View Full Version : Lady cited for 51mph in 20mph school zone: " No wonder you people always get shot"

09-15-15, 08:11


That's what one woman said when she was pulled over for going 51 mph in a 20 mph school zone, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

31 over in a school zone should be reckless driving. LEO showed amazing restraint.

09-15-15, 08:16
I'm not sure how he restrained himself from choking her until She peed herself.

09-15-15, 08:23

31 over in a school zone should be reckless driving. LEO showed amazing restraint.

Restraint from doing what? The officer cited her for speeding. No other crime had been committed. No smart, mature officer will engage someone for simply exercising their 1A Right; it's a waste of the officer's time, and detrimental to public safety, to engage every fool out there.

09-15-15, 08:27
"I'm not sure how he refrained..."

Are you referring to that particular officer or God?...

09-15-15, 08:35
Restraint from doing what?

Punching her in the throat? Dragging her out of the car and kicking her teeth in?
My beef with this lady isn't that she is anti-LEO. It's that she's one of those ****ing people who thinks she can do whatever she wants.

The officer cited her for speeding. No other crime had been committed.

Case law in FL says 30mph+ is careless, or even reckless, driving. There was a famous NFL player or someone who got pulled over by FHP a while back and was cited with reckless driving and arrested for doing 30+ on the interstate (i.e. not in a school zone. Case was later dismissed due to the high profile nature of the arrested guy and he told the media he was going to his "mom's hospital room")

Cop could have easily articulated that given that she was doing so in a school zone.

JBecker 72
09-15-15, 08:44
Any moving violation in a school zone during school hours should be treated more severe. Same goes for passing school busses illegally. Just my opinion.

And anything 20+ over the posted limit is reckless here in VA. But from what I understand we are one of the most strict states in the country when it comes to traffic laws.

Oh, and what a C*nt.

09-15-15, 08:45
Punching her in the throat? Dragging her out of the car and kicking her teeth in?
My beef with this lady isn't that she is anti-LEO. It's that she's one of those ****ing people who thinks she can do whatever she wants.

And the cop would have been in the wrong and gone to jail... Rest assured the lady will get what's coming to her, sooner or later.

Case law in FL says 30mph+ is careless, or even reckless, driving. There was a famous NFL player or someone who got pulled over by FHP a while back and was cited with reckless driving and arrested for doing 30+ on the interstate (i.e. not in a school zone. Case was later dismissed due to the high profile nature of the arrested guy and he told the media he was going to his "mom's hospital room")

Cop could have easily articulated that given that she was doing so in a school zone.

LEOs exercise discretion. An officer may cite someone for the actual offense committed, or for a lesser offense. Did she deserve a reckless for 51 in a 20 school zone? Yes.

09-15-15, 09:21
Do you guys watch the full version of that video?

That lady, just wow. South Florida sense of entitlement at its finest....

09-15-15, 09:35
And the cop would have been in the wrong and gone to jail... Rest assured the lady will get what's coming to her, sooner or later.

LEOs exercise discretion. An officer may cite someone for the actual offense committed, or for a lesser offense. Did she deserve a reckless for 51 in a 20 school zone? Yes.

Scratch that. Arrest the bitch, impound the vehicle, and tack on disorderly conduct charges.

09-15-15, 09:38
When I was in 2nd grade I was hit by a car getting on the bus, had the stop sign out and lights flashing. My cousin and I were getting ready to cross the road and luckily he saw a lady (speeding which she admitted 45 in a 20mph school zone) run the stop sign the bus had out and he grabbed my shoulder and yelled. The car bumper hit my right leg, knocked me flying and tumbling like a rag doll. If he wouldn't have grabbed me I probably would have been all the way in front of the car and been toast.

That being said I absolutely agree much harsher punishment is in order going that fast in school zones. Simply no excuse for it.

When my Mom got there I thought she was going to kill the b*tch.

09-15-15, 09:43
"No wonder you people get shot"

What sort of deranged BS statement is that?

Such a horrible assertion goes beyond having a sense of entitlement.

What a monster!

09-15-15, 09:49
This is nothing new. I had people make statements like that to me during traffic stops back in the 1980's.

The difference between then and now is that the Presidents, Democrat and Republican, felt it was unacceptable behavior.

JBecker 72
09-15-15, 09:52
Do you guys watch the full version of that video?

That lady, just wow. Florida at its finest....


09-15-15, 09:57
Do you guys watch the full version of that video?

