View Full Version : Bugging Out Video: California Wildfires

Outlander Systems
09-14-15, 09:35



Video is absolutely wild. Dude is getting his Dante on.


09-14-15, 09:49
I think they just about waited tooo long to leave.

09-14-15, 09:53
Video is absolutely wild. Dude is getting his Dante on.

He is, but WTF is wrong with people? It wouldn't even occur to me under such circumstances to whip out my phone and film it. I won't comment on why he waited so long, but one burning tree across his escape route and he'd be done for likely. Getting it on vid for YT would be below zero on my priority lists. It's literally this:


Outlander Systems
09-14-15, 10:27
He is, but WTF is wrong with people? It wouldn't even occur to me under such circumstances to whip out my phone and film it. I won't comment on why he waited so long, but one burning tree across his escape route and he'd be done for likely. Getting it on vid for YT would be below zero on my priority lists. It's literally this:


That picture is awesome!!!!

09-14-15, 11:32
I just went by this area yesterday. The smoke is incredible. The devastation is unimaginable.

This cat is a complete assclown for the selfie tomfoolerery. However, without knowing this particular individual's situation, there were quite a few folks who were getting prepared to leave (voluntary evac) when the fire created its own weather and associated windstorm and the fire literally exploded beyond lines and accelerated through the town and had little warning.

So beyond the whole civil unrest SHTF... this was a real SHTF that folks rarely prepare for.

09-14-15, 11:34
He is, but WTF is wrong with people? It wouldn't even occur to me under such circumstances to whip out my phone and film it. I won't comment on why he waited so long, but one burning tree across his escape route and he'd be done for likely. Getting it on vid for YT would be below zero on my priority lists. It's literally this:

I'd like to nominate Will Brink for post of the day. Can I get a second?

09-14-15, 12:10
I'd like to nominate Will Brink for post of the day. Can I get a second?

Just sayin'. A few weeks ago we broke a bunch of records for rainfall in a short time and had some big hail (large enough to crack one of my solar panels and dent cars) and cars were stalled all over the place, power out, trees down, bad flooding in spots, etc. Not even a fraction as dangerous as that vid yet I had to keep my whits and focus and not an atom in my body thought "pull out the cell phone and video this!" while I was driving in it to get home.

09-14-15, 13:47
He is, but WTF is wrong with people? It wouldn't even occur to me under such circumstances to whip out my phone and film it. I won't comment on why he waited so long, but one burning tree across his escape route and he'd be done for likely. Getting it on vid for YT would be below zero on my priority lists. It's literally this:


Get what you are saying. Perhaps there were other motives, maybe he wanted a "last record" if he didn't make it" so people would know what happened to him. And of course not everybody thinks logically under such circumstances and they can have strange priorities.

09-14-15, 13:49
Just sayin'. A few weeks ago we broke a bunch of records for rainfall in a short time and had some big hail (large enough to crack one of my solar panels and dent cars) and cars were stalled all over the place, power out, trees down, bad flooding in spots, etc. Not even a fraction as dangerous as that vid yet I had to keep my whits and focus and not an atom in my body thought "pull out the cell phone and video this!" while I was driving in it to get home.

Some people train their body, you have also trained your mind. People who don't know what to do, just start doing "something" even if it's of no value or stupid.

09-14-15, 15:06
Get what you are saying. Perhaps there were other motives, maybe he wanted a "last record" if he didn't make it" so people would know what happened to him. And of course not everybody thinks logically under such circumstances and they can have strange priorities.

You could be right, but likelihood of it not being last record is to focus on getting the hell out of there and 100% focus on that goal. You can even see him panning the phone to get "better" shots as he drives!

09-14-15, 16:14
You could be right, but likelihood of it not being last record is to focus on getting the hell out of there and 100% focus on that goal. You can even see him panning the phone to get "better" shots as he drives!

Just so we are clear. If I was betting my money, I'd bet on you being right and this guy running extra risk so he can film it for youtube. Also I'm not tech enough to know if he was holding his phone or possibly had it attached to him so when he looked left the camera went left.

But in the back of my mind, if it was me and I had something that would record and auto upload to the internet and more importantly could be quickly set up, I might do that so people don't have to wonder what became of me if I didn't make it. Assuming you didn't record some graphic demise, it could bring those you leave behind some level of comfort. Of course then you have to spend your last moments being calm and delivering messages to loved ones and not letting on that you are terrified and / or in pain. That would suck a little.

09-14-15, 16:26
*Disclaimer: I have done ZERO research into this video and the specific situation*

Back when I was single, I could much more easily justify taking such extraneous/unnecessary risks. Now, with a family and lives depending on me, no way in hell.

If the videographer was on their own, then it's their 1*. But if there were other lives in that vehicle depending on them to get everyone out, then a great diservice was done.

09-14-15, 16:39
I'm convinced some folks would video their own murder, their dying wish... "get this up on YouTube..."

He is, but WTF is wrong with people? It wouldn't even occur to me under such circumstances to whip out my phone and film it. I won't comment on why he waited so long, but one burning tree across his escape route and he'd be done for likely. Getting it on vid for YT would be below zero on my priority lists. It's literally this: