View Full Version : Confirmed by Putin: Russian troops in Syria now

09-05-15, 22:23
The claim is that they are advisers to help Al Assad's army fight against ISIS. Confirmed by Putin here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11845635/Vladimir-Putin-confirms-Russian-military-involvement-in-Syrias-civil-war.html

Pics from the article:

Considering the ineptitude of POTUS and his lack of a coherent strategy against ISIS, things may be interesting (not in a good way) soon since Russian troops have been reported in combat missions fighting against the "Syrian rebels" that POTUS is arming and flying air support. The risks run real high should an errant NATO bomb spill Russian blood.

The underlying issue:

09-06-15, 00:41
Honestly I'd rather have pro Assad Russian troops fighting ISIS than Iranian militia.

Perhaps if Obama simply didn't kick over this can of worms in the first place. Did we learn nothing from destabilizing the last "mostly secular" arab country with a brutal dictator?

If we had any kind of real leadership we would have left Putin running things in Syria and done our best to deal with our fiasco in Iraq. Instead we decided to make our fiasco in Iraq worse by expanding it to Syria and weakening the only guy keeping groups like ISIS under control.

09-06-15, 01:56
I don't really see this as bad thing considering Russia has a long history of dealing with Islamic militants with a positive outcome. But there is the whole geo-political chess game the West has been playing in the Middle East since before WWI so who knows . . .

09-06-15, 02:58
I don't really see this as bad thing considering Russia has a long history of dealing with Islamic militants with a positive outcome. But there is the whole geo-political chess game the West has been playing in the Middle East since before WWI so who knows . . .

Yep, and Obama overplayed his hand with empty threats over the use of chemical weapons. I'm surprised the Russians didn't arrive last year, but I think Putin was letting Iraq go to shit a little more and letting some Iranians kill some ISIS guys. Basic Russian strategy is to let everyone you don't care about kill each other and then arrive and clean up.

09-06-15, 07:23
Russian troops are fighting alongside pro-Assad forces in Syria, state television in Damascus and several reports have claimed.

The video footage claimed to show troops and a Russian armoured vehicle fighting Syrian rebels alongside President Bashar al-Assad's troops in Latakia.

It is reportedly possible to hear Russian being spoken by the troops in the footage.


According to Western diplomats, a Russian expeditionary force has already arrived in Syria and set up camp in an Assad-controlled airbase. The base is said to be in area surrounding Damascus, and will serve, for all intents and purposes, as a Russian forward operating base. In the coming weeks thousands of Russian military personnel are set to touch down in Syria, including advisors, instructors, logistics personnel, technical personnel, members of the aerial protection division and the pilots who will operate the aircraft.

09-06-15, 08:21
The claim is that they are advisers to help Al Assad's army fight against ISIS. Confirmed by Putin here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11845635/Vladimir-Putin-confirms-Russian-military-involvement-in-Syrias-civil-war.html

Pics from the article:

Considering the ineptitude of POTUS and his lack of a coherent strategy against ISIS, things may be interesting (not in a good way) soon since Russian troops have been reported in combat missions fighting against the "Syrian rebels" that POTUS is arming and flying air support. The risks run real high should an errant NATO bomb spill Russian blood.

The underlying issue:

Glad to see others understand the main motivation for our persistent attempts to remove Assad from power. Most are still in denial this is a series of moves to continue propping up the Petrodollar.

Most are still in denial that we were actively arming and training elements of Al Qaeda - who morphed into ISIS and we continued to support them.

Great read for those interested (this details the entire backstory of BRICS involvement and energy shifts to China via Pakistan and eventually a direct pipeline into China):


Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Qatar: Pipelineistan at work

The key (unstated) reason for Qatar to be so obsessed by regime change in Syria is to kill the $10 billion Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline, which was agreed upon in July 2011. The same applies to Turkey, because this pipeline would bypass Ankara, which always bills itself as the key energy crossroads between East and West.

It’s crucial to remember that the Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline is as anathema to Washington as IP. The difference is that Washington in this case can count on its allies Qatar and Turkey to sabotage the whole deal.

This means sabotaging not only Iran but also the 'Four Seas' strategy announced by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in 2009, according to which Damascus should become a Pipelineistan hub connected to the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean.

