages online

Afterwards she and her radical Muslim boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29, took a long-bladed kitchen knife and stabbed her mother Tina Römer Holtegaard at least 20 times at the home they shared in rural Kvissel.

A court which sentenced Borch to nine years in jail heard how she became obsessed with militant Islam after falling in love with an unnamed Muslim man.
But he jilted her when he moved back to Sweden to be with his wife and children.

Nevertheless she found a new soulmate in Iraq-born Abdulla, whom she befriended after meeting at a refugee centre near her home.


09-16-15, 16:01
They did the same thing Chechnya.

And to think people refuse to see this for what it is. Hmm, The House of Saud and their neighbors flat out refuse to let the refugees in their country but they'll fit the bill to build 200 Mosques in their newly conquered European territories.

09-16-15, 16:40
First off....
Banning Oktoberfest is UnAmerican.
I'll tolerate Islam to a point. It's like dudes who get 'Infidel' tabs and patches. I'm not an Infidel. I don't subscribe to Islam but I do believe in stuff. Things larger than myself. Try to keep my word.

I don't poke fun at people with crazy ways and made up religions. However, I live here and I'm not changing nor am I accomodating anyone. If I don't cut hippies and left coasters any slack I certainly ain't doing it for grown ass military aged cowards who are most certainly picking their fights.

I live in a ghetto, redneck forner Confederate state for a reason. Because whether you are tagging pitchforks or six point stars or waving the ol' Southern Cross there is an unspoken understanding. It's weird but if you're turned on...you know that some stuff just don't happen here. I feel sorry for guys in Wisconsin or Michigan. And yeah there are a LOT of Somalis here but they also know that they are 'outsiders'. See....if you backwards as it seems Southern Hospitality is a real thing, but if you're an outsider; you're an outsider.

Tl;dr enemy of my enemy is my ally

If it ever got FUBAR, i would be in the streets fighting to the bitterest end to preserve my nation and my state.

These people are being rewarded for being pusscakes. Thats negative reinforcement

Outlander Systems
09-16-15, 17:25
You're alright, dude.

I owe you a brewski.

First off....
Banning Oktoberfest is UnAmerican.
I'll tolerate Islam to a point. It's like dudes who get 'Infidel' tabs and patches. I'm not an Infidel. I don't subscribe to Islam but I do believe in stuff. Things larger than myself. Try to keep my word.

I don't poke fun at people with crazy ways and made up religions. However, I live here and I'm not changing nor am I accomodating anyone. If I don't cut hippies and left coasters any slack I certainly ain't doing it for grown ass military aged cowards who are most certainly picking their fights.

I live in a ghetto, redneck forner Confederate state for a reason. Because whether you are tagging pitchforks or six point stars or waving the ol' Southern Cross there is an unspoken understanding. It's weird but if you're turned on...you know that some stuff just don't happen here. I feel sorry for guys in Wisconsin or Michigan. And yeah there are a LOT of Somalis here but they also know that they are 'outsiders'. See....if you backwards as it seems Southern Hospitality is a real thing, but if you're an outsider; you're an outsider.

Tl;dr enemy of my enemy is my ally

If it ever got FUBAR, i would be in the streets fighting to the bitterest end to preserve my nation and my state.

These people are being rewarded for being pusscakes. Thats negative reinforcement

09-16-15, 19:49

09-16-15, 19:54
Good job Europe... Good job.

09-16-15, 20:44
IT BEGINS: Muslim demands Munich end ‘anti-Islamic’ Oktoberfest


I was hoping this was a satire piece. Oktoberfest was first held in 1810.

So in review refugees fleeing from Islamofacists Utopia invade Europe, given money, housing, education, food, healthcare, iPhones, public transit passes, only to repay the European's kindness by gang raping their girls and women and now demanding they change their own traditions in the name of Islam.


Germany must be thrilled with their importation of 40,000 additional Islamic citizens.

26 Inf
09-16-15, 22:25
Why was that still up there to take a photo of.

And why hasn't someone bitch slapped 'ol Morad back into his mother's womb?

09-16-15, 22:32
Smells of a false flag project

09-18-15, 12:08

Some peaceful "migrants" here that just happen to be almost all military age men.



09-18-15, 13:47
This really is an invasion. I am seething on the inside. Hungary and Eastern Europe are the only hope right now. Western Europe is lost. PC and Progressives have compromised that country.


Some peaceful "migrants" here that just happen to be almost all military age men.



09-18-15, 14:30
This really is an invasion. I am seething on the inside. Hungary and Eastern Europe are the only hope right now. Western Europe is lost. PC and Progressives have compromised that country.

I would guess it wont take much more of this crap until the Hungarians find a belt fed solution to this problem.

09-18-15, 14:37
Just heard were getting refugees here. Fantastic.........

09-18-15, 14:40
This really is an invasion. I am seething on the inside. Hungary and Eastern Europe are the only hope right now. Western Europe is lost. PC and Progressives have compromised that country.

2:08 Cameramen find the only woman in the crowd and start to focus on her.


09-18-15, 19:46
You need to read this, Fact -vs Fiction. The Mopes aren't refugees by the definition.

09-18-15, 20:41
So aside from being the world's homeless shelter with the Sarah Mclachlan music playing as each track suited twenty something male pussugee spills in like it was cool well....

How honestly does this improve OUR country. We need to start looking out for number one again. Someone asked "Well what if it was you?"

I told her I'd be the dude on CNN in desert tigers with a headband and a necklace of ears by now until I either ran out of ammo or got katayushaed.

Outlander Systems
09-18-15, 22:33
Save some for ears for me, homie.