That lady, just wow. South Florida sense of entitlement at its finest....

Not remotely limited to south Florida. A general sense of entitlement is national and a large part of our current problems in the US.

09-15-15, 10:01
Scratch that. Arrest the bitch, impound the vehicle, and tack on disorderly conduct charges.

My first thought was that she was high or drunk. I'm not a fan of someone getting hauled in for being mouthy, but it makes me wonder why she is being so lippy. That ain't normal.

Ask, "Do you want to shoot me?", and go from there.

09-15-15, 10:06
LEOs exercise discretion. An officer may cite someone for the actual offense committed, or for a lesser offense. Did she deserve a reckless for 51 in a 20 school zone? Yes.

Officer discretion comes in play when you factor in the totality of the circumstances and the level of contrition displayed by the offender. Let me explain my theory of officer discretion. You fail to seatbelt your child? You're getting a ticket. You speed in an active school zone with children present? You get a ticket. You do 31mph over in an active school zone and call me an a-hole for pulling you over? You're getting arrested for reckless endangerment, I tow your car and I make sure the judge sees your wanton disregard for public safety when you're forced to appear. You lose your license for 6 months and I walk away feeling good that I took a menace to society off the road.

My bright line is willfully endangering children. How's that for officer discretion? :cool:

09-15-15, 10:11
...Any moving violation in a school zone during school hours should be treated more severe. Same goes for passing school busses illegally. Just my opinion.
One of the penalties in my neck of the woods for stupid shit like that, Is or was spending a couple of days riding on a School bus with the kids you almost ran over..

Nothing like like a little public humiliation by Children to make the offender see the error of their ways & feel like an ass..

09-15-15, 10:39
"You people . . ."

YOU PEOPLE?!?!? What a ****ing racist! :jester:

Reminds me of an incident that occurred in the city I use to work for. One of our SROs attempted to pull over a female driver of the same demeanor as the one linked above who was speeding through a school zone. She took off thinking she was Burt Reynolds in a screaming chicken. A pursuit ensued and when she turned down a side street she decided to veer her speeding leased luxury sedan right at one of our guys on the side of the road helping several motorists out with a minor accident. He pulled his sidearm and emptied the mag into her via the windshield. She was DRT and all over speeding in a school zone. He was no billed.

The "I didn't do nothing" song and dance has been played out. I swear, many drivers think they are the sun and the rest us just orbit around them.

09-15-15, 11:35
Restraint from doing what? The officer cited her for speeding. No other crime had been committed. No smart, mature officer will engage someone for simply exercising their 1A Right; it's a waste of the officer's time, and detrimental to public safety, to engage every fool out there.

As Euro and others also pointed out, in many states speeding beyond a certain point is "reckless driving" with more severe penalties. 51 in a 20 is awfully far over the limit. But...

Any moving violation in a school zone during school hours should be treated more severe. Same goes for passing school busses illegally. Just my opinion.
And anything 20+ over the posted limit is reckless here in VA. But from what I understand we are one of the most strict states in the country when it comes to traffic laws.

In my state school zones are 25mph and have to be fairly clearly signed. I think even 25 is pretty slow but it's tolerable. I've seen school zones elsewhere posted at 15 and I think even 10, and that's just ridiculous. I can barely keep my car idling at 10 without riding the brakes. I remember some Dallas suburbs where roads normally at 40 or 45mph had school speed limits of 15, which is absurd. There are some places where all common sense seems to have been abandoned, or maybe they just want speeding ticket revenue.

I've driven through places where I could have been going 40+ in a "15" school zone if I hadn't been paying close attention, and outside of school hours it would have been legal. I don't think that makes sense either.

I'm not defending this crazy lady or her dumb comment.

09-15-15, 11:56
Kids Lives Matter

09-15-15, 11:57
Restraint from doing what? The officer cited her for speeding. No other crime had been committed. No smart, mature officer will engage someone for simply exercising their 1A Right; it's a waste of the officer's time, and detrimental to public safety, to engage every fool out there.
Exactly. What takes restraint by the common person is what is exercised daily and hourly by those in public safety. I WISH this kind of verbal abuse and disrespect was limited to the police officers on beat but it is not. (It is shared by all in the chain of first responding).

Fact is, the general public is composed of jerks. Don't know if they're getting worse, but they sure are rough now.

This is nothing new. I had people make statements like that to me during traffic stops back in the 1980's.

