View Full Version : World’s Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities

09-07-15, 01:05
USA has 2 out of 10 World’s Friendliest Cities and 6 out of 10 World’s Unfriendliest Cities. Of course, I assume this to be in the "civilized world".


09-07-15, 01:55
Once again I question the methodology and criteria used to arrive at rank lists such as these.

Cambodia as #5?!? Do people know what Cambodians were doing only a few decades ago?

As far as scoring 6 out of 10 "unfriendliest", I'm sure those cities are populated by major assholes, but if we honestly included Africa, China and much of Eastern Europe we'd have a hard time making the top 20 list.

Has anyone seen the reception "refugees" are getting in Greece and Hungary right now? And they are going to put Vegas on the list?!? They can go **** themselves.

09-07-15, 06:09
Once again I question the methodology and criteria used to arrive at rank lists such as these.

Cambodia as #5?!? Do people know what Cambodians were doing only a few decades ago?

Every year, Travel + Leisure asks readers to weigh in on their favorite cities around the globe in our annual World’s Best Awards survey. We asked readers to rank 266 cities on everything from their value to the friendliness of their people: some places’ charm won over readers, and other cities failed to warm tourists’ hearts.

I'm pretty surprised at the list as well. Honolulu should be in the top 10 for sure.

09-07-15, 06:58
These lists are always pretty dumb. The criteria is usually very subjective, as everyone's definition of "friendly" is different, although there are parallels. I'm shocked, shocked that NYC considered unfriendly.

09-07-15, 07:19
These lists are horridly biased for a lot of reasons already mentioned.
Disclosure: A while back I had a Sierra Club magazine subscription. There was an article where guy was bicycling down the coastline from pacific Northwest to South America. No joke, guy lamented how a few American police thought he was homeless and told him about shelters he could go to instead of sleeping in parks yet beamed about how Latin American police pointed machine guns at him and were cool because they didn't shoot him and only jailed him for a night because they "cared".

So I tend not to read these buzzfeed tumblr lists written by stupid college kids going to Europe to "find themselves" who always think that because they didn't get beaten to death by skinheads or sold into white slavery by Albanian mobsters that they are worldly now and that America is so backwards.

09-07-15, 07:20
Surprised Boston didn't make the list of unfriendly. LOL on the French cities.

09-07-15, 09:04
Charleston SC is very accurate. What a great city and the people are so nice it hurts.

09-07-15, 10:24
Agreed. Like I mentioned I assume they are talking about "civilized countries" where travelers would want to go.

As far as scoring 6 out of 10 "unfriendliest", I'm sure those cities are populated by major assholes, but if we honestly included Africa, China and much of Eastern Europe we'd have a hard time making the top 20 list.

Yeah WTF? Vegas?

Has anyone seen the reception "refugees" are getting in Greece and Hungary right now? And they are going to put Vegas on the list?!? They can go **** themselves.

I laughed at that too.

LOL on the French cities.

09-07-15, 11:05
Not really surprised by any city on that list. I will say though, Boston is a lot more unfriendly than Philly. While Philly is easily in the top 5 for most unfriendly U.S. cities, I don't know how it stands throughout the world.

When I did a study in Greece, I found the people of Thessaloniki and Athens to be very aloof. The Greeks in the countryside were very friendly, but the city folk, like here in the U.S., were too busy to be bothered and generally hated Americans.

09-07-15, 11:35
Let's just make our own lists. I've been all over the world. Seen all kinds of things.

The most unfriendly city I've ever been to was Senlis France. Those people were A-holes. There weren't just jerks to the "stupid Americans", they were raging mad and hurling insults at each other for no apparent reason and on a regular basis.

NYC is a close second. I've been there a bunch of times and it sucks. The mood when walking the streets can best be described as "hostile". East coasters have tried to explain this away saying, "Oh. That's just an 'East Coast' thing. You don't understand." My reply: "Oh, I understand. Those people are angry A-Holes." L.A. sucks too, but its a different kind of suck. Here in L.A. the A-holes walking around wouldn't stop to piss on you if your were on fire. In NYC, not only would they not stop to piss on you, but they would kick you in the head as they walked by your burning ass because you had the audacity to be on fire on the side walk in front of them and they had to take a single step around you.