So aside from being the world's homeless shelter with the Sarah Mclachlan music playing as each track suited twenty something male pussugee spills in like it was cool well....

How honestly does this improve OUR country. We need to start looking out for number one again. Someone asked "Well what if it was you?"

I told her I'd be the dude on CNN in desert tigers with a headband and a necklace of ears by now until I either ran out of ammo or got katayushaed.

09-19-15, 01:24

Some peaceful "migrants" here that just happen to be almost all military age men.



There was a reason why our European ancestors built walls around their cities with draw bridges and would hurl all manner of dense objects at those who were camped outside those walls and tried to get in . . .

09-19-15, 01:26
You need to read this, Fact -vs Fiction. The Mopes aren't refugees by the definition.

Thanks for the link, excellent site and 1683 is spot freaking on. I referenced the Battle of Vienna in an earlier post of mine in this thread.

09-19-15, 07:33
Thanks for the link, excellent site and 1683 is spot freaking on. I referenced the Battle of Vienna in an earlier post of mine in this thread.

I look at what is being posted here and the YouTube links and have to ask;
"If they were just this willing to fight for their own country as they seem to be willing to fight to get in to Europe?"
So if it isn't an unwillingness to fight, why not stay home, fight for your land and people and leave Europe to the Europeans? I would guess if you have the answer to this it can only come down to one or two things.
They either see Europe's socialist system as a way to sit back and let others provide for them, or they really are here to spread and conquer.
The idea that they are coming for freedom, opportunity and a better life built with their own hands has been pretty much lost when they seem so willing to fight everyone but the people oppressing them back home.
You know, back home, where they left their Wife and kids.

Outlander Systems
09-19-15, 08:02
I look at what is being posted here and the YouTube links and have to ask;
"If they were just this willing to fight for their own country as they seem to be willing to fight to get in to Europe?"
So if it isn't an unwillingness to fight, why not stay home, fight for your land and people and leave Europe to the Europeans? I would guess if you have the answer to this it can only come down to one or two things.
They either see Europe's socialist system as a way to sit back and let others provide for them, or they really are here to spread and conquer.
The idea that they are coming for freedom, opportunity and a better life built with their own hands has been pretty much lost when they seem so willing to fight everyone but the people oppressing them back home.
You know, back home, where they left their Wife and kids.


Outlander Systems
09-19-15, 08:06
This situation should be a massive wake up call, to everyone around the world, that Socialist/Populist/Leftist policies and "cultural values" are a complete, and total, failure.

Socialism is a complete failure. Remember that.

Every year I explain socialism to my daughter around this time.

"Some people think that they should be able stay at home while you go trick-or-treating, and that you should give them some of your candy, "just because."

"But daddy, I went out and got the candy."

"You sure did, sweetheart. Remember that."

09-19-15, 10:43

I thought you guys were talking about the Free Syrian Army and Bureau of Land Management for a while...

09-19-15, 20:20
Is Putin's support of Assad, knowing that we won't do anything meaningful on the ground against him or ISIS a plan to create a refugee crisis that will split NATO apart? Not maybe apart, but another bit of tension in the alliance, especially between the legacy and former soviet block counties.

09-19-15, 20:22
This situation should be a massive wake up call, to everyone around the world, that Socialist/Populist/Leftist policies and "cultural values" are a complete, and total, failure.

Socialism is a complete failure. Remember that.

Every year I explain socialism to my daughter around this time.

"Some people think that they should be able stay at home while you go trick-or-treating, and that you should give them some of your candy, "just because."

"But daddy, I went out and got the candy."

"You sure did, sweetheart. Remember that."

I like it.

09-20-15, 08:24
Is Putin's support of Assad, knowing that we won't do anything meaningful on the ground against him or ISIS a plan to create a refugee crisis that will split NATO apart? Not maybe apart, but another bit of tension in the alliance, especially between the legacy and former soviet block counties.

Better question: since Russia is Syria's best-buds-forever, why aren't any of the "migrants" crossing into Russia? Hmmm........

09-20-15, 09:05

09-20-15, 10:10
Is Putin's support of Assad, knowing that we won't do anything meaningful on the ground against him or ISIS a plan to create a refugee crisis that will split NATO apart? Not maybe apart, but another bit of tension in the alliance, especially between the legacy and former soviet block counties.

Putin is protecting his only Naval Base in the Med at Tartus, while fighting back ISIS/JaN/AQ, and preserving a secular regime in the Middle East.

In other words, he has the high road.

The greatest threat to America in Russia's new kinetic intervention is NOT Russian aircraft bombing CIA sponsored Jabhat al Nusra terrorists... not even if they killed a US advisor or asset in the strike itself (we would never find out).

The greatest threat is presented by the gathering of intel to present to the world that the US is training and arming JaN/ al Qaeda Jihadis to depose the secular Arab nationalist regime of Asad just so that the Gulf Arab Monarchs can maintain their competitive edge on oil.

A leak of that, in combination with the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 report detailing the direct link between the House of Saud and the 9/11 attacks, would be a total death blow to the horse shit that the American populace has been fed.

It would necessitate immediate war with the monarchies... and the most favorable successor regimes that could possibly replace them would look an awful lot like:




and not


09-20-15, 10:13
And we're back to George Bush bashing. At least you're consistent.

26 Inf
09-20-15, 12:57
And we're back to George Bush bashing. At least you're consistent.

Consider this, my best friend did a terrible job managing a program where I work. It impacted not only me, but virtually hundreds of people. I fully recognize this and told him, often, to his face, problems we had with the program. Aside from him indicating that as his friend I shouldn't do that, nothing changed and ultimately he retired. He still remains my best friend, even though I am still working we have regular contact, and meet to do stuff a couple times a week. Yet dogma wise we are eons apart.

