View Full Version : Paranoid much?

09-16-15, 02:09
This kid build a clock out of 7 segment displays and ended up getting arrested because it looked like a bomb. :confused:


09-16-15, 04:15
Is it possible that it really did look like a bomb and this is not some effort by racist white teachers to harass a brown kid?

09-16-15, 06:47
People watch too many movies and lack the ability to discriminate them from real life. A good movie bomb always needs a 7-segment display.

09-16-15, 06:59
Is it possible that it really did look like a bomb and this is not some effort by racist white teachers to harass a brown kid?

Let's not inject any objectivity into the discussion about the issue.

09-16-15, 10:47
Imagine the horror if this "clock" had been strapped to a partially eaten pop-tart...

09-16-15, 10:55
This is a better article:


My first instinct is to say, "Something doesn't add up here..." but it seems that it could be possible that they handcuffed the kid for bringing in his maker project.

The quotes are hilarious:

“We have no information that he claimed it was a bomb,” McLellan said. “He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation.”

Asked what broader explanation the boy could have given, the spokesman explained:

“It could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car. The concern was, what was this thing built for? Do we take him into custody?”

“He just wants to invent good things for mankind,” said Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, who immigrated from Sudan and occasionally returns there to run for president.

So the 14-year-old missed the student council meeting and took a trip in handcuffs to juvenile detention. His clock now sits in an evidence room. Police say they may yet charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.

26 Inf
09-16-15, 10:57
Quote Originally Posted by Sensei: Is it possible that it really did look like a bomb and this is not some effort by racist white teachers to harass a brown kid?

Let's not inject any objectivity into the discussion about the issue.

Indeed it may have, although it didn't have, as noted earlier, the required hundredths of a second display racing us toward oblivion.

I think objectivity left the building early in this investigation:

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: "Yup. That’s who I thought it was." YOU IN A HEAP O TROUBLE, BOY.

09-16-15, 11:04
They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: "Yup. That’s who I thought it was."[/I] YOU IN A HEAP O TROUBLE, BOY.

LOL... what is the broader explanation for Clock?

What exactly is the reason it was constructed?

Would I feel scared if I found a homemade electronic clock under my car? Why should I not feel the same fear if I encounter Clock, in, say... an engineering classroom... or a room adjacent to an engineering classroom??? Is my fear of Clock merely context based, and are fears of Clock justified?

Could Clock be used as a component of Bomb... if only coupled with Bomb?

We're halfway there to constructive possession, boys!!!

Get a cell ready in GITMO!

09-16-15, 11:13
Is it possible that it really did look like a bomb and this is not some effort by racist white teachers to harass a brown kid?

Well, It did look like a movie bomb according to the cop. LOL

I find this hilarious because of my experience with electronics. A clock would be simply a circuit board, with a few chips, wires, and 7 segment displays.

09-16-15, 11:15
“He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation.”

LOL, What is your reason for wanting to tell time? What are you waiting for?:jester:

09-16-15, 11:37
So this kid is smart enough to build a clock, yet not smart enough to have the foresight to know how it'd look to others in today's climate. WTF??

Of course the whole PC crowd has to jump on this.

To really show her support, I think Hillary should hold a national contest for Muslim kids to build a clock. The top 100 get to take a ride with her & Obama on Air Force One.
(Nope, they don't get to be inspected first, Hillary. After all, why should they be? They're just Muslim kids. When has there ever been a Muslim kid with a bomb?? )

09-16-15, 11:49
Quote Originally Posted by Sensei: Is it possible that it really did look like a bomb and this is not some effort by racist white teachers to harass a brown kid?

Indeed it may have, although it didn't have, as noted earlier, the required hundredths of a second display racing us toward oblivion.

I think objectivity left the building early in this investigation:

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: "Yup. That’s who I thought it was." YOU IN A HEAP O TROUBLE, BOY.

I call BS. The response from the school and the police directly contradict their actions. If you even remotely think something is an IED, you don't touch it, much less take possession of it. You evacuate the area and call the police. If the police think the item could be an IED, they're going to establish a safe perimeter, stand up an incident command post and let the bomb techs deal with it.

Did they do ANY of that? No. I'll bet the farm that the school and the PD responsible for the school have established SOP's for suspected dangerous devices. I'll bet they didn't follow their own SOP's. The kid told them it was a school project, never made a threat with it and didn't leave it unattended.

If I were this kid's lawyer, I'd eat them for lunch. :(

09-16-15, 11:54
I call BS. The response from the school and the police directly contradict their actions. If you even remotely think something is an IED, you don't touch it, much less take possession of it. You evacuate the area and call the police. If the police think the item could be an IED, they're going to establish a safe perimeter, stand up an incident command post and let the bomb techs deal with it.

Did they do ANY of that? No. I'll bet the farm that the school and the PD responsible for the school have established SOP's for suspected dangerous devices. I'll bet they didn't follow their own SOP's. The kid told them it was a school project, never made a threat with it and didn't leave it unattended.

If I were this kid's lawyer, I'd eat them for lunch. :(

My initial thought when the teacher retained the clock was, "WTF, why would you do that?". Then I remembered that they're teachers.

Remember, in schools, you can't even eat a pop tart into the shape of a gun without getting your ass into a sling.

09-16-15, 13:16
Either i missed it, or it wasn't mentioned... was it counting up or counting down, and was it displaying the current/correct time?

09-16-15, 13:25
.....I remember when schools had smoke pits, folks bummed cigarettes off of teachers (vice versa) and that's where you actually learned to respect people.

Now, ugh, I feel sorry for kids these days.

09-16-15, 13:30
Would I feel scared if I found a homemade electronic clock under my car?

Probably not scared that it was an IED as much as it was a .gov tracking device.



09-16-15, 14:38
Jeebus H. Effing Christ...


Seriously? SERIOUSLY???

We've got open season on cops out there and a dirtbag BLM/Obama supporter murdering a kind, helpful KY State Trooper. Does his family get a WH invite to show support? No. A kid gets incorrectly detained for building what is definitely overkill for a clock, and Obama IMMEDIATELY invites him to the WH?

I can't even wrap my mind around this crap anymore. :mad:

09-16-15, 14:45
Any wagers that the SS still inspect his contraption upon arrival?

09-16-15, 14:56
Jeebus H. Effing Christ...


Seriously? SERIOUSLY???

I don't know... I like it.

Maybe invite the cop and the teacher over too and turn it into a whole "stay in school" or "don't be stupid" kind of a thing...

ETA: Looks like Zuckerberg wants to meet him too...


09-16-15, 15:18
The funniest, saddest part is that the movies that featured "bombs" that look like this were all made and in theaters before this kid was born.

I agree with glocktogo's comments that the school and police actions are not compatible with any actual belief that this was dangerous in any way. More like the pop-tart handgun idiocy.

@Ryno, #1 kids don't have the same judgment as adults even if they are smart, and #2 I think it's idiotic that anyone would think this was dangerous. See my first comment about this sort of "bomb timer" being from movies that were played before the kid was born. He wouldn't have context. It would be like some kid seeing a scene in a movie where two clothed adults are in bed smoking and not understanding the implication (from standard tropes decades ago) that they had just had sex.

Edit: while I think the whole incident was stupid, I am questioning whether it was a deliberate set-up by the boy's family. Among other things, read this article:


09-16-15, 16:05
Jeebus H. Effing Christ...


Seriously? SERIOUSLY???

We've got open season on cops out there and a dirtbag BLM/Obama supporter murdering a kind, helpful KY State Trooper. Does his family get a WH invite to show support? No. A kid gets incorrectly detained for building what is definitely overkill for a clock, and Obama IMMEDIATELY invites him to the WH?

I can't even wrap my mind around this crap anymore. :mad:

Murdered white cops don't matter, duh! Did you not get the memo?

This is why the JBTs at the airport molest little kids in diapers or old white women in diapers. You cannot profile . . . it's RACIST!

09-16-15, 16:15
@Ryno, #1 kids don't have the same judgment as adults even if they are smart, and #2 I think it's idiotic that anyone would think this was dangerous. See my first comment about this sort of "bomb timer" being from movies that were played before the kid was born. He wouldn't have context. It would be like some kid seeing a scene in a movie where two clothed adults are in bed smoking and not understanding the implication (from standard tropes decades ago) that they had just had sex.

You're right, most kids don't have the judgement of adults, although my 4 year old daughter knows that she can't run around naked at school even though we've never told her she can't.
The kids dad at least should've had better judgement.

I think it's idiotic that people wouldn't think it's dangerous. Just like how kids can't bring fake guns to school. Teachers shouldn't be put in the position to have to differentiate between what is dangerous & what is not.
What if he had Play Doh holding the wires together? What if this happened on a plane that you & your family was on? (I can pretty much guarantee this would've grounded a plane.)

I agree that Poindexter shouldn't have been arrested but only AFTER it was determined to not be a legit bomb & he was just playing show & tell. The first teacher should've told the kid to yank the battery, and keep it in his locker. Then he should've called the principal to give him/her a "heads up" in case any of the faculty happens upon it.

This situation is pretty easy to Monday morning quarterback. It something doesn't go bang, what's the problem? If it did go bang, why didn't somebody do something to stop it?

No one's safety should ever be compromised for the sake of political correctness.

09-16-15, 16:30
The kids dad at least should've had better judgement.

I think it's idiotic that people wouldn't think it's dangerous.

I guess it's a matter of perspective, but only an idiot would think a clock is dangerous.

I dabble in the Maker community though, and have done a few simple Arduino projects involving breadboard and solder.

This is the project, BTW:


(real pee your pants stuff going on in there... reminds me of the time I took the back off the TV remote... LOL)

09-16-15, 16:34
It's similar to thinking an M4 magazine is a spree killing waiting-to-happen since "it has all the working components of a gun, minus the gun... and the ammunition."

But then I suppose that's an imperfect analogy, since an M4 magazine is a component of a weapon, and a clock is a tool used to tell time.

09-16-15, 16:37
I guess it's a matter of perspective, but only an idiot would think a clock is dangerous.

I dabble in the Maker community though, and have done a few simple Arduino projects involving breadboard and solder.

This is the project, BTW:


(real pee your pants stuff going on in there... reminds me of the time I took the back off the TV remote... LOL)

It's similar to thinking an M4 magazine is a spree killing waiting-to-happen since "it has all the working components of a gun, minus the gun... and the ammunition."