The difference between then and now is that the Presidents, Democrat and Republican, felt it was unacceptable behavior.
I was suspecting as much. Thanks for the confirmation.

Not remotely limited to south Florida. A general sense of entitlement is national and a large part of our current problems in the US.
Agreed, not limitedto SFL. This kind of attitude is EVERYWHERE.

09-15-15, 12:59
Typical modern hypocritical entitlement.
This same bitch, if/when she has kids, would flip her shit and demand the death penalty for someone caught doing 51mph in her child's school's 20mph school zone.
I see people like this all the time, and know some of them. They are outraged over "greedy executives" who need to "give to the poor". But they themselves rake in $120K+ per year working cushy jobs in government and various "non-profits", and don't see them feeding any homeless.

09-15-15, 13:17

How's that for officer discretion?


09-15-15, 13:19
Typical modern hypocritical entitlement.
This same bitch, if/when she has kids, would flip her shit and demand the death penalty for someone caught doing 51mph in her child's school's 20mph school zone.
I see people like this all the time, and know some of them. They are outraged over "greedy executives" who need to "give to the poor". But they themselves rake in $120K+ per year working cushy jobs in government and various "non-profits", and don't see them feeding any homeless.

The woman is 62 years old.

09-15-15, 13:39
My first thought was that she was high or drunk. I'm not a fan of someone getting hauled in for being mouthy, but it makes me wonder why she is being so lippy. That ain't normal.

Ask, "Do you want to shoot me?", and go from there.

I think the officer handled that very well. He saved himself time and aggravation by walking away. He was the better person.

JBecker 72
09-15-15, 13:48
In my state school zones are 25mph and have to be fairly clearly signed. I think even 25 is pretty slow but it's tolerable. I've seen school zones elsewhere posted at 15 and I think even 10, and that's just ridiculous. I can barely keep my car idling at 10 without riding the brakes. I remember some Dallas suburbs where roads normally at 40 or 45mph had school speed limits of 15, which is absurd. There are some places where all common sense seems to have been abandoned, or maybe they just want speeding ticket revenue.

I've driven through places where I could have been going 40+ in a "15" school zone if I hadn't been paying close attention, and outside of school hours it would have been legal. I don't think that makes sense either.

I'm not defending this crazy lady or her dumb comment.

We have plenty of school zones that are either 25 or 35 normally, and 15 when the sign is flashing. I don't have a problem with it either. Kids are unpredictable and make stupid decisions around roads, and speed really is bad when a pedestrian is envolved. So in this case I'm perfectly fine with stiffer penalties. Here it's an extra $250 fine tacked on to a moving violation in a school zone.

09-15-15, 13:51
Over the last few years we've also created laws prohibiting hand held use of cell phones in school zones during school hours. I have no problem with this or speed limits during school hours.

JBecker 72
09-15-15, 13:55
Over the last few years we've also created laws prohibiting hand held use of cell phones in school zones during school hours. I have no problem with this or speed limits during school hours.

Can you text and drive there outside a school zone? VA held out pretty long on the texting while driving law. It's still legal to hold the phone to your ear and drive though.

09-15-15, 14:05
Can you text and drive there outside a school zone? VA held out pretty long on the texting while driving law. It's still legal to hold the phone to your ear and drive though.

Back in March legislation was introduced to ban texting state wide while operating a motor vehicle. IIRC currently it's only banned in school zones during posted days/times.

09-15-15, 14:13
Some states double fines in school and construction zones and rightly so. That driver is beyond a bitch she is a F**King C**T.

09-15-15, 14:27
The woman is 62 years old.

I has a 62 year old man crash through four security gates before he was finally stopped on the active runway of a Category I airport earlier this year. He was completely tweaked out on meth. Long story short, a 62 year old will kill you just as graveyard dead as a 26 year old. Age does not necessarily equal wisdom and I have no respect for a person based solely on the fact they've forced society to put up with their crap for a longer period of time! :nono:

09-15-15, 14:30
I'm fine with speed zones for public school, but not for religious schools. I think we should pull those zones and run the stats at the end of the year to see whose God protects children better. ;)

09-15-15, 14:36
I has a 62 year old man crash through four security gates before he was finally stopped on the active runway of a Category I airport earlier this year. He was completely tweaked out on meth. Long story short, a 62 year old will kill you just as graveyard dead as a 26 year old. Age does not necessarily equal wisdom and I have no respect for a person based solely on the fact they've forced society to put up with their crap for a longer period of time! :nono:

No doubt. Just pointing out that this lady either has had kids, or never will.