Just because we don't agree doesn't mean we have to hate. Bush was a train wreck as President, but I believe we would be buddies if we met. By the way, so is Obama. He squandered his shot at a decent legacy by his priotization of tasks in his first year.

Remember, we don't think the same, but we are so going to have coffee at Starbucks and mock stoners one day.

09-20-15, 13:06
So a divided nation in a costly war fought in the name of a false reason, only to have to victory squandered and the people we meant to help brutalized in the 'peace' makes you a failed president?

Someone kick Lincoln out of his chair on the memorial.

ETA: I don't know where you might get 'hate' from my comments about Kev. He is what he is. Unfortunately, some of his great points are clouded by his hatred for George Bush.

Outlander Systems
09-20-15, 14:14
There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else. We are a nation, not a hodge-podge of foreign nationalities. We are a people, and not a polyglot boarding house. Theodore Roosevelt

09-21-15, 01:14
Putin is protecting his only Naval Base in the Med at Tartus, while fighting back ISIS/JaN/AQ, and preserving a secular regime in the Middle East.

In other words, he has the high road.

The greatest threat to America in Russia's new kinetic intervention is NOT Russian aircraft bombing CIA sponsored Jabhat al Nusra terrorists... not even if they killed a US advisor or asset in the strike itself (we would never find out).

The greatest threat is presented by the gathering of intel to present to the world that the US is training and arming JaN/ al Qaeda Jihadis to depose the secular Arab nationalist regime of Asad just so that the Gulf Arab Monarchs can maintain their competitive edge on oil.

A leak of that, in combination with the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 report detailing the direct link between the House of Saud and the 9/11 attacks, would be a total death blow to the horse shit that the American populace has been fed.

It would necessitate immediate war with the monarchies... and the most favorable successor regimes that could possibly replace them would look an awful lot like:


and not


The NECONs, their betters, and the Wahhabist have been bed fellows for decades. IF one looks at a map of the various rival pipelines that are in the Middle East and or being built in the Middle East it's easy to see what is at play here.

Outlander Systems
09-21-15, 13:29

BERLIN — The Obama administration will increase the number of worldwide refugees the United States accepts each year to 100,000 by 2017, a significant increase over the current annual cap of 70,000, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday.

09-21-15, 19:38
Far more than 100k I'm afraid... (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/14/federal-data-u-s-annually-admits-quarter-of-a-million-muslim-migrants/)

In 2013 alone, 117,423 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States— having been given lawful permanent resident status. Additionally in 2013, the United States voluntarily admitted an extra 122,921 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers as well as 39,932 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries.

Thus, twelve years after the September 11th hijackers were invited into the country on temporary visas, the U.S. decided to admit 280,276 migrants from Muslim countries within a single fiscal year.

To put these numbers into perspective, this means that every year the U.S. admits a number of Muslim migrants larger in size than the entire population of Des Moines, Iowa; Lincoln, Nebraska; or Dayton, Ohio.

The rate of Muslim immigration has been increasing since September 11. Between 2001 and 2013, the United States permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim immigrants throughout the United States. Unlike illegal immigrants, legal immigrants granted lifetime resettlement privileges will be given automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens...

09-21-15, 23:08
Finland split over biggest refugee influx since Russian Revolution

Finland is experiencing its biggest influx of refugees since the Russian Revolution with hundreds of migrants arriving each day via Sweden, but their presence is angering some in the recession-hit country.

Finland, whose Lapland steppe forms the European Union's northernmost border, expects to receive 25,000 to 30,000 asylum applications this year, compared to 3,600 in 2014.

Most of those arriving are from Iraq, Somalia or Afghanistan. After an exhausting and often perilous journey to Europe, they travel to the northern Swedish town of Haparanda, turning their backs on Sweden's long processing times to instead cross the border by foot into the Finnish town of Tornio.


09-21-15, 23:54
Far more than 100k I'm afraid... (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/14/federal-data-u-s-annually-admits-quarter-of-a-million-muslim-migrants/)

I'm hoping that MOST of those 117,423 in 2013 were individuals who directly assisted or supported the US in their countries. Must as Islam isn't my favorite ideology, I don't mind helping those who helped us. Quite frankly I'd rather have Muslims who functioned as interpreters or intelligence providers come here than any illegal from south of the border.

We simply can't bail on the people who help us. We've done that too many times in history. It isn't right, if we make promises then we should keep them.

That said, I don't think the refugees from Syria have done anything of assistance for the US, they aren't promised anything, nor are they particularly more deserving than any other individual who wishes to come here seeking a better life.

I think the idea of bringing in 100,000 every year is a great way to insure that we firmly establish several ISIS chapters in the US. They don't need to invade us, we seem to be doing it for them.

09-22-15, 01:47
I'm hoping that MOST of those 117,423 in 2013 were individuals who directly assisted or supported the US in their countries. Must as Islam isn't my favorite ideology, I don't mind helping those who helped us. Quite frankly I'd rather have Muslims who functioned as interpreters or intelligence providers come here than any illegal from south of the border.

We simply can't bail on the people who help us. We've done that too many times in history. It isn't right, if we make promises then we should keep them.

That said, I don't think the refugees from Syria have done anything of assistance for the US, they aren't promised anything, nor are they particularly more deserving than any other individual who wishes to come here seeking a better life.

