View Full Version : Office Depot refuses to make copies of pro-life "hate materials"

09-12-15, 10:29
Does anyone shop at Office Depot? This hopefully will be the last nail in their coffin.

A suburban Chicago woman is accusing Office Depot of religious discrimination, saying employees told her that making copies of an anti-abortion prayer violated company policy.

The prayer was composed by the Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of the anti-abortion group Priest for Life. It calls on God to “Bring an end to the killing of children in the womb, and bring an end to the sale of their body parts. Bring conversion to all who do this, and enlightenment to all who advocate it.”

The prayer also includes statistics about abortion in the U.S. and decries “the evil that has been exposed in Planned Parenthood and in the entire abortion industry.”

Company spokeswoman Karen Denning tells the Chicago Tribune that Office Depot prohibits the copying of material that advocates “the persecution of certain groups of people,” among other criteria. She says the flier “contained material that advocates the persecution of people who support abortion rights.”

The "hate material-like" flyer: https://www.thomasmoresociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Planned-Parenthood-Fact-Sheet-and-Prayer.pdf

09-12-15, 11:53
The persecution of those who don't support abortion rights is perfectly ok though...

09-12-15, 12:27
They probably do the Occupy stuff for free...

09-12-15, 14:45
Well, they should be sued and lose their business right?

09-12-15, 17:05
The ACLU should be all over this.

09-12-15, 17:29
The ACLU should be all over this.

Well, they should be sued and lose their business right?

The persecution of those who don't support abortion rights is perfectly ok though...

Does no one understand the difference between what is and isn't a protected class?

I mean it's really not rocket science.

09-12-15, 20:50
Either you have the right to refuse service to anyone or you don't. If you cannot refuse service to a protected class, you should not be able to refuse service to anyone.

09-12-15, 23:09
Does no one understand the difference between what is and isn't a protected class?

I mean it's really not rocket science.

I'm sorry I was thinking with forbotten ligic, off to re-education camp.

09-12-15, 23:22
An employee's snap judgement should be the end of a company and unemployment for everyone who works there.

Get real.

09-13-15, 05:48
Either you have the right to refuse service to anyone or you don't. If you cannot refuse service to a protected class, you should not be able to refuse service to anyone.

That may be ideal, but is not the law of the United States for the last 50 years.

09-13-15, 07:21
In cook county this woman is part of a protected class.


She's not the right kind of religion, but that's another issue. Technically, where this incident occurred, there is an ordinance on the books explicitly protecting her right to service.

09-14-15, 10:00
It is a sound and defensible policy to not print obscene or hateful material in your print shop.

This is not that, and appears to be an abuse of the policy.

09-14-15, 12:47
It was probably actually a picture of a hacked up dead baby those trolls are so fond of flaunting. I hate it. I am fairly anti-abortion, but every time I see these people I want to run them over with my truck. I am sure whatever God you follow doesn't want that BS thrown around in his name.

09-14-15, 13:44
...please explain how this is "hate material."

09-14-15, 15:02
Does no one understand the difference between what is and isn't a protected class?

I mean it's really not rocket science.

Are you saying that religion isn't a protected class?

09-14-15, 15:10
It is a sound and defensible policy to not print obscene or hateful material in your print shop.

This is not that, and appears to be an abuse of the policy.

How do you define obscene and hateful?

Illegal, yes. Child porn would be the slam dunk case.

Not printing something that is religious in nature seems to me to be a pretty easy case- though we have to grit and bear our teeth while we print the Westboro Asshats stuff?

Could they deny some 2A supporters printing some banners or flyers for a rally against UBC and mag limits? There are a lot of people that would call that obscene and hateful material- and not as far as I know not a protected class.

09-14-15, 15:57
How do you define obscene and hateful?


Nazi Biker Rally or 40 Man Gangbang seem like obvious NO GOs as well... but what about a Confederate Flag Party or an anti-Immigrant hate rally?

The policy would have to be more clearly defined at the corporate level.

Probably what you can get away with varies from franchise to franchise, depending on ownership or staff.

09-14-15, 16:54
But if she would have only ordered a LGBT wedding cake . . .

09-14-15, 17:15
But if she would have only ordered a LGBT wedding cake . . .

I was trying not to go there.... Now blow out your candles and kiss the groom... ;)

09-14-15, 20:24
It was probably actually a picture of a hacked up dead baby those trolls are so fond of flaunting. I hate it. I am fairly anti-abortion, but every time I see these people I want to run them over with my truck. I am sure whatever God you follow doesn't want that BS thrown around in his name.

They like to hack up little babies, and sell their parts. Tell it like it is.

09-15-15, 10:57
They like to hack up little babies, and sell their parts. Tell it like it is.

Yeah I am sure the Elementary school they were picketing in front of sure got that point. Kids really need to see that shit.

09-15-15, 11:36
Yeah I am sure the Elementary school they were picketing in front of sure got that point. Kids really need to see that shit.

Because kids aren't continually exposed to filth on screens small and large...

09-15-15, 11:44
Because kids aren't continually exposed to filth on screens small and large...

If you want your children to looks at pictures of obliterated and decapitated babies, that's on you man. Whatever gets you off. I think it's complete bullshit they are allowed to picket wherever they want, with whatever horrible pictures they want. There are much better way of relaying your point than with a big 'ol sign with bloody baby parts.

09-15-15, 11:46
If you want your children to looks at pictures of obliterated and decapitated babies, that's on you man. Whatever gets you off. I think it's complete bullshit they are allowed to picket wherever they want, with whatever horrible pictures they want. There are much better way of relaying your point than with a big 'ol sign with bloody baby parts.

Let's strip people of their 1A rights too.

09-15-15, 11:48
Let's strip people of their 1A rights too.

Because that's what I said.

09-15-15, 11:50
With comments I just read on here it is clear that culturally the first amendment is dead.

"The 2nd amendment is necessary to defend the 1st!" we say. Notice that there was no defense of it with the 2nd as we like to pine all the time, thumping our chest.

09-15-15, 13:25
There are much better way of relaying your point than with a big 'ol sign with bloody baby parts.

Too bad there's 57 million AMERICAN babies since 1973, who would probably disagree with you on that point. I wish THEY hadn't been chopped into small parts... :(

09-15-15, 13:28
I am fairly anti-abortion

Too bad there's 57 million AMERICAN babies since 1973, who would probably disagree with you on that point. I wish THEY hadn't been chopped into small parts... :(

Meaning directly I am against every single form of abortion except incest, rape (provided a rape kit be done, and confirm that is what happened) and if the pregnancy going to term will kill the Mother. Those are the only forms I am remotely okay with.

09-15-15, 14:33
For the life of the mother, not the 'mental health' of the mother. I'd be a bit more lenient if people got pregnant thru airborne route. You had your fun, Darwin has to be paid, here's your kid.

09-15-15, 14:37
For the life of the mother, not the 'mental health' of the mother. I'd be a bit more lenient if people got pregnant thru airborne route. You had your fun, Darwin has to be paid, here's your kid.

I agree. It's not a form of birth control.

09-15-15, 14:52
You had your fun, Darwin has to be paid, here's your kid.

LOL... like a punishment?

Are you for real?

09-15-15, 14:54
That material is NOT "hate speech" sorry.

09-15-15, 14:55
LOL... like a punishment?

Are you for real?

No he's not. He fully supports cutting up babies into à la carte items for "research."

09-15-15, 15:22
LOL... like a punishment?

Are you for real?

How is it punishment if it's her own kid? Spreading one's legs for a man and or copulating with a woman does come with a price, there is more than one out there lol.

09-15-15, 15:26
LOL... like a punishment?

Are you for real?

No he's not. He fully supports cutting up babies into à la carte items for "research."

I'm old enough to remember when "Birth Control " pills were rather new and very controversial, back in the late 60 to early 70's there were more than a few couples in their late 40's and early 50's with "change of life babies" and more than a few of these children were "special needs". Your wife goes in to menopause, your first two kids are in college and what don't you know, you're 53 and going to be a Father again.
The really scary part is that there are some pretty good chances that pregnancy is going to be risky and so are the chances that the baby will be born with some serious complications.
I'm not trying to hand out a hall pass to anyone, but some of life's choices and circumstances can try your soul.

26 Inf
09-15-15, 18:26
I agree. It's not a form of birth control.

And, not too damn surprising, most people agree with you - I know I do. Being kind of pragmatic, the choice the choice boils down to is it better to compromise a bit today and save a couple ten's of thousands unborn babies, or stand your ground and doom them to die, because you alienate a good percentage of the folks who side with you in principle, but can't stand the rhetoric?