09-15-15, 15:08
I'm going to guess typical Boca Bitch.

Their wants, needs and desires supersede those of anyone else or anything else.

09-15-15, 15:36
The most dangerous stretch of road between my house and work are the school zones.
Yes we have the speed limits and the no phone zones, but Parents and High School Students seem to lose their freaking minds trying to get, or get their kids to school.
I can assure you the lady in the original post is an exception, but Bat crap crazy seems to hover in a school zone.

09-16-15, 09:46
Caugh texting while driving ought to earn a 6 month suspension.

Caught doing it again - a 1 year suspension.

Caught a third time, should earn a 2 year stretch in prison and a lifetime loss of drivers license.

As you can tell, I'm pretty liberal about driving and texting...

09-16-15, 10:22
I would've just said "Be blessed".

Remember like in the Vietnam War dudes would say "Don't mean nothing" or "Sorry 'bout that".

That's what "Be blessed" means.

09-16-15, 13:05
I would've just said "Be blessed".

Remember like in the Vietnam War dudes would say "Don't mean nothing" or "Sorry 'bout that".

That's what "Be blessed" means.

Or . . . a warm Southern "Well bless your heart". :lol:

09-16-15, 13:13
I personally use "You're one of God's special little snowflakes, aren't you..." :)

09-16-15, 20:21
I'm not sure how he restrained himself from choking her until She peed herself.

And this is why I decided not to join the reserves when my friend became Sheriff here. I am not sure I could have that kind of restraint.

09-16-15, 20:41
Simply incredible. It is a wonder more of these people don't get shot. Indeed, it might just be good for society.

09-16-15, 20:47
I would've just said "Be blessed".

Remember like in the Vietnam War dudes would say "Don't mean nothing" or "Sorry 'bout that".

That's what "Be blessed" means.

I personally would have gone with "Ok, just call me if you are ever in trouble and need help."

09-16-15, 20:51
Caugh texting while driving ought to earn a 6 month suspension.

Caught doing it again - a 1 year suspension.

Caught a third time, should earn a 2 year stretch in prison and a lifetime loss of drivers license.

As you can tell, I'm pretty liberal about driving and texting...

Prison time...two years, so a felony no less for texting while driving. Are you out of your mind? You know people don't get prison time for stealing cars right?

09-16-15, 21:10
Prison time...two years, so a felony no less for texting while driving. Are you out of your mind? You know people don't get prison time for stealing cars right?

It's pretty much like DUI. People don't get other people killed stealing cars. They might get other people killed by their actions AFTER they have stolen a car, but that's another matter.

You are either watching the road, or watching your phone. If you aren't watching the road you have no business driving. If it's that damn important, PULL OVER and stop driving then send your text.

09-16-15, 22:19
I personally would have gone with "Ok, just call me if you are ever in trouble and need help."

Too wordy.
A proper acidBURN has to:

Be direct
Be sharp
Leave no room for riposte.

If you are all "yeah well just call me ic a crime happens". It shows you actually care. No. You dont. "Press hard 5 copies. Court date is on the ticket,clerk's number's on the back. Be Blessed'.

It basically puts her in the loudmouth bitch box and she knows it.
I always like the whole "go after real crooks".

Sir, I'm doing what I can, but meanwhile I have to deal with your severe driving error before I can resume my pending investigations.

Once you realize that they are just pissed doofuses, it's more comedy than anything .

If you want to cut a real shine just kinda shrug like "yeah, but whattya gonna do, eh?"

09-16-15, 22:31
Too wordy.
A proper acidBURN has to:

Be direct
Be sharp
Leave no room for riposte.

If you are all "yeah well just call me ic a crime happens". It shows you actually care. No. You dont. "Press hard 5 copies. Court date is on the ticket,clerk's number's on the back. Be Blessed'.

It basically puts her in the loudmouth bitch box and she knows it.
I always like the whole "go after real crooks".

Sir, I'm doing what I can, but meanwhile I have to deal with your severe driving error before I can resume my pending investigations.

Once you realize that they are just pissed doofuses, it's more comedy than anything .

If you want to cut a real shine just kinda shrug like "yeah, but whattya gonna do, eh?"

I think the best one "to date" was a LEO on TOS who was dealing with an upset cabbie of ME origin who was complaining about the cost of the ticket he just received and the LEO replied "Allah wills it."