I think the idea of bringing in 100,000 every year is a great way to insure that we firmly establish several ISIS chapters in the US. They don't need to invade us, we seem to be doing it for them.

We both know that hardly any of those 117, 423 assisted, or would ever even entertain the thought of assisting the West in any way at all.
For all our sophistication and advances, we the West, are turning out to be the worst game theory players in the history of the world.
We are actively helping our enemies. The naivete is staggering.

09-22-15, 02:01
We both know that hardly any of those 117, 423 assisted, or would ever even entertain the thought of assisting the West in any way at all.
For all our sophistication and advances, we the West, are turning out to be the worst game theory players in the history of the world.
We are actively helping our enemies. The naivete is staggering.

IMHO this is all an orchestrated crisis. It's not so much that Western leaders are naive as it is they are actively erasing borders to usher in a global Utopia. The cogs and wheels in the engines of social change are in full vigor.

09-22-15, 08:14
IMHO this is all an orchestrated crisis. It's not so much that Western leaders are naive as it is they are actively erasing borders to usher in a global Utopia. The cogs and wheels in the engines of social change are in full vigor.

This will help with all those pesky votes against the EU... Nothing like having people whose very existence only possible with an unified govt... And you by quota have to plant them all over the EU...

09-22-15, 14:41
So....essentially I get to pay more taxes to support people who won't assimilate, and on top of it all I can't 'offend' anyone.


09-23-15, 03:26

Great vid. It's not often that I will sit through an hour-plus+long Youtube video, but that one was definitely worth it.
I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the backlash Stefan refers to. Or rather, I am waiting for others to catch up to where my head's at.

IMHO this is all an orchestrated crisis. It's not so much that Western leaders are naive as it is they are actively erasing borders to usher in a global Utopia. The cogs and wheels in the engines of social change are in full vigor.

You are absolutely correct.
It is pretty obvious that Western politicians want this influx of immigrants for a host of bad reasons, such as:
1) importing/outsourcing votes
2) getting fresh blood in an attempt to keep the pyramid scheme of the welfare state from collapsing
3) wanting more inexpensive labor

When I say naive, I mean that I don't think they know exactly what they are in for (although some probably do).

These immigrants do not have the same work ethic that the immigrants who helped build Western civilization had, nor will they adapt to Western norms. The only bright side to this is that this will bring down the welfare state, bring Europe into conflict, and turn Westerners sharply against Islam (i.e. wake them up).

09-23-15, 16:05
Fake refugees pretending to be Syrians:


This map reminds me of the Nazi plans to conquer western Europe.


09-23-15, 17:00
Fake refugees pretending to be Syrians:


This map reminds me of the Nazi plans to conquer western Europe.

And without a shot fired.

09-23-15, 18:34
And without a shot fired.

I dunno man. It looks bad now but there is going to be a backlash of some kind.

09-23-15, 18:44
Fake refugees pretending to be Syrians:


This map reminds me of the Nazi plans to conquer western Europe.

I'm sorry, maybe I missed the portion of the map that shows how many Russia is taking in.

Oh, wait......

09-23-15, 18:45
So....essentially I get to pay more taxes to support people who won't assimilate, and on top of it all I can't 'offend' anyone.


Wanna bet? Be like me and don't give a f**k! ;)

09-23-15, 19:11
Oh brother, I took that vow of chastity years ago.

I was merely being acerbic.

09-23-15, 19:17
Oh brother, I took that vow of chastity years ago.

I was merely being acerbic.

Roger that! We can pretend, can't we?

09-23-15, 22:22
I'm sorry, maybe I missed the portion of the map that shows how many Russia is taking in.

Oh, wait......

Or Serbia, or Turkey, or Saudi, or Yemen, or Qatar or Kuwait.

09-23-15, 23:19
Or Serbia, or Turkey, or Saudi, or Yemen, or Qatar or Kuwait.

Hell, Saudi Arabia alone has over 100,000 air conditioned tents that house 3 million pilgrims every year on the Hajj in a tent city called Mina. Those bastards won't even take their own cousins in, what does that say about what this is really all about?


09-24-15, 04:16
I dunno man. It looks bad now but there is going to be a backlash of some kind.

Damn right there is!

Or Serbia, or Turkey, or Saudi, or Yemen, or Qatar or Kuwait.

Please don't lump Serbia with Muslim places like the ones listed.
Serbia is relatively poor, and will not be even able to give welfare.
There's also the fact that Serbia has been screwed over by Germany, Italy, Croatia, the UK, and France several times over the past 25 years. Serbs have enough problems internally, and are in no mood to get dragged into Europe's political problems caused by this "migrant" nonsense.
Serbia was fighting Islamic terrorism before it was cool. They were fighting against UBL when he was in Bosnia in the early to mid 90's, and the KLA in the late 90's and since, and have been given the finger by the EU's Muslim-lovers. I really don't blame them for passing the problem along to the countries that funded and armed their Muslim enemies.

09-24-15, 09:30
Those bastards won't even take their own cousins in, what does that say about what this is really all about?

Saudi Arabia is ISIS... or at least Wahabbist fueled transnational Jihad.

They obviously aren't going to take them in, they want them to all die-in-place.

09-24-15, 12:43
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, warned the EU was now facing a "critical point" and that the migrant crisis hadn't even reached its peak.

As he chaired an emergency meeting of EU leaders in Brussels last night Mr Tusk painted a bleak picture of the EU's future, saying the 28-member bloc was on the verge of breakdown with "recriminations and misunderstanding" pitting nations against one another.

And perhaps this was the point of the mass immigration?

09-24-15, 13:38
Saudi Arabia is ISIS... or at least Wahabbist fueled transnational Jihad.