But then I suppose that's an imperfect analogy, since an M4 magazine is a component of a weapon, and a clock is a tool used to tell time.

Well, I've never seen anything you've posted that I've agreed with sooooo....

09-16-15, 16:50
I don't know... I like it.

Maybe invite the cop and the teacher over too and turn it into a whole "stay in school" or "don't be stupid" kind of a thing...

ETA: Looks like Zuckerberg wants to meet him too...


I don't even understand you. :confused:

09-16-15, 16:52
To a layperson it may have looked like an explosive device and it would be worth a call to the police to have it checked out. You cannot expect every rank and file LEO to have the ability to readily identify an explosive device, so holding Ahmed for a short period of time would not be unexpected.

09-16-15, 17:55
I call BS. The response from the school and the police directly contradict their actions. If you even remotely think something is an IED, you don't touch it, much less take possession of it. You evacuate the area and call the police. If the police think the item could be an IED, they're going to establish a safe perimeter, stand up an incident command post and let the bomb techs deal with it.

Did they do ANY of that? No. I'll bet the farm that the school and the PD responsible for the school have established SOP's for suspected dangerous devices. I'll bet they didn't follow their own SOP's. The kid told them it was a school project, never made a threat with it and didn't leave it unattended.

If I were this kid's lawyer, I'd eat them for lunch. :(

I agree. Ill be the first to throw the "racist" flag. We made clocks, timers and breadboard projects in high school, SSD's IC chips you name it. Not once were the cops called on us... And im not that many shades off from being dark like that kid. Paranoid pricks.

09-16-15, 17:55
I call BS. The response from the school and the police directly contradict their actions. If you even remotely think something is an IED, you don't touch it, much less take possession of it. You evacuate the area and call the police. If the police think the item could be an IED, they're going to establish a safe perimeter, stand up an incident command post and let the bomb techs deal with it.

Did they do ANY of that? No. I'll bet the farm that the school and the PD responsible for the school have established SOP's for suspected dangerous devices. I'll bet they didn't follow their own SOP's. The kid told them it was a school project, never made a threat with it and didn't leave it unattended.

If I were this kid's lawyer, I'd eat them for lunch. :(

I'm more thinking that the teachers knew that it was a fake, but were following the zero tolerance policy that may schools have towards weapons - real or fake. For example, some schools go to such extreme lengths to suspend students for making finger-gun gestures or making their cookie in the shape of the gun. I might see the school's point if the clock in question was strapped to road flares or a block of grey play dough.

In other words, I'm withholding judgement until I have the school's version and more facts.

09-16-15, 18:02
These are the very things we need to inspire our kids to do, instead of smoking dope and shooting up herion. I applaud this kid. I was that kid, always tinkering with electronics, taking apart toys. Went to college for it and now make a decent living on it....

09-16-15, 18:07
Seen worse happen to kids for pointing chicken fingers at other kids.

09-16-15, 18:11
Seen worse happen to kids for pointing chicken fingers at other kids.

I put a stink bomb in a kids desk one time in 6th grade as a prank. yeah i got suspended for a day, big woof. What I didnt like is that the teacher told everyone I would griw up to be a terrorist and in jail.... I think that beatch works at a 7-11 now....

09-16-15, 18:45
Well, I've never seen anything you've posted that I've agreed with sooooo....

Who cares?

I don't even understand you. :confused:

What I mean is, similar to the Henry Louis Gates incident, the President responded off the cuff and said the officers acted stupidly. He then ended up having a beer with the officer.

I'd invite this teacher and officer over for a beer and ask them straight up, "Are you stupid?"


I would serve them all tiny containers of chocolate milk.

I think that beatch works at a 7-11 now....

Similarly, I'm sure Ahmed has a brighter future than both the teacher and the cop.

09-16-15, 19:19
Who cares?

Exactly. That was my point to you. I don't care what you say... ever. I find that it's all nonsense.

These are the very things we need to inspire our kids to do, instead of smoking dope and shooting up herion. I applaud this kid. I was that kid, always tinkering with electronics, taking apart toys. Went to college for it and now make a decent living on it....

I don't think anyone here, or at the school, is saying otherwise. The issue here is how the situation presented itself. Was there a science fair going on at school? No. Perhaps if there was, no one would've batted an eyelash. It went off in a kid's backpack. A Muslim kid's backpack. Sad? Certainly. Unfair? Perhaps, but you can thank the terrorists for the climate we currently live in. It doesn't take much to connect the dots here. Easy for Internet tough guys to quickly cypher a pile of wires as harmless, after the fact. (I, too, have a degree in a technical field, in which I make a living.) What about an elementary school teacher when it's right there in front them? They shouldn't be made to make those decisions, hence the zero tolerance.
When I was a kid, there wasn't an issue bringing toy guns to school. Now you can't even shape a piece of toast into one. Worse yet, if you do and get suspended, there's no invite to the WH.

Sad, but it's the world we live in today.

Another perspective:

09-16-15, 19:22
I think more kids should be encouraged to bring aluminum brief cases to school. As long as they're wearing NASA T shirts they will be fine.

Ahmed Mohamed - Trendsetter

09-16-15, 20:07
Exactly. That was my point to you. I don't care what you say... ever. I find that it's all nonsense.


I don't think anyone here, or at the school, is saying otherwise. The issue here is how the situation presented itself. Was there a science fair going on at school? No. Perhaps if there was, no one would've batted an eyelash. It went off in a kid's backpack. A Muslim kid's backpack. Sad? Certainly. Unfair? Perhaps, but you can thank the terrorists for the climate we currently live in. It doesn't take much to connect the dots here. Easy for Internet tough guys to quickly cypher a pile of wires as harmless, after the fact. (I, too, have a degree in a technical field, in which I make a living.) What about an elementary school teacher when it's right there in front them? They shouldn't be made to make those decisions, hence the zero tolerance.
When I was a kid, there wasn't an issue bringing toy guns to school. Now you can't even shape a piece of toast into one. Worse yet, if you do and get suspended, there's no invite to the WH.

Sad, but it's the world we live in today.

Another perspective:

Well said.

09-16-15, 20:25
Clearly what is needed are more regulations on clocks.

It's only a matter of time before ghost assault clocks with shoulder things that go up are found in every school in the country and the streets flow with rivers of blood.

There is no need for clocks that count down, nor for clocks that are capable of exceeding 12 hours. Clocks should only be available to reasonable, rational adults, and should only ever be used to tell time.

If this kid was named Abner, I'm pretty sure that everybody would be on the same side in this issue. But because the kid is named Ahmed he apparently deserves everything he gets.

Yeah. And maybe if you look at BB guns at Wal-Mart you deserve to get shot.

09-16-15, 20:47
We probably won't know until another kid does something this bone headed. The kid is 14. He seemed to articulate very well the consequences of his actions and treatment after the fact, yet he didn't think his shiny briefcase would raise any eyebrows?

Obama decided to get involved because the kid is Muslim and/or brown. Otherwise we would hear crickets. Instead of telling him he acted stupidly he gives the kid a Twitter shout out. You couldn't make this circus clown s**t up.

My boy, Ahmed! Holla! LOL

09-16-15, 21:03
I would serve them all tiny containers of chocolate milk.

Yeah...that was funny.

As for Mohammed, it sucks that Muslims globally have been so barbaric that his religion and name are virtually synonymous with terrorism. That isn't Mohammeds fault, but it really isn't the teachers fault either. Teachers crack down on kids for pop tarts, chicken fingers, peanut butter sandwiches and now...apparently...clocks. Add it to the list and let no child ever build a clock again or suffer the consequences. Another victim of the nanny state of public education.

At the same time I'm not ready to start or support a MLM movement. Hopefully Mohammed is intelligent and enlightened enough to realize "God that was bullshit" and move on with his life and avoid becoming the Islamic Kim Davis. The fact that he was invited to the White House is insulting.

We don't need another "protected class" of US citizens, and if we are going to create one, it should be "victims of Islam" or don't do it at all.

09-16-15, 21:16
We probably won't know until another kid does something this bone headed. The kid is 14. He seemed to articulate very well the consequences of his actions and treatment after the fact, yet he didn't think his shiny briefcase would raise any eyebrows?

Obama decided to get involved because the kid is Muslim and/or brown. Otherwise we would hear crickets. Instead of telling him he acted stupidly he gives the kid a Twitter shout out. You couldn't make this circus clown s**t up.

My boy, Ahmed! Holla! LOL


Lots of MMQB in this thread. I bet no one looked twice at two Chechen dudes with backpacks & pressure cookers. What's the big deal, right? Only backpacks & kitchen wares... until it blows shit up.
When it's an innocent device, it's only a clock... it's racism... it's profiling... What's wrong with everyone? Paranoid much?

Until one blows up and kills 30 kids. Then everyone asks who let this kid in school with a "homemade" clock. "Seriously, a "homemade" clock?! Nobody raised a red flag at that?"

09-16-15, 21:31

Lots of MMQB in this thread. I bet no one looked twice at two Chechen dudes with backpacks & pressure cookers. What's the big deal, right? Only backpacks & kitchen wares... until it blows shit up.
When it's an innocent device, it's only a clock... it's racism... it's profiling... What's wrong with everyone? Paranoid much?

Until one blows up and kills 30 kids. Then everyone asks who let this kid in school with a "homemade" clock. "Seriously, a "homemade" clock?! Nobody raised a red flag at that?"

Worse has happened to white kids for far less stupid behavior.

I think the school perhaps had a cause to be cautious even if it was a knee-jerk reaction. I do think the cops overreacted and generally don't like zero tolerance policies.

I just find it funny that the usual suspects here never call BS on Obama's actions. "We" are the ones who are overreacting to all of this petty, racial, reality TV show BS our dear leader is stupid enough to get involved in.

Sent using Tapatalk for Android

09-16-15, 21:47
I just find it funny that the usual suspects here never call BS on Obama's actions. "We" are the ones who are overreacting to all of this petty, racial, reality TV show BS our dear leader is stupid enough to get involved in.

Sent using Tapatalk for Android

If Obama had a post on M4C, it'd read like a couple in this thread. ;)

09-16-15, 21:51

Lots of MMQB in this thread. I bet no one looked twice at two Chechen dudes with backpacks & pressure cookers. What's the big deal, right? Only backpacks & kitchen wares... until it blows shit up.
When it's an innocent device, it's only a clock... it's racism... it's profiling... What's wrong with everyone? Paranoid much?

