View Full Version : Civlian group in Phoenix, AZ, patrols for I-10 shooter(s) (UPDATE: SHOOTER CAUGHT!!]

09-10-15, 11:48
There's an interesting group of people looking for the I-10 shooter. I love the leader's contacts.

IG, you in on this?

There are a group of civilians that have decided to take matters into their own hands.

They call themselves 'Bolt Force' and they are armed and out looking for the shooter.

The leader of the group was questioned by DPS officers after a passerby reported them as being suspicious.

DPS issued a statement saying, "We would prefer they let us handle this investigation."


Bolt Force leader:


09-10-15, 17:11

WHY...on God's green earth does this sort of thing ALWAYS involve some crowd of Tactical Timmies?
Honestly, I don't care if some local group wants to help look, even though I think it's pointless "look at me" attention getting.
I mean, the shit has not hit the fan yet, therefore the local PD probably doesn't need the extra "help".
Also, I don't even care if they're open carrying long arms.
But for all that's holy PLEASE stop coming up with the stupid group names, and the "commando leader" this and "kernel fatcakes" that.
And then they've got to throw in the "all black" gear, aka the uniform of the tactard. Again, I don't even care if they want to wear gear/body armor, but just dress like normal, you know? Try to look somewhat professional at least.
Everyone knows head to toe blackout ain't gonna help you be any more "effective of a presence" in the dark anyway...

I would say I'd pay to see a well set up civi unit do this right for once and actually contribute usefully, but then again, since such a group likely would not be composed of ninja wannabes, they've probably already realized line three above.

I honestly wonder at times if some of these groups that come out of the woodwork at times are purposely set up just to make the rest of the "gun community" look like morons... Kind of like the group a year or so back that was supposed to "patrol the border". What a cluster...

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 17:33
Kernel Komrade Kaos of...BOLT FORCE!!!!!

What a shit-for-brains.

Civi groups exist that aren't full of booger eaters. AMMRON, RACES, ARES. I'd throw the OKs in there, but I question their tactics.

White contacts...****in seriously? This dude needs to be beaten with Hillary's left milk bag, until he is slapped back into reality.

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 17:36

God almighty, these peoples' parents failed them...miserably.

09-10-15, 17:48
While I'm all for drunken posses righting the wrongs of the world, can't these people have some freeking class and decorum about it?

This ain't cosplay. There is a shooter out there who don't mind shooting. Showing up looking like a ninja turtle is goofy at best and dangerous at worst.

A well trained or sneaky shooter would blend in with the crowd or use the police being burdened by these geniuses as a boon.

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 18:05
Breaking News: "Phoenix PD Unveils New Volunteer Human-Shield Unit"

These shoe-pissers should be ****ing ashamed of themselves.

If anyone was seeking confirmation that the concept of shame in this country is dead, go to their website.

09-10-15, 18:34
In 2015 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire THE BOLT FORCE!

09-10-15, 18:50
Bolt force ey? Sounds like a call of doody clan :sarcastic:

Outlander Systems
09-10-15, 18:56
I got $10 on these fruit cakes rocking matching TapOut shirts when they aren't operationally operating.

Big A
09-10-15, 19:29
In 2015 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire THE BOLT FORCE!


09-10-15, 19:45
This dude needs to be beaten with Hillary's left milk bag, until he is slapped back into reality.

Oh my, thanks a ton for that visual. After spitting tea all over my keyboard, that image is stuck in my mind and it won't go away.


09-10-15, 19:53
For your entertainment:


What a JOKE...

09-10-15, 20:01
For your entertainment:

What a JOKE...

That was painful to watch, how do they not know how ridiculous they look?

09-10-15, 20:03
.....WTH was THAT?! It looked like something out of a bad B movie that would precede late night 90s Skinemax!

09-10-15, 20:06
That was painful to watch, how do they not know how ridiculous they look?

.....WTH was THAT?! It looked like something out of a bad B movie that would precede late night 90s Skinemax!

:lol: Then I will recommend not to go to their website. I jumped out that as soon as I saw that.

09-10-15, 20:08
I have no words.