The strategy spells out a Syria intimately connected with Iranian – and not Qatari – energy flows. Iran-Iraq-Syria is known in the region as the 'friendship pipeline.' Typically, Western corporate media derides it as an 'Islamic' pipeline. (So Saudi pipelines are what, Catholic?) What makes it even more ridiculous is that gas in this pipeline would flow to Syria and then Lebanon – and from there to energy-starved European markets close by.

09-06-15, 08:41
Good for the Russians. I hope they help destroy ISIS. We know the US won't.

09-06-15, 11:34
I have very mixed feelings on this.
For one thing, the Soviets wasting ISIS doesn't hurt my feelings at all.
It would be amusing to see the VK pics of Vintorezed or mortared ISIS. The Soviets have never played nice or fair, but they do play for keeps.

That said.....this is a legit 'New World Order' power shift where the Soviets are determining what goes on in places that affect others.
On its face it seems good but they are not our friends and anything beneficial to us is a coincidence.

It's interesting times, that 15 years ago would've seemed really outlandish to most.
I'm not a geopolitical expert at all, but it doesn't seem like anything really positive.

We'll see

09-06-15, 11:51
Good, Syria need stabilized. Russia has been their #1 sugar daddy for decades, let them handle it.

09-06-15, 12:37
If true, surprised it took so long. That Russians might step in to maintain a pro Russian regime in Syria should come as a shock to no one. They already know the US/NATO is without teeth, and probably weighed their options and acted. The Russians and counter parts tend to have a much more realistic view of the region than the US does, and understand well removing a generally crappy regime that keeps their monsters in check is better than creating a vacuum that gets filled by far worse monsters every time.

Removal of said crappy oppressive regimes in that region does not result in freedom hugs all around and the growth of democracies and rainbow happy flags and tolerance for all. Never has, probably never will. The devil you know and all that.

We did the usual half in routine where we support the concept of freedom and democracy for others but not the costs. Freedom is not free and if not willing to be all in, don't get in to begin with is my view.

09-06-15, 15:49
Food for thought:


26 Inf
09-06-15, 17:11
Even though I believe man has contributed to climate change, at this point I think the cause of the drought is more along the lines of a normal cycle.

I'm not disputing the fact that the drought and the resulting massive population displacement led to the uprising, I find that entirely plausible.

09-07-15, 17:56
We've been "modifying weather" since Operation Popeye in Vietnam.

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 . . .


09-14-15, 20:46
There is going to be trouble with this. The US created, arms and trains ISIS. They are the West's mercenary army to conquer lands that the bulk of us would revolt/AWOL if they tried to send you and I.

Russia knows that we will send the Wahabbists to their doorstep if they conquer Syria. Just as we did with the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Libya, Iraq and now Syria.

Same stuff I and a few others had been commenting around here some time ago but were ignored or ridiculed.

Now we bring some of the Sunni Wahabbists amongst the Syrian Shiite and Sunni trying to escape war. Yet we ignore the FACT that we are cozy with Wahabbist Saudi Arabia.

Tsk, tsk and shame on the nation as apathy, ignorance and arrogance consumes us.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

09-14-15, 23:15
This is good in my opinion. While Assad is not great, he is a whole lot better than an Islamist regime bent on subjugating and killing the West. The U.S. should have learned its lesson in the middle east - that democracy doesn't work there (except in Israel) and that destabilization of countries under autocratic, relatively secular rule universally results in an Islamist regime taking control.

We should be supporting Assad. I hope the Russians help them drop the hammer on ISIS.

09-15-15, 00:01
I don't trust Putin one bit. I think he is dangerous and would kill his own mother if it helped him in any way.
I certainly hope that he is legitimately going to go after ISIS, but wouldn't put ANYTHING past him.
I will wait and see, but it is pathetic to see how the West (North America and Europe) are dealing with ISIS, the "refugees", and Islam in general.
That we are letting Putin be the hero here is downright pathetic.

With that said, I hope the Russians kill every last IS savage, and that they not fall for the soldier-of-Allah by night, civilian by day ruse that is SOP for Islamic militants the world over.

Honestly I'd rather have pro Assad Russian troops fighting ISIS than Iranian militia.

Perhaps if Obama simply didn't kick over this can of worms in the first place. Did we learn nothing from destabilizing the last "mostly secular" arab country with a brutal dictator?

If we had any kind of real leadership we would have left Putin running things in Syria and done our best to deal with our fiasco in Iraq. Instead we decided to make our fiasco in Iraq worse by expanding it to Syria and weakening the only guy keeping groups like ISIS under control.