Until one blows up and kills 30 kids. Then everyone asks who let this kid in school with a "homemade" clock. "Seriously, a "homemade" clock?! Nobody raised a red flag at that?"

Yeah, I gotta give some deference to this.

I doubt 95% of public teachers can determine the difference between a homemade clock and a weapon. Certainly most of them couldn't build a clock if their life depended upon it. I can understand a teacher "making sure" where there is a concern.

If the statements attributed to the LEO are accurate, that is a little bit overboard. Sadly this entire event should have taken 15 minutes to resolve in the reasonable world. As soon as the teacher who had concerns took the clock from Mohammed, he should have informed her to bring it to the attention of the first teacher who could have simply confirmed it is indeed "just a clock" and at that point it should have been returned to Mohammed and end of story.

But this is public school and they have more stupidity than reason.

09-16-15, 22:22
Lots of MMQB in this thread. I bet no one looked twice at two Chechen dudes with backpacks & pressure cookers. What's the big deal, right? Only backpacks & kitchen wares... until it blows shit up.
When it's an innocent device, it's only a clock... it's racism... it's profiling... What's wrong with everyone? Paranoid much?

Until one blows up and kills 30 kids. Then everyone asks who let this kid in school with a "homemade" clock. "Seriously, a "homemade" clock?! Nobody raised a red flag at that?"

I tend to agree with this, but like many I say that amount of stupid from the ISD, Teachers and LEO involved is incredulous. They obviously didn't think it was a real bomb cause if they did; each and EVERY one should be fired on the spot for failing to follow established SOP's for suspicious devices. Who poses a greater threat to student safety? Ahmed who doesn't have a lick of common sense, but builds things; or a group of adults who think screwing with a potential bomb is the best thing to do today?????

In common sense land, this would have been solved by a teacher asking the dud WTF he had. If he acts squirrely then you go further. If he shows you and it looks like clock, acts like a clock then maybe you pull him aside and explain the current climate and tech him a lesson about how to fit in better so to speak. Heck in my days my coach or Homeroom teacher would have bopped me on the back of the head and told me not to be an effing idiot and bringing stuff that looks like a bomb to school.

Heck even, if he gets flustered and you go a bit too far with the questions and realize that really is a clock, how about simply saying sorry dude you had us scared there.

As for Obama and his tweets... well atleast he is consistent.

09-16-15, 23:04
Seen worse happen to kids for pointing chicken fingers at other kids.

What really grinds my gears about this incident is how it was immediately politicalized due to the student in question having brown skin and being of Islamic heritage.

Let’s see, since the War on Little Boys began we have had how many white male students in public schools expelled for eating their toasted pastry treats into the shape of a handgun, or wearing a pro US military t-shirt that was in violation of the school’s anti violence policy, or Allah forbid boys playing cops and robbers pointing their fingers at one another.

But this kid is a Muslim so let’s all get our politically correct panties in a wad and give him a free ride to MIT.

09-16-15, 23:13
I'm more thinking that the teachers knew that it was a fake, but were following the zero tolerance policy that may schools have towards weapons - real or fake. For example, some schools go to such extreme lengths to suspend students for making finger-gun gestures or making their cookie in the shape of the gun. I might see the school's point if the clock in question was strapped to road flares or a block of grey play dough.

In other words, I'm withholding judgement until I have the school's version and more facts.

I'm not. If you're going to make a stupid decision and blame it on policy, then do it right and do it by the book. They screwed the pooch on this one. :mad:

Who cares?

What I mean is, similar to the Henry Louis Gates incident, the President responded off the cuff and said the officers acted stupidly. He then ended up having a beer with the officer.

I'd invite this teacher and officer over for a beer and ask them straight up, "Are you stupid?"


I would serve them all tiny containers of chocolate milk.

Similarly, I'm sure Ahmed has a brighter future than both the teacher and the cop.

I didn't get that from your 1st post, but I agree completely.

To everyone else in the last two pages defending the teachers and the school, you just don't get it. None of them ever thought is was actually a bomb and he told them exactly what it was. If anyone from the first teacher to see it all the way up to the principal had even the faintest inkling that it was a bomb, they would have never touched the damned thing and they'd have evacuated! It does not take a rocket surgeon, or even a teacher to realize that if you think something is a bomb, you don't touch it and you certainly don't stay in close proximity to it!

Therefore, calling the cops was monumentally stupid. You don't arrest a kid with four cops for a school policy violation. If the cops had even the faintest inkling that it was a bomb, they would've called in the bomb squad. Absent any evidence of an actual or communicated threat (which they didn't have), they didn't have PC to arrest him. Therefore, the arrest was horseshit.

At the very least, what we have here is possibly not the brightest idea on the part of a 14 year old kid, exponentially compounded by the idiotic, knee jerk overreactions by the school and the police. That's why its made national headlines and been addressed by the federal government. You don't address a dumb idea by proving how stupid you can be. They did, period. End of story.

I honestly don't see how I could make it any simpler than that. :confused:

09-16-15, 23:26
The part that has me a bit curious is the reported statements by his science teacher who praised the design, but advised him not to show it to other teachers. This suggests to me that there is more to this story. Finally, does anyone have an actual picture of the clock?

09-16-15, 23:34
The Kid's little briefcase clock looks like something I made in High School electronics class back in the '70s. I got an "A"....he got cuffed. Seems like a real nice kid. The whole world is coming off the rails. Since race seems to be part of this story, I would bet that some enemy of America will figure out that Mexican Food makes a great place to hide C4 and one day when Pedro or Guillermo comes to school with a Bean & Cheese Burrito, another arrest will take place. God, I'm glad I live in the middle of nowhere where my biggest worry is chasing cows and horses, or shooting the occasional predator.

09-16-15, 23:35
Yeah, I gotta give some deference to this.

I doubt 95% of public teachers can determine the difference between a homemade clock and a weapon. Certainly most of them couldn't build a clock if their life depended upon it. I can understand a teacher "making sure" where there is a concern.

If the statements attributed to the LEO are accurate, that is a little bit overboard. Sadly this entire event should have taken 15 minutes to resolve in the reasonable world. As soon as the teacher who had concerns took the clock from Mohammed, he should have informed her to bring it to the attention of the first teacher who could have simply confirmed it is indeed "just a clock" and at that point it should have been returned to Mohammed and end of story.

But this is public school and they have more stupidity than reason.

Many times the stupidity is solidified in policy. The cops are summoned to some school districts when a kid brings a pink water gun or pocket knife to school.

The big question in my mind is did this kid design the clock to look like a bomb and then make jokes about it at school. If he did, I can see how the cops might have been involved.

09-16-15, 23:58
The big question in my mind is did this kid design the clock to look like a bomb and then make jokes about it at school. If he did, I can see how the cops might have been involved.

FWIW in an interview the CLEO of Irving stated that the kid in no way presented the clock as a hoax device.

09-17-15, 01:04
The part that has me a bit curious is the reported statements by his science teacher who praised the design, but advised him not to show it to other teachers. This suggests to me that there is more to this story. Finally, does anyone have an actual picture of the clock?

I think the science teacher was simply smart enough to figure out "Muslim student + plus idiotic teacher who can't identify a clock vs. a bomb could be problem."

09-17-15, 01:07
FWIW in an interview the CLEO of Irving stated that the kid in no way presented the clock as a hoax device.

The clock in question.


09-17-15, 09:05
FWIW in an interview the CLEO of Irving stated that the kid in no way presented the clock as a hoax device.

Did he apologize for his agency's failure in this debacle?

09-17-15, 13:51
So the plot thickens.

Supposedly the pic of the "clock" in question that the drive by media ran with was not in fact the "clock" little Mohammed actually had.

Also, Irving PD did not arrest little Mohammed until "he couldn't explain" to them what the "device" really was. So yeah, combined with the teacher who said hey don't show that to anyone else and how this whole thing was politicalized me thinks we're not getting the whole story before the MSM ran with this to show that LEOs and teachers are Islamophobes and how racist America is.

Obama and Mark Zuckerburg wasted no time to input their influence on the matter.

What would the USSS have done had little Mohammed brought the same "clock" on a tour of the White House? Or DHS at a baggage screening in an airport?

09-17-15, 14:30
The Kid's little briefcase clock looks like something I made in High School electronics class back in the '70s. I got an "A"....he got cuffed. Seems like a real nice kid. The whole world is coming off the rails.

...and that's basically it.

Both the English Teacher and the Police Officer must have the combined IQ of a bucket of dirt if they think a hombrew clock is a bomb.

It is interesting to me though, how many members here claimed they would have acted in the same stupid way.

This is a weather clock I put together not too long ago. Would anyone here misidentify this piece of electronics as a "bomb?"


http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r220/Kalashnikev/IMAG0693_zpsbhxwjk0p.jpg (http://s145.photobucket.com/user/Kalashnikev/media/IMAG0693_zpsbhxwjk0p.jpg.html)

Are folks truly ignorant to the fact that they are surrounded every day by circuits and electronics?

So the plot thickens.

Also, Irving PD did not arrest little Mohammed until "he couldn't explain" to them what the "device" really was.

No... the plot does not "thicken."

The Irving PD spokesperson stated that Ahmed maintained it was a clock and never stated it was anything else, or alluded that it was a hoax device.

What the Irving PD Spokesperson said was that they could not find any "broader explanation" for Clock.

I hope for this kids sake he can get a ticket out of that town, because it sure sounds like they have a lot of brain dead folks per capita...

09-17-15, 14:49
Is this or is this not the clock?


Would this clock actually beep? I don't see a component that would beep but it could be obscured.

A few things to ponder...

This incident supposedly happened on 9/14, the Monday after 9/11.

Ahmed's father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, has made bids for the Sudan presidency twice. Mohamed also defended the Quran against Terry Jones of the Westboro Baptist Church when he threatened to publicly burn the Quran. Protests erupted in Afghanistan leaving seven people dead. Is it probable Obama was already familiar with Mohamed or quickly reminded of that incident?

That seems to be a high profile Muslim family to mess with.

Perhaps it's all a coincidence.

09-17-15, 18:13
Is this or is this not the clock?


Would this clock actually beep? I don't see a component that would beep but it could be obscured.A few things to ponder...

This incident supposedly happened on 9/14, the Monday after 9/11.