09-10-15, 20:13
These type people wanna be vigilantes are who the gangs go after. they become marks.

Some little wanna be gang members are gonna go after these guys just for street cred.

They're putting their own lives in danger. For what? Some sense of being a Cowboy in the Wild West?

What they are doing is flat out irresponsible. That guy running this is a A hole for letting that little girl that weighs a little over a buck go out on patrol when she could easily over powered. A true man wouldn't knowingly let her put her life in danger. Even if she's armed with her "dangerously good looks" as she put it.

Mauser KAR98K
09-10-15, 20:19
What's that sound? Why, it's the call of the Bolt Force!


ETA: You can take the Mall Ninja out of the mall, but...

09-10-15, 20:33
How are they patrolling the I10? You can't just walk along the side. It doesn't have a sidewalk along it. Plus the shooter(s) are now shooting on other freeways as well.

09-10-15, 20:34
Are those real eye balls? they look fake.

09-10-15, 20:36
I thought Bolt Force was made up in this thread. Little did I know the stupid ran this high in AZ. I wonder if we have any card carrying "members" of Bolt Force on here?

That is well beyond ridiculous, I think watching that video cost me 50 points of IQ.

09-10-15, 21:03
Two thoughts:

1) Despite her sharing in the ridiculousness, Harleigh is pretty cute.

2) How much you want to bet that Bolt is the legendary Gecko45?

09-10-15, 21:05
Harleigh is somebody's sister or ride.
Or an "actress"

09-10-15, 21:25
Are those real eye balls? they look fake.


Two thoughts:

1) Despite her sharing in the ridiculousness, Harleigh is pretty cute.

2) How much you want to bet that Bolt is the legendary Gecko45?

1) Only thing acceptable.
2) Quite possibly.

Big A
09-10-15, 21:27
Two thoughts:

1) Despite her sharing in the ridiculousness, Harleigh is pretty cute.

2) How much you want to bet that Bolt is the legendary Gecko45?

I thought you were Gecko45 and you just picked a new screen name for your online life....:jester:

09-10-15, 22:01
What the f*ck did I just see??

09-10-15, 22:13
I thought you were Gecko45 and you just picked a new screen name for your online life....:jester:

Nah, I'm Todd from Special Weapons :p

09-10-15, 22:37
WTF??? Had that 3on1 porn vibe at the beginning, but a HUGE let down with no real action. Harleigh seemed decent looking.

These guys can't be real. We need to get a board put together on how soon before we start seeing Bolt Force obits.

09-10-15, 22:51
Men wearing all black clothing running through the streets, now that's a good way to be hit by a car.

09-10-15, 22:59
Are those real eye balls? they look fake.

Agreed. The gave me the heebiest of jeebies.

09-10-15, 23:00
Men wearing all black clothing running through the streets, now that's a good way to be hit by a car.

We should be so lucky.

09-10-15, 23:07
Pssht. Haters. All of you. Just jealous of those madd skillz.

Oh man! There is a whole page of videos!!

09-10-15, 23:10
While I'm all for drunken posses righting the wrongs of the world, can't these people have some freeking class and decorum about it?

This ain't cosplay. There is a shooter out there who don't mind shooting. Showing up looking like a ninja turtle is goofy at best and dangerous at worst.

A well trained or sneaky shooter would blend in with the crowd or use the police being burdened by these geniuses as a boon.

Yeah, I'm getting dangerously close to admitting some people shouldn't be allowed to have guns based upon the way they look. I guess this is the cost of gun rights and popular culture. Worst part is anyone one of these retards could actually be doing something productive and useful that would assist the police.

Having controlled watch points and the ability to defend themselves is one thing, making an already dangerous situation more dangerous so you can live out your Call of Duty fantasy is another.

09-10-15, 23:12
Two thoughts:

1) Despite her sharing in the ridiculousness, Harleigh is pretty cute.

2) How much you want to bet that Bolt is the legendary Gecko45?

I know him personally and that ain't him.

09-10-15, 23:25
I know him personally and that ain't him.

