View Full Version : Another large explosion in China

09-04-15, 09:39
Are they just getting really unlucky all at once or is someone effing with them?


09-04-15, 10:10
My guess is probably due to their lacking safety standards.

09-04-15, 10:20
When you play fast and loose with safety standards it will come back to bite you eventually.

09-04-15, 11:12
China is pretty good at being tight lipped about any terrorism that goes on within their borders. There are a few examples that have leaked out, but not many.
If you think about it, because they are fast and loose with the safety standards, they have set themselves up for the possibility of a terrorist taking advantage of the situation.
Now couple that with some rumors about their economy and the "investment' (voluntary or regulated) of large amounts of retirement accounts in to the national markets (which are tanking) you have an additional reason for discontent and the seeds of terror.
Is it a possibility? I would say that the third time it happens it may be something to really look hard at.

09-04-15, 11:16
When you have that much production of dangerous stuff in a country that big, stuff goes boom with some regularity.

That or the Taiwanese and Japanese spy bodies and documents they planted at the last explosion were destroyed when things got out of hand.

Looks like another site manager is going to commit suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head.

Mauser KAR98K
09-04-15, 11:37
When China makes meth.

09-04-15, 11:39
Didn't these guys invent exploding stuff, what... like a thousand years ago?


09-04-15, 12:26
They don't have OSHA.

09-04-15, 14:51
OSHA... Check this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL1AgOqnYYE

09-04-15, 15:08
OSHA... Check this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL1AgOqnYYE


What's the worst that could happen . . .

09-04-15, 15:41
With their economy growing as fast as it is they may have reached the point at which they begin using the crap they make for export in their own stuff.

09-07-15, 17:19
Hey look, yet another one!


This looks smaller than the last two. Not sure how frequent blasts of this size have been in China anyway with their lax safety standards. But it seems like a lot in a short period of time.