Ahmed's father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, has made bids for the Sudan presidency twice. Mohamed also defended the Quran against Terry Jones of the Westboro Baptist Church

That seems to be a high profile Muslim family to mess with.

Perhaps it's all a coincidence.

Ok, so the Kid has a famous Dad who is a politically active and somewhat connected politician.
We have this kid bringing in some electronics in a briefcase that to the layman isn't easily identifiable as to just WTF it is. We also have some teacher over react and call in the Cops.
Nearly immediately the Progressive Of The United States jumps on the story along with Zuckerberg to show everyone just what a bunch of rednecks all of the unenlightened are.
Now if little Ahmed and family can get a really good Attorney, Obama can bring in a bazillion Syrian's and Zuckerberg can get more visa's for his imported workers everyone wins.
Completely a coincidence.

09-17-15, 18:24
...and that's basically it.

Both the English Teacher and the Police Officer must have the combined IQ of a bucket of dirt if they think a hombrew clock is a bomb.

It is interesting to me though, how many members here claimed they would have acted in the same stupid way.

This is a weather clock I put together not too long ago. Would anyone here misidentify this piece of electronics as a "bomb?"


http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r220/Kalashnikev/IMAG0693_zpsbhxwjk0p.jpg (http://s145.photobucket.com/user/Kalashnikev/media/IMAG0693_zpsbhxwjk0p.jpg.html)

Are folks truly ignorant to the fact that they are surrounded every day by circuits and electronics?

No... the plot does not "thicken."

The Irving PD spokesperson stated that Ahmed maintained it was a clock and never stated it was anything else, or alluded that it was a hoax device.

What the Irving PD Spokesperson said was that they could not find any "broader explanation" for Clock.

I hope for this kids sake he can get a ticket out of that town, because it sure sounds like they have a lot of brain dead folks per capita...

Nope. Missing the seven-segment displays :jester:

09-17-15, 18:29
This oughta get me on some kind of list....


09-17-15, 21:29
Nope. Missing the seven-segment displays :jester:

Well now that I know it strikes fear into the hearts of the bed-wetters... errr... I mean... "lay people" who associate circuit boards with explosives... I just might integrate an LCD and toss it in my Pelican case with my other weapons.

Maybe I'll even go all the way and use nixie tubes:


09-17-15, 21:31
Well now that I know it strikes fear into the hearts of the bed-wetters... errr... I mean... "lay people" who associate circuit boards with explosives... I just might integrate an LCD and toss it in my Pelican case with my other weapons.

Maybe I'll even go all the way and use nixie tubes:


You should set it up so that when the case is opened, the display goes: 5...4...3...2...1... :D

09-17-15, 22:53
I put a stink bomb in a kids desk one time in 6th grade as a prank. yeah i got suspended for a day, big woof. What I didnt like is that the teacher told everyone I would griw up to be a terrorist and in jail.... I think that beatch works at a 7-11 now....

That reminds me back in 7th grade, I had sprayed a girl in class with fart spray and cleared out the whole classroom. I got suspended for a day as well. I also remember in 7th grade being suspended for having a "firearm," that firearm was a torch lighter I had gotten from my dad that was broken and I wanted to attempt to fix it; he said I could keep it if I did. They literally listed it as a firearm. Ridiculous.

09-17-15, 23:27

Food for thought.

09-18-15, 00:51
Well now that I know it strikes fear into the hearts of the bed-wetters... errr... I mean... "lay people" who associate circuit boards with explosives... I just might integrate an LCD and toss it in my Pelican case with my other weapons.

Maybe I'll even go all the way and use nixie tubes:


Ahh those are awesome!!

09-18-15, 01:13
This is a weather clock I put together not too long ago. Would anyone here misidentify this piece of electronics as a "bomb?"


http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r220/Kalashnikev/IMAG0693_zpsbhxwjk0p.jpg (http://s145.photobucket.com/user/Kalashnikev/media/IMAG0693_zpsbhxwjk0p.jpg.html)

Have you tried to board a plane with it?

No... the plot does not "thicken."

The Irving PD spokesperson stated that Ahmed maintained it was a clock and never stated it was anything else, or alluded that it was a hoax device.

What the Irving PD Spokesperson said was that they could not find any "broader explanation" for Clock.


Mine was from a radio broadcast (WBAP 820 AM) from the interview so I don't have a direct link. Again the CLEO stated at no time did Mohammed present the "clock" as a hoax device and they did not arrest him until he could not explain to them what it in fact was. Not saying it was right or wrong just quoting the source.

..I hope for this kids sake he can get a ticket out of that town, because it sure sounds like they have a lot of brain dead folks per capita...

Maybe he should try Damascus or Tehran . . .

09-18-15, 08:29
Have you tried to board a plane with it?

Not this particular weather clock, but I have boarded a plane with electronics before.

You do realize that most of that stuff that passes the X-ray machine all day is just circuit boards, batteries, wires, and a display?

It's deliciously ironic that many of us here have likely said to a person in the past, "Don't worry... it's just a gun... you don't have to be afraid of it..." and now are absolutely terrified by a Clock.


Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd, quoted in the sixth post in this thread.

Maybe he should try Damascus or Tehran . . .


09-18-15, 09:14
This is starting to sound vaguely familiar. A Muslim kid with family ties to CAIR comes to school, on a day that happens to be the first school day after the 9/11 anniversary, with a device that cannot be easily identified. When first questioned by school staff, he seems to be intentionally evasive and unwilling to provide any context, repeating only that it is a clock to every question. This provokes a police response and the predictable overreaction as cops try to figure out what is going on with a kid who keeps saying, "it's a clock" like a broken record.

This is taken right out of the CAIR "Provoked Over-Response" playbook just like the 2006 Flying Imams incident. Too bad the cops and school took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

09-18-15, 09:58
This is starting to sound vaguely familiar. A Muslim kid with family ties to CAIR comes to school, on a day that happens to be the first school day after the 9/11 anniversary, with a device that cannot be easily identified. When first questioned by school staff, he seems to be intentionally evasive and unwilling to provide any context, repeating only that it is a clock to every question. This provokes a police response and the predictable overreaction as cops try to figure out what is going on with a kid who keeps saying, "it's a clock" like a broken record.

This is taken right out of the CAIR "Provoked Over-Response" playbook just like the 2006 Flying Imams incident. Too bad the cops and school took the bait hook, line, and sinker.


09-18-15, 10:34
This is starting to sound vaguely familiar. A Muslim kid with family ties to CAIR comes to school, on a day that happens to be the first school day after the 9/11 anniversary, with a device that cannot be easily identified. When first questioned by school staff, he seems to be intentionally evasive and unwilling to provide any context, repeating only that it is a clock to every question. This provokes a police response and the predictable overreaction as cops try to figure out what is going on with a kid who keeps saying, "it's a clock" like a broken record.

This is taken right out of the CAIR "Provoked Over-Response" playbook just like the 2006 Flying Imams incident. Too bad the cops and school took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

This all isn't passing the smell test.

Media reports that Ahmed brought the clock to impress his science teacher who told him not to show it to anybody else.
Only when the "alarm" fired did a different teacher discover the clock from his backpack and alert authorities.

In this video, he says "I built the clock to impress my teacher but when I showed it to her she thought it was a threat to her."

I know he's a 14 year old genius that probably doesn't have much common sense but come on.


Texas City Where Ahmed Mohamed Was Arrested Has a Long, Disturbing History of Islamophobia

Welcome to Irving: Irving is the same town that generated right-wing headlines earlier this year fretting over the supposed creation of a Sharia court in the city limits. The town of nearly 230,000 has a large immigrant population, and while no official demographic data is available, local Imam Zia Sheikh of the Islamic Center of Irving estimates the size of its Muslim community to be 30,000 to 40,000.

As a result of her words and actions, Van Duyne made Irving a flash point of the ongoing conservative backlash over Sharia law, a concern prominent enough on the right that it became a campaign issue during the 2012 Republican presidential primaries.


It doesn't really matter anyway. We're only going to be told what the media wants us to believe.

09-18-15, 12:41
Check this kid out.



09-18-15, 13:24
Check this kid out.



I feel an audit coming this kids parents way.

26 Inf
09-18-15, 14:37
He should have done it someplace else - doing it by the electronic control station for his parent's home detracts from the message.


09-18-15, 23:54
He should have done it someplace else - doing it by the electronic control station for his parent's home detracts from the message.


I think it's some kind of voice changing machine... like T-Pain.

09-19-15, 00:34
You do realize that most of that stuff that passes the X-ray machine all day is just circuit boards, batteries, wires, and a display?

I realize that we live in a country where white geriatric females (read that as non Muslims males of military age) are stripped searched out of their Depends before boarding planes why this kid and his clock would be waved right on through.

It's deliciously ironic that many of us here have likely said to a person in the past, "Don't worry... it's just a gun... you don't have to be afraid of it..." and now are absolutely terrified by a Clock.

Who is "absolutely terrified of a clock" here? You have members of two views on this topic. On one hand we have the ones who feel this student is a victim of institutional racism and the others who feel this incident was politicized due to his race/religion. Why didn't Obama invite those white male students to the white house who were EXPELLED from their schools for eating a Pop-Tart into the shape of a handgun or wearing pro US Military t-shirts that violated the school's anti violence policy? Why did Mark Zuckerberg not Tweet about them?


WOW? Wow what? You said you hope he could get a ticket out of that town (Irving, TX.) implying that the town has stupid racist teachers and cops. If that is true then he would fair better with the places I mentioned. I hear both of those town are looking for young men with his talents . . .

09-19-15, 00:40
This is starting to sound vaguely familiar. A Muslim kid with family ties to CAIR comes to school, on a day that happens to be the first school day after the 9/11 anniversary, with a device that cannot be easily identified. When first questioned by school staff, he seems to be intentionally evasive and unwilling to provide any context, repeating only that it is a clock to every question. This provokes a police response and the predictable overreaction as cops try to figure out what is going on with a kid who keeps saying, "it's a clock" like a broken record.

This is taken right out of the CAIR "Provoked Over-Response" playbook just like the 2006 Flying Imams incident. Too bad the cops and school took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

Yup, it's almost like the MSM was already camped out on little Mohammed's lawn just waiting for his press conference. The fact this incident was even "news worthy" and has received the amount of attention it has is abysmal.

09-19-15, 00:42
Check this kid out.


Yeah, he ****ing hit the X-ring.