I've often heard 'no compromise' in terms of many things, but in reality it ought to be 'no compromise, without some progress to our end goal.'

09-15-15, 18:41
And, not too damn surprising, most people agree with you - I know I do. Being kind of pragmatic, the choice the choice boils down to is it better to compromise a bit today and save a couple ten's of thousands unborn babies, or stand your ground and doom them to die, because you alienate a good percentage of the folks who side with you in principle, but can't stand the rhetoric?

I've often heard 'no compromise' in terms of many things, but in reality it ought to be 'no compromise, without some progress to our end goal.'

It truly is a tricky topic with no clear correct answer, and not every situation is the same. I am blessed with people I personally know that brag about getting abortions, and don't you dare tell them differently.

26 Inf
09-15-15, 18:45
I'm old enough to remember when "Birth Control " pills were rather new and very controversial, back in the late 60 to early 70's there were more than a few couples in their late 40's and early 50's with "change of life babies" and more than a few of these children were "special needs". Your wife goes in to menopause, your first two kids are in college and what don't you know, you're 53 and going to be a Father again.
The really scary part is that there are some pretty good chances that pregnancy is going to be risky and so are the chances that the baby will be born with some serious complications.
I'm not trying to hand out a hall pass to anyone, but some of life's choices and circumstances can try your soul.

I understand what you are saying, but that is the past, not the present. In today's world, there is little or no reason for abortion strictly for birth control. Men can get clipped, women can use anything from shots, to IUD's, to birth control pills, to have safe sex with out the danger of an unwanted pregnancy.

There is a single-parent family in my community that has three children with a myriad of disabilities ranging from severe vision impairment to diabetes and kidney failure. These are the results of a genetic disorder, which, I'm told was identified after the first child was born.

When I first heard of this I remarked to my wife 'Why the hell do you have another kid when you know this is a distinct possibility? And after kid number two, why do you have kid number three? (please spare the free-stuff-state comments) My very, very, pro-life wife said, 'I don't know, why don't you ask the youngest one what he thinks?' Ouch. Touche.

09-15-15, 18:52
My very, very, pro-life wife said, 'I don't know, why don't you ask the youngest one what he thinks?' Ouch. Touche.


Most girls I've dated support post-birth abortion.

Me: "I'm so glad there have been 57 million abortions of Democrats since the 70s. What about you babe?"
Hottie with a body: "Ugh, why does everything have to be about politics with you? I'm glad that women have freedom to choose."
Me: "Do the women babies get to choose to live?"
Hottie with a body: "You mean the clump of cells wreaking havoc on a real woman's body? No. They don't."
Me: "Come over here and get on your knees"
Hottie with a body: "alrigghhhttt"

One day I'm going to record a typical convo with these types and post it up here. Maybe I'll do that tonight. I'm bored.

Edit: On second thought, I'm not sure the mods would allow it...

26 Inf
09-15-15, 18:56
It truly is a tricky topic with no clear correct answer, and not every situation is the same. I am blessed with people I personally know that brag about getting abortions, and don't you dare tell them differently.

That is an understatement. Of course, if they truly believe that their actions were correct, then you won't convince them otherwise, and they'll resent you; if at some level they believe they are wrong, they aren't likely to admit it, and will vehemently defend their choice, or, at the least resent you for telling them of their error.

Hard to win, hard to know what to do.

09-15-15, 18:59
I understand what you are saying, but that is the past, not the present. In today's world, there is little or no reason for abortion strictly for birth control. Men can get clipped, women can use anything from shots, to IUD's, to birth control pills, to have safe sex with out the danger of an unwanted pregnancy.

I dunno buddy, you might want to have this conversation with your wife, Women's bodies do some strange stuff during menopause. No period for six months, then She has a period, after about month three and after seeing a Doctor she will probably go off birth control.
Strange stuff man, very strange stuff.

26 Inf
09-15-15, 19:02

Sometimes, after all the years, I have to remind myself what a catch I made.

26 Inf
09-15-15, 19:20
I dunno buddy, you might want to have this conversation with your wife, Women's bodies do some strange stuff during menopause. No period for six months, then She has a period, after about month three and after seeing a Doctor she will probably go off birth control.
Strange stuff man, very strange stuff.

BTDT with wife #2. LOL. I may have posted this earlier: I got clipped in the early 80's after two kids. I read a couple articles that said the danger of deep vein thrombosis was 3-4 times greater in women who took oral contraceptives. Very small percentages, but dang, no bad things recorded for the old snip and clip, and at the time I really, really, liked wife #1. For me the choice was easy.

09-15-15, 21:03
LOL... like a punishment?

Are you for real?

Interesting that you would take that as a punishment or read punishment into it.

You do realize being aroused and having sex is how people procreate, right? The Darwin angle is that without that drive, a species doesn't exist for very long. Beyond, Blue Lagoon, most people realize that sex can lead to pregnancy. Our genes put pressure on us to procreate, make it fun to do and it leads to babies.

The large part of the abortion argument seems to think things start after the woman is pregnant- devoid of any discussion about why she's pregnant. You have sex, everyone knows that it can lead to a baby- don't be surprised that it leads to a baby and killing it isn't a choice. Having sex with out considering the repercussions on not just a child, but YOUR child.

You have sex, you can get pregnant. Not wanting to be pregnant doesn't give you the right to kill the baby- you cast your lot when you had sex. People try to shirk their responsibilities all the time, doesn't make it right.

09-15-15, 21:36
I'll believe people are serious about ending abortion when they start petitioning to make condoms available in school bathrooms free of charge, when girls can walk into the school nurse's office and be given an oral contraceptive, when they demand that IUDs be covered by health insurance or otherwise available for those who can least afford to pay for them, and admit that abstinence based sexual education is working as well as abstinence based firearms education.

26 Inf
09-15-15, 21:56
I'll believe people are serious about ending abortion when they start petitioning to make condoms available in school bathrooms free of charge, when girls can walk into the school nurse's office and be given an oral contraceptive, when they demand that IUDs be covered by health insurance or otherwise available for those who can least afford to pay for them, and admit that abstinence based sexual education is working as well as abstinence based firearms education.

You are talking two extremes - abstinence based education and active encouragement. I'm okay with teaching the biology involved - including the all important 'why pull it out doesn't work' - but coaching on how to have a good sexual relationship doesn't belong in secondary schools.

I do belief that at least condoms ought to be available free of charge at public health offices and health departments. They are readily available either on the shelf or on the wall displays at every convenience store I frequent. Back in the day you had to go face to face with the pharmacist and ask for your Trojans - 'Y e a h, I n e e d a B a b y R u t h, a S n i c k e r s, a b o t t l e o f c i n n a m o n o i l, andapackofTrojansplease.'

During my Senior year in high school two girls I knew got pregnant. Both quit school when they started showing and got married, their boyfriends completed school - key words - got married.

Today our local high school has a daycare for student babies, and if not to capacity, teacher/staff members children. The girl has the kid, most of the time the couple breaks up, and the guy starts dating another chick.

Responsibility - so rare it should be a super power.

09-16-15, 10:13
Interesting that you would take that as a punishment or read punishment into it.

You do realize being aroused and having sex is how people procreate, right?

Not me... or not for right now.

Most sex being had in the world is for pleasure, not procreation... and there is no "penalty" or "punishment" for it. Post fertilization, there is the morning after pill and there are also 20 weeks to decide to terminate or not.

It's interesting that so many anti-choice activists are sexually undesirable or seemingly have unhealthy sex lives. Is it just to get back at people who are going to all the parties, having all the sex, and enjoying their lives?

I also wonder how many of them owe their own existence to punishment birth, or who were otherwise unwanted. It's sad.

Having sex with out considering the repercussions on not just a child, but YOUR child.

It's only a child if you choose to bring it into the world.

A clump of cells adhered to the uterine wall has no public personality.

Both quit school when they started showing and got married, their boyfriends completed school - key words - got married.

Are you saying that's a good thing??

It's a second order effect of a tragedy that could be averted with a simple outpatient procedure. Now you have an unwanted kid... with an uneducated mother... and a father that's going to be strapped with financial obligations that are simply unable to be addressed by an 18 year old with a HS diploma.

That sounds to me like a situation that should happen as seldom as possible in a society.

This is the main reason why Abortion is not even controversial anymore. The alternatives are non-viable.