Of course that was before the Islamic reformation on TOS.

09-16-15, 23:10
It's pretty much like DUI. People don't get other people killed stealing cars. They might get other people killed by their actions AFTER they have stolen a car, but that's another matter.

You are either watching the road, or watching your phone. If you aren't watching the road you have no business driving. If it's that damn important, PULL OVER and stop driving then send your text.

The very notion to sentence an otherwise law abiding citizen to two years of prison time for sending a text message while driving is obscene and reflects a severe lack of understanding of how the justice system works.

If you never ridden a motorcycle, I encourage you too just for reasons of people watching. The things people do in their cars. Its amazing how much more you can see from the riders seat is amazing. The whole notion that text messages are so inherently dangerous to driving is ridiculous. If you're not paying attention, you're not paying attention. Legislation isn't going to cure that. Case and point is the sheer amount of people you can witness doing things in their cars other than driving, and making it perfectly safe to their chosen destination.

09-17-15, 00:38
Whomever it was on TOS was treading a line. Never get specifically religious or use religion as a backhanded insult.
People do get reamed long and wide over that.

" Be Blessed" is different because it has no direct religious connotations. It's up there with "bless you" after a sneeze. What can they say? "I told that know it all smartass cop I hope he gets shot and he just said 'be blessed'". To any other third party the complainant sounds pussyhurt and possibly deserving of roadside taxation.

Bringing Allah, Jesus, or even Santa into it and it gets tricky.

A real Salt don't have to say nothing. Just a blank stare until they comply. No threats. No drill sergeant BS. Just an icy glare. It makes people self conscious.

There is a fine line between Jedi and Sith. Plus....past a certain point, you don't have to talk to anyone you dont want to.

Playing Snaps or doing the Dozens on the side of the road is like racing in the Special Olympics. Yeah you might win, but you'll still be retarded.

So, short sweet, hi bye, be blessed, have a better day, thanks for your time.

No drama, no viral video, just.....I dunno.....professionalism

09-17-15, 00:59
The very notion to sentence an otherwise law abiding citizen to two years of prison time for having some drinks while driving is obscene and reflects a severe lack of understanding of how the justice system works.

How about now?

I could care less that somebody texts or drinks. I care that doing it while driving gets tons of people killed. It's gross negligence.

If people texting was no more significant an issue than changing the radio station, I'd feel differently.


There was a time when putting somebody in jail for driving drunk would have been considered absurd and it was treated like a form of reckless driving. At worst you might get a "public intox" citation get a night in county to sleep it off. Laws weren't significantly enhanced and enforced until the late 1970s.

And yes, people do all kinds of additional stupid shit. And yes a lot of it is also dangerous and gets people killed. But right now texting is right up there with drinking as far as being an activity that contributes to the most deaths. And it isn't the person texting or drinking, I'm worried about...it's the people they kill with their carelessness.

Again...it's really, really, really simple. Put your damn phone down and watch the road and drive. The fact that some dipshit in another car is masturbating while he drives doesn't make texting comparatively safe or acceptable anymore than it makes drinking more permissible.

And if you have some kind of emergency, then PULL OVER to a stop and make your call, send your text, etc. If it isn't important enough to pull over, then it sure as hell isn't important enough to put everyone else at risk.

09-17-15, 01:00
Whomever it was on TOS was treading a line. Never get specifically religious or use religion as a backhanded insult.
People do get reamed long and wide over that.

" Be Blessed" is different because it has no direct religious connotations. It's up there with "bless you" after a sneeze. What can they say? "I told that know it all smartass cop I hope he gets shot and he just said 'be blessed'". To any other third party the complainant sounds pussyhurt and possibly deserving of roadside taxation.

Bringing Allah, Jesus, or even Santa into it and it gets tricky.

A real Salt don't have to say nothing. Just a blank stare until they comply. No threats. No drill sergeant BS. Just an icy glare. It makes people self conscious.

There is a fine line between Jedi and Sith. Plus....past a certain point, you don't have to talk to anyone you dont want to.

Playing Snaps or doing the Dozens on the side of the road is like racing in the Special Olympics. Yeah you might win, but you'll still be retarded.

So, short sweet, hi bye, be blessed, have a better day, thanks for your time.

No drama, no viral video, just.....I dunno.....professionalism

It was still funny.

09-17-15, 02:04
I must admit I laughed.