09-19-15, 01:05
Why didn't Obama invite those white male students to the white house who were EXPELLED from their schools for eating a Pop-Tart into the shape of a handgun or wearing pro US Military t-shirts that violated the school's anti violence policy? Why did Mark Zuckerberg not Tweet about them?

Yeah, I want an invite to the WH for my so called "firearm." Not.

09-19-15, 06:17
I realize that we live in a country where white geriatric females (read that as non Muslims males of military age) are stripped searched out of their Depends before boarding planes why this kid and his clock would be waved right on through.

...and guess what?

Depends are diapers and a Clock is a Clock.

Statistically, we face a more serious threat each day from violent crime perpetrated by Black people.

You think we should detain NDGT over his rocket launcher?


I hear he maintains it's a Telescope... but what is the broader explanation for "Telescope???"

"It shur durn look like a dagum rocket launcher to me!"


WOW? Wow what? You said you hope he could get a ticket out of that town (Irving, TX.) implying that the town has stupid racist teachers and cops. If that is true then he would fair better with the places I mentioned. I hear both of those town are looking for young men with his talents . . .

Basic maker skills are in demand in every town... because people don't understand how things are made anymore. This ignorance contributes to fear. If he continues to hone his skills, and it looks like he will be given some excellent opportunities, he will no doubt have a much brighter future than most.

09-19-15, 08:31

The narrative reigns supreme. Ahmed Mohammed brought a clock-in-a-case that looked like a hoax bomb to the uninformed to school; his engineering teacher told him not to show it around; he showed it around; the police showed up, and he was allegedly uncooperative; they decided he was innocent and released him.

That’s not a national scandal. That’s local cops and teachers and administrators doing their jobs, decently but cautiously. Yet that won’t be what you hear. You’ll just hear that America hates Muslims, even as Americans self-righteously tweet out #IStandWithAhmed without hearing the facts.

Good article, read up a bit on the Dad.
I'm sure this was intentional.

09-19-15, 09:27
This is starting to sound vaguely familiar. A Muslim kid with family ties to CAIR comes to school, on a day that happens to be the first school day after the 9/11 anniversary, with a device that cannot be easily identified. When first questioned by school staff, he seems to be intentionally evasive and unwilling to provide any context, repeating only that it is a clock to every question. This provokes a police response and the predictable overreaction as cops try to figure out what is going on with a kid who keeps saying, "it's a clock" like a broken record.

This is taken right out of the CAIR "Provoked Over-Response" playbook just like the 2006 Flying Imams incident. Too bad the cops and school took the bait hook, line, and sinker.

Furthermore, the clock that this ostensible budding genius "built" was actually a digital clock that he purchased from Radio Shack (Micronta) and removed the innards intact from its case. He then just dropped them into his aluminum briefcase. He didn't even bother to remove the silk-screened logo and Radio Shack part number from the circuit board that he...uh...built.

Yeah. It was a put-up job. We've all been had. Unfortunately the folks at his school and the police department reacted in exactly the way that his CAIR-father was hoping when he engineered this project.

09-19-15, 09:34
Who is "absolutely terrified of a clock" here? You have members of two views on this topic. On one hand we have the ones who feel this student is a victim of institutional racism and the others who feel this incident was politicized due to his race/religion. Why didn't Obama invite those white male students to the white house who were EXPELLED from their schools for eating a Pop-Tart into the shape of a handgun or wearing pro US Military t-shirts that violated the school's anti violence policy? Why did Mark Zuckerberg not Tweet about them?

Why can't it be both? I'll tell you who wasn't absolutely terrified of the clock, the teachers and LEO's who blew it out of proportion. Are the media and Obama administration now using this to further an agenda? Hell yes they are! That's all the more reason the school and LE shouldn't have overreacted! It's not like they don't know what's going to happen once it hits the press. :(


The narrative reigns supreme. Ahmed Mohammed brought a clock-in-a-case that looked like a hoax bomb to the uninformed to school; his engineering teacher told him not to show it around; he showed it around; the police showed up, and he was allegedly uncooperative; they decided he was innocent and released him.

That’s not a national scandal. That’s local cops and teachers and administrators doing their jobs, very poorly but cautiously. Yet that won’t be what you hear. You’ll just hear that America hates Muslims, even as Americans self-righteously tweet out #IStandWithAhmed without hearing the facts.

Good article, read up a bit on the Dad.
I'm sure this was intentional.

Fixed it for you. :(

09-19-15, 10:36
Why can't it be both? I'll tell you who wasn't absolutely terrified of the clock, the teachers and LEO's who blew it out of proportion. Are the media and Obama administration now using this to further an agenda? Hell yes they are! That's all the more reason the school and LE shouldn't have overreacted! It's not like they don't know what's going to happen once it hits the press. :(

Fixed it for you. :(

How do you suggest that schools handle it? Are they supposed to allow everything in, examine it (optional?), then if something really is a destructive device, only then give the kid detention? What if it blows up in the meantime?

You guys are totally missing the point here. Teachers aren't experts in determining these types of things. They're not in that business, they're not trained to, nor are they paid to be. That's why there is a zero tolerance policy. Nobody said they thought it was real. Nobody here is afraid of clocks. Nobody is trying to suppress the kid's knowledge. Who knows, maybe the kid should've done a BETTER JOB at making the clock instead of being so sloppy about it?! Radio Shack also sells electronic hobby enclosures BTW. I guess the briefcase was cheaper...

If some kid does bring something in and it does harm, it's too late. If teachers and/or police don't react EVERY TIME there is suspicion, they're opening the door for disaster. You simply can't do nothing.

It's the new normal, accept it.

09-19-15, 10:49
I see this briefcase "clock" as the equivalent to an airsoft pistol.
I don't expect an Old Lady English Teacher to be able to tell the difference between the real thing and the fake, but I damned well expect her to call someone in who can find out.
In either case, it in it's current form didn't need to be beeping in the English classroom.

09-19-15, 11:08
How do you suggest that schools handle it? Are they supposed to allow everything in, examine it (optional?), then if something really is a destructive device, only then give the kid detention? What if it blows up in the meantime?

You guys are totally missing the point here. Teachers aren't experts in determining these types of things. They're not in that business, they're not trained to, nor are they paid to be. That's why there is a zero tolerance policy. Nobody said they thought it was real. Nobody here is afraid of clocks. Nobody is trying to suppress the kid's knowledge. Who knows, maybe the kid should've done a BETTER JOB at making the clock instead of being so sloppy about it?! Radio Shack also sells electronic hobby enclosures BTW. I guess the briefcase was cheaper...

If some kid does bring something in and it does harm, it's too late. If teachers and/or police don't react EVERY TIME there is suspicion, they're opening the door for disaster. You simply can't do nothing.

It's the new normal, accept it.

No. I don't accept arresting and booking a 14 year old kid for a pencil case (not a briefcase, look at the scale compared to the 110 AC plug) with a circuit board and a digital display. I don't care what his color or religion are either. They looked at it and knew it wasn't a bomb. They asked him what it was and why he brought it and he told them. No one ever said it was a bomb and no one ever made a threat. I've already said suspend the kid under their idiotic "zero tolerance" policy if necessary. We've had numerous discussion on these stupid zero tolerance policies and I see no reason to change my stance simply because a brown Muslim boy is now the target.

A school suspension doesn't require an arrest and booking. Do you seriously want that to be the new norm? If you can't understand that, then I don't know what else there is to say. :(

09-19-15, 11:44
No. I don't accept arresting and booking a 14 year old kid for a pencil case (not a briefcase, look at the scale compared to the 110 AC plug) with a circuit board and a digital display. I don't care what his color or religion are either. They looked at it and knew it wasn't a bomb. They asked him what it was and why he brought it and he told them. No one ever said it was a bomb and no one ever made a threat. I've already said suspend the kid under their idiotic "zero tolerance" policy if necessary. We've had numerous discussion on these stupid zero tolerance policies and I see no reason to change my stance simply because a brown Muslim boy is now the target.

A school suspension doesn't require an arrest and booking. Do you seriously want that to be the new norm? If you can't understand that, then I don't know what else there is to say. :(

You still didn't address my question. How are teachers supposed to handle situations like this? Let any and all stuff in the classrooms, even if it looks suspicious to someone?

I'm not sure where you went to high school but we never had pencil cases, period in HS, much less ones that looked like that kid's.

Did you read the link above? The statute for which he was held was quoted in the link. He was also released. If a teacher felt it was a fake/hoax bomb, then the cops were justified in holding the kid. End of story. It doesn't matter what a few of you MMGBs behind the PC monitor think.

You guys keep referring to the reaction of the teachers and cops. I'm referring to the actions of this kid. I really don't care how they handle it, as long as it gets handled.

Also, by the "new normal", I mean that kids simply can't bring that kind of stuff to school. Not sure where or how you misinterpreted that.

26 Inf
09-19-15, 11:57
If some kid does bring something in and it does harm, it's too late. If teachers and/or police don't react EVERY TIME there is suspicion, they're opening the door for disaster. You simply can't do nothing.

It's the new normal, accept it.

I'm willing to accept the new normal if it is applied with common sense - teacher examines clock, doesn't think it is a bomb, not sure; calls police to make sure; maybe kid is detained until police check it out; maybe he is returned to class; cop doesn't make any inappropriate remarks; school determines if kid brought clock in this configuration to cause trouble - if so he is suspended until a hearing/meeting; if not or unsure, kid goes to school and a meeting between kid, parents, admin is scheduled.

Commonsense. What schools/businesses currently do in response to this stuff eliminates critical though, and the Lord knows we don't want THAT in our schools.

09-19-15, 12:21
I'm willing to accept the new normal if it is applied with common sense - teacher examines clock, doesn't think it is a bomb, not sure; calls police to make sure; maybe kid is detained until police check it out; maybe he is returned to class; cop doesn't make any inappropriate remarks; school determines if kid brought clock in this configuration to cause trouble - if so he is suspended until a hearing/meeting; if not or unsure, kid goes to school and a meeting between kid, parents, admin is scheduled.

Commonsense. What schools/businesses currently do in response to this stuff eliminates critical though, and the Lord knows we don't want THAT in our schools.

And maybe Dad is a whack job and set this up and had the lawyers standing by along with a Press Package for the left and Progressives?

09-19-15, 12:25
Averageman get's it.

This was planned exactly as it tuned out and now the left is crying crocodile tears for the poor abused little boy.