Yes, we agree here.

They obviously aren't going to take them in, they want them to all die-in-place.

The House of Saud has offered to build 200 Mosques in Germany alone for all these fugees. That tells me they want these "useful idiot" Syrians to colonize Europe and to plant the "green flag of the prophet" in it's heart.


09-24-15, 13:55
Damn right there is!


For the last 90 years Muslims have been blowing up British, American, French, Israeli, and Soviet soldiers and civilians. Our enemy, let's use Hamas as an example, indoctrinates toddlers to hate the west (http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2012/12/Mideast-Israel-Palest_Horo-1.jpg). They convince their 20-something year old sons to commit suicide to destroy the enemy. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3246001/The-unwilling-suicide-bomber-Teenager-weeps-ordered-drive-armoured-vehicle-filed-explosives-moments-obliterated-mushroom-cloud-attack-Syrian-village.html)

Meanwhile, we are literally paying out millions of dollars to girls with penises we've offended and suspending little boys from school for pop tarts shaped like an "L". Did any of you even listen to the Pope's speech on the White House lawn? "As the son of an immigrant, I am happy to be here among a great nation built by immigrants." and of course the crowd went wild. That's not some "American dream, I-was-poor-now-i'm-not" speech. That's a leftist jab at those who want secure boarders.

And we're America. The country where you can still buy an AR15 at your grocery store. Europe is even worse. If you think for a second any nation except China and Russia are going to do anything about this refugee crisis other than open the doors you are ****ing out of your mind.

In many ways, it reminds me of GySgt Basioline in The Pacific:


09-24-15, 14:29
The House of Saud has offered to build 200 Mosques in Germany alone for all these fugees. That tells me they want these "useful idiot" Syrians to colonize Europe and to plant the "green flag of the prophet" in it's heart.

Now that the refugees are already there, they're building the mosques for the same reason the Ayatollah is trying to sabotage the Iran deal- to keep religion in their lives. The Saudis travel back and forth to the West, and they know the corrupting power of Western culture.

It's a direct threat to their power over the people.

Once the sanctions are lifted and US businesses come in, it's only a matter of time before everyone will be walking around with a smartphone full of hip-hop-music in their pocket and texting pictures of their genitals to each other.

After that day comes, what some Ayatollah or Mufti thinks will have just about as much relevance to their lives as the Pope has to my own.

It's their gamble that European societies will fail to integrate these refugees, and that they will keep them broke, desperate, and living on the margins of society... in other words a banlieue situation.

...and that's when the radicalizers come in.

09-25-15, 14:08

For the last 90 years Muslims have been blowing up British, American, French, Israeli, and Soviet soldiers and civilians. Our enemy, let's use Hamas as an example, indoctrinates toddlers to hate the west (http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/2012/12/Mideast-Israel-Palest_Horo-1.jpg). They convince their 20-something year old sons to commit suicide to destroy the enemy. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3246001/The-unwilling-suicide-bomber-Teenager-weeps-ordered-drive-armoured-vehicle-filed-explosives-moments-obliterated-mushroom-cloud-attack-Syrian-village.html)

Meanwhile, we are literally paying out millions of dollars to girls with penises we've offended and suspending little boys from school for pop tarts shaped like an "L". Did any of you even listen to the Pope's speech on the White House lawn? "As the son of an immigrant, I am happy to be here among a great nation built by immigrants." and of course the crowd went wild. That's not some "American dream, I-was-poor-now-i'm-not" speech. That's a leftist jab at those who want secure boarders.

And we're America. The country where you can still buy an AR15 at your grocery store. Europe is even worse. If you think for a second any nation except China and Russia are going to do anything about this refugee crisis other than open the doors you are ****ing out of your mind.

In many ways, it reminds me of GySgt Basioline in The Pacific:


You make some good points. European politician have bent over like little bitches to Islam.
However, there are lots of people who are pissed. When they reach critical mass, or rather when they become aware of just how many of them there are, and when they get organized, that's a different story.
Europe's propensity for war has been dormant for some time, thanks to WWI and WWII killing of tens of millions of alpha males, and leaving the beta's to inherit their positions.
However, this isn't forever.

On a related note, observe the traitor Angela Merkel and her insanity:


09-25-15, 18:06
Funny, I have some travel I'm trying to set up for work and I've had to get some letters written that I won't be a burden on the countries I'm visiting and my company will pick up any tab.

I wonder how many of these guys have those letters...

09-26-15, 07:30
the Turks and Kurds are taking their old feuds and fighting it out in Sweden...with grenades. Its is reportd to be the 40th grenade attack in Sweden this year. WTF??? Coming to an EU near you


09-26-15, 09:00

Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants.

The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement.

"If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines," Ryder said, using an acronym for the rebels, called the New Syrian Forces.

If these guys hurry they can still get a schnitzel and a beer at Oktoberfest.
I'm pretty sure they were getting out of Dodge in order to join up with the "Refugees".

09-26-15, 12:12

Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants.

The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement.

"If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines," Ryder said, using an acronym for the rebels, called the New Syrian Forces.

If these guys hurry they can still get a schnitzel and a beer at Oktoberfest.
I'm pretty sure they were getting out of Dodge in order to join up with the "Refugees".

I don't know if I'm more disappointed in the fact that they gave up the stuff so easily, or that we have only given them 24 trucks and not that much ammo.

09-26-15, 22:07

Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants.

The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement.

"If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines," Ryder said, using an acronym for the rebels, called the New Syrian Forces.