DesMoines Iowa, would have to be the friendliest place I've ever been. I could list any of a dozen examples. If there is an A-hole living anywhere in DesMoines, I didn't find him. I think the rest of them put the only town A-hole on a plane with a one way ticket to NYC! Everyone in DesMoines was friendly, understanding, considerate and patient. It took some real getting uses to for the first week or two.

Cape Town South Africa was amazingly friendly too, as long as you didn't stray from the correct areas. I was told if you went down the wrong road at night, you'd never be seen again, but if you stayed on the right roads in the right areas, people were generally very friendly.

Seoul Korea was neat, but that Kimche is some nasty stuff. I can't recommend it.

As I walked the streets of Amsterdam in broad daylight at 10pm, I was amazed at how friendly all the lingerie ladies were under their red lights. Seemed like every one of them wanted to chat and invite me into their tiny apartments… That's got to qualify as friendly, right?

Myrtle Beach South Carolina is a great place too. I always like to visit the local Gun Shops in any new area, and the owner of this one gave me a free T-Shirt just for stoping by. That was pretty friendly.

Had an amazing experience in a little Moroccan town once. The man they referred to as El Hani invited me and a co-worker into his home to share traditional tea and pastries. Previously I had inquired where he got his cool outfit, as I wanted one just like it. My driver asked him for me and the next day he went out and bought me a cooler summer version and a warmer winter version and then refused to let me pay him for the garments. We were his guests and he just would not take any money for the clothes.

09-07-15, 11:54
Once again I question the methodology and criteria used to arrive at rank lists such as these.

Cambodia as #5?!? Do people know what Cambodians were doing only a few decades ago?

As far as scoring 6 out of 10 "unfriendliest", I'm sure those cities are populated by major assholes, but if we honestly included Africa, China and much of Eastern Europe we'd have a hard time making the top 20 list.

Has anyone seen the reception "refugees" are getting in Greece and Hungary right now? And they are going to put Vegas on the list?!? They can go **** themselves.

Im pretty sure the Khmer Rogue are long gone, you still think they're running wild? By your logic, Oakland belongs in the friendly list because it actually used to be a nice place pre 1960's.

I haven't been there in years but Hong Kong and Guangzhou are better than shitholes like LA or SF.

In fact, they should have included San Francisco on that list. No shortage of aggressive hobos, racist white liberal hipster assclowns, asshole cyclists that think they own the road and of course the home of the gaystapo.

Athens definitely sounds like a shithole, especially with their current politcal situation

Vegas should not be on the list. People there are much nicer than the douchebags in CA. Yes there's shady parts but just about any city has their shady parts and at least Vegas respects your 2nd Amendment rights.

Anyone thats been to Ft Sill knows Lawton, OK is a dump. In my experience though, the people there were very friendly, much friendlier than Californians in general.

Seoul Korea was neat, but that Kimche is some nasty stuff. I can't recommend it.

No way Kimchi is awesome! I don't consider it an acquired taste either as I liked it the first time I tried it.

Alex V
09-07-15, 15:16
I call BS. Last time I was in Atlantic City the hookers walking around the boardwalk at nj might were overly friendly if anything.

09-07-15, 18:17
Im pretty sure the Khmer Rogue are long gone, you still think they're running wild? By your logic, Oakland belongs in the friendly list because it actually used to be a nice place pre 1960's.


Flawed poll. I agree with you and others, some cities don't belong on either list and some cities could have been on the other list.

Here is friendly Savannah's latest sophisticated and friendly citizen. This is just one of many examples.


There are areas in Savannah one should avoid at all times and there are places in Savannah and nearly Tybee Island that is just simply wants you to plant your roots right there.

As for Cambodia and what happened between 1975 and 1979, I know a thing or two about it. Having lost over 20 of my relatives (grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins) and many friends, I know how cruel and UNFRIENDLY the Khmer Rouge treated our own. The Khmer Rouge backed with the idea of starting a fresh yet agrarian nation not based on modern technology and not corrupted by Western cultures slaughtered (directly and indirectly) almost 3 millions peaceful citizens to try to achieve their utopia. Before and after final downfall of these communists/Marxists savages, the people are the most friendly, respectful and polite bunch. Easy smiles, quick to welcome new friends, following the teaching of Buddha, Khmer people are the friendliest. But my opinion is biased.