09-19-15, 12:31
And I will laugh my kiester off if the judge throws in out of court and sends CPS over to little Ahmeds house to see what kind of parent lets their kid bring this to school.
Again, I don't see the issue with misidentifying this and calling in LEO's to see WTF it is, no different than some knucklehead bringing an airsoft pistol in for a school play.
Not everyone teaching school would no that isn't a bomb and Dad was pretty much counting on that.
Soon he will have his day in court.

09-19-15, 12:33
How do you suggest that schools handle it? Are they supposed to allow everything in, examine it (optional?), then if something really is a destructive device, only then give the kid detention? What if it blows up in the meantime?

You guys are totally missing the point here. Teachers aren't experts in determining these types of things. They're not in that business, they're not trained to, nor are they paid to be. That's why there is a zero tolerance policy. Nobody said they thought it was real. Nobody here is afraid of clocks. Nobody is trying to suppress the kid's knowledge. Who knows, maybe the kid should've done a BETTER JOB at making the clock instead of being so sloppy about it?! Radio Shack also sells electronic hobby enclosures BTW. I guess the briefcase was cheaper...

If some kid does bring something in and it does harm, it's too late. If teachers and/or police don't react EVERY TIME there is suspicion, they're opening the door for disaster. You simply can't do nothing.

It's the new normal, accept it.

I'm willing to accept the new normal if it is applied with common sense - teacher examines clock, doesn't think it is a bomb, not sure; calls police to make sure; maybe kid is detained until police check it out; maybe he is returned to class; cop doesn't make any inappropriate remarks; school determines if kid brought clock in this configuration to cause trouble - if so he is suspended until a hearing/meeting; if not or unsure, kid goes to school and a meeting between kid, parents, admin is scheduled.

Commonsense. What schools/businesses currently do in response to this stuff eliminates critical though, and the Lord knows we don't want THAT in our schools.

The kid is the only one claiming the officer made the inappropriate remarks. I agree, arresting him may have been a little extreme but if the kid was being an arrogant, uncooperative jerk by the account then the school felt the need to invoke the "hoax bomb" statute which leads to arrest. It is what it is. Maybe it is them making an example of him so this nonsense doesn't happen again.

09-19-15, 12:40
I'm willing to accept the new normal if it is applied with common sense - teacher examines clock, doesn't think it is a bomb, not sure; calls police to make sure; maybe kid is detained until police check it out; maybe he is returned to class; cop doesn't make any inappropriate remarks; school determines if kid brought clock in this configuration to cause trouble - if so he is suspended until a hearing/meeting; if not or unsure, kid goes to school and a meeting between kid, parents, admin is scheduled.

Commonsense. What schools/businesses currently do in response to this stuff eliminates critical though, and the Lord knows we don't want THAT in our schools.

That's great... In theory.
That would require all teachers to have the same level of common sense. We know that's impossible. Also, what if more than one kid brings in their contraptions to impress the teacher. What if the kids try "one upping" each other? This would take up a ton of resources.
As much as I hate zero tolerance policies, I think they're a necessary evil in these situations. Sorry to all the Poindexters out there. You'll have to wait for the science fair to impress the teachers.

09-19-15, 12:55
You still didn't address my question. How are teachers supposed to handle situations like this? Let any and all stuff in the classrooms, even if it looks suspicious to someone?

I'm not sure where you went to high school but we never had pencil cases, period in HS, much less ones that looked like that kid's.

Did you read the link above? The statute for which he was held was quoted in the link. He was also released. If a teacher felt it was a fake/hoax bomb, then the cops were justified in holding the kid. End of story. It doesn't matter what a few of you MMGBs behind the PC monitor think.

You guys keep referring to the reaction of the teachers and cops. I'm referring to the actions of this kid. I really don't care how they handle it, as long as it gets handled.

Also, by the "new normal", I mean that kids simply can't bring that kind of stuff to school. Not sure where or how you misinterpreted that.

That's great... In theory.
That would require all teachers to have the same level of common sense. We know that's impossible. Also, what if more than one kid brings in their contraptions to impress the teacher. What if the kids try "one upping" each other? This would take up a ton of resources.
As much as I hate zero tolerance policies, I think they're a necessary evil in these situations. Sorry to all the Poindexters out there. You'll have to wait for the science fair to impress the teachers.

You're expecting common sense from the kids, but you don't see how we could possibly expect common sense from the teachers and cops? If you want to know why our society is in the shape it's in, just look in the mirror. :(

I told you exactly how they should handle it many pages back. If they think it's a bomb, don't touch, evacuate, call the police, set a perimeter and let EOD handle it. If they know it isn't a bomb and little Ahmed says it's not a bomb, follow the stupid ZT procedures. Don't give Obama and the left a ready made presser on racism and Islamophobia running rampant in Amerika. Jeez, it's not rocket surgery. :(

And maybe Dad is a whack job and set this up and had the lawyers standing by along with a Press Package for the left and Progressives?

Then the teachers and cops went and gave him exactly what he was hoping for. How did that further school safety and control? :confused:

09-19-15, 13:00
You're expecting common sense from the kids, but you don't see how we could possibly expect common sense from the teachers and cops? If you want to know why our society is in the shape it's in, just look in the mirror. :(

Hence the zero tolerance policy...

I also don't recall insulting you.

I also know that I haven't been involved in any terrorist activities nor am I in any way a member of the PC crowd so your remark is pretty retarded.

You still haven't answered my question, BTW.

09-19-15, 13:28
Hence the zero tolerance policy...

I also don't recall insulting you.

I also know that I haven't been involved in any terrorist activities nor am I in any way a member of the PC crowd so your remark is pretty retarded.

You still haven't answered my question, BTW.

I didn't insult you, I pointed out the logical fallacy of your argument and told you to go look in a mirror.

I did answer your question, but you never answered mine. Therefore, I'm done with you.

Next! :)

09-19-15, 13:36
You're expecting common sense from the kids, but you don't see how we could possibly expect common sense from the teachers and cops? If you want to know why our society is in the shape it's in, just look in the mirror. :(

*cheap shot*

I told you exactly how they should handle it many pages back. If they think it's a bomb, don't touch, evacuate, call the police, set a perimeter and let EOD handle it. If they know it isn't a bomb and little Ahmed says it's not a bomb, follow the stupid ZT procedures.

Then the teachers and cops went and gave him exactly what he was hoping for. How did that further school safety and control? :confused:

Have you not been keeping up? They did not think it was a bomb. They though it may be a *hoax* bomb. I would guess Ahmed was either scared and couldn't speak in a clear manner or already knew how to answer "Islamophobic" questions.

If you don't like the procedures they followed, complain to your officials.

Where is this supposed science teacher that told him to keep his project a secret?

I can guarantee you if this was a black trench coat, Columbine type he would have been treated similarly by the officials and would be on the fast track to a watch list not on the fast track for a trip to the White House.

09-19-15, 14:11
I didn't insult you, I pointed out the logical fallacy of your argument and told you to go look in a mirror.

I did answer your question, but you never answered mine. Therefore, I'm done with you.

Next! :)
Point out a "logical fallacy" about kids not bringing crap to school that can be construed as a destructive device.
Your suggestion was in the event they thought it was a real bomb.
They didn't, they knew it wasn't a real bomb. There is a law against bringing fake bombs to school. Again, did you read the link? Your suggestion is not applicable in this situation.

I didn't see you ask me a question. Apologies if I missed it.

Have you not been keeping up? They did not think it was a bomb. They though it may be a *hoax* bomb. I would guess Ahmed was either scared and couldn't speak in a clear manner or already knew how to answer "Islamophobic" questions.

If you don't like the procedures they followed, complain to your officials.

Where is this supposed science teacher that told him to keep his project a secret?

I can guarantee you if this was a black trench coat, Columbine type he would have been treated similarly by the officials and would be on the fast track to a watch list not on the fast track for a trip to the White House.
We're wasting our time here.

They've proven over and over that they're incapable of accurately comprehending the situation or anything that anyone on the other side is posting. They keep spinning their wheels, about the teachers & cops, and go nowhere. It's become very apparent. When they get stuck, they start throwing insults and continue to avoid the issue.

09-19-15, 20:13
It looks a heck of a lot more like a bomb than a cookie looks like a gun. Browns/yellows/blacks get a break, and a WH invite, but whites go straight to jail.

09-19-15, 20:13
It looks a heck of a lot more like a bomb than a cookie looks like a gun. Browns/yellows/blacks get a break, and a WH invite, but whites go straight to jail.


26 Inf
09-19-15, 21:04
We're wasting our time here.

They've proven over and over that they're incapable of accurately comprehending the situation or anything that anyone on the other side is posting. They keep spinning their wheels, about the teachers & cops, and go nowhere. It's become very apparent. When they get stuck, they start throwing insults and continue to avoid the issue.

I've noticed that with a lot of folks it makes a difference as to whether they are buying or selling.

I may be one who is incapable of accurately comprehending, so bear with me.

The problem I have with the way this rolled out is first and foremost with the school.

From the linked story you can infer several things: 1) most plausible no one really thought it was a bomb; or 2) they thought it was a bomb but were bereft of sufficient common sense to take proper precautionary measures such as - get away, don't handle the bomb, don't pass the bomb around, etc.; and/or 3) either the school has no policies for dealing with such devices or everyone from teachers, to administrators, to SRO's had their heads so far up their asses they couldn't follow those policies.

In any event, these people are demonstrably too stupid to teach my kids.

Second problem the police. I watched the press release, I feel for the Chief, you cant really come out and say, we FUBAR'ed this from today until tomorrow. My guys are so stupid they can't pour pee out of a boot much less interpret state law on hoax devices and the handling of juvenile offenders. Because well, they are. Texas law requires a couple of things - intent to either strike fear or intent to activate the resources to deal with the device. Now, I know Texas is different, but unless you are a graduate of the law school they advertise on bus stop benches, or former Attorney General of the United States Alberto Gonzalez, you are going to have some problems with this charge. How do you get intent - he didn't leave it someplace where it was sure to be discovered, rather he reportedly showed it to a teacher and said look 'I made a clock' (truth in advertising) he reportedly told another teacher 'it is a clock.' AS noted above, no one seemed alarmed, they didn't take bomb precautions, there were no real or fake explosives attached to the clock, and as already noted earlier, the clock did not have the ominous hundredths of a second spinning numerals to cause alarm and fear in those viewing it. So the bomb disposal resources weren't activated. So the arrest itself is no bueno.