If these guys hurry they can still get a schnitzel and a beer at Oktoberfest.
I'm pretty sure they were getting out of Dodge in order to join up with the "Refugees".

And this is why we should have been backing Assad instead of a rag-tag group of supposedly "moderate" rebels.

09-26-15, 22:42

Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants.

The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement.

"If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines," Ryder said, using an acronym for the rebels, called the New Syrian Forces.

If these guys hurry they can still get a schnitzel and a beer at Oktoberfest.
I'm pretty sure they were getting out of Dodge in order to join up with the "Refugees".

I guess the U.S. gov't never learned the very basic lesson that when you give something to someone you have no control over, you tend to lose control over what they do with it later on. :rolleyes:

And this is why we should have been backing Assad instead of a rag-tag group of supposedly "moderate" rebels.

Can't back Putin's proxy. It would upset the apple cart of our own foreign entanglements. :(

09-27-15, 09:46
Can't back Putin's proxy. It would upset the apple cart of our own foreign entanglements. :(

That sounds familiar... just like we shouldn't have got together with big, bad Stalin to vanquish the Nazis... right?

The successful presidential candidate will be the one who realizes that defeating ISIS is a global imperative, and who places the National Interest BEFORE their personal interest. This involves working together and empowering our TRUE ALLIES and attacking/ destroying those who bill themselves as allies but constantly work against our interests.

09-27-15, 16:32
That sounds familiar... just like we shouldn't have got together with big, bad Stalin to vanquish the Nazis... right?

The successful presidential candidate will be the one who realizes that defeating ISIS is a global imperative, and who places the National Interest BEFORE their personal interest. This involves working together and empowering our TRUE ALLIES and attacking/ destroying those who bill themselves as allies but constantly work against our interests.

We have absolutely NO TRUE allies. Even among groups who share similar cultures, beliefs, and ambitions there are only temporary allies. Throw in all the religious bullshit and you have no allies. Just people who will tolerate ad use you till they can turn on you.

09-27-15, 17:29
We have absolutely NO TRUE allies. Even among groups who share similar cultures, beliefs, and ambitions there are only temporary allies. Throw in all the religious bullshit and you have no allies. Just people who will tolerate ad use you till they can turn on you.

I don't know. England seems to show up every damn time we ask, even when they don't actually agree with what we are doing.

09-27-15, 18:16
These guys haven't settled their differences. Harsh way to put it, but it seems to be part of the growth cycle of most countries.

Americans before us fought oppression from the crown. Their descendants fought each other in the civil war.

They fought for something that they believed in. All of these refugees that are fleeing to Europe probably took a really good look around, mainly at their shelled up house, and then memories of dead family in their thoughts.......paused..... Then said "F this place"and left. They probably feel like they have nothing worth fighting for.

I'm not for any of the bs that's going on. I'm just trying top play devil's advocate. In their shoes I'd probably feel the same way. Maybe even do the same thing.

Time will tell if they assimilate on any level. My family and many of my friends are from a non American background. Yeah we still have our traditions of the motherland. But, we're Americans first now.

09-28-15, 14:52
These guys haven't settled their differences. Harsh way to put it, but it seems to be part of the growth cycle of most countries.

Americans before us fought oppression from the crown. Their descendants fought each other in the civil war.

They fought for something that they believed in. All of these refugees that are fleeing to Europe probably took a really good look around, mainly at their shelled up house, and then memories of dead family in their thoughts.......paused..... Then said "F this place"and left. They probably feel like they have nothing worth fighting for.

I'm not for any of the bs that's going on. I'm just trying top play devil's advocate. In their shoes I'd probably feel the same way. Maybe even do the same thing.

Time will tell if they assimilate on any level. My family and many of my friends are from a non American background. Yeah we still have our traditions of the motherland. But, we're Americans first now.

While I understand your counterpoint, the issue that is still a thorn in the side of it all is the number of refugees that have stated that they left family behind...

As a son, and a father, everyone is coming with me, mom, dad, sis, brother in law, wife, kids, hell, I'm even going to try and bring my dog.

09-28-15, 15:01
As a son, and a father, everyone is coming with me, mom, dad, sis, brother in law, wife, kids, hell, I'm even going to try and bring my dog.

But if they're all with you, what's gonna happen to them when you kill yourself while trying to blow up a bus?

09-28-15, 15:06
Ever seen the end of Heathers?

But seriously....most people legit seeking refuge are ensuring their wife and kids...or at a bare minimum, their kids are gonna get out first.

Again....there were guys in Vietnam literally throwing kids into open areas of planes and helicopters once they knew that was it.

09-28-15, 16:17
But seriously....most people legit seeking refuge are ensuring their wife and kids...or at a bare minimum, their kids are gonna get out first.

No, that's not true.

What is happening is that the fittest, brightest, and most adaptable/ resourceful members of the family are acting as a advon party to reach the desirable countries, get on the books as refugees, and bring the rest of the family over.

My terp is from an educated, middle class, secular family in Iraq. His older brother was also a terp in the war. That brother is now looking after the family (those who have been know that most Iraqis have larger, closer knit extended families) while he endures the hunger, homelessness, and general suck of the refugee experience.

He's thus far made it to Finland, and I am working to improve his status from Priority 2: DoS identified group to Priority 1: By-name/ Individual Referral.

There's a lot to the story, and I won't be posting his personal stuff on here, but he tried to make a go of things in the new Iraq, had a small business that did well, and ended up being kidnapped and ransomed by HaS/ Shi'ite militia.

He's a good guy, was successful under the Ba'ath Regime, was successful during the occupation, and I have no doubt he will be successful here in the US. If we bring over family, it's going to be his.