Who couldn't resist the smile of the Bayon Temple in Siem Reap?


09-07-15, 20:45
Im pretty sure the Khmer Rogue are long gone, you still think they're running wild? By your logic, Oakland belongs in the friendly list because it actually used to be a nice place pre 1960's.

I'm pretty sure they are still alive though. They are all just friendly, elderly people now. You know, like former SS officers who now run candy stores and are loved by children.

09-08-15, 11:36
I can totally believe NYC and Los Angeles. If you are from the South....you will be amazed at how rude those people are. Most of the NE is not very friendly, period.

I would also throw Denver and really most of CO in that mix. For a state that thrives on tourism, their customer service in stores and restaurants is dismal.

09-08-15, 17:32
I can totally believe NYC and Los Angeles. If you are from the South....you will be amazed at how rude those people are. Most of the NE is not very friendly, period.

Most of PA outside of Philly is pretty friendly, I've found. Not quite as warm and engaging as the South, but people will actually smile at you and make small talk here. Being from New England, I admit it sometimes annoys me when people want to chitchat when all I want to do is get on with my day. But I don't think I have the typical Northeast aloofness and I'll at least be somewhat engaging with people. It's been a huge improvement moving here from New England.

But yeah, outside of PA, pretty much all the other states are renowned for being unfriendly, if not downright nasty and cruel. In some towns, if your family hasn't been in the area for more than a two or three generations, you will be unwelcome there for as long as you live. They take the "cat giving birth in the oven doesn't mean the kittens are biscuits" thing VERY seriously. If they perceive you as encroaching on their territory, they will actively take the time to try and destroy not only your life, but anyone who dares to be friendly with you.

For example, when my wife and I were first married, she got a job in a town about an hour away from where I grew up in Connecticut. The person who hired her was from the state-level corporate offices of the organization, and not the local branch where my wife was going to be placed. However, once she got there, she was going to answer to the local manager, who though she didn't hire my wife, could fire her at any time. As soon as my wife took the job, she was told in no uncertain terms by colleagues that she was not wanted there. Her subordinates told her straight out that they would not listen to her, and her direct supervisor AND the HR rep were fine with that. They spent the entire year reporting EVERY mistake my wife made. Literally, and I mean LITERALLY, every single day, co-workers made either verbal or written complaints, which were gladly received as her manager wanted a local person for the job as well, and was angry that corporate had picked an out-of-towner. My wife was in tears every night, and I didn't help the situation because I kept trying and failing to get a better job that would allow her to quit.

Because of her organization's bylaws, short of her doing something immoral or illegal, they had to keep her for the school year. However, once that calendar was up, they pulled her in to the office and said out the door or through the window, your choice. When she begged for mercy or at least a good reference, they said they wouldn't give either. Oh, you now have a lease you can't afford? Quote: "We honestly don't care." They then systematically threatened the jobs and reputations of and/or retaliated against everyone there who had been friends with us, and then put a bunch of pressure on corporate to get the person who placed her there transferred. All this because we weren't locals. Even at our new church, nobody was interested in really making our acquaintance except the pastor, and he was a Southerner so that came naturally for him.

This is pretty common for the Northeast, especially NYC and New England. The official motto should be, "We don't know you and we're busy, so mind your own goddamn business and go back to where you came from."

09-08-15, 18:28
Most of PA outside of Philly is pretty friendly, I've found. Not quite as warm and engaging as the South, but people will actually smile at you and make small talk here. Being from New England, I admit it sometimes annoys me when people want to chitchat when all I want to do is get on with my day. But I don't think I have the typical Northeast aloofness and I'll at least be somewhat engaging with people. It's been a huge improvement moving here from New England.

But yeah, outside of PA, pretty much all the other states are renowned for being unfriendly, if not downright nasty and cruel. In some towns, if your family hasn't been in the area for more than a two or three generations, you will be unwelcome there for as long as you live. They take the "cat giving birth in the oven doesn't mean the kittens are biscuits" thing VERY seriously. If they perceive you as encroaching on their territory, they will actively take the time to try and destroy not only your life, but anyone who dares to be friendly with you.