Speaking of Presidential candidates, why don't you speak to him about running?

09-10-15, 23:47
In 2015 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire THE BOLT FORCE!

What about starting a new National M4c group, perhaps called "Rachet Works Reaction Group" or RWRG for short. With the Team Captain named Ahab. Instead of Black tactical garb, the group could wear Pink jumpsuits for easy recognition/ identification in the field.

Bolt Force, what a joke. Their website looks like it was put together a decade ago, low tech.

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 06:01

The thing that literally blows my mind is that, this dude has real, live, human beings running around in Halloween costumes with him.

If I had to wager a guess, the whole thing is a publicity stunt so that these clown shoes can get a TV show, further lowering the collective IQ of America by a couple of points.

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 06:10

09-11-15, 06:43
Hi, I'm Sledgehammer from bolt fart.

JBecker 72
09-11-15, 07:01
In 2015 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire THE BOLT FORCE!

I love it when a plan comes together.

09-11-15, 07:12

Oh lawd.

"We can and do carry long guns on certain overseas missions"


09-11-15, 07:14
These clowns are a bunch of cuckold douches. They already got prone out for parading around with their Call of Duty gear on and weapons near the I-10. One can only hope that someone takes them serious, because the I-10 sniper guy doesn't.

09-11-15, 07:56
These clowns are a bunch of cuckold douches. They already got prone out for parading around with their Call of Duty gear on and weapons near the I-10. One can only hope that someone takes them serious, because the I-10 sniper guy doesn't.

Do you even Bolt Force bro... I mean have you not seen their pictures on their website.. Top flight security of the world Craig..Not just the city but the world..

09-11-15, 08:16
People getting jacked by Santa and shit.......

But really I would like to know one crime they have prevented?

09-11-15, 08:50
I often think of starting a group similar to this in my area...

Then the alarm clock goes off, I shower, get some coffee and go to work.

Mauser KAR98K
09-11-15, 09:00
Is this Greko45?

09-11-15, 09:17
Honestly is what they are doing in those other videos even legal? Illegally detaining someone? Illegal search and seizure? Criminal trespassing?

09-11-15, 09:32

Is that a Serpa holster?
This could be a self-correcting problem.:rolleyes:

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 09:42
How to be taken seriously, 101:


09-11-15, 10:07
Dolt Force is far more appropriate...

09-11-15, 10:14
I just watched a bit of the video regarding proper Dolt Force attire and came away a bit ashamed of myself.


The poor man in the video is obviously retarded in the real sense.

I don't know if his mentally challenged status was acquired through traumatic brain injury or is congenital.

I do however, feel sorry for him.

09-11-15, 10:24
Dolt Force facts: "We are like shadows in the night and the criminals have no idea we are there. When they see us it's to late. They are surrounded by Dolt Force."

Criminals cringe and shudder in their boots when DF is on the loose.


Mauser KAR98K
09-11-15, 10:38

The Shrine if the Mall Ninja. This has to be them.

09-11-15, 12:25
Bolt force? What does that even mean? Sounds like a shitty kids show. But bolt force. Hmmmm. Why those initials? B F. Blue falcon maybe? Makes about as much sense as anything with these crackpots.

09-11-15, 15:29
Thank you for posting this, I needed a good laugh!

I watched a few of their videos and I was in stitches.

This is what happens when people cannot separate television/movie idiocy from real life.

I'm all for regular folks helping the fuzz out, but in ways that actually HELP, not just playing dog bounty hunter games in the streets.

Reality television is going to inspire more and more idiots like this to find each other and and play out their fantasies in the streets.

The saddest part is they take themselves seriously. If this was a youtube spoof channel a la Matt Best or Range 15- it would be ****ing comic gold!

I showed this to a few buddies and asked if they wanted to start a Colorado chapter- I tried to play it off seriously and they all gave me a look of shock and awe... it was great!

09-11-15, 15:29
Bolt force? What does that even mean? Sounds like a shitty kids show. But bolt force. Hmmmm. Why those initials? B F. Blue falcon maybe? Makes about as much sense as anything with these crackpots.