Right on the money.
As for whether we learned anything from destabilizing the last "mostly secular" arab country with a brutal dictator, we certainly did.
However, elite, reality-challenged politicians did not. The Muslim-In-Chief did learn, but we aren't on the same team.

Good for the Russians. I hope they help destroy ISIS. We know the US won't.

The US people (well, OK, let's say half the US people) would, but the Muslims, Islamophiles, SJW's and anti-Western Western leadership will not.

This is good in my opinion. While Assad is not great, he is a whole lot better than an Islamist regime bent on subjugating and killing the West. The U.S. should have learned its lesson in the middle east - that democracy doesn't work there (except in Israel) and that destabilization of countries under autocratic, relatively secular rule universally results in an Islamist regime taking control.

We should be supporting Assad. I hope the Russians help them drop the hammer on ISIS.

Agreed. See above.

09-15-15, 06:23
The Russian government began their largest war games this year, with over 95,000 troops this week between the Ural Mountains and Siberia. The troops include soldiers, navy, and the air force.

The defense ministry stated these games are “the most large-scale drill of 2015.” Military drills are conducted “at 20 sites across Russia’s central military district,” including the “Siberian Altai and southern Astrakhan regions.” From Deutsche Welle:

Military officials said the drills were aimed at testing the readiness of the military to “manage coalition groups of troops in containing an international armed conflict.”

Troops will simulate “blocking and destroying illegal armed formations during joint special operations,” the ministry said.

Twenty naval ships and up to 170 aircraft are taking part in the exercises, which run until Sunday, and will be observed, on at least one of the days, by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

09-15-15, 06:29

Russia has positioned about a half dozen tanks at an airfield at the center of a military buildup in Syria, two U.S. officials said on Monday, adding that the intentions of Moscow's latest deployment of heavy military equipment were unclear.

Moscow has come under increased international pressure in recent days to explain its moves in Syria, where the Kremlin has been supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a 4-1/2-year war.

The Pentagon declined to directly comment on the Reuters report, saying it could not discuss U.S. intelligence. But a U.S. Defense Department spokesman said recent actions by Moscow suggested plans to establish a forward air operating base.

09-15-15, 07:24
Y'all are aware the Soviet army got their ass handed to them in Afg before?
They are stepping into a hornets nest-which is why the west including us (US) has been standing off. There is no 'win' there. We are learning our lessons. They apparently have not.
Not sure how serious i take Russian armed forces capability; seeing how utterly corrupt the Putin 'administration' is, morally and economically bankrupt, his deluded thinking and continuing posturing, this will be intersting to say the least. Only bad and worse options. All this is is Russia protecting naval acces if i see this correctly.

09-15-15, 08:26
Y'all are aware the Soviet army got their ass handed to them in Afg before?
They are stepping into a hornets nest-which is why the west including us (US) has been standing off. There is no 'win' there. We are learning our lessons. They apparently have not.
Not sure how serious i take Russian armed forces capability; seeing how utterly corrupt the Putin 'administration' is, morally and economically bankrupt, his deluded thinking and continuing posturing, this will be intersting to say the least. Only bad and worse options. All this is is Russia protecting naval acces if i see this correctly.
I think it is a bit more than Russia protecting its Naval bases.
I believe one of the reasons you're so happy to fill up your vehicle right now is that oil prices are being heavily manipulated by a number of countries and putting pressure on production in Russia. Part of this application of pressure is due to the Saudi's desire to run a pipeline right up through Syria and it will be controlled near Russia's Naval Base. In order to do that the Saudi's either needed Syria's and Russia's cooperation or to throw Assad out and install a more favorable government to make that pipeline work.
There is also the possibility of Iran cooperating with Syria and Russia. This makes the whole event a bit more interesting.
I don't think we have some grand scheme to stay out of this mess, I think our foreign policy and Secretaries of State have blundered in to a mess and this is the result.

09-15-15, 09:03
Y'all are aware the Soviet army got their ass handed to them in Afg before?

Putin wasn't calling the shots back then.

He simply does-not-play-to-lose.

The man is a true T-Rex.

Not sure how serious i take Russian armed forces capability; seeing how utterly corrupt the Putin 'administration' is, morally and economically bankrupt, his deluded thinking and continuing posturing, this will be intersting to say the least.