09-28-15, 16:23
Maybe, maybe not.

Lots of able bodied men not fighting and spilling wherever they can plant their boots is brow raising.

Because I too know former refugees who keep a shrine to their father and uncle who died so they could make it.

What you say sounds logical to an extent but again, brow raising

09-28-15, 16:32
Because I too know former refugees who keep a shrine to their father and uncle who died so they could make it.

There will be many a shrine to the martyrs who fought for-and-against ISIS, AQ/JaN/FSA/DIV30, HaS/Quds/INP, PUK/KDP/YPG/Pesh, and authoritarian regime elements.

Things have been beyond hopeless for almost a year now.

Stop repeating the talking points and analyze the situation.

Outlander Systems
09-28-15, 16:51
"If you like your country, you can keep your country." - Angela Q. Merkel

09-28-15, 16:54
No, that's not true.

What is happening is that the fittest, brightest, and most adaptable/ resourceful members of the family are acting as a advon party to reach the desirable countries, get on the books as refugees, and bring the rest of the family over.

My terp is from an educated, middle class, secular family in Iraq. His older brother was also a terp in the war. That brother is now looking after the family (those who have been know that most Iraqis have larger, closer knit extended families) while he endures the hunger, homelessness, and general suck of the refugee experience.

He's thus far made it to Finland, and I am working to improve his status from Priority 2: DoS identified group to Priority 1: By-name/ Individual Referral.

There's a lot to the story, and I won't be posting his personal stuff on here, but he tried to make a go of things in the new Iraq, had a small business that did well, and ended up being kidnapped and ransomed by HaS/ Shi'ite militia.

He's a good guy, was successful under the Ba'ath Regime, was successful during the occupation, and I have no doubt he will be successful here in the US. If we bring over family, it's going to be his.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to either you or your terp friends, but I completely disagree with this.

If things are so bad in Syria/Iraq/wherever, that people are actively trying to kidnap or kill you and your family, best, brightest, fittest, adaptable and such are not the words that come to mind when describing anyone that flees while leaving family behind, especially with such close knit extended families as you yourself have no doubt experienced.

'Enduring the suck' of a refugee camp, where no one is actively trying to kidnap/kill you and your family is hardly a hardship considering the alternative.

The only reason why I and many others exist is because family members long ago had the intestinal fortitude to grab everyone they can and escape while they could with whatever they could carry.

The shrines to those family members that didn't make it along the way mean far more than any to those that went 'advanced pathfinding' alone while everyone else gets to wait and 'hope'.

09-28-15, 17:02
They weren't ME refugees. SEA refugees.

The point is, objectively, that you fight for your country instead of just migrating elsewhere.

If they were regrouping, re-arming and ready to go back or bust...cool.

But as it stands, they get my umbrage. Lots of guys who Chieu Hoi'd during the Iraq Invasion did just that. They joined up and tried to get things done.

But this? Come on, man....

09-28-15, 18:33
Eh, I knew for 5 pages I wasn't going to be able to discuss this without disclosing too much... and I'm not much for the look at me/ overshare threads.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to either you or your terp friends, but I completely disagree with this.

If things are so bad in Syria/Iraq/wherever, that people are actively trying to kidnap or kill you and your family, best, brightest, fittest, adaptable and such are not the words that come to mind when describing anyone that flees while leaving family behind, especially with such close knit extended families as you yourself have no doubt experienced.

No offense is taken.

Both brothers fought for their country, fought the enemies of their family, and fought alongside the coalition. I am in possession of their kudo files and they are quite impressive.

Saying that they should fight and die in place wearing whatever uniform they happen to be wearing at the time, at whatever age they happen to be sounds cool, but it's just not realistic.

"Their country" is gone, and it's never coming back... because we left behind a one legged stool- strong security forces, broken economy, and corrupt governance, the new flag wasn't anything worth fighting for anyway (which we saw).

But this? Come on, man....

You seem to be substituting information you don't have with chickenhawk talking points.

Stop. Turn your brain on and analyze the situation. Imagine what you would do when placed in the same position.

09-28-15, 18:57
Mild insulting aside, you ask a fair question.

What if it were me? Well that's easy.
No f-ing shit, I'll have a necklace of ISIS ears, and I'd be murdering up as many as I could until I was fragged or shot.

Because nobody. No. Body. Is kicking me out of where I live without a helluva fight. Maybe I am some redneck or wacko but that would be my plan.

Not showing up in Germany in a track suit with my luggage asking "Where the free housing at? Inshallah you MUST take me in!"

You are free to let your heart bleed and I am free not to.
Big difference between refugee (women and children) and total unforgivable cowardice/ulterior motives (what is currently going on).

We disagree on this matter, but good luck changing the minds of others. Be blessed.

Outlander Systems
09-28-15, 19:06

As Firefly, plucked the Addidas-Flavored words right off my tongue.

Naw, son. Send my kid to Germany? Sure.

As for me? Pass me the M72, and stay the **** out of the backblast.

09-28-15, 19:08
Enough personal attacks and bickering.

09-28-15, 19:28
While I understand your counterpoint, the issue that is still a thorn in the side of it all is the number of refugees that have stated that they left family behind...

As a son, and a father, everyone is coming with me, mom, dad, sis, brother in law, wife, kids, hell, I'm even going to try and bring my dog.
I'm with you on that 100%.

09-30-15, 16:34
German citizens evicted to make room for refugees:


09-30-15, 16:51
German citizens evicted to make room for refugees:


So less than a century goes by and they forget what fueled the buildup to Nazism.