09-11-15, 15:31
Bolt force? What does that even mean? Sounds like a shitty kids show. But bolt force. Hmmmm. Why those initials? B F. Blue falcon maybe? Makes about as much sense as anything with these crackpots.

Seeing as they use the "lightening bolt" on their website a few times and in the contact lenses of "Bolt"- I would guess that's what it stands for.

From their videos anyone can see that they strike like lightening and disappear into the shadows of the night! :p

09-11-15, 15:38
For your entertainment:


What a JOKE...

Holeee god that was hard to watch.

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 17:07
I knew I'd seen this shit somewhere...


09-11-15, 17:20
At least the Harleigh girl was attractive.

09-11-15, 17:21
Uh oh..now you are going to get the kids on TOS all sorts of upset. You used the trademarked symbol...

09-11-15, 17:31
Holeee god that was hard to watch.

Their putting us on. I think there's something going on here that's not adding up.

09-11-15, 17:52
Their putting us on. I think there's something going on here that's not adding up.

I have a different explanation.


09-11-15, 18:01
This is such a great thread. I love it.

09-11-15, 18:04
I have a different explanation.

Exactly the movie that came to my mind also.

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 19:07
This is such a great thread. I love it.

OP should be nominated for an award. These videos have me rolling. There's one that is like 15 minutes of two dudes going to a Mecican restaurant "off-duty."

I think I have found the "Selfie-Stick's" target market...

I REALLY like the one where they deploy a taser on a dude spray painting, and talk about how they're going to get a $500 reward.

I figure, once Nitro, Turbo, Blaze, and Laser get their cut, everyone's going to be splitting the five hunnitt about 10 ways.

09-11-15, 19:09
Bolt Force. As all smart M4C members know, you should not use a Bolt that has not been Magnetic Particle Inspected (MPI) and High Pressure Tested (HPT). I do believe however; this Bolt has been "shot peened".

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 19:10
Bolt Force. As all smart M4C members know, you should not use a Bolt that has not been Magnetic Particle Inspected (MPI) and High Pressure Tested (HPT). I do believe however that this Bolt has been "shot peened".

"shot-peened the **** out".

This is the greatest thread, ever. Period.

I love the last one:

Bolt Force is made up of teams consisting of a maximum of 5 members.
Two female medics of Bolt Force are​ on every mission.​
Teams will consist of a Captain​(former law enforcement), a Scout, and Rovers.
Team Captains, Scouts, Medics and Spotters will carry radios.​​​
Captain: Relays information to the team from other Team Captains or Bolt.
Scout: ​Performs Recon or takes Point to detect criminal activity ahead or investigate, relaying information back to the Team Captain.​​
Rovers: Stay in close proximity of the Team Captain and to each other, ready to react to any crime or citizen in need of assistance.​​
Spotter/Undercover: Team Member or members in plain clothes planted to relay information to Bolt Force Team Captains. (special operations)

09-11-15, 19:15
Meet Coleen, Bolt Force's Medic:


09-11-15, 19:15
Meet Lindsay, 1-on-1:


09-11-15, 20:42

The Shrine if the Mall Ninja. This has to be them.

It was fun remembering that, thank you for the link. I remember being in the original thread on GT.

Good times.

09-11-15, 20:58
All we need is Ben Stiller and Peewee Herman and we'll have the Mystery Men!

Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 21:00

09-11-15, 21:03
So many inappropriate bolt jokes could be made.....

Meet Coleen, Bolt Force's Medic:

You sir win the day.

09-11-15, 21:17
I have a different explanation.


The part with him "training" in the first movie instantly sprang to mind...

09-11-15, 21:19
Thank you for posting this, I needed a good laugh!

I watched a few of their videos and I was in stitches.

This is what happens when people cannot separate television/movie idiocy from real life.

I'm all for regular folks helping the fuzz out, but in ways that actually HELP, not just playing dog bounty hunter games in the streets.

Reality television is going to inspire more and more idiots like this to find each other and and play out their fantasies in the streets.

The saddest part is they take themselves seriously. If this was a youtube spoof channel a la Matt Best or Range 15- it would be ****ing comic gold!