LOL... a debt free nation being called "bankrupt" by a citizen of a country with $16.3T debt to Chinese Bankers...


Bless your malenkoi serdtse.


Also, it's not "posturing" when you're WIN WIN WINNING your borders westward, and creating new satellites.

09-15-15, 09:32

You forgot the estimated $100 Trillion or so, in unfunded liability's ..You know, SS, Welfare, Medicaid/care, so the debt's more like $116.3 Trillion, but that's ok.. We'll just print more money...

09-15-15, 10:09

You forgot the estimated $100 Trillion or so, in unfunded liability's ..You know, SS, Welfare, Medicaid/care, so the debt's more like $116.3 Trillion, but that's ok.. We'll just print more money...

I didn't forget... I just wasn't going that far. All I did was a quick google.

It was such an absurd and ridiculous statement... I couldn't refrain from calling it out.

Alex V
09-15-15, 11:08
Has anyone here read Alas Babylon? The world ending nuclear war started over in incident involving a US Navy pilot attempting to shoot down a Soviet military jet over the Syrian port city of Lattakia.

The works of Jules Verne and George Orwell have already proven to be prophetic, who is to say a book by Pat Frank can't?

09-15-15, 13:03
Putin wasn't calling the shots back then.

He simply does-not-play-to-lose.

The man is a true T-Rex.

LOL... a debt free nation being called "bankrupt" by a citizen of a country with $16.3T debt to Chinese Bankers...


Bless your malenkoi serdtse.


Also, it's not "posturing" when you're WIN WIN WINNING your borders westward, and creating new satellites.

Jesus H. Christ. KalashniKEV posted something that I agree with.
I honestly don't know if Russia is debt-free, but point taken.

09-15-15, 13:21
Russian debt is at $245 Billion currently. Roughly one fourth of our current yearly USA budget.

09-15-15, 13:28
However, that doesn't say a whole lot.

That debt is quite low in terms of debt to GDP. Maybe 15-20% Where our close to $18 trillion debt is close to 90% of GDP. Dependent on the quoted source, Russia has the seventh or eighth largest economy... usually swapping slots with California.

09-15-15, 13:51
However, that doesn't say a whole lot.

That debt is quite low in terms of debt to GDP. Maybe 15-20% Where our close to $18 trillion debt is close to 90% of GDP.


Russia's debt as a percentage of GDP is around a half of one percent.

US debt as a percentage of GDP is over 100%- like... 106%.

Putin is a triple threat- Politically, Militarily, and Economically, he is a master. It's really quite amazing that he's so-damn-good coming out of the Soviet system.

09-15-15, 14:15
Wow, really KEV?

Do you just have a competitive "I gotta be right at all costs" gene? Or do you just like to hear yourself be a kumquat?

Because accuracy international... you ain't. OK, US debt to GDP is currently at 102.9%. Russian debt to GDP is 17.92%


The numbers I provided were just numbers off the top of my head from memory for reference to dispute that "Russia has no debt". The link above was updated and current as of today.


Russia's debt as a percentage of GDP is around a half of one percent.

US debt as a percentage of GDP is over 100%- like... 106%.

Putin is a triple threat- Politically, Militarily, and Economically, he is a master. It's really quite amazing that he's so-damn-good coming out of the Soviet system.

09-15-15, 14:22
Y'all are aware the Soviet army got their ass handed to them in Afg before?
They are stepping into a hornets nest-which is why the west including us (US) has been standing off. There is no 'win' there. We are learning our lessons. They apparently have not.
Not sure how serious i take Russian armed forces capability; seeing how utterly corrupt the Putin 'administration' is, morally and economically bankrupt, his deluded thinking and continuing posturing, this will be intersting to say the least. Only bad and worse options. All this is is Russia protecting naval acces if i see this correctly.

The Soviets didn't really lose the Afgan war militarily any more than we lost in Vietnam. They lost the political will to continue the fight and, by most accounts, never went into the war with the mindset needed to truly win (that sounds familiar).

09-15-15, 14:24
The Soviets didn't really lose the Afgan war militarily any more than we lost in Vietnam. They lost the political will to continue the fight and by most accounts, never went into the war with the mindset needed to truly win (that sounds familiar).

Agree with that^^^ the will and the cost. Both in $$$ and men. Many parallels can be made.