For example, when my wife and I were first married, she got a job in a town about an hour away from where I grew up in Connecticut. The person who hired her was from the state-level corporate offices of the organization, and not the local branch where my wife was going to be placed. However, once she got there, she was going to answer to the local manager, who though she didn't hire my wife, could fire her at any time. As soon as my wife took the job, she was told in no uncertain terms by colleagues that she was not wanted there. Her subordinates told her straight out that they would not listen to her, and her direct supervisor AND the HR rep were fine with that. They spent the entire year reporting EVERY mistake my wife made. Literally, and I mean LITERALLY, every single day, co-workers made either verbal or written complaints, which were gladly received as her manager wanted a local person for the job as well, and was angry that corporate had picked an out-of-towner. My wife was in tears every night, and I didn't help the situation because I kept trying and failing to get a better job that would allow her to quit.

Because of her organization's bylaws, short of her doing something immoral or illegal, they had to keep her for the school year. However, once that calendar was up, they pulled her in to the office and said out the door or through the window, your choice. When she begged for mercy or at least a good reference, they said they wouldn't give either. Oh, you now have a lease you can't afford? Quote: "We honestly don't care." They then systematically threatened the jobs and reputations of and/or retaliated against everyone there who had been friends with us, and then put a bunch of pressure on corporate to get the person who placed her there transferred. All this because we weren't locals. Even at our new church, nobody was interested in really making our acquaintance except the pastor, and he was a Southerner so that came naturally for him.

This is pretty common for the Northeast, especially NYC and New England. The official motto should be, "We don't know you and we're busy, so mind your own goddamn business and go back to where you came from."

Or "We hate each other, but we hate you even more"

When my GF moved from MO to NE, she said my comments about the A hole drivers (Mass-Holes) was exaggerated. After living in MA, she changed her mind 180. I had to "import" a nice GF to NE. ;)

09-08-15, 18:34
I would also throw Denver and really most of CO in that mix. For a state that thrives on tourism, their customer service in stores and restaurants is dismal.

I am not sure how unfriendly they are but I can attest that they drive likes assholes.

09-08-15, 19:13
Baltimore, New York, Philly, LA.

yep, no shock at all that those are on the unfriendly list.

Edit to add....

To the poster discussing friendliness of PA...I met more xenophobic people in the tri-county area around Pittsburgh than in any other region I which I've lived. Some very cool people in many instances, but a very high percentage of those who didn't like transplants.

09-08-15, 22:07
I'm pretty sure they are still alive though. They are all just friendly, elderly people now. You know, like former SS officers who now run candy stores and are loved by children.

No doubt there are still members alive, and they need to be hanged or shot by firing squad. Too bad Pol Pot died before he could be executed himself. At least they are no longer the ruling power.

In the Marine Corps the coolest people I've met were from the south (especially Texas), the mid-west and other countries. Although I met good people from these areas the biggest douchebags I've came across were from, unsurprisingly, the Northeast and California.

10-04-15, 22:47
I'm from Longview Texas. Rated Americas angriest city in America in 2012. Lol


12-24-15, 00:40
Bringing back this thread because I have a story from over the weekend about what NYC can turn people into.

My wife and I went to go visit my youngest brother, who's been living in New York for a few years now. We had just arrived and parked the car, and were waiting for him. Across the street was a woman who was trying to set up her hot dog cart. It was slightly downhill and she was having trouble controlling it. She asked me if I could help her get her cart onto the sidewalk. So, I went across the street and helped her. She said thank you and Merry Christmas.

As I was coming back, my brother shows up, and asked me what I was doing, so I told him. He gets this incredulous look on his face, then starts laughing. "You HELPED a woman with a cart? Seriously? Why would you do that?" I said because she needed help. He rolls his eyes and says, "Oh jeez. You're such a Boy Scout. We don't do that here."

Here's the thing. That's partially why I did it: BECAUSE New Yorkers don't do that kind of thing. I'm well aware of how that city is. I'm also not an asshole. I can spend two minutes to help a stranger do something simple. It's really sad that being a decent human being is treated like a sign of weakness. So yes, **** NYC.