I showed this to a few buddies and asked if they wanted to start a Colorado chapter- I tried to play it off seriously and they all gave me a look of shock and awe... it was great!

I think I am going to forward this to Mat Best! I know he will rip it to shreds, hilariously!

Edit: Sent links to their website and this thread via message to his youtube channel.

09-11-15, 21:27
For those of you who did not know they had an Internet back in the year 2000, here is a link to part of the original Gecko45 Mall ninja thread:


If I recall correctly, it went on for about 5 more pages.

Big A
09-11-15, 21:54
Nah, I'm Todd from Special Weapons [emoji14]
Oh good! I've needed to send in my SW5 for some warranty work!

Big A
09-11-15, 21:57
It was fun remembering that, thank you for the link. I remember being in the original thread on GT.

Good times.
Please tell me that "If plan A is is to take multiple .338 lapua shots to the back I'd come up with a plan B..." is all you

09-11-15, 22:01
With the attractive women and such dorky bad acting dudes, I wouldn't be suprise if this all morphs into a porno.

Big A
09-11-15, 22:03
Nah bro, Steyr is SPECOPS.

I know him personally and that ain't him.

09-11-15, 23:09

I think Steyraug pulled off one of the greatest "1 person with 3 accounts" trolling of the Internet.

09-12-15, 07:04
I have been playing the lottery and can't seen to win. Now I am going to look for Dolt Force territory and see if I can locate them. They are a lawsuit waiting happen.

09-12-15, 11:42
I have been playing the lottery and can't seen to win. Now I am going to look for Dolt Force territory and see if I can locate them. They are a lawsuit waiting happen.

I don't know IG. Dolt I mean Bolt is a failed security guard. I don't think his mom has any extra money. I'm sure she has to pay for hot pockets, pop tarts, and pizza rolls when Bolt Force has the meetings in her basement...

09-12-15, 12:24
Are those real eye balls? they look fake.

Looks like contacts. Those alone take any credibility away from him. This isn't Halloween.

09-12-15, 12:30
Looks like contacts. Those alone take any credibility away from him. This isn't Halloween.

I wonder what they dress up like for Halloween. I also wonder who on that circus side show are former LEO/MIL.

09-12-15, 13:15
Meet Coleen, Bolt Force's Medic:

I've reached out to Bolt to be the medical director of Bolt Force. Someone needs to train his female medics up to standard. This seems like a job that I could really get behind...

09-12-15, 13:27
Here is a lititle gem I found. Fairly certain at least 2 of the gis are or were strippers.


09-12-15, 13:33
Here is a lititle gem I found. Fairly certain at least 2 of the gis are or were strippers.


Are you surprised? I most certainly am not.

09-12-15, 13:37
Here is a lititle gem I found. Fairly certain at least 2 of the gis are or were strippers.


Honestly, first thing I thought when I saw their bio vid(s), was that they're (ex?) strip club bouncers and strippers.

09-12-15, 14:02
Here is a lititle gem I found. Fairly certain at least 2 of the gis are or were strippers.


They are probably just trying to get some legal experience while they study for the AZ Bar Exam...

09-12-15, 14:20
Here is a lititle gem I found. Fairly certain at least 2 of the gis are or were strippers.


Page doesn't even load for me.

09-12-15, 14:24
Honestly, first thing I thought when I saw their bio vid(s), was that they're (ex?) strip club bouncers and strippers.

But the founder himself is "Bolt is intelligent, confident, fearless, assertive and creative."

09-12-15, 14:29
But the founder himself is "Bolt is intelligent, confident, fearless, assertive and creative."

Sounds like every strip club bouncer that I've ever known.

09-12-15, 14:49
Page doesn't even load for me.

If you are viewing on a mobile device you have to scroll down quite a bit. It is an amateur site to say the least.

Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 14:51

09-12-15, 15:32
Well a suspect has been detained for the shootings. Dumbass was bragging to his friends who then called police because either A) they felt it was the right thing to do, or B) his friendship was worth less than the 20,000 dollar reward.

