View Full Version : Never Forget...

09-11-15, 01:03

2,977 innocent lives were brought to an end by 19 people who believed mass murder is how to best serve their god.

Mauser KAR98K
09-11-15, 06:14
Always remember.


09-11-15, 08:34
If you have never heard the Cosgrove call. Take a pause for these people and all lives lost over this event from that day until today.


09-11-15, 09:16
If you have never heard the Cosgrove call. Take a pause for these people and all lives lost over this event from that day until today.


I had never heard that before. That was hard to listen to knowing what was going to happen.

09-11-15, 13:17
Shit Pisses me off all over again.
The worst part of the whole thing, apart from the lives lost, is the lack of drive from our "leaders" to stop these people.

09-11-15, 13:55
Hard to NOT think about it while we watch hordes of Syrian immigrants pour into Northern Europe and soon the be America.

Appears we did not learn much.

09-11-15, 15:17
For about one glorious year, we as a nation were united for the first time since World War II. It's sad to see what has happened since then.

09-11-15, 15:23
Who would have thought that 14 years later we are on the verge of giving a radical islamic regime the green light and funds to build a nuclear bomb!

09-11-15, 15:25
If you have never heard the Cosgrove call. Take a pause for these people and all lives lost over this event from that day until today.


That was just brutal.

09-11-15, 15:26
Who would have thought that 14 years later we are on the verge of giving a radical islamic regime the green light and funds to build a nuclear bomb!

Exactly, I was going to post something similar. Proves to me people can be blinded with very little effort, it's really insane to say the least.

09-11-15, 15:44

09-11-15, 19:58
We remember, and we will never forget.


Outlander Systems
09-11-15, 20:12
For about one glorious year, we as a nation were united for the first time since World War II. It's sad to see what has happened since then.

Damn straight.

09-11-15, 20:18
I've never heard that Cosgrove call before. That was horrifying.
Never forget. It's only been 14 years, and in my view, a good half of America has already forgotten.

09-11-15, 20:31
There are very few moments in my life that choke me up. That tops the list.

09-11-15, 20:32
I've never heard that Cosgrove call before. That was horrifying.
Never forget. It's only been 14 years, and in my view, a good half of America has already forgotten.

And most of the other half actually thinks Bush did it.

09-11-15, 20:35
Words that I have read many times, but words that still have a great deal of meaning to me. And I suspect, most of the members of this forum.

"Never forgot those who died, and never forgive those that killed them."

09-11-15, 21:01
There were people who had to decide whether to jump to their death, asphyxiate on fumes, or simply burn.

In America.

So to this day I am not very cosmopolitan anymore. Screw em all. I hope they all rot.

09-12-15, 08:11
I paid a visit to this Monument to remind us and remember those who were lost that day, their families, the Ones who sacrificed and fought the evil that caused it and the families who sacrificed and lost ones in their efforts!

I had it made for a project back in 2002http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09/12/2d7627218e19a95dda5da767da747be6.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09/12/f12b311352eb337db14b935b0689ca33.jpg

3 AE
09-12-15, 11:16
Interesting article on how educators are grappling with how to teach this very subject to their students. I shake my head in sadness that in fourteen short years our country can't face the simple fact that thousands of innocent people have perished in the name of Islam and feel that it's too controversial to tell it like it is.


3 AE
09-12-15, 11:30
I didn't think I'd get choked up over this but I'll admit I sure did. What an exemplary career Bretagne and her handler Denise Corliss have had. Thank you to you both and enjoy NYC! :thank_you2:

