View Full Version : Kentucky State Trooper Killed

Singlestack Wonder
09-14-15, 05:32

A Kentucky State Police Trooper was fatally shot after a nine-mile pursuit late Sunday, sparking a manhunt.

Image: Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder
Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder. Kentucky State Police
Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder, 31, was killed after a driver fled from a traffic stop on Interstate 24 at 10:20 p.m. local time (11:20 p.m. ET).

"A pursuit ensued with the suspect stopping abruptly around the 49 mile marker, causing the front of Trooper Ponder's police cruiser to make contact with the rear of the suspect vehicle," Trooper First Class Jay Thomas said in a statement.

09-14-15, 10:39
The black man who shot the white police officer was killed.

KY State Police Photo

A man suspected of killing a Kentucky trooper was shot and killed by state police early Monday morning, police confirmed to FoxNews.com.


26 Inf
09-14-15, 10:39
RIP Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder. Prayers out to your family and friends.

IMHO we have to do a better job in EVO training teaching officers to manage distance and overtake speeds during pursuits.

09-14-15, 11:08
IMHO we have to do a better job in EVO training teaching officers to manage distance and overtake speeds during pursuits.

The 'problem' with that is such training would seem militaristic and 'unfair'.

If Trooper LeCroy had left homeboy in the wrecked out car, he'd be alive. More Troopers are dying now because aside from an oohrah academy they aren't being taught what they need to be taught. Having your boots and brace polished and your smokey hat is nice, but at this point I'd want the saltiest ghetto cop I could find before a 5 year or less trooper. It's a disservice to them and their families that they just put them out there for these creeps to waste.

09-14-15, 12:01
way more EVO training is always nice, however its always done in a controlled environment. well no pursuit is ever in a controlled environment. However that training always is one of the first to get cut, simply due to time and cost. Tearing up vehicles is pretty darn hard to budget for. I know for us we don't use beat up old cars, we perform our testing and EVO training in our daily patrol vehicles to help people learn how their own vehicle will respond and how hard it can be pushed. A officer/trooper/deputy can only control so much during a pursuit. Some days its just plain bad timing or luck no matter how hard you prepare.

RIP to the trooper and peace to his family .

09-14-15, 12:42
The murderer is found, when he didn't comply with the police order, he was shot and died later. Good riddance. I bet Kentucky won't be paying any money to the thug's relatives.

Rest in Peace trooper Ponder.

09-14-15, 18:08
RIP Trooper Ponder. Prayers out.

Fuk you Joseph Thomas Johnson-Shanks you POS!!

09-14-15, 19:12
RIP Trooper Ponder. Prayers to you and your family.

Hope Satan is ass raping your assailant as I type this.

09-14-15, 19:17
I'm glad homeboy is dead. If it ever came out that he was shot in a "look I washed for supper manner", it wouldn't bother me

Bubba FAL
09-14-15, 19:40
Knowing that part of KY, wouldn't surprise me if the takedown of the prep sounded something like, "bang, bang, bang, drop the gun, ya sumbitch". And you know what? I'm fine with that. Live like a thug, die like a thug. Condolences to the fallen Trooper's family.

09-14-15, 19:41
RIP Officer Ponder. Such a shame.

09-14-15, 21:28
Wonder how long before anyone officially recognizes the "war against law enforcement" that is currently being waged.

26 Inf
09-14-15, 21:28
The 'problem' with that is such training would seem militaristic and 'unfair'.

If Trooper LeCroy had left homeboy in the wrecked out car, he'd be alive. More Troopers are dying now because aside from an oohrah academy they aren't being taught what they need to be taught. Having your boots and brace polished and your smokey hat is nice, but at this point I'd want the saltiest ghetto cop I could find before a 5 year or less trooper. It's a disservice to them and their families that they just put them out there for these creeps to waste.

I don't know how teaching folks to stay 4 seconds behind the idiot, so they (the officer) can choose the appropriate line through corners, etc., and be easier on the patrol unit is 'militaristic' or 'unfair.'

And before anyone gets the idea I am dinging on Trooper Ponder, let me assure you, I am not. It would be surprising to me if he had any training in managing overtake.

Let's say the bad guy is going 90, you are pushing a 100 to catch him, as you close to within about two car lengths, because that is the normal human instinct, to grab this SOB that is fleeing, he slams on the brakes as hard as he can. Most folks agree that it takes about 1.5 seconds for you to see, perceive, react, and mechanically carry out that reaction, in this case slamming on the brakes.

So he is going roughly 135fps and you are going 146.666fps. Maximum braking deceleration is 32fps per second. So lets back out the time from his brake lights on until his vehicle starts slowing, lets call it .50 second. So by the time you observe the brake lights and react you have closed roughly 146.666 feet. That's about 8 car lengths. So if you were two seconds behind him (293ish feet at your speed - nearly goal line to goal line on a football field) you have 146.666ish feet to play with. But wait, he is now going 102 fps and you are still going 146.666ish fps. In that second the distance closed to 102 feet; next second he slowed to 70fps, you to 114fps, distance between cars is 58 feet; next second he going 38fps, you are going 82fps, distance between cars is now 14 feet; next second he has slowed to 6fps, you are still going 50fps, this is gonna hurt, your car has now struck his at about 40fps/26mph.

Even with vehicles at the same speed - at 2 seconds following distance you are going to rear end the guy unless you steer around him, and in a pursuit, how tactical is that? Prove it - get on a divided highway at a time when it isn't busy, your car in the outside lane, cruise set a 60 (90fps), have the other car following in the inside lane, about a football field behind, his cruise set at 62ish so he slowly eats up the distance. You need a passenger with a laser range finder, when the following car gets to 180 feet, hammer the brakes, see where he stops at - it won't be behind you, and remember he knew what you were going to do.

Very few EVOC programs expose officers to this kind of stuff and it gets officers hurt.

09-14-15, 21:50
At that point you're not chasing. You're pursuing and hopefully getting spike strips set up. This is policing, not NASCAR.

The suspect vehicle will always determine outcome.

I was referring to reverting to more aggressive modes of vehicle incapacitation. Spike strips, 10 gauge slugs to engine blocks, and a solid T bone if they are getting too crazy.

These mopes KNOW what the police will do. They know they can fake a stop and they know that officer has to show Due Regard.

The way I figure it, a guy recklessly endagering others with his vehicle can cause death and dismemberment with his car. It's not a speeding stop at that point. It's a stop the threat situation. If that means powerlining or so forth, oh well.

That's what mean. Been there, done that. Got a contusion and a broke arm for my trouble. EVOC is to teach you defensive driving on steroids. What they NEED to teach is high risk vehicle take downs. Big difference. Friends, Radios, Guns. That is what is important.

Not drag ratios or distance gaps. Because then you're on HIS rules. Funk dat.

If he is non-compliant and life endangeringly reckless then you do what you can until you get him immobilized at a distance.

Too many people have been killed, crippled, hurt, etc trying this "keep up" BS.


26 Inf
09-14-15, 23:24
You are absolutely correct. I know absolutely nothing about what I speak. Sorry.

09-15-15, 01:02
Wonder how long before anyone officially recognizes the "war against law enforcement" that is currently being waged.

Probably right after "the war on the middle-class" and "the war on European-American heterosexual males" are officially recognized.

Hey you guys hit me up on Twitter with the # so I know where we're all meeting up to riot over this latest LEO murder. Oh wait . . .

09-15-15, 06:07

The Facebook page of Joseph Thompson Johnson-Shanks — the man who killed a Kentucky State Trooper Sunday night — shows that he was an Obama & Black Lives Matter supporter who attended Mike Brown’s funeral.
Johnson-Shanks ’s Facebook page is posted under the name Jay MileHigh and the header image features pictures of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X and Mike Brown. A previous cover photo was a photo of Pres. Obama depicting him as Superman.

I'm not sure where these folks are living, but this mindset is destructive and as of yet our POTUS refuses to address the issue.
If Black Lives really Matter, I think getting out there and calling this for what it is and asking people to curb the hate rhetoric might be helpful.

09-15-15, 10:19

The Facebook page of Joseph Thompson Johnson-Shanks — the man who killed a Kentucky State Trooper Sunday night — shows that he was an Obama & Black Lives Matter supporter who attended Mike Brown’s funeral.
Johnson-Shanks ’s Facebook page is posted under the name Jay MileHigh and the header image features pictures of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X and Mike Brown. A previous cover photo was a photo of Pres. Obama depicting him as Superman.

I'm not sure where these folks are living, but this mindset is destructive and as of yet our POTUS refuses to address the issue.
If Black Lives really Matter, I think getting out there and calling this for what it is and asking people to curb the hate rhetoric might be helpful.

I had never heard of Flourissant, MO before this turd floated up, but I correctly guessed it was somewhere on the North side of St. Louis before I Googled it. :(

09-15-15, 10:21

The Facebook page of Joseph Thompson Johnson-Shanks — the man who killed a Kentucky State Trooper Sunday night — shows that he was an Obama & Black Lives Matter supporter who attended Mike Brown’s funeral.
Johnson-Shanks ’s Facebook page is posted under the name Jay MileHigh and the header image features pictures of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X and Mike Brown. A previous cover photo was a photo of Pres. Obama depicting him as Superman.

All merely a coincidence my good man, nothing to see here this was just a radon traffic stop that went wrong.

I'm not sure where these folks are living, but this mindset is destructive and as of yet our POTUS refuses to address the issue.
If Black Lives really Matter, I think getting out there and calling this for what it is and asking people to curb the hate rhetoric might be helpful.

Considering he is the one who has been fanning the flames of The War on LEOs since "beergate" you'll have a better chance at seeing global warming proven as science fact than the Community Organizer in Chief ever coming out and taking such a stance.

09-19-15, 20:25