Or maybe that's the whole point . . .

09-30-15, 17:00
German skinheads don't bother me. They are the meth heads and whiskey tangos of Europe.

Now when German folks start marching (ETA marching in perfect lock step) and singing songs.....that means somebody 'bout to DIE

Big A
09-30-15, 21:07
German skinheads don't bother me. They are the meth heads and whiskey tangos of Europe.

Now when German folks start marching (ETA marching in perfect lock step) and singing songs.....that means somebody 'bout to DIE
Yeah, part of me thinks that in about a decade someone over there will make Slobadan Milosevic look like a Nobel laureate.

Of course there are so many socialist panty wastes in western Europe that what would most likely happen is the number of non-Muslims steadily decreases until there are no real Europeans left to do anything about this situation.

09-30-15, 21:53
Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, U.S. Officials Say. (http://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-airstrike-in-syria-targeted-cia-backed-rebels-u-s-officials-say-1443663993)

A Russian airstrike Wednesday targeted an area in western Syria primarily held by rebel forces backed by the Central Intelligence Agency and allied spy services, U.S. officials said.

The direct targeting of U.S.-backed rebels by Russian aircraft could escalate tensions with Moscow, which said it deployed attack aircraft to Syria to help the regime of Bashar al-Assad in the fight against Islamic State. U.S. officials said...

10-01-15, 21:36
Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, U.S. Officials Say. (http://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-airstrike-in-syria-targeted-cia-backed-rebels-u-s-officials-say-1443663993)

#ObviousNextMoveIsObvious. :rolleyes:

10-04-15, 17:58

10-05-15, 02:44
Tip of the iceberg: No end in sight to Muslim Invasion . . . oops I mean migrant wave

"Recently I visited refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan and I heard only one message — we are determined to get to Europe," European Council President Donald Tusk said after the agreement was announced. "It is clear that the greatest tide of refugees and migrants is yet to come."


Hopefully it will be an extra long and cold winter in Europe this year . . .

10-05-15, 04:28
That was a truly great video. So many powerful points on a variety of topics, but all tightly inter-connected.
I didn't like Stefan when I first watched some of his vids, but he really is brilliant at pointing out truths that are extremely important to understand.

Outlander Systems
10-06-15, 17:17
A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”


Sad, all the way around.

10-06-15, 17:22

Sad, all the way around.

Open borders activist raped by the very 02 thieves she's obsessed with giving her country to, the very definition of I R O N Y . . .

10-06-15, 22:42

Sad, all the way around.

Unless she comes around to see that her insane no borders stance is a recipe for more rape importation from misogynistic cultures, then I have no sympathy for her.

10-07-15, 00:03

The Bishop of Stockholm has proposed a church in her diocese remove all signs of the cross and put down markings showing the direction to Mecca for the benefit of Muslim worshippers.

Calling Muslim guests to the church “angels“, the Bishop later took to her official blog to explain that removing Christian symbols from the church and preparing the building for Muslim prayer doesn’t make a priest any less a defender of the faith. Rather, to do any less would make one “stingy towards people of other faiths”.

The upper echelons of the Church of Sweden, much like other national churches across Europe, seem to be fully invested in the diversity mission. Back in February, a parish church in multicultural paradise Malmö declared it would be holding a service in solidarity with the local Muslim community as a protest against a march by anti-Islamisation movement PEGIDA in the city.


10-08-15, 04:18


Holy ****ing shit. I thought this was satire.
So, this cunt wants to turn a church into a mosque. This is for "diversity"?
The Muslims will be turning churches into mosques by force any day now (as they have done across the Middle East and Africa). But this cunt wants to do it willingly?
It's not often that I advocate burning a witch at the stake, but this cunt deserves it.

10-08-15, 12:20
My wife and I may be two pretty craptacular non practicing Catholics, but lesbian, bishop, calling for the removal of crosses in a church absolutley blows my mind.

10-08-15, 13:12
Holy ****ing shit. I thought this was satire.
So, this cunt wants to turn a church into a mosque. This is for "diversity"?
The Muslims will be turning churches into mosques by force any day now (as they have done across the Middle East and Africa). But this cunt wants to do it willingly?
It's not often that I advocate burning a witch at the stake, but this cunt deserves it.

One she is a woman, two she is a lesbian, and three she is a "Christian Bishop", they'll behead her soon enough.

10-08-15, 13:13
My wife and I may be two pretty craptacular non practicing Catholics, but lesbian, bishop, calling for the removal of crosses in a church absolutley blows my mind.

She is a bishop in the Church of Sweden. LOL as I have ever heard of it . . .

10-08-15, 23:13
One she is a woman, two she is a lesbian, and three she is a "Christian Bishop", they'll behead her soon enough.

Can't blame them. I'd behead her too.

10-09-15, 16:59


10-09-15, 17:28



All I would've wanted was some first aid training, range time, ammo, armor, cammies, and a trip back.

10-09-15, 17:44

All I would've wanted was some first aid training, range time, ammo, armor, cammies, and a trip back.

Not these turd burglars. They came to rape, pillage, and stake the green flag of their prophet in the heart of Europe.

10-11-15, 07:49

10-11-15, 09:45
That didn't take long.

Mauser KAR98K
10-11-15, 11:21
Islam does mean to submit.

10-11-15, 18:50
Homeland Quinn tells it like it is...


Mauser KAR98K
10-11-15, 19:14
Homeland Quinn tells it like it is...


I love Saul. Reminds of family and friends who did what he has done.

10-11-15, 20:06
I'm not familiar with this show, but damn son.

Spot on and unapologetic. Surprised that clip exists