09-15-15, 14:25
Y'all are aware the Soviet army got their ass handed to them in Afg before?
They are stepping into a hornets nest-which is why the west including us (US) has been standing off. There is no 'win' there. We are learning our lessons. They apparently have not.
Not sure how serious i take Russian armed forces capability; seeing how utterly corrupt the Putin 'administration' is, morally and economically bankrupt, his deluded thinking and continuing posturing, this will be intersting to say the least. Only bad and worse options. All this is is Russia protecting naval acces if i see this correctly.

The Russians has a bad time because we supplied Stingers to shoot down the Hinds and Israel covertly provided a shitload of weapons. Russians didn't fight wars with the same limitations that we place on US soldiers, they still don't.

For whatever geopolitical reason, I think Russia has been given their moment to reassert themselves as a superpower and restore lost prestige associated with Afghanistan. I hope they show ISIS the same disregard for basic humanity that ISIS has shown the rest of the world. Certainly "we" weren't going to do the job correctly.

09-15-15, 16:17
The Russians has a bad time because we supplied Stingers to shoot down the Hinds and Israel covertly provided a shitload of weapons. Russians didn't fight wars with the same limitations that we place on US soldiers, they still don't.

For whatever geopolitical reason, I think Russia has been given their moment to reassert themselves as a superpower and restore lost prestige associated with Afghanistan. I hope they show ISIS the same disregard for basic humanity that ISIS has shown the rest of the world. Certainly "we" weren't going to do the job correctly.

Agreed. This is why I am so conflicted. I don't like or trust Putin, but hate ISIS. I'll wait and see how he handles them.

09-15-15, 19:12
I think it is a bit more than Russia protecting its Naval bases.
I believe one of the reasons you're so happy to fill up your vehicle right now is that oil prices are being heavily manipulated by a number of countries and putting pressure on production in Russia. Part of this application of pressure is due to the Saudi's desire to run a pipeline right up through Syria and it will be controlled near Russia's Naval Base. In order to do that the Saudi's either needed Syria's and Russia's cooperation or to throw Assad out and install a more favorable government to make that pipeline work.
There is also the possibility of Iran cooperating with Syria and Russia. This makes the whole event a bit more interesting.
I don't think we have some grand scheme to stay out of this mess, I think our foreign policy and Secretaries of State have blundered in to a mess and this is the result.

Nailed it. Besides - IMO- it being on purpose to set it off.

09-23-15, 10:23
Again demonstrating that the US is the Keystone Cops of geopolitics.

US-trained Division 30 rebels 'betray US and hand weapons over to al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria'


09-23-15, 10:40
We did not learn a thing by messing around in Iraq and Libya...did we?

09-23-15, 10:48
The Russians has a bad time because we supplied Stingers to shoot down the Hinds and Israel covertly provided a shitload of weapons. Russians didn't fight wars with the same limitations that we place on US soldiers, they still don't.

And the Afgans were being slaughtered and losing up 'till that point. It was pay back for the proxy war the Russians performed on us in 'Nam. Payback is a mother f-er some times.

For whatever geopolitical reason, I think Russia has been given their moment to reassert themselves as a superpower and restore lost prestige associated with Afghanistan. I hope they show ISIS the same disregard for basic humanity that ISIS has shown the rest of the world. Certainly "we" weren't going to do the job correctly.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hell, ISIS and the ilk could even bring the US and Russia closer as allies as the Nazi's did, but in a far smaller way of course. We literally saved the Russians ass in WWII, which they literally banned any discussion of for decades due to their pride. Yes, they did the fighting and dying, but without the HUGE supply effort we made, at great expense in both materials and men, it's unlikely they would have fended off the Germans and or he death toll would have been even more horrific when they finally did.

09-23-15, 13:45
Agreed. This is why I am so conflicted. I don't like or trust Putin, but hate ISIS. I'll wait and see how he handles them.

Because the enemy of my enemy has worked sooooooo well in the past.


09-23-15, 13:49
Because the enemy of my enemy has worked sooooooo well in the past.

Afghan Muj ---> AQ is a much better example of the point you're trying to illustrate.

Saddam Hussein doesn't even make sense in that context.

09-23-15, 13:57
...aaaaand just to keep things on track, I've honestly enjoyed daily imagery of the Russian buildup at Al-Assad Airbase in Latakia.


I hope large amounts of ordnance soon begin to fall on the following combatant elements:

FSA/ Div30/ AQ-with-deodorant

26 Inf
09-23-15, 16:07
They must be pretty sure of their security, they are using the old Hickam Army Airfield parking scheme.