Now what other capers can BOLT FORCE *said with booming voice and lightning in the background* solve in our crime riddled city.

09-12-15, 17:53
Well a suspect has been detained for the shootings. Dumbass was bragging to his friends who then called police because either A) they felt it was the right thing to do, or B) his friendship was worth less than the 20,000 dollar reward.

Now what other capers can BOLT FORCE *said with booming voice and lightning in the background* solve in our crime riddled city.

I am going with option B.

Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 17:58
I am going with option B.

Negative. Definitely actionable intel received from Bolt Force Special Operations Forces.

26 Inf
09-12-15, 17:58
Here is a lititle gem I found. Fairly certain at least 2 of the gis are or were strippers.


Quote from a friend of mine 'it was a good living, but around mid 30's the body started to go' so she went from a volunteer to fulltime EMS - she was/is a paramedic.

And, no, I've never seen her work.

09-12-15, 18:04
Negative. Definitely actionable intel received from Bolt Force Special Operations Forces.

This should secure them a few overseas contracts for sure.

09-12-15, 19:55
This should secure them a few overseas contracts for sure.

Bolt Force may assist in providing security for installations in Libya according to England Bolt Force Leader Herbie Hutchinson. Word on contract approval may come within 3 to 4 weeks.

Bolt Force Leaders seeks a crime fighting partnership with the Police Chiefs of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. It is Bolt Forces intent to assist police in Arab countries on fighting crime.

International Bolt Force Leaders

South Africa Leader

Dennis Dolan

England Leader

Herbie Hutchinson

Australian Leader

Tony Kezerle


Outlander Systems
09-12-15, 20:22
No ****ing way!


09-12-15, 21:53
Well, CNN just gave them some more press:

Phoenix Interstate 10 shootings: Armed citizens group aims to help find gunman http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/12/us/phoenix-arizona-i-10-shootings/index.html

09-13-15, 02:23
The plot thickens. The earlier detained suspect has been cleared as a suspect. We need Bolt Force now more than ever.

09-13-15, 02:30
The plot thickens. The earlier detained suspect has been cleared as a suspect. We need Bolt Force now more than ever.

At this point, I think it's too big for even them alone, we NEED Stripperella to join forces with BOLT FORCE!


Outlander Systems
09-13-15, 07:50
What I can't figure out is why the media is being so "friendly" to them.

09-13-15, 09:14
Clearly they need dog the bounty ty hunter to join the hunt. Teaming up with bolt force is the only way to flush out the evil doer and bring this issue to a close. Maybe the shooter is using a ghost gun. That is how he/she/it is able to avoid detection.

09-13-15, 10:22
What I can't figure out is why the media is being so "friendly" to them.

Because 90% of folks seeing it are having the same reaction as this thread, so it works for them...

09-13-15, 15:11
What I can't figure out is why the media is being so "friendly" to them.

I my be off base here, but I think it could have something to do with these guys being gun owners and deuce nozzles Fits the narrative of gun owner=Rambo wannabe.

Outlander Systems
09-13-15, 15:41
Because 90% of folks seeing it are having the same reaction as this thread, so it works for them...

I my be off base here, but I think it could have something to do with these guys being gun owners and deuce nozzles Fits the narrative of gun owner=Rambo wannabe.


09-13-15, 21:05
No ****ing way!
In Lybia or Laybia.......lols...

09-13-15, 21:07
These guys are cruising for a network pitch for a reality show. That's all. I'd bet money on it.

09-13-15, 21:08
These guys are cruising for a network pitch for a reality show. That's all. I'd bet money on it.

They're just selling a show. They were inspired by dog(fag) the bounty hunter.

09-14-15, 12:50
But the founder himself is "Bolt is intelligent, confident, fearless, assertive and creative."

And eats at restaurants with his gloves ON, goddammit. Because, well, you don't want mayonnaise making your hands slippery during the inevitable gunfights that will ensure post-dinner.

09-14-15, 18:50
I was about to ask WTF was up with the white contacts (and I still wanna know), but then I was struck by the other guy: wait a minute... isn't that the Hitman logo?

