View Full Version : Hairy barrel

07-27-08, 12:22
Colt fan boys, please avert your eyes, viewer discretion is advised.

After reading the all the great info on this site I picked up a 6920. I wanted a LMT but couldn't find one locally. So on my second range trip I put around 300 rounds through the rifle. When I got home I knew what happened when the rifle was stuck inside the case. Please tell me someone else has done something so stupid and has a fix for me :) I guess I have a "custom" finish now.

07-27-08, 12:40
I'd try a scotchbrite type scouring pad. The nylon ones.

Next time try to put a little PAM on your rifle before baking it, it helps keep stuff from sticking! :D

Just kidding, but really try the scotchbrite.


07-27-08, 12:50
There's a product called "Goof Off" that is made for removing gum, marker, adhesive, etc. I've used it on a bunch of different applications and it removes most everything.
I'd try that in conjunction with the Scotchbrite pad. If you scrub too hard with the Scotchbrite you are likely to remove the finish.
If you have a heat gun I'd warm it up first. It should come off without too much trouble.

07-27-08, 12:51

07-27-08, 13:04
I do have a heat gun I was thinking the same thing. I can't believe my first post on the forum was me being an idiot :) Thanks for the info guys

07-27-08, 13:08
Man, sorry to see you have to learn that the hard way, but you can fix this. I have a secret formula.

First, wipe area with a wet rag, then use a sponge to dab soap on the entire area. Do not use water or dilute the soap. Use it straight from the Bottle. A little Mother's Car Wash or comparable soap should work OK.
Goo Gone or similar petro based removers will work better if you have it.

Let it sit for for awhile. The soap will soften the melted plastic. You can wipe it off and reapply the soap to the thicker areas until you get down to barrel, layer by layer, if necessary.

Once you are down to the barrel, use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove the marks without scratching the finish.

Use a wet rag to remove the soap and wipe liberally with oil and let it soak in.