View Full Version : Illinois State Police About to Make Concealed Carry more Costly

09-10-15, 19:29
According to the Firearm Concealed Carry Licensing Act (FCCL), the Illinois State Police (ISP) are responsible for licensing and administration of the Act. As such the ISP have the right o set administrative rules governing instructor and licensee activities.

The ISP recently released a set of proposed administrative rules. Those rules may be found here: https://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/index/register/register_volume39_issue32.pdf (Start on page 56). If you are considering obtaining an Illinois Concealed Carry license, or if you have one already it would be in your best interest to read these rules. Some of the changes are going to make training (and retraining) more cost prohibitive because of redundant responsibilities added to instructors. As instructors responsibilities increase it would not be unreasonable for training fees to increase as well. After all, time is money.

Read more and how to file your complaint here: http://www.gunrights4illinois.com/blog/illinois-state-police-about-to-make-concealed-carry-more-costly/