Really, really impressed with the overall reported professionalism of the officers, though. Its always good to build rapport by making an icebreaking statement such as '"Yup. That’s who I thought it was" to set a cooperative tone for the interview. That is why it is taught as the opening gambit in every interview course I've attended (sarcasm font). And it is right there in the National Association of School Resource Officer's training curriculum 'always make an arrest for violations of school policy, whenever possible try to match them to a state charge after the fact' it is there, honest. (sarcasm font).

Those views are mine, and I admit I try to hold myself to a higher standard than 'what the market will bear.' But trust me, this isn't one on which to high five and play 'Another One Bites the Dust' in celebration.

Oh, yeah, pretty sure without a judge's order fingerprinting a juvenile offender is a no, no, unless it is a felony.

09-19-15, 21:48
Something to consider:

Evidence suggests the recent incident involving a Muslim kid who took a “suitcase clock” mistaken for a bomb to class was a staged event to promote a pro-Islam agenda.


09-20-15, 01:36
...and guess what?

Depends are diapers and a Clock is a Clock.

Statistically, we face a more serious threat each day from violent crime perpetrated by Black people.

You think we should detain NDGT over his rocket launcher?


I hear he maintains it's a Telescope... but what is the broader explanation for "Telescope???"

"It shur durn look like a dagum rocket launcher to me!"


Were you this butt-hurt over the white elementary students who have been expelled over Pop-Tarts and t-shirts?

I surmise you do not realize (or maybe refuse to realize) this specific "incident" was a staged hit piece.

Basic maker skills are in demand in every town... because people don't understand how things are made anymore. This ignorance contributes to fear.

No, it's because of deindustrialization why people don't understand how things are made anymore. In fact with the advent of YouTube I would argue there are a whole lot more "do-it-yourself'ers" out there than ever.

If he continues to hone his skills, and it looks like he will be given some excellent opportunities, he will no doubt have a much brighter future than most.

Are those "excellent opportunities" given to him because of his skin color and or his religion?

09-20-15, 01:37
Why can't it be both? I'll tell you who wasn't absolutely terrified of the clock, the teachers and LEO's who blew it out of proportion. Are the media and Obama administration now using this to further an agenda? Hell yes they are! That's all the more reason the school and LE shouldn't have overreacted! It's not like they don't know what's going to happen once it hits the press.

Do you honestly believe this kid was picked up because of the color of his skin or the god he prays to?

09-20-15, 09:06
Were you this butt-hurt over the white elementary students who have been expelled over Pop-Tarts and t-shirts?

Here's 9 other times children were treated like criminals but Obama didn't speak out... Wonder why? http://dailysignal.com/2015/09/17/ahmed-mohamed-wasnt-the-first-nine-other-times-schools-treated-students-like-criminals/?utm_source=heritagefoundation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=morningbell&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRohs6jNZKXonjHpfsX66%2B0lWKC0lMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4ATcBlMK%2BTFAwTG5toziV8R7jHKM1t0sEQWBHm

09-20-15, 09:09
I am always astonished as to the number of Muslim sympathizers on M4C. The religion of peace is a disease that must be eradicated.

09-20-15, 09:27
I am always astonished as to the number of Muslim sympathizers on M4C. The religion of peace is a disease that must be eradicated.

I am a Christian and disagree with that generalization 762.

Saying all Muslims are bad is like saying all Christians are good. We both know that certainly isn't the case.

I know a Muslim who had a family member executed by ISIS two weeks ago. How do you think he feels about these animals? He feels the same way you and I feel about them but he is hesitant to even discuss the topic because he gets put into a box with every other Muslim in the world.

I'm not an extremist sympathizer, they need to be eradicated, however I assess folks individually and not in large groups.

09-20-15, 09:44
Again, I don't see the issue with misidentifying this and calling in LEO's to see WTF it is, no different than some knucklehead bringing an airsoft pistol in for a school play.
Not everyone teaching school would no that isn't a bomb and Dad was pretty much counting on that.
Soon he will have his day in court.

An airsoft pistol is a replica of a weapon.

A Clock is a Clock... or, as some here would have you believe, a clock is a Bomb minus the Bomb.

Anyone with common sense can open the box, see what it is, and hand it back to the kid.

Tell him to unplug the battery so it doesn't beep again. Done.

Also, what if more than one kid brings in their contraptions to impress the teacher. What if the kids try "one upping" each other? This would take up a ton of resources.

This made me LOL... hard.

You basically just described EXACTLY the learning environment good (intelligent) teachers are trying to foster every day.

People pay a lot of money to get their kids out of lowest common dumb-inator public schools and into places like that... and those are the kids that grow up to be successful.

Were you this butt-hurt over the white elementary students who have been expelled over Pop-Tarts and t-shirts?

Both were stupid.

I think you can probably search up some of my comments on pop-tart-kid and the idiocy of zero tolerance policies + persons of very low intelligence responsible for executing and administering the policies.

Are those "excellent opportunities" given to him because of his skin color and or his religion?

Not directly.

Zuck (presumably) invited him because of his celebrity and because he was failed by adults.

Does he owe his celebrity to being a victim of racism? Yes.

Kids around here make arduino autopilots in High School and fly them on 3D printed aircraft.

Probably in Irving, Texas that falls into the category of Cruise Missile Research...

09-20-15, 10:00
This made me LOL... hard.

You basically just described EXACTLY the learning environment good (intelligent) teachers are trying to foster every day.

People pay a lot of money to get their kids out of lowest common dumb-inator public schools and into places like that... and those are the kids that grow up to be successful.

I'm now 100% convinced that you are absolutely incapable of accurately comprehending EVERYTHING you read.

09-20-15, 10:06
I'm now 100% convinced that you are absolutely incapable of accurately comprehending ANYTHING you read.

Fixed it for you bro.

09-20-15, 10:07
Fixed it for you bro.

That too.

09-20-15, 10:22
I'm now 100% convinced that you are absolutely incapable of accurately comprehending EVERYTHING you read.

Fixed it for you bro.
A personality disorder seems highly probable.

09-20-15, 10:35
A personality disorder seems highly probable.

He is narcissistic and lacks empathy for others, traits of several personality disorders. Without a visit, it's hard to diagnose.

09-20-15, 10:39
Do you honestly believe this kid was picked up because of the color of his skin or the god he prays to?

I honestly believe the "adults" involved in this debacle weren't smart enough to handle the incident within their established SOP's. I'm not willing to crawl in their heads any further than that.

There are a few on here that absolutely refuse to accept that premise, to the point they're willing to defend a wrongful arrest that was pretty much immediately declined for prosecution. Despite 50% of the most critical elements of even simulated IED components being absent, and despite ANY threat or allusion that it was anything but a clock, it simply MUST be a "hoax device". Therefore, deductive reasoning leads me to conclude they have an agenda to support. Not the teachers, not the police, not the kid or his parents, but M4C members.

So I'm not questioning whether the kid was picked up because of the color of his skin or the god he prays to. I'm questioning whether some on here are defending the arrest because of it? :confused:

09-20-15, 10:46
He is narcissistic and lacks empathy for others, traits of several personality disorders. Without a visit, it's hard to diagnose.

Might I suggest a judicious use of Ignore List. Your own mental health will improve and you will not miss out on any groundbreaking content in the technical subforms.

09-20-15, 11:13

Would you be so kind as to provide the instruction necessary to navigate to the "Ignore List". I have use for it too...

My ability to navigate is walking on crutches.

I like to avoid all left leaning posts.


09-20-15, 11:22
This whole thing is getting out of control. I don't care if the kid was white brown black or pink. The school handled the situation VERY poorly.. The kid being muslim just happened to be the catalyst the media needed to blow things out of proportion as they ALWAYS do! Like that white kid getting ISS for wearing a US flag t shirt. Why is this even "news"???

26 Inf
09-20-15, 12:31
I honestly believe the "adults" involved in this debacle weren't smart enough to handle the incident within their established SOP's. I'm not willing to crawl in their heads any further than that.

There are a few on here that absolutely refuse to accept that premise, to the point they're willing to defend a wrongful arrest that was pretty much immediately declined for prosecution. Despite 50% of the most critical elements of even simulated IED components being absent, and despite ANY threat or allusion that it was anything but a clock, it simply MUST be a "hoax device". Therefore, deductive reasoning leads me to conclude they have an agenda to support. Not the teachers, not the police, not the kid or his parents, but M4C members.

So I'm not questioning whether the kid was picked up because of the color of his skin or the god he prays to. I'm questioning whether some on here are defending the arrest because of it? :confused:

****ing Bravo! Golf Clap, rising in crescendo.

09-20-15, 12:36

Would you be so kind as to provide the instruction necessary to navigate to the "Ignore List". I have use for it too...

My ability to navigate is walking on crutches.

I like to avoid all left leaning posts.


1) make sure you are logged-in.
2) click on the offender's username in a post
3) select "view profile"
4) within the offender's profile, select "add to ignore list" which should be to the left of your screen

These 4 easy steps can make M4C a much more pleasant place ;)

09-20-15, 14:20

Thank you very, very much!

I really appreciate your help!!

09-21-15, 01:21
Here's 9 other times children were treated like criminals but Obama didn't speak out... Wonder why? http://dailysignal.com/2015/09/17/ahmed-mohamed-wasnt-the-first-nine-other-times-schools-treated-students-like-criminals/?utm_source=heritagefoundation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=morningbell&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRohs6jNZKXonjHpfsX66%2B0lWKC0lMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4ATcBlMK%2BTFAwTG5toziV8R7jHKM1t0sEQWBHm

Thanks for the link bro, nice concise list of these incidents.

09-21-15, 01:26
A Clock is a Clock... or, as some here would have you believe, a clock is a Bomb minus the Bomb.

Not entirely, I have two alarm clocks that function as alarm clocks but also contain hidden video cameras in them. Picked them up back when I lived in an apartment and suspected complex staff entering my habitation when I was at work.

As for a clock being a clock. IEDs are sometimes disguised as ordinary objects. Soviets use to litter toys rigged with HE in Afghanistan to kill children. Here in the US we've seen shoe bombers, underwear bombers, etc.

09-21-15, 01:30
I honestly believe the "adults" involved in this debacle weren't smart enough to handle the incident within their established SOP's. I'm not willing to crawl in their heads any further than that.