Yes, yes it is.



I'm sure that'll serve him well if he's ever on trial for shooting someone.

09-14-15, 19:17
And eats at restaurants with his gloves ON, goddammit. Because, well, you don't want mayonnaise making your hands slippery during the inevitable gunfights that will ensure post-dinner.

Proof positive that Darwinism just doesn't really work.

09-14-15, 19:23
And eats at restaurants with his gloves ON, goddammit. Because, well, you don't want mayonnaise making your hands slippery during the inevitable gunfights that will ensure post-dinner.

Bolt looks like he's about to hurl, or is constipated...

Good catch on the Hitman logo ChicagoTex!

09-15-15, 02:24
Oh come on, six pages and nobody quoted . . .


09-15-15, 02:48
These ****tards are nothing new. Detroit has had their own version of the mall ninja police academy rejects since 1994 complete with tiger stripe urban camouflage, Sportsman's Guide tactical vests, H2 Hummers, and their own version of the Bat Boat. But you're just not legit until you have a cool logo that encompasses the bio-hazard logo and douche bag tribal tattoos.


To see their Bat Boat, some mad shooting skills, and some more former strippers turned mall ninjas check out their YouTube channel . . . :lol:


09-15-15, 02:51
And if you never heard of American Defense Enterprises . . .


. . . or Sulsado Corps then you in for a real treat.


Outlander Systems
09-15-15, 05:41
Didn't Wesley Snipes have a private army at one point?

09-15-15, 13:33
A Wesley Snipes type??

Sorry. I couldn't resist.

09-15-15, 14:52

Sulsado do Corp seems to be pretty high speed..

09-15-15, 15:03
These ****tards are nothing new. Detroit has had their own version of the mall ninja police academy rejects since 1994 complete with tiger stripe urban camouflage, Sportsman's Guide tactical vests, H2 Hummers, and their own version of the Bat Boat. But you're just not legit until you have a cool logo that encompasses the bio-hazard logo and douche bag tribal tattoos.

To see their Bat Boat, some mad shooting skills, and some more former strippers turned mall ninjas check out their YouTube channel . . . :lol:


LOL. Trying soooo hard to be legit. So gee they basically took a standard gym and by having people climb to landings and such turned it into an obstacle course and they think they've created something unique or even challenging?

There are high school kids who train for Ninja Warrior Challenge who would leave those guys in the dust.

09-15-15, 15:32

Sulsado do Corp seems to be pretty high speed..

Their founder has some mad blowgun skills. They are special kind of stupid.

LOL. Trying soooo hard to be legit. So gee they basically took a standard gym and by having people climb to landings and such turned it into an obstacle course and they think they've created something unique or even challenging?

There are high school kids who train for Ninja Warrior Challenge who would leave those guys in the dust.

At least they try to maintain the motif by carefully selecting firearms and firearms accessories that go with their Mall Ninja COSPLAY attire.


09-15-15, 16:47
Their founder has some mad blowgun skills. They are special kind of stupid.

At least they try to maintain the motif by carefully selecting firearms and firearms accessories that go with their Mall Ninja COSPLAY attire.

Yeah, show me the grouping on the target and if it's smaller than four feet at 10 yards I'll be impressed. That was one of the worst demonstrations of shooting positions I have ever seen, the rifle was never in a stable, controlled position when the shot was fired. The only thing worse was him jacking the trigger.

Outlander Systems
09-15-15, 17:02
How did he obtain a target, through a magnified optic, THAT ****ING FAST!

Super stud!!!!

Yeah, show me the grouping on the target and if it's smaller than four feet at 10 yards I'll be impressed. That was one of the worst demonstrations of shooting positions I have ever seen, the rifle was never in a stable, controlled position when the shot was fired. The only thing worse was him jacking the trigger.

09-15-15, 18:30
How did he obtain a target, through a magnified optic, THAT ****ING FAST!

Super stud!!!!

He used "the force."

"Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them.”

Outlander Systems
09-15-15, 18:34
He used "the force."

"Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them.”

I wish someone had posted the target results.