09-17-15, 12:58
The problem I have with the "don't text" crap is that it's bad but any other form of distracted driving is okay. I can call or surf the net, or read the newspaper or cover my windshield with a map and it's okay, but sending a text is jailtime? Bullshit.

I can drink and drive btw, just not be intoxicated.

Also you can text while watching the road. People just need to be responsible. With everything. Thats the problem, lack of responsibility, not text messeges. Taking a bite of a big Mac is okay, but not coming up to an intersection, as an example.

09-17-15, 13:34
I note his face is blocked but her license plate # is not. :dirol:

09-17-15, 13:57
The problem I have with the "don't text" crap is that it's bad but any other form of distracted driving is okay. I can call or surf the net, or read the newspaper or cover my windshield with a map and it's okay, but sending a text is jailtime? Bullshit.

I can drink and drive btw, just not be intoxicated.

Also you can text while watching the road. People just need to be responsible. With everything. Thats the problem, lack of responsibility, not text messeges. Taking a bite of a big Mac is okay, but not coming up to an intersection, as an example.

National Highway Safety Institute, various auto insurance groups, the CDC, etc. all have the data to show that automobile fatalities have sky rocketed since the rise in popularity of mobile devices. Anything can be a distraction. I've seen women putting on makeup with one hand and fixing their hair with the other while driving down the interstate at 70mph.

09-17-15, 15:25
Texting while driving is supremely dangerous.

Do people do other distracting things while driving"


Does that make texting while driving less dangerous?


If you do this, you're going to become a statistic, perhaps bringing others to the grave with you.

What do you mean I killed a car full of kids and their mother because I was texting?

Pish Posh, I could've just as well as have been reading the newspaper.


You people are so uptight!

09-17-15, 16:48
What a scumbag

09-17-15, 16:58
What a scumbag

One of various reasons I couldn't be LE and why I empathize with those that are.

09-17-15, 21:18
National Highway Safety Institute, various auto insurance groups, the CDC, etc. all have the data to show that automobile fatalities have sky rocketed since the rise in popularity of mobile devices. Anything can be a distraction. I've seen women putting on makeup with one hand and fixing their hair with the other while driving down the interstate at 70mph.


09-18-15, 01:15

09-18-15, 07:01
The closest I ever came to being killed on my motorcycle was by a Lady with a car load of kids in a minivan. I knew she didn't see me and just kept merging left in to my lane, I kept scooting over as I was blocked in on all sides.
When she got up along side me she had a burger in one hand her cell phone on her ear and driving, talking on the phone and yelling at kids.
Now if karma works the way it should she's got a yeast infection so bad that her uterus hit the eject button in Sunday School.

09-18-15, 08:34
How about now?

I could care less that somebody texts or drinks. I care that doing it while driving gets tons of people killed. It's gross negligence.

If people texting was no more significant an issue than changing the radio station, I'd feel differently.


There was a time when putting somebody in jail for driving drunk would have been considered absurd and it was treated like a form of reckless driving. At worst you might get a "public intox" citation get a night in county to sleep it off. Laws weren't significantly enhanced and enforced until the late 1970s.

And yes, people do all kinds of additional stupid shit. And yes a lot of it is also dangerous and gets people killed. But right now texting is right up there with drinking as far as being an activity that contributes to the most deaths. And it isn't the person texting or drinking, I'm worried about...it's the people they kill with their carelessness.

Again...it's really, really, really simple. Put your damn phone down and watch the road and drive. The fact that some dipshit in another car is masturbating while he drives doesn't make texting comparatively safe or acceptable anymore than it makes drinking more permissible.

And if you have some kind of emergency, then PULL OVER to a stop and make your call, send your text, etc. If it isn't important enough to pull over, then it sure as hell isn't important enough to put everyone else at risk.

Yep, my wife was rear ended very badly, while stopped at a light, by a teeny bopper who was texting and not paying attention. She had three 85 year old women in her vehicle with her at the time and we were lucky no-one was seriously injured.

09-18-15, 08:41
The closest I ever came to being killed on my motorcycle was by a Lady with a car load of kids in a minivan. I knew she didn't see me and just kept merging left in to my lane, I kept scooting over as I was blocked in on all sides.
When she got up along side me she had a burger in one hand her cell phone on her ear and driving, talking on the phone and yelling at kids.
Now if karma works the way it should she's got a yeast infection so bad that her uterus hit the eject button in Sunday School.