09-23-15, 16:33
Good for the Russians. We should welcome this help as we don't seem to be able to find our @ss with both hands. This could be an avenue to improve relations with them in some small way if we had any brains.

09-23-15, 16:42
Good for the Russians. We should welcome this help as we don't seem to be able to find our @ss with both hands. This could be an avenue to improve relations with them in some small way if we had any brains.

We are with AQ/ JaN against Assad and ISIS. Putin is against all Jihadis worldwide, and stands with the secular government of the Syrian Arab Republic.

This will inflame relations.

09-23-15, 18:46
Back again to say that while I don't like the Soviets, that seeing VDV zapping ISIS does make me feel a little better

09-23-15, 19:35
...aaaaand just to keep things on track, I've honestly enjoyed daily imagery of the Russian buildup at Al-Assad Airbase in Latakia.

I hope large amounts of ordnance soon begin to fall on the following combatant elements:

FSA/ Div30/ AQ-with-deodorant

Have you thought about heading over there to help out?

09-23-15, 19:45
Have you thought about heading over there to help out?
Ha! ;)

09-23-15, 20:07
Have you thought about heading over there to help out?

Yes, now that all the men folk have made the journey northward seeking refugee status, I'm going to breed their race out of existence, spreading my universally favored "white features" across the land...

Can you make me a mixtape of your Viking songs to listen to on the plane?

09-23-15, 20:19
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hell, ISIS and the ilk could even bring the US and Russia closer as allies as the Nazi's did, but in a far smaller way of course. We literally saved the Russians ass in WWII, which they literally banned any discussion of for decades due to their pride. Yes, they did the fighting and dying, but without the HUGE supply effort we made, at great expense in both materials and men, it's unlikely they would have fended off the Germans and or he death toll would have been even more horrific when they finally did.

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Also: The Germans were actually knocking out Soviet tanks faster than the Soviets could build them. And the Germans were building tanks faster than the Soviets could destroy them (and faster than the Germans could lose them to mechanical issues).

However, the Germans were also losing tanks to the Western Allies in combat, losing manufacturing capability due to bombing, and the manufacturing capabilities of the US and the British Empire more than made up for the Soviet deficit, thanks to lend-lease.

IOW, the Soviets would not have won against the Nazis without the US and UK. Remove any one element of the Western allies war against the Nazis - Lend-Lease, strategic bombing, ground war in North Africa, Italy, France - and the Soviets still aren't looking at very good odds.

It should go without saying that the Western allies are unlikely to have been able to carry victory against the Nazis by themselves, either. Without the huge numbers of men and machines sent to fight the Soviets on the Eastern Front, and likely with allied forces from Hungary and Rumania stationed in Italy, France, Denmark, Norway, and Northern Germany, Festung Europa would have been nigh impregnable. The Western allies might have even focused on Japan until the Manhattan Project bore its terrible fruit and then landed troops in Normandy under a mushroom cloud.

...aaaaand just to keep things on track, I've honestly enjoyed daily imagery of the Russian buildup at Al-Assad Airbase in Latakia.


I hope large amounts of ordnance soon begin to fall on the following combatant elements:

FSA/ Div30/ AQ-with-deodorant

I love how people are freaking out over the Russians stationing mostly Su-25s in Syria. Like they were hugely concerned about the US launching sorties into Syria and Iraq with A-10s or thought that it should give the Russians reason to pause.

Yes, now that all the men folk have made the journey northward seeking refugee status, I'm going to breed their race out of existence, spreading my universally favored "white features" across the land...

Can you make me a mixtape of your Viking songs to listen to on the plane?

The only song you'll need:


09-23-15, 20:43
Yes, now that all the men folk have made the journey northward seeking refugee status, I'm going to breed their race out of existence, spreading my universally favored "white features" across the land...

Can you make me a mixtape of your Viking songs to listen to on the plane?


09-23-15, 21:08
I really, really like this song.


09-23-15, 21:51
I really, really like this song.

LOL... der Vaterland, eh?

You're certainly on a roll lately...

09-24-15, 00:34
Yes, now that all the men folk have made the journey northward seeking refugee status, I'm going to breed their race out of existence, spreading my universally favored "white features" across the land...

Can you make me a mixtape of your Viking songs to listen to on the plane?

You only need one. This one, over and over and over.