"You can take the ninja out of the prefecture, but you can't take the prefecture out of the ninja" - Hatsumi Sensei

09-15-15, 20:35
Their founder has some mad blowgun skills. They are special kind of stupid.

At least they try to maintain the motif by carefully selecting firearms and firearms accessories that go with their Mall Ninja COSPLAY attire.

Oh my goodness that good... He put rounds down range, only it was every where down range... So much win here.

09-15-15, 20:36
How did he obtain a target, through a magnified optic, THAT ****ING FAST!

Super stud!!!!

Unless he is a cyclops he aint using the optic. That scope is mounted HIGH. If he has a sight picture its using irons and thats a really BIG if.

That screen cap of the video is just not right. I keep expecting to hear banjo music.

09-18-15, 21:39
They got the POS. I wonder if Bolt Force played a significant role...

The suspect in the Phoenix-area freeway shootings has been caught, Arizona's governor announced late Friday.

Doug Ducey said the suspect was apprehended Friday night and is in the custody of the state's Department of Public Safety.


Outlander Systems
09-18-15, 22:30
That's actually good news.

My money is on BlueFalcon Not having played a role...

They got the POS. I wonder if Bolt Force played a significant role...


09-19-15, 01:15
He used "the force."

"Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them.”

I totally read that in Alex Guinness's voice . . . :lol:

09-19-15, 02:33
The shooter is literally the poster child for the moms basement activist type. Fat dude with a neck beard.

09-19-15, 20:27

Allegedly, this is the shooter. Presumed innocent until proven guilty.

09-19-15, 23:54
I suspect they will find he is a loner, possibly with undiagnosed mental illness.

09-20-15, 01:30
Graves said investigators identified Merritt as a suspect by checking pawn shops for guns matching the caliber of shell casings at the crime scenes.

Detectives focused on a gun pawned by Merritt, and when crime lab technicians test-fired it, it was a match, Graves said.

"All I have to say is I’m the wrong guy,” Merritt told the judge. "I tried telling the detectives that."

He claimed he didn't even have access to a gun because he gun was in a pawn shop for the past two months.

I really hoped they checked the pawn records before they nailed this guy. If any of the above is true, it could just as easily be a person at the pawn shot with access to the firearm.

Father of two busting his ass as a landscaper doesn't typically scream terrorist.

09-20-15, 12:51
I really hoped they checked the pawn records before they nailed this guy. If any of the above is true, it could just as easily be a person at the pawn shot with access to the firearm.

I was thinking the same thing.

09-20-15, 19:20
According the DPS the gun was not in pawn the days of the shootings.

09-20-15, 19:32
According the DPS the gun was not in pawn the days of the shootings.

If true they still have a problem. Either multiple shooters acting as a group or individual copycats, any one of which could actually be the original shooter.

I just think we need to see a lot more compelling evidence before we yell case closed and start slapping each other on the ass and high fiving.

09-21-15, 00:04
Not to mention if the others (I'm thinking copycats) get back into it. From what I've read I think there is more going on.

09-21-15, 11:11
If true they still have a problem. Either multiple shooters acting as a group or individual copycats, any one of which could actually be the original shooter.

I just think we need to see a lot more compelling evidence before we yell case closed and start slapping each other on the ass and high fiving.

They definitely are not calling it case closed. They are still actively investigating and still asking motorists to keep an eye out. They also have said they still have reward money. Its a different agency so Im completely not involved but from the way they have been talking around here it seems like they have been after multiple suspects since the beginning.

09-23-15, 19:22
He did it with a Hi-Point. :laugh:

Vaughn told The Republic Tuesday that an employee accepted a 9mm Hi-Point handgun from Merritt, a Glendale landscaper, at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 30. Ballistic tests linked the gun to the first four shootings, according to the DPS.


09-23-15, 20:02
He did it with a Hi-Point. :laugh:


09-24-15, 11:13
Their founder has some mad blowgun skills. They are special kind of stupid.

At least they try to maintain the motif by carefully selecting firearms and firearms accessories that go with their Mall Ninja COSPLAY attire.


That's a special kinda stupid.