09-16-15, 11:33
I'll believe people are serious about ending abortion when they start petitioning to make condoms available in school bathrooms free of charge, when girls can walk into the school nurse's office and be given an oral contraceptive, when they demand that IUDs be covered by health insurance or otherwise available for those who can least afford to pay for them, and admit that abstinence based sexual education is working as well as abstinence based firearms education.

You have to be pulling our chains. How expensive are condoms and have you ever heard of the "free clinic?"
You always bring up abstinence based education like every pro-lifer thinks that works.

09-16-15, 11:58
Most sex being had in the world is for pleasure, not procreation... and there is no "penalty" or "punishment" for it. Post fertilization, there is the morning after pill and there are also 20 weeks to decide to terminate or not.

It's not so much a "penalty" or "punishment" as it is a CONSEQUENCE. If you are irresponsible (i.e. stupid) and catch case of the HIV or gonorrhoea, well that is on you. Pregnancy is another result of sexual intercourse, there is a lot of methods to prevent this.

It's interesting that so many anti-choice activists are sexually undesirable or seemingly have unhealthy sex lives. Is it just to get back at people who are going to all the parties, having all the sex, and enjoying their lives?

It's interesting that pro-murder activists make such asinine claims against those who oppose their malign beliefs.

It's only a child if you choose to bring it into the world.

A clump of cells adhered to the uterine wall has no public personality.

So it's "public personality" that defines what it is to be human. Cool, I know of more than a few "public personalities" that could stand to be aborted. See I believe abortion should be good to go no matter how old you are. It's never too late . . .

This is the main reason why Abortion is not even controversial anymore.

Death cults, child sacrifice, and or infanticide will ALWAYS be controversial.

09-16-15, 12:26
It's not so much a "penalty" or "punishment" as it is a CONSEQUENCE. If you are irresponsible (i.e. stupid) and catch case of the HIV or gonorrhoea, well that is on you. Pregnancy is another result of sexual intercourse, there is a lot of methods to prevent this.

Honest question- if a cure for AIDS was available, would you withhold it from infected people so they could "learn their lesson?"

Does that also fall under punishment... or, ummm... what I guess you call "stupidity consequences?"

Is this really just about punishing evil fornicators?

09-16-15, 13:55
Not me... or not for right now.

Most sex being had in the world is for pleasure, not procreation... and there is no "penalty" or "punishment" for it. Post fertilization, there is the morning after pill and there are also 20 weeks to decide to terminate or not.

It's interesting that so many anti-choice activists are sexually undesirable or seemingly have unhealthy sex lives. Is it just to get back at people who are going to all the parties, having all the sex, and enjoying their lives?

I also wonder how many of them owe their own existence to punishment birth, or who were otherwise unwanted. It's sad.

Having a child is a blessing, not a punishment. Undesirable? Unhealthy sex lives? What an unconvincing argument!

It's only a child if you choose to bring it into the world.

A clump of cells adhered to the uterine wall has no public personality.

At conception, life begins, with DNA distinct from the parents, regardless of the parents' intentions.

Are you saying that's a good thing??

It's a second order effect of a tragedy that could be averted with a simple outpatient procedure. Now you have an unwanted kid... with an uneducated mother... and a father that's going to be strapped with financial obligations that are simply unable to be addressed by an 18 year old with a HS diploma.

That sounds to me like a situation that should happen as seldom as possible in a society.

This is the main reason why Abortion is not even controversial anymore. The alternatives are non-viable.

The tragedy is that our society is so depraved that millions of children were unwanted, and as a consequence murdered. For many, there is more to life than satisfying the self. You, too, may see the light as you mature.

09-16-15, 14:10
Honest question- if a cure for AIDS was available, would you withhold it from infected people so they could "learn their lesson?"

Well I think AIDS was created in a lab for population control. I know, I know . . . tin foil hat and all that. And I'm sure there are cures for various cancers too but Big Pharma has doth declared there is no money in healthy people. As for your question, it's called Darwinism. Natural selection isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Why be so worried about saving people with AIDS but be so willing to kill people who still happen to be in the womb. Where is the logic in that?

Does that also fall under punishment... or, ummm... what I guess you call "stupidity consequences?"

"Stupidity consequences" = the COLD HARD REALITY FACTS OF LIFE.

Cause and effect.

Sir Isaac Newton put it this was in his Third Law; "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".

Is this really just about punishing evil fornicators?


It's about rather or not the murder of human beings and harvesting their organs on a assembly line should be "legal".