There are a few on here that absolutely refuse to accept that premise, to the point they're willing to defend a wrongful arrest that was pretty much immediately declined for prosecution. Despite 50% of the most critical elements of even simulated IED components being absent, and despite ANY threat or allusion that it was anything but a clock, it simply MUST be a "hoax device". Therefore, deductive reasoning leads me to conclude they have an agenda to support. Not the teachers, not the police, not the kid or his parents, but M4C members.

So I'm not questioning whether the kid was picked up because of the color of his skin or the god he prays to. I'm questioning whether some on here are defending the arrest because of it? :confused:

I cannot answer for others but I'm not defending the arrest at all. To be quit honest I couldn't CAIR, oops I mean care that he got a ride to juvenile hall. Considering how this whole thing has been exposed as hit piece perpetuated by an Islamofacist front group I think there are more pressing issues to concern ourselves with.

09-21-15, 08:38
Not entirely, I have two alarm clocks that function as alarm clocks but also contain hidden video cameras in them. Picked them up back when I lived in an apartment and suspected complex staff entering my habitation when I was at work.

A simple IED is a charge, an initiator, a power source, and a trigger. Bonus points for incorporating a standoff or an arming switch.

A clock can be a trigger. Have you ever heard that the Casio F-91W is the "Jihadi Watch?"

Should he have been subject to harassment and arrest if he were carrying this, an actual IED trigger?


Obviously not, because it's lacking of the critical components of an IED that make it an IED.

Having a three position selector in my pocket isn't the same thing as having a "machine gun" and neither is having a CAD file of an auto receiver on my flash disk.

We've reached a dangerous point in our nation's history where knowledge and information can get you locked up. It's terrifying.

IEDs are sometimes disguised as ordinary objects. Soviets use to litter toys rigged with HE in Afghanistan to kill children.

Not really.

The PFM-1 cluster munition was designed to helicopter it's way down to earth, as a way to retard it's descent and keep the mine intact.

The "spin" (pun intended) is that it supposedly also looks like a plastic toy butterfly.

I really don't think so...


09-21-15, 08:46

Wow, am I ever enjoying the Ignore list.

Thanks again.

09-21-15, 08:54
I cannot answer for others but I'm not defending the arrest at all. To be quit honest I couldn't CAIR, oops I mean care that he got a ride to juvenile hall. Considering how this whole thing has been exposed as hit piece perpetuated by an Islamofacist front group I think there are more pressing issues to concern ourselves with.

That is about where I'm at with this. In the first pages of this thread, I suggested that we needed to let all the facts come to light before indicting the police as stupid or racist since mitigating circumstances may be at play. Well, I've seen enough that I do not think that either was at play.

09-21-15, 08:56

Wow, am I ever enjoying the Ignore list.

Thanks again.

The way I see it, my help must be worth a case of fine bourbon. You can drop it off at my place next time you're in Piedmont NC. ;)

09-21-15, 09:39

Would Pappy Van Winkle do the trick?

26 Inf
09-21-15, 09:50
The PFM-1 cluster munition was designed to helicopter it's way down to earth, as a way to retard it's descent and keep the mine intact.

The "spin" (pun intended) is that it supposedly also looks like a plastic toy butterfly.

Originally Posted by Moose-Knuckle:
IEDs are sometimes disguised as ordinary objects. Soviets use to litter toys rigged with HE in Afghanistan to kill children.

I really don't think so...

KEV - IED's are often disguised to look like ordinary objects - you of all folks should be aware of that.

Now, regarding the Russian munition, the butterfly thing is legend, I don't believe that was their intent. Were they sorry that little kids picked them up and blew themselves up? I don't think so.

Kids pick strange objects up to see what they are and play. I once spent a month with a Navy EOD team, grid searching and marking unexploded ordinance on an impact area that was too accessible to the public. An 11 year-old had hoisted his bike over the cable with the sign on it 'impact area do not enter' and he and his friend were riding around. Kids doing what kids do. Saw a shiny object, picked it up, it was a 40mm HE round, apparently fired by a Navy Reserve unit that we had hosted on the range about a month previous. It was not in his had when it detonated, They said a piece of shrapnel getting him across the neck was ultimately the fatal wound. My involvement was with the range usage the month before and clearing the impact area after this accident.

I'm a big fan of folks who want to clear mines and unexploded ordinance in war torn areas, kids be kids.

Here is a better pic of the dimensions: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0b/BLU-43B_external.jpg

09-21-15, 10:17
KEV - IED's are often disguised to look like ordinary objects - you of all folks should be aware of that.

Obviously I am aware of that, but what is the relevance to this story?

Could every single ordinary object be an IED in disguise? Yes, it is possible.

Is it the assertion then that the clock is potentially an IED disguised as a clock, or that the clock is a component that may be potentially integrated into an IED?

Could a potato clock be a potential IED in disguise? Yes.
Could a potato clock be potentially integrated into an IED? Yes.
Could a flashlight app written by a student in the same Engineering Class be malicious code in disguise?
Could that teacher's car be a SVBIED in disguise?

It's simple to dream up all kinds of really fantastic diabolical scenarios if you close your eyes and dream... if these two wires going to the piezo electric beeper were connected to model rocket starter (initiator) and the model rocket starter were placed inside a pipe bomb (charge) then this would be an IED!.

But none of those things were present... which is why it's just a clock.

09-21-15, 12:13
This whole story was concocted from the beginning by the kids activist dad. He was coached through every aspect of this charade. I have no doubt the kid is intelligent. But the "speech" he had ready right out of the gate and the fact that this "clock" was just a countdown timer is absurd.

09-21-15, 13:07

09-21-15, 13:17
1) make sure you are logged-in.
2) click on the offender's username in a post
3) select "view profile"
4) within the offender's profile, select "add to ignore list" which should be to the left of your screen

These 4 easy steps can make M4C a much more pleasant place ;)

Crap, I thought people were visiting my profile because they liked me.....

09-21-15, 14:06
The longer this stupid thing lingers, the more I am wondering if it was NOT the school and LE overreaction I first thought. Found this article interesting:


Not sure what to think any more. I still don't think the school actually reacted like they believed there was a real threat, but the aftermath does make it seem as if the incident was intended to hit the national political stage.

09-21-15, 14:16
The longer this stupid thing lingers, the more I am wondering if it was NOT the school and LE overreaction I first thought. Found this article interesting:


Not sure what to think any more. I still don't think the school actually reacted like they believed there was a real threat, but the aftermath does make it seem as if the incident was intended to hit the national political stage.

Semi off-topic, but does anybody read these articles before they're posted?

"For a party that is struggling to retain relevancy, any tool to attack Republicans is good enough."

Seriously? What, like the GOP was struggling to retain relevancy between 2006 and 2012?

In any case, I'm getting sick of reading the opinions of journalists and amateur journalists masquerading as facts.

09-21-15, 16:13
Ahmed's "invention" has been picked apart by several electronics enthusiasts and pros.


For some electronics experts, Mohamed’s windfall is unfair to students that actually invent things. Bryan Bergeron, an author of electronics books and editor in chief of the magazine Nuts & Volts, said that Mohamed’s project “would be ‘cute’ for someone age 7. But even then, not ‘inventive.’”

“The problem with giving this 14-year-old—whom I have nothing against; I really know very little of him—kudos for being inventive, is that there are tens of thousands of 11-year-olds out there actually designing circuits, building them from scratch and ‘innovating,’” Bergeron told The Daily Beast.

Bergeron said Mohamed’s special treatment was “political” and in reaction to the public backlash over the teen’s arrest, an idea that will probably not be disputed by anyone following the story—Mohamed has received more attention than other young inventors because he was put in cuffs and other young inventors were not.

Bergeron continues, “This treatment does a big disservice to the tens of thousands of pre-teens out there doing REAL innovative things with electronics and technology.”

I'm sure Ahmed is too young to comprehend the gravity of the fact that he's playing a part of the exploitation and is being exploited. Either way he's being well prepped for the victim mentality crowd.

Too many people are suckers and hustlers.

09-21-15, 18:24
“This is simply taking a clock out of its case, and I think probably for provocative reasons, intentionally,” he said in his video. He did not elaborate further.

“When I saw this, I thought, ‘We’re getting duped here,’” Talbot told The Daily Beast, adding, “Anybody who knows electronics really well needs less than five seconds to know that was a clock taken out of the box.”

The researcher, who has run contests for young inventors Mohamed’s age, said he doesn’t intend to pick on Mohamed but rather the media’s failure to capture more of the story. Over the weekend, social media activists embarked on a campaign to downvote his YouTube video, which had more than 380,000 views Sunday night.

“Whether it fits your narrative or whatever you want to believe… this particular child down in Texas did not make anything,” Talbot said in the video, adding, “People should not recognize this as an invention and recognize this child as an inventor for this particular creation.”

If innovative technology is taking apart Grandpa's 70's era clock and stuffing it in a briefcase,.....well, I'm surprised he wasn't given an F for fraud.
If taking apart Grandpa's 70's era clock to scare the crap out of his English Teacher, cause a Media uproar and get a nice healthy settlement from the school district,.....well, he's a genius.

But I still think his dirt bag of a Dad did the whole thing.

09-21-15, 20:58
FNC is now reporting that Ahmed's clock is a hoax. Apparently, he partially disassembled an '80s clock and put it in a suitcase. Judge Napalitano thinks that all the "scholarship" money that he is collecting could be problematic when it comes to fraud charges - especially if his father helped him.

09-21-15, 21:04
Just to keep this in perspective, this school isn't too farm from the one where the ISIS sympathizers from Arizona decided to shoot up the "Lets draw a picture of Mohammed" contest.
Less than 50 miles I believe.

09-21-15, 21:06
FNC is now reporting that Ahmed's clock is a hoax. Apparently, he partially disassembled an '80s clock and put it in a suitcase. Judge Napalitano thinks that all the "scholarship" money that he is collecting could be problematic when it comes to fraud charges - especially if his father helped him.
Isn't most of the money being donated to some Islamic based version of GoFundMe? I'm not sure it would be easy to touch donations of that sort but I could definitely be wrong.

09-21-15, 21:13
Way too much insulting going on in this thread.

Check your PM's for the coming infractions. Some of you only live in GD, and only come to this website to attack each other.

It's a pity you do not train with the same vigor. But some of you will